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T g N B Y.


T g N B Y. S'mday the 9th instant a sermon was preached in in AM "f St. iosella by the Yen Archdeacon Clark fcol1 '^e fun(^s '^e Church Building Society. The »ecti ,ns reached nearly £ 5. T M* CORPORATION —At a Quarterly Meeting on tfjj. ^*a3" week, no business of any public interest was •Oeor 't0'i' hevP"d no"ce being eiven that at the next "■ ,D0^'on "ou!(l be made to remove the south- o Rate, or otherwise improve the entrance to St. ti0?.r8e Street, ami Captain Wells agreed to removo the t'k °e to trespassers now on the corner of the Baths, by e' le Hid, on the Board of Health making good Ur j- damage done in making a sewer alongside Captain ells's property at the Baths. ^ea^ECK "n t,ie ni^*bt of the 12th instant,- the smack *or £ beio"S,r,g to Mr Thomas, the contractor for the fj]eu on St Catherine's Island, was driven on shore. Of ,.Ve8se| was alongside the rock, discharging a cargo 8w!Ill('s,0nc, when a gale came on suddenly from the fc, '-ea*t, and in endeavouring to haul her off, for the Part ,e 01 coming into the harbour, her mooring chain ^st ftn< 8^e Wiis driven against the Cas'le Point, her bri(j Coming in contact with the temporary suspension between the Castle Hill and the island. The bas-be.come a total wreck, and the bridge is con- The crew were saved, having come I "ore in their boat. IJ^AAR.—OU Tuesday and Wednesday last, a sale of a quantity of valuable articles took placy at the fy'li,4* held at the Royal Assembly Rooms in connection new congregational chapel recently opened. 8«e0 ,e first, day the receipts amounted to £ 70, and the oae to £ 65, The poods were tastefully displayed on 0rav^ran(3 stall, which was attended to b Mrs and Miss ift8 Mrs Anthony, the Misses Roberts, Miss Galpin, i.o 0",n and Miss Phelps, Mrs H. & Miss Phelps, Mrs ^is» ^rs ^68 Saies, Miss Adams, Miss Thomas, iti8a j ?firs, Miss Gibbs, Miss James, Miss Morgan, 'ft enkins) &c. Among such a variety of works of Iti" vp(' dare not venture to select one or two tothe ex- 43* 0„t lorl of others fully equal in merit, so must confine jifno 'ce tbe fine green-house plants furnished 5.S0nders, some of the fuschias in particular being Singly beautiful. T J^ENBY IRON PIER. —During the past week MrCrover, L engineer, visited Tenby, and attended several meet- %0f ,he friecd3 of the undertaking, held in tbe Town O when he enlarged upon the advantages that Tenby v ■derive from building a Promenade Pier, the com- low cost of iron piers, and consequently the 6^. dividends that in almost every case they paid. He JL b|te<] the plans and elevations of the Pier, and ex- how that the proposed plans would combine all lucent improvements made ia building Iron 1'iers: ky "le promoters had obtained their parliamentary Nip at a trifliny expense, and had acquired the land SI'"e ^.or ^ieir approaches at a low annual rent, and JVii(^l0w if the inhabitants of Tenby would only take a fcfoj.^ the shares, the works could be ail completed another season. The meetings were not well ^4 ^ie<^ i still, a very respectable committee was formed, °ut £ G00 subscribed towards the undertaking. ACCIDENT.—On Friday the 7th instant a fatal SiaJ1.* occurred in the neighbourhood of Amroib. Hid In,f to cust°ni a party came down to Amroth from ,^n., 10 bathe, or as it is generally termed to ^ree young wen entered the water near the VK ^fest: they had scarcely reached their arm- ^etn they suddenly fell into deep water two of 11 ofana8ed to scramble out, but the third a young Wenty-four sank, and after a few ineffectual Uti K were witnessed by hia companions, who «4°e> W t0 sw'm cou^> uot render him any assist- It "egg- down to rise no more. What adds to the W^Sgles '^e e7ent Wl,s t^e circumstance his dying > Ut- to V.Wtre aeen a 5"oun8 Ionian to whom he was C'6(* TR 10111 RIED' ADC^ WAS PRE* V ? Taa°m rushi"g int0 the 8ea to bis assistance. Tne C** sinetl0tif°i;nd liil ,he follo^inS day. Some three ». almost in the same place two lads narrowly ^feir !r 8ame <ate fortunatoIy they were observed H taur l^er w^° 8Wam'0 assistance. We Ve^ 1 Persona bathing at that part of the coast u°WKWa,;er' as tbe shore is there very irregular, onl 6 t0 sw'm or wk° can (t0 U3e th«*r own a few strokes, should never venture the depth of which they are not assured of.

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P E M B II O K E .

P E M B R 0 K E - DOC K.



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Family Notices

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