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AMERICA. NEW YORK, SEPT. 29, EVENING.-The correspondent of the New York Herald asserts that it is itmpossible for Bragg to dislodge Kofencrans from his position at Chattanooga by direct advances. General Rosencrans could only be dislodged by a wmipaign in force against b» ■communications. General <3rant is unable, tbroagh sickness, to resume active duty. The Federal troops repulsed at Sabine Pass are pro- ceeding to Texas as rapidly as possible over. land. The Confederates have beev defeated in two engagements In the Indian territory. Another female bread riot occurred in Mobile on the 4th September, and tlie 17th Alabama Regiment ordered to put down the disturbance refused to do duty. The Mobile Cadets tried their hand, and were defeated and forced to fly by the women. Peaceful measures finally ;quieted the famine-stricken wretches. The rioters pro- Maimed openly'their determination, if some means were mot-Tapidty demised to relieve their sufferings, or stop the 'war, to burn 'he whole city. A considerable amount of Govcrnmentcotton is arriving at Vieksbuvg. Great papular sympathy Is evinced towards the officers and men of the Russian fleet, which it is reported will remain at New York many months. A dinner has been given to the Rnssian Admiral at the Metropolitan Hotel. The Admiral made a speech, in which, referring to Russia he expressed a hope that present circumstances would endipeacefully. He said; The Emperor, from the beginning of his reign, sought only peace. He diminished the army and navy and stopped the work on the fortifications, and the people of Russia gave themselves to peaceful pursuits. Russia did not:think of war. She desired the prosperity of herse!f and-of all the world—France and England, and every other nation. But I believe it to be the duty of every people to defend its integrity—either to live as a nation or to die. There is no middle ground. I hope that the 'present circumstances will end peacefully; but, let what ■will happen, the same people who felt so peaceful a short -time ago are now ready for any sacrifice; and, just as we con)d see Moscow burned, so shall we not shrink from lburning St Petersburg if necessary. If foreign nations are for peace with us, we shall receive it on honourable 'terms, and bless our God for that peace. A speaker named Wallridge observed that Russia, in sending a fleei to New York, wished to have It where, at a given signal, it could sweep English and French com- tnerce from the seas. Preparations are being made for a bail and public reception. The New York weekly bank statemeatthowa a decrease of 1,000,000 dollars in gold. The blockade-runners Alice Vivian., Fox, Alabama, and Montgomery have beencaptced in the Gulf of Mexico. No fighting has taken place in Tennessee since theHlst September. Una-uthenticated rumours, unfavourable to Rosencrans and Burnside, are current at Washington. Burnside was still at Knoxville on the 24th inst. It is reported that his resignation has been accepted, and that Hooker supersedes him. News from Charleston to the 25th inst. states that pre- parations for the bombardment were progressing. Meade's and Lee's armies are quiet. Ten thousand Confederates are reported to have concentrated at Mount Jackson for a raid into the Shenandoah Valley. The Albany Court appears decided that greenbacks are legal tenders. NEW YOBX, OCT. 1 (EVENING).-No movement has taken place on the Rapidan. General Rosecrans remained on the 30th ult. in a defensive position, the Confederates confronting him. In the battle of the 20th General Bragg claims to have captured 7,000 prisoners, 35 cannon, 25 colours, and 5,000 sajali arms. General Hood was not killed, as reported. A plot has been discovered in St Louis to destroy all the Federal vessels on the western waters. The Republican ratification meeting, held at New York was largely attended. A conciliation policy was announced (? denounced). Vice-President Hamlin said he did not believe that peace worth having lay in any other direction than through force of arms. Some want the constitution as it is, and Union as it was; but this they can never have. A public reception and a congratulatory address were given to the Russians to-day. One division of the National Guard escorted the procession up Broadway, which was lined by enthusiastic crowds. Admiral Lestgski rode in a carriage drawn by six horses, and was accompanied by Alderman Froraent. Yesterday the Russians visited the forts in New York Harbour. At a banquet on board the steamer, Admiral Paulding made a speech, in which he expressed a hope that, when- ever it became necessary for America to fight foreign enemies, Russians would be found shoulder to shoulder with Americans. The British frigates Nile and Immortality, and the French frigates Guerre and Bellone have arrived at New York. Admiral Milne officially visited Mayor Opdyke. The Morning Post alluded enthusiastically to the admiral's visit to the mayor, and observes that the recep- tion given to the Russians will not be extended to the officers of any other nation. The Russian war sloop Nowitch has been wrecked at the entrance of San Francisco. The officers report that the Japanese batteries at Vagoizinia had repulsed the British fleet. Mobile despatches of the 26th assert that the New Orleans Era mentions a Federal disaster in Louisiana, confirming the rumour current in Mobile that General Weitzel was defeated and killed at Napoleon, Louisiana. NEW YOllK, OCT. 2 (MORNING).—It is reported that there is no difficulty in reinforcing General Rosecrans, the communication between Washington and Chattanooga being perfect. The Southern journals assert that General Lee had information that two corps from General Meade's army have reinforced Rosecrans. Conflicting rumours concerning the position of the i latter are still current. A considerable Confederate force is moving northwards near the Blue Ridge, supposed to form part of the force now being concentrated in the Shenandoah Valley. NEW YORK, OCT. 3 (MORSING).-The Federal gun- boat Semim (?) is reported to have captured the British ship Sir Robert Peel in Mexican waters off Matamoras. She was supposed to be fitted out as a privateer. SINGULAR WEDDING-A wedding of rather an unusual character was recently celebrated at Wingate Church, between John Chopping, alum shale burner, and Eleanor Harewood, widow. On the parties presenting themselves a little woman appeared, and declared that she was already Mrs John Chopping, and objected to the ceremony 'toeing performed, She stated that she had been married to John Chopping for twenty-two years, and had sixteen children. At this time the minister felt rather puzzled what to do; but at lengh told her as John Chopping and Eleanor Harewood had been duly asked at church for three Sundays, without anyone appearing to show cause why they should not be joined together in holy matrimony he felt bound to proceed. By this time a great number of persons bad collected about the church gates. On leaving the church, John was accompanied by both wires, one on each arm. In this way they proceeded to the Grange their intended place of residence, followed by two or three hundred children. On arriving, the old wife was not allowed to enter to partake of the good things rovided. The new wife, who is of prodigious size pushed her out and bolted the door.-Newca,tle Chronicle: DISOOVBBT OF A BASE COIN MANUFACTORY IN LIVBR- POOL.-One of the Liverpool detective police officers, on Friday night week made a descent upon a house, in 14 Court, Charter-street, which was used as a manufactory for base coin. They were induced to visit the premises in consequence of some information which had been given to them relative to property stolen in a different part of the town. On going into the house, the wife of the occupier (a man named Marr) ran up stairs, and called ont, I The police are coming.' The officers followed, and burst open the first door they came to, when they dis- covered that Marr was in the act of coining base half- crown pieces, with the assistance of two women, named Ann Leech and Ann M'Donald. Marr made a blow at Leeds, the detective officer, but the latter pushed him against the fireplace, and kept him there until one of the other officers came up. Marr, however, after a desperate struggle, made his escape, and ran into the cellar of the house, from whence he passed into an adjoining building and made bis escape along the roofs of the houses. The police then took the women Into custody, and also a person named Bridget Fagan, together with two men, named Thomas Brown and J. Carrol. When the officers searched the premises, they found complete apparatus for coining,-galvanic batteries, liquid for electro plating iron crucibles and spoons, together with some first-rate tools and partially molten metal. A quantity of base coin was also found in the rooms of the house. The prisoners were brought before the magistrates on Satur- day, and were remanded, in order that the police might perfect their investigations.