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CTITARRIRTIRE^ CARMARTHENSHIRE HOTEL CHAEGES.—A question Mir y ex,r*cts from letters purporting w o« j "UUh80*0 Robertson, I roust be permitted to remark | T \r are COuched in language so similar to that natd I ijfu. r &°hert.son, an(j thejr tenor is so eulogistic and | c' ,'lat discredit the statement that they have Wil?'e fulthorship, and I entet tuin a strong .suspicion by liobertson iiiuiself, fee'ing uniinly aggrieved '*0 I 0PPO-si'ion, has adopted this method of rubbing his &1ritva°' We have, too, a dissertation upon electoral Mbribery, intimidation, and corruption; but 'his, will-find on looking over the back numbers of totrjw1urnal, is a mere echo of a speech delivered by his fi4»e» a few years apo; so that, curiously enough, we aspirants for parliamentary honours singing the 'n turn> but at interval not sufficiently long .fjatai;6 'he public forget who pitched tlie tune. The e of Admiral SymoDds eon;es in for a second or i°berj. Pei an<* 't be possible for him to peruse Mr s°1'8 strictures, I am sure lie must heartily repent ^bert Corn,nitted st> grave a blunder, and when Mr J^iraf0" becomes a member of" the legislature the jJJlijm fnay expect that an attempt will be made him before the Bar of the House to answer for nt °f knowledge, and that he will bo taught, 'Dj^ a.°tiial manner, the difference between 'inert' W '^parliamentary representation. We are told, ^le F the Srat time, that our members are worse than 88' this statement is put into the mouth of a i W8P°n«Jent, and is an indirept way of shoving Mr &n Up the parliamentary ladder, and of letting %eh ors k"0*' lkat ">s °P'a'on ought to get inst N j else to represent them. Mr Robertson, with ''ffc shadow of modesty, does not tell us in distinct (fy ^ho should be their successors; but it is plain V glowing and ofi-repeated account of his own itlc r&>ances that Pembroke will never be represented tliu^plete perfection until the electors make up their \q8J° bestow the seat upon him. I must confess that hL f considered all the circumstances, and made a fair of Mr Robertson's vanity, I was not astonished i5jain»unt of wrath produced by my former letter. Ve *ortned the notion, from the previous correspon- <H^itUat Mr Robertson had a brittle temperament, Saia8 rePly in your last issue teaches me how ill I, y nr^'ert,ons k°ar but a small application of the dose 80 fond of administering to others. A corrupt rejec*s eecret voting; but the wise laws of recognize the principles upheld by Mr C"r6 i°n' an<^ Psrmit anonymous writing, and I, } Sri"1 Protection of the ballot box, am permitted Ai}t^,?r'hc public some service without subjecting my LiV^011 t° any danger fron: the deadly gibbet of M r r Iw11' ^ave been picturing to myself the chagrin enlv^i800 must fee^ at having his 'little game* 0 P'ecus hy a masked battery. I see t0e^hr0KS cynical habitation, looking wishfully at the 'I ajj6« refl^'St! inter,se desire t|jS P. and in imagination I likeu him to C ^o<J ?'e-fo-fum in the nursery tales, smelling °Parliament men,' and 'wauting their bone- ,Un^er his teeth.' It is the eve of a general 0^1*8 everylhing is ready for action the L the e ,cJnstituen<;y arc more than half convinced tj. 1 g0 hour and the man are oome; but when V.V K easy man' thinks 'his greatness is a V' T^lie-re comc'3 'Fishguardinn,' and 'nips his ledi,aPPDintmetiti. great, and the vexation in- Sh'Plion T ut for me» he might have achieved a great Clh*veh hai^ not impertinently iuterterea, he Xj roke t'en chaired in triumph through the streets of r °f ti,ae'inowlcdgiiig with every grace the warm' w!le>ratlel,e.ctors» or probably some of the scenes of iSi«0,,liJ^ ^Ry election would be re-enacted, and drawn along the boundaries of the ke Ai'"ave ln a La"g»ni dredt;e-boa\ But for me, he ^rftlt L'LU °PPortunity of putting the Lords of 'Wge 10 shame by the display of his superior > and hayehad the pleasure of hearing that the the whole host of Whig <md Tory naval adminis- trators had tkedaddledatthebare announcement that Mr Robertson wascomins.' Whateonsternation would have been excited at St Stephen's by the production of 'tbescrap,book/ and I can fancy our ignorant, prodigal, arid selfhh legislators all running away, and leaving Mr Robertson absolute director of the destinies of the British empire. I have, sir1, one or two further obpprvations to make in reference to the titles with which Mr Robertson honours me. I am called a 'creature:' this I acknowledge/and 1 am so because I can't help it. Mr Robertson also calls me the I tool of a political club.' In view of the irritation he is already enduring, I have no wish to make u pro- voking rejoinder, but I cannot avoid asking—whose tool was he when he sinned the objections to the 400 fic- titious voters? If he waif not the tool of a party, I take it that, as a patriot, he would have objected against every iinquaiilied person without reference to the colour of his political creed Mr Robertson, too. with much vehe- mence, declares that I am 'a hired assassin:' I make no attempt to return the compliment.. and I trust it is not. ofiensive in me to declare that I have not. the sliJlhtesl inclination to assassinate Mr Robertson. It is my earnest hope that he may live to become a more useful member of society-leils loquacious, and less belligerent; and I assure you it would Rive me the greatest concern to learn that the reading by him of anything I had written had been attended by fatal consequences, and that a coroner's inquest had resulted in a verdict of < killed by Fish- guardian.' I am. Sir, Yours truly, A FISH GUARDIAN.

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