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NOFICE. To BE LET and entered upon at Michaelmas ne^st. J the. MOUNTAIN FARM, in the parish of Walton For farther particulars apply to Mr Griffiths, ■or >admoor, new flavcrfordwest. July 18th, 1S67 IMPORTANT NOTICE. A BONA FIDE MONET SPECULATION 01 £ 12OoO.OOif sturlins Guaranteed by Government, IS t" he allotted in various sums upwards to £ 20,000 Ary one, by investigating £ may secure £ 20,000 ster ji'g. For Prosp ctu> (which will "e sent gratis), apply °y letter, addressed Mr J A. Rinck, 14, Duke-street, Atlf'lptli, London, W.I. THE SMOKER'S BONBON tpPFECTDALI.Y removes the Taste and Smell o' J Tobacco from the Month and Breath, and render,- Smokinj; agreeable and safe. It is very pleasant and wholesome. Prepared by a patent process from the P(, of an eminent physician, hy SCHOOLING and 90, Wholesale Confectioners, Bethnal Green, London In Sixpenny and Shilling haseR; post free, 7 and 11 stamps.—Sold by Chemists, Tobacconists, &c. M IL F 0 R D BREWERY. FARMERS AND OTHERS C AN he supplied with Gc.od and Harvest BEER at 10\1 per Gallon, in quantities of not leys th.n 4A gallons. A redaction of 2d per gallon to persons bringing their Own cabllS and paying cash. STARBCCK & Co. HAVERFORDWEST GRAMMAR SCHOOL, FOUNDED A.D. 1613. Thorough CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL EDUCATION. -HEAD MAS run: REV. W. B. ROWLANDS, 31,A., Oxon. SECOND MASTER: J. FOTHERGILL, ESQ., L.L.B., Cantab. THIS SCHOOL will Rf-open on Monday, August -5th. -t During the next three years several Exhibitions to Oxford, value £ 5C per annum, tenable for four years, Will he open for Competition to Pupils of this School. Terms, &■ on application to the Head Master. It is earnestly requested that applications for ad/nis 81011 be made without delay, as the number of pupils is distantly increasing. NEW MILFORD, PEMBROKESHIRE. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE. EDMOND AND REES Have been instructed to Sell by Auction at the residence of Mr Patrick Connor, situate in Lawrennv-street, New Miiford, on Thursday, the 1st of August, 1867, npHS whole of the, following neat and useful HOUSE- HOLD FURNI rURE,and other effects, numeiy aUhogariv centre tabie. in-hid ditto card table, eight ;,1!]()í{any Trafalgar chairs, easy chair, six pictures, two P'>Hios, mahogany dining table, hearth rug, tender and bons, oj. post, French, folding and iron bedsteads, feather *» fcolsters, and pillows, mattresses, mahogany and washstands and ware, dressing tables, toiletie ffiasses, beoroom fende s, painted wardrobe, bedroom Chairs, iol of Indian and other matting, half-dozen Rlfchrn chairs. three kitchen tables, kitchen fondrr, round table, two buttle jacks, clothes horse*, half-dozen dish Covers, tea urn, bottles, class, ware, &c. IN TUB YAIW and GUT PKISMISKS.-— Iron boiler, large cask, wash tub, lot of harness, large marquee, lot of Value.hie iron, two mortar riddle, pair 8hliltil, pair of ^hecl*, cart, an(4 wheels, odd wheels, cart body, lurry bed, dilly, two axles, &c, together with one excellent ^-wheel phagton, ser of harness, and other valuable effects too numerous to particularise. The Sale to commence at One o'clock in the afternoon 1 wo Months' Credit will be given subject to conditions Of Sale. Haverfordwest,, 20th July, 1867. TOWN OF MILFORD. Sale of Dining, Drawing, and Bedroom Furniture; spiendid cottage Pianoforte, by Cocks, of Barlington- strecr, London, in walnut. ease, trussed legs, with wcorici-s, Dinner, Tea, and Bteakt'ast Services; cut fflass Chandelier (gas), Pictures, &c, with the kitchen requisites; copper-fastened Boar, with Ours, Masts, Sails, a quantity of Surgery Bottles, Drugs, &c. MR JO IIN O R MO ND ^|sbe~n instructed by H. C. BARNCTT, ESQ, M.D, to SHI by Auction, at his late residence, HAMILTON TERRACE, MILFORD, on THURSDAY, the 1st day of AUGUST, 1867, THE following HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and and other effects, comprising a splendid pianoforte, °y Po ks, zebra wood couch, in damask, with chintz over, 8 drawing-room chairs to match, 2 morocco -asy chairs, (mahogany) 1 rosewood card table; 2 ooca- 'Onal table- mahogany chest, of drawers, 2 large pictures, out frames, small chimney glass, mahagany bookshelves, Brussels carps' 2 sets green damask window 4 sets tassels for ditto, doormats, 2 charch- Beplinjr mats, 2 church-seat cushions (crimson) 8 pieces 1 oil.fiotb, small piece of drni'get, mahogany butler's ,a? and stand, mahogany sapper tray, mahogany rossing table, mahogany washing table, 4 iron brackets, ■Spanned pail and water can, shower bath, 2 gilt Oroice8, fringe and fixing complete, 1 mahogany ditto, *n?r complete, 5 fenders, 3 sets fire-irons, small quantity Marsala and claret, cut glass chandelier, (gas), chamber toilette looking-glasses, 2 sets common ware, \servants' rooms), 4 gilt bunds for curtains, mahogany ,°tti!node, mahogany cot, with damask furniture, large v^r mattress, 2 wool mattresses, full size feather bed, roister, smaller feather bolster, 2 full size straw mat- s»eRS?s» c';iCk, 2 cane chairs, rocking chair, painted wash- tah! c.*ri'c''s bigb chair, wool pillow, large kitchen So l) kitchen shelves, pantry shelves, plate rack, in 2 ? y, surgery writing table, with drawers, oak table, ha^8 k°°kshelvee, deal ditto, with pigeon holes, cast iron ^h."8lRn<;l, arm chairs, blue dinner service, tea ditto, e and gold, breakfast ditto ditto, and 2 splendid and °r services, quantity drugs, jarsv surgery bottles 1 s Requisites, 2 hampers empty medicine bottles, &c, 1 8m i box ditto, 1° glass glo'ies for chandeliers, &c, cove gas lamP'2 shades for ditto, lot of brushes, dish Paint?8' ^k-sliee, stone filter, coffee-mill, meat-stand, flat Caas ar)d brushes, copper coalscuttle, iron ditto, rtleatlrOns, 2 tea POts. 3 tea trays, market basket, riddle, sp0o an<* .suet chopper, washing tub, milking tub, 6 Veget dishes, plates, cheese plates, soup tureen, brejJ* e dishes, soup plates, strainers, pickling pan, «ihe'e and cover, other pans, pie dishes, sauce tureen, jars e-h'J a«d cover, 2 hot water plates, pitcher and knife.t "kettle, 6 saucepan?, 2 tea kettles, mahogany c°a,jy. cinder shovel, cinder sieve, 3 sieves, zinc Lar» wit!l l^'e "sna! kitchen requisites. Gained g!a?s globe lamp over front,door. ^Uasn a'ened boat, with oars, masts, satis, lead Safe'tV0'in -^r Winashurst's Yard. "*°nth«i'riCOmmon(50 at Twelve for One o'Glocls, Two <»Cu,J17ll8o7.. • VISITORS TO HAVERFORDWEST, J AND OTHERS WHO WISH TO EXPBND THEIR MONEY TO THE BEST ADVANTAGE, J ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO CALL AT P. P. E L L I S'S G ROC E R Y E S TAB LI S M M E NT, HIGH-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, I WHERE they can select goods of choice quality, at suitable prices to meet their, requirements. The Teas and Coffees now on sale are unusually good. Reduced Prices charged on quantities. Orders by letter have particular aitention






