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ONE SHILLING.-POSTOFFICE DIRECTORY. -Just Published, the Supplement to the Post Otiice London Directory for 1853," coutaining, in addition to the ordinary supplemental matter, the" Parliamentary Directory," corrected to this time, and giving lists of the Peers in their order of precedence and alphabetically, with the offices now held by each alpbabdicallist of the Members of the House of Commons, with the places for -which they &it; the offices held by each under the present Government; alphabetical list of Boroughs, Cities, aud Counties, with the Members returned for each, &< &c. &c. The "Supplement" likewise contains the complete "Pustal Directory," giving the important changes in the hours for posting, and times of delivery throughout the London District Post." Also Schedules, showing the movements of the Contract Mail Steim Packets of the Peninsular and Oriental StE-am Navigation Company in the bi-monthly Postal service with India, China, Austra- lia, &c., for the year 1853, and the dates of ariivals at, and departures from all places in the Outward and Home- ward route. It is not possible, within present limits, to detail the contents of the "Supplement;" but it will be found to include every possible information as to the transmission of letters and newspapers to all parts of the world — route, rate, tunes of departure, weight of letters, pre-payment, whether optional or compulsory, Sec, &c. Regulations under which books, magazines, reviews, pamphlets, & may be forwarded through the post. Registered letters. Regulations of, and lists of, Money Order Offices, showing the one nearest to every town or village in England and Wales. Names of all Postmas- ters, with the times at wfyjeji letters from London are delivered, and the hours of the letter-boxes closing at every place. Railway Mails, &c. &c. &c. Kelly aad Co., Old BosWell Court, London; and all Booksellers throughout the United Kingdom. EASTERX CO UN TI LIS RAILWAY. M'HE Directors are prepared to receive TENDERS for j 20,000 SLEEPERS, L\S0 tons of FISH C'HAIR^, luO tons of PLA ]:,LS, and 30 tons 01 BOLTS and WASHERS. Specifications and Samples may be seen on Wednesday next, at the otiice of the Superintendent ot Works, liishopsjate Station, London. Tenuers to he sent in to the undersigned not later than Tuesday, tiie 22nd inst., and endorsed "Tender for Sieepers, Chairs, Plates, or Bolts." By Order, J. B. OWEN, Secretary. March 14, 1853. NEW WINE SHADES & SPIRIT VAULTS IN VICTORIA PLACE, HAYES, CARDIFF. fpHE above spacious "Premises having now been completely fitted np. will he fully OPENED on SATURDAY, 1 the 19th Infant, with an Entire Stock of and AL,,SOI?P'S PALE ALES, Mild BURTON DO.. LONDON and DUBLIN STOUT and FORI Ell. FINEST TrINES dNL) SPIRITS. MILD DEER FKu.M FOURPENCE PER QUART OUT OF DOORS. PORT AND SIIEURY rno>t 2s. (5-J. ptitt BOTTLE. C A R I) IFF. C. O It ClX A II D. VENETIAN", PATENT, AND WIRE BLIND MANUFACTURER, CLEVELAND TFAillACE, BATH, RESPECTFULLY returning thanks for the liberal Patronage he has received for the last Fourteen Years from the Nobility, Gentry, &c., uf South W ales, begs to announce that, in order to meet the demands of ..is incieasing Trade, he has OPENED A BRANCH OF HIS ESTABLISHMENT, AT No. 7, ST. JOHN STREET, Near St. John's Church, Cardiff, under the direction of Mr. AVIS, To whom all communications may be addressed, and who will feel great pleasure in promptly attending to all orders entrusted to him. Every description of Wire Work, Agricultural and Horticultural, Game Nettin?, Fencing, Nailing, and Training Wires Flower Stands iu great variety Ornamental Wire Work for Lawns, Shrubberies, &c, Builders' Lime and other Screens, together with every description of Bird Cages, Aviaries for Pheasants, &c. [DUTY FREE.] (Putsuant to the several Acts for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors in England) In the County Court 0" GLAMORGANSHIRE, holden at CARDIFF, on the SEVENTH day of MARCH, 1853, upon the due tiling of the Schedule of GEORGE WILDE, late of VirtorU-street, in the \J borough of Merthyr-Tydtii. in the County of Glamorgan, Paw broke) and Draper, previously of No. :20. Cas'I.tYll't'n, in the City of Urislol, nut of Business. \\1Ù now a Prisoner in the Gaol of Cardiff, in the Coun'y of Glamorgan, whose Estate and Effects have been vested in the Provisional Assisneeby Order duly mnie in tliat behalf: and upou reference of the Petition and Schedule ut the Said Prisoner for 11 earing ma le to :hisCnuttby Order of the Court for Relief of Insolvent Dtblois pursuant to the said Acts: 11' IS ORDERED and A PPOI N'T E D that the said Prisoner shall Le brought up to be desalt with arcurdilJl( to the Provisions of the said Acts before the Judue of the said County Court of Cardiff, in the said County, ou the 12th day of APRIL nex t. instalit, at the hour of Ten in the Morning precisely d which ail Creditors and Persons claiming to be Creditors of the sai l Prisoner, for the sum of Five Pounds or more, shall have Notice by Service of a Copy of rhis Onier made within sudl Time and in such Man- ner as is piescnoed by the Rule of the Court iu that behalf. BytheConrt, JOHN HENRY GOODERE, Merl by r-Ty ilfil, Insolvent's Attorney. LIFE ASSURANCE may be obtained f\ at the smallest outlay, consistent with secuiity, from the LIFE ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND. (Founded I h:1K, and Incorporated by Royal Charter.) 1 his is the only Assurance Office in Scotland whose Con- stitution and Regulations have been adopted with that special object. ON 5th APRIL in every year the precise state of the Affairs is ascertained by a detailed valuation. The Di- visible Prutit is then apportioned to all Policy Holders of Five full Years' standing, and handed to them IN MONEY, when they pay their following Yeai's Premiums. For each of the last Five Years, 7s. per £ 1 of the Pre- miums have thus been returned. EXAMPLRs OF POLICIES OF £1000. Annual 'Annual Return Premiums thu> ° Premiums. Piofit. Reduced to 25 £:21 2 6 £ 7 7 10 £13 11 8 35 27 18 4 1 9 15 5 18 2 11 45 38 11 8 13 10 I 25 1 7 55 56 12 6 19 16 4 36 16 2 60 69 0 ID 24 3 4 44 17 6 The Premiums have thus been reduced, after tive years, to less than two-thirds of their original amount. In order still further to diminish the outlay for a Life Assurance, the Association will accept of One-half the Premiums for the first jhe years, Ihe remaining balf being deductible from the sum Assured at death, if not paid previously, and beariug interest payable annually in advance. THE 14TH ANNUAL BALANCE AND 9TH DIVISION OF P Horn's WILL BE MADE ON 5in APRIL NEXT. „ 'JU05E JOINING THE ASSOCIATION BEFORE THAT DATE WILL ENJOY PECULIAR PtdVlLEGES, FROM WHICH ALL SVilSl-QUhNT POLICY-HOLDEUS WiLL BE EXCLUDED. — See Ttie Association have Agents in most of the Towns throughout the Kingdom. Prospect uses, &c., may be ob- Uiued from any of the Airents, or at any of the OfHces. OFFICES: EDINBURGH.. 2, Hanover Street. LONDON .20, King William Street, City. AGENTS — Cardiff Mr. B. Bowen, Assistant Overseer, 5, Great Frederick Street. Brecon .Mr. George Cansick, Wine and Spirit M ercfiatit. Hay Mr. Wil.iam Lloyd, Auctioneer. Merthyr-Tyiffll. Vacant. PlICE N I X FIRE A-S S UII ANrC E COMPANY. _t_ LOMUAKD STBKET and CHARING CROSS, LONDON. Established in 1782. TRUSTEES AND DIRECTORS. Sir Hubert Harry lnglii. Bart., M.P. Decimus Rurtun, Esq. Thomas Hodgson, Esq. tMavius lidward Cuupe, Esq. James Honw, Lisq. H liiiam COlti/U, Escj. William J,¿,ues Lancaster, Esq. Widiam l),¡V d. Es<i Jolin Dorrieu Stamens, Esq. Geurge Arthur Fuller. Esq. J. Masterman, Esq., M.l'. Emanuel (,uudh"rt. I-S4. John Petty Musprutt, Esq. Jaml's Alexander v.ruon, Esq. George StanUy lteptou, K-q. Henry Grace, Esq. lienjaaiiii Shaw, Esq. Joseph Owen Harris, ERq. Ch,lrle" Hampden Turner, Esq. iLirkman Daniel Huúg50ll, E5'1' Matthew W hitiug, Esq. AUDITORS. John Davis, Esq. John Hodgson, Esq. WiMiam Hammond, Esq. „ ( Wihner Harris, Esu. Secretaries, | Cjl,or,t, William Loveli, Esq. Architect and S,trveyor-.J lIhn Shaw, Esq., Solicitors—Messrs. Dawes ami Sons, Angel Court. Insurances auainst loss by Fire are effected by the PliCEMX COMPANY upon every description of Pro- perty, in every part of the World, on the most favourable terms. Persons insuring with the PHOENIX COMPAXYare not liable to make good the Losses of others, as is the case in some Offices. Insurances with this Corrpany expiring at Lady Day must be renewed within Fifteen Days thereafter, or they will become yoill. Receipts are now ready at the principal Offices, Lom- bard-street and Charinii-cross, and with the respective Agents throughout the United Kingdom. AGENTS FOR SOUTH WALES. Cardiff John Bird, Esq., Solicitor Aberystwith. Joseph Dowo'e, Eaq.. Bank Manager Abergaveuuy Mr. Thomas James, farmer Bala Isaac Gilbertson, Esq., Solicitor Brecknock Thomas Frajer, E-q., Bank Bridgend Samuel Cox. E-q., Sol citur Buil ii .Mr. Thos. P. Gwiliiui, Draper Ca.ruigcil1 Mr. Cai",[, I.e»isf EookHdier LUneily .Mr. ii. M. D iu^las, Auctioneer Carmarthen -Mr. Win. Morris. Dealer in China Hay Joseph Foysttr, Bsa, lhuker Knighton Mr. Cluirles Kuiil, Cabinet Maker Val!lIdù Vjvvr. ,\1 r. George William-, Postmaster Mertbyr Tyd til..Mr. John Ed -»ards, Gentleman Neath Egbert Mocham, Esq., Architect Newport (Pembrokeshire), Mr. J-mies Gritlith, Cuemist New Radnor Mr. Edward Jones. Farmer Pembroke. Jas. Ie Bi'yant, Ksq., Surgeon Ditto Ttiomas Lewis, Esq Solicitor Ditto Mr. Richard C. Treweeks, Chemist Presieign Thomas Jones, Esq., Bank Manager Swansea James Hall, Esq., Land Suiveyor Ditto Mr. F. D. Michael, Public Accountant Tenby Air. W iliiain W alkinton, Clie.nist Weislipool Air. Joiiu W illiains, Ctiemist THE MUTUAL PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING AND IN VESTM ENT SOCIETY. Established at Bridgwater, pursuant to Gth aud 7th W iliiain 4th, cap. 32. SHARES, £ 50 EACH, WITH A BONUS, SCALE OF MONTHLY PAYMENTS. For i Sixteeen Years. Twelve Years. Eight Years. 1-1 luvesters. 3s. 01. 5s. j 3d, 9J. Sorrowers. ¡ 8s. I 3d. 10s. I 0U. 133. t 0(1. Entrance Fee, One Shiliing per Share, TRUSTEES. The Rev. A. H. P. Trewmau, M.A., Vicar of North Petherton. Wm. D. Bath, Esq., Alderman of Bridsrwater. Frederick P. Axford, Esq., Merchaut, Bridgwater. DIRECTORS. Axford, Richard Ricks, James Coles, J. Ruscambe Seweil, R. R. Collhurst, T, C., Jun. Sutton, JefFery Dowty, F. (j. Stantial, Thomas Gooiliug, William Sytnes, Henry Hunt, Chailes Trood, Edward Kuight, George Williams, J. V. Leaker, James Whitby, John BANKERS. Messrs. J. & J. l, Sealy, Bridgwater. AUDITORS. Mr. John Prior, Accountant, Bridgwater. Mi. Charles Knowles, Actuary of the Savings' Bank, Bridgwater. CONSULTING ACTUARY* Arthur Scratchley, Esq, M.A., 3, Parliament Street, LondolJ SOLICITORS. Messrs. Trevor, Messrs. Pararnore & Ruddock, and Mr. Gooding, Bridgwater. MANAGER. Mr. William Henry Bowditch, Saint Mary Street, Bridgwater. rpHIS SOCIETY" is founded not on the terminating JL but on the Permanent principle, is open to -all Classes, and is established for providing a safe and prof-Hable in- vestment for savings and enabling its members to pur- chase Lands or Dweliiug-houses, and repaying the Mortgage Money by small instalments in W, 12, or 10 years. Borrowers may redeem and Invester.-i may with- draw their Subscriptions at ttnv time on giving notice. The advantages are entirely Mutual. No Redemption t ee. Moderate and jixeU law charges. So Stamps on I Mortgage Deeds. Economy in expenditure—equal (iis- !j tribulion ot profits to Borrowers and Investers. Prospectuses aud every information may be obtained 011 application at the Oiiices of the Society, iu Saint j .Mary-street, Bridgwater, or of the fullowing:- j LOCAL OFFICERS, j AGENTS. i Cardiff. Mr. Peter Price, Canal Wharf. Newport Mr. S, C. Grimes, Great Dock-street. Bristol. Mr. Augustus Stevens, Auctioneer, Saint Nicholas Chambers. SURVEYORS. Cardijf. Mr. C. E. Bernard, 4, Wellington Terrace. Xeivport Mr. R. 0. Ttiomas. Bristol. Mr. Joseph James,



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