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"It is more than Gold to me. It saved my life." THE MARVELLOUS REMEDY FOR PIL E AND GRAVEL And all the Disorders of the Bowels, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. (5-FORG PTT.F. fVR AVFfi PILLH SAD BUT TEL E. —Three out of even four of tho adult population of gIoSCIfS PILE I GRAVEL PILLS! *>«ntry suffer more or less from Hlc or Gravel, or both, ,n some GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. GLAD TIDINGS.—Nineteen out of every twenty of these cases are GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. reatlilv curpcl bv the timelv use of the World-famed Medicine, GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. "Georges rile and Gravel Pills." GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. A CHALLENGE The proprietor chal en?es the world to produce BO PIT V At (tKAVVTi PILLS efficacious a remedy for the Cure of Piles ami Gra\el,and the numerous prftftrt'v pfrv b ( K\VVT PTT tV Aches and I'ains which accompany them, hone can po.nt out a case SIR F TJTTT A THAT THCSE UI" NOT ENRE OR ALLEVLALP> OR SHOW A MORE EFFECTLVE GEORGE S PILL & ITRA\ LL PILLS. Keniedv for these complaints. GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. If vou suffer Pain in the Back and Loins, or between the Shoulders, this GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. reinedv will effectually remove it. GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. If you are troubled with irritation of the bladder, Suppression and Re- 4*yrypi PTT V (IP iVFT PILLS tention of the Water, Stone or Gravel, the onlv Safe and hffeetiial fFORrF'S PTT V t rRAvS PTT T 4' Kfinedy ever offered to the World is "George's Pile and Gravel Pills." T.IT rS' If the water is hi;:h coloured thick, and depositing much sediment, lose O-XjUKtrlli S IRILL, <FC IJRXVA V PJIJ IIIJI.O. no time to procure a box of "George's Pills" and you will soon be rijjht GEORGES PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. £ ain. 1 GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. If vour Kidnevs and Liver are sluggish and out of order, this remedy will GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. pently stimulate these important organs open up their domed GEORGE'S PILE & GR \VEL PILLS passages, and promote the secretion of healthy bile and other ntal Si^E & GRAVEL PILLS. I{ "QU'are a ,nart,vr to Indigestion. Biliousness, and Constipation, you GEORGE'S PILE & GRA\ EL PILLo. have a sur? rcmedv in' George's Pills." GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. J{ vou suffer from'anv Bow-1 Disorder, such as Piles, Constipation, GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. flatulence. Colic, 3ou have a remedy you can always rely upon in GEORGE'S PILE t GRAVEL PILLS. If^|^ itenSv"1 °"r a<TeCU'd' y0U GEORGES PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. If^?Sffer from Giddin^s,George's Pilis" will relnove GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. these pains sooner than any other known medicine. GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. If vou have pain after eating, and feci drowsy ind listless, one dose of GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. ''George's Pills" will act like a charm. GFDTHiFS PTT.F GK WFL PILLS Ii vour food turns cour, and rises into the mouth, a few doses of this npnprlF-q PTTP I TP A VFT PTT iV Keniedv will make vour troubles a thing of the pas.1. PIT V T PNFVVI PTIVV If vou feel Nervous, Excitable, and Low-Spirited, a perfect antidote will GEORGE'S PILE & GRAY I'JJ r I LLo. hp found in "Oeor-e's PilK" GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. If \ou have a disagreeable taste in Uie mouth, a single dose of George's GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. pile an;l Gravel Pills" at bed-lime uill clear the tongue before the dawn GEORGES PILE & GRAVKL PILLS of another day. ? „ aFftRlh'"? PTT.F A- (JRAVKL PILLS If vou feel unfit for exertion, weak, and l'nip, this Remedy will restore GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. £ 3% and wU1 makc labow and cxerdse the GEORGES PILE & GRA\Eti PILLS. youare troubled with nausea and vomiting at the thought of eating, a GEORGE'S PILE & GRA\EL PILLS. box of George's Tills will make your meat and drink both savory and GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. pleasant, GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. If your Blood is impure. it will keep open all the important outlets of the rPOliCV'S PTT F (; U V FT. PILLS bodv, and thus give free exit to all gross humours, and no more blood GEORGE'S PILE &. GRAVEL PILLS impurities will be seen bursting through the skin in pimples, blotches, GEORGE S PILE & GRA\EL PILLS. In thousands of cases it has removed from the blood, root and branch, GEORGES PILE & GRAVEE PILLS. Rheumatic Scorbutic, Scrofulus taints that have defied all other GEORGES PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. remedies. GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILI,S. If you have a tendency to dropsical swellings, this remedy, by its action GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. upon the Kidneys and Skin, will soon bring relief. GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. If vou have Difficulty of Breathing, this remedy will prove a friend to you GEORGE S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. in the hour of need. GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. It is an aperient, and therefore removes Constipation. It is Antibilious, and r'TrnPiiW^ pit < :R VKT, PTT.T.K will, therefore, correct all irregularities of the Liver. It is Diuretic, and rvnccrq pit f FR rp\WT PIT f s' will, therefore, keep open the Water passages. It is tonic, and will, T.TI V t \Afvr T>TT T 3' therefore, give tone and vigour to the Digestive Organs, ft is blood- GEORGE S 11LE & GJvAV.fcjJj t ILiLit). purifying and Nerve-Strengthening it is, therefore, ALL WE WANT. These World-renowned Pills are sold everywhere, in Boxes, 1/12 2 and 29 each. By Post, 13 and 3/- PROPRIETOR— J. E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., HIRWAIN, GLAM. CAUTION When purchasing PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS," see that you get GEORGE'Sall others are Imitations. The Genuine PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS have the Maker's name, 41 J. E. GEORGE," on the Government Stamp around each Box. Is IF YOU WANT HEALTH AND STRENGTH TRY DAVIES' HEALTH HERB BEER AND HOP ALE. ?- It is the most REFRESHING and NOX-INTOXICANT lieu-rage ever offered to the public. It is pleasant to tho taste, quenches the thiri t, and assists digestion. It is entirely V EO ETABLE, consisting of a coniliination of soniy of thu mov t valuablo M KDICINAL PLANTS. It Ü, delivered ftee, and all empties are collected as often as desired. Order's by fust promptly attended to. SOLD IN LOXTLKS AT 8d. TEU GALLON. MANUFACTURED BY DAVIES BROTHERS (Late PURDY). Works: Jenkins' Court, Quarry Row, MERTHYR. 3021] GEORGE AND JONES, (SLCCKOSORS TO ISAAC THOMAS) 24 & 25, SEYMOUR STREET, ABERDARE, ARE THE CHEAPEST UNDERTAKERS IN WALES /"COFFINS executed and sent carriage paid to any part within a distance of 25 ruiles, for the follow in j jnucesCOFFINS FOR CHILDREN, 6 months old, with the l>est Registered Trimmings, and with Flannel and Wadding inside, for the low price of 6s. 9 Months old 8 •. 4 Yeava old 13s. 9 Years old 18s. 2 „ „ 9s. 5 „ „ Hs. 10 19s. 18 „ 10s. I 6 „ 153. I 11 20s. Years old lis. 17 163. 12 21s. 3 „ 123. 8 17s. 20 25s. COFFINS (Polished), with best Metal Mountings, for Adults, or v. ith solid Brass Trimmings, vitli Black Cloth cov ered, and theinaide and outside beautifully finished, for the low price of £ 2. Special attention is called to the fact that they have one of the best Establishments in Wales, together with the great variety of Goods, viz. Wood, Trimmings, Co\ crin-'S, Hearses and Mourninir Coaches. Thev have in their possession Seven Classes of Ilearses and Mourning Coaches to suit all classes of people. Pr ces of Hearses from Aberdare and Aberaman to Aberdare Cemeterv, from 5s. Prices of Coffins from 6a. to 100 guineas. ? THOMAS D A V I E S POSTING MASTER AND CAB PROPRIETOR, XN thanking the public for the liberal mtrouage received from them for many years pa3t—he being in suc- cession to his father, the oldest established Cab Proprietor in Merthyr—l«?g3 to invite special attention to his large and complete facilities for Posting, and in particular to his ample arrangements for Funerals. He has recently added to his stock of hearses a new handsome Glass Panelled Hearse, and is now prepared to supply hearses for funerals from 10s. upwards. Arrangements can b« mad" with parties at a distance either by letter or by personally waiting upon them. supply hearses for funerals from 10s. upwards. Arrangements can VA mad" with parties at a distance either by letter L'r by personally waiting upon them. s u 0 -t u 0 Wedding Carriages kept. Breaks for pleasure parties upon the most reasonable terms. ADDRESSES CASTLE HOTEL LIVERY STABLES AN! J BUSH HOTEL LIVERY STABLES, MERTHYR. L- ■ HAYMAN'S BALSAM THE OLD WELSH REMEDY For Cough, Cold, Influenza, Bronchitis, &c. Had a bad asthmatic cough and short hreath three months. Often unable to lie down, but had to sit in chair at night. Cuwrnu'iieed taking your Balsam four days ago I am already "GEO. BE AG LEY, ^hoUcrmitl, IlaJtmcre, Dec: 3rd, J89i." SOLD EVERYWHERE. PRICE, Is. 1^1., and y??? B ???B ? i Often unable to lie down, but had to sit in chair at night. ? ?w?t.??Sn? tt taking your Balsam four days ago I am already MNnt'L!it ?S "GEO. BE AG LEY, ^hoUcrmitl, IlaJtmcre, Dec: 3rd, J891." ?- f !BJ<j??????J? SOLD EVERYWHERE. PRICE, Is. 1^1., and -.4il, J. THE GREATEST REMEDY ON EARTH. HOMILINE. Your ailments creepeth like a thief, Until you feel that life is brief. But instantaneous the relief Through IIOMILINE. ALL THE YEAR HOrXD- You require Nature's remedy, possessing all the elements of strength, and vitality for the body, and richness for the blood. HOMILINE Is the Greatest Strength Restorer ever known to Pharmacy, Science, and Medical Skill. HOMILINE Is uniform in its effects ,Ult1 is very appropriately described as The Greatest Discovery of the Age. For its rare properties and stimulating effects on the Secretion of the Bile, Impure Blood, Urinary Complaints, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, Acidity, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Dizziness, Sleep- lessness, Spasms, Piles, Gravel, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers, and all kinds of Skin and Blood Diseases, Stomach and Liver Complaints, Mental Depression, and General Debility. HOMILINE Is unequalled, unrivalled, and unparalleled for all kinds of Female Ailments. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. It calms the symptoms of pain, and enables the Hifferer to obtain quiet and refreshing sleep. In these respects HOMILINE Has acquired a widespread and very legitimate ctlt- brity throughout the whole of the United Kingdom. HOMILINES Great merits very easily explains its great succe-s. The above facts have been verified by all who have used HOMILINE. Sold hy all chemists and stores in bottles, Is. lid., and (double size) 2s., or from the manufacturer, J. Parry, 94, Canterburv-road, Kilb un, London. N.W. RISK LIMITED, PROFIT UNLIMITED. SPECULATION BY OPTIONS. "Speculation by Options is of all methods of speculation the most prudent —Arthur Crump (late Financial Editor of the Times). Stockll a-id Shares says :—"Large profits, averaging for every Ell 5s. invested, have accrued Stock Exchange Times says :—" In 17 days, each subscriber of E5 12s. 6(1. received a profit of E44 7s. 6d. Messrs. Smith and Beresford have an ample capital for the conduct-of a very large business. The linn is the largest in Option Dealing in England fiirMinifhttiu Daily Gazette says Large profits, averag- ing £ 83 15s. for every Bll 5s. invested, have accrued to those who have acted on their advice Capitalist says :—"Messrs. Smith and Beresford give some very sensible advice tbotit Options, which they recommend, may be consulted to advantage." Stock Exchange says Messrs. Smith and Beresford have been very fortunate in recent transactions." Financial World saysMessrs. Smith and Beresford have a thorough grasp of the subject, and a careful perusal of their work will well repay speculators." Ciril Service Gazette says Our readers cannot do better than take Messrs. Smith and Beresfoid as their financial guides, philosophers, and friends Citizen says The only safe way of^niaking uir.ney on the London Stock Exchange." UNITED OPTIONS—Opened every Monday and Thursday on the System advocated above. Any number of Shares at £ 5 12s. 6d. each, WITH- OUT AX if FURTHER LIABILITY WHAT- EVER, may be secured by letter or telegram. SOLE CONTROL of all United Options taken on behalf of Subscribers, thereby securing a manifest advantage. Stamped contract forwarded. Send for revised pamphlet and full particulars of our next United Option to SMITH fiz BERESFORD, Stock & Share Dealers, 53 and 54, Chancery Lane, London, ESTABLISHED 1888. Telegrams Clerkship, London." Telephone No. 2588. Agents wanted everywhere. you COUGHS ^-ttNLSAM Of. IS tit AD £. m Pr-tl- POWELLS BALSA. or ANISEED For ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, NIGHT COUCH, INFLUENZA, HOARSENESS, AND ALL LUNG TROUBLES. SAFE AND RELIABLE. Established 70 Years. See Trade Mark on Wrappers. Beware of Imitations, SOLD BY CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE. In Bottles, lilt, 2/3, 4/6, and 11/. DUPTURE. Particulars of the latest scientifically constructed Patent Truss (highly commended by Lancet, &c.) which positively cures rupture. Sent free. The Link Shell Truss Co., 171, Wardour Street, LONDON, W. R UPTURE. LINK SHELL TRUSS (Patent) POSITIVELY CURES.- Vide Lancct, August 4th, 1891. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. A MARVELLOUS MEDICINE. A MARVELLOUS MEDICINE. DR. LINK'S WORLD-FAMOUS PILLS. DR. LINK'S WORLD-FAMOUS PILLS. DR. LINKS WORLD-FAMOUS PILLS. STOMACH AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. STOMACH AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. STOMACH AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. A SURE CURE. A SURE CURE. A SURE CURE. ACTS LIKE MAGIC. ACTS LIKE MAGIC. ACTS LIKE MAGIC. RESTORED TO HEALTH. RESTORED TO HEALTH. RESTORED TO HEALTH. THE DEBILITATED. THE DEBILITATED. THE DEBILITATED. THE DEBILITATED. THE DYSPEPTIC. THE DYSPEPTIC. THE DYSPEPTIC. THE DYSPEPTIC. ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS ESTABLISHED oj rEA RH. ESTABLISHED :r, VEARS. DR. LINK'S PILLS. DR. LINK'S PILLS. DR. LINKS PILLS. ONE A DAY. ONE A DAY ONE A DAY. THE WEAK. THE WEAK. THE WEAK THE OLD. THE OLD. THE OLD. THE YOUNG. THE YOUNG. THE YOUNG. ALL CAN TAKE THEM ALL CAN TAKE THEM. ALL CAN TAKE THENI. SU:<;C:ISH LIVER AND STOMACH DJSOKDKKS.— Dr. Link's Pills arc a wonderful cure for all stomach complaints, giddiness, trembling, cold shivers, headache, wakefulness, indigestion, wind, scurvy, and kindred complaints. Taken by the most deli- cate of both sexes and children. Recommended by the medical profession for 30 years past when other medicines fail. Of all Chemists at Is. l^d. per box, or direct from the proprietors, Is. 2^1. LINK & Co., Link House, Wardour Street, London, W- D U P T U RE. LINK SHELL TKUSS (Patent) POSITIVELY CURES. Vide Lancet, August 4th, 1894. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. LINK SHELL TRUSS COMPANY SURGICAL INSTRUMENT MAKERS, 171, WARDOUR STREET, LONDON, \V. ESTABLISHED 1840. AWARDS—lit GOLD MEDALS. ONLY GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1889. ONLY COLD MEDAL CHICAGO, 180. THE GREAT REMEDY. a v G-OCTT PILLS FOll GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, Ni" "RALGIA The Excruciating Pain is quickly reliev ed, and cured in a few days, by these celebrated Pills. SURE, SAFE, AND EFFECTUAL. hold by all Chemists at Is. ljd. and 2s. 9d. per box. [171-95 JOHN MORGAN AND SON, ESTABLISHED 1863. FUNERAL FURNISHERS. llNDERTAKEltS /7 Ilk l1?i;f?:. ? John Morgan and Son's Latest Glass Panelled Hearse. DEFY COMPETITION IN QUALITY AND PRICE. Proprietors of Hearses and Mourning Coaches to suit all classes. A lar^e selection of Shrouds and Trimmings kept. Estimates given for Bricked Graves. 53, MONK STREET, ABERDARE. D. THOMAS, MONUMENTAL SCULPTOR, &c., BKGS to draw attention to his Establishment, where he executes all manner of HEADSTONES, TOMBS, CROSSES, &c., in Marble, Granite, Blue Forest Stone, &c. Estimates given for all kinds of Builders' Architectural and Ornamental Stone Work, Shop Fittings in Marble, &c. TERMS MODERATE. ADI'TKESS:— v [3090 Monumental Yard, Commercial Street, Mountain Ash. J. II. WILTSHIRE, CAB PROPIUETOI;, FUNERAL FURNISHER & GENERAL POSTING MASTER, WHILST thanking his numerous patrons for their liberal support for many years past, begs to invite the attention of the inhabitants of Mountain Ash and district to his large and COMPLETE STOCK OF CABS, HANSOMS, And general facilities for Posting. .1. IL WILTSHIRE has very recently added to his Stock olX CLASSES of HEARSES and FUNERAL CARS, and is prepared at moderate charger* to give every satisfaction to all parties. «r v A good supply of MOLRNfNG COACHES and WEDDING CJ lUUAGES kept. Pleasure Parties, either large or small, provided upon the moat reasonable terms. Distance no object. Orders by post punctually attended to. [2337 X STOP ONE MOMENT! X "OH! DEAR DOCTOR MUST MY DARLING DIE ?" THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE, BUT TRY TUDOR "WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. THERE IS AN ENORMOUS INCREASING DEMAND FOR TUDOR "WILLIAMS' PATENT B ALSAM OF HONEY. HAVE YOU TRIED IT IF NOT, THEN TRY IT NOW, AT ONCE. IT IS INVALUABLE For weak-chested men, delicate women and children. It cures when all other remedies fail. It cures C-oughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Tight- ness of the Chest. It cures Thousands of Children of Bronchitis and Whooping Coughs. It cures for One Shilliug when Pounds have been spent in vain. No mother should neglect to keep the Infallible Remedy in the house ready for an emergency. 1 Rememljer that it is wiser to check a. slight Cough at the commencement than to allow it to develope into a lingering complaint. READ ON. COMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. When you are distressed with a miserable cold, nose bunged up, throat sore, limbs aching with a general feeling of smothering, a few doses of the Balsam of Honey will clear the wretched symptoms away, almost bdore you know it. There is nothing like it on the market; it is thoroughly up to date; it trickles into all the system. A true friend, prompt and reliable in its action. RETURNED INCURABLE FROM THE HOSPITAL. I think it right to inform you of the great benefit I have derived from using your grand Balsam of Honey. I write these lines, as matter of fact and experience, that there is no Cough Cure under the canopy of heaven like it. I have suffered from affec- tions of the chest and lungs, also asthma. I have been to London and Liverpool Hospitals, but found more relief by four bottles of Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey than all medicines tb&t I have taken for years previous.—Yours faithfuMy, ROIJERT M'MUFFIE, King-street, Blackburn." IT IS MORE THAN GOLD TO ME. My wife desires me to convey her best wishes for the success of your Balsam of Honey. It has been of great benefit to our little ones, who suffered from Bronchitis and Coughs during the last two most inclement winters. It gives them instant relief. Further, our medical attendant, Dr. Jones, quite concurs in the frequent use of the Balsam when occa- sions requires.—Yours faithfully, Joux WALTER MORGAN, Esq., Brynheulog House, Hirwain. fJIHE JJRITISH ^RMY gPEAKS JJIGHLY OF TTT. During the two years that our Regiment were in Pembroke Dock I used your Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey, and found that there was not another Co.1gh and Lung Cure on the British market equal to it. Send me on a, case for my friends at ONCE.—Band- sergt. W. IIARDS, 1st Bn. The Conn. Rangers, Anglesea Barracks, Portsea, Portsmouth. Sold by all Chemists and- Stores all over the World in Is., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. bottles. Sample Bottles sent post paid for Is. 3d., or 3s., from the Patentee. D. T UDOR W I L L I A M S MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE.






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