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PENDRAGON'S BIOTEI\TE is certainly the best remedy known for CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, and all diseases of the Chest and Lungs and is invaluable in cases of Debility. Sold by Chemists, and .wholesale only of Pearce & Co-, Bridge Street, Bristol. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS.—Cramps—Neuralgia— Spasms.—These severe nervous, affections are hippily moderated in their intensity and duration by the soothing and purifying powers of these inestimable prepartions. Whether the cramp ba in the stomach, legs, or toes, it yields with equal facility to the application of the Ointment; and the recurrence of these ciis- disorders is effe ctually prevented by a course of Holloway's Pills, which so regulate the stomach and bowels that perfect and easy degestion is ensured, and spasms avoided. The Ointment pvCtJ. local, the Pills general relief. Enlargement of the glands, ob- structed or defective circulation are likewise soon corrected by these invaluable preparations, which purify and strengthen the blood, and impart tone to every organ in the body. INTERESTING TO I..ADIES.-At this season of the year, the important process of bleaching and dressing Laces and Linens for Spring and Summer wear commences, we would therefore particularly call the attention of our fair readers to the GLENFIELD STARCH, an article of primary importance in the getting np of these articles. The GLKNFIELD STARCH is specially manufactured for family use, and such is its excellence that it is now exclusively used in the Royal Laundry, and Her Maj- esty's Laundress pronounces it to be the finest Starch she ever used. Her Majesty's Lace Dresser says it is the best she has tried, and it was awarded two Prize Medals for its superiority. The GLENFIELD STARCH is Sold in packets only, by all Grocers, Cbnndlers &c. MR. EDWARD RIBBON, PIANO-FORTE, VIOLIN, 4ND VIOLONCELLO TEACHER^ PIANO-FORTES TUNED, ORGANS and HAIUIONfUMS tuned and repaired by ex- perienced workmen. RESIDENCE—6, MERLIN'S TERRACE, HAVERFORDWEST WILLIAM H. BAMKIN, TEACHER OF N AVI G ATI O N N A 71TI C A I 'V 0 ASTRONOMY, H A KIN, MIL FOR D, PEMBROKESHIRE AND HAVERFORDWEST INFIRMARY. CONTRIBUTIONS, 1868. rPHE Honorary Secretaries beg most respectfully to 1. acknowledge the receipt of the following sums, and would at the same time respectfully urge upon the atten- tion of those Clergymen and Dissenting Ministers in the County, who have not yet made collections in behalf of this Institution for the present year, the pressing and many claims which it has on their sympathy and support,, s. (] Collection in Jefferston Church, per Rev. J. D. Paimour 2 3 Q B ROW N dnd POLSONIS CORN FLOUE, FOR Children's Diet. BROWN and POLSON'S CORN FLOUR, FOR All the uses to which the best Arrowroot is applicable. 13 ROW Nand. POLSON'S CORN FLOUR BOILED WITH MILK, FOR BREAKFAST. BROW N and POLSON'S CORN FLOUR. X BOILED WITH MILK, FOR SUPPER. ROWN sliid POLSON'S CORN FLOUR, TO T HIe KEN SOU P s. BROWN and POLSON'S CORN FLOUR, TO T HICK ENS A U C E S. gROVVNand POLSON'S CORN FLOUR, TO THICKEN BEEF TEA g R 0 WN and POLSON'S CORN FLOUR, FOR BLANCMANGE. !DROWN and POLSON'S CORN FLOUR, t-) CAUTION—To obtain extra profit by the sale, ather qualities are sometimes audaciously substituted instead of BROWN and POLSON'S,