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MOUNTAIN ASH SECOND ANNUAL COTTAGE HOSPITAL EISTEDDFOD KASTKR MONDAY, APRIL 6TH, 1896. CHIEF CjI<W.\|. COMPETITION—" WIHSH Ilis Loud Voice in Thiinilcr ;-)l)f)h. (Hawlei s .Icplitlm). PRIZE, EIOO. MALEV(H< r < "O.M PETITION—" The War Horse "(D.Jenkins). FIRST I £ :;O SECOND I I z i," £10. JUVENILE CilOJll CO:HPETITIOX-" Comc, Praise your Lord and Saviour ( r. Price). IMHST PnlzE, £ 10 SECOND PRIZE, 9-5. BRASS JlAXJJ (O.M Ph I I IK) Selection, Maritana." FIRST PRIZE, £ li> SECOND PIUZE,li; i HIUD PRIZE, £ 7 FOURTH PRIZE, £ 3. FIFE bAND COMPU IJ ]();>> Selection, "Gems of Welsh Melodies. FIRST PRJZF. £ 1*2: SECOND PRIZE, 98; THIRD PUIZE, R4 FurRTH I JnZE, £ *J. TROPHIES WILL BE GIVEN TO THE SUCCESSFUL CONDUCTORS. Soprano, Contralto, lojior, and Ixiss Solos. £ 2 2: e;h. Quartet. £ •> ;)8. Trios, Duets, iianoforte Solo, £ 2 L's. Y 101 i n Solo.. £ 1 U, A I) J UDICATOKS TEVR^vro^x- ^iguor RANDEGGER, London D. JENKINS, I'M >1 s. Bac., Aberystwyth R. C. KHYS THOMAS, E-q., F.T.S.C., Ystradgynlai-. y BANDS WALTER REYNOLDS, Esq., Burton Latimer, Kettering. AMBULANCE COMPETITIONS, WATER COLOUR I'A I'IN G, A MA7EUR PHOTOGRAPHY, FREEHAND DRAWING, WRITING, ESSAYS, WOOD CARVING. NEEDLEWORK, AND VARIOUS OTHER COMPETITIONS. TIMB E RING C 0 M PETIT1 O N S For full particulars see official programme, price 2^1. each (postage included), U> be obtained from T. WILLIAMS, E. LEWIS, and L\ T.EVANS, Hon. Sees. — — THE COMING CONCERT SEASON. ALL CONCERT GIVERS ARE RESPECTFULLY INFORMED THAT MR. DAN DAVIES AND HIS CELEBRATED CONCERT PARTY ARE NOW OPEN TO ACT'!7PT ENGAGEMENT* FOR HIGH-CLASS CONCERTS! AT MODERATE TERMS. The Party (Numbering Twelve Selected Voices) consists of well- known Artistes, including o Madame MILES-BEYNON, Miss CLAUDIA THORNEY, Mr. SANDFOKD JONES, AND others, Who will render Solos, Duetts, Trios, Quartettes, and Glees, The Party is specially trained by the Veteran Conductor of the Mer- thyr Choral Society, Mr. DAN DAVIES. Accompanist Mr. D. C. WILLIAMS, Professor of Music. All communications to the Manager—Mr. JOHN BEYNON, Avenue Cottage, Gwaelodygartb, Merthyr. A MONSTRE TWO DAYS EISTEDDFOD (UNDER DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE) Will be heM in a SPACIOUS MARQUEE TO ACCOMMODATE 12,000 PERSONS, AT BRYNMAWR, On MONDAY & TUESDAY, JUNE, 1st and 2nd, 1896, WHEN UPWARDS OF AVJLL J;E OFFEIJED IN PRIZES. CHIEF COMPETITIONS £ fl. d. CHIEF CHORAL -For Ciioirs not under 150 e Prize 100 0 0 And a. \aluable English Silver Lever W.:tch, suitaLiv engiavvd for tl. Miccosfful conductor. MALE VOICE -For Parties not under 60 voices, Destruction of Gaza '■■(!, lieJW!) 1st Prize 25 0 0 JUVENILE CHOIR (Children under 16) -For Choirs not under 60 voices, 12 Adults aUowed"to 0 0 take the Tenor and Bass Parts O Pr;ii<" God in His HotineM (T. Jiaric?, Ebb>n Vale) 1st Prize 7 0 0 2nd Prize 5 0 0 A Metronome value .,±s., will be presented by Mis, Davies, Ebbw Vale (from whom copies may be had), to the purrjes.sfnl condnctor winning the first prize. N-B.—There will tl-o be 14 SOLO PRIZES of 2 Guineas each It" well as Quartet (£4 Prize) and Duet (3 Guineas). BRASS BAND -"Gems of Scotia" (Round). First Prize, £30; Socond, 28 Third, 24. .This competition will be carried on strictly under the South WaU-s and Montnouthshiro Association Rules. DRUM and FTFE BAND—Gems of English Melodies" (Round.) First Prize, £ 7; Second £ 3 Handsome Timepiece and Photo will be given by Messrs. Kendall and Dent, Jewellers, London to the conductor winning the first prize. ALSO SPECIAL VIOLIN SOLO; Violin Solo for Children (Guinea Prize); and Two Pianoforte Solon (One Guinea and I wo Guineas rest actively). Also Prizes for Essay and Recitations. T-P.^LRR n°T. "'ady' °,Vf> 1>ENR)Y fach' L,Y Post may be had of the Secretary, "POWELL" Listeddfbd Committee-room, Biynmawr. RICHARDSON it-, CO., THE POPULAR Ballroom Decorators, Bazaar Fitters & Illuminators TRADE STREET, PENARLH ROAD, CARDIFF, HÄ YE nndollbtedh- the LARGEST and BEST SELECTED STOCK or DECORATIONS IN WALES, suitable for Ballrooms, Bazaars, and Banqueting Halls. Decorators to the Prinrinnl isssgea zapsetaszsrfor Vi4- TRIUMPHAL ARCHES & VENETIAN MASTS ERECTED AT SHORTEST NOTICE. Royal Arms, Prince of Wales Plumes, Heraldic Shields, Flag*, Banners, Illumination Lamps' and Lanterns, for Sale or Hiic. 1 TABLING, SEATING, fc CARPETING TO ANY SIZED BUILDING. Write for Designs and Estimates to- RICHARDSON & CO., Decorators, DISTANCE NO OBJECT. CARDIFF. New Iron Frame PIANOFORTE Full Trichord. Check Action. Latest Improvements. Handsome Rosewood or Walnut Case. Sent FREE to any station on receipt of Cash— £ 21—.Cash. 10 Years Warranty Given. AMERICAN ORGANS. Finest Makers, from £6 to £100. HARMONIUMS. Special Church Damp Resisting, from zC4 to aceo. SKILFUL TUNERS Sent Everywhere. HEINS & CO., BRECON. ALSO AT HEREFORD, ABERGAVENNY, and ROSS. Iminai lovm is inimical to every kind of Spot, Biotch, Ptapl* Xesematous Roughness and Cracking; also uaNataly {attractive of a ferm« causing trouble to the ■U« Advt. 1V> UnQqll of elothe», »o perfectly clean, IUwXBLKSI CttAXSER'S been used hat is easily AI ktodi of printing can be done neatly, cheaply and ex- fjMmalT at Ihe X<m«* Printinpr Works, Merth.rr. Everr aMmti«B <• paid to the nuallest as well a the largest iob.— Apjrty to the Manarrer. Erpg'g COCOAISB.—Cocoa-Nib Extract. Tea-like^ Th» I choicest rowted nibe (broken up beans) of the natural Cocoa I on being subjected to power/ul hydraulic preeaure, mre forth I their excess of oil, leaving for UH a finely flavoured tJowdeJ- I Cocoause, a product which, when prepared with boiling water, has the cousigtenoe of tea, of which It, i» 2 beneficially taking the place with manj*. Its ac'ti>-e principle I beinS a gentle nerve stimulant, supplies the needel enei^r I without unduly exciting the system. Sold oply in S I and tins, l,v Grocers, labelled "James Epps and Co Ltd I H?ni(Eoijitbic Chemute, London. | RICHARD T. JONES &* (Late PHILLIPS & EVAN 126, High-street & Market Square, 1\'1" I Always have in Stock a good assortment of Goods in the following I)e at prices that cannot be undersold— BLACK AND COLOURED DRESS MAI'S, Black and Coloured Silks, Umbrellas, Furs, Boas, I I MILLINERY. MANTLES, JACKETS, AND C, LADIES' & CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING, CORSI Kid and Fabric Gloves, Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery, Trimrober- dashery, Hannels, Flannelettes, Calicoes, Longclotlis, Priens, Oxford Shirtings. Furnishing Goods, Carpets & Oarpet Squares, ums AND OILCLOTHS, RUGS, MATS, ETC., ALSO LACE CURTAINS & COLOURED TAPESTRY & CHENILLE ;S AND TABLE COVERS. DAMASK TABLECLOTHS, CRKTTONNES, DIM &c. AND IN THE GENTLEMEN S DEPARTMI iU L,C a LARGE STOCK of WOOIJ-EN SVITINGS, SEUGBAVSEK- INGS, GEN 1LEMLN S TIES, COLL A US, SHIRTS, SILK AFlS. Dressmaking, Millinery, and Tailoring on theses. IMPORTANT N 0 T E. It will pay you to read this through carefu -POST OFFICE )MERTH THE HAT HOUSE (Tost ™™hbb) MERTHYlDFIL GREAT SALE OF DRARY AND OUTFITTING. IMMENSE BARGAINS AND REDUCE WmT S VTVR i»'i v ferT in, anu°uncing that his FIRST ANNUAL Si Wgii) on RFIHVI'-V) ,H R<VX'FA,K,™DCONTIMW for ONK MONTH. The whole of T»S have been toml i f CLOIHING and DRAPERY will he Sold at prices that w speedy sale to make loom foi our Spring Goods, W. T. desires tocall SPECIAL ATTENTlOfact that the goods are all New and Latest Style. A SPECIAL LINE IN TRIMMED MILLINERY, PAKSIIIOSS, AT r.HSS THAN" H.Ur-FRIeI' U NT RIMMED BONNETS AND HATS IN GREAT VAR To be Sold Regardless of Cost. order to advertise the Sale, W. THOMAS hasto offer Three i.i/. utniH. Customers who sjK^nd the largest amounts during the Sale;- 1st Prize Mahogany Dressing Table, with Looking Gltached. 2nd Prize- Rocking Chair, 3rd Prize-Count.. I r.o'o. articles will be displayed in the Windows prior to the Sale. Don't miss tltunity of get- ting a Mahogany Dressing Table Free. The Reductions w-< have made will be found sufficient to bring the General Public to Come and see for yourselves. All Country Orders must bo accompanied with Rent DO NOT MISS THIS GRAND OPPORTUNITY. NOTICE THE NAME WILLIAM THOMAS (Late D. JVANS), GENERAL DRAPER & OUTFITTEE THE HAT HOUSE (OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE), THYR. f fit, THE MERTHYR FURNISHING COMPNY. GREAT STOCK-TAKING SLE. Substantial Reductions Grand Selectics Bedroom Suites Reduced. Parlour Suites Reduced. Bedsteads and Bedding Seduced. Sideboards, Overmantels, and Brass Fenders Reduced. Good Opportunity for Cash Buyers. Best Maiimctured Goods. BEST SELECTION and FREE DELMRY. MERTHYR FURNISHING CO., MARKET SQUARE BUILDINGS (Opposite POLICE STATION), MERTHYR. AKKS Boots and Harness MATCHIiESS CLEANS&R hAS^wcpt away ■ 1TJ- waterproof as a duck's back A thousand worries 3f Washing Day. times'to^the wear andlnows pol- • The Mcrthyr Timrs Office is the only Society Oftiee «0LD MEDAL ishing. J7 Bxhlbitlon !n ^'strict. No Sweating. As regards wages, Highest Awards. hours and apprentice?, the rules of the Manchester BQa Tins 2d., 6d., la., and 2s. 6d. Typ°?,apb'cal Association are adhered to, and this *H Bootmakers, Haddlers, ? guarantee to the public that the establishment Heather Sellers, &c. [156-204 19 .conducted on fair and humans principles. Gcod prmbiug, for charges which are stiietly Moderate. SALE NO. 184. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4TH, 1896. AUCTION MART, COURT STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. SALE OF FIRST-CLASS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BEDDING, AND EFFFCTS. MESSRS. H. W IARRIS AND SON WILL SELL BY AUCTION, at their convenient Auotion Mart, Court-street, Merthyr Tydfil, THE FIRST WEDNESDAY IN EVERY MONTH, A VAUIKTY Of USEtUL AND WBLL-MADK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO, PIER GLASSES, BEDDING, AND EFFECTS, CONSIGNED FOR SALE. The Auctioneers would call purchasers' special attention to these Moathly Sales, they now having been established for many years, end the Goods that have been purchased at them have given satisfaction to all. They also beg to state that Goods can he purchased any day privately if desired. The Goods are on view the day previous and Morning of Sale, and are well worth the attention of purchasers. Goods packed or stored free of chargei and every care taken to give satisfaction. SALE WILL COMMENCE AT 2 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON. PUNCTUAL ATTENDANCE IS RESPECTFULLY REQUESTED. Auctioneers' Offices, The Auction Mart, Merthy Tydfil. NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. OVER 80 SUCCESSFUL CONCERTS GIVEN IN AMERICA. All Lovers of the Divine Art will he delighted to know that MADAME C'JJAUA NOVELLO DAVIES AND HEIi ROYAL WELSH LADIES' CHOIIl HAVE BKKS BOOKED AT OHKAT KXTENSK TO GIVE A OR AND EVENING CONCERT THE DRILL HALL, MERTHYR, on Thursday, Feb. 20 FIRST APPEARANCE IN THIS DISTRICT AFTER THEIR REMARKABLE SUCCESSES IN AMERICA. PRICKS OF ADMISSION Reserved Seats, 3 First Seats, 2, Second Seats, 1 Proceeds in aid of the Funds of the Merthyr and Dowlais Branch of the National Union of Shoj Assistants. TICKETS may be had of the Committee, or from Mr. W. REES, Secretary, 50, High-street, Merthyr Plan of Reserved Seats may be seen at Mr. 13. R. S. FIIOSTS, Stationer, High-street. [367' THIS IS GENUINE AND FOR 2 8 I) AYS ONLY. OWING to extension of premises, and stocktaking, we shall oflfer, at prices that mus sell, OUR E N TIR E STOCK at from 15 to 30 per cent. reduction. DINING-ROOM FURNITURE DRAWING-ROOM FURNITURE BEDROOM SUITES BEDSTEADS AND BEDDING CURTAINS AND CARPETS FOR CAS II ON-LY. THE MOST GENUINE FURNITURE SALI EVER ADVERTISED. FOR 28 DAYS ONLY. SEE OUR WINDOWS DAILY FOR EXAMPLES Of the reductions we offer. Each article will show its original value and its present price. I CUSTOMERS CAN SEE FOR THEMSELVES THE PRICES OF ALL GOODS. TRAPNELL AND GANE, :38 & 41, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF. ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID.. public announcements. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. BREACH OF PROMISE OF MARRIAGE. TRIAL BY JUDGE AND JURY Will come on for hearing in FEBRUARY NEXT, AT MERTHYR AND DOWLAIS. TRIAL WILL BE PRECEDED BY A GRAND EVENING CONCERT. Proceeds in aid of widows whose husbands met with untimely deaths at the Bessemer Department last year at Dowlais. Mr. THOMAS PHII-LITS, of 1, St. Catherine-street, Pontyptidd (who is getting up the above), will be pleased to receive communications from those willing to take part. [3669 1 %lf REGISTERED TRADE MARK WDIWYDRYDD Y-CYMR Y.* PARRY AND ROOKE, WELSH WOOLLEN MANUFACTURERS SWANSEA. Manufacturers of guaranteed Welsh Hosiery, Flannels, Knitting Yarns. All our goodg are labelled irilh oitr Jteifiutercd Trade Marie fur the protection of,itsers. Should there be any difficulty in your obtaining our manufactures, please drop us a post card and*we will at oncc send you address of nearest draper or dealer. SUPPORT YOUR HOME INDUSTRIES. Wholesale only. To be had of Retailers in every town in Wales. 3482 DR. MACKAY'S "MARVELLOUS" 5/6 FEMALE REMEDY. 5/6 LADIES will SAVE much EXPENSE, DELAY, and BITTER DISAPPOINTMENT by sending at first for this WONDER- FULLY SUCCESSFUL MEDICINE. POST FREE, 5a. 6d. POSITIVELY the ONLY TRUSTWORTHY and RELIABLE PREPARATION inTHEWOKLD for ALL IRREGULARITIES, NEVER FAILING in bringing about all that is desired SPEEDILY and SAFELY. Does not cause PROSTRATION and PAIN like most of the SO-CALLED REMEDIES, but by its invigorating and effective action promotes a healthy condi- tion of the svsttm hitherto unattainable BY ANY OTHER PREPARATION. Thousands of flattering and Unsolicited Testimonials have been received EXTOLLING the VIRTUES of this REMARKABLE MEDICINE. Space, however, will not admit of them all being published. The following extracts are, therefore, specimens of some of the NUMEROUS GRATEFUL LETTERS that arrive daily" Your remedy is worth its weight in gold.—Mrs. W." "The first two doses put ire rlght.-)Irs. N." Your medicine relieved me almost tnatanth.-M-H." "Everything I tried had failed. Your remedy acled like magic.-L.W." Yours, indeed, is a mar- vellous remedy.-H.B," Not only am I all right, but much improved in health.—A.S." I sincerely wish I had written to vou before.—Mrs. K." "Every female ought to know of your mcdidne.—Mre. W." Shall always send to you in future.—Miss R." Many, many thanks for your truly effec- tive medicine.—Mrs. Y." All other remedies were useless. Three doses of yours benefitted me.- Mrs. S." LADIES, DON'T DELAY, SEND AT ONCE and test the Value of this Famous Medicine. 104, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. DR. MACKA YW "MARVELLOUS" 5/6 FEMALE REMEDY. 5/6 [M79 public Hnnouitcement*. Merthyr Working Men's Building Society. THE 49TH APPROPRIATION BY BALLOT Will be held at the Offices of the ahove Society on TUESDAY NIGHT, FEBKUART 25TH. Chair will be taken at 8 o'clock hy Mr. EVAN MORRIS, Wellington-street, Merthyr. MARKET SQUARE CHURCH. NEXT SUNDAY, FKBRCAKY 16TH. PREACHER.-REV. J. G. JAMES. Morning Subject. !\It-mory." Evening Subject.—" Christ's Power over Disease." NEW QPERA JJTOUSE, NIERTHYR. Sole Lessee and Manager.MR. WILL SMITHSON. FEBRUARY 17, FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, GILUERT ELLIOT'S COMPANY in the Celebrated Adelphian Drama, entitled the BELLS OF HASLEMERE, With peals of bells and all original effect", by Harry Petiti and Sidney Grundy. Scenery painted by Mr. C. Stanstield. FRIDAY, FEB. 21st, niiecially set apart for Mr. Carlisle's Benefit, musical conductor, under the patronage of the Loyal Cambrian Ludg-e of Free- masons. Don't forget LITTLE DICK WHITTINGTON will take a BENEFIT XIGHf FRIDAY, FEU. 14TH. Special attraction for this night only. Afternoon Performance SATURDAY, FKIS. 15. Doors open at 1. 30. Special late train* for Abernant Thursday mid Saturday. rpH EATR): D OYAL. CARDIFF. LESSEE & MANAGER, MR. EDWARD FLETCHER. TO-NIGHT (THURSDAY), LAST THREE NIGHTS Of the Enormously Suc'syful Pantomime of THE FORTY THIEVES, Which mu"t |>ositively be witli-ir,tivii (owing to previous-arrangements) in the very height of its popularity. THURSDAY.—BENEFIT OF MR. KENNEDY ALLEN, Tawn I Marow. See Bills. Saturday afternoon, Special Performance for Schools. Half-price. Pit, 3d.; Gallery, 2d. MONDAY NEXT, Feb. 17th.-Special Engagement of GRAY & STEPHENS' COMPANY, in the Five Act Drama, SIGNAL LIGHTS." Prices, 6d. to JB2 2s. Doors open at 6.15 commence at 7. Booking Offices, Me,-srs.'Ihouil)zzou & Shackell's. Telephone, No. 52. r GRAND THEATRE, CARDIFF. THE PREMIER THEATRE OF WALES. LESSEE & MANAGER.MR. CLARENCE SOUNES. GRAND RECEPTION AND IMMENSE SUCCESS of the Great ADELPHI DRAMA, THE BELLS OF HASLEMERE. Doors open 7, commence 7.30. Box Office Open at the Theatre Daily from Ten to Four. Telephone, 725. Revised Prices of Admiesion Dress Circle, 2s. 6d.; Upper Circle, Is. 6d. Stalls, 2s. Front Pit, la. Pit, 9d. Gallery 6d. Early doore extra. Second price at Nine o'clock to all parts. Monday Next, February 17, THE LUCKY STAR." rpRADKSM EN'S Billheads, Memos Handbills, Labels 1 Window Rills, etc., done in best style and with despatc at the TIMES PRINTING WORKS, Jons STREET, Mkrihyr Estimates tfhen for an kinds of work. Situations TOanteb, &c. IF YOU WANT A SERVANT, a SITUATION, a HOUSE, APARTMENTS, or to BUT, SELL, or EXCHANGE ANYTHING. ADVERTISE In the PREPAID COLUMN of the Mcrthyr Times, at the following SPECIALLY CHEAP RATES: 20 WORDS 6d. 20 WORDS FOR THREE TIMES, Is. THREB SIX WORDS. ONE TIMES. TIMES. s. d. a. d. t. d. 20 Words 0 6 1 0 2 0 32 Words 1 0 2 0 3 0 40 Words 1 3 26 36 48 Words 1 6 3 0 4 6 The above is the Prepaid Scale for Wanted, To be Let, and To be Sold Advertisements only for other Charges apply to the Manager, Times Office, Merthyr Tydfil. C- OMFORTABLE HOME for two young men.- c 7. Court-terrace. OR SALE OR HIRE, a good PONY and TRAP trap scarcely soiled.—68, Thomas- street, Merthyr. Iil TENNYSON-SMITH, renowned Temperance Orator (second J. B. Gough), Oddfellows' HaJJ, April 18th to 23rd, 1896. [3684 IjlOUND, on January 13th, Small Black Fancy Bitch, two white front paws, also white patch on breast. If not claimed in three days, will he sold. —Enquire New Inn, Merthyr. [3691 iTIOR the convenience of West of England adver- JF risers, a copy of the Mcrthirr Times is regularly filed and may be seen at Messrs. JONES Bnos., Adver- tising Agents, 39, Queen's-road, Clifton, Bristol. \TOUNG MAN (18—19) desirous of obtaining JL Home Employment for spare time. Splendid ivft rences Good writer.-Apply "Agency," Times Office, Merthyr. [3395 ESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN open to Collect Rents in Merthyr and surrounding district?. Terms moderate. Guarantee given. —"E," Timet Office, Merthyr. [3399 ED AND SITTING-ROOM WANTED in, or within easy distance of High-street, Merthyr. Moderate, inclusive terms. Good references required. Permanency, if suitable.—ALBERT W. DINCOMBE, ESQ., The Cloisters, Hereford. [3686 ISII Direct"from Sea to Table. 71b^72s.; 101 bs., 2s. 6d.; 13lbs., 3s. 151bs., 3s. 6d. Cleaned for cooking. Carriage paid. Basses of Prime from 3s. Schools, &e., contracted for. Lists free.—The ANGLO FRESH FISH COMPANY, Pontoon, Grimsby. LEGTRICAL TRANSMISSION OF POWER. —Wanted by 'nigh-class firm of manufacturers, a well-connected agent to introduce business. Com- mission only.—Apply VOLT," c'o Watkins and Osmond, 62, Ludgate Hill, London. [3657 INDIGESTION. THE MEDICAL REFORM SOCIETY will send FREE to all applicants an excellent BOTANIC CURE for Indigestion, Bilious- ness, Liver Complaints, Piles, Rheumatism, Gout and Bronchitis. Address — The Secretary, BOTANIC INSTITUTE, NOTTINGHAM. [3204 IriRESH FISH! FRESH FISH! !-S. Noble, IF Fish Merchant, Grimsby, supplies fish of all kinds. Good quality, l ow Prices. Regular supply guaranteed. A trial order respectfully solicited. Send at once for quotations and particulars. Fish fryers catered for. [135 B LAIBERG'S Arcade, Bute-street, Cardiff. BLAI BERG'S Arcade.—Tapestry Quilt, full size, JO splendid pattern, 6s. 6d. BLAIBERG'S Arcade.—Forfeited Concertina, 21s Maker, Lachinel, London. BLAIBERG'S Arcade.—22ct. Wedding Rings, 19s., 3^dwt weight and quality guaranteed. GENERAL Remarks of our Customers.—I buy almost everything from you. Let me have some Winter Goods, cheap.—Blaiberg's Arcade. GENERAL Remarks of our Customers.—I ha\e been buying here for the last 40 years.— Blai berg's Arcade. ENERAL Remarks of our Customers.—You IT have one, only 5*. lO^d. (Railway Overcoats); you can work any weather.—Blaiberg's Arcade. (GENERAL Remarks of our Customers.—Red JT Band Shirt, 2s. 6d., please. I am still wearing 5 one bought here twelve itiolitti-i ago. I have come all the way from Dowlais for one. —Blaiberg's Arcade. GENERAL Remaiks of our Customers.—Speak- ing about our 4s. Ansonia Alarm Clocks: It has saved me many a turn.Blaiberg's Arcade. GENERAL Remarks of our Customers.—My SiUer Watch co-it me 45s,, when we offered our best Gold Watch at 42s.—Blaiberg's Arcade. a ENERAL Remarks of our Customers.—A friend of mine told me that yours was the l>est and cheapest place to buy a Gold Albert.—Blaiberg's Arcnde- GENERAL Remarks of our Customers.—South Wales Welsh Shirits, 4s. lid. "They cannot he at the price." But they are. We guarantee it.- Blaiberg's Arcade. CLUB AGENTS WANTED, to form Clubs for Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silver Plate, Opera Glasses, Musical Instruments, &c. Members pay Is. per week. Terms, catalogues, &e., KENDAL and DENT, 106, Cheapside, London. Splendid value Great success. Mention paper. Ladies' and Genb* Silver Levers, 'tGM., worth 70s. [3108 ONEY.-If Yoll want it promptly, privately, M. and at a low rate of interest on your simple promissory notes with or without sureties, apply immediately, enclosing stamped envelope, to Mr. W. In P. Thomas, 20, Market-street, Abertilltry, or to Rimer and Co., the Don, Aberdare Junction. Special N featuresNo inquiry fees; reasonable interest which is quoted beforehand universal promptitude, a day's notice being generally sufficient; no oppression r of hones* and solvent clients. The Carlton Bank, Ld., L* for whom Mr. Thomas is Branch Manager, has been established 10 years, and has a capital of jE50,000, consequently no genuine and respectable application n ever refused. [2876 THE inhabitants will be glad to hear that Pro fessor Desmane, the Specialist on all com plaints, has decided to stay in the district altogether, and will give advice free of charge. Head address :— Merthyr: The Dispensary, Westbourne-place, Ply- 1. mouth-road. Tuesdays and Sundays all Day, and until N oon other Days. Dowlais: Merthyr and Dowlais Coffee Tavern, Mondays, 3 until 9 p.m. Poutypridd City Coffee Ta vern, High-street, near Station Gates. Wed- nesdays, 3 until 8.30 p.m. Aberdare Davies' Eat- ing House, 2, Market-street. Thursdays, 3 until 9 D. m. Treharris: 33, Perrot-street, near Railway Station. Fridays, 2 until 8 p.m. Times and places as usual. Teeth Extracted, 3d. each. [157-9 auctions. Ox TCESDAY AND THURSDAY, February 18 and 20, 1896, Commencing at Two o'clock prectsely each day, IMPORTANT TO PARTIES FURNISHING. MESSRS. J. G. MADDOX & SON WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, at their AUCTION ROOMS, 25, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF, on the above dates, an immense assemblage of very superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE (Removed from various residences for absolute sale) including 6 Hardwood Bedroom Suites complete, 6ft and 4ft. Wardrobes, Pairs of Handsome Toilets, Iron and Brass Bedsteads, several excellent Carpets, Fenders, Brasses, 5 excellent Dining and Drawing-roomSuitee, Rosewood and Walnut Cabinets, 6ft. and 5ft. Side. boards, Bookcases, Dining and Occasional Tables, Walnut, and Gilt Overmantels etc., etc., in all about 400 lots. On view morning of each day of sale. Arrangements made to pack and forward all goods purchased by country buyers. Established 1860. [2840 WYNDHAM-STREET, TROEDYRHIW. ]VT! A. W. BOWN has lieon favoured with i_.TX instructions from the trustees to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION at the TABERNACLE HALL, TROEDYRHIW, on MONDAY, FEB. 17, 1896, at 7.30 p.m., subject to such conditions M shall then and there be read, all that building known as BETHEL ENGLISH BAPTIST CHAPEL, And a Piece of Building Ground attached thereto. The building can easily be converted into cottages, or used as a hall, stores, and many other purposes. The property is held under a lease from Messrs. Wyndham Lewis' estate for a term of 99 year", at a yearly ground rent of £3 lis. 2d. Further particulars can be obtained from the Auctioneer, 27, High-street, Merthyr, or of Messrs. Leigh and Horley, Solicitors 96, Queen-street, Car- diff. The Premises may be viewed on application to Mr. W. Morgan, confectioner, Yew-street, Trosdvrhiw. No Reserve. public announcements. Temperance Hall, Merthyr. POSITIVELY FOR ONE WEEK, COMMENC- ING FEBRUARY 17TH, 1896, The greatest living wonders of this or any age. THE STEENS, The marvellous American Mystifiers, in a grand new programme teeming with new aud startling feats that border on the incredible, and closely approach the supernatural. Novelty upon novelty. Feature upon feature. An instantaneous colossal success the result. With their refined variety entertainment. The great Egyptian Sarcophagus, the only illusion like it in the world. Mrs. Steen remains over after the performance each evening one hour to answer private questions. New illusions each night. Admission3s., 2^ 11:1., and 6d. Early doors open at 6.45, 3d. extra to all parts. Doors open at 7, performance at 7.30. FEB. 24TH, THE EMPIRE, ABERDARE.