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THE REVOLUTION IN THE PAPAL STATES. FIGHTING AT VTFERBO. ROME, October 25th, Evening.—-According to in- telligence received here, about 1,000 Garibaldians, commanded by Ghirelli and Antorno, appeared at one of the gates of the town. The Pontifical troops gallantly repulsed the attack, blllllg a great many of the assailants, amongst others the commander of the band. They afterwards picked up a great many arms and weapons, and a quantity of ammunition, abandoned by the Garibaldians in their retreat. The population of the town manifested no excite- ment in favour of the Garibaldians during this attack. Rome is perfectly quiet. A great number of armed Roman citizens, including members of the aris- tocracy, patrol the streets at night. GARIBALDI AT THE HEAD OF 4,000 TROOPS P FLORENCE, Oct. 26th, Noon.—Intelligence from Terni announces that an engagement took place near Monte Rotondo yesterday. Garibaldi who was in command of four battalions of volunteers, defeated the Poutifical troops, taking about 100 prisoners, and capturing four guns. There were many killed and wounded on both sides. Mosti and Solomone were among the wounded. The intelligence from Rome that the Garibaldians under Acerbi were defeated yesterday, before Vit- erbo, is confirmed. It is rumoured that Acerbi was tilled. DISQUIET IN ROME. ROME, Oct. 2G.—Great inquietude prevails here. The police have made fresh seizures of arms and ammunition, and a second insurrectional movement is in preparation. A proclamation has been issued, prohibiting assemblages of more than four persons. All persons are to return to their homes on hearing the alarm signal, and all shops to be closed. m Fighting has been going on to-day within half-a- jaile of Rome. FLORENCE, Oct. 26, Evening.—The Carrier Ital- iano says that the engagement at Monto Rotondo was of a very desperate character. The Pontifical troops had one battery of guns. They were, how- ever, put to flight and pursued by Garibaldi. Five transports left Toulon with the ironclad squadron. The expedition will be before Civita Vecchia on the evening of the 27th inst. Intelligence from Rome states that the railway communication between Civita Vecchia and Rome, which had been cut. is now restored, so that there will be no difficulty in theconveyance of the French troops and war material. The whole of the Papal army is concentrated before Rome, in accordance with the plan of a French general. It is believed that the Garibaldians will fortify themselves at Monte Rotondo, and await reinforcements. The Pontifical troops have received orders to act on the defensive. The Waivers of this evening calculates the forces of Garibaldi at 10,000. and the Gazette da France estimates them at 12,000. j RUMOURED ABDICATION OF VICOTR EMMANUEL. The Etendard of this evening denies a rumour which it says has been current, that King Victor Emm muel had abdicated, The same journal states that the Garibaldian bands continue to cross freely over the frontier to the Papal States. FURTHER EMBARKATION OF FRENCH TROOPS TOULON, October 27th, Evening.—The brigade commanded by General Pottier, 8,287 infantry, with artillery, cavalry, and a military train, em- barked to-day on board a second squadron, which is to leave this evening for Civita Vecchia. THOUSANDS OF DESERTERS FROM THE ITALIAN ARMY. PARIS, Oct, 28, Evening.—The Moniteur de Soir in alluding to the events in Italy, announces the deaths of the deputies Sancti and Aarbi, in the en- gagement at Viterbo. The Presse of this evening says that Garibaldi reinforced by several thousand deserters from the Italian army, has taken Monte Rotondo after a very severe fight. The Pontifical troops were in the pro- portion of one to ten. The insurgent bands marched immediately on Rome, and it is believed that Garibaldi has been since yesterday evening before the gates of the city. The French squadron has arrived at Civita Vecchia and the troops commenced theirdisembark- ation this morning. The Epoque says that, according to a despatch from Florence, a rumour is there current that the Italian troops had entered the Papal territory to- day. PARIS, Oct. 28,-The Moniteur says Despatches from Monto Rotondo state that the Pontifical gar- rison remained masters of this place, after two suc- cessive assaults upon the part of the Garibaldians. It is believed that, leaving Monte Rotondo behind him, Garibaldi has taken the direction of Rome. A Pontifical column, detached from the garrison of Rome, is advancing to meet his bands. THE FRENCH SQUADRON. According to the Etendard the French squadron would arrive off Civita Vecchia on Monday, and the debarkation of troops would take place on Monday and Tuesday. The same paper states that the French troops will certainly march to Rome, and will probably meet the Garibaldians on the way, and give them battle. The Temps of Sunday evening says that the French expedition bad orders to stop before Civita Vecchia and to land only in case the Garibaldians were defeated. Victor Emmanuel demanded a respite, and it was in consequence of this demand that the departure of the expedition was adjourned until Sunday. ATTACK ON THE .CAPITOL. The Rome correspondent of the Etendard de- scribes the agitation which prevailed in that city dnring the middle of last week. The provision dealers were laying in stores in anticipation of a siege. It was impossible to get change for paper money. The Garibaldians were believed to have 4,000 muskets and two cannon stored up at some place in the city. Proclamations had been issued ordering the closing of the gates of the city after dark. Communication with the external world had to a great extent been cut off, and no letters or newspapers had arrived for some days. The streets were patrolled by police and troops, who constantly challenged the passers-by. Every shop was shut and the. streets were almost deserted, except by the troops. A bomb was exploded in the Piazza Colonna on the evening of the 22nd. On the Tnorning of the 23rd the correspondent made a tour of the city. Outside the church of the Ara Cceli he saw great pools of blood, and on inquiring he learnt that an attack had been made on the Capitol during the night, and repulsed. Later he learnt that it had been attacked on three or four sides at once. The insurgents at a given signal—the exploding ot a bomb—rushed out from various quarters towards the Capitol, and on being chal- lenged by the Zouaves, replied to the qui vive. The troops then ran to arms, and after a sharp fight, which lasted three-quarters of an hour, they drove the insurgents back, and these favoured by the darkness-, took refuge in the neighbouring -vineyards. The number of Garibaldians killed were fifteen, and they had about an equal number wounded. They lost also thirty prisoners, and a large quantity of arms which filled three carriages. The Pontifical force had ten more or less seriously wounded, and two gendarmes killed. At the first news of this struggle the representatives of th.e various foreign Powers waited on the Pope to offer assistance. His Holiness replied that he jjnew what had happened, but there was no danger, and at present there had been an aggravation of the position. Two hours later a loud report caused great alarm at the Vatican. A mine had exploded beneath the Zouaves' barracks. The building was not entirely destroyed, for the insurgents bad not time to complete their mine, the front of the build- ing was, however, thrown down, and eleven dead Z, Zouaves were taken out of the ruins. The Pied- montese Gazette declares that there were fifty per- sons killed. After that all circulation through the streets was forbidden, and seizures of arms and powder were made in a large uumber of houses. The Garibaldian prisoners were sent to Civita Vecchia, a cannon accompanying them. The Rome correspondent of the Liberie gives an even more unfavourable account of the Garibaldian attempt than his pro-Papal colleague of the Eten- dard. M. Favart declares that the Garibaldians during their attack on the Capitol lost their arms, 17 dead, 19 wounded, and 45 prisoners. He adds that the attack was badly planned, and proves incontestably the great incapacity of the National Committee. Garibaldi, on his way to the Papal frontier, was received like a conquerer. The people at Rieti took the horses out of his carriage, and drew him to the palace. On the 24th he was between Fara and Corese; on the 25th he fought the battle at Monte Rotondo, which seems to have been a most desperate affair, resulting, after several hours fighting, in the pursuit of the Pontifical troops by Garibaldi. General Cialdini, at nine o'clock on Friday morning, waited on the French Charge d'Affaires to inform him that he (the General) was no longer Minister. Cialdini added that he thought at first he could have become master of the position, but that he found this impossible. Being warned that if the Italian troops crossed the Papal frontier, France would declare war against Italy, Cialdini replied that he was fully aware of that, but it was better that this should he than that Italy should make war upon the revolution. The revolution would unquestionably devour her, whereas France was a generous enemy, who would make war according to the laws of civili- zation. The French Charge instantly telegraphed this important declaration to Paris. « — COST OF GOVERNMENT.—A select committee of the Legislative Council of Natal reports that in that colony the cost of the public establishments has increased from £30,795 in the year 18G2 to £42,548 in 1866-that is to say, to more than four-ninths of the tolal public revenue and this with a revenue less in the latter year than in the former, with no greater augmentation of popu- lation in the interval, and with no allegation that the public service was less efficiently carried on in 1862 than in 1866. The committee are of opinion that a comprehensive measure of retrenchment in the cost of the machinery of government is re- quired. THE ABYSSINIAN EXPEDITION.—We understand that the maintenance of the troops employed in the Abys- sinian expedition is to be provided for out of the re- venues of India, on the ground that these troops are not replaced on the Indian establishment, and that if they remained India would have to pay for them, Whether or no this be just to India, it will, at all events. tend very much to lighten the pecuniary call upon the Imperial finances. By the last official accounts from Egypt it appears that much activity has been shown in obtaining and sending on mules for the expedition. There are 2,085 of these animals collected in Egypt, of which 1,517 had been sent to Suez, and 580 were em- barked for Massowah. Several hundreds were arriving daily and by the 15th of November, the time pre- scribed, it is expected that all the mules demanded by the Indian Government for the purposes of the expe- dition will have been delivered in Egypt.—Sunday Gazette. A CITY CUURCH FOR SALE.— Another church in the city will be sold in the course of a few weeks, and warehouses erected on the site which it at present occupies. The church is that of Saint Mary Somerset, situate in Thames-street, and which some time since underwent the deconse- cration process which appears to be an inevitable adjunct of the 'Union of Benefices Act.' The church has been closed for some months past; no services have been performed, and the only use which the church now seems to serve is that of providing a convenient place for billstickers to put up their placaids announcing amusements and forthcoming sales. Even the Rector (Dr. Stebbing) has disappeared, the living of St. Mary t, y Somerset having been united with that of St. Nicholas Cole Abbey, in which he now officiates. Under this new arrangement the Rev Doctor has four parishes to attend to-namely, St. Mary Somerset, St. Mary Mounthaw, St. Nicholas Cole Abbey, and St. Nicholas Olave, but there are no week day services, and those which take place on Sundays are not particularly irksome, most of the parishioners living out of town. There are some peculiarities about the Church of St. Mary Somerset, which now stands ready for destruction, one of which is that it contains the grave of a bishop who occupied no unimportant position in the history of his time. Gilbert Ironside, D.D Warden of Wadham College, Oxford, was Viee- Chancellor of the University in 1687, when James II. seized upon the venerable foundation of Mag- dalen College, and sent his Commissioners to Ox- ford to expel the Fellows. The Vice-Cbancellor, whose replies to the King are still preserved in manuscript at Oxford, while holding towards his Sovereign a perfectly respecttul and courteous tone, showed a firm and resolute spirit in defence of the rights of Oxford. With the Royal Com- missioners, however, Dr. Ironside was not dis- posed to stand on any ceremony. They invited him to dine with them on the day of the Mag" dalen expulsion. His refusal is graphically de- scribed by Lord Macaulay. I I am not,' he said, of Colonel Kirke's mind I cannot eat my meals with appetite under a gallows.' The brave old Warden of Wadham was not left to eat his meals much longer in his beautiful college hall. William III., almost immediately after his accession, made him Bishop of Bristol, whence he was translated to Hereford, and, dying in 1701, at the London residence of the Bishop of Hereford, in the parish of St. Mary, Somerset, was buried in that, church, where a gravestone in perfect preservation marks his resting place. It is understood that the War- den and Fellows of Wadham have expressed to the rector and churchwardens of the parish their wish that the remains of Bishop Ironside may, if possible, be intrusted to them for re-interment in the chapel of the college over which he presided during 25 eventful years. The other bodies in- terred in the church and churchyard of Saint Mary, Somerset, will be removed with the greatest possible decorum to the city cemetery at lIford. THE "BLOOMSBURY M URDER.-It will be remem- bered that Groves, after the charge of murder hac Iw-eo withdrawn, was committed for trial on tin charge of assaulting a man named Buzer, held tl bail in two sureties of zcloo each, with forty-eight hours' notice of bail, to answer that charge at the sessions. Shortly before the rising of the court on Saturday night two gentlemen attended and offered themselves as bail. Superintendent Searle, of the E division, said he had received the stipulated notice He had made careful inquiries, and found that the parties were of undeniable respectability and re- sponsible for the amount. Mr Flower said that under the circumstance he could not do otherwise than accept the bail. Mr M'Intyre, the under- gaoler of the court, was then despatched to the I House of Detention, and brought the prisoner to z' the court. The recognizances were entered into, and the prisoner was set at liberty. EXTRAORDINARY CASE OF BIGAMY.—During the investigation of an assault case at Winchester, on Wednesday, some curious disclosures were made by a woman who confessed she had been guilty of bigamy. Mary Ann Wheeler was charged by Mr Alfred Wheeler, builder, with having broken two panes of glass at his house on the previous Satur- day. In the absence of the complainant, the de- defendant said that she was married to him in 1860, and had had seven children by him, one pre- vious to marriage. She lived with him at Win- chester, and another woman.resided in the house, who also called herself his wife. A short time since Mr Wheeler induced her to marry his son, William Herbert Wheeler, a young man nineteen years of age. She consented to marry the son, because the people in the houSe said that the other woman was her husband's wife. At that time she was enceinte by the father. Lately she had lived in London, and was allowed 8s a week for her keep, out of which she had to pay 7s a week for rooms to keep property belonging to the complainant while he was in difficulties with his creditors at Winchester. It was upon her going to this house for money that be turned her out, and she threw stones at him. The bench, in dismissing the in- formation, recommended the woman to prosecute Alfred Wheeler for bigamy, and said that her own conduct was very culpable. EAST TRAVELLING.—-The Pullman Sleeping Car 'Company have just placed on the Great Western Railway of Canada a new passenger car, which they call a hotel car,' and which combines the comforts of a first class hotel, the luxuries of a drawing-room, and the speed of an express train. Like all American passenger cars, it is open at each end, with a platform in front of the doors; its length to the end of the platform is 71 feet 4 inches, width 10 feet 6 inches, with ceiliug 10 feet 6 inches from the floor. At each corner of the car, making four in all, is a private bedroom or state cabin, containing a sofa, two arm-chairs, and a centre table. These are convertible into comfortable beds with mattresses, pillows, sheets, &c. The rooms are adorned with mirrors of large dimensions. The doors and fittings are of black walnut; carved and gilt ornaments of bronze are introduced. Each of these rooms will contain six passengers. Then follows a small room, fitted as a kitchen and steward's pantry. Here meals will be cooked, coffee or tea prepared, and drinks dis- pensed. A bell with wires communicating all over the car-or shall we say the edifice-will summon the steward. A central passage runs down the length of the car from door to door, and on each side are three other compartments, each intended for four passengers. Berths are made up exactly as on board a steamer, the bed appurtenances being conveniently stowed away during the day- time. The partitions dividing the compartments being movable, when used as a drawing room rise no higher than the backs of the seats, which are covered with rich Genoa velvet; the floor is car- peted, the ceiling is painted in fresco, and the walls richly carved and gilt. A stove heats the interior, with provision for ventilation, and a washing room and other conveniences complete the internal arrangements. The exterior is painted a rich lake crimson, relieved with gold ornaments. On two oval panels on either side are copies in bronze of Thorwaldsen's figures of Sight and Hearing. The car is placed on two trucks of eight wheels each, with lateral motion springs. It is intended to run between Chicago and Albany, over the Great Western of Canada.-Railwa,y Neus. A MAD DOG IN THE PUBLIC STREET.—THREE PERSONS TIITTEN.-On Saturday a mad dog ap- peared in the Palace-road, Lambeth. As he madly dashed along the road his eyes glared, and foam came from his mouth; round his neck there was a piece of rope. When he approached No. 2, Palace-road, be ran into the house at full speed, As he was hurrying up the stairs he met a woman named Elizabeth Hawks, aged forty-nine years. She was carrying a pail of water at the time, and the dog knocked against it. He then caught hold of the woman by the left leg and took a bit out of it. The woman shrieked with pain and fell back upon the dog, and the pail of water was upset over him. While the woman was lying on the dog he bit her on the left arm. He tore the ar- teries out, and blood rushed from the wound. The dog "then left the house and the woman was found by some neighbours who had run into the house. She was carried to the Westminster Hospital. While being brought along the road her leg swelled up in a frightful manner, and upon her admission into the hospital, Mr Winck- worth, the house-surgeon, instantly applied caustic to her wounds. At twelve o'clock she was lying in the hospital ward in a very dangerous state. A woman who came with her stated that on a previous occasion she had met the same dog, and he had bitten her. When the mad dog left Mrs Hawk's house he ran along Stangate. He was z, followed by a large and excited crowd who shouted Mad dog, mad dog,' as they hurried along. One n z;1 policeman joined in the chase of the animal, who only stopped runing quick once, and, that when he wanted to bite a little boy that he knocked down. He succeeded in doing this, before the crowd could get up to him, and the unfortunate lad was found lying on the pavement. Some of the people stopped, and carried the wounded youth into Dr. Meskin's surgery, and that gentleman attended to him. The excitement now became greater than ever, and when the dog reached Crosier-street he ran up the steps of one of the houses. A boy, named Harry Knolson, the son of a carpenter, was passing by at the time, and he unfortunately recognised the dog before the crowd came up. He went to the animal, and while trying to catch hold of the rope round his neck was knocked down. The dog then bit him terribly on the left side of the throat and face. The wound on the neck has a frightful appearance. The flesh is jagged. The crowd then came up, and a man very courageously rushed forward and caught hold of the rope. The policeman then managed to muzzle the animal, which was then taken to Tower-street police station. He has not been killed. No owner can be found for the dog. It is said that the ani- mal was a stolen one. The thieves kept him tied up in a back room, from which he succeeded in breaking loose on Friday, The REVOLVER CANNON.—The American revolver iannon which has been constructed at Liege was ried two days bock at the proof-ground. It has -ight chambers, placed like those of a revolver. t'wo are discharged at each stoppage in the rotation) md it throws explosive projectiles a distance of 2500 metres, This weapon can tire 100 shots a minute, and, with its carriage and ammunition, it weighs about 6001b. MONSRER PEARS.—There were exhibited in the ,shop of Messrs Le Cornu, seedsmen, St. IleH.er'Sf Jersey, four pears, which for size and splendour excelled everything of the kind hitherto known In Jersey, renowned as that island is for the quality of its pears. These four specimens weighed re- spectively 19 £ 21^, 34|, and 30 £ oz., making the almost incredible total weight of 96J oz! Tbe three first mentioned, weighing 65| OZ., had grown on a single eye. They are of the far-famed species known as Chaumontelle, which is peculiar to Jer* sey, and were grown in the grounds of Mr G. If- Horman, Her jMajesty's Solicitor-General for the Island of Jersey. Two MEN CRUSHED TO DEATH. On Friday evening Mr Payne, the coroner, held two inquests at Guy's Hospital respecting the death of James- Bruce, aged thirty-two, and William White, age& thirty-three. In the case of the man Bruce, it ap- peared that he was a labourer, and on Wednesday whilst at work in pulling down a house at Stone' End, Borough, a high brick wall fell, and before b6 had time to move out of danger he was buried alive- under the debris. He was much injured, and die" in the above hospital soon after his admission. White was a carpenter, and on Tuesday week be* was accidentally crushed between two coal barged on the river atf Trongate Stairs, and he died in the same hospital in a few hours after the accident" In each case the jury returned a verdict of AcCI- dental Death. A DOCTOR'S BILL IN THE REIGN OF WilliA* III.—In the diary of Sir Thomas Rokeby, Justice in Court of Common Pleas, in the reign of William III., just published, occurs the worthy valetudinarian doctor's bill for only two months, October an November, 1697 Purging pills, 2s leeches, 6d; aperitive ingredients, Is 6d hysterike water, 2S' a purging bolus, Is 6d; purging pills, Is Gasco" powder, 4s; vermifuge pills, a box, 3s 4d a purging bolus, Is 6d purgijg pills, Is cephalick drops, 2s 6d an hysterick julep, 3s 6d hysterick pills, 8S, 6s Sd a vomitive potion, 2s 6d a stomattick cor- dial; 2s; a cordial potion, Is 8d; vomitive salts, doses, Is 6d the hysterick julep, 3s 6d mithridatfy Is the vomitive potion, 2s 6d vomitive saltst Is 6d; the hysterick pills, 6s 8d; the hysteric*' julep, 3s 6d sal-atmoniac, 6d.— £ 2 17s lOd.' of this drenching to which he had (o subject himself he lived to the age of 67.—The British MediC^' Journal. THE SULTAN'S SERAGLIO.—The present sultaJ1 has greatly restrained the seraglio in all its branches' He not only cut down his late brother's househo' but he restricted his own. He gave now a »c j example of having a head wife, and the number Of his wives is limited. He pensioned off his brotber 9 widows and servant, taking over some of the será vants at reduced wages. To one distinguishe eunuch, it is related, he offered i>400 a year. T"1 the distinguished individual refused, affirming t"9 he could get more in a private family. The said, When I offered him as much yearly as Jll1 brother gave for him, I thought I had made a libera oiler but as he is not satisfied, let him go.' The scandals of the late reign are Jilready at an end. There arc no bonds of first, second, or third queeDS, The new sultan-mother has refused to take ht whole income or allowance. The civil list charges are paid regularly, and no Christian tradesman speculates at the expense of the Sultan's wife. the Sultans have set the example of polygamy, imperial princesses have set that of monoga^' The daughters of the late Sultan were allowed marry the handsomest young men they choose, aI\ when married the young men were made princes suit them; but these imperial wives have longsinCe laid down the law that their husbands are to no other wives. The Egyptian princesses, *v have large fortunes, try to maintain the same laV' so that fashion is now setting in that direction- Westminster Review. i THE ESCAPE OF GARIBALDI FROM CAPRERA- correspondent writing from Terni, on the 22nd stant, gives the following particulars of Generll Garibaldi's escape from the Island of Caprera • When the story of Garibaldi's escape is known all its details, it will be considered one of the 1'1105 extraordinary on record. Seven men-of-war, boats, stcamtugs, all the fishing craft of the round sequestrated by the Government, and managed to evade them all. The large fishing bOrt (Tartana) which finally restored him to us left Leghorn on the 6th with his son-in-law, a v Sardinian, a captain, and six sailors, and after f?Ur days' fearf ul weather they made the coast of CorS^ then tacked down to St. Maria (the most nortbelf^ of the islands between Corsica and Sardinia) dreS^, as fishermen, took a little boat, and were near1'1' Caprera, when six boats full of armed men rounded them, forbidding them to fish again those waters." The officers landed them at Island of the Maddelena. The difficulties of ing the General were extreme,but were overcoffl^ a way that may be told later. Ballo and Mauris got to Maddelena with Teresifa, the Prince bert firing at them in vain. Garibaldi chose ol n manage his affairs in his own way. From the ment be felt sure of his arrest he had hidden a tibe cockleshell boat among the rocks. In paddled himself to Maddelena, hid there for » and night, and crossed the island, thenc to Sard'i in a boat, and after seventeen hours all house reached the Tartana at Prandinchi, and on the landed at Vadda.' THE GALE.—Two SHIPWRECKS.—HOLYHEAD* A DAY NIGHT.- There was a heavy gale here last and to-day. Two lamentable shipwrecks have ta j place close to Holyhead. The first was the Chester, Captain Mancolles, from Liverpool, w she left on Friday for Madras, with a general\te cargo, in a bottom of 462 tons. The unfort11 vessel became a complete wreck near Rhosneig1"* ^jj miles from Ty Croes Elleven, near Holyhead. a hands (supposed to be fourteen to eighteen) e £ perished. At dawn to-day a female corpse, Stl ,tt, to be the captain's wife, was washed ashore, Jones, Lloyd's agent, was at once on the SP0, te fo* the coast guard mortar apparatus, but was too la!c 0JS the aid to be valuable. Two or three large seen in company are supposed to have got been stranded in Carnarvon Bay. The Trxti Captain Bray, of 285 tons, which left Liverpo Friday forMaranham, with a general cargo, anchors in 75 fathoms this morning off Holy^0c> but dragged both, and was stranded under She became a total wreck, but her twelve band all saved in small boats. ——— -—— Printed and Published, on behalf of the Fr0Peet, by JOSEPH POTTER, at the Office in Bigh-st, the Parish of Saint Mary, in the County Town of Havertordwest. W edneeday, October 30, 1867.