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AND BRISTOL patlttt, | P R I N C E 0 F W ALE S, I MATTHEW JONES, Commander, J" }>'tenc'e(^ 'o Sail during the Mont!) of DECEM- ha,l 18.32, from the Bute Docks, CardifF, and from \Vai'Ur!t J3«sin, Bristol, calling at the I-lolwells, where a 1. Uoom for Passengers is provided opposite the lre» 'f's P'ace, and thev will be put oil board, or landed, 01 cliarj;e. F CARDIFF. | BRISTOL. j r»tn Bute Docks. I From Bathurst Basin. 17, p *?■> 1853. J DEC., 1802. ay 7i morn 18, Saturday 101 mom 22*. \\Vli<3ay 10^ morn 21, Tuesday IJ after I 2|> Priri Sday after 23, Thursday 3 after- ay *2J after 25, Saturday..iiftj.. & SjXMk- 27 •»• 1 4 after I 28, Tuesday raornT *'• 1'ria ne9^aJ' ••• morn J 30, Thursday 7,} mom ) •> 6! morn | Jail. 1, Saturday. 84 morn F4.l\B8 by both Steamers :—After Cabin, Is.; Fore v Q Cabin, 6d. 8tel\ibuses are in waiting at Cardiff, on the arrival of the Vale Kail c?nTpy passengers to the South Wales and Tuff Stations without delay. ,?58es> Carriages, Cattle, &c., intended for the r> W.MJUS to be shipped and unshipped at < C»rn|Jl B»«», Bristol. geM and Horses to be alongside one hour previous Iter to the time of sailing. J? Pn's may be had on board on mode.rate terms. ( i»o*iIeC' ^arr'al?ej 20s.; Four-wheel Phaeton, drawn i "j"scs, 15s.; One-horse Phaeton, or Gig, 10s. a j ^rawn by one borse and driver, I3s. tsit|e Rider, After Cabin, 6s.; Fore Cabin, 5s. tfd. **ch; '|»S'' Ho»ca, 5s. each Sheep, 8d. each Lambs, fid l'4ri(ijn '^S? DoS". ailtl Calves, Is. each.—Shipping and '0clU(i S Live Stock at risk of their Owners.—These Fares N everv expense. —^°ods Delivered free of Hauling and Dock °t Accountable for any Goods withoutShipping Notes ^*cket Gllcds,i1\ he Hauled from the Warehouses to the at the Expense of the Cnmpllny. He th No Feet to Porters. Co^i l^r' Newbridge, A burdure, Swansea, Nenth, Aberanon f0r '"fie, Bridgend, Llancrissent, and Caerphilly. — (jioods toc^1 10 these. I'laces in Spring Waggons, Itailnay,and by a '"P Canal Boats immediately on arrival, uuless ordered P*siin^ far'icnlar conveyance, in which case they will he de- L »n,j c the Steam Packet Warehouse till called for, at risk DRC ^ons'E"ce'—Freight to be paid on delivery. ^Ed* 8e'» Parcels, See., forwarded tOf"tdl parts of the ^*ckf>f>iwr#'t'10at delav, when seat to either of the Steam p 'Q or Bristol. Uiiw'h" information as to Freight, &c., will be readily ob- Q H ?.aPf'yinp to the Ag-cnts— CarVfr. 'AN> Agent, I'ackct Office, at the Bute Docks, Bfijt'J; i or to 1 £ J', Tl'lKNKIt, Agent, No. 12, Quay-street, Goods received at 12, Quay-street, Bristol. 1>| 1 lia j,e 've Steamer arrives at, and starts from Bathutst lihii"' st0', which is within Eight Minutes' walk of the J^yStation. ^ULDLFF, NEWPORT, & BRISTOL STEAM A PACKETS. TIlE BRISTOL GENERAL STEAM NAVIGA- -•* ION COMPANY'S splendid PaddteSteamera, 0r SlVIFT, DART, AND USK, ^ith'rfr suitable Steamers, with or without Pilots, and the M y to F°W Vessels, are intended to Ply during °nth of DECEMBER as follows — CARDIFF AND BRISTOL—SWIFT. ro>n P,ute Docks, Cardiff. I From Bat hurst Basin, Bristol 18 lNr)' I DEC., 1852. ^tiirday gj mora | 17, Friday. 91 mom 21 T> i;Uesday 13 noon 20, Monday. 12;J> after 2s' IUrsday after 22, Wednesday •• 2i alter ^-iturday mora 24, Friday 4 alter 23 7. •*o' ^U0,('a>' morn f 27, Monday C morn Thur#(jay 6 mum | 29, Wednesday 7 morn | 31, Friday 8 morn FARES:—After Cabin, Is. Fore Cabin, Gd. 55 ^ronibuses are in waiting at Cardiff on the. arrival of the Va|au}}er.to convey Passengers to the South Wales and Taff Kail way Stations without delay. S\y.'p "Horses, Carriages, Cattle, &c., intended for the Jj ■" to be shipped and uushipped at Bathurst Hasiu, ".fllltol. Carriages and Horses to be alongside One Hour pre- to the time of Sailing. Jjefreshment9 ma^r be had on Board on Moderate Terms. ^Oiir-wlieel Carriage, 20s.; Four-wheel Phaeton, drawn y wo Horses, 15s. One-horse Phaeton or Gig, 10$. JFour- ?hcel drawn by One Horse and Driver, 1.3s,; Horse and j,'der, After Cabin, 8s.; Fore Cabin, 6s. 6d.; Cattle, 4s.; j*0'ses. 5s. each Sheep, 8d. each Lambs, Gd. each P'gs, and Calves, Is. each.—Shipping and Landing Live l&ck, at liik of their Owners.—These Fares include every *l>eose. in C°TlGj^—Goods delivered free of Hauling and Dock Dufs In Cardiff: Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping —Goods will be hauled from the Warehouses to the et> at the Expense of the Company. j,f No Fees to Porters. Co^r 1 Newbridge, Aberdare, Swansea, Neath, Aberavon f0r "*Kei Bridgend, Lantrissent, and Caerphilly.—Goods J^0c,aruec' to these Places in Spring Waggons, Railway, and by a'u') Canal Boats,immediately on arrival, unless ordered p0s-ny Particular conveyance, in which case they will be de- e 'u 'he Steam Packet Warehouse till called for, at vervandnexP«se of Consignee.-Freight to be paid on deli- al) 'Gioods, Packages, and Parcels, (<c., &c., for warded to of tRof lhe Kingdom without delay, when sent to either I '"for6 "5(farn Packet Offices in Cardiff or Bristol,—Further ooation as-to Freight, &c., will be readily obtained by w!T;?*oA^~ ^afdiff." llVEY, Agent, at the Packct Office, Bute Docks, ^'eaia '10 ^?essrs- W. i U. HARTNKLL, Bristol General Jacket aviSat'on Co.'s Ofllce, Quay, Bristol, for SWIFT ^gation'cnm" at l'ie General Steam Na- Bation Company's Office, Quay, Bristol. and starts from Bathurst Stat'rlSt° w 's w'lhin 8 minutes' walk of the Kail- NEWPORT AND BRISTOL—DART AND USK. Bathurst Basin, Bristol. I From Rodney Wharf, Newport 18 j852. J dec., 1852. • Saturday 10J morn | 18, Saturday 9 morn 2?' ^onday 12J after 20, Monday II morn • I uesday l-J after 21, Tuesday 12 noon » Wednesday 2^ after 22, Wednesday 1 after 2 • Thursday after 23, Thursday If after j, ^iday 4 after 21, Friday 2:t after óJ, Saturday 5 morn ) 25, Saturday 34 morn Monday 6 morn—5^ after j 27, Monday 4\ morn— 4;i after • Tuesday 6i morn I 28, Tuesday. 5 after «'()' Vi'edne9<Iay ••• morn I 29, Wednesday C morn 2,' Thursday 7^ mora | 30, Thursday 0 mom » Friday 8i morn | 31, Friday 7 morn FARES: After-Cabin, Is.; Fore Deck, 6d. our-wbeel Carriage, 18s.; Two-wheel Carriage or Light £ Uaeton,8s.; T wo-wheel Carriage or Light Phaeton drawn I 1*^ °ne tlorse, with Driver, 12s.: Horse, 5i.: Horse and Uld^, 6s.; Dogs, Is. each. 'he uait,nS room '3 Prov|ded opposite the landing place at cha °twellst where Passengers are taken on board free of it\! r^e. ahout fifteen minutes after the time stated in the Vertlscment for Sailing from Bathurst Basin. 'r SOUTH WALES RAILWAY. ains leave Newport for Swansea, 7.45 a.m., 10.55 am., And p:m., 4AO P-m., and 7.15 p.m. 12 arrive at Newport from Swansea, 8.35 a.m., 10.45 a. m. • a p.Il1., 3.45 p.m., 6.56 p.m., and 9.15 p.m. PemI^'LlAMS'S PACKET COACH daily from the Car- tjj et s Arms, Newport, on the Arrival of these Packets Brer Caerleo» anJ Usk- 10 Abergavenny, Crickh owell, and I ho ?' aac^ fro,n the Golden Lion, Abergavenny, three prs "efore the time of Sailing for Bristol. St uriher particulars may be obtained at the Bristol General Goo,?1 ^avigation Co.'s Offlce, Quay, Bristol, where all 1 ackages, Parcels,Sec., should be addressed. j '8 and other information can be obtained of Mr. JoilN NEs. llownham Wharf, Hotwells. Agent at Newport, Mr. R. 1\ JONES, Hodney Wharf. TAFF VALE RAILWAY COMPANY. THE Directors are prepared to receive TENDERS J. for LOANS on MORTGAGE, in any Sums not less than £200, for Seven or Ten Years. Interest at the rate of 3J; per Cent, per Annum, payable Half-yearly. By order of the Board, EDWARD KEN WAY, Cardiff, Nov. loth, 1852. Secretary. ON NERVOUS AND GENI5RATlVE DISEASES. N<w Rdition, Illustrated -vith 45 Coloured Engravings, and containing'the newly-discovered PREVENTIVE LOTION. Just Published, the G7th Thousand, price 2s. 6d., in a sealed envelope, or sent by the Author, post-patd, for M40 postage stamps, ANHOOD: the Causes of its Premature Decline, with Plain Directions for its Perfect Restoration. A Medical Iteview of every Form, Cause, and Cure of Ner- "Ous Debility, Impotency, Loss of Mental and Physical Ca- pacity, whether resulting from Youthful Abuse, the Follies of Maturity, the effects of Climate, or Infection, &c ad- dressed to the Sufferer in Youth, Manhood, and OtdAge; wi(h the Author's Observations on Marriage, its Duties and disqualifications the Prevention and Cure of Syphilis Spermalorrbœa, and other Uriuo-Gienital Diseases, as qdOpted in the new Mode of Treatment by Daslandes, Lalle- Utllnd and Surgeons to tile Hospital Veneriau, Paris. fly j j Curtis, Surgeon, 15, Albeinarle-street, Piccadilly. With this New and Enlarged Edition of MANHOOD, which is now translated into live languages, will be given, the A1thor'8 Prcscri ptÏon of a DlstnfeclJng Lotion for the Pre- dion of all Secret Disorders. A< home for consultation daily, from 10 till and 6 to 8. reviews OF THE WORK. '• » » 1 Puriis.—We agree with the Author IJ*1- far°from works of this class being objectionable in t:i'yishoS l°d r°" thi °rtod ihe.'r c'.rcul aT. OM -,TmUo 'trengthtTn rouii 1 given to | e recent distressing events our vr,Q WC «ed but refer to at Ca,shal..»„ and vy ur Military aud Scholastic Aca l«r)l • ° s,AWitLe, OfsocL, el nfhesitalll?Q sa> be found useful-whe- Uiersn y lowho,n the book wHl not b t ceptor or a sUcti person hold the relation of a P r yman.-S«», Evening Paper. jf h>t ,he AUuy ot oar 1I10st enli,ient physicians ic j I of these delusive habits, so justly condeii J "it^or, is a greater source of derangement than a a'id, as is also observed by the truly iatelligcat supei fcUts of our Private Lunatic Asylums and Insane 1 "SP > probably the chief cause of many patients bei»S ru ° 'Y'S and almost an insllperahle obstacle to their recovery. ""•Medical lieview.. "Cmmoit Alanhood.—Fortunate for a country would 1 did its youth put into practice the philuntnropic .\n I scientific maxims here laid down—ane cause of matrimonial misery might then be banished from our land, and the race ot the enervate be succeeded by a renewal of the hardy, vigorous spirits of the olden time."—Chronicle. Published by the Author; sold also in sealed envelopes by Sherwood, Piper, and Co., 2d, Paternoster- row llannay, Oxford-street; Alann, 3U, Cornhill, Loudon Guest, Bull-street, Birmingham; Heywood, Oldham-street, Man- chester; Howell, 6, Church-street, Liverpool; Campbell, lji6, Argyie-street, Glasgow iiobmson, It, Greenside-street! lidinbur^h; lietry and Co,, 1(5' Great Uritain-street, Dub- And by all Booksellers and Chemists in the United ^gdfioi.nrAUo, at tUe GUAUPHf Newspapsy yifitf, MNif, » THE FAST-SAILING STEAMERS, "JENNY JONES," DAVID DAVIES, COMMANDER, AND T A L 1 E S I N WILLIAM DAVID, COMMANDER, ARE intended to ply between CARDIFP and BRIS- TOL during the Month of DECEMBER, 1852, as follows :— [ Arriving at and starting from Bathurst Basin, Bristol, calling at the Hotwells, where Passengers will be Landed and Em- barked at (he llownham Ferry Slip, free of expense, at which place a comfortable Waiting liootli is provided.] CARDIFF. BHISTOL. From the Bute Docks. I From Bathurst Basin. DEC., 1852. I DEC., 18)2. 18, Saturday 8J morn) 18, Saturday •••• 10} morn 20, Monday 10l morn 120, Monday 12t after 21, Tuesday. 11^ morn j 21, Tuesday 1& alter 22, Wednesday ( after 22, Wednesday 2j after 23, Thursday 1.J after 23, Thursday •» 3J after 24, Friday 2J after 24, Friday 3f alter 25, Saturday 3J morn 25, Saturday 5j mom 27, Monday. 4} after 27, Monday *0 morn 28, Tuesday ft morn 28, Tuesday. Gl morn 29, Wednesday. 6 morn 2\1, Wednesday <5.j morn 30, Thursday 6 morn 30, Thursday 7j morn 31, r Vy 6 J morn 31,-Friday 8 mora Jan. I, 1855, Sat.. 7i morn I Jan. 1, 1853, B&t. 9 morn NOTICE.—The Cardiff Steam Navigation Company give Notice, that they will not be accountable for any Passengers' Luggage; nor will tliey be answerable for any Goods, Packages, or Parcels (if lost or damaged by fire, leakage, or otherwise), uuless hooked at their office at Cardiff or Bristol, if above the value of forty shillings, uuless entered at its value, and carriage In proportion paid for the same at the time of booking. Goods consigned to order, or not taken away before six o'clock in t!u» evening of tlw day of landing, will be warehoused at the risk and expense of the consignees. All Goods to be considered as liens, not only for Freight and Charges due thereon, but also for all previously unsatistied Freight and Charges due by Con- signees to the Proprietors of the said Packet. Disputed weighh or measurement, claims Cor loss or damage, &c" cannot be allowed unle:¡s written notice of the same be sent to the oiike on the day of delivery. To and Fro from Bristol, 27th. REDUCED FARES BY UOTlI STEAMERS:—After Cabin, Is. Fore Cabin, (id. Goods and Parcels ï"rwarded witli dispatch to Lantrissent Brid 'cnd, Port Talbot, Neath, Swansea, Llanolly. Carmar- then,= Merthyr, Aberdare, Pontypridd, Cowhridge, Cacrphiily &c., &c.; also fO aud Crolll London, 1\lancheslcr, Birmingham and all [>arts of the kingdom. Omnibuses are in waiting at Cardiff en the arrival of the Steamers In convey Passengers to tbe Railway Stations and all parts of toe Town. Refreshments may be had on board on moderate terms. Four-wheel Carriage, 20s.; Four-wheel Phaeton, drawn by Two Horses, 15s.; Oue-horse Phaeton, or Gig, 10s.; Two-wheel drawn by the One Horse anù Driver, Lis.; Horse and Rider, AfterCabin,8s.; Fore Cabin, Gs.tid.; Cdtlle. 45, Horses, 5s. each; Sheep, 811, each; Lamos, 6d. each Pigs, Dogs,&Calves, Is. each.—Shipping & Landing Live Stock, at risk of their Owners.—These Fares include every expense. Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes. Goods hau.'cd to and from the Packet at the Company's Expense, both at Cardiff aud Bristol.—No Fees to Porters. The above Steamers, for the convenience of Passen- gers, start from Bathurst Basin, Bristol, which is within 8 minutes' walk of the Great Western Railway Station. Goods delivered free of Hauling and Dock Dues in Cardiff. Further information as to Freight, &c., may be ob- tained by applying at the Company's Oflice, Bute Docks, Cardiff; or to Mr. JOHN EVEIIARD, Clare- street Hall, Marsh-street, Bristol. E. J. THOMAS, General Superintendent. SECRET SORROW.—CERTAIN HELP. IN SIX LANGUAGES FORTV-SEVENTH EDITION. Illustrating the new mode of treatment adopted by Lallemaud, Ricord, Deslandes, and others, of the llopital des Veneriens a Paris, and now uniformly practised in this country, BY WALTER DE ROOS, M.D., 35, ELY PI.ACE, UOLBORN HILL, LONDON. THE MEDICAL ADVISER, on the various dis- I J_ qualifying forms of premature decay resulting from infectiou, and youthful abuse, by which the vigour and man- liness of lift are destroyed, even before the powers of na- ture are fully established. It contains also chapters on the anatomy and physiology of both sexes (illustrated by nume- rous coloured engravings), with the Author's observations on Marriage, its duties and hinderances. Plain directions for the attainment of health, vigour, and consequent happi- ness. Thus rendering it, what its name purports it to be, THE MEDICAL FRIEND of all who may be suffering from the consequences of early error,—a Work which may be consulted with every assurance of benefit. May be obtained in a sealed Envelope through all Book- sellers, at 2s. Cid., or to avoid difficulty, will be sent direct from the Author, Post.free for 42 Postage stamps and where secresy is necessary, it may addressed in any name, or by initials only, to be left at any Post-office till calledfor. Agent for Bristol, Mr. King, Bookseller, Small Street; and Sold at the GUARDIAN OFFICE, Cardiff. Sold also by Gilbert, 49, Paternoster-row; Strange, 8, Amen Corner; Collins, 113, Fleet Street; Hannay 63, and Sanger. 150, Oxford-street, London; Jones, 5, Paradise- street, Liverpool; Heywood, 170, Dean's Gate. Manchester Raimes & Co., Leith Walk, Edinburgh: Campbell, 324, Argyle Street, Glasgow; Powell, 15, Westmoreland Street, Dublin; and obtainable by order of all Booksellers and Medicine Vendors. REVIEWS OF THE WORK. "Just the book everybody ought to read once in their life, and the sooner the better we say.—Pioneer. "The information therein conveyed is really essential to those of either sex who contemplate marriage."—liecord. It contains precisely the information too often studiously kept from the young and thoughtless.—However, the know- ledge must come some time, and happy is the person who does not become its possessor too late."—Politician. NOTICE TO THE AFFLICTED. From many years' experience at the various hospitals in London and on the continent, Dr. De Roos is enabled to treat, with the utmost certainty of cure, every variety of dis- ease arising from solitary habits, excesses, and infection, whether primary or secondary, which, from neglect or im- proper treatment, frequently end in gravel, rheumatism, indigestion, debility, skin diseases, pains in the kidneys back and loins, and a lingering painful death The lament- able neglect of these diseases by the majority of medical men, and their attempts to cure by the use of those dan- gerous medicines—mercury, copaiba, cubebs, &c., have pro- duced the most distressing results. Sufferers will therefore do well to apply without delay to Dr. De Roos, who gua- rantees a speedy and perfect cure, without the above medi- cines, thus preventing thepossibiiity of any after symptoms. This truth has been borne out in thousands of instances; and he further guarantees to cure the most inveterate cases in as short a time as is consistent with safety, without hin- derance from business, or change of diet, &c. Lasting benefit can only be reasonably expected at the hands of the judicious practitioner, who departing from the routine of general practice, devotes the whole of his studies to this class of diseases. And to those who can show their possession of the requisite qualifications, the utmost confi- dence may be extended. PERSONS IN THE COUNTRY will be minute in the detail of their cases; aud to prevent trouble, no letters from strangers will be replied to, unless they contain .£1 by Post-ofiice Order, or otherwise, for advice and medicines which will be sent to any pait of the world, securely packed from observation or accident. Patients corresponded with till cured. Females, on all occasions, attended to with the most ho- nourable secrecy and delicacy. Post-office Orders to be made payable at the Holborn Oflice to Dr. WALTER DE Roos, 35, Ely Place, Holborn Hill, Londou, where he may be consulted from 11 till l and 5 till 8, Sunday excepted. A cure effected or the money returned. Those deemed incurable are particularly invited. The Concentrated Gutlæ Vitce, of Life Drops, are unparalleled for their efficacy in renovating the im- paired powers of life, and re-invigorating the frame incases of nervous and sexual debility, as also purifying the blood Crom all poisonous infections, the abuse of mercury, and from secondary symptoms, such as swelling of the bones, loss of hair, decay of teeth, eruptions on the head, face, and body enlarged and sore throat, threatened destruction of the nose, palate, &c. To those persons who are prevented entering the marriage state by the consequence of eirly errors, they are invaluable, aud for all complaints incident to females, they have an established reputation. Price 4s. 6d. and lis. per bottle, or four lis. quantities in one large bottle for 33s„ by which lis. is saved. PAINS IN THE nACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, GOUT, INDIGESTION, FLA- TULENCY, HEADACHE, NERVOUSNESS, DE- BILITY, STRICTURE, GLEET, &c. DR, DE ROOS' COMPOUND R EN AL PILLS, as their name Renal (or the Kidneys) indicates, have been long established as a most safe and efficacious remedy for the above danger- ous complaints, discharges of any kind, retention of urine, and Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs gene- rally, whether resulting from imprudence or otherwise. which, if neglected, frequently end in stone in the bladder, and a lingering death. For Depression of Spirits, Blushing, Incapacity for Society, Study or Business, Confusion, Giddiness, Drowsiness, Sleep without Refreshment, Fear, Nervousness, and Insamty itself, when arising from, or combined with Urinary Diseases, they are unequalled. By their salutary action in coriecting bile aud aCidity of the stomach, purifying and promoting the renal secretions, they prevent the formation of Stone, and establish the healthy functions of all these organs. ONE TRIAL will convince the most sceptical of their sur- prising properties. Price Is. l-^d 2s. 9d" 4s. 6d., Us. and 33s. per box throngh all ÙIedicine Vendors. A consideralJle saving effected by purchasing the larger sizes. CAUTION.—There being hirrhlyinjurious imitations of these IIledlcines emanating from a self-styled doctor, who copies this announcement, sufferers will do well to see that the stamp, afiixed to each box and bottle, is a BONA TIDE GOVERNMENT STAMP, bearing the words, Walter Do Roos, London," in wliite letters on a red ground, and to guard ag-ainst the recommendation of the SPUriOUi articles or any other medicine by unprincipled Vendors, who thereby obtain a large profit. TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FRAUD, her Majesty's Honourable Commissioners have directed the nallle of the Proprietor to be engraved on the Government Stamp afiixed to his Medicines, without which, none can possibly be genuine, and to irnitare which is felony. Sold by James, Phillips, and Evaus, Cardiff; Roberts. Chemist, Conway; Hughes, chemist, Bangor; Griffith, chemist, High-street, Carnarvon Edwards, ciietniet, Den- bigh i Hughes, chemist, Holyhead; Beale, chemist, H gli- street, Wrexham Ward, chemist, lligh-street, Brecon Price Brothers. Post-office, Bridgend; Thomas, chemist, (opposite Angel), Merthyr; Watkins, High-street, Abet- gavenny; White, chemist, Guildhall-square, Carmarthen; VVil iains, chemist, High-street, Cardigan; Davie?, chemist and Potter, Herald-oliice, Haverfordwest; Treweeks, chemist, Pembroke; Evans, chemist, High-street, Swansea, Moore,chemist, Broad-street, Newtown; Stephens,chemist, fjjn-h-street, Merthyr Tydfil Ferris & Score, druggists, UnTon-street, Bristol; Walton, Chronicie-ofJice, Shrews- bury; Chillcott, Bookseller, Broad-street. Leomiuster Hook' (opposite Greeu Dragon), Hereford Farror, Beacon- llice Monmouth; Jenkins, Commercial-street, and Phil- ?. Chemist, High-street, Newport and obtainable tl'roH°h Mediciue Venders, of whom also may be hud ..THE"MEDICAL ADVISEII." N li —Should diliiculty arise in procuring any 01 the bv wading the amount by Post-office Order, or Stamps, to Ely Phu-e, Uolbprn Hill, JU>il4Qq, !»iej wij) be MHt securely {,>«ek$4 to any ftiMmi, UNDER ROYAL PATRONAGE. )- \(! PERFECT FREEDOM FROM COUGHS IN TEN MINUTES AFTER USE, And INSTANT RELIE" and A RAPID CURE for ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION, and i\.1 DISORDERS of the RUE AT II and LUNGS, arc insured by DR. LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS. fPHE truly wonderful powers of this remedy have X called forth testimonials from all ranks of society, in all quarters of the world. The following have just been re- ceived:— CURE of ASTHMATIC COUGH of LONG STANDING. City-road, H averford west. gjr> ] am happy to inform you that I have experienced the greatest benefit*from taking only two boxes of Dr. Lo- cock's Pulmonic Wafers, which you were kind enough to re- commend me. Previously to ir.v taking them I could scarcely walk without the greatest difficulty of breathing, and my cou^h would then increase to such a degree that I was nearly suffocated. I had not for many months slept for more than half an hour at a time; but I am now able to sleep all night without cou"hing. I can truly recommcnd them to those who are similarly affected, as a most invalusble remedy, and you arc at perfcrt liberty to make my c*se public if you think proper.—I am, &c., JOII S JOHNS, Cabinet-maker. The above was communicated to the Proprietors by Mr. O. E. Davis, Chemist, Hi^h-street, Haverfordwest. ANOTHER SURPRISING CURE OF ASTHMA. From Mr. William Bowcn, Cartlctt, Haverfordwest. Sir,—Having been afflicted for many years with a violent cough and asthma, and having tried all oilmr medicines in vain, 1 was recommended to try Dr. Locork's Wafers. I sent to you for a box, aud to my great astonishment, I found re- lief the very ifrst mailt, and have continued to get bettfr ever since. Their eU'ccts are really wonderful. My appetite is now good, whereas formerly I could scarcely keep any food on my stomach. I have my'olr-^ioco recommondcd them to several nersoos, who have all received the gri-atcst relief irom them. (Signed) WA1. BOW EN. CURE OF TWENTY YEARS' ASTHMA. Extract of a letter from M. GrOSe, ¡'<1', Itedrllt h. Gentlemen, — Please to send 11,0 an lis. box of Dr. Lr>- coek's Wafers hy return of post, and al", a few of your lists of <-ure«, that. J may send them to those of my frit-nils who are sim\lar!v aillirted with asthma. J than;, God that I have found more benefit frun three 2. !J. boxes whid. I have taken. thall from all ,her medicines I ever took for the last twenty years, and I am in hopes that I shall soon be restored to my former health. Signed) MlCilAEL GROSE. CURES IN LANCASTER. From G. Carruthers, Chemist, 7 and S. New-street. Genrlclllcn.-JIaving sold Dr. Locock's Wafers fr-nn Heady the commencement of their introduction, and having had the most varied aud numerous opportullities of witnessing their powerful effects, I do nut think I shoald he discharging my duty were 1 longer to withhold my testimony to their aston- ishing effects in this neighbourhood. In allaying any irritation of the throat or ehcst, inducell by cold, checking all disposition to coughing, and promoting comfortable and refreshing sleep, f hey are unequalled, with- out in any instance affecting the head or general functions in the slightest degree. To a^cd persons troubled with an ha- bitual cough, attended with restlessness during [lie night, they areinvatuabie. 1 have disposed of a considerable quantity to persons of all ages, and in every siruation of life, and I helleve in every case their use has IJecn attended with hene- ficial results. (Signed) GEO. CARRUTHERS. IMPORTANT TO ALL WHO SING. From Mr. Eùwd. l'age, Director of the Choir and Orgauist of St. Marie's Catholic Church, Newport, Monmouthshire. Gentlemen,—Having frequently suffered much from relax- ation of the throat. I have often been obliged to resort to various preparations but since I have had the good fortune to try Dr. Locock's Pulmonic Wafers, I am now but seldom obliged to resort to them, for the extraordinary good effects they produce are most surprising. Even when the throat appears to he completely exhausted, and the voice to be nearly gone, two or three (or at most four) will, in the short space of half an hour or so, completely re- store its tiexibitityandpower, and they act as a mere tem- porary exciting remedy, nor do they teaveanytassitude after. Having Celt tlu, great value of thc remedy, 1 fed It a duty tel generally recommend h, as I aID convinced that all persons willllnd immcllsc benefit from the general and perseveiing use of it. EVWAHD PAGg, 10, Stow-hill, Newport. The particulars of hundreds of cures may be had from every agent throughout the kingdom. To Singers aud" Public Speakers they are invaluable, as iu a few hours they remove all hoarseness, and wonderfully increase the powers and flexibility of tbe voice. They have a pleasant taste. Price Is. 1.^d., 2s. 9d., and lis. per box.—May he had of DA Sll-VA & Co., 1, Bride-lane, Fleet-street, London. Also, may be had, DR. LOCOCK'S FAMILY APERIENT AND ANTI- BILIOUS WAFERS, A mild and gentle aperient and stomachic medicine, having a most agreeable taste, and of great efficacy for regulating the secretions and correcting the action of the stomach aud liver. Sold at Is. 1 id., 2s. 9d., and lis. per box. — Also, DR. LOCOCK'S FEMALE WAFEIlS, The best medicine for ladies. Have a pleasant taste. Price Is. lAd.,2s. 9J., and lis. per box, with full directions. ALL PtLLS UNDER SIMILAR NAMES ARE COUNTERFEITS. IMPORTANT CATTION.— Ylany Medicine Vendors, when asked for DR. LOCOCK'S MEDICINES, attempt to sell Pills," Wafers," and other preparations under nearly similar names instead—because they obtain a larger protit by the sale of such counterfeits than can be obtained by vending the genuine medicine. The Public is therefore cautioned that the only genuine has the words Dr. Locock's Wafers" in white letters on a red ground printed in the Government stamp outside each box. Wholesale Agents: Evans. Son, and Hodgson, Wholesale Druggists, Exeter. Agent for (JARDIFF, Mr. Griffith Phil- lips, Druggist, and Mr. Kernick, Chemist; AlEUTIlYR, Airs. White, Bookseller, High-street; NEWPORT, Mr. E.J. Pbil- lios, and Messrs. Rogers and Co., Druggists; TRCDUGAR, Mr. C rowe, Medical Hall. Sold by ail Medicine Vendors. NEVER .FAILING REMEDY Mi HOLLO WAY' S^OINni ENr. A CRIPPLE SETS ASIDE IMS CRUTCHES AFTER TEN YEARS' SUFFERING. Copy of a Zettcl" from Mr. Thompson. Chemist, Liverpool, rr „ „ d(lted August 2t)tk, 1S52. lo Professor HOLI.OWAY, DBAR SIR,-1 am enabled to furnish you with a most ex- traordinary cure effected by your invaluable Ointment and Pills, which has astonished every person acquainted with the sufferer. About 10 years ago, Mr. W. Cummins, of Saltney Street, in this town, was thrown from his horse, whereby he received very serious injuries; he had the best medical ad- vice at the time, and was afterwards an inmate of different infirmaries, yet he grew worse, and at length a malignant running ulcer settled in his hip'which so completely crippled him, that he could not move without crutches for nearly 10 years j recently he began to use your Ointment and Pills which have now healed the wound, strengthened his limb, and enabled him to dispense with his crutches, so that hecan walk with the greatest ease, and with renewed health and vigour. (Signed) J. THOMPSON. A MOST EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A DREADFUL SKIN DISEASE WHEN ALL MEDICAL AID HAD FAILED. CQPyoJ a Letter from Mr. Hird, Draper, of Keady, near Gainsbro', dated March 1st, 185.2. To Professor HoLLoWAY, SIR,—Some time since, one of mv children was afflicted with tJreadful eruptions over the body aud limbs. lol.llilined the advice of several eminent Surgeons and Physicians, by all of whom the case was considered hopeless. At length I tried your Ointmeut and Pills, and without cxaggeral1on. the effect was miraculous, for by persevering in their use, all the eruptions quickly disappeared, and the cliild was restored to perfect health. I previously lost a child from a similar complaint, and I firmly believe, had I in her case, allopled your medicines she would have been saved also, 1 shall be happy to testify the truth of this to any inquirer. (Signed) J. HllW, Draper. ANOTHER SURPUISI'NG CURE OF ULCERATED BAD LEGS, DEUILITY, AND GENERAL ILL HEALTH. Copy of a Letter from Mr. J. 1If. Clennell, of Newcastle-on- lyne, dated September 20th, 1852. To Professor HOLLOWAY, DEAR SIR,—1 amauthorised by Mrs. Gibbon, of 31, Bailey treet in this town, to inform you that for a considerable period she had been a sufferer from debility, and general ill ea tb, accompanied with a disordered stomach, and great erangement of the system. In addition to this she was terribly afflicted with ulcerated wounds, or running sores, in hoth her legs, so that she was totally incapable oi doing her usuatwork. In this distressing eoudiuonshe adopted the use of your Pilis and Ointment, and she states, that in a wonderfully short time they effected a perfect cure of her egs, and restored her constitution to health and strength and that she is now cualded to walk about with ease and comfort. Several other persons in this neighbourhood have a so received extraot dinary benefit from the use of your inva- luable medicines. I remain, dear Sir, yours faithfully, (Signed) JOHN MO'RTON CLENNELL. CERTAIN RKMEDY FOR SCORBUTIC HUMOURS— A,lN, iN ASTONISHING CURE OF AN OLD LADy sJiVLNi'Y YEARS Of AGE OF A BAD 1.CG. Copy "f a Letter from Messrs. Walker §' Co., Chemists, Bath, to Protessor HOLLOWAY, Beak SIR,— Among the numerous cures effected by the use of your valuable Medictues iu this neighbourhood, we may mention that of an old lady, living in the village ot Pres- ton, about live miles from this city. She had ulcerated wounds in her leg tur many years, and latterly they increased to such an alarming extent as to defy all the usual remedies ber health rapidly giving way under the sutiering she en- dured. la this condition she had recourse to your Ointment and Pills, and by the assistance of lier frieuus, was enabled to persevere in their use, uutil she reccivedapetfectcure. W., bave ourselves been greatly astonished at the eilect upon so old a person, she being aoove 70 years of age. We shall be happy to satisfy any inquiries as to tbe authenticity of this really wonderful case, either personally or by letter. A private in the Bath Police Force, aUo, has been perfectly cured of an old scorbutic affection in the titce, after all other means had failed. He states that it is eutirely by the use of you. Ointment, and speaks loudly in its praise. We remain, dear Sir, yours fi1lthfuJly, April 6.!i, IS)- (Signed) WALiv li'i & Co. Ine Pilts sliould be used conjointly with the Ointment in most of the following cases — Bad Legs Chilblains Gout Sore throats Bad Breasts Chapped hands Glandular Skin diseases Buins Corns (Soft) Swellings Scurvy Bunions Cancers Lumbago Sore-beads Bite of Mos- Contiacted & Piles Tumours chetots and Stiff-joints Rneumatism Ulcers Saud-l'hes Mephantiasis Scalds Wounds Coco-Bay Fistulas So;e Nipples Yaws Uoegn-tont. Sold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway, 244, Strand (near lemplu Uar), London, and by ail respectable Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilisud world, in Pots at Is, lid., «s. yj,, 4s. 0d.f lis., 2-s,, and O'is. each. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes, N.H.—pjfeptlans far the gtuddin^$f pv.ieittt in wsjy aUfWlSt J'mi? LIVERPOOL '• t BLACK BALL LINE OF PACKETS TO AUSTRALIA smrs. TONS. I FOR TO SAIL. Fortune (new ship) 1,500 Sydney 22nd Dec. Piissaroeang 1,500 Melbourne & Geei, ng 5th Jan. Eliz.Harrison (new ship) 2,000 ^Melbourne 25th Jan. D:1Vid Mdver 1 80J To follow. Golden Age (new ship) 2,000 Melbourne /fie-. To follow. Collector 1,500 [Melbourne s. To follow. Marco I'olo 2,500 Melbourne To follow. Flora M'Dotiald 1,500 Melbourne ,V To follow. Lady Bulwer 1,800 Melbourne "jTo follow. mil IS splendid line of welj.^nown First L Class Packets sail TWIQ 'a MONTH for AUSTRALIAN PORTIT, For full particulars apply to f JAMES BAINES & CO., Cook-strtet,Liverpool; Or to T. CUNDY BORE, 5G, Strand,$vvausea Who forward all kinds of Merchandise, Packages, Parcels, Letters, &cr., to all parts of Australia and United States of America, by Steamers and Sailing Vessels, ill the most expeditious and reasonable manner; every information as to rate of freight given, and #<!var.ces made on Consignments to their friends in Australia, as well as immediate orders at sight on deposits of Cash here. ADDITIONAL TESTIMONIAL of the valuable J-A. medicinal properties of FltAMPTOSJ'S. PILL OF HEALTH, forwarded to Mr. Thomas l'rout,3*29, Strand, from W. Smith, Esq.:— 13, St. Mark's-terraee, West nrompton, Loudon, 10th May 1852. "Sir,—Ten years ago 1 was induced to give!u my opinion, founded on experience, of the ni-iits of FrJfiptoii's l'til of Health, 1 am pleased at your having publ\|ied that plain statement, by which 1 hope others have been iijiuced to try so effective a I1Icdicinl'. j. t Anxious cares, and neglect of my old tried -l^eacl during the Party part of J: his year, had produced uneasiness which I fouucl it prudent 110 longer, to neglect; and 1 am de- lighte t to say that it few doses of the Pills, under the blessing of Divine Providence, have removed, auù I nUl again as well as I ever was iu my life. Please forward me the usual supply of half a dozen family boxes, which I may safely term my medicine chest for self and lamily; and I hold it a duty to omit 110 opportunity of thus giving It) you proofs 0\ m\ experience of the valuable properties of this medicine. WM. SMITH. These Pills are particularly efficacious for Stomach Coughs, Colds, Agues, shortness of breach, and all obstructions ot the Urinary passages & if taken after too free an indulgence at ta- ble,! hey quick I vresioret be sy -tern to its natura I state of repose. Persons of a FU LI. 11 lilT, who are su'iject to Head-ache, GiÙdin",s, Drowsiness, and .Singing in the Ears, arising fmlll too great a 1\,)W of Blood to the Head, should never he with- out them, as many dangerous symptoms wIll be entirely car. ried off hy their immediate use. For KE MA LP,a these Pills are most truly excellent, reo moving all obstructions, the distressing Hoad-ache so very prevalent with the sex; Depression of Spirits, Dullness of Sight, Nervous Affections, Blotches, Pimples, and Sallowness of the Skin, and give a healthy and jllvcaile blo:)ftl to the complexion. To MOTHERS thcy are confidently recommended as thc best mediciue that can betaken during l'reguancy; and for children of all ages they are unequalled. As a pleasant, safc, and easy Aperient, they unire the recomlllendation of a mild operation with Ihe most success- ful elleci. By regulating the dose, according to the age and strength of the patient, they become suitable for every case, in either sex, that cau be required. Sold by T. Prollr, 2:29. Strand, l,on,loII. Price 1«. 1 ^d. and 2s. 9d. per box aad by the Venders of Medicines geilerally throughlllllthe Kingdom. Ask for FRAMP TON'S PILL OF HEALTH, and observe the nanx-and address of "Thomas Prout, 2'2!J, Strand London," on the Government Stamp. 1- NO MORE PILLS nor any other MEDICINE. DU BARRY'S delicious REVALENTA ARABICA FOOD is the natural remedy, which has obtained 50,000 tes- timonials of cures from the Hight Hon. the Lord Stuart de Deeics, Archdeacon Stuart of Itoss, and other parties, of indi. gestion (dyspepsia), constipation, anti diarrhœa, nervousness, biliousness, liver complaint, flatulency, distension, palpita- tion of thc heart, nervou; headache, deafness, noises III the head and ears, pains in almost every part of the body, chronic inllammation and ulceration oC the stomach, erysipe1as, erup- tions of the skin, implllities and poverty of the hlood, 8crofula, incipient consumption, dropsy, rheumatism, gout, heartburn, nausea and sickness during pregnancy, after eating, or at sea, low spirits, spasms, cramps, epilcpllC tits, spleen, geueral debility, asthma, cough, inquietude, sleeplessness, involun- tary blushing, paralysis, tremors, ùislike to society, unfitness for study, loss of memory, delusions, vertigo, blood to the head, exhaustion, melancholy, groundless fear, indecision wretchedness, thoughts of self-destruction, and many oth e: complaints. It is, moreover, the best food for infants, and invalids generally, as it never turns acid on the weakest stomach, but imparts a healthy ielish for lunch or dinner, aud restores the faculty of digestiou, and nervous and mus- cular energy to the most enfeebled. BARRY DU BARRY & C0., 77, Regent Street, London. A few out of 50,000 cures are here given Cure No. 47,121.—" Miss Elizabeth Jacobs, of Nazing Vi- carage, Walthatn-cross, Herts: a cure of extreme nervous- ness, indigestion, gatherings, low spirits, and nervous fancies." Cure No. 4H,314. Miss Elizabeth Yeaman, Gate-aicp. near Liverpool; a cure of 10 years' dyspepsia, and all the horrors of nervous irritability." Cure No. 71, of dyspepsia, from the Right Hon. the Lord Stuart de Decies 1 have derived considerable benefit from Du Barry's Revalenta Arabica Food, and consider it due to yourselves and the public to authorise the publication of these lines.—Stuart de Decies." Cure No. 49,tl32. Fifty years' indescribable agony from dyspepsia, nervousness, asthma, cough, constipation, flatu- lency, spasms, sickness at the stomach, and vomiting, have bern removed by Du Barry's excellent food,—Maria Jolly, Wortham Ling, near Diss, Norfolk. Cure No. 51,418.—" Major W. Edie, H.M.S., 14, Bucking- ham-street, Straud, London, cured oj two years' liver cow- plaint and inveterate diairhaea, with total prostration of strength, which had resisled Ihe best treatmenl ill luúia and at home." In Canisters, suitably packed for all climates, and with full instructions, is. lid., 2s. 0d., -Is. 61.; 5 1b., lis.; 12 lb., 22s.; super relined, 5 lb., 22s.; 10 lb., 33s. The 10 lb. and 12 lb. carriage free, on receipt of post-office order. Barry Du Barry and Co., 77, Regent-street, London; Portnum, Mason, and Co., purveyors to Her Majesty, Piccadilly. AGENTS. Brynmawr J. W. Vaughan. Cardiff. J. B. Hopkins. Cowbridge John Parsons. Merthyr Tidvil David Jones. Monmouth Dyke & Co., Tlios. Farror. Neath W. Hibbert. Newport A. Clements, Stamp Office. Swansea Jonathan Drury. Tredegar C harll's Peat. Throw physic to the dogs,—I'll none of it."—Shakspere. UNDER THE A W AND TATRONAGE OF THEg||S2^e|||jpSl*2 T H E PRINCIPAL QUEEN. ^NOBILITY. EOPER'S ROYAL BATH PLASTERS JH supersede the use of Inward Medicine for Coughs, Asthma, Hoarseness, Indigestion, Palpitation of the Heart, Croup, Hooping Cough, Influenza Chronic Strains, Bruises, Lumbago, Spinal and Rheumatic Affections, Diseases of the Chest and Local Pains. MORE WONDERFUL CURES SELECTED FROM MANY OTHERS TOO NUMEROUS TO PUBLISH ;— INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. Fore-street, Limeliouse, Juno 1, 1850. Messrs. Roper and Son,—I beg to state your Royal Bath Plasters cured me of an attack of inflammation of the lungs. J. HORNSBY. CURE OF AN ALARMING PAIN IN THE SIDE. To Messrs. Roper and Son,—Gentlemen I had a Plaster for Mrs. Kennedy for an alarming numbness and pain in the side, which Jed me to fear Ii paralytic stroke. She is 67 years of age. I applied the Plaster to her side, and the pain and numbness entirely left her in three weeks. ED WARD JOHN KENNEDY. 32, Cattle Market, Shellield, Aug. 10. 1848. WONDERFUL EFFECTS ON ASTHMA OF 20 YEARS STANDING Soulbury House, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. Gentlemen,—Having been afflicted with an asthmatic cough for the last twenty years, and being within two hours' ride of London, I beg to inform you that I have during the last fifteen years consulted more than one of the first physicians of the day, and the only good I have re- ceived has been a temporary relief, after costing me pounds upon pounds. Since the commencement of the present month, I was advised to try one of Roper's Royal Bath Plasters" for the chest, and so great has been the benefit al- ready received, that 1 consider myself in duty bound to write you this testimonial. I have suffered so much of late, especially upon awaking in the morning, that 1 have fre- quently been two hours in dressing, while the perspiration has been running down my face the greatest part of the time. I now dress with case ill half an hour. Trusting your invaluable discovery will be made known throughout the country, for the benefit of the afflicted public, I am, Gentlemen, yours greatly obliged, WILLIAM BLUNDY, M.C.P., aged 40. To Messrs. Roper & Son—Dec, 20 1851. COUGH ErGlIT TEAits' STANDING. 18, Joy street, Belfast, Feb. 19, 1852. Sir?,—In the month of December last, I tried one of your Royal Batb Plasters, having for the last eight years been troubled with a violent cough, tightness of the chest, and difficulty of breathing, from which I have found so much benefit, that 1 will thank you to send me another by return of post. Your's respectfully, PHILIP EMERY, Comedian. To Messrs. Roper and Son. REMARKABLE CURE OF COUGII ATTENDED WITH PAIN IV THE CHEST. Cross Keys Hotel, Hull, March 16,1851. Dear Girs,-I certainly should not have been able to spend the winter in this cold damp town, unless I had woro one of your Plasters. It relieved my cough in a few days after being applied, and SOOI1 caused the pain in my chest to cease. The Royal Bath Piasters are indeed an excellent remedy. I shall not [ail to recommend them to any of my friends who suffer from coughs, pain in the chest, or indigestion, And am, dear Sirs, your's respectfully, S.JACKSON. Lakenhaath, near Mildenhall, Suffolk, Feb. 2, 1852. Dear Slrs,-About twelve month, fqO, I WH recom- mended by a gentlemen to try your Roper's Royal Bath Planter, which I did. aud have found it very beneficial. Before using the R iyal Bath Plasters, I had been subject to coughs & cold-i especially during the winter months, scarcely free from a coug.'i a week together the whole winter: hut since I have worn the Royal Btth Plaster, (which I have without intermission since,) a cold or cough lIftS such a different ell'e. t and by taking a little Cire, soon leaves me. It this should ue read by any subject to the same distress- ing complaints, I would recommend them to try the same means, anù 1 bave nlJ doubt they wili agree with me as 10 the effect. 1 remain, gentlemen your most obedient servant. Messrs. Roper and Son Sheffield. WM. F. NEWTON NOTICE !—The words, ROPER'S ROYAú BATH PLASTER," en- graved ontheGo. ."jrcs tor's Autograph on the back, thus — These truly Invaluable Plasters are compounded on Medico-Cheintcal principles, from British herbs, and the Gum- and Balsams of the Eastern clirne- Where shrubs yield balsam, and where flowers and trees Distil some genial bairn for all disease." Prepared only by ROBERT ROPER and SON, Chemists, Shellield. Full-s'zed Plasters, Is. lid.; and for Children 9,VI. pach or direct by post, on receipt of Is. 4d. or 1-. each.—For the use of Hospitals. Infirmaries, Dispensaries, Poor-Law Unions, the Medical Profession, Family use, and Chaijty purpose- &c,— iu Tin Cases, at 4s, (id., 1h., 2:a." JWs. each cjse. EFiWARE or JMITATlOKi?purtjijular ta jink WATCH, CLOCK, AID JEWELLERY, SILVER ASD ELECTRO-PLATE ESTABLISHMENT, OPIK'IAS, &e„ 24, DUKE STREET, CARDIFF. H GRANT, in gratefully acknowledging past favours, begs to call attention to his Large and Well-Selected • Stock of the Patent Electro-Silver Plate, of very superior quality, consisting of the following Articles in four Qualities, namely, A, B, C, and D :-S¡ioons. Forks, Fish-Carvers in c::ses, Fish-Knives in sets, Butter-Knives, Pickle-Forks, Cruet-stands, Toast-Racks, Cake-Baskets, Ivelties am! Stands, Liquor-Frames, Butter-Coolers, Sets of Cover-Dishes of four to make eight, Candlesticks and Branches, Tea and Coffee Services, Dessert Knives in eases, Bottle Stands, Nut-Cracks, Asparagus Tongs, Grape Scissois, ICpergnes, Vases, and Flower-Stands, Esru'tands, Waiters and Salvers, Water-Jugs, &c., &c., which he can oiler at prices that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. A List of Prices, with Quality affixed, will be sent, post free, on application, to any part of the kiugdom, gratis. Every description of Plate and Plated Goods repaired on the Premises. Articles Re-Plated by the Electro- type process. Experienced Workmen in the Watch and Clock department sent to any part of the Principality, or neighbouring Counties. N.H.-Sole Agent for Cardiff for the sale of Messis. J. FLETCHER, and 80:8 (of London) WARRANTED CHRONOMETERS. Nautical Instruments, Publications, and Charts to all parts of the world.- Chronometers, Watdics, Instruments, &c., Cleaned and carefully Repaired on the Premises. December 9th, 1852. THE GOLDEN KEY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FURNISHING AND GENERAL IRONMONGERY WAREHOUSE, NEXT D'JOÜ TO THE ANGEL HOTEL, ANGEL Sl'REhT, CARDIFF. J 0 II N A L E W IS T) EGS to calltlle attention of the Pnb'ic generally to the fallowing Articles in IRONMONGERY, and ) to assure then they are of the VERY BEST QUALITY, an i ren-l.?re-l%t Bir:aiii:ix .t Prices — FURNISHING DEPARTZuENT. Register Grates Electro Teapots Culliinlers ForrTaflASp«»ge Kttchen Ranges Piaton'u GoUec-pots Gmvy Strainers t So,, Drawing Room Fenders Heart's do. Ornel do Ale Taps Dining Room do. James's do. Candlesticks Wafer Jugs Ashpans 1' ivneh Caflitures Candle Boxes Flat and i?ox T:ons 1'ire Irons Cheese Scoops Cheeep Toasters Ua.-tiiii> Spo-jns Lamps Vegetable Forks Spice Roses B-di-uvs Brass T:ipo<!s Bread Knives Sugar Boxes F,.tlh 1:1"1, Coal Vases Bread Platen C:i$h Boxes Mlaeklead Fire Baskets Inkstands Plate Baskels lioiieti Shnp Papier Maehefi Trays Boltlo Jacks Plate Carriers II. nsem-aid Cloves Cake Baskets P.itent. Revolvers Pudding Pans Ch-.mors L-atlreis Bread do. Roasting Screens Paste < hitters c Co Ceo Mills Work Tables Teakettles Jelly Moulds r o. Hearth Brushes Slock pots Sweeping Brashes Be.-f sie ik Tontrs Wool Rugs Digesters Clothes do. Mincing Knlivs (hill Bells Stewpans Scrubbing do. Cleavers and Saws I ea Urns Baking Pans Stove do. Corkscrews Kettles, on Stands Bread Tins Shower Ha?lis Spitloons Castors, in Sets Fish Kettles llip, Slipper Mops, &e., &r. BUILDERS' DEPARTMENT. ITome maoe Patent, and (hit N'tHs. Hinges, Locks, and Latches of every description; Sash Pnllies, Weights 1'listenings, and Line; Roller, (Hind Knds, and Line; Iron and Brass Knockers; Door Springs; London, Irish, and Russian Glue; Glass paper and Cloth Oils, Colours, Varnishes, &c., &c. WHEELWRIGHTS' DEPARTMENT. Nails, Oils and Colours; Patent Axles; Cart Springs; Pipe Boxes; Stock? Shield Boards; Vice I Screws, &c., & See. SMITHS' DEPARTMENT. Bid nlnI iron; PF ditto; Hoops and Sheets; Fender and Ploughplate Blisfer, Spring, Shear, Cast Sleel Horse Nails, Files, Rasps, and Knives, &c., &c. SHOEMAKERS' DEPARTMENT. Awl Blades; Clasp and Square Ilobs; Pitch Resin; Wax, &c., &c., &c. SHOPKEEPERS, BUILDERS, CAPTAINS, WHEELWRIGHTS, SMITHS, AND SHOEMAKERS SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ONE P R ICE, AND NO ABATEMENT. PLEASE OBSERVE THE GOLDEN KEY OVER THE DOOR. NEWSPAPER FOR THE FARMING AND GARDENING INT E R E S T. January 1, will be. published, Price Sixpence, free by Post, each Volume complete in itself, ENLARGED TO TWENTY-FOUR FOLIO PAGES, THE FIRST NUMBER FOR 1853 OF THE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE AND AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE: A Weekly Record of Rural Economy and General News. THE HORTICULTURAL PART EDITED BY PROFESSOR LINDLEY. THE FARMING PART (under the Editorship of a practical Farmer) treats of- The Practice of Agriculture Results of Experimental Farming Foresting Agricultuial Science Growth aud Rotation of Crops Road-making Animal and Vegetable Physiology Management of Stock Farm-Buildings Improvements in Implements, de- Veterinary Science Labourers ° scribed by Woodcuts whenever Drainage Treatment of Poultry requisite Irrigation Agricultural Publications. Better modes of Husbandry In short, whatever affects the beneficial employment of capital in land. Reports are regularly given of the English, Scotch, and Irish Agricultural Societies and Farmers' Clubs—London Market Prices of Corn, Hay, Cattle, Seeds, Hops, Potatoes, Wool, Coal, Timber, Bark, &c., and the Weekly Averages. AS REGARDS THE GARDENING PART (under the Editorship of Dr. Lindley), the principle is to make it a weekly record of everything that bears upon Horticulture, Floriculture, Arboriculture, or Garden Botany, and such Natural History as has a relation to Gardening, with Notices and Criticisms of all Works on such subjects. Connected with this part are 0 WEEKLY CALENDARS OF GARDENING OPERATIONS, Given in detail, and adapted to the objects of persons in every station of life so that the Cottager,-with a few rods of ground before his door, the Amateur who has only a Greenhouse, and the Manager of Extensive Gardens, are alike informed of the routine of Operations which the varying seasons render necessary. It moreover contains Reports of Horticultural Exhibitions and Proceedings—Notices of Novelties and Improvements—in fact, everything that can tend to advance the Profession, benefit the condition of the Workman, or conduce to the pleasure of his Employer; Woodcuts are given whenever the matter treated of requires that mode of illustration. REPLIES TO QUESTIONS connected with the object of the Paper are also furnished weekly. Lastly, that description of DOMESTIC AND POLITICAL NEWS is introduced which is usually found in a Weekly Newspaper. It is unnecessary to dwell on this head further than to say, that the Proprietors do not range themselves under the banners of any Party; their earnest endeavours are to make THE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE and AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE a full and comprehensive Record of Facts only—a Newspaper in the true sense of the word-leaving the Reader to form his own opinions: their object bein" the elucidation of the laws of Nature, not im an'T Re*der is thus furnished, IN ADDITION TO THE PECULIAR FEATURES OF THE JOURNAL, with such information concerning the events of the day, as supersedes the necessity of his providing himself with any other Weekly Paper. „APROSPECTUS' WITH LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS, may be had on application, or by letter, at the Office, 5, Upper Wellington-street, Covent Garden, London. Parties intending to Commence with the New Volume had better give their Orders at once to any Newsvender. THE PARIS CHOCOLATE COMPANY, DISTINGUISHED BY THE PATRONAGE OF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, And the unanimous awards of both "COUNCIL" AND "PRIZE MEDALS" AT THE GREAT EXHIBITION OF 1851. THE limited Consumption of Chocolate in England has arisen chiefly from the difficulty of procuring Chocolate JL of the best quality, and from the want of knowledge to prepare it properly for the table. French manufacturers are prohibited by Government from using deleterious ingredients; hence their superiority, and the universal con- sumption of Chocolate in that country. By the Jurors' Report (Class 29), it is shown that the best producing Cocoa countries export the choice of their produce for the markets of France, the high differential duties obliging English manufacturers to be contented with the inferior products of Trinidad, Grenada St. Lucia, &c. This, and the practice of adulteration in England, arising principally from competition and low prices, have, until recently, conferred upon France the monopoly of supplying the world with the different preparations of Chocolate. In 1850 the Paris Chocolate Company was established for supplying the British public with genuine unadulterated Chocolate manufactured in strict accordance with the French system, but at considerably lower prices, by saving the import duty of 6d. per lb. and other charges, thus placing their superior articles of food and beverage within the reach of all classes of consumers. In their competition with the manufacturers of all nations, the Company obtained au unrivalled distinction, and the Jurors' report pronounces their productions "fully equal to those of France." As an evidence that genuine Chocolate when attainable and properly prepared, is highly appreciated by the English people, it will be sufficient to refer to the fact, that during the Great Exhibition of 1851, the consumption of the Company's Exhibition Prize Chocolate in the Central Refreshment Court exceeded that of Tea or Coffee. And it is now almost universally recommended by the Medical Profession as more conducive to health than any other vegetable production which enters into the human dietary. BREAKFAST CHOCOLATES, in i and £ lb. tablets, plain, from Is. 4d. to 3a. per lb.; with vanille, from 3s. to 6s. per lb. These are now very generally Substituted for Tea and Coffee, both of which are so decidedly in- ferior in wholesome and nutritious qualities. A Chocolatiere, manufactured after the most approved Parisian model, will be presented to every purchaser of a 141b. box of tablets; and consumers of smaller quantities may obtain the same at cost price, 2s. 9d. HONEY CHOCOLATES, a combination of the purest heather Honey with the mildest French Cocoa, in Pots, Is. 3d. each, highly recommended as a confection or breakfast preparation, is universally acknowledged to be the best article of soluble Chocolate ever introduced in England, is an excellent substitute for butter, and no nursery should be without it. To invalids it is a most inestimable boon. CHOCOLATE BONBONS, which this Company have had the honour of supplying to the most distinguished families in the Kingdom, by whom they have been pronounced an unrivalled dessert. 0 FANCY CHOCOLATES, in Medallions, Railway Pastilles, Poenny Sticks, Statuettes, Cigars, &c. CHOCOLATE POWDER, loose and in packet, at Is. per lb. and upwards. FRENCH SYRUPS, in bottles from Is. 2d. to 2s. 6d. each, prepared from the choicest fruits, and, when mixed with cold water, form an anti-alcoholic drink not to be surpassed; peculiarly adapted for evening and juvenile parties, and extensively used with Puddings, for flavouring Jellieo, Creams, &c. CHOCOLATE BONBONS, in fancy boxes, Is., Is. 3d., 2s., and 2Gs, each. French conserves, in fancy boxes, 6d. each. Travellers by sea or land, who need a portable supply of the most sustaining food and beverage, will find the above articles invaluable, as they require no preparation, and are warranted to keep good in any climate. Asseveral unprincipled houses are attempting to palm off their inferior goods by imitating the Company's pack- ages, consumers are particularly requested to observe the name and address on each packet, and to purchase only of the Company's regularly appointed agents, lists of whom will be frequently published in all the principal London and Provincial Papers, and Bradshaw's Railway Guides.-A gents wanted for vacant towns. Sold Wholesale and Retail by the principal Grocers, Confectioners, and Druggists in the Kingdom. CHOCOLATE MILLS, ISLEWORTH. Wholesale Depot-35, PUDDING LANE, CITY. West End Depot-221, REGENT STREET. Post-ofiice orders, aud applications for Agencies, to be addressed to SAMUEL SANDERS, Wholesale Depot. Sole Agents for Cardiff-Messrs. W. BIRD & SON, Tea Dealers, Duke Street. To :the Cleryy, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Cardiff. Attempts having been repeatedly -made to bring into more general consumption French Chocolates of a kincJ and quality similar to those so extensively used ou the Continent, the resumption of any notice of their merits may at first be received with some degree ot diffidence. In one of the opening circulars shortly after the establishment of this business, W. BIRD & SON pledged themselves never to recommend any article unless the quality was such as to justify them iu doing so. It will be admitted that W. BIRD & SON have carefully adhered to this principle-, and being appointed sole Agents for Cardiff for the sale of the various goods manufactured by the Paris Chocolate Com- pany, they wish their celebrity and reputation to rest entirely upon their oicn merits. To the best of their know- ledge and experience, their FRENCH CHOCOLATES, CHOCOLATE BONBONS, and FRENCH SYRUPS arc now respectively the host that can be obtained in this country, and equal to the finest used on the Continent. Some of the Fancy Goods being of a very perishable- description. W. BIRD& SON ENGAGE TO GU ARANTEE Tf'K QUALITY and CONDITION of EVERY DESCRIPTION, and wilt RECEIVE BACK or EX- LIIANG L withia 1? our days ot' purchase, any article which may sometimes, notwithstanding the greatest care, .cave their Establishment in other than IN GOOD CONDITION and of a SUPERIOR QUALITY. W. BIRD AND SO" TEA DEALERS, CARDIFF. WATCHES! WACHES! ff ATCB.ES NS S AVE FIFTY PER CENT. by Purchasing your 1 VATCIIES direct from (J V\ O the MANUFACTURER, at the WHOLESAL2 TRADE PRICE. J GOLD WATCHES., extra jewelled, with all the recent Improvements c3 15 Ditto, with the three-quarter plate movement, and sfotii er case.* 4 10 ..IA. SILVER WATCH ES, with same movements as the G( ild 2 0 rj v *» Ditto, with the Lf.iver Escapement, 8 holes jewelled 2 15 •A-Uii every other description of Watch in the s» me proportion. fr-}' -d A written warranty for accurate performance is given wi ih every Watch, and a 12 It months' trial allowed. Handsome Morocco Cases for same, 2s..extra. :X> v.Emigra ots supplied with Watches suitable ft r Australia. £ 'l}M y". Merchants, Captainjs, and the Tra-'e. supplied in any 4ua«titie.«, on very favour- :•. d ablateims. \v^\ Gentleme n's fine GOLD ALBERT CHAIN? £ 1 10 j \Ladies' di tfo, Neck ditto 1 1.1 Scat carefully pac ked, post free, and registered, on receipt of Post OSce or IBanker's Order, for Is, extra, pajal le to PA*! Eli HutpTT HPDGBU, hole sale Watch Ma; jurnctuv^ *7, çnl road, pQX;

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