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BAVERFORDWEST QUARTER SESSIONS. These sessions were held on Friday, at the Shire Hall, before W. Owen, Esq, James Bawen, iisq, John Harvey, Esq, T. Rule Owen, Esq, and the Rev James Philipps. The Cleik of the Peace informed the Bench that he had received a letter from the Chairman stating that he was detained in London by particular business, and would not be able to attend. Mr W. Owen was unanimously appointed Chairman for the day. NEW MAGISTRATE. R. D. Ackland, Esq, of Boulston, qualified as a magis- tratq for the Town and County of Haverlordwest. The names of the Grand jurors having been called over, it was found that only eleven gentlemen were in attendance. The Clerk of the Peace said that at the last assize, at which there was no business to be transacted, the Judge directed that the. Grand Jury should not be sworn, observing that it was not necessary when there was nothing to come before them. The Chairman, (havingintimated that the Court would follow the direction of the learned Judge), addressed the Jury. He said: We have 110 reason to complain of the attel. dance of the Grand Jury on these occasions, as they are generally very punctual. I suppose it is pretty well known that there is no criminal, or other business, to be brought before them, and that no doubt is the reason why the Jury did not attend. If there had been any business to transact, I have no djubt they would have been in attendance. There is no occasion to detain you, and I have much pleasure ia discharging you, and beg to thank yon in the name of the county for your atiendance. COTTFTTY ACCOUNTS. The Chairman said that there was a balance in the hands 01 the Treasurer to the amount of JE143 13s of which £ 130 would be rc-q .Ired before the next quarter. The Clerk of the Peace also stated that the proportion of the expenses of the jail amounted to £ 63 18s 9d. The Chairman said that the Treasurer had applied for a county rate of l|d in the X, which would amouut to ±181. An order was made for the levying of a rate of l i-d in the X. THE CORONER'S BILL. On the Coroner's bill for holding certain inquests, being presented to the Court, Mr James Bowen stated that he should in future object to the item of 2s 6d charged as fees for services performed by the police. He had objected on principle to the payment of the sum in the County, and he should make the same objection with regard to Haverfordwest. He considered the police were sufficiently paid, and he did not see why any charge should be made for their services as fees. The Rev J. Philipps: If that be the case, Ishall move that the half-crown be struck out of the present bill. Mr Cecil: It does not go into my pocket nor into the pockets of the police. As a matter of form it comes into my hands, and passes out again. Mr Harvey Is it a prescriptive fee? Mr Cecil: Yes, sir. Mr Harvey: You don't object to that?—it is a fee for particular service. Mr Bowen: There is a fee allowed in the county for the summoning officer, but it is appropriated, and is not paid over. Mr Harvey Who is the summoning officer? Mr Cecil: Myself, or one of the men. Mr Harvey: I think the fee ought to be paid. Rev J. Philipps: I object to it. The men ougbt to be paid, and if 1 had power I would propose an increase of salary to the officer. Mr Cecil: We get no fee: it Is paid over to the Treasurer. Mr Harvey Do you get anything for it? Mr Cecil: Not at all. It is paid into the hand of Mr Hughes, the Treasurer. It goes to the superannuation fund. Clerk of the Peace: It is paid into the Treasurer of the Borough, and not to the Treasurer of the County. Rev J. Philipps: It goes to the Corporation fund, and is for the benefit of the Corporation, and not of this County. Mr Harvey: It is a prescriptive fee; surely you don't oppose that ? Rev James Philipps: Yes, most decidedly: T oppose it with my heart and soul. Let us be distinct. There is a memberof the Corporation here, but I don't address him as a member of the Corporation. If we are a town and county, let us be a town and county. Mr Harvey I don't think that is the question at all. The question is whether the police, who are not over- paid, are to have a superannuation fund or not. It is a prescriptive fee; it has been paid for many years, and is handed over to the surerannuation fund Rev James Philipps: The question is whether we as magistrates of the Town and County of Haverfordwest, and as trustees for the ratepayers, are to allow money to be paid over to a fund, over which we have no control, be its, bject what it may. Mr Bowen I propose that the fee be knocked off. Rev J. Philipps: I second it. Mr John Harvey I propose, as an amendment, that the fee be not struck out. Mr T. Rule Owen I second it. Chairman What is the practice, Mr Summers ? Clerk of the Peace In the County it is paid to the high constable, and is handed back to me. It goes to the superannuation fund. Chairman I think it is a legal payment and ought to be allowed. Mr Bowen withdrew his motion, and the fee was all-wed by the Court. The Clerk of the Peace read a list of fees, relating to the Coroner's Office, agreed to by the Court in 1851, which included the item which had been the subject of discussion. M r Cecil stated that some months ago an inquest was held at the Railway Station, and he incurred expenses in bringing witnesses from Milford, which the Court had refnsl d to allow him. The man was injured on the railway, and was brought to Haverfordwest, where he died. An inquest was held, and he went to Milford for the witnesses, and incurred 9s 6d expenses in paying their fares to Haverfordwest. When he presented the bill to the Court, it was rejected, and he himself had to bear the expense. 1 he Chairman inquired whether the money had not been paid by the Corporation ? Mr Cecil replied in the negative. Mr Harvey Was it refused with that explanation ? Mr Cecil: Yes, sir. Mr Harvey I think you ought to have been paid. The Chairman expressed a similar opinion, and the other magistrates concurring, an order was made for the payment 01 9s 6d to Mr Cecil, for expenses incurred under the circumstances explained by him. COUNTY RATE COMMITTEE. At the October sessions in 1867, a county rate commit- tee was appointed, consisting of four magistrates. Mr Harvey drew attention to the matter, and expressed the opinion that the Committee was improperly constituted. The Clerk of the Peace referred to the Act which directed that the committee should not be composed of more than 11 nor less than 5 justices, three to form a quorum. Alter some conversation the following gentlemen were ap- pointed the Committee :—W. Stephenson Owen, Esq, W. Owen, Esq, S. Harford, Esq, W. Walters, Esq, Geo. Rowe, E-q. Thomas Rowlands. Esq, James Bowen. Esq, John Barvey, Esq, T. K. Owen. Esq, R. D. Ackland, Esq, and Rev. James Philipps, The first meeting of the com- mittee was ordered to be held at the Shire Hall at 12 o'clock on Saturday, the 4th July. The Court then adjourned till Saturday, the 1st of August.



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