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CARDIFF AND biiistol Sttcam t^acKct, PRINCE OF WALES, MATTHEW JONES, Commander, IS Intended to Sail during the Month of DECEM. -L BEll, 1852, from the Bute Docks, CatdifF, and from Basin, iirislol, calling at the Hotwells, where a Waiting Room for Passengers is provided opposite the landing place, and they will be put on board, or lauded, free of charge. CARDIFF. J BRISTOL. From Bute Dock*- I From Buthuist Basin. I)KC., 185a. j LVEC., 1852. '!» Friday 2] alur 25, Saturday 5 morn Monday 4 after 1 28, Tuesday GJ morn •'» Weiloesday 5^ tuorii | 30, Thursday 7 4 inorn '•Friday tij morn | Jau. 1, Saturday. &i niurn 3, Monday 9 moral 4, Tuesday 11$morn '> Wednesday H.J morn j 6, Thursday 2 after » Fiiday after 8, Saturday 5 morn ^Aftes by both Steamers :—After Cabin, Is.; Fore Cabin, 6d. Ofntbuscs are in waiting at Cardiff, on the arrival of the *mer* to convey passengers to the 8uuth Wales anù Tall *1? Railway Stations without delay. • B.—Horses, Carriages, Cattle, &c., intended for the 'NCE OK WALKS to be shipped and unshipped at Basin, Bristol. rriagen and Horses to be alongside one hour previous n to the time of sailing. "'freshmenis may be had on board on moderate terms. b "our-wheel Carriage, 20s.; Four-wheel Phaeton, drawn p. ,5*'° borses 15s.; One. horse Phaeton, or (Jig, 101. h°Ut"*heel, drawn by one horse and driver, 13s. Ca".6 and Wider, After Cabin, fill.; Fore Cabin, 5<. tid. #a'h'e'^S'' "orses, 5s. each Sheep, 8d. each Lambs, (id L» j and Calves, Is. each.—Shipping and in lnS l.ive Stock at risk of their Owners.—These Fares e overv expense. Dm 0'c'i•—Goods Delivered free of Hauling and Dock liPS 11\ Cardiff. Not Arcountabl e for any Goods without Shipping Notes pfftf Go,(s will be Hauled from the Warehouse* to the III Ihe hxpriiHc of II". t'linu' iiiy. AI, No Frr< tn I'oiti-is. Cp, fri y> Xe-'vhridgr, .ib.rdure. Swansea, Ne-ith. Abe.'(iron la,l ""ii* Hrntgeioi, L!a»triiJe>il, and Cacrphit.y -Goo.is llene Pl.cra Hi .Se rine "»Va(jt-on», Uali*a» .and ""f1 ""a iioais immediate!} oiiflrnval. unless ordered conveyance, in which case y.ev wit! be df- »l,(ltei' 111 he .Steam I'm ke Warehouse, til! c-iiie<l l<>r. at rmi; — Kreifcl.t to be pai.i on delivery Kir j ariaK<:f, Parcela, &c., forw»r«ied mall pan* t'"<- 'ck..w'll,u« 'l«d«<, wiifi. s«nl to either ol the Meaui tOHiceS in Cardiff or Bristol. tajj!" r informitliol1 3" to Freight, Sec., will bo readily ob- ,e" by b( p|yu,|J IO the ARCH'S CaT'r ;VaN' Ai»ent, I'acket O'iice, at the Bute Docks, ^'isiol otto1' I". 1 IJR.MtU, Ageut, No. 12, Quay-street, Loods received a P2, Quay-street, Btistol. l> ^j'^ above Steamer arrive* at, and 't^rt" from Bathnrst ut?i"' nliicb is within Eight Minutes' walk of the ^^y^t-.tion. VAltDIFF, NEWPORT, & BRISTOL SFEAM A PACKETS. pUE BRISTOL GENERAL STEAM N A VIG A- 'HON COMPANY'S splendid Paddle Steamers, 0r S1VHW\ DART, AXD USK, ?lJler suitable Stenrners, with or without Pilots, and Hi > er,y '° l ow Vessels, are intended to Ply during c ^onth of DECEU UEK as follows: — p CARDIFF AND BRISTOL—SWIFT. 0"i Bute iJvcks. Curdiif. from Bathurst Businr Bristol | Due., ^^turday 8i morn) t7,Fhttay. 9J morn S I aa' ,V>«sday 12 noon 20, Monday 12.^ alter »5* i'lur,i<'«y ji after j 21, Wednesday -i after Saturday 3^ morn «4, Friday 4 alter 28, T, "0 p'day 5.J morn 1 -7, Monday 6 morn "ursday C mum | '29, Wednesday 7 morn I 31, Friday. IS morn Fauks After Cabin, Is. j Fore Cabin, GJ. 8le 'buses are in waitiu* ai. Car-utV as» the arrival of the J V4| ,r'«» cauvny l'as^en^ers in t it; Soulli Wales and Tall I ailway Stations wii hunt delay. JS^ — Horses. Carriages, Cutle, See., intended for thp |(r: 'o bi! shipped and un-tbipped at B.»tlnvr«t ISasin, V, 5|l. Carriages am) (Jorses io b*^ alongside One Hour pre- I)"1 lo the time of Sailing. .resliiiK'i.ls may be bad on Board on Mod Tate Terms. 1>V ■|,°"r-v» lieel Carriage, »0s Fo ir-wheel Pha<*lon, drawn y.L W() llorse.s, I5<. j ('ni-norse l'haeton or Gig, IDs. l'our- 1[( ,ee' drawn by One llorsu am! l)iive 13- Horse and l), Alter Cabin, 8s.; Fore Cabin, 6s. tid.; Caiilc, 4s.; 'J' <*8C'1 ^each; l.ambs, fid. each Pigs, a,i<' 's- each. — shipping and Lnnding Live e*IJeiJ> 411 1 Jr'k' 01 theil Owneis.— l'hese Fares include every "e. "tQ.lf i'U qh' 'c':—Goods delivered free of nauliug and DJck Dues J^°ies ol accountable for any Goods without Shipping t L*"ous will be lianled from the Warehouses to the the Expense of the Company. y ji]ery No Fees to l'oitf r> ^iin heutlrridjie. Alter dm e, Swansea, Nenth, Aberaton Bridgeid, Luiitri.<st,it, and Caciphil'.y. — Goods 1 'o ltie»e Places in >j'ring W a^gou», Uutiway, and ^y ^anal Boats .immediately on arrival, unies* ordered 1 'iieJi l':itticular conveyance, in WIIILII case ihey will be de- ff t|,vlv <nujU (',e Sieam packet Wareaonse nil called lor, at V^fypexf< lise of Consignee. — F rvight to be paid on den- ( ''d [)a,( °u0s, I'ackage.s. and Parcels, >SiC., N.C., forwa'de.J to lt,e v "lB Ktsigtioii without <ieiav, when sent to either A'aeSei Ullices in Cardiil or Bristol.— Further 'j111 tl> freigut, &.C., will be readily oblan.t;d by U the Agents.— 3 ftJUou to, & Uillcf, Q »«»), lirisiul, lor SWli'T I V'8|>iil^11f"ien ^or at 'he llris'ol General Sieaui Na- i1 T:, Oilice, Quay, tiristol. -lIi4,|ii, Bb"VC ■Sl<*a,URr arrive ai. and starts from Hathurlt i '<Iii) ':j'l' IISIOI, "lu':lI \:$ within! I1IIUo.IlcS' wiilk of the Hail' 411011. Prntti Nr-lVI>ORr AND BRISTOL — DAtlT AND USK. Batin> Bristol. I Fiom Hodney )VUurJ\ Newport Its •• j852. Ukc 160- 104 morn I IS, Saturday 9 morn ',r2n}.t (I: :1.ùI1l1a)' ]:!¡ af I'r: 20, Monda\" II morn \V' 14 ofti'r 21, Tuesday noon f'1. ni'sday alter 22, Wednesday 1 after f1. Kf.U,rS'lay a' alU'r *3, bursday 1| alter Nti/1' 4 a"er ~4, ^rida-v ~i a,ter rJay ro morn j 2'.i, Saturday 3i morn I morn—5.) afier 27, Monday 4 £ morn~4 j after i ^'ej 6.J morn 28, Tuesday 5 alter 3] 'llTsdS^U^ "'urn J 29, Wednesday tj morn frida '1 ,,u'rn I 3J, Thursday 0 niorn Si mom | 31, Friday 7 moru ^°Ur~*vh AIlES • Pore Deck, 6d. l^ou g4' ^arriage, 18s.; Two-wheel Carriage or Light •I* °n« 'ii* ■'■wo-wlieel Carriage or Light Phaetou drawn > !er. fis "Tf' 4Vl,h Driver, Horse, 5;,) Horse and !ihA.NViii"'i^ *ls"eac1'- L,e "tAei| r°°'" ls provided opposite the landing place at ,L7rg0 abo.u Z'C |JaSiell^er!, are ^^>1 on board tree of Vett'seiaen, ltUHn miuuius after the tune slated in the ■' Uor Sailing fro.i. Bathnrst Basin. A nsleave WALES RAILWAY, r i5^P°r' 7.45 a.m., 10.55 am. t jSrr've at v P'U1'' 5 '),IU* U"* PilI., •1j-Wp0rt rr,Hn 8.3,) a.:II., 10 45 a. in V|f 'Hi i 6"5ii l',in" aluJ 9-15 P !$ £ ',« C°ACn da,V frt"» Car- UreNewl';»n, on the Arrival of these jackets lUilr, aim a"u C«k 10 Abergavenny, Crickhowt-ll, ana i F„S llefoic. 11,r0"' ",e. Coldeii Lion, Abergavenny, t/JIee ,f rt^cr n V v>t Sailing for tirisi'ii. U ^o.!5 !y!avitrl,l-C"iar8 'uay ,"1 obiairted at t J,<; Bristol Genera! li.n" l0n Co- s Q ,dy. Hiistol, where all i 0>J,, Sim 0t^es' l>i,rCels. Hie sirtuiJ bs addressed. s< l{0, ,,er'"formation can be obtained of ,»lr. JDHN 'I 4gf„t'' 'a,n VVharf, H..t we lis. '^v^^J^,e*poit, M.. K. 1'. IQNES, liodney Whatf. )i ^EATH, GLAM0RGANSH 1IIE. (! *i I JlQ h n ——— j T] 8 lJE LET, and Entered upon Immediately, L* Family Hesidence, situate close to the U/r°Us *^ealb, called GLYN-LEI.'iO.S, containing li^'iQt,, jV.t;ipnl and secondary Bedchambers, Dnuv- 1' des\ .u.'l,S>*r0um, Library, and Domestic OtHces of V •ioJC>M',>u» aniple Stabling, Coach-houses, Lofts, p"8' ai1^ °'ber iiailditigs; xvltti Lmvn, walled al ar^e"' '-Orchard, and rich Pasture Land, cum- Li'^Vt '°oe'her about Acres.— Tlie Properly is 0r ly"' ^elu r"lt'r particulars, aud to treat, apply to Messrs. "id liandail, Solicitors, Neath. —— —-— J tl<VoUS AND OKNEltAl'lViJ DISUlSEi. ► Ijj. ^'ustral(!l' with 4.3 Coltiured Envtravin-js, and II "the r.ew)y-di9covt.,ed PKKVKNTlVE l.o'l'ION. ^"elom. ''e ^^t!l llo"4ai"l prii-e 2<. 6J., in a sealed t V.ors^byth, '(| ,or 40 nostage stamps, 4 H'uh pi <lU>LS ,Ht iU j)>re"' iture Decline, ^>1 liev P"'eCt'°''S t0r; S l e"tct ^storation. I[I| ^liilv, every l,°rm' 0,'r« of Ner- l ^he.h. I),0le"Cy* lj,,ss ot Uenl.il end l'ny«i0,,| C.i- :l'ilt"'li "S trora Youthful Abuse, the Follies '^lCi1 ,()y» 'he elfect* Climate, r li f, < lion, &c au- P11 "c '\11tl ,Stt'fe,er ln tlanirtod, an.I Old A^e; »f 'ficati'0' Cbservaiious on >1 JI ria^e, lis Unties alio V'"4tu,r|it^s i»ie i'reveution and Cure of Syphilis, » J th, a" oll,ur, ienital Diseases, as il,'ai»d B^iUe,v MoJe of I reatment by Daslitides, l.alle- 11 l". C,lr:°r», Surgeons to ■' Vetienao, Paris. I u>i, N"' Surg,?„U) 15, .Ylo^'iiarle.-s'reet, P.ccadilly V, lrang| e" and linl'arg«t» liditmn of .VLvNHuou, which t ''rexcr6*1 'tt'o live |a:ig"a30:i» wiil ,,u 8,VL,», the iU°Ull v'P!'Onol a D.siute^'1'* ljJU0U fot Ulu 1>r«- V0lU,! Unorders. ,,t 1#. o °Us«Uai,on daily, from 10 «*. "d w »• •lh "On Itev,l'-H'S OF I HE WOI'.K. K,hr £ 'ny J- • Cnrtis.—We agree with .he Author 'ii'of class being o..jec|m»ole H 'Ur ^flicuhies being o,.po«d, »« <«; 4 n t0 fbeir circulation and 10 strcgtlie.i i 'Ury ,ll"t refer to the recent distress"1!; cVclU!! I t ,^c',0'astic Academics at Carshall'1" a 1 '10 an& Military Gazette, 1st FeJ., IS-' • 1' a iinU 5i;a^0u ii»ai Uiere is no i>>ein 1 u! ^son |U iltl° ba"k w'" ,t 0a Useful —w,,e" 1 J0'11 'be relation of a parent, preceptor, or I of Un, Evening Paper. i i»f ll'ese"ii 'i"0" e"u"eut Physicians testify that the I i» K'eai .e uslve habits, so justly conde.xued oy the >'ft*'4uoher source of derangeinent than all others, J T t'iiv-8er Iie<1 tlie lru>y 'clligent stiperintc'H- '*>» t('e chief ,"nillC Asylums ami Insane lljspllals, s<Mi|'niost Ctt"se of ijiany patients being bruug/it 't^^tiiew a" lasui'eral>te obstacle 10 their tecovety." for a C0^Qlry wouid V'ms here |d„i jnt"Mtice lhe P'"la«"»rop.c and 1^ l uOwji—no cause of inauimouial l| >e ail,shed from our laud, and the race I SCHi,„6 r ? Sliccceded by a renewal of the hardy. V of the oiden ti.,ie."— Chronicle. /!}*«, b, — i u "'e ^ut'' » a's° in sealed envelopes 'i -'> *d C j., 2d; Paiurnoster-ro«v llannay Mun;a0 I3(J, Corabiil, Loudoa Uuesr, k Heywuoii, \)I(;I1.II-str,I. ,\Iau- 0, ChurcU-sireet, Liverpool Catupbellf Ulus^ow -9 liouiiisoa, 11# ureeusnJe-sueei, > e'f> and CM-J tiieat Hritaiu-sireet, Hub- Va 11 Uooksi Hers aoJ Cheinisia m the United ^'»o# at the IJIUA«OIAN Newspaper Oiiice, THE FAST-SAUJ^NG STEAMERS, ItIJENNY J 0 N h S," DAVID DA VIES. COMMANDER, AND « T A L 1 K S I N WILLIAM DAVID, COMMANDER, A KE intended to ply between CARDIFF and BHIS- ToL during the Month of DECEVlBEIi, 1852, as follows :— [Arriving at and startinj; from Bathurst Basin, Bristol, calling at the Hotwells, where Pusseug.TS will be Landed and K'n- barked at the Uownhani Ferry Slip, free of expense, at which place a comfortable Waiting Koom is provided.] CARDIFF. BRISTOL. From the Bute Docks. I From Bathurst Basin. DEC., 185:2. I DEC., 1852. 18, Saturday 81 mom) 18, Saturday 101 morn 20, Monday 10 J morn 120, Monday. 121 after •l, Tucs lay. III morn ¡ 21, Tuesday 1^ alter ■c2, Wediifsiiay I a'ter 'il, Wednesday -M after 2.'j, hnrsday 1 i alter J.'i, Thursday *».« 3^ after it. Frnt.iy -i «fti-r j -4, Friday iij at1" 25, Saturday 31 morn I ?5, Saturday ;)1 rtioru 27, Moiidav -If ufter I' 27, Monday. *6 morn as. Tuesday ■> morn 28, Tuesday. 6! morn 2V. Wednesday. (j mom HJ, Wednesday 6& inoni 3l)( Thursday (j morn 31), Thursday 7, morn 31; Friday 0.; rnoin j 31, Friday ti morn Jail, i. lbo3, Sat.. morn Jan t. 18.1, Sat. 9 morn NOTICE.—The Carditf Steam Navigation Company give Notice, that they will not I". aecouutahle fur any l asseng-rs' Lug^a^e; nor will they be answerable for any Goods. Packa;s, or Parcels (if lost or damaged by lire, leakage, or otherwise), unless booked at their oilice at Card III ur 13ristol, if above, the value of furty shillin¡;8, unless entered at its value, and carriage In pruporlion paid fur the same at the time of hooking, tioods CIJII51i;lIed to order, or not taken away before six o'clock 111 the evening ur the day of landing, will be warehoused at tlie risk awl expense of the consignees. A 11 Hoods to he considered as liens, 1Iot ollly fur Freight and Charges due thereon, but also fur all preriousty unsatisfied Freighl and Charges due by COil. signees lu the Pruprieturs of the saiù Packet. Disputed weight* or measurement, Cl:1illlli fur J09S or damage, s'c" cannot be aUowl,,1 unless written notice of the same be sent to the umcl." on the day otdciiteiy. To and Fro from Bristol, 27th. REDUCED Fakks Born SrtiAMisKs: — After Cabin, Is. Fore Cabin, 0d. Goods and Parcels forwarded with dispatch (I) f,alltrissent Bridaend, Port Talbot, Neaih, SwatH"a, Llanolly. then, Mcrthyr, Aberdare, Pontypridd, Covvhridge, Cacrphi.ly &c" &c., hls"I., and fro" London, Mauchester, Birmingham 1111<1 ail, a is "f lhe kingdom. Omnibuses are in watting at Cardiff en lhe arrival of Ihe Steamers I" convey Passengers to the Railway Stations IInd all parts of toe To*n. llefreshtnents may be had on board on moderate terms. Pour-wheel C»rriig«, 2Us.; Pom-wherl Ptiaetou, drawn by T wo Horse?, 15> One-horse Phaeton, or tJig, 10s. Two-wheel drawn by lhe Due llor>f and iJrtver, Lis.; Horse and liiuer, Alter CaOin, bs.; Fore Cabin, Gs. hd.; C..ttle.4s,; Horses,6s. eaeti; Sheep, 8d cach Lamm, 61. each Pi«s, Dogs, Calves, 1 j. each.—^hippiug& Lauding Live Stock, at rlsh. (If their ()« nets. — These Fares tuclude every expense g&J" Not accountable for any tioods without Shipping Notes. CooUs hatred io and from the Packet at the Company's Expense, both at Caruill and öri<lol. -10 Fees 10 Porters. The above Steamers, for the convenience of Passen- jjer*i, start from iialhurst Basin, Bristol, which is within S iniuuLes' walk of the Great Western Railway Station. CaooUs drlivereil Ireti lOf Hauling and lI..ck Olles ill CitrtlitT. Further information as to Freight, &e., n) ty be ob- tained by applying at the Company's OlHoe, Bule Docks, Carditf ur 10 ,\1r. JOHN EVEIH,lW, Clare- street 11ali, Mars!i-s reet, Bristol. E. J. THOMAS, General Superintendent. r 1m. SECUKT SORllOW.-CERTAIX HELP. IN SIX LANUU AGliS FOR'TV-SEVEN Til EDITION. Illustrating the new mode of treatment adopted by Lullennud, Kieo/d De-laudes, and others, of the Ifo;»ital <les Vcncriens à Paris, a,11 ny.v uIllf.>rmy practiaed III tills country. BY WALTER DE KOOS, M.D., 35, ELT PLACE, HOLBJUN IIILL, LONDON. f|1HE MEDICAL ADVISER, on the yaiious dis. _l qualifying forms of premature decay resulting from iuiectKiu, and jouth'nl a' use. by whic i the vigour and man- liness of life ;;re de-troved, even before the powers of lIa- tuie are fully esta(dished. It contains also chapters on the anatomy ami physiology of botn se*e* ( llustrated by nume- rous colouied engravings), with the Author's obst-rvations on Marriaj»e, its tiuties an 1 huuLr ini e-i. Plain directions for the attainment of health, vigour, and consequent happi- ness. 1 !Ii! rendering it, wnat it.. uatne purports it to be THIS Medical I'IUKND of all who m.v be sull'ering from the consequences ot early error,—a Work which may be consumed with every assurance of henetU. Ai .y tie obtained in a sealed Envelope through all Bouk- sellers, at 2s. til or to avoid difficulty, will be sent dnect fro it the Author, Post free for 42 Po-tage stamps; and where seciesy is necessary, it may addressed in any na ne, <><■ by initials only, to be left »t any Post-ofliee till called'or. Aueiil. f.u- A *•* '■ • — oman onct-t; and hold at the (JUABDIAS Oi FICC. CardilK SoKI also by GillIert, 41). Paiernoster-row Strarxr? 8 Atoett Corner Collins, 113, Fleet Street; Mannav 6.T, ard Sanger. 150, Oxford—-treei, London; Jones, 5, Par.idise- Mrect, Liverpool; Heywno.l. )70, Dean' (Jaie. M„„{riies er Riiimes iSc Co., Leitn W .lk, Edinburgh: Campbell Argyll Street, Gl»»«ow; Powell, 1; Weitmareho.t St're.7 Duoiin; and obtainable by order of all Booksellers snd Medicine Vendor#. REVIEWS OF THE WOKK. Jtift lhe boots everybody ought to re;u] once in their life, aud tile sooner the better we fay.—Pioneer. "The information therein conveyed is really essential to those of other sex who contemplate marriage —Record. It contains ptec fely the information loooften studiously kept from the young and thoughtless.—However, the ktum ledge must come w/ie ti,ne, and happy is the person who does not become it> po-sens'ir itio late."—Politician NOTICE TO TNE AFFLICTED. Froin many year; eitpei iencj at the v..rtous hospitals in London and on the continent, Dr. 1)" Koos is enab'ed to treat, wt!i the utmost certain-y of cure, every variety of dis- ease ari>ing from solitary habits, excesses and infection, wnether primary or secondary, which, from neglect or im- proper treatment, frequently end in gravel, iheumatisru, indigestion, dcutitty, xkt.) diseases, pains iu the kidney* tracts nrnl loins, and a lingering painlui Death T he lament- abieneKiect ot these diseases by the majority of medical men, and their attempts to cure by the use of those dan- gerous n.edicines—meicury, copa ba, cubebs, <xc., Inv« pro- duced tne mint distressing risults. SuH'erers will therefore do well io apply without ileJay to Dr. De Hoos, who gua- rantees u Si ceay and p-r ect cure, without the above medi- cines, thus preventing the posnbi> ity of any .'iffer symnto ns. Th;s truth has been nome out in thousands of instances; and he tur he guaiantees to cure the mo-t inveterate ca»e.i in m sluiit a time as IS consistent with safely, without bill- derauce fro 11 bu-iuess, i.r change ot diet. &c. Listing benefit can 11I:ly LJe r-son;«bly expect d at the hiln is ut tbe ju.¡jclous practitioner, who departing frllm tile routine 01 !4e'H'ral pract ceo devotes tne whul" of It" studies to tins class 01 diseases. A 'd t,) those who call show tlldr possession of the requisite qualilications, the utmost confi- dence may be extended. 1'EliSONS IN 'Tllii COUNTRY wll he minute in the detail ot their eases; aud lo prevent truubte, uo letters from strangers wdl be replied 10, uule-s they contain £1 by Post-oflice O.d. r, or otherwise, tor advice and metltcnes which will Oe sent io any pait of the world, secur. lv packed frotn obsei vaiion or accident. Patients corresponded With till tined. Females, 011 all occasions, attended to with the mo-t ho- nouiable secrecy and delicacy. Post-olfice Oiders to te made piyaMe at the Holborn OtIi:c to Dr. WALTEU DE Hoes, 3;). Eiy Place, IJolboru Hill, London, where he niiy becousutted from 11 till I, and It till 8, Sunday excepted. Aeuree.teCted or tile mo-iey returned. Thjaedeeme.) incurutde tire particularly invited. The Concentrate j (lutta- Vitæ, or Life Drops, are uupaialleled fur their ellic.icy in renovating the im- paired powers of lile, »nd re-invigorating tne Irame incises ot nervous a-id sexual debility, as also (.un'viug ,he bl0ll„ from all pol,ono. infections, the al.iise of mercury ami trom secondary symptoms, such as swell, .g of the bones, loan 01 ha.r. decay ot teeLh, eruptions on the head face and body enlarged aud sore throat, tbieatened de-iructnm ot tne n;ise, paiaie, &e. To tar) e p rsmts who -:are prevented entering the ma nage state by tlie eou-equ.-nert of e-rly errors, they are inv<luable, and for all com,.I»iuts inc dent to females, they have an established reputation. Puce 4". Of. and lis. ner bottle, or four IN. quantities in one large bottle for 3:h" by wlnc.i lis. is saved. PAINS IN THE BACK, GRAVEL. LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, BOUT, INDIGESTION, EL4- T U L EN C Y, H E A I) ACH E, N liIt VO C SN e'^S, D E- BI UTY, S T RIC I U ItE, G L E E 1', fte. Dn DH ROOS' COMPOUND R i'.N AL PILLS, as their name Renal (or the Kidneys ) indicates, (HIe been long established as a most s.ite and eilicacijus remedy for the auu.e ilang rr- ous co npllints, dischaiges ot any km), retofott 01 urine, and Diseases ot the Kidneys ani Urinary Organs gene- rally, whether rrsaiting II0in unprudence or winch, if neglected, freii.jently end in et me in th" bladder, and a lingeiing d.-ath. For Depress.on of Sp,r.t-, Blu-hing, Jueapaeiiy for Study or ilu.i lIeH, Confusion, Giddiness, Drowsiness, S!e"I) witlw.H Refreshment, Fear, N.-r»ousness. and Insanity itself, wht'1I arising fiom, or curnlJilled with Urmaiy Diseases, tileY are unequalled. By iheir salutary action in correcting bile au,l acidity of the stomach, punlying anil promnting the renal secretion-, they prevent tne formation of 8toue, aud establish the healthy functions of all these organs, 0;;£ TUIAL will convince the must sceptical of their sur- prising properties. Price Is. 1.^1 2s. 9.1. 4y. Gd., 118. and 33.. per bo* through all Aled.cine Vendors. A considerable saving effected l,y purchasing the larger siz,.s. CAU HON. —There neiug highly injurious imitations of Ih.e .\J, dicillcs etuanaiing from a sell-styled doctor, who copies this announcement, will do well to see tlmt thc stamp, atTixcJ to ea.1.I box an,1 bottle, is a Bona fidk GOVEUNMENT STAMI', bearing: the words, Walter De Roos, Loudon," ill white letters 011 a red ground, and 10 guarit against the recommendation of the spurious articles or any other medicine by uup. iucipled Veudols, who th.reby obt.i¡1 a Urge molit. TO PROTECT THE PUBLlC FROM FRAUD, her Majesty's Honourable Commissioners have directed the name of the Proprietor to be engraved on tne Government Stamp aflixed to his Medicines, without which, none cau possibly be genuine, and to imitate which istelnny. Sold by James, Phillips, and Evans, Cardiff; Roberts, ChemIst, Conway; Hughes, chemist, llaugor Griffith. • hemist, High-street, Carnarvon; Edwards, chemist, Den- h ,rh Hughes, chemist, Holyhead; Beale, chemist, 11 gh- et Wrexham Ward, chemist, High-street, Brecon s;rèe:, Brothers, Post-otfice, Bridgend; Thomas, chemist, I r,ct .Jte Angel), Merthyr; Watkins, High street, Abei- (opp" White, chemist, Guildhall-square, Carmarthen W; chemist, lLgh-street, Cardigan; Davies. chemist I Piter Herald-oflice, Havei ford west; Tre weeks, a.. Pembroke; Evans, chemist, High-street, Swausea, chemut, t Broad-sireet, Newtown; Stepheus, chemist, Moore,chen j|'er(j,yr Tydfil; Ferris & Score, druggists, High-stieet, J- yVaiton, Ciironicie-oliioe. Snrews- Uuioii-street, Hook',eiler, Broad-stroet Leominster bury C il co » Dragon), Hereford Farror, Beacon- Hook (ojipos c jeukins, Commercial-street, aud Pud- oilice, Monmouth; J<UI" M lip., Chemist, iligh->treet, Newport; and obtainable through all Med cine Venders, ol whom also may be had "THE MEDICAL Advised* N.tj.—Should dilticulty arise in procuring any of the above, by seudiug the amouut by Post-office Order, or Stamps, to 35, Ely Place, Holborn Hill, London, they will be sent securely packed to an)' addreis, HENRY FRY & CO., WINE MERCHANTS, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. FAMILY WINE CARD. LIST OF CASH PRICES FOR A SINGLE nOTTLE.1 DOZEN. GALLON. SHERRY-A genuine good ,|itmer Wine, pale or goIdenT^TTTiT.. 2» 6d 30s los Pi line Golden Do. (recommended) 3s Od 36s A delicious Pale Dry Sh*ty (very choice) f 42s lhe best Amantillado flavored do., Pale or Golden 4s 0u 48a Ordinary Qualities from Vood 12a to 15s MARSALA—Inghams 1! 2s 0(1 24s 12s UUCELLAS—A delicate and ielicio'us Dinner \Vine" 4s ()J 48a CHAMPAGNE —First Class Sillery 6 011 728 Second Class 60s (An Original Case, containing I Doz. Bottles, may he obtained of either quality.) PORT—Good Ordinary (a gxnmne Wine) 2s 3°s 15a A Superior Wine (rich flavour) 30s Prime Old Crusted Port, 4 y?ars in buttle 3s 6d 42s Finest Old Crusted Port, Vintage 1842 4s Ordinary Qualities from the W0°od 12s to 15i CLARET—Ordinaiy Qualities 4 0 to 4 6 48s to 54s Chateau Margaux 6 (I to 6 6 72s to 78s Chateau Lafiite 7 0 lo 7 6 N4s t0 90s ROTA TENT. 3 0 to 3 6 36st04:s 189 to 21s PONTAC 1 6 to 1 9 18s to 21s 9a to 10s 6d WHITE CAl'E 1 6 to 1 9 lSs to 21s 9s to 10* 6d SPIRITS. Pale Cognac Bnmdy in original 63s 288 lirowii do 5'.8 259 Tli oi iginai Old Tom Gin 28s 148 Lou ion'Gin 24;¡ 10. to 128 Jamaica Hum :hJs 14s to 16s Scotch Whiskey (Hen Nevii) 40s ISs to •„>()* Irish Do. :n.)s 14s to l(is THE TUADli SUfPHEU UJION LIBERAL TiOltMS. Igg/" Agents for theCelebratcl EAST INDIA PALE ALE, aud G U INN ESS & CO.'S EXTRA SrOUT, in Casks or Bottles. AllO.'ders amounting to £ 3 and upwards sent Carriage Free, Please to bsera—Ojfice next door to Messrs. Towjrood's Bank, Hiyh Street, Cardif. I MFC !TANT NOT ICE TO INVALIDS GENUINE life ASAM TEA. k>~ REPORT of the A*A'TICAL SANITARY COMMISSION, vide The Lancet, August Pad, 1851 ALL THE SAMPLES OF ASAM TEA WERE FOUND PURE." At the GREAT EXIUBION. the Company received a MEDAL for the puritv and excellence of their Teas. The peculiar rec<«nmet*(icns of ASAM TEA are attested by the rigid scrutiny and close analysis to which this newly- discovered species of Tea hsJheen subjected by Chetnicat and Medical Practitioners. The flavour of th- Tea agreeably piquant and aromatie. As a stomachic beverage, it is perfectly wholesome and repealling, and, unlike otilLTea, does not injure the nervous system. Good Black 4s. 4d. per pound. ) Fine Ditto 5s.'Od. j Finest Picked Leaf Gs. Od. „ I I'1 one-pound, half-pound, quarter-pound, aud two- Biue Mixed 4s. 8 i. ounce sealed packct», containing the full weight of Fm^GreeT1c!' 0d.' j Tea, exclusive of lead and paper. Finest Picked Lear 7s. Od. „ J CAU nON-Every I'HCIC*' bears the Arms and Address of the ASAM TEA COMPANY, 11, Crooked-lane, KuWiHiam-ftreet. London without which the Tea is not geuuiue. ;LE AUTHORISED AGENTS FOR THIS DISTRICT. Fishguard Mrs. II. narr I Merthyr Tydfil.Mrs. Williams, confectioner, Hi-'h.street Haver torn west. Mr. A. HeH,(p"r. Bridge-street Newport(Mon.)..Mr. M. Evans, Library Hi.r|street Knighton Mr. W. Ed*af bookseller S-ansea' Mr. J. Harris, Chemist. Oxford-street L-ugharue .Mr,J, Col Unlove House U.k(Mon.) .M,s-e. M. and E. Edwards, milliners. Llanelly Mr. O. Hrooui^oner I Bnd.;e..)reft AGENT FOR CARD?.—MR. HENRY WEBBER, GUARDIAN OFFICE, DUKE-STREET AGENTS WANTED HOWQUA'S MIPURE AND MOWQUA'S SMALL LEAF GUNPOWDER. THE MOST LUXURIOUSEAS AT REDUCED PRICES. ]\/TESSLLS. BRO(',KSOPP, ^TS, & CO., of High Street, Soutlnvark, London, Sole Importers of the n-,pi« I c ratl;tl HOWQUA's aud J^QUA's TEAS, have much plea-ure in anuounciu^ lo tne Public that, alter a pro- ne*i°ciation with the growet1 'hese leas, they have obtained such concessions as enable.1 them to reduce the I >?. so niit'erially, as to bring then1"1"1 l'le reach ot an extended circle of purchaseis. !e!' 'lays ot l)reien,i°n. wli1 he art of puffery is ex In us ted to palm off upon the public mere rubbish undera aecor.iied .fisguue, u would seem al9t hopeless to advertise a KOod article without bestowing a ltw superlatives upon u, out as uood wine needs no bmh.° Su°d leas require no adventitious aids to recommend them. 1 ne Howqua's and Mowqua's T' imported by lirocksopp. Sous, & Co., have been kuolVu to and appreciated by tlie public lor very mauy year- REDUCED PRICES. Howqua's Ulixtur^P'mnd Cstty Package 5S. q,J> Mowqua's S iidll-lt^u"P«v"'der, ditto 7^" oj] Seuii-Howqui 4s. 8J.—— Semi-Mowqua 6s. 4d. per lb. N.B.-None are geuuine which not Indi.1 Catty Pa-klges« secured with the Seals of IWquaand Mowqua i\1erch"nto, Catiton. BUOCKSOPP, SONS, & Co. submit trf""w!ifr prices for their esteemed PACKAGE TEAS, which will be found excellent for Family consumption. GODJ totijmi 3s. 4d. to 3s. 8d. Fine (Junpowder 4^ q j Ditto pdrticuUrly recommended for F'y "■'e 4s. Oi. Ditto strongly recommended 5=,' (Jd*. GE.iNE PATENT ROASTED COFFEES. The Treasury Minute, permitting/ "'jm'xture of Chicory with Coffde, havine been uv an Order in Council, dated 29th J ily ISo. BroclLJ "rc at 'enuUi enabled to compete suc<sslnll.v .Wrr. scrupulous dealers, by the recn"—> 'Coffee* n ici-tf e ?° •v.acu. Tliev beg to call attention ine suuj.mieu Ast oi price, for pu^olrcei>» l>-«-k«.U ill 1 lb. tiu cauiste.s, and in tinfoil packages of all sizes, to preserve thcarutnit. Fine Plantation Is. 4d. Finest Old Mocha 2s. Cd. FtueRichAIocha. I s. bil. AGENTS FOR THIS DISTRICT. r 9,-vnDIFF Harriet Simi',Bute Dockj- HAVERFORDWEST William Thomas, Groccr. MKUI'HTU T'VUFIL DAVID LEW ,"jt LLANDILO John James. •' •••• THOMAS Sri^3' Chemist. LLANUOVEIIV llees liiali.ir,, Stone Street. OARMVUTUKN ] 1 ,?ucer. ,t 4 i w ir Uoyil »• !zat)**t!i Le*h, ilrat>t4. „*h!,PU' ,,eap "olywell, Joseph P.-oliv. „ NEWPORT Joseph Grout, Stationer. II A\ tiirouiiWEST H. E. i»ot„.rVtc;orta Place. SWANSEA Jonathiu Dury, Grocer. I hom,is Wil(<lt!'n'5'* TESBV. Ricliurd Ma-on, Bookseller. ir, "■ I Grtryinie Har\ IJeAi:FOUT.R.Philli,,s,Ej<hibmonHall,Beaufort IrouWorks ApP"cat,°n« 'or Agencies, ajcoinp. :>^ r«i»e-t4ble references in London, may be addressed to Messrs. Brocksopp Sons, & Co., High-stri-et.Southwark. HEALTH FOR A s^LING! >1 '• '.v N! V V^'j/ ■•' j ■ J..« SIT' '<A U. » -i" • IIOLLOWAY'S PIL" EXTRAOUniVARY CUltK OP in0" "EALTH. DISOltDIiK 101) SROXUCH L\I SRI0S' A N 0 I)Erj!ft Ml NATION OK 151.00 I) 1l; m'U>- Copy of A: Letter frmn Mr. John Lloyd "WE"' NCAR „ F „ ,LA,L,*L-"h, Merioneil.shir LO I'rolessor H0U.0W.vY STK,—1 I«VAIL inysen of' THE fJR„ OF inf'»miiiS you, IB«I for a very LONG period 1 WNS <LAIU;, R- 011s GI.idiness «TL.L frequent MWi„,MU„'LN by a loss of A,M,eUt, uisoru. red 1 paired heiilih. Every me, HAD "E A"-V, ^R- manent relici, and at LEUNIH U BECAME so IJV* 1 "1"* realiy AFRAID of goin- al».MU witl„.„T »„^N «* J" uieirtiirholy comjition I WANED personal I' R.V clieini-t, for the .ITR!1! ^HIT 1 null better .10; he kindly reco.nuil iricd ihein without delay, and AFTER TNU^ T V1"" lime 1 AUI happy to near U stimonv to th'ein I' I am no* restored to perKrt healtn, a,»«l 1*'V ^f""00 duti,ti. You arc at liberty to 1 Uer iu auy way you niav think proper. 1 am, SN, >r,r obeeient ser«|C IINVR-V June 6.I1, 19O2. (SI -UED) > .M IK ACL? I.O Li S CUILE OK f)' Extract of A L.etter tioirr ICdward ITO.VL^ ° 'NT'LA Walk, 1 OBAJJO, AA;ED April To I'roi'essor H'>LL<hv a V 1JKAK Mil.-I .item it A ,,LLTV I 0«e L" ,L,E AL lar>;C to inf irm yo., A INON LULRA..UL;T4,COVVR> LLI^L orea.lUl uiseane, l)Ral>»Y,and win -H'P WAS etfeceu L»V Vour liivaluati.e fills. 1 W ''VE '"N,S wnhin eulit moiiil.s, and skdfully tr,.D',S LVL" "<LLCAL practitioners, b it couid NUI ^«T C ired UMMV,'J RKC""R"E ,W your remedy, and not withsianilin^ all' "'l^one, tins miraculous multcine cured iu« uAl, (SL<ue.I) EIJV^IL1 IN K A LLLHLK CU Hi OK A SROVHR- TRT A '.NT' WLL'IF 1 X OLC; IS3 |'N> V A N (J V iVi 1^ ACHES. Extra tola Letter from Ytr. S. (J >WN'I, (^1' Clif.on near linnol. LU-CJ July LL IT To Professor if uLl.titV A V, l)I:\K Silt. 1 a 111 requested by A LSJV |L TLIO-n* just arrived Irom tfie VVe»I Indies, to F'S.IJIRIT "'at tor a pei 1.id ot ei,;ht yiat s lit rscif aud L.MF'> SUTL. ^L0IN COU" inital hail EAF' H, IIH-hij fron ilis.ir'CI'I A"D S ooiiich, ludigesiiou, K,»S of Apputit'1 Vi 'A L-aches, pains IU llie Mile, weaivUes-. IT genet A: 'IILTY J-WHICH SHE cotiMilted tne M.IST etniueui meu iu tin: lho.it any tieueficial result, at lasF, she TIAO LE^OJ' TO ^JVALUJIDE 1'lils, wiucil IU <i v.-ry stiori u.nc change (01 me t-Min.T, Ui.a sue couuu-irti aiM latuily wi re ruMori-ii to tjea.itti ami Utsirerf me to *ayf thai she has wuaessca **■ *y virtues iu com planus iaci'leutul io /i|r,i|.tri y iu cust-s ot Meailes atio ScarUuua, h/u- p i^itwe cures oi thtise di.seaH»s wuli uo oiher (Signed) A DANG K:tOU-> LlVBif Cr)MpL,^T «»• ^pi6vlS IN lllr, S 10 d AC 11 EFKECILL1-<V 'I J Copy of a Letter Iron..dr. ^SNTOU- under L> lie, daieu J J|Y' UL To I'rofessor IIUI.LoVVaY, DeaIC J>Ili, — 1 NAWE uiuch pl.-asur^ 111 ."1\1" Y')I[ it lest 1 MO 111AI OT the eflicacy 01 yours,, a ill this rui^!ioo.IRNU.nl witli »tio.U 1 AJ WEI' p'SL,N alllicteu tor A LONG liuia «iiti v lo'.eut '• WAE stu nacli anil lieer, ar.s:lIg fro.N ÎrNtHt 'FANI''LE A,ILI tike of a p"r,.ili Of obliged 10 aSSIlI1l" I" "IS hii-in ss." '(I": P!I«_■ L» ,e W,4S alarmiiij; character, aud freijueutly left^ 'L?'"1* wer O! A:1 't biliiaie.1 condition. At length he Itdrd Wea,, de- etle.cis of your luvaluahle F'llis.anu ^VAS|U,JL, 'he SJLUIIRY a trial. Tile lirst dose GAVE him CONSIDER)"^ RE| 10 giveTLIE;A lowin £ ITI^IN up in accordance wiilj YOULDLRT!L:I;,> anil ty loi- acted jl) wuudertuliy in CLEANSING ITIE H^'1' A.I^NS, 111 'yll4vc streiijjiheiiiug the digestive organs that UE ^A^U.NACN, :IU1^ to llie eujoyuient OL good liealtn.. ''EEU RESURED 1 remain, dear Sir, yours TTI 1,1 FILL ( SIGNED) \V 1 V1 V H !> These celebrateu Pills are vvonderfuf'' E''JTF)SROCK- following complain/ ^UUS iu Ague Female lrreguiaritie^CR°ful I Asthma Fevers of all kinds ^VIJ, OR KING'S IJiltous COMPLAINTS Fits SORE |\ Biotc.'ieson theSkin Gout ^'0,LE \0ats Bowel Complaints Head-ache ?'C°"<1JI Gravel Colics Indigestion IC" 1JULSYMUTOM9 Constipation of the Inflammation N°U»uteux lio»els Jaundice CLTE.R8\ Cousumptiou 1/iver Complaints ^E"ERE» 0 etj il ty Lumnago ^VOR,"SVLTECII00S Uropsy Plies "'EAKUEJ^! L;uul» Ojseutery Itheuuiatism EVET CA?JROIN Wh»L Erysipelas Ketcntiou of Urine \,SiC.&c' Sutdat the Establishment of ProfesOR HolU Strand (near Temple liar), London, AD *'Y AL A V, Druggllltli and Dealers In .\Jculcines t hrt'ghout If,ectIlIJJe worid, at the following prices-Is. ild.11 4, ie d and 33,1. eacii Box. 'I'nere is a its., taking THE larger sizes. **VIUG iM.R.—Directions for the guidance o paiient< disorder are alined to cach HOX, EVER^ I Throw physic to the dogs,-I'll none of it.Shalspere. UNDEU XtIB v, AND PAT RONAOE OF XII B tTHE PRINCIPAL QUE EX. JSOC1LITY. -() OPER'S ROYAL 15 AT II PLASTERS IL supersede the use of Inward Medicine for Coughs, Astlinid Hoarseness. Itidifresnou, Palpit-itson of the Heart, Croup, Hoopinir Cju-Ii, lufluetiz» Ch onto Strains Hruises, Lumb»K. Spinal and Rheumatic Adections, Diseases of tne (sliest and Local Pains. i\IOIH: WoNDE«pot- CURES SPLECTE,, raox MANY O 111EUs TOO NUMUHOUS To PUBLISH: INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. „ Fore-ireet, Limehou.se. J„ne 1, 1850. Messrs Roper aud S>1 be« to stale y.u,r Royal Uath 1 Usters cured me of an attack of infi imn,,tion of the 'UUhrs- J. HOUNSfiY. T .,CIJliF- °v AN ALARMING PAIN IN TUES-OE. fnr r"' aUil Gs?,iilei,.ei» 1 tmd a Piaster X '7^ ;'r a,».al.ar"»'"K numtiness and pain in he side, w.nch led me to fear a parau tic stroke.. Sne is n!iiMt:ar,t ° •'I'elmd the Plaster to her side, and the pain and 11 amotiess entirely ic-. h, ill tllle" Wt.Hk!1> EDWARDJOHN KENNEDY. 32, Cattle Market, Sheffield, Iku4. 10. 1843. WOSDEllFUL EFFECTS ON ASTHMA OF 2) YEAltS STANDING- Soulnnry House, Lei^hton Buzjs.rd. Bedi'ornshire. GeniL'tnen—l.Iavin- beea bfflicte I «iii a„ asthmatic eou,rn tor tlie Inst twenty yeais, «.,d bein< within t wo hour* rnle: of London, I be^ to inform you th*t I" have during the last fifteen years consulted snore tt,«n oue of the fir-t physicians of the day, an.l the only g >«>d I have re- ceived ha. been a temporary ivl-ie!, after en,ting iiie pounds upon pounds Since the commencement of the present month, Iivas advistd to try one of "Roper's Royal Hitti Plasters''tv»r tfie chest, ami so grl'at Ivas been the benelit al- ready receive I, it,a 1 c insider uiyseif in duty houtid to write \ou HHH te^tioionia!. 1 tiave snffrred so inm.M ot late, e-peoiully upon awakhit; in tne morning, that 1 hive jre- [(oently been t NO hours in dressinn, whiie tne perspiration Has oeen running down iny face tiie greatest part of the tune. 1 ITO.V oi'»ss wuli e*e in naif an h mr. Tr istin^ ynur itwalualile di.-eoveiy will be m ,,» known throughout tile Country, for lhe benefit ot tfie afllicten pu'ri-c, 1 am, Gentlemen, your* fjieatly-o'jliged, WILLIAM ULUSDY, AI.C.P., aged 40. To Messrs. Roper A Sou Dec, 2) lS.jl. C 0 U (p II EIGUT \"EARS' STANDING! ■ 18, Joy olivet, B 1<VI| 19,18.52. Sir*, —In th* month .o? Decemb t U-t. I in^i one ot your ] Roy 11 3-ith Plasters, naviii^ f.,r the lau e.^ht years Deen trouble l, with a violent cou^n, tightness fir the *cne>t. and 'liflicolty of brei'hin^, fnoii «incii [ hai- I'lttihl -o much Ikeuefit, that I will thank yod 'o send ine another by return of port. Your's respe fully. PHIliIP EUEKjf, Couedidu. Tv Messrs. Roper and Son. UEMAUivAULE CUUtt OF COUGH ATTENDED WITH rAIN IN THE ClIESf. Cr >ss Key* .lotei, Hull, Marc'i 16. ISol. Dear Sirs,— I certainly should not have hepn able to spend the winter in this cold damp town, I hail woru one of your Plasters. It relieved my cou^h iu a few • lays after beM^i applied, and soon ciused tlie pain in my chest to cease. J he Royal Balli PiasU-rs are indeed an excellent remedy. I shall not fail to recommend t'.ein to auy of m/fiieuls who suffer from coughs, pain III the or And am, de:r SUs, yoar's re^p-vtiullv, S. JACKSON. La'ceniieath, near Mil lenhad, SuffYU, Fell. 2, 11352. Deir Sirs,— About twelve month* a^ I wis recom- mended by a t>e iile'cu to try your ltoper's Royal IJ .th Platter vhich I <ii>>. »«d have tonud it very he .efiua Before us n(? the R >y .1 Bath Plaster, I had been subject to con 'lis Jld< especially during ine winter months, scarcely free"1 r >n. tcoiij-.i a week togetner w"°'e,W,V. '{ but since 1 have worn the Uoyal l»itli .aster, (*J' J have without int-rui.ssio.l since,) a cold or coI..M 'M » a different eh«t -.nd by talatig a l.ttie ere, soot. le.»•-» ™e. If this should be read by any sudj.'ct to the complain s. I would recommend them to try the e means, and I have no doubt they will agree *it»i me" '« U,e eltlCremn». gentlemen yonr most obedient Messrs. R-jper md Son Siiellield. \VM. F. NOTICE The words, ROFEK'S ROVAL PLASTEU," en- <0 graved ontheGo verument stamp, X/^ aud the Proprie- tor's Autograph 011 the back, thus:— T.ese truly \nv,.ltiable Plasfers nre compounded on edi 'o-Cheuiic al principles, from British herbs, and the Guflt and Bals sitis 'It'tl)O Eastern clllDe- «« Where shru.bt yield balsam, an ) where flowers and trees Distil some genial balm for all disease. Prepared only t»y ROBERT ROPER and SON.Chemiats, Sheffield. Full-sizid P'msters, ls. l^d.; and for Children 9J 1. each; or direct by pi ist, on receipt of Is. 41. or l*. each.—For the u *e of Hospi «ls, lnlirmaries, Dispensaries, Poor-Law Unions, the M edical Proitission, Fain,ly use, and Chaiity purposes, &c, — iu Tin Cases, at 4s. lid., lis., 22s., 33s. each case. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS!-Be particular to shk for ROPER' BLASTER. 1..











V A LF, () ;' N K A T 11 RAIL…