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LIVEIl COMPLAINTS, HtL WIND, AND INDIGESTION cunED WITHOUT MERCURY. WHERE are only TWO MKDICIN ES KNOWN which really X act upon the Liver and Biliary System one is in the form of Blue I'ili or Calomel; and e knew TARAXACUM, or DANDELION. But if every one »« how quickly Mercury destroys the delicate coa STOMACH, impairs DIGESTION, and LIKE, he would take ;»o other Aperient | an i IYPR DANDELION AND QUININE .BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS, which liberate bile, diverse Wind, •»'4 the whole Frame are made from a and not like a Quack Medicine, by u°.s*|lfu' e .1 le* "e the most safe, mild, and efficacious Pi 11 for Bile, tt ind, Indi- gestion, Torpid Liver, Costire Habit, Head-ache, Morning or other Sickness, Faintuess, riles, Furred Tongue, Unpleasant Breath and Taste in the Mouth, Fluttering of the Heart, Noise in the Head, Spasms, Gout, and Nervous Debility. No danger of cold. r i A Treatise on Liver Complaints free for six stamps, or gratis with a 2s. 9d. box. Soldin boxes at Is. lid., 28. 9a. and 4s. 6d., for Dr. King, removed to 47, Mortimer-street, Cavendish-square, London, and free by post Cor stan,p^GENTg Cardiff—Kernick and W.L.Evans. Pontypridd—C. Bassett Merthyr-Thos. Stephens. GOUT AND RHEUMATISM. THE excruciating pain of gout or rheumatism j_ quick y relieved and cured in a few days bv that cele brated Medicine, BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS. They require no restraint of diet or confinement during their u«e, and are certain to prevent the disease attacking aoy vitai part. Sold at 1". ltd. and 2s. 9d. per Box by all Medicine Vtndots. BILIOUS and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Sick JL) Headache, Loss of App etite, Drowsiness, Giddiness Spasms, and all Disorder" of the Stomach and Bowells, are quickly removed by that well-known remedy FRAMP- TON'S PILL OF HEALTH. They unite the recom- mendation of a mild operation with the most successful eHect; and where an aperient is required nothing can be better adapted. Said by xtf Medicine Vendors, price !< l £ d. and 2,. 9d per box. HEALTH AND MANLY VIGOUR. A Medical Mart of 20 years' experience in the Treatment of NERVOUS DEBILITY, Sperma- torrhoea, and other affections which are olten acquired in eHly life, and unfit sufferers for marriage, and other social duties, h*8 published a book giving the full benefil of his IlInlt experience, Øtral is, witb plain direc:iolls for the reo co-ery of Health aud Strength. A single copy sent to any addtessoo receipt of out ettimp. Address to the Secretary, Institute of Auatomy, Birmingham. A BOON TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. DR. SMITH has just published a FREE EDI- TION of 20,000 copies of his valuable work, THE PRIVATE MEDICAL FRIEND (116 pages), on the Self-cure of Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Dimness of Sight, Lassitude, &c., resulting from the secret sins of jouth. Copies may be had free by sending a stamped directed envelope to the Author's Residence, 8, Burton- crescent, London, W.C. CONSULTATION BY LETTER WITHOUT FEE. DR. SMITH will, for the BENEFIT of persons suffer- ing from \ERVOUS DEBILITY, &c., on receiving a df. 8cription of their cue (enclosing a stamped directed euvelope iorrepty) tend his written opinion, with advice and direc- tiousfor the most succestful treatment and cure. A ddresi Dr. Smith, 8, Burton-crescent, Loudon. W.C. BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. OCHWEPPE'S SODA WATEH SCHWEPPE'S MALVERN SELTZER WATER. SCHWEPPE'S POTASS WATER. SCHWEPPE'S LEMONADE. Each bottle of the Alkali Waters is protected by a Label over the Cork with their signature. Sold by all respectable Chemists,Confectioners, and leading Hotels. Manufactured at London, Liverpool, Bristol, Derby, and Malvern Wells PRIZE MEDAL PERFUMERY, 1851. 1853. 1855, and 1882. FS CLEAVER'S HONEY SOAP, • Glycerine, Brown Windsor, Elder Flower, Cold Cre.im, and every descriptioa of Fancy Soaps. Sold;n table's convenient for use, and in bars at Is. each, economical for family u«e. Also choice Pomades for the Hair and decant Extracts for the Handkerchief— jor which a Meda! was award, (; for excellence of quality. 32 and 33. RK1) LION STltEE I, LONDON, W.C., and 243, RUK ST. DENb, PAHIS. ALL MUSIC AT HALF PRICE—(the best Copy- right editions) is forwarded post-free by A. HAMMOND & Co., (Jullien) 214, Regent-street London, 011 receipt of stamps tu the amount. Catal..gues sellt gratis. Just published, Burgmullor's Complete Tutor for the Piano-forte, 4s. Do. Jerusalem the Golden, by Brinley Richards, Solo, 3s. Ductt,4s. CANCER; CONSUMPTION. WELTON'S ERADICATOR OF CANCER, TV Consumption, Scrofula, Scorbutic Humours, Dis- eased Blood and General Debility. 10 bottles at 2-. 9d. each or einht bottles for jEt 2s. carriage free. Depot, 13, Grafton.street, Fitzroy- quare, W., where Apartments for such Invalda may be taken. Agellts-Barclay & Co. Far- ii gdon-meet; and of all respectable medicine-vendors, GOD BLESS THE PRINCE OF WALES.— National Song, as sung by Mr. Sims Reeves, 3 j. Do. as a 4 part Song, price 2d., sung by many of the Choral Societies and by a hundred thousand Children on the Marriage Day of their Royal Hignesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, Do. for Piano, 4s.; Piano Duett, 4s. BEAUTIFUL FOR EVER. MADAME RACHEL on FEMALE GRACE and !?I BEAL TV.—A BOOK OF BKAUTY, Just Published by Madam* Rachel. To be bad of Madame Rachel, 47A, New Boud-street, London. Price 2s. 6d. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN.—The PEACH BLOSSOM CREAM and Alabaster Powder, the Magnetic Rock Dew Wilter from Sahara. Ciivussiun Bloom, Arabian Soaps, and Alabaster Liquid. These costly and inimitable toilet preparations render the hair, teeth, .and complexion beautiful beyond cora- parison.—Can be bad only at Madame RACHEL'S, 47A. ^iew Bond- street where she can be consulted dmly. Ail commumcatIOns are stricdy confidential. Madame Itachel's Royal Arabian Perfume Baths are open daily, from 10 a.m. till 10 p.m. PSYCHOPATHY"; a brief explanation of a new and J. simple method by which some thousands of case?, including many of the most obstinate and painful forms of human disease, have been cured gratis, or post-free for .no penny stamp, from J. Parker, 28A, Manchester-street, Manchester-square, London. MMIE SPORTING GAZETTE, (Limited.) A first- X class Saturday Newspaper;- spechllly drv- ted to The Turf, Breeding, Steeple Chasing. Coursing, Huutn?, Shooting, Fishing, and all Sports and Amusements. Conduteù by a Committee of r\oblemeh and Gentlemen. Kdiicd by AY. R. LA:>1GLEY, many years Tur Editor rf Hell's Life in London assisted by BEACO:>1," (late of Bell'i Life,) RHYMING RICHARD, and oth'r popular writers. True 3d stamped 4d. Annual Subscriptions 13s. Stamped lis.4d Post Office orders payable to JtICHAfiD JAMKS K};NNETT, Churns Cross,AV.C. Ollice, 14, York-street, Coveut Garden W. C. London. rPHE Newly Discovered and only infallible Remedy J. for Indigestion and Affections of the Liver. DR. TODD'S COMPOUND PEPSINE PILLS, which for their simplicity of cOlobilHtioll and mildueis of action are unsurpassed. In Boxe*. Is. l^d. and 2-. 91.. of Mr. Youug Ch emist 19, Pttnetd-ttrcet, H<>xto>i. ot M-^srs. H-ircuy, Farringdon street and of all lespectable Medicine Vendors. THE GUINEA CURTAIN, without seam, 4 yards long and 11 yards wide, any colour, with handsome border, 21s. T. H. FILMER & SON, Upholsterers, 31, 32, and 34, Berners-strect, London, W. An illu trated priced catalogue of turniture post-free. ELEGANT PERSONAL REQUISITES. Under the Patronage of Royalty and the Aristocracy of Europe. ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL, For promotill¡'; the GROWTH, RKSI'OKI.Vi, IMPROVING; and BEAUTIFYING the HUMAN HAIR.—3S. yd., 7s., lUs. 6d., and 21s. per bottle. ROWLANDS' KALYDOR softn'cuB £ nailiw Vloom t0 ,lie complexion, and a delicacy and Hands aiid Anns.—4s. G<i. anil 8s. 6d. per bottle. n, P„,„ n ROWLANDS' ODONTO, nnd L'ive-'i I'feT fCK' 1,es!tows on 'he Teeth a Pearl-like WhiUnesn <oM '0 Ha W00 to,he Brc.ith.-2s.9d. per box. tsr- a n en> London, and bv Chemists & Perfumera. Ask for^ROWLANDS,„ Articles, JWWH has been 67, DODD'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS — The a.toui?hing effects of the.e Pine induces the proprietor to giye th-m a greater publicity. In Two Hours they reIiewe pain; in Twelve the violent eytnptoms sub- aide, and the Patient can folio* hi* vocition; the? may be taken at any time. require no Confinement, do not in- vigorate the Constitutoo. Innumerahteteatimoniata esta- bliso these facts. Sold in boxes. Hd., and 2s. 9d. each by Mr. DODD. Surgeon, 91. Bridge-road, Lambeth. AOEKTS.—Mr. KERNICK, 23, Duke-street, and Mr WHITEHORN, 100, Bute-street. ELEGANCE, COMFORT, AND ECONOMY. rPHE NEW CANROBERT OVERCOA^T (Light, T~TTtW'trrn Hnd Waterproof.) Price ONE GUINEA, b. PODLSON & COMPANY, Sole Inventors and Tailor,, 94. HEGENT STKEET, LONDON. Trousers. 16' »n everj other descriptions of Clothing equally mod era I •. aud ready for immediate use. Eitablished in 1828. Yiiitors to London are requested to call DINNEFORD'S PURE FLUID MAGNESIA HAS been, during Twenty-five years, emphatically sanc- tioned by the Medical Profession, and universally accepted by the Public as the best Remedy for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, GOUT, AND INDIGESTION, And as a mild aperient for delicate constitutions, more espe- cially for Ladies and Children. When combined with the ACCIDULATED LEMON SYRUP. it forms an agreeable Effervescing Draught, in which its ape- rient qualities are much increased. During Hot Seasons and ill Hot Climates the regular use of this simple and elegant remedy has been found highly beneficial. It is prepared (in a state of perfect purity and of uniform strength) by DINNEFORD & CO., 172, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, And sold by all respectable chemists throughout the world. PRESERVED PROVISIONS. PRIZE MEDAL.-McC ALL'S PROCESS J. McCALL & CO., CONTRACTORS TO THE ROYAL NAVY, 137, HOUNDSDITCH, LONDON. The Jury at the International Exhibition, 1862, awarded a Medal to J. McCall, for "excellence of quality "—the pro- visions not being over-cooked, retaining freshness and flavour as if dressed at the kitchen fire. Agent for CARDIFF-JOSEPH ELLIOTT, Bate-street. WINES AT REDUCED DUTIES. REES AND WILLIAMS, 16, CASTLE-STREET, SWANSEA; AND 16, NOTT-SQUARE, CARMARTHEN; (SOLE AGENTS to Messrs. W. and A. GILBEY, who have the largest Wine Trade direct with the Consumer in Great Britain,) TTAVE a STOCK of all the undermentioned WINES, rl bearing the Seals and Brands as imported and bottled by Messrs. W. and A. G. EBRO PORT, 15s. per dozen, imported from the North of Spain, is pure, delicious, fruity, and of a ruby colour; or in cask, dB3 9s. Od. per 7 gall.; dB4 16s. 3d. per 14gal.: £9 9s. per qr. cask of 28 gallons. ELBE SHERRY, 15s. per dozen, imported from Hambro, is light and wholesome, suitable for either dinner or dessert, and as stimulating as any wine imported or in cask, £2 Ds. Od. per 7 gall; £4 16s. 3d. per 14 gall.; £9 9s. Od. per qr. cask of 28 gallons. WINES FROM THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE.—Port, Sherry, Madeira, etc., 18s., or in casks £2 19s. 6d. per 7 gall.; jB5 17s. 3d. per 14 gall.; £11 lIs. per 28 gall. For other Cape Wines, see page 6 of Book of Prices, sent on application. WINES FROM MARSALA.—Bronte Marsala, 20s., or in cask £3 6s. 6d. per 7 gall.; £6 lIs. 3d. per 14 g-all.; £10 3s. 6d. per 22 gall. For other Marsalas, see page 7 of Book of Prices, sent on application. WINES FROM SPAIN.-Sound Dinner Sherry 24s., or in cask £4 Os. 6d. per 7 gall.; £7 19s. 3d. per 14 gall. and £15 15s. per 28 gall. For all other Sherries, see page 8 of Book of Prices, sent on application. WINES FROM PORTUGAL.—Port, 6 years in the wood, 26s., or in casks dE4 7s. 6d. per 7 gall.: £ 8 13s. 3d. per 14 gall.; JB17 3s. per 28 gall. For all other Ports in Cask or Bottle, see page 9 of Book of Prices, sent on application. WINES FROM FRANCE.—Sound Dinner Clarets, from 14s., Sparkling Champagne from 32s., Sparkling St. Peray, and ditto White Burgundy, 42s., and ditto Red Burgandy 48s. per dozen. For all other White and Red French Wines see pages 10 to 12 of Book of Prices, sent on application. WINES FROM THE RHINE.-Sound Dinner Hocks from 14s., and Moselles from 16s. Sparkling Moselles and ditto Hocks from 38s.. For all other German Wines see pages 11 to 13 of Book of Prices, sent on application. SPIRITS.—All of the highest strength allowed by law see page 14 in Book of Prices. GIN, Excellent Household, full strength, 13s. per gal. BRANDY, "Universal" Do. 16s. 6d. „ Do. Finest Cognac Do. 24s. „ RUM, Finest Jamaica Do. 18s. „ WHISKEY, Finest Scotch or Irish do. 18s. „ HOLLANDS, Geneva, Finest, do. 14s. „ Do. in orginal cases, as imported, 32s. per dozen. W. and A. GXXBBT'S Book of Prices of 140 WINES and SPIRITS can be had—Samples tasted—and any quantity of their various Wines obtained on application to REES AND WILLIAMS, 16, CASTLB-STBEET, SWANSEA and 16, NOTT-QUARE CARMARTHEN. THE NEW REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT NEURALGIA, AND ALL PAINS ORIGINATING FROM COLD. SCHMIDrS FIR WOOL OIL. RHEUMATIC, FACE, TOOTH, OR EAR ACHE CURED IN FIVE TO TEN MINUTES. THIS Oil has proved an unfailing remedy in cases of JL Rheumatic and Gouty Affections, Chilblains, Chalk- stones, and Paralytic and Gouty tendencies. FIR WOOL WADDING is recommended for envelop- ing and strengthening weak limbs. FIR WOOL CHEST PROTECTORS, from their gently stimulating qualities, will be found of great service, far superior to the protectors in ordinary use, and to supersede the use of warm plasters. Various sizes, from Is. to 2s. 6d. Fir Wool Oil, in bottles, Is. l £ d., Is. 9d., and 2s. 9d. Fir Wool Wadding, in packets, 6d., Is., and Is. 6d. CAUTION.—As there is another article being falsely in- troduced as the only genuineChemists and the public are cautioned against interested statements by non-scientific persons, unconnected with the trade. Fir Wool Oil is a definite product by distillation, and is in common use by the faculty in Germany.-See Lancet of 31st Jan., and Pharma- ceutical Journal for Feb., 1863. Sole Importers from Germany WATTS & REICHABDT, English and Foreign Chemists, 225, Oxford Road, Manchester. AGENTS CARDIFF F. W. JOY, Chemist. SWANSEA GLOVER, Chemist. ASK MB SCHMIDT'S FIB WOOL OH .MIl OSTEO ElDON, Patent, March 1, 1862, No. 560. lVIESSRS. GABRIEL, THE OLD-ESTABLISHED DENTISTS. GABRIEL'S SELF-ADHESIVE TEETH and SOFT UT GUMS, without springs or palates, are warranted to succeed even when all highly-landed inventions have MIed. Purest materials and first-class workmanship warranted, and supplied at half the usual costs, by Messrs. GABRIEL, the Old-established Surgeon Dentists (Diploma 1815.) IPFCA ~»VHEOLD ESTABIISHED ^QCNTLST^ 21 HARLEY STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE, AND 34, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, 134, DUKE-STBEET, LIVRBPOOI, 65 NEW STBEET, BIRMINGHAM. Consultations gratis. For an explanation of their various improvements, opinions of the press, testimonials, &c., see Gabriel's Practical Treatise ou the Teeth." Post-free on application. American Mineral Teeth, best in Europe, from 4 to 7,10, and 15 gaineas per set. warranted. GABRIEL'S Patent WHITE ENAMEL, the only permanent stopping that does not discolour the Teeth. Specially adapted for front Teeth. I. WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. THE GREAT SUCCESS of this -1- DELICIOUS CONDIMENT has been the signal for the appearance of many ",1 1)- RIOUS IMITATIONS totally difierenl FLAVOR and destitute of the DIG LSI MC- PROPERTIES of this SAUCE. Purch&ier* are earnestly regnpntea to ASK FOR LEA. & PERS1NS' EAOCE, FrcparM nlr In" fU X, & PERKINS, Worcester. Jy /Wgftl&IPy Sold Wholesale and Tor Export, by CaDIS. tt BLACKWILL, London, 8" nil M«r«uanU and Oilmen.







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