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MERTHYR SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION TREHARRIS. There are two candidates already in the field at Treharris for the approaching School Board election, and the contest promises to be a warm one, so far as Treharris is concerned. Both candidates have issued their addresses, and Mr. Henry Davies' committee, who was first in the field, appear to be working hard to secure his return. They have already thoroughly canvassed the place, and confidently boast ot a majority of something like two to one. Mr. Evans, who is the other candidate, it may be remembered, represented Treharris on the Merthyr School Board six years ago but he was defeated at the last election, Treharris being left without a representative owing to the fact of there being too many local candidates in the field. Mr. Evans has also formed his committtee, and they too have gone to work, with the result that they are quite as confident of success as Mr. Davies' < jmmittee. Public support and sympathy seems to be pretty equally divided between the two but some are of the opinion that there are hundreds of votes in Treharris that will not be recorded for either of them. Mr. Davies is the county lecturer in mining and geology, or, as be. terms himself in his address, The collier's teacher," and was formerly, for several years, head schoolmaster of the Treharris Schools. Mr. Evans is a grocer, residing at Fox-street, Tre- harris, and has lived at Treharris ever since the colliery started he is a well-educated and intelligent young man, who takes a deep interest in educational matters, and the most serious charge that his oppo- nents have to bring against him is that he is rather too much inclined to carry on public business is a denomi- national manner, and to favour too much those who belong to his own, the Methodist, denomination. There are many working men who seem to think that a candidate who was more directly connected with themselves, and nearer to their own position in life, and, therefore, more in sympathy with their require- ments, would be more likely to get their support than either of those, if it were not for the bogey of expense which prevents them from running a labour can- didate. TREHARRIS MEETING. To the Editor. Sn:, -Your correspondent "Plumper" is wrong when he states in his last week's letter that I have issued my election address. It is simply a. handbill drawn up by an ardent supporter that has been cir- culated. His statements with regard to my salary and increased assistance are equally incorrect. He is olso in error when statinsr that I am thrust- ing myself upon the electors." The facts are these. In my absence committees, with a membership of over sixty working men, have met; a canvass has been made of the district, and it has been found that a very large proportion of the electors are enthusiastic in support of my candidature, although I have not callea or attended a single public meeting, or even been present at a committee. Surely, I cannot do less. Plumper's other statements are untrue. In fact, the only statement bearing the semblance of truth is that I shall advocate a reduction of rate". This I certainly promise, if elected. As a ratepayer, I shall leave no stone unturned to secure the greatest efficiency with economy" in the schools, and no sectarianism or politics" on the Board.—I am, &c., HENRY DAVIE*. THE DOWLAIS SCHOOLS. TO MR. DAVID DAVIES, GLEBELAND. SIR,—At the Caledonian banquet held recently at the Wheateheaf Hotel in this town, Mr. Thomas Jenkins, J.P., Pant, is reported to ha\e said in refer- ence to the expenditure of our School Board :—" That the Dowlais Schools, previous to their being taken over by our present Board, cOPt the Dowlais Iron Company only JB2,000 a year, and got the best results. Now that the School Board had the schools there was only an increase of 80 children, and yet it cost £3,000 a year to maintain the schools, or £1,000 a year more than when the Dowlais Company managed them." Now, sir, as you are one of the oldest members of our School Board, and one of the gentlemen who strongly advocated the taking over the said schools, will you kindlv answer the following questions :—1, Why do the Dowlais Schools cost us £1,000 a year more than when they were managed by the company, results, according to Mr. Jenkins'being equal? 2, had this extra and unnecessary addition to our schools anything to do with our last half-crown rate, and is it likely to occur again T I trust you will kindly give the above questions your serious attention, and rectify them at once, if act correct. We know that many funny things are said by cer- tain gentlemen, but as our School Board election will be in March next, it is of importance that we, as ratepayers, should know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth otherwise we must have a thorough change of our School Boord members, M those charges must not be made, even at a banquet, unchallenged.—Yours, ke., Merthyr. JOHN JONE-7. To the Editor. SIR.—On the present School Board we in Treharris are not directly and immediately represented. Too many candidates ran at the last election, and they were all beaten. It seems to me that the same mistake is about to be repeated again this time. Two candidates are out, Mr. Davies and Mr. Evans. Both are excellent men. But if the two go to the poll they will fail to secure election in all probability. At Merthyr Vale Mr. Gray will, I should say, offer himself once more for election, and he will be generally supported. We in Treharris cannot hope to return more than one member, and it will take us all our time to do that. One of the two candidates ahould withdraw. Which of them, I do not undertake to say. The committees should meet together in a friendly conference, and try and arrive at a satisfactory settlement. Our motto should be, One Treharris candidate."—Yours, &e., TRUE BLUE. To the Editor. SIR,—Allow me through the medium of your valuable paper to protest against the puffing of Mr. Henry Davies in his election address. If we are to believe all that is said of him he is the cream of the world, and far and away the greatest man in the Merthyr district. He actually gave free education to the people" long before the Government did. What a misleading statement How proud of him the Merthyr district ought to be What a picture we have of conscious merit Mr. Davies leads the way, the Government follows in his steps. Credit where credit is due. In future histories it should read as followfc In such and such a year that notable Mr. Davies gave free education to the people." At present the strife lies between Mr. W. N. Evans and Mr. H. Davies. I think Mr. Evans is far more worthy of our support. He has all along been looked upon as a candidate for a seat on the School Board, even since his defeat at the last election. He has never relaxed his efforts to promote the cause of education. Now, Mr. H. Davies, throwing to the winds all thoughts of gratitude, appears on the scene like a pantomime acrobat at the back door. Since he is so forgetful of gratitude let me remind him that about 15 months ago he became a candidate for a seat on the Board of Guardians, and then begged and obtained the help of Mr. Evans, who eventually became chairman of his committee. He was returned unopposed, and assured Mr. Evans he would support, to the best of hie ability his candidature for the School Board. This is how be now supports Mr. Evans, by becoming his opponent. He says in his address that he is now engaged in conducting evening classes for colliers, and colliers taught by him gratuitously hold very high ^-itions. What does he mean by gratuitously? Fur 1 know he receives a salary of ab J250 a year for teaching classes. Many more of u vould do things gratuitously on the same terms, and indeed, considerably less than JB250. I think Mr. Davies is the best paid man in the county considering the work he has to do. He iii employed, I believe, only about eight months in the year, and receives the handsome salary of JB250 per annum for conducting classes for about two hours every evening. Professional men and skilled working men who have to labour all the year round, many long hours each day, would be glad of Mr. Davies' salary. As a Guardian did he open his mouth in the interest of the ratepayers, or did ne protest against the increasing extravagant expenditure of the "County Council and School Board laatyear. Mr. Davies discovered he had too much work to do last year, and obtained help, at the ratepayers expense, Now, it seems, lie hasn't sufficient work to do, and is seeking public honours to fill in his spare time. o I think, Mr. Editor, with many others, it is not becoming for a public servant, paid out of the rates, to hold a position on public bodies. Therefore I appeal to the voters to give their support to Mr. Evans.—Yours, &c., ANOTHER PLUMPER.






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