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MEMOIR OF ARCHBISHOP LAUD, 'THE LITTLE OXFORD BACHELOR.' At the time when Buckingham was on the point of leaving London for Portsmouth, he was visited by a Prelate, who came to say farewell, and who observed with surprise the change that had taken place in the Duke's countenance and tone. I know/said Buckingham, that your LorJship has good access to the King; and I pray you to keep his Majesty in mind to be good to my wife and children.' Have you any presentiment that evil will befall yon ?' asked the other, struck with the Duke's look and manner. I think,' answered Buckingham, seriously, z, ( that I am as likely to fall as another man.' The personage to whom Buckingham thus ex- pressed his apprehensions was a little man, with somewhat mean features and a florid complexion, but a piercing eye tiid 'a clj,-Pr,'iil countenance. wherein gravity and pleasantness were well com- pounded He was then known as William Laud, bishop of London, but destined to occupy a higher place in the episcopal hierarchy. Laud was a native of Reading, then celebrated for its clothing trade and its magnificent Abbey. He was the son of one of the wealthy clothiers in Reading; and after being educated at the Free- school of that town, he was sent to St. John's College, Oxford, and there became known as The Little Bachelor.' At the age of three and thirty, Laud was in- ducted into the vicarage of Stanford, in Northamp- tonshire, and gradually, by Buckingham's in- fluence, rose to be bishop of Bath and Wells. It was not without difficulty that King James con- sented to his promotion. But the importunities of the favourite at length prevailed, and the King, getting into a rage, complied with a protest. Then take him to vou,' exclaimed James, leaving the room, but, upon my soul, you will have cause to repent it.' Ere long Laud was presented to the bishoprick of London, and in that position, began to exercise immense influence over Charles. Knowing that Laud had been in the habit of guiding Buckingham, and feeling boundless confi- dence in his counsel, the King called the Prelate to the Privy council, and promised that lie should have the primary RS soon as it pleased Heaven to remove Archbishop Abbot. While Abbot was still living. Charles, 1633, made a magnificent progress into Scotland, and Laud attended the King with th3 object of forcing the liturgy upon the people of that country. The re- ception accorded to Charles was of a kind that might have misled a man even more intimately ncquainted than Laud was with the national character. The King had scarcely crossed the Tweed, when he was welcomed by the potent Earl of Home, attended by a feudal train of an- cient gentlemen, who all manifested profound loyalty (a train of six hundred merse gentlemen, gallantly arrayed on horseback), and as he ad- vanced northward, he was everywhere received with demonstrations of joy. In fact, the Magnates of the land vied with each other, and ruined themselves in entertaining him and his numerous retinue. 0 Perhaps Laud thought' that anything the King pleased could be done with a nation so loyal and he very soon began to take liberties. About mid- summer, Charles was crowned in Edinborough and, under Laud's auspices, the ceremony was so conducted as to give $rn.ve offence. Not only did Laud introduce a high altar, tapers, chalice, and genuflections, which the people looked on as savouring of idolatry; but he "put the Scottish Prelates to the test by prescribing them em- broidered habits, which to the people appeared to differ in nothing from those of the Romish hier- archy. The Archbishop of Glasgow, however, appeared without the prescribed robes and Laud rudely jostled him from the King's side. Stand back,' said Laud are you a churchman, and ivar.t the coat of your oruur Having established an episcopal see in Edin- borough. | and introduced 'singing men' to the Chapel Royal at Holy road, Laud came southward and he had scarcely reached London when he found himself primate of all England. Charles was the first to announce his elevation. I My Lord Grace of Canterbury, you are welcome,' said the King playfully, as Laud entered the presence chamber. It appears that at the very time when Laud was elevated to the primacy of England, and when directions were issued for his translation, be was offered a Cardinal's hat by the Pope. 'That very morning,' he writes. I there came one to me secretly, that evowed ability to perform it, and offered me to be a cardinal. But my answer was, that somewhat dwelt within me, which would not suffer that, till Rome was other than it is.' Many people, however, pretended to recognize the pro- bability of Laud going over to the church of Rome; and a court lady of the house of Cavendish, when asked by the primate why she had embraced the Catholic faith, replied-Tis chiefly because I hate to travel in a'crowd; I perceive your Grace and many others making haste to R ime and in order to prevent my being crowded, I have gone on before you.' In truth, Laud, according to the opinion of ) is contemporaries, had drawn so near the church of Home, and displayed such a passion for forms a.nd ceremonies, and so strong a determination to make the clergy supreme in the state, that he exasperated not only the Puritans, but many men between whom and the Puritans there was little sympathy. He sethimseifresolutely to enforce con- formity of worship, and made himself so busy in tracking out and hunting down every congregation of Separatists, that there were soon whole dioceses in which not a single non-conformist could be found Moreover, the work was carried on with little of that discretion necessary under the circum- stances. By means of the Star Chamber, and the Court of High Commission, both legacies left by the Tudors to the nation, but ne'ther a part of the old constitution, he dealt with offenders in a manner the reverse ji jenient. The victims were numerous; and a few msiatiees of the imprudent severity exprcised II ill suffice to show how much respect was paid to those immortal laws which the first Edward, and bis great minister, Robert de Burncl, had instituted to guard the persons and property of Englishmen. (To be concluded ill our next.) FPMAT.B TEI^GRAPHISTS.— The NEW Yoik Journal of the J'elegraphs says: Over our sanctum b a room where ab>ut fifteen young ladies may daily be found engased in telegraphic duties. The room is secluded, airy, find agreeable. It is rr: sided over by Miss L. H. S.-iow, a lady of superior A.-ceciitive ability, and a first-class operator. On Piii;;y last ten of the young ladies «-n! md received 3,135 messages between 8 a.m. and 41 ,.m or an average of 314 messages each. On the following Tuesday the R"fficJ young ladies sent and received over 3,000. The work was done well, neatly, corre^tlv, and to their very great credit. With such a recorl :,eye id no use in doubting the capacity of h-diea for taia service. The daily number averages about 2;2f\CI) I

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