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DREADFUL FIRE AT SWANSEA. EIGHT LIVES LOST. About one o'clock on Thursday morning a fire was dis- covered in the shop of Mr H. D. John, draper, Terhple- Btreet, Swansea. The premises hare been entirely burnt down, and eight of the inmates hare lost their lives. This, briefly, is the summary of one of the most terrible fatalities that has occurred in Swanse and its neighbour- hood for many years, and we will now give the particulars as gleaned from various sources. Sometime about half-past twelve on Thursday morning a girl was brought to the police station in a fit; she gtateti that she had lost her brooch in coming to the station, and P.C. Johns, who was on duty, went into Temple-street to see if it bad been dropped on the pavement. When opposite Mr John's shop he thought he heard sounds of wood burning, and he knocked at the shutters to arouse the inmates. This knocking attracted the attention of Mr Clayton, confectioner, who resided opposite, and he went across to the policeman who apcealtd to him as to whether he could lIci¡r the crackling noise. Mr Clayton, knowing the premises rather better than ihe policeman, Faid he would ascertain whether fire was there, and immediately pat his eye to the opening for the letter box in the shutters, and there saw flames near a spiral stair. case in the shop. An alarm was immediately given bv P.C. John's at the police-station, and Inspector Bull communicated the fact to Inspector Crock ford. The latter inspector rang the fire bell and got the engine-bouse ready for the fire brigade. The Hfad-corutahle who resides in Goat-street, was also called and then Ball returned to the'shop. The fire escape, which Is kept in the Castle-yard, at the top of Temple-street, a distance of a few yards from the burnine premises, was on the spot not later than about ten minutes past one o'olock. By this time not more than 20 or 30 people in addition to the police and fire-brigade were present. Inspector Ball went op the fire escape, which had been placed at the second storey window above the shop, and on the side nearest to Mr Hurndall's house. It had been placed at the window because Air Clayton had seen Mr John there in his night-dress, and who had recognised Mr Clayton in the street. Mr John shouted from the window at the time of this recognition and said I Clayion for God's sake where is the fire-e»cape.' M r Clayton replied I Keep quiet, Mr John,-all of you stand where you are and you will be saved; ther have gone for Ihe fire-escape In a minute or two after tlrs conversation the fire-escape came up, and as we have said. Ball ascended it. He saw Mr John at the window, who handed him a little girl, his daughter, about three years of age, named Nelly. The child was asleep at the time, and Ball banded her to some one else who. was on the escape, and she was received at the hot- tom by Mr Williams, a chemist, of Temple-street, who had her conveyed to his house. Mr John then left the window, and the next person Ball saw was a young lady, one of the assistants named Wooton. He asked her where Mr John was, and she said, He has gone to fetch the child.' Ball urged her to come down the escape at onoe; and though she was not wearing anything but her night dress she yielded to his entreaties and put herself under his care. He told her to liy hold et tbe sides of the ladder of the escape; but she did not do that at first, but threw her weight entirely upon him, and it was with some difficulty, for a moment, that he maintained his balance. Miss Wooton took hold of the escape, and Ball banded her to P.C. John, who received her, and she was also taken to Mr Williams's, in Temp e-street. The crowd had gradually increased, and during the rescue of these two persons the excitement WiS intense. After this the smoke and the flames seemed to obtain such a complete command over the entire building that all fur- ther effort for the saving of life seemed out of the power o' any man however heroic. Inspector Bftll, however, got on the leuge oi the window wtiere Miss Wooton and the child had left, and shouted again and again, 'Mr John, where are you' come out; come here.' Ball says be could bear some persons making a noise as if they were groping along the floorhe tried to get further into the room to see if he could reach the person, whoever it mighbe; but the smoke was so stifling that he could not do it. At. this time there appears to have been some information given in the crowd, that the servant girl of Mr John had come out of the house by some means, and that she had said that all the inmates wero saved, and were out. A cry was given All saved,' and the excite- ment of seeking others lulled down. There is m doubt that this arose from some misapprehension, and that if any maid-servant did say this it had reference to the inmates of the houses adjoining Mr John's. Unfortu- nately no opportunity occurred afterwards for saving any further lives, and out of the ten inmates eight were literally burnt and stifled in the ruins. We append a list of the names of those who were saved and of those whom it is known were in the house at the time of the fire, and who are killed. SAVED. Miss ennie Wooton, a young lady from Bath. an assistant, who joined Mr John's establishment on Fri- day. Nelly John, daughter of Mr John, a little girl about two years and a half old. KILLED. Mr H. D. John. Mrs John. Mr John's infant daughter about seventeen months old. Miss Margaret Davie", 21, from Newport, Pembroke- shire, and niece of Mr John Davies, 1, Christina-street, Swansea. This young lady became an assistant at Mr John's establishment on Tuesday week last. Miss Deacon, an assistant. Miss Smith, I'^vrom Llanelly, an assistant. Two maid servants, named Kate, and Annie. The remains, if so they may be called, of those who lost their life in the ruins, consist only of a few bones, utterly undistinctive, of any of the unfortunate victims of the fire. It is believed that the remains of Mr John have been distinguished- from the rest, by the fact that melted into the bones have been found a number of sovereigns and silver, amounting to about £ 100, It is thought that Mr John seoured this sum by placing it in his pocket, before he left the ruins with his wife and child. I Miss Wootcn states that she saw Mr John as she passed into the room from whe.e she was taken, and that she heard him call his wife. That was the last time she saw him. She states also that she was awoke from her sleep by a young lady who slept with her, and that she was thus enabled to mak.e her escape. The young lady who awoke her is unhappily among the victims., Mr John Edwards, draper, who was at the scene of the fire about ten minutes past one o'clock, assisted Miss Wooton in her rescue, and ultimately secured her lodgfhgs in the town until her friends were commnicated with. The arrangements of Mr John's establishment were such as to prevent the necessity of the young men sleeping on the premises. They slept at the house of his mother in Bellevue-street, and, therefore, they have escaped their probable doom. The house, like all the houses in Temple-street, is substantially built, and including the basement is a five-storey house, with attic. Means of escape along the roofs of the houses is provided by a large trap door, which enables the inmates to get very easily and safely upon the parapet, and which has an ornamental stone frontage. It is not likely that thin mode of escape was thought of by Mr John, for it was not thought of by the inmates of the houses adjoining until it was pointed out to them late in the day uf Thursday, some hours after the fire bad taken place. That a similar fatality did not befall Mr Watkin Hurndall's house and stock is somewhat remarkable. He and his family were aroused; and with the assistance of the Head Constable, Mr Superintendent Alison, were taken to Mr Clayton's, confectioner. They had no time to dress, but were covered as they passed into the street with bed clothing, or anything else that could be hastily obtained. There was a fresh breeze from the West, and the fire blew steadilv on to the upper stories of Mr Hnrndall's house. The flimes burst through a closet and the door and its supports are burnt away. Mr Hurndall's furniture and stock has sustained considerable damage by water, and the falling in of part of the roof of his house. Mr Evans. whose shop and house is on the other side of the burnt down premises, has also sus- tained damage both tel stock and furniture. The roof of his house is burnt through in one part of it, and so fierce was the heat that it has melted the lead and zinc of the spouting of his house, covering the mirror in the bed- room with the molten metal. The water has penetrated into every room. The cause of the fire is at present a mystery. There eeeffls to be very little doubt that it burst out in the back show room, which communicates vith the shop by a spiral staircase. Within about a quarter of an hour of its discovery volumes of black smoke burst out from every aperture, and this was speedily succeeded by flames from all the windows. It spread then with a rapidity that was truly surprising, and which has had no parallel, exoept in premises that contained especially inflammable materials. The burning rafters threw them- selves in a continuous shower into Castle-square and Castlc-street, and Mr Copoya, who had some timber on the top of the roof of his house which adjoins the Post- office, was engaged for some time in throwing water upon it. At two o'clock the roof fell in with a crash that might have been heard at almost any part of the town, and the flames shot out above the roofs of the tallest houses in the neighbourhood, lighting up the ad- joining streets with a terrific glare. About three o'clock the fire was got under, and all fear of its extending to the adjoining houses was allayed. The supply of water at the early part of the fire was defective but at a subsequent period there was an abundant quantity. Mr John had insured his stock in the Law Union In- surance Company for £ 8,000, of which Mr Handy, of 17, Dock-street, Newport., is the agent. Mr Handy arrived in Swansea, in ordur to make the necessiry ar- rangement. Mr Hurndall's and Mr Evan's houfe", stock and furniture, are al<o insured. On Thursday evening a large body of men were engaged at the ruins in ulearing awav the dehris, under the direction of Superintendent Alison and Inspector Ball, at a late hour, and at seven o'clock the charred remains of a seventh body was found, and immediately afterwards I the cat' jumped up alive and kicking, tlie only inmate who had snrvived the terrible and desolating calamity since the rescue in the early morning of Miss Wooton and Nelly.' • LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. On the 10th inst, the anniversary of this great mis- sionary enterprise was held at Exeter Hall. The galleries, arell, and plaiform were densely crowded by persons of both sexeM. The Karl of Shaftesbury occupied the chair, and briefly addressed the meeting on behalf of the society's missions in the several widely-extended fields in which its faithful agents labour. Mr W. Fairbrother, one of the home secretaries, read '.he report. The number of missionari. is 185, of whom 27 are connected with the mission in Polynesia, 23 in the West Indies, 41 in South Africa, 20 in China, 62 in India, and 12 in Madagascar. The number of students is 37, ten of whom are comp eting the last year of their training at the society's institute, Highgate. In course of a few months nine additional missionaries will proceed to India, two to China, and one to South Africa. The income for ordinary purposes for the year 1865-6 is £ 58,506 48s 7d for special ow-jouts. X83,141 7s 7d; expenditure, .t;I06,i88 15s llit. Towards meeting the deficiency in the Income as compared with expenditure, £ 25,170 12s 9d. The directors are now carrying out important extensions in India, China, and Madagascar, From the additions already made and contemplated to the number of mis sionuries, the expenditure of the coming year will he in excess of the past, and the directors entreat the pastors of the churches and the friends of the society to pay in- creased attention to the efficiency of the organisation, Rn addition of £ 10,000 per annum to the present income of the society being necessary to sustain its present opera- tions. The meeting was addressed hy the Rev. E. Mel'or, Thomas Chambers, Q.U, M.P, Rev Dr. Mullens, Rev Charles Vince, G. Leeman, Esq, M P., Thomas Barnes, Esq, M.P, G F. White, Esq, and the Rev Dr. Ferguson -all of whom recognised and deeply impressed upon the meeting tbe importance of an educated and ordained native ministry, and expressed gratitude to God for the completion ai d. departure of the missionary-ship, with an additional band of ipissionaries, for the islands of the South Pacific. The triumphs of Christianity were described as having been more marked in the islands of Polynesia than in any other part of the world. In rder to show the exertions of the missionaries on the island of Upolu.—one 01 the Polynesian group—it was shown that the Cotton Supply Association would, by-and-bye, get plenty of the raw material, the Samoans all becoming cotlon planters. The merchants were giving them every encouragement; and it was estimated that they would add 1000 bales a year in addition to their cocoa-nut oil and other exports. The missions in China are full of encouragement, the churches steadily increasing in num- ber and intelligenee-the stations being Hong-Kong, Canton, Amoy, Shanghae, Hankow, Tien-Tsin, and Pekin. One-third of the number of missionaries are stationed in India, and more than one-third of the income was expended upon that country, it was urged as a melancholy consideration how small a portion of the heathen world had yet been visited by the messengers of salvation; and that while it was apparent that no European agency could overtake the fearful and wide spread destitution, and that efforts must be directed to planting those centres from which the glorious light of the gospel might penetrate the darkness around by means of self- sustained and ever-multiplying native Christian com- munities, yet even those missions would not be maintained in efficiency without that strenuous and sustained efforts of the churches of our own land. In course of the proceedings It was resolved that the Hon. Arthur Kinnaird. M.P. be treasurer, that the Rev Or Tidman and the Rev Dr. Mullens be associated as the foreign secretaries, and the Rev Robert Robinson and the Rev William Fairbrother be joint home secretaries for the ensuing year. Thanks to Lord Shaftesbury terminated the pro- ceedings, « MALT AND BARLEY.-A return issued on the 10th inst shows that in England last year 44,168,628 bushels of malt were charged with duty to the amount of £5990 3s 411; 2,362,909 bushels in Scotland to tbo amount of £319,00748 8Jd and 2,414,960 in Ireland to tbe amount of £ 327,311 17s 0^-J. In the same year the quantity of barley imported into the United Kingdom was 2,189,153 quarters. SUICICK THROUGH LOSSES BY THE CATTLK PLAGUE.- On Tuesday an inquest was held on the wife of Thomas Wilson, of Shipton's Farm, Halliwell. The family appears to have been ruined by the cattle plague, and the approach of rent-day without any means of meeting it had preyed on deceased's mind. While the husband had gone to Manchester to raise some money, she sent their two little boys out to playv and when they returned she was found hanging by the neck in her bed-room. Her throat was also cut. Verdict, I Temporary Insanity.' A MESSAGE FROM THE SEA.—A correspondent has forwarded to us half a sheet of note paper, which was picked up in the Bristol Channel In a sealed bottle a few days ago, on which are written the following words:— 4 We are all lost-May 9th, 1863. Lost, off Lundy,' a vessel called the Hope, of Liverpool, bound to South Coast of Africa.—S. JONES, Commander.' The paper on which this message is written appears to have formed part of a letter, as a portion of what seems to be the adhesive part of an envelope is attached to it. The writing is in a bold hand, and is written with a lead pencil. We have printed the signature S. Jones, but it may possibly be 'G.' Jones, as the initial letter is somewhat illegible. The bottle containing the message was picked up by Mr Ashford, Black Nore, Portishead, and we have no doubt the finder will readily forward the original to any person who may be interested in the circumstances to which it relates. J.Veatern Press. THE CANNON-STREET MURDER.-The prisoner Smith was brought up for further examination on Friday. Mr Wontner said he did not propose to adduce any ad- ditional evidence, but be thought it right to state that since the last examination further enquiries had led to the result that the evidenoe of the costermonger Smallinan was not reliable, and be therefore felt justified in withdrawing his evidence from the case. Mr Williams, on behalf of the prisoner, protested, not only against the way in which the prosecution had be^n conducted, but also against the application just made by Mr Wontner, which be con- sidered a most unprecedented one, and on the part of the prisoner he asked his lordship to, bind over that witness as well as the other. The case against the prisoner was of the slightest possible character, and depended entirely upon identity and the nicest possible measure of time, and be had no hesitation in saying, as an old Eton man, and well acquainted with every inch of the distance, that it was impossible for the prisoner to have gone from tbe Fifteen-arch-bridge at the time be was seen, to catch tbe train at Slough. A man on horseback could hardly have done so. The depositions, including Smatlman's were then read, and the ustial caution having been givep to the prisoner, he sail, 'I am entirely innocent of the charge, but, by the advice of my courfsel, I reserve my defence.'—The prisoner was then committed. charge, but, by the advice of mycounse). I reserve my defence.'—The prisoner was then committed. A MEDIAEVAL HYMN. The following lines are the conclusion of a poem by Hildebert, Archbishop of Tours* (A.D. 1057-1134), the! original of which will be found In Archbishop Trench's 'Sacred Latin Poetry,' under the title Oratio ad S.S. Trinitatem.' Dr. Neale in his 4 Hymns on the joys and glories of Paradise,' says, 'This magnincentpoem is, with the single exception of the Dies Ira, the very hardest of Medjæval Hymns to translate.' A translation appeared in the Lyra Mystica, by the Rev Orby Shipley; and also one in Dr. Neale's I Medimval Hymns.' The accompanying translation is an attempt to follow the original as closely as possible:— 0 that Sion may receive met Sion, David's peaceful city Founded by Him who made the iteht. Hieh o'er whose gate the cros-i shines bright Whose key. are words from Jesus' voice; W Iwse ransomed people aye rejoice; Thy walls of living stones endure, The bridegroom-prince thy guardian sure. There the daylight is perpetual, Endless peace and spring eternal; There the song with incense blendeth, 'There the banquet never endeth; There can enter nought defiling, There no want is, all are smiling; None are stunted—none deformed, All to Christ In all conformed. Blessed city! bride arrayed Upon the ro(:k of ages laid I Within the harbour's safe reoess, Thee far-off 1 greet and bless I Weary I long arid sigh for Thee, O when shall I thy beauty set). What the glad congratulation, What th-) festal oelehration What the ectitatio song of tbole. Whom the jasper walls enclose; What the mystic gems which glow, Only they who dwell there know 0 may I walk the golden street, Where all the saints made perfect meet; And sing with Moses and Elijah, The endless-endlesti Alleluia 1 E. F. WOODMAN. Walton West R., Dio. St David's.

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