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= CARDLFF BOARD OF HEALTH. last was the day for holding the usual fortnightly J-1" but as there was not a sufficient number in at- bv n^106 *° con9'itute a legal meeting, it was determined °8e present, at about a quarter past 11. that no busi- .e,8f,houUl be impacted that day. They did not separate, "Wever, but remained together, with others who came J B.ubsequently; and, yvith iMr. Rammers plan for the j !ape of the town before them, entered upon a most ?ereBting- discussion respecting that measure, and other '1?* connected with the sanatory condition of Cardiff, j, ,jQ Thursday fast (yesterday),'a special meeting was C (1> at Which there were present,— Mr. William Williams, Mayor, in the chair; ^'iermati Bird j Alderman Morgan, R.5I. »» Moore, M.D. | lid ttie following councillors:- John Batchelor I Mr. Griffith Phillips II W. A. Bradley Prichard .»• Richard Cory Tredvren Edwards „ Charles Vachell r-Edward Evans „ William Vachgli Harris I „ W. B. Watkins < David Lewis „ John Williams, ? + »• John Own ttQ •a- ^0rtner meeting the Board entered into a resolution, l0^Ulr'nK the agents of Sir Charles Morgan so to lay out of ||? Riding ground within this borough, the property Of (he h It) *ixt e, norahle baronet, as to leave roonj, for a street v In reply to that order, Mr. B. J. Davis, ten(j-ewl,orl» wrote to remonstrate with the Board, con- °n various grounds, that it was unreasonable, g0 l^ating that he would appeal to the General Tjj the Local Board persisted in. their intention, liy .l Board declined to deviate from the course taken tyL and Mr. Davis appealed to the General Board, res. retluired an answer to his allegations. The Clerk jft- a reP'y which he had prepared; and the Board, hS(j ,COniplimenting him for the ability with which he it t it up, on a very short notice, resolved to send ^estio who will have to decide the of the accounts was read by the Clerk. It Pend*11 exce"ent analysis and digest of the Board's ex- 'lure, and will be found in our advertising columns, dji stated at the Board that, although the Surveyor *ho °Uk'e l^e work formerly done by the scavengers, ic entered into contracts for sweeping the streets and thB ^?Slng, yet, by carrying out the system devised by «erk and Surveyor, a saving qf about £ 600 per was effected. *°.r widening the Bute Dock-road, three tenders were t in, namely, from— Allen, whose price was. £ 136 Turner 156 Price 183 ^ork t0 be doEe was fully described in the Sur- d's specification. Tr d^011 motion Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. •ele W^n' l^e I,elson w^° 3en' >n t',e lowest tender was Ijj .c*e" to effect the improvement so much required in Part of the town. Batchelor complained of the state of Charles-street, _l?w most important thoroughfare, but which is actu- y 8 most impassable. ^.r- Charles Vachell said it was the intention of the Parties interested to pave and pitch the street as soon as had completed their buildings. desultory conversation ensued. ■^r. Batchelor and others made observations which th°^ed that they were quite dissatisfied with the delay thi*' -ad taken Place in Putt'n& the causeyvay in some- lng like proper order. It might be rendered passable by Positing gas-ashes upon it. Mr. Batchelor urged the A °Priety of carrying out the local regulations fairly and •« j y and impartially throughout the town; and said, ^vish to offer no impediment to building; but yvhile encourage building we must not encourage filthiness dirtiness, neither must we permit great holes #to re- the causeyvay of an important thoroughfare." e infer from some observations which followed, that teps will be immediately taken to effect a temporary "'Provement. Mr. W. B. Watkins complained of the disgracefully lrty state of the Wharf and its approaches. A conversation ensued respecting the widening of the r'dge over the feeder, near the Roman Catholic meeting It was stated that Lord Bute's trustees would 'Uingly do so but unless means were taken to yviden "e road under the Taff Yale Railyvay as well, the im- provement which would be effected by Lord Bute's trustees would be of little avail. A plan was suggested, *°d will probably be carried out, for having side paths °f foot passengers similar to what is provided under the Railway bridge in Crockherbtoyvn. The expense of the |°regoing improvement will, we hear, have to be borne p the district. It was said that all that could be expected J'0"! the railyvay was permission to widen the road. Others said that the owners of property in that quarter "light to contribute. The Clerk set the matter at rest by otltilag that it would be quite competent for the Board 0 a special district rate upon the district that would e benefitted by the improvement. The Surveyor is to Prepare plans, specifications, and estimates,—a motion to at effect having been made by Mr. Batchelor and se- conded by Dr. Edwards. The Superintendent's report was read. It disclosed a Mate of things truly disgusting,—in fact, the details are too revolting to be published. Alderman Moore gave a very able summary of Mr. Grainger's address to the few gentlemen who met re- cently-(tbe address was published by us in full)-and then said that there was no place in the whole town where tlagging (so strongly recommended by Mr. Grainger) was blore needed than in Landore court. Mr. William Vachell said there were stables in that place, and where there were horses flagging should not laid down. Mr. Batchelor said that every court and close street the town should be flagged. The Board entered into a discussion upon the rate of °r|ality in this town, which, as reported upon •facial authority by us, was shown to be most alarming. members thought there yvere modifying circum- ances, but the opinion of Mr. Edward Evans was (in ect) that the disclosure showed a state of things without Parallel, and loudly called for remedial measures. •n • ^erk entered into an explanatory statement re- ^Pecting the negotiations entered into with Lord Bute's on^or poasewioo of ground for drainage works, ajr East Moors. The "heads of agreement" have 0jj. 8 J' appeared in our columns. They were strongly confp •'i? and a committee was appointed again to dav read11 The following terms were this hi tha e Pa|,ts within brackets having been inserted at the suggestion of the committee:- j.?'. T.h? re.n' t0 b* twopence per square yard for the quantity lihl V- e"glnes and tanks. aud £ 2 per year for th* te-. y.a n8 'he sewer through the property. A right o way W1H be granted free of extra charge. To remain as first proposed. 1 ■e dra'na=e °f that portion of Bute-street, and of the and situate to the south of the cut or canal leading from the *>iite Docks to the Glamorganshire Canal, and lyiug between the eastern side of such canal and the western side of Bute spelts, to be abandoned by the Board of Health [it being un- derstood that by this agreement it is hot intended to exempt the Bute Docks from any taxation in respect of drainage to Which such docks would have been liable had this agreement not been entered into] the trustees undertaking to supply suffi- cient main drains in all the streets already erected, or to be erected, within the above limits, simultaneously with the pro- ceedings of the Board of Health. This district being drained at the expense'of the Trustees shall not be charged with the rates made for the purpose of draining and keeping in repair the drains [so long as the said district shall be efficiently unfleiTec- tually drained, to the satisfaction of the Local Board, by the Jrustees of the Marquess of Bute both with regard to maiu grains, house, and all other drains], in other respects the Local to have all the powers over this district that are vested In them by the l'ublic Health Act of 1848. 6. Respecting openings in the main drains for draining the and,—abandoned. These terms were considered with much patience and Attention but were not sanctioned. Mr. Batchelor said the Trustees were endeavouring to e a good bargain. By draining Bute-toyvn, as they ere proceeding, they made their outfall at the packet 'P, while the outfall for the town drainage yvas proposed 0 be three miles off. He entered very fully into the question, and argued in favour of having the outfall for e town sewage at the Dnmballs, where it would be j^Bptied and carried out to sea by the tidal yvaters, without Producing any nuisance. He did not touch upon the questions of 11 pipe" and 11 brick," but conifned himself to afBrming that by going to the Dumballs, and uoing no more than the layv gave them poyver to do, they ^'ght effectually drain the town without entering into arrangement yvith anybody. He contended that the utnballs was a more eligible outlet; and that Mr. Rammell might adopt it with advantage in carrying out III! plan with certain alterations. ° Mr. W. B. Watkins adverted to the great difficulties ™ich they had to contend with should they persist in endeavouring to go to the East Moors. The obstacles Were almost insuperable and with the view of having the town drained within a reasonable time, he proposed that the drainage should be carried to the Dumb/dls, behind the ballast bank. f The Clerk: How can you do that without consulting all engineer 1 Mr. Watkins replied that three-fourths of the en- gineers who had sent in plans for draining the town, had "elected the site named by him for an outfall. Mr. Charles Vachell said that all had chosen it. Mr. Batchelor seconded Mr. Watkins' motion. The Mayor intimated that as it went to rescind a pre- vious resolution, and as no notice had been given of it, he could not submit it to the meeting. An argument ensued on the point raised by his Wor- ship. Ultimately Messrs. Watkins and Batchelor gave Way; and the former gentleman gave notice, by which whole question will come on for regular discussion atthenextmeeting. Upon the motion of Mr. David Lewis, it was ordered that the future fortnightly meetings of the Board be held on Tuesdiijs,—to commence on next Tuesday foitnight. [The foregoing is but a brief summary of a protracted BUtlng, ]

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Family Notices


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