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DINNER TO THE TENANTRY AT PICTON CASTLE. The dinner to the tenantry of the Picton Castle Estate took place on Thursday; and was a continuation of the festivities in celebration of the marriage o' the eldest surviving daughter of the Rev. J. H. A. Philipps, the respected proprietor of the Picton. Estate. The dinner was prepared on an extensive scale, and fully sustained the reputation of the an cicnt house for hospitality. It was laid out in a very fire marquee, obtained for the occasion from Mr T. P. Williams, of Newport, Monmouthshire, and capable of accommodating upwards of seven hundred persons This tent was erected in the park a short distanc, from the Castle, and its interior filled up with tables farnishing easy accommodation to a very large num her of persons. Veiy ample' provision was made for the guests, and nothing was left undone which could in any way contribute to their enjoyment. The tables were loaded with the best of edibles, and the cooking in every instance was done with a per- fection which reflected the highest credit upon Mrs Fenton, who was responsible for the arrangements in this department, and whose labours were frequently referred to in terms of high admiration. The re- quirements of so large a number of people Were, of course, a great strain on the energies of the servants of the establishment, but they proved equal to the occasion, and the effort to entertain eight hundred people, undertaken no doubt with some mis-ivings, resulted in a great success. Mr Lamb, energetic and attentive in his department, discharged his duties ,rith great ability, while Mrs Griffiths was similarly successful in her arrangements: indeed the whole establishment seemed to feel that the success of the affair depended upon each one doin* more than his or her duty, and the united efforts of all produced a result so complete and satisfactory as to have ex- ceeded the anticipations of the most sanguine. The provisions, as we have already intimated, were sup- plied in great profusion, and it is calculated that the quantity provided would have sufficed to entertain a company of fully double the number. Though the dinner was intended for the tenantry, the re- striction was not preserved, and with true Picton hospitality, all who came were refreshed, and the actual number of guests must have exceeded nine hundred. At about two o'clock the company took their seats at the dinner table. The respected host being un. able through illness to attend, the chair was occupied by Mr Pitaian, (a personal friend of Mr Philipps,) who discharged his duties with [(Teat ability. The Vice-chair was ably filled by Mr Goode, who had taken a very prominent part in the preparatory ar- rangements, and whose courteous attention to the tenantry was often acknowledged during the day. Mr T. Rule Owen was also present, and rendered very valuable assistance. Ampie justice having been doce to the good things provided, the Chairman left the tent, and in a few minutes returned, bringing with him Mrs Philipps and Miss Amy Philipps, whose entry was the signal for the most deafening cheering, which was again and agsin renewed. Both ladies acknowledged very gracefully the salutations of the warm-hearted as- sembly. The cheering having somewhat subsided, The Chairman gave in rapid succession the usual Joyal toasts, including the Queen," and "the Prince of Wales and the rest of the Koyal Family," which were drunk with great enthusiasm. Chairman. Gentlemen,—The next toast, I have the honour to propose is the health of a body of men -whoso worth we all deeply value,—it is the herdth of the Bishop and Clergy and the ministers of religion. (Applause.) Gentlemen, we must never forget that Wt. are a compound body we are men living; for the present and we have oar duties to discharge, and we have also great and glorious hopes beyond the present time. (Hear, hear.) I am sure that when we reflect upon the services of the Bishop and Clergy and ministers of re- ligion, we must feol that their duties were never m re brightly discharged in any century than they have been in this. (Hear, heer.) I feel sure of this, ton, thai it was the intention of the great Author of religion to make these ministers bright and cheerful: it w 3 nn! intended they should paint our hopes and happiness in any dark and gloomy colours—(hear, hear) it was Hf t intended they should, when they rarae amongst us, damp our spirits. Religion was intended to make us cheerful aud more happy than any other msin living without it. (Loud cheers.) It must be so and I believe it is so, and will ever continue to be so. We are to pprform our duties rightly until that time when the b dv which we inhabit sooner or later releases tist inestimable spirit-that jewel within, and it is upon the right employment of our time here that our hopes of happiness hereaftpr 'dapend. (Hear, hear.) Religion has nothing dark about it: it has nothing gloomy about it: it has everything that is bright; and I believe the ministers of religion never do better than when they pav3 the road to heaven as bright and cheerful, fur the Author of religion has shown it may be happy, and one of the paths to happiness is in making others happy, and being good and doing good. (Applause.) I will not further dilate upon this subject than to say this, that I believe you can judge far better than my words can tell you, whether, in the minister who inhabits this castle, and who has worked amongst you, you have not seen in his humble walk through life that religion may be bright—(applause) —that it may rise above castles-that it may rise above estates that it may- rise above tenantry, and that the happiness of dcing good is real and true happiness to the man who does it. (Loud applause.) It stands higher morally—it stands higher in the scale of society, it makes such a man more respeoted, more beloved, and more esteemed than the man that counts the coronets of gold that decks his brow when standing before his earthly monarch. (Loud applause ) Gentlemen. —I give you the health of the Bishop and Clergy and the ministers of religion of all denominations, and I couple with the toast tbe name of Mr Ault. The Rev T. Ault Mr Chairman and Gentlemen,- It givss me considerable happiness to have to respond to the toast which has been so warmly, received by all 01 you. I feel exceedingly happy in the position I now occupy but. I feel that I fill the phre of another and that other all of you know, and be w ul-i have discharged its duties much better than I can ever hope to do. At I have already said, I am very much pleas, d with the manner in which you responded to the call of the Chair- man, and I am especially pleased with the remarks which our friend, Mr Pitman, has made: they seemed to go through the outer to the inner man, and to move the souls of most of you. Of course as ministers of re- ligion we have to deal with your souls as well our own the great prospects of the Christian religion are in Heaven above, and therefore in the future, and on this account we labour under some considerable difficulty, but still we must never forget that the religion of Jesus Christ is not a religion which promises happiness simply for the future home and rest above, but it is something destined to help us to realise and enj 'J to the fullest extent the blessings and happiness ot this life. (Loud applause.) My respected Vicar, and your much re- spected landlord, to-day id laid by Providence on one side: some times we are called to work, and at other times we are called upon to suffer,-(hear, hear.)—and if we can only in each position acknowledge the hand of1 Providence, and let ourselves in his hands-willing to work or willing to suffer-then we are doing our duty. (Applause.) I suppose there was never such a gathering as this is on an occasion of this kind upon this particular spot, and we stand here under very peculiar circum- stances to-day we are here to-day associated with a remarkable landlord—the present owner of the land- with a man who not only wishes to do you good tem- porarily, but who is at the same time himself an earnest worker in the vineyard of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Loud applause.) He not only wishes to benefit-you in a material sense-to do all he can to promote your hap- piness and welfare here on earth, but at the same time rora week to week, when in health, he reminds you that your stay on earth is very short—that change it certain, and thereiore wishes you not only to be happy "Ere but to have an estate and a crown in the kingdon )f heaven, and be associated with God and his angels foi ever and ever. (Loud applause.) Again I thank you for the kind way in which you have received this toast: allow me to ask you to co-operate with us. Our work is difficult-it is very heavy, but give us your helping hands. (Hear, hear.) Strive with us find endeavour h assist 119, and Cod helping us we shall not only meet at these happy and pleasant gatherings, but in Heaven above where separations are unknown. [The rev. gen tleman resumed his seat amid loud cheering.] The Rev. James Williams responded on behalf of the dissenting ministers in an able speech, in which he re- ferred in terms of high praise to the Vicar of St. Mary's. and expressed a sincere wish for his restoration to health. Mr T. Rule Owen, in complitnentary terms, proposed the health of the Army, Navy, Militia, Yeomanry, anI] Volunteers," associating with the toast the name of the Chairman, who is captain of the Somersetshire Y enmanrv. The Chairman returned thanks with great ability, referring in eloquent terms to the brilliant services re- cently performed by the Army in Abyssinia. The Chairman Gentlemen I am come to the toast of the day, and that is the tenantry of the Picton Castle Estate. It is with sincere regret that I cailed upon to propose this toa<t myself, instead of listening in ad- miration and enjoyment to its proposal by the rijthtful owner, who would, if he had been aide, have sat 111 this chair. Put I am sure of this, that you will, under the circumstances, pardon my imperfections on the present occasion in doing: that which would have come much more ahlv, and much more gracefully from the rightful owner of this Castle than from the humble individual who is proud to call himself his trierid. (Applause.) The occasion which has brought the tenantry together is specially interestingi every father of a family can esti- mate how deeply interesting is the oceaaon when the daughter of act ancient house as this is allies herself in marriage. (Hear, hear.) Mr Philipps felt—and 1 believe I am only giving a right expression to the feelings enter- tained by him when I say ihut his happiness would not have been complete if he had not had the gathering which is now assembled around his castle (Applause.) I am sure of this-and I speak of him after an experience of a lifetime—af'cran experience of him in every cir- cumstance of life in which a man can be placed—'hat, his simple aim—his simple object is to make every man on thi'j e.-tate happy, thriUfnlly enjoying tboso things which his lawful income entitles him to do, and living upon the estate at such a reotal HS shall admit of employing the largest number of men, and scattering the bh-ssinns which should descend from castle to cottage, amongst one and all. (Applause.) I need not now—indeed it would ill-become me to speak what my feelings are on t'ds occasion, but this I can say that any man in the three kingdoms wou'd be proud—and thankful as well as proud--to have been able to have assembled about his board such a vast number of intelligent, well-conditioned and kind.-hearted tenantry as are gathered before me this day. From the bottom of my heart I wish you all long life, and hea th, and may you long have Mr Philipps for your landlord. (Applause.) May you continue to receive the natural and proper results from your labours, from your intelligence, and from your capital, and may you have the happiness to see your children follow in your own steps, for it is a proud siglit to tee men holding the same pocsessions as their grandfathers did before them, and I hope that you intend your sons shall be brought up in the same path, and that you will transmit yours to yonr children, and they to their children, and so on from link to link for all time, (Applause.) it is the earnest wiMi of my donI' friend to assist you all to do well. (Rear, hear ) You must take this from me. imperfectly, what he would have much better and more sincerely expressed himself. You as intelligent men understand that in asking you here to-day, he desired from the bottom of his heart you should enjoy yourselves, and j'in with him in the rejoicings which such an auspicious event brings with it. (Applause.) Let me for the last time repeat that he hopes every tenant will thoroughly and rationally enjoy himself to-tiay, and he bids me say to you that he wishes you every blessing and happiness. (Applause.) I am proud to have been amongst, you here at this board, and however imperfectly I may have dis- charged my duty, it is with sincere and cordial feeling that I say for the last, time, In the words of the Cornish- man,—'one and ail' gather round this table. (Loud applause.) The Vice-Chairman Mr Chairman,—Perhaps, sir, you will allow me, on behalf of the tenants, to return thanks tor tbe very handsome manner in which you have drunk their health. I have now had a good rnany years ex- perience with the tenants of the estate, and I can assure vim that on no estate in the kingdom is there a more kind-hearted or a better disposed body of tenantry. (Hear, hear.) In Eng'and, sir, you are surrounded by e«t tea, with numerous tenantry, but. 1 don't, think there could be found a more warm-hearted ten^utry, or a body of men with more sincere good will and affection for their landlord as are to be found on the Picton Estate. of men with more sincere good will and affection for their landlord as are to he found on the Picton Estate. (Applause.) I have ever found them ready to do their duty towards him, and the best feelings havo always existed between him and them. 1 have met them on many occasions—on those social occasions which we call red-letter-days—and they have always manifested a hearty feeling towards their landlord, whose, rinme on those very pleasant occasions has ever been mentioned in terms of respect and flection. (Applause.) It is my wish to do all I can to jrive them satisfaction, and it is with great pleasure I have seen this great gathering to- day. On behalf of the tenants, I am desired to express their grateful thanks for the kind terms in which their healths have been proposed from the Chair, and for the cordial manner in which it has t'een received, and at the same time to express their fervmt wishes that their landlord may be speedily restored to his usual health, and that he may livelong amongst us. (Applause.) Chairman Gentlemen,—After the last words which fell from Mr Goode, you will be prepared for the next toast I have to offer for your acceptance, and that is the health of Mr Philipps himself. (Prolonged cheering.) Although many could better propose this toast, I am sure no fne could be mor6 naturally selected for the duty. When s»y this 1 don't e;iy too much, for 1 have known him from 11 years of age up to the present moment, and what he is now he gave a promise of being in his early days. (Hear. bear.) We were at school together, and we were at college together. He was always the good boy. when 1 was the bad boy. (Loud laughter ) However, you see what it is to have a good friend his kindliness and goodness may perhaps have made me better than I should otherwise have been. But be that as it may, his kindness and stood feelinc have never been separated the one from the other, and I believe when he came into pos- session of this estate I was amongst the earliest friends who went round it with him, (Applause.) I much regret that the bright event of the last forl-nis-ht has been tarnished and robbed of its lustre by the affliction With which Providence has seen fit to vis t him. lam glad to tel: you that he has been calm and contented through- nut his illness he has not in the least repined, and he has throughout the whole of the time expressed a desire that tbe arrangements conducive to his daughter's happiness on her wedding day, and yours to-day, and the schools the following week, should not in any way lag on account: of his misfortune. (Applause.) I am sure you all see how these things strengthen the bond of feeling between all classes. Whatever our portion in life is, God sees fit to make us acknowledge His superiority. There is a skeleton in every house: there is a something in the cawtle which finds its echo in the cottage. (Applause.) There is an anxiety about the daily bread in the cottaee, and there is an anxiety about events in the Castle, and these things evoke our common sympathies. (Hear, hear.) It all the wisest men that ever lived wer, gaihered togclherthey eouid not make our life more equal — (loud applause)—fhey could not divide out things in a better way than that which God has jnven us. (Re- newed cheering.) My friend's feeling- throughout his sickness hns been that you should not feel a filoom on this occasion, and here I would repeat what I have said on other occasions, that he works too much-far beyond his bodily strength and powers in his fjreat and 'holy office. (Hear, hear.) He has given you such anr^of of his sincerity in doing so, that he has almost forgotten the Castle in the Church at Haverfordwest. (App'auso ) There is no doubt that it has erowYi gradually upon him, and in a very great degree broken down his health, and he will for a few months be absent from it, and I do hope and pray—I know you all desire it—that by free- dom from excessive thought and work, he may fiive his mind rest and recover his usual health. (Hear, bear.) He and I cannot do so ranch as we used to do: we cannot do that exactly at\our period of life which we used to when we were twenty; and he requires rest. (Hear, hear.) tie feels that under the able stewardship 01 Messrs Goode and Owen, and the intelligent people about him, that your wants are much better supplied by their knowledge than from his own persona, knowted' e, and the work is more aptly performed by those win have devoted a long period of their life to them. But I assure you he does not abnegate his duties: any one who feels he has any grievance, within the Castle which now frowns upon yon. will receive respectful attention; a clear judgment will be exercised, and an intelligent decision will be given. (Applause.) Believe me, yon who do not know as much of him as I do, that these are not words used by a partial friend, but rather the honest expression of an opinion formed from personal know- ledge. I may say that he lives to he useful, and hopes :)y his example to make other persons useful. Gentle- oen, I give you the health of Mr Philipps.—[The toast was pledged amidst the most enthusiastic cheering ] Vice Chairman: Gentlemen, — have been called upon to return thanks for the kind way in which you have drunk Mr Philipps's health. I cannot express myself in the eloquent language of the Chairman, nor can I speak from so.long an acquaintance as he can but I have had eleven years' experience of his character, and I can fully enter into all the warm and kind feel- ing with which Mr Pitman has spoken of him. (Applause) He has always been actuated by the kindest feeling, and no person is more ready t do all he can to promote the happiness of his fellow creatures. (Applause.) Many of the tenants have lived for a great number of years on the estate, and I know that the feeling of their present landlord is that they may continue to do so till their life's end, and be succeeded by their children and their children's children. (Applause.) This occasion has brought a great many '.o* ether, and I have no doubt that this day \vill 100 long talked oi by the tenantry of the estate. This day has been a very pleasant one to all of and I think it is an advantage which cannot be too highly prized 'to have as a landlord a gentleman who takes such a deep interest in all that concerns the welfare of the tenantry. (tlear, hear.) Every person connected with the Castle must feel proud at witnessing po great a gathering of the tenantry, and there ia one lady to whum the present sight must be especially gratifying. I allude to Mr'! Philipps, who has honoured us with her presence, (loud applause) —and I beg to propose her health, which I am sure you will drink with nine times nine. [The toast vas drunk amid loud applause.] The Chairman acknowledged in fMing terms the com- pliment which had been paid Mrs Philipps, referring amid great cheering to the interest she bad always taken in the welfare of the poor, and to the tenderness and assi- duity with which she had ministered to her beloved hus- band during his illness. The Chairman also h ire high testimony to the character of Miss Amy Philipps, & con. eluded by proposing her health,—a toast which was re- ceived with vociferous cheering. Mr T. Rule O wen, (in responding on behalf of Miss Philipps) said Gentlemen,—A duty has been imposed upon me, and I do it with infinite pleasure. I have permission to return thanks on behalf of Miss Philipps for the kind way in which Mr Pitman has proposed and you have received the toast. It is with great" pleasure Miss Philipps and her respected parent see you here to day, and 1 only wish that the duty of acknowledging the kind feeling you have displayed towards her had fallen to one more qualified to perform it. I shall not make a lengthy speech, as it is desired to get the business in the tent completed as quickly as possible but out of the fulness of the heart the mouth sometimes speaketb, and the very cordial way in which you have received the toast must have been -very gratifying. When Mr Pitman referred in those warm terms to the kind and gentle nature of Miss Philipps, be reminded me of some lines of poetry which I read recently and which I think may be fitly applied to Miss Philipps on this occasion Thou woulds't be loved 0 let thy foot From its present pathway pass not: Be everything that now thou art, Be nothing that thou art not.' After the cheering bad subsided, Mr Owen again rose, and proposed in an able speech the health of Mr and Mrs Fisher. The Chairman returned thanks on behalf of Mr and Mrs Fisher, of whom he spoke in very complimentary terms. The Vice Chairman, in a neat speech, proposed the health of the Chairman, which was pledged with Welsh honours. The Chairman responded in a humorous speech which was loudly applauded. The Chairman next proposed the health of Mr Goode, of whose ability and zeal in the discharge of whatever duty devolved, upon him, he spoke in warm terms of eulogy. The toast was pledged with great enthusiasm. Mr Goode responded in an a! le speech, in which be referred to the improvements which had been made in the estate, and expressed a belief tbat still further improvements would be effected, advantageous both to the landlord and tenants. The Chairman proposed I The trade of Haverfordwest,' to which toast Mr John Phillips, of Castle Square, responded. The Chairman next proposed the health of Dr E. P. Phillips, whose attention to the Vicar during his illness he highly praised. Dr Phillips, in returning thanks, said that he had watched his patient with moat earnest solicitude, but to him the duty had been a labour of love, and he hoped, under God's providence, he might be able to complete the work in which he had thus far succeeded, and be the met ns of restoring him to perfect health. The Chairman then gave the health of Mr T. RuJe Owen, whjch was received with great demonstrations of satisfaction. Mr Owen, in responding, said it gave him I1;reat plea- sure to do what he could to promote the enjovment of the day. Everyone seemed to have been gratified, and he was glad to have assisted at a gathering where so much pleasure had been imparted. The Chairman, in an eloquent address, gave the health of the ladies,' for whom Mr Whicher Davies responded in an amusing speech, which was loudly cheered. This concluded the proceedings in the.tept.and the company broke up. Later in the afternoon, dancing to the music of a brass band, under the skilful leadership of Mr Edward Ribbon, took place on the sward, *and was sustained for some time with much vigour. Foot races were also run in the park, and attracted much attention from the male portion of the company. The day's enjoy- ment was brought to a close about seven o'clock, at which hour nearly all the guests had taken their de- parture for their several homes.

T E N B Y.

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C A E M A K T H E N.