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Family Notices



I think that she Geometry and some parts of the and Trigonometry are vary well done by Childa «B(J Evans. I find only one paper on Trigonometry of Childs is it TO isible that all his papers on that subject were not ? I am, joura truly, -•< JOHN BUTTERY. lbe following students of the college were then called it?- head-master, Mr Marshall, and presented with eir prizes by the chairman — p 'J, Llewhellin, ior Divinity; H. G. Griffiths, for reek; H. E. G. Evans, for Latin A. T. Child, for feneh A. T. Child, for Mathematics A. J. Llewhellin, "glish subjects R. L. Lloyd, junior class H. Foley, Kiaster, prize, general good conduct. The subjects of the examination of the senior boys were, FUkv" *inity—aportion of St. Luke's Gospel in Greek and jwblical History in general. 2nd. In Classics—Euripides, Q0 Medea and a portion of the Hecuba, Horace, Ovid, 3rd; French translation and re-translation. 4th. Jjistory of Rome and England, Geography, &c, &c. In "fftthematios, the first division were examined in Plane Ngonometry, Geometrical Conic Sections (the Parabola), Arithmetic and Euclid, I., II,, III., IV., VI., The prizes having been distributed, the Chairman then that he would exercise his right as Chairman by J*!»ng npon Charles Deazeley, Esq, to address the meeting. Mr Deazeley, in rising, expressed his sincere regret that was unable to be present amongst them at an earlier °uri inasmuch as he had lost some of the earlier and cert-8*58 t"ie tnost interesting portions of the day's pro-v as must' however, plead unavoidable duties th n6 reason ^or ^,s absence, but now being called on by Chairman be could not venture to refuse, as he really 11 it to be a privilege as well as a duty to recommend the sd w c'a'ms of the Milford College upon the public. He ,P0«e with some degree of right and of authority because son in the College, and who I>a3 received the j of its training fromjits first establishment, and be J'oythe progress of his own hoy, and the benefits anil he has derived from the College, what a valuable vj j.important institution it is. His own personal con- ations on this matter were amply sustained by the very y0ura5!e reports of the examiners just read, aud the progress made by the young men generally was really posing as well as gratifying. The advantages of a "he competition amongst the pupils were never perhaps Or 8^r'Dgly displayed than at the presen t examination, the value of the College and its system of training j. re conclusively shown. Of the Head Master, Mr «rshall, he could speak with the highest respect and as one eminently qualified to fill the responsible ^arduous post be occupies Mr Marshall's qualifica- la" for teaching they all knew, his eminent ability, his 'the atta'nnQent8» his sound learning were familar to ^ut PerhaP8 not know how closely he *oru to s duties, anc* how devoted he was to his Qjn fe: He was always to be found at his post—from 'n the morning till five in the evening he laboriously test to his duties with scarcely any relaxation or t0 w The mathematical duties of the College are entrusted 'ask ^nchanr)' a gentleman every way qualified for the Committed to him; for since Mr Fincham's appoint- Pus'i oversi8ht of the pupils the improvement of the s'rifc,S 'n mathematics and geometry has been most and rapid. He (Mr Deazeley) had always felt a Wph "Merest in the progress of the College, and had f^llv ProSre9S fr°m its commencemtnt most care- iojJ and earnestly, and therefore he could note the g0p ovenient in all its branches of study which had been gratifying in recent years. He had been long con- f lnced before the establishment of the college that Milford jjj.01 its position and the immunity from disease which it ti<^8 Wa8 admirably fitted for such a collegiate institu- off} the present. The sanitary condition of Milford is gy ?ery high order, the death rate being remarkably low. d6 when the cholera swayed the kingdom, and "as 'ts thousands in 'places not far distant, there del; 1101 one solitary death in Milford. And for weakly, children and young persons, aYid for those coming fn] a c,08e and warm climate, no better or more health- CPS4 Cal? be found. It ia free from all malaria, and C„ happily and providentially free from all contagious He c°D8idered. therefore that the college would *iiwiV»a mos.t, vs'uab'e benefits of a physical and material ^DarI0Hv. establishment in Milford, while it would anc* Per^aP8 more valuable gifts to their °°afidenn^ *n retnrn. He could, as a surgeon, speak bv \rt00' tlle nnvary»'K kindness and attention 'heir hea|trrs Marshall to the pupils; she watches over leas and and Pu.rsuits with great and maternal kind- totijg Da Care> and it must be a source of great comfort ^e'r ChiM nts of PUP''& w^° at a distance to find that tioa ann en are waiched over with the motherly atten- Marshnii ^>'>3 consideration ever shown by Mrs «onid '• Looking at the College in all its aspects he HQJ Confidently say that it possessed all the advantages, 9Qd • 80nie features superior advantages to larger schools, the Sl:Uated in such a healthy locality ehouid command »l 8uPport and sympathy of all interested in the spread » sound and healthful education. Ogf Rev c- Cooke, M.A of Oriel College, Up'0rd' and Rector of Chesterton, Hants, on being called iQte, "y^be Chairman, said: Feeling as he did a great to ft,68* ln cause of education, he was glad to respond few lOe request of the respected Chairman, and address a *bom°h t0 li!e roeetiug an" to the pupils of the college sea nf lu e^ore was u°t aware till a few and conerat l existence of tllis new college at Milford, colWe ted not °"ly friends and supporters of aiight aavVl?U^ C0Unt^ ol^ ■Pembr°fce, and indeed he ^^t of w^°^e South Wales, on the establish- ^tEcationai^1 trueted might become an important collp to this portion of the Principality. 'Qtion f86 T8-8 1)114 yet in it8 infancy; but he might ^cted w'tk encouragement, that he had been con pupiis ,U« Cheltenham College, as one of its earliest half S' sc'10^ars» ever since the time when it was "teven* I* scll00l no w numbered upwards Parcelv ^Un.^red pupils, 9,nd had risen to a position Sohool/ v,vr)or Pul>lic estimation to any of the great ^6Q °ountry but he could remember the time 6 instructed in two private dwelling 0°uld i'uinuo'1 ioferior in accommodation, as far as he ?e^>ied T 'to 'n which we were now as- itlto fa t00^ some time for a school to make its way W a JD}lr, but be could not help thinking there might a an /Uture in 8tore f"r tb5s ,8cfl0o]> possessing as it as■6t anc* '"expensive communication with Ire-. 1 tcere j 68 ^ra^es>.so that'll might setk to obtain not ^ith r wide-spread schokstic connection. 8Ud 'otbe curioulum of instruction, he was very Hiotl?8atber from the reP°rt8 6f the examiners, to to divin't farafully listened, that attention was paid th atld 'mathematics as well as to classics. In- of^ frea of mathematical reading, as compared with e*assical subjects, had somewhat surprised him. in oar ii08 bfld in time past been too much neglected *aa jnt -O0^s» 80 much so indeed that when a change ej r°.aUced some few years ago in the Oxford system kti°wie,?,Dati0D8> an^ a small amount of mathematical Pri8jn T>e wa8 required for the 'Little Go,' it was sur. atit £ j5 ^Qd how few were able to pass in the simple JJer3i epva* an<* algebraical questions set by the exami- VgQ ^eltenham was, he believed, one of the first t0 Pay BPecial attention to this branch of chan himself read as far as Conic Sections and at Bcbool, and (he mentioned this as an en- v-8 8Ucc 8n^before fcim) he believed he owed bein 88 111 obtaining a scholarship at Oriel in part to £ able to do the mathematical paper. With re- j. prizes which he had had great pleasure in •'a XJ' ^buted. to the successful pupils, he would J°tQ to-dav k wki°b perhaps might not be quite entered u ^°Ped tv i ^ose wbo had not received papers, but k ^d "ay would come when tbey would under- ♦L ^a8 vPI; le tlie number of pupils was still but small, v?°Ught j, y glad to see so few prizes distributed, and r^ter an-j^8 a mark of good judgment in their Head a, Were »v8 Colleagues, and proved that they knew Ultipiiei elements of real success. If prizes were Uoriii that anybody might get one, they became th 'at* B« 'as a stimulus to painstaking study and to k^68 8lad to see the good feeling shown by thli' a9d succeeded thus far towards the prize- otfc the fori* congratulated .the latter, he wished yeajr ^'ght Reserve and so have success an- a^u«ion h re8ar<i t0 th« subject of divinity, to « Wa8 also made in the report, and for which Wao a prize given, he would addreiss a few » al«alvtA *° the pupils. In these dayef #iien it Wl llie CQfltom to slight God'tf Holy °f the _g;?j thing to obtain a thorouh know- le*1 It wae the best guide of their youth, and would be a lamp along the whole path of life. Aii, he would further say to them, waa it not a reproach i: this Christian land that many young men who got ui their livy, and their Tacitus, and their Thucydides, not only for the Latin and Greek, but as books of history, yet were grossly ignorant of the Bible as a Book. N i:\) be would even say to those who had been religiousli brought up in the knowledge of the great truths of reve- lation that there was more study than they were awar( of, if they would be able to pass an examination in tht facts of the Old Testament and in our Lord's life and that of his apostles in the New Testament. He had known many young men who, though readers of the Bible from childhood, could not, until they had been put in the way of thus studying it, answer a simple historical paper on Bible history. He- would only further wish them a happy holiday, and would ask them if they were interested in the prosperity of the college—and let them remember that that prosperity involved their own ad- vantage and advancement-to make it known among their friends at home; and when they come back he affectionately advised them to set to work again in good earnest, remembering that a schooltime, like a lifetime- once Illst could never, never be regained. IITh-e Rev Thomas Brigstocke, B.D.. Incumbent of Mil- ford, said that he had great pleasure in attending another meeting of the college, and felt a deep interest in its firosperity and in the progress of the pupils, as most of he pupils were part of his own congregation, and his voice was well known to them. He would not, there- fore, trespass upon their time, but in taking leave of them could only express his pleasure at the proceedings of the day, and hoped to see a still more successful examination next year. Rev James Thomas, Rector of Herbrandston, said that be. felt much pleasure in being amongst them, and especially so as he partly represented his brother, one of the examiners, whose clerical duties compelled his absence that day. He was much gratified to see the progress made by the pupils, but he hoped they would not be satisfied with present results, but make still fur- ther efIvrts and win greater successes in the future. The Rev Wm. Allen, Incumbent of Bosheslon, said that he really felt much pleasure and profit in being present that day. He was glad to see such a large at- tendance, and was much gratified with the kindness shown to the visitors and friends. Perhaps it might not be out of place should he offer a remark or two to their 4roung friends, before they leave for the vacation, as to the influence of education on their future life. He supposed that he need scarcely to tell them that the education which they received in their youth was the very foundation of the future in all things: for without working with the head now, without industry and pains- taking application in tho present, they would scarcely get shoes to their feet. He would give the pupils a striking instance of this which came under his own ob- servation. A lad, whose interest was not great but who had studied hard and made the most of his educational advantages, was lately one of the successful candidates in a competitory examination where fifty competitors were in the field against him for a civil appointment in India. He would urge then the pupils to even closer application, and the results in the future would reward them for all their labours and efforts now. He bad known Mr Mar- shall, the Head Master, before he came down into their neighbourhood, and he could endorse all that bad been said of Mr Marshall; and thought that Pembrokeshire ought to feel itself highly honoured in possessing such a master. The Head Master, Mr Marshall, then made a few remarks upon the progress of the pupils, in substance nearly as follows;:—Since 1865, when I was first called upon to undertake the management of the institution, it has been my constant endeavour to elevate its standard to the same mark which is attained by the best similar schools. Of course both time and materals are required to effect this object. By materials I mean pupils. The more boys there are in a school the higher the standard becomes, until it reaches at length the maximum of which the young are capable. The increase in our number has strongh exemplified this truth. I am happy to say there is a difference between the standard at present and what it Was at first. In classics there has been a most remarkable and cheering improvement. Several boys who knew scarcely a word of Latin are now able to construe very fairly. And what is still more satisfactory, I have some boys who began Greek here a year ago or less who are now able to make out a play of Euripides, and are in fact not to be distinguished from boys who have learned Greek for several years. If we turn to mathematics, the facts of the case are still more striking. Only one boy had ever done any algebra at all before he came here. That boy i9, as be ought in reason to be, first in the examination. And of others some are now in Conic Sections, Trigonometry, and the like, showing an advance in the standard of which we have a right perhaps to boast a little, considering the sbort time we have been at work. The labours of my colleague Mr Fincham, to whom the mathematics have been entrusted for the last three months, have borne, I am convinced, the most satis- factory fruits. You have heard the reports of our two examiners, which render any further remarks upon this subject from me superfluous. The conduct of the boys has been uniformly satisfactory, and I congratulate them and myself upon the completion this day of a long term of successful work. In taking leaving of them for a short time, I sincerely hope that their enjoyment of the vacation may be as thorough and complete as possible. I will not occupy your time any longer except to say that luncheon is prepared in another room where we hope the ladies and gentlemen here present will honour us with their company. The business of the day was concluded by a handsome dejeuner, when appropriate toasts were given and ably responded to bv the Revds James Thomas and T. A. Marshall, Capt Walker, R.E., Mr Deazeley, Mr Griffiths, &c., &c. We understand that the next half year is fixed to begin on Wednesday, August the 14th, when still fur- ther additions to the number of pupils is confidently anticipated.