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LOCAL IN TELL IG E N C E~. HAVERFORDWEST BOROUGH BILI. We learn from the Times of Tuesday, that this Bill was read a second time in the House of Commons on Monday afternoon. ASSESSORS AND AUDITORS—A meeting was held at the Shire Hall on Monday, under the presidency of the Mayor, for the purpose oi' appointing assessors and audi- tors for the ensuing year. Mr W. Hood, of High Street, and Mr George Morgan Green, of Bridge Street, were appointed assessors, and Mr II. Philpott, of Victoria Place, and Mr George Lewis, of Pictou Place, were ap- pointed auditors. ELECTION OF TRUSTEES OF THE FREEMEN-.—A meeting of the Freemen was held at the Shire Hall on Monday f(,r the election of Trust' cs of that body. Mr Thomas I Carter presided. The ChfJrman having explained the object of the meeting, Mr Daniel Gibbon proposed that the following freemen should be elected Trustees for the next three years:—Mr J. W. Phillips, Mr W. V. James, Mi W.Bowen Rowlands, MrW. Hood, MrStopben Green, Mr Go orge Thomas, Mr Thomas John, Mr R. Evans, and Mr George Wariow. The proposition was seconded by Mr W. Phillips, of Barn Street, and, beiog put to the meeting, was carried unanimously. HAVERFORDWEST RIFLE CoRrs.-The prizes given by o->. n.i t-~ -.4 — A — J.-VI au.mj; u.c uiuinu OI February was shot for on Monday afternoon. The ranges were 300 and 400 yards, the shots at each distance, Wim- bledon targets and scoring. The following is the result of the shooting:- 300 400 Total 1 Private D. Phillips (10s) 9 18 27 2 Col-Sergt W, E. Jones (7s 6d) 8 18 2G S Private Geo. Morris (5s) J3 13 2G 4 John Davies (3. fjd) 11 14 25 5 Corp. Andrews (3s 6d) 10 14 24 6 Private T. Rogers. (2s 6d) 6 is 24 7 Sergt T. L. James (2s) 9 13 22 8 Private J. Rogers (2s) 10 ] 1 21 9 „ Geo, Davies (2,-) 8 13 21 10 „ D. P. Davies. (2s) 6 15 21 TESTIMONIAL TO MRS FOTHERGILL.—A short time iince our psg-s recorded the marriage between Miss Jeauette Griffiths and Mr Fothergili, a gentleman well known and deservedly respected in this town through his late connection with the Haverfordwest Grammar School. Miss Griffiths has for some years resided with her brother at Belmont, during which time she has greatly endeared herself in the parish by her warm and ready aid in the Sunday School, in church decorations, harvest festivals, andthosemattersoflocaiinterestwhich form < such a happy bond of mutual good fellowship in parish- work. Her marriage naturally calls forth the expression of general esteem in which Mrs Fothcrgili was held at HaroSdstone West, where her loss is sincerely felt, while she is followed with earnest good wishes for her happiness and prosperity by the friends who have have had so much ■ pleasure in fining up a subscription list to offer the bride a testimonial in leaving them to undertake yet higher responsibilities; for we understand that Mr Fothergili, who has lately taken an excellent degree at Cambridge, will be ordained this month, and we feel that his choice i has been hAppily directed to one well fitted to discharge the duties of a clergyman's wife. The testimonial is an elegant Church Service, in ivory and white kid binding, richly illuminated in gold and scarlet, with gilt, edges and clasp. 011 the cover is engraved a cross its scarlet with fioreated points and surrounded with a chaste gilt border beyond which is a second border illuminated in scarlet. Within the cover is the presentation-inscription printed in gold letters on white enamel ir.^the following words:— 'Presented on her marriage, Jan. 28, 18Gb,' to Miss Jeanette Griffiths. a", a slight token of grateful and ap- propriate remembrance by her" Sunday School Class and other Haroidstone West friends.' HAVERFORDWEST Tews COUNCIL—A special meeting of the members of the Town Council was held at the Council Chamber on Monday, far the purpose of taking into consideration the memorial of the Freemen respect- ing the enclosure of Portfield. There were present: The Mayor, J. W. Phillips, Esq, Mr Harford, Mr i h'.cher Davies, Mr John Madocks, Mr James Phillips Mr A. Beyuon, Mr Henry Phillips, and Dr Brown. The To'-a Clerk read the memorial of the Freemen, which had been addressed to the Trustees of tile Freemen, and a copy of which had been forwarded by the Trustees to the Town Council. The memorialists expressed their ap- proval of the scheme generally for the improvement of Portfield, but objected to the proposal to raise a sum of £1,COO on Mortgage. In order to provide a sum for the ,enclosure and improvement of the northern area, they were willing that powers should be applied for uuder the Haverfordwest Borough Bill, authorizing the Trustees of the Freemen to contribute annually, tor a period not exceeding five years, the sum of £ 25 out of the rents of their property, if the Corporation would seek for similar powers aphorizing their contribution of a like amount for the same period. The memorialists requested the Trustees to convey their proposal to the Corporation, and to ask them to strike out the clause relating to the bor- rowing powers, and to concur in the scheme suggested for the provision of an enclosure fund.—The requisition was signed by 104 freemen. After some discussion, in which it was stated that the Corporation had not sufH- cient funds to make the grant of £ 25 annually, it was revived to reject the proposition of the Freemen as being impracticable. This resolution was followed by another, in which the Council agreed to ttrike out the i Clause relating to the borrowing powers, which had been objected to by the freemen. Alter the resolution had been passed, the Mayor said he had a communication to make, which was a matter of s ome gratification to himself, j and he thought it would be received by the Council with considerable satisfaction. The communication referred to tlle enclosure of Portfield, but he was not at liberty to ] 'mention it while the subject was under discussion by ti e Council. A meeting of the Trustees of the Freemen wa- held on Friday, and an order was made to the following effect:—' That in the event of the scheme tor providing funds for the improvement of the Race Course and the area thereof, by annual contributions of £25 out of the Freemen's rents and by the Corporation for a period of five years being rejected by the Town Council at the special meeting on Monday next, the Mayor be requested to agree to the proposed bill with these modifications, viz:—The Freemen's Trustees to have an equal share in the management; the borrowing clauses and the olause which provides for the payment of X50 towards the expenses of the Act to be struck out, and a clause to be added that any surplus rents and profits be divisible between the Freemen's Trustees and the Corporation in the proportion in which they are now entitled-i. e., 13-14ths and 1.14th. His Worship added that the Cor- poration had agreed precisely with what had heen desired by the Trustees of the Freemen. The meeting then separated.






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