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|ARDIFF AND BRISTOL ')$liUUct £ PRINCE OF WALES AND SWIFT, 'tended to Sail during thcMonthuf SEPT., from (lie Bute Docks, Cardill', and from l'usin, Bristol, calling sit the llotwells, where a !liuom for Passengers is provided opposite the ,J¡ Iii" ili, I'Ijc,. alKl they will be put oil board, or landed, 01 CAUDU-T. P.K1STOL. f,ik r°"» time Dorks. From Ituthnist, Basin. "f li'altt—Muifia.vs,' Swift—'•lou.l.ijs, \Vedn.-s>.uj s Vif(' ^> »"d t''rida\«• l'ridays. aa(, '"I'silajs, Thursdays, Piince of ii'ules—Tuesday, ^ulurJays.. Thursdays, and Saturdays. 1;iftrT.,1802. SBPT., 1832. ))| -r"lay 6 room I 17, Friday 7] morn turùaj 6, morn | 18, Saturday 8 murn 20, AI 'i, 7 i. morn (20, Monday OJ mora \y'f'^ay ,noni j ~L Tuesday. 10J morn ••• mom j 22, Wednesday 12 noon Hp Uls^a> 2 noon I 23, Thursday 1 alter orit'aJ' 12§ after i'4> Friday 2J after 4'urday alter ( '<i3) Saturday 3^ after j ij0n,lay g i alter | 2"J, Monday 5 after after 28, Tuesday 5J after T|* e,day A{ alter 2'J, Wednesday 6 morn jUtp('ay •••• ^4 after 30, Thursday 6 morn ^tiilay 5j mom | OCT. 2, Saturday 7 morn ji by both Steamers After Cabin, I3., Fore OtnQib Cabin, 6d. v'^er are in waitinK at Cardiff, on the arrival of the ''left.10 convey passengers to the South Wales and Taff Stations without delay. gea and Horses to be alongside one hour previous Rtfr to the time of sailing. v ''on.6' lDen,sniay be had on board 011 moderate terms, I tY 111'0 Carriage, 2()!t.; Four-wheel Phaeton, drawn K»k 0rses> 15s.; One-horse Phaeton, or Gig, 10*. "0fj6 drawn by one horse and driver, 13s. ^"tl« Wider, After Cabin, 8s.; Fore Cabin, 6s. tid. ,acli; 'uS'> "orses, 5s. cach Sheep, Sd.each; Lambs, 6d •din ^°t's» a"d Calves, Is. each.—Shipping and 'Hi,] Live Stock at risk of their Owners—These Fares N0T°,everv expense. toni>, —Goods Delivered free of Hauling and Dock igJ1} Cardill. °t Acconntabl e for any Goods withoutShipping Notes 'Nu Goods will he Hauled from the Warehouses to the -tla, at the Expense of the Companies. jf No Fees to Porters. ^5Kii -^r> Ne'vhridge, Aberdare, Swansea, Neath, Aberavon 1(1,^ .fie lirid^.eud, Llantrissent, and Caerphilly. — Liocds to these Places in Spring Waggons, Railway ,and bj. %up Can a Boats 1 in me d lately on arrival, unless ordered Variicular conveyance, in which case they will be de- '"i g Steam Paeke- Warehouse till called for, at risk °f Consignee.— Freight to be paid 011 delivery. ^'a8c' ac'taSes» Parcels, &c., forwarded to all parts of the '•ckjjl1?J"'thom delav, when sent to either of the Steam PUtt| es ^rditi or Bristol. ltr information as to Freight, &c., will be readily ob- C. L. applyinp: to the Agents— VaN- Agent, Packet Office, at the Bute Docks, hris.. » 0r to li. I". Til UNEi:, Agent, No. 1-, Quay-street, W '• 'or the PUL\CH OF WALKS Packet. °rto'\T AKvtY» at the Packet Office, Bute Docks,Cardiff; 4»e essrs.W. and 11. fUltTNELL, Corner of St. Stephen's « "?• ^»ay, Hi istol, for the STAR Packct. "'eet^ S'ec«ved for the PltlNCK OF WALES, 12, Quay- ^tol." °0<|8 taken for the SWIFT, at Corner of Saint T\ IvV Av<»ue, Quay. "SsiQ ?> OVe Steaintrs arrive at, and Ftart from Bathuist ^ilw'a rislo'> w'"ich is within iiight Minutes' walk of the T -=-. NERVOUS AND GENEUATIVE DISEASES. co0^l!ioni Illustrated with 45 Coloured Engravings, and ""nog the newly-discovered PREVENTIVE LOTION. ^Ust p 1 ■■ e '^ed, the 67th Thousand, price 2s. 6d., in a sealed vtlope, or sent by the Author, post-paid tor 40 "]» postage stamps, ]yl ^OOD the Causes of its Premature Decline, A ftj Plain Directions for its Perfect Ilestoration. I Jfery^ IC| Review of every Fo ill), Cause, and Cure of "J*8 Debility, Impotency, Loss of Mental nnd Physical ^°lli.> whether resulting from Youthful Abuse, the &c. tS. Maturity, the Elfects of Climate, or Infection, 4.Dg,aU(^essed to the Sufferer in youth, Manhood and Old with the Author's Observations on Marriage, its S>Dl'ef a,1(1 Disqualifications; the Prevention and Cure of 6js 1 Spermatorrhoea, and other Uriuo-Oenital Dis- li„, 5 as adopted in the new mode of Treatment by Des- V. s» Lallemaod, and llicord, Surgeons to the Hospital Paris. u,: L. Curtis, Surgeon, 15, Albemarle Street, Piccadilly. is n Ith this New and Enlarged Edition of MANHOOD, which ^uth* 'ran8la,ed int0 five languages, will be given, the ^M-8 Prescription of a Disinfecting Lotion for the pre- ''on of all Secret Disorders. home for consultation daily, from 10 till 3, and 6 to 8 REVIEWS OF THK WORK. 'W Vf"OOD. by J. L. Curtis.—We agree with the Author 1 'he j S° *ar ^rom works of this class being objectionable in 8h «nds°f youth, or difficulties being opposed, every facility 0|,i °e given to their circulation and to strengthen our need but refer to the recent distressing events \y u.r "Military and Scholastic Academies at Carshalton and •My'0'1""—and Military Gazette 1st Feb., 18-51. f ^ee' no hesitation in saying, that there is no mem- t(ier° °^'ely w'10m the book will not be found useful—whe- such person hold the relation of a parent, preceptor, or .■an."—-Sun, Evening Paper. pt a°y of our most eminent Physicians testify that the 4^^ lce °f these delusive habits, so justly condemned by the or> ls a greater source of derangement than all others. 1)1 as ,s#lso observed by the truly intelligent superintendents flvale LunAtic Asylums and Insane Hospitals, is pro. *1,^ ^le chief cause of many patients being brought there, eai *"»«*t an insuperable obstacle to their recovery."—-Aledi- be i~ltllSon Manhood.—Fortunate for a country would it titi* 'ls youth put into practice the philanthropic and scien- •fcis 11>ax'lus here, laid down —one cause of matrimonial °f tf'^ lniSht then be banished from our land, and the race Vl(!0le Nervate be Succeeded by a renewal of the hardy, Pi?|8 Merits of the olden timij.— Chronicle. Slier hed by the Author sold also in sealed envelopes by W(,,0ti> Piper, & Co., 23, Paternoster-row; Hannay.63, stre°t r»Streeti Mann. 3D. Cornhil!London Guest, Bull- '1 lrn>i'igham Hey wood,Oldhkm-street,Manchester "'ee* p^lurch-stieet. Liverpool; Campbell,KM), Argyle- liefr 'asK"w; R0binson, 1 1.Greenside-street, Edinburgh all Ù a"'d Co., 162, Grejt Britain-street, Dublin and Dy 4,8o ""kseller* „nd Chemiats in the United Riugdom.— the GAURDTAN Newspaper OHice, Caniiff. SjiETCH OF IIALSE'S GALVANIC APPARATUS JiJiT- 9r S'ze;—201 inches long, 9 inches broad, and 7 inches deep. ^LSE'S LETTERS ON MEDICAL GALVANISM. SoT •l'le other Letters on Medical Galvanism, Invalids are cited to send to Mr. Halse for his Pamphlet. See bciow) LETTER I. ParalysiS.-TO invalids.- Galvanism has for a long time been resorted to as a Woi"ful remedial agent, but, unfortunately, it has been jjHpiied by men totally ignorant of its principles. Can it, t>ro'ie^ure, wondered at that it has so frequently failed of lhe pC'n £ any beneficial effects? My great improvement in t0,alvanic Apparatus was a method to regulate its power 8reatest nicety, so that, an infant may be galvanised do j°ut experieocing the least unpleasantness but 110 sooner hOSl tnake it public that I have made this discovery, than a they of imitators spring up like mushrooms, and Slaie that a are also in possession of the secret; and, by alII hear, Vf°ri Pretty mess they make of their secret. Now, all the of p "nows how eminently successful I have been in cases atttj5ra'j's's, particularly in recent cases. This success I POI\> Ulr, entirely to my superior method of regulating the la(j0<1- of 'he galvanic apparatus for, without a perfect regu- *PSu|S POwer, it is utterly impossible to produce successful '8' Scarcely a week passes hut I have two or three 0t jfnts «ho have been either galvanised by some pretender, e)ec ave heeu using that ridiculous apparatus called the be r r°"lriaetietic or elcctro-galvanic apparatus, and, as may pr ests°nably expected, wilhout the slightest benefit. Many an(,et'dcrs in the country, having heard of my great success, Hj high standing as a medical galvanist in Loudon, have 5^ e public that they have received instructions from me, act, a,re ac,'»g as my agents; aDd, not satistied with th is, are J si"J1? selling apparatuses, representing 'hern to be mine. H)e a » of course, endeavour to put a stop to tbis. In (j.g pr an,,u'e, I now state that my galvanic apparatuses can fie from me only, as I employ no agents whatever. I Of now endeavour 10 show how galvanism acts in cases Paralysjs- Paralysis, or pahy, consist- ot three varieties first hemip,legic, the paraptegic, and the local palsy. In the th patient is paralysed on one side only; in the second, j|,e low''r part of the body is affected on both sides and il: th^ "rd kind, particular limbs are affected. The cause of e attacks is ttie withdrawal of nervous influence from the ,etves and muscles of the various parts. Now, galvanism a!i been proved by the must eminent physiologists to be aPable of supply ing the nervous influence to those parts of 0f"! body which may be deficient of it, and hence the reason ,M:s astonishing effect in cases of paralysis. lu patients "s afflicted, 1 find that some parts ot the spine aie less sen- ?U,ve than other parts; and, uuiil those parts are aroused 'n,» uciion, the patieut will not recover. Any medical man, knows anything whatever of galvanism, will be at once C°"vinced how applicable galvanism must be to such com- ^ints- for not only does it arouse the dormaut nerves and t'kUscles >nto action, but it supplies them with that fluid of "ich ihcv are deficient—viz ;he nervous fl iid. I think it, jj^ever, but fair to state that, in cases of paralysis of long c I as lrequemly fad as succeed, whilst in recent »oriC& generally succeed. Still, Galvanism should be re- dtif^^ every case of patalysis, no matter of how long ha a'i°n it might have been,—for it cannot possibly do any te I, and It may do good. I repeat, Galvanism is a powerful "cdy iD cilses ot paralysis. lealth is the greatest worldly blessiu" we can enjoy, and jet many invalids, for the saku of saving a few guineas, will Plichase apparatuses which are entirely useless for medical ^jrposes Galvanism, they say, is Galvanism, no matter "ether the price of the apparatus be much or liu|P. They as well say a fiddle is a fiddle, and that there is no dit- trence in them. Surely 00 one of common sense, who feels >esirous ol testing the remedial powers of Galvanism will, Vr the sake of a few guineas, throw his money away by pur- '"sing an imperfect instead of a perfect apparatus. Ue may "8 Well not try Galvanism at all as try it with an inefficient apparatus. These latter remarks f address particularly 10 'but how much strouger do they apply to medical ?ea who are applying Galvanism? They find it fail of pro- ""c"'g those wonderful effects which 1 have found it to °duce! And whv is it 1 Simply, because they are using ""perfect apparatus. Scarcely a day passes but I receive ), 0rder for my galvanic apparatus from medical men who "ive kPiiw J ,i ftr»hnii's iouua them useless. c i>ciiQ using ihe sinau macuiu^s « conclude by stating, that if Medical men employ Gal- at all ,n thc.r practice, they are bouno, botn in duty j. ''•emselves and to their patients, use ''f aPPaf'1 Perfect form. Tlie price is ten guineas. ie cas a C°>»ny the order. WILLIAM HOOPbR HA Lib. f'4. Urunswick-square, Loudon.. „ Cn Halse recommends paralytic patient* resit in„ "ntry to purchase ono ot his Ten Guinea Porta e PPdr 8cii, as, with his instructions, they will be enable °,A} agC ^*a^vanlsrn themselves without the least pain, an u y efltctively as he could at his own residence. rcI, f 0.1 '"valiila are solicited to send to Mr. W. H. HA' ,j^lp. 'ihSwicJ'-square, London, for his pamphlet ou M LD1 lw ANISM, wfiich will be foiwarded free, on receipt o 0 Postage-stamps. They will be astonished at its contents. will tje found the particulars of cures iu cases of astluna, '•uinatism, sciatica, tic douloureux, paralysis, spinal com- a""s, headache, deficiency of nervous energy, liver coin- j. a""s, general debility, indigestion, stilf joints, all sorts of ervous disorders, &c. Mr. Halse's method of applying '^e ?'"vai.ie duid is quite free from all unpleasant sensations, m c'> it is rather pleasurable than otherwise, and many lauies e excessively fond of ft. It quickly causes the patient to do "bout ineaicine. Terms: One Guinea per week, ihe above P°<nphlet contains his Letters on Vleoical Galvanism. t AU 1'lON TO THg rUt:LiC.—Mr. Halse is weekly in b::eIPI 01 Idlers frolH invalids, latormnig him lhat they nave iuiposeu upon by patties who have Galvanic Appara- ^es for saie, represennug tliein us Halss's Galvgnic Appa- uses, and which they have afterwards discovered were not flfd*1* 'fbe ouly W.Y to Ptuvpnt thi. iwpositipu I* tp wraet the ftow Mf! W»lss THE FAST-SAILING STEAMERS, "JENNY JONES," DAVID DAVIES, COMMANDER, AND « T A L 1 E S I N WILLIAM DAVID, COMMANDER, ARE intended to plybetween CARDIFF and BRIS- TOL during the Month of SEPTEMBER, 1852, as follows :— CARDIFF. BRISTOL. From ihe Bute Bocks. From Bathurst Basin. SEPT., 1852. SEPT., 1852. 17, Friday 6 morn 17, Friday 7^ morn 18, Saturday 6^ morn IS, Saturday 8 morn 20, Monday 8 mom | 20, Monday 9,} morn 21, Tuesùay. S* mom 21, Tuesd:1Y 10.\ morn 22, Wednesday 10 morn 22, Wednesday 12 noon :1, Thursday 12 noon 23, Thursday 1 after 24, Friday 1 after 24, Friday 2J alter 23, Saturday 2 alter 25, Saturday 3^ after 27, Monday 3^ after I 27, Monday 6 morn 28, Tuesday *■> morn | 28, Tuesday -")i after 29, Wednesday *') morn 2'J, Wednesday ■'>§ alter 3U, Thursday 4f after | 3), Thursday *0 morn Ocr. I, Friday »,1 morn I OCT, 1, Friday C J morn 2, Saturday. 51 mom 2, Saturday 7 morn NOTICE.—The Cardiff Steam Navigation Company give Notice, that they will not be accountable for any Passengers Lu^age nor will they be answerable for any Goods, Packages, orrarefts (if lost or damaged by fire, leakage, or otherwise), unless booked at their otiice at Cardiff or Bristol, if above the value of forty shillings, uuless entered at its value, and carriage in proportion paid for the same at the time of booking. Goods consigned to order, or not taken away before six o'clock in the evening of the day of landing, will be warehoused at the lisk and expense of the consignees. All Goods to be considered as liens, not only for Freight and Charges due thereon, but also for all previously unsatisfied Freight and Charges due by Con- signees to the Proprietors of the said Packet. Disputed weights or measurement, claims for loss or damage, &0-, cannot be allowed unless written notice of the same be sent to the office on lheday of delivery. To and Fro from Cardiff, 23th and 29th. Ditto from Bristol, 13 th, 14 th, 15 th, 16th, and 30 th. REDUCED fARES BY BOTH STEAMERS:—After Cabin, is. Fore Cabin, 6.1. Passengers will be landed and taken on board at Cum- berland Basin, free of expense. Refreshments may be had on board on moderate terms. Four-wheel Carriage, 20s.; Four-wheel Phaeton, drawn by Two Horses, 15s.; One-horse Phaeton, or Gig, 10s.. Two-wheel drawn by the Oue (jorse and Driver, L'Js.; Horse and H.ider, AfterCdbill,8s.; Fore Cabin, 6s. (id.; Cattle, 4s.; Horses, 5 s. each Sheep, 8,1 each; Lambt, 6d. each Pigs, Dogs,& Calves, Is. each.—Shipping & Landing Live Stock, at risk of their Owners.—These Fares iuclude every expense. Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes. Goods hauied to and from the Packet at the Company's Expense, both at Canhtf and Bristol. —Mo Fees to Porters. The above Steamers, for the convenience of Passen- gers, statt from Bathurst Bttsiu, Bristol, which is within 8 minutes' walk of the Great Western Railway Station. Further information as to Freight, &c., may be ob- tained by applying at the Company's Office, Bute Docks, Cardiff; or to Mr. E. J. Tuo.u.vs, Clare- street Hall, Marsh-street, Bristol. NORTH REES, General Superintendent. On SPERMATORRHEA and the SECRET INFIR- MITlES of YOUTH .Hid MATURITY, with fIFTY ENGRAVINGS. Just Published, in Six Languages, in a sealed envelope price 2i. 6d., or free by post for Forty-two Stamps, An Analytical Investigation of the Philosophy and Functions of Marriage, 111 al: the bearings iu which that important subjects atliCts die health antI happiness of Man, with practical remarks on tile treatment of Spermatorrhoea, and the errOUtOlh views entertained ou Ihe Cure of Nervous aud Geueralivc Debility, Seeret Diseases, By SAMUKL LA'WHIiT, M.D., 37, Bedford-square, London, Doctor of Medicine, Matriculated Member of the University, of Edini""gh, Licentiate elr Apothecaries' Hall, London, Honorary Member of the Loudon Hospital Medical Society ,&c. The" essential oVject of tIlls treatise is to point out the fearful consequences resulting frJIIl certaiu habits, irregula- rities, and excesses which have produced more misery III yuuw, degraddtioa in manhood, arid premature decay at ali stages of lite, Ihan, perhaps ally other class of disease known to modern pathologists. Errors cimmitted ill early life, often in utter ,t-guorauce of their famt tendency, sew me >ee.ds ot a thousand ills, depriving th: sulferer of the pure enjoy- ments that the world affords, and rendering his existence a term of unceasing misery and regret. The present work ùescribes the numerous evils produced hy the errors referred to. The contents embrace the origlll, clfccts, prevention, an'J treatment of the deplorable calalogtlc of maladies connected with nervous debility .exhaustion of the vital energies, pros- tration of mental and physical capacity, local and general weakness, acute autÍ chronic spermatorrhea, and their endless modifications. The treatment adopted is fOlltHleJ On ex- perience gained in the most celebrated schools of medicine aud by the most eminent practiiioiicrs both in this cntntry and continental Lurope. The results of the knowledge thus acquired are here condensed and set forth under the personal supervision of Ur. La Mert Illmself, one of the few legally qualified physicians who have devoted their whole and undi- vided studies to this important branch of medical science In short, every peculiarity relating to physiology, pathology, and gent-rat treatment of the diseases incidental to the gene- rative system is clearly explained, and tlie niuaus of i.nine- diate relist and ultimate cine described in detail. The professional reputation of Dr. La'Mert, who has taken the most distinguished medical and academic honours at home and ¡¡lJroaJ, is in itself a sufficien; guarantee lilat thuse who may place themselves under his earl) wIll, in every iu>ta.uce, meet with that delicate considera'ton an I iuviolub^e secrecy which are so lequisite in 1110 treatment of Ihe5e cases. CAUTION.—In consequence of the extensive sale of this work, wiJidl bas uow attaiucd iu 50th edition, several SjJUriOlls alld imperfect copies are ill circulation. J he genuine edition can be had ouly from the author or his advertised agent8. Self-Preservatioo" may be had, price 2s. G )., in Rnglish French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, or German, of J, Gilbert, 49, Paternoster-row; Hannay, 6S. Oxford-street; Mann, 39, Cornhill; Stdrie.23, Tictiborue-street, Hay market; Gordon, 140, Leadenhail-street Heywood, Oldbam-strcet, Man- chester; Newton, Church-street, Liverpool; Watts, Snow- hill, Birmingham; Powell, Westmoreland-street, Dublin • Love, Nelson-street, Glasgow Bristol, H. H. King, book! seller, Smali-stieet Cardiff, at the CARDIFF & MiiaTHYn GUARDIAN Office,; or free by post for forty-two stamps, from ibe Author, who may be COllsulted on these disordeis personally, or by letter, daily from eleven till two, and from six nil eignt, at his residence, 37, Bedtord-square, | London. IMPORTANT CAUTION. THE UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL IN" Improving the Growth, Restoring, and Beauti- fying the HUMAN HA IK, has caused imitators to s"ring lip in every possible variety: who so far copy the Label as frequently to deceive the unwary. A. R. and Sons have complaints repeatedly from parties who have materially suf- fered from the uses of these trashy compounds; and to frus- trate to some extent such impositions, they here add a small copy in outline of 'heir genuine label from the burine of MESSRS. PERKINS, BACON and PETCH, the eminent engravers of London, on which will be seen the names and address of the Proprietors in full {these are in red ink on the label) any deviation from which will always prove a spurious article. /f C"PY IN OUTLINE Of THt CEHUlNE LASKl.. The prices are 3s. 6,1., 7s.; family bottles (equal to fou small,) IOs. 6d.; and dOlble that sue, 21s. It may with truth be averred, that ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIl. has enjoyed an extent of Patronage and Public Favour dining the last half century which is tOtally unexampled in the annals of FEUCfTOCS DISCOVEUY. It insinuates its balsamic properties into the pores of the hegd, nourishes the Hair in its embryo state, accelerates its growth, cleanses it from Scurf and Dandriff, sustains it in maturity, and continues its possession of healthy vigour, silky softness, and luxurious redundancy, to the latest period of human life. Its operation in cases of baldness is peculiarly active so that, in numerous instances wherein oiher remedtes have been tried in vain, ROWLiNDS' MACA!>SAK OIL has superseded the ornaments of art, by effecting a complete restoration of beautiful hair. In the growth of WHtSKERS. EYEBROWS, and MUSTACHIOS, it is also unfailing in Its stimulative operation* For Children it isespeciaily rt-com- mended, as forming the basis of a beautiful head of hair, and rendering the use of the fine comb unnecessary. In dressing the hair nothing can equal the effect of Rowlands' Macassar Oil, on eitner natural or artificial hair, rendering it so admira- bly soft that it will lie in any direction, producing beautifully flowing curls, and by the transcendaiit lustre it imparts, rendering the head dress truly enchanting. A small Pamphlet accompanies each bottle of ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL, wherein important hints and advice will be found on the Culture of the Hair of Infancy, and on its preservation and beauty through the several stages of humin life. Its invalua- ble properties have obtained the especial patronage of Her Majesty the QUliliN, the COURT and the whde of the ROYAL FAMILY of Great Britain, and of every COUiiT of the civiiised world; and the hi\\h e;teern in which it is uni- versally held, together with numerous Testimonials con- stantly received of its efficacy,atford the best and surest proofs of its merits. TESTIMONIAL. INTERESTING FACT.—The following singular and authentic case of restoration of the human hair is worthy of observa- tion, more particularly as it relates to an article of high and universal repute during tiie last "alf century. Mr. A. Herr- mann, of Queen-street, Soho, had been quite bald for some tune past, and had tried various preparations for the recovery of his hair, but without any beneficial result. He was then induced to try the effects of Rowlands' Macassar Oil," apd after daily applying it for about two months, he, much to nis 1/ratification, had his hair quite restored, and now possesses a oeautiful head of hair. This fact speaks too strougly for Itself 10 require Weekly Messenger. # It is highly necessary to see that thi word KOW L iNDS'" precedes the name of the Article on tUe Wrapper, Sold by the Proprietors, A. ROWLAND & SONS, 20, HATTON GAIiDRN, LONDON. Aut! ty respecutila Perfywcrti CLJO ANNUAL PROVINCIAL MEETING OF FREEMASONS. GEORGE GWYNNE BIRD, M.D., Deputy Pro- \JT vincial Grand Master of the Eastern Division of South Wales, intends to hold a PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE, at NEATH, on FRIDAY, the 1st of OCTOBER, 1852. The Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers, toge- ther with the Masters, Officers, and Brethren of the Lodges in the Province are hereby summoned to attend at the MASONIC HALL, NEATH, at 10 o'clock in the Forenoon of the above-named day. Provincial Grand Officers and Members of Lodges in the neighbouring Provinces, and Freemasons generally, are fraternally invited to co-operate in the duties of the day. T. J. DYKE, Prov. Grand Sec. Merthyr, Sept. 13, 1852. The BANQUET will be served at Half-past Three, r.M., at the CASTLE HOTEL, NEATH—Tickets, 10s. 6d, CONTRACTS FOR CARRIAGE OF TIMBER From Whichwood Forest and Dean Forest, &c. Department of the Storekeeper General of the Navy, Somerset Place, 14th Sept., 1852. rnHE Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, do hereby give Notice, that on TUESDAY, the 51h OCTOBER next, at One o'clock, they will be ready to treat with such Persons as may be willing to CONTRACT for CONVEYING about 345 Loads of Oak Timber and 12,000 Treenails, from Which wood Forest, in the County of Oxford, to herMa. jesty's Dockyard at Woolwich and about — 1G00 Loads of Oak Timber anci 20,000 Treenails, from Dean Forest and the.High Meadows, ill the County of Gloucester, to her Majesty's Dockyard at Pembroke. Forms of the Tenders may be seen at the said Office. No Tender will be received after One o'clock on tbe Day of Treaty, nor any noticed, unless the Party attends, or au Agent for him duly authorized in writing. Every Tender must be addressed to the Secretary of the Admiralty, and bear in the left-band corner the words Tender for ■ and must also be deli- vered at Somerset PUce, accompanied by a Letter signed by Two responsible Persons, engaging to become bound with the Person tendering, in the sum of JLl per Load, for the due performance of the Contract for Deau Forest, and by One Person for that for Which wood. ALLSOPP'S PALE ALES AND BARON LIEBIG. ALTHOUGH not in the habit of replying to anony- J-JL mous advertisements, and although they cannot condescend to answer some of a very discreditable nature to the parties concerned, Messrs. ALLSOPP & SONS are compelled to take notice of an announcement bearing the name of Professor LIEBIG, to which an invidious publicity has been given. Messrs. ALLSOPP & SONS regret this necessity, as they have reason to suppose that advertisement has emanated from an utnyorthy jealousy on the part of those who should rather have shown grati- sr ppVhe labour and expense which Messrs. ALL- SOPP & SONS have not spared to remove the otherwise ruinous prejudice impending over the Pale and Bitter Ales of this country, from the mistake of a French chemist. Messrs. ALLSOPP & SONS would now call the at- tention of the Public to the following points :— That the original letter of Baron LIEBIG is addressed to Mr. HENRY ALLSOPP individually: That he therein intimates that he had been applied to by Mr. HENRY ALLSOPP 011 the subject, and that his opinion had been requested, of course, for publication to that gentleman: That he therein acknowledges the receipt of samples of ALLSOPP'S PALE ALES, from the London Bottlers, as welt as other samples of the same, sent to him direct, by private friends. On these he, specifically, founds the opinion reported by him to Mr. HENRY ALLSOPP in that letter-the general mentiou of the Burton brewers being incidental: Thus, then, the letter of Baron LIEBIG, having been written for Messrs. ALLSOPP & SONS, and sent to Mr. HENRY ALLSOPP, on the subject of Messrs. ALLSOPP & SONS' ALES, they, having, as they had, Huron LIE BIG'S authority to do so, were fully entitled to pn blish it. Messrs. ALLSOPP & SONSeonsideritnotunneces. sary to add, that their intercourse with Barou LIEBIG is of some duration; they having frequently consulted the learned Professor on certain Processes of Brewin". And they are confident, therefote, that this last letter, anonymously issued, must either have been greatly mutilated previously to publication, or that it could only have been sent in reply to some wrong impression con- veyed to that eminent man ill respect to au alleged un- due publicity given to his opinions. Burton-upon-Trent, August 25, 1852. PROFESSOR LIEBIG on ALLSOPP'S PALE ALE. FnoM BARON LEIBIG TO MI;. ALLSOPI>. The specimens of your Pafe Ale,, sent to me, afforded me another opportunity of confirming its valuable qualities. I am myself an admirer of this beverage, and lilY own experience enables me to recom- mend it, in accordance with the opinion ot the most emi- nent English physicians, as a very agreeable and efficient touie, and as a general beverage both for the invalid aud the robust. "JUSTUS LIEBIG. Giessin, May 6, 1852." That the Public might form a correct judgment of the intention of that eminent authoritv, Messrs. ALLSOPP & SONS have re-published BARON LIEEIG'S LETTER TO MH. ALLSOPP in externa, in all the Loudon Daily Journals, as well as in other Papers; copies of which letter, and of the very numerous aud continually increasing PROFESSIONAL TESTIMONIALS in favour of their l ALE AND BITTER ALE, may be obtained on application J" Burton-on-Treut or at their Esta- bltshmente m LONDON, LIVEKPOOL, M.VNCIIHST.u, Dud- LEY' Glasgow, DUBLIN, Bu»nxQ„AMt ;liul elsewhere. of the valuable UlSALTlI^wardK^Tho FUA,Ml'TON,!4 F1Uj °F W. Smith E,o. lh0ma" 1'rout. *«9. Strand, from « 13, St. Mark's-terrace, West llrompton, London, loth May, ISj2. years ago 1 was imlnr-u.i » • founded on experience, of vj'Zt Ttt' •V°U, T7"f Health. I am please, at your ,a u. .'our Having published that plain statement, by which 1 hope others have been induced to try so elective a moaiciue. J Anxious cares, and neglect of my old tried friend during the early part of his year, had produced symptoms of uneasiness which I found it prudeut no longer to neglect; and I am de- lighted to say that a few doses ol' the Pills, unUer the blessing of Divine 1 rovidence, have removed, and 1 am again as well as 1 ever was III mJ Itle. Please forwaiil me the usual supply of half a dozen family boxes, whicii 1 may salely term my medicine chest fur self and famity; and I hold it a duty b omit no opportunity of thus giving to you proofs of my experience of the valuable properties of this medicine. WM. SMITH. These Pills are particularly fiHcacious for Stomach Coughc, Colds, Agues, shortness of breath, and all obstructions of the Urinary passages; & if taken after too free an indulgence at ta- ble, theyquickiyrestorethe systemto its natural state of repose. Persons of a t U LI. H B L'T, w ho are subject to Head-ache, Giddiness, Drowsiness, and Singing in the Kars, arising from too grc.t a flow of Blood to the Head, should never be with- out them, as many dangerous symptoms will be entirely car- ried off by their imm-diate use. For Fli VI ALEs these Pills are most truly excellent, reo l]1oving all obstructions, the distressing Head-ache so very prevalent with the sex; Depression of :5pirils, Dullness of Sight, Nervous Affections, Blotches, Pimples, and Sallowness of the Skin, and give a healthy aId juveuile blo,,¡n 10 the, complexion. To MOTHERS they are confidently recommended as the best medicine that can be taken during pregnancy; ami for children oi all ages they are unequalled. As a pltasant, safe, aud easy Apt<rient, they unite the recommendation of a mdd operation with the moSI success- ful effect. By reguJatiug tbe dose, acaording to the age and strength of the patient, they become suitable for every case, in either sex, that can be required. Sold by T. Prout, 229, Strand, London. Price Is, Ibd. and 2s. Ud. pcr box; and by the Venders of Medicines generally throughout the KiAgdom. Ask for Fit A M P TON'S PILr. OF HEALTH, and observe the name and address of Thomas Prout, 229, Strand, London," ou the Government Stamp. pARSON'S ORIGINAL ANTI-CORROSION \J # PAINT. specially patronised by the tt-itish, French, Russian, and Sicilian Governments, the Hon. East India Company, the New River Company, the principal Dock Companies, and other Public Bodies. The ANTI -CORROSION PAINT has been used by the Hon. Board of Ordnance lor upwards of half a century, who have proved it to prevent rust or corrosion on Iron longer and better than the very best White Lead or any other de- scription of paint; and inconsequence ot its possessing this invaluable quality, all the Iron Guos and Gun Carriages both for land and sea service, have been painted with itfor the above period. It has also been used in great quantities by other public bodies and by numbers of Gentlemen of the first distinction, to preserve Wooden Houses, Farm and other Out-buiiding3, Conservatories, Park Paling, Gates, Iron Ratting, Iron Mutdles, Copper, Zinc, Lead, old Compo, &c., Fronts and Tiles to represent Slating. It will be found, a very superior preservative of Irou Steam Boats, Iron Bridges, Piers, or any other exteusive Iron Work". This Paint is admirably adapted for preventing the decay of old stone or brick Mansions, Churches, or other Public Edifices requiring an effectual defence against the elements. It is particularly recommended to West India and other Colonial Proprietors, Emigrants, and all persons con- nected with the Colonies, who will find it to stand all cli- mates better than any other pamt. The superiority of the Anti-Corrosion to any other Paiut may be easily inferred from the simple fact that its use has been always most strenuously opposed by Color Manufacturers and others inters-sted in the sale of Common Paint. Noblemen and Landed Proprietors, anxious to have their Out-buildings &c., properly preserved, will effect a very considerable saving by desiring their Stewards to order the Anti-Corrosion Paint, as any labourer c-m lay it on, thereby saving the enormous charges generally made by painters. The Auti-Corrosiou is a powder, and it will keep any length of time. Colors White stone, light stone, diab, or Portland stone, Bath stone, light and dark yellow stone, light and dark oak, brown, light and dark lead, light and dark chocolate, bright aud dark red, copper and black, 34s. per cwt., invisible green, 5v)-> bright green, 60s., deep green, 60s., and blue (for carts and waggons), 60s., per cwt. in casks 2Blb., 5610., and 1121b. each.—Large tied Brushes 3J. fit! small tied d ¡[to, 2s. 6<i.;&Sash Tools, lt>. 6d. each OIL AND TURPENTINE, AT PER GALLON. One cwt. cask, Is. Gd.; half and quarter cwt. ditto. Is. each. Same allowed for returned empty oil packages, as charged viz., ls. per gallon. The Expense of the Colors at 34s. per cwt.. when the weight of the Oil is added, is about 4d. per lb.; and those at 60-" about 6d. per lb. The Original Anti-Corrosion Paintisonly to be obtained of WALTER CARSON & SON, (Successors to the Inventors), No. 9, GREAT WINCHES- TER STREET, OLD BROAD STREET, NEAR THE ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON, who will shew betweeu 500 and 600 most flittering Testimonials rteceived from the Nobility, Gentry, and other Influential Persons, who have used the Anti-Corrosiop for many years. No Agent?,—411 ofdew arg particularly Feqiiented Iq <$Ht fiirQfit, DINAS POWIS, NEAR CARDIFF. IMPORTANT TO WHEELWRIGHTS, TIMBER MERCHANTS, CARPENTERS, FARMERS AND OTHERS. SALE OF TIMBER, PLANKS, CARTS, GIG, HARNESS, &c., &c., &c. MR. MARK MARKS RESPECTFULLY announces that he has received XA, instructions to Offer for SALE by AUCTION, on the Premises, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th, 1852, the whole of the Stock-in-Trade and other effects, the Pro- perty of the late Mr. WILLIAM THOMAS. Comprising a. large quantity of Oak, Elm, and Ash Planks, of various sizes; a quantity of Elm and other Boards; Stocks, Pokes, and Vallies of all descriptions; about 250 feet of Elm Timber; a quantity of Oak and Ash Timber 2 capital Pews of Oak Timber for Rollers a lot of Pike Handles, Holms, &c., &c.; a large Car- penter's Vice; 2 Benches, with Screws; Tool Chest and Tools of all descriptions; a large and capital Turning Lathe; Cider Piess; 1 excellent New Spring Cart; 1 Light Cart, nearly new pair of new Strong Cart Wheels 1 Light Gig and Harness Sad lie and Bridie 3 new Ladders; Cucumber Frame and Glass; Wheel- barrows Grindstone, and various other articles. Also, part of the Household Furniture. Sale to commence precisely at 11 o'clock in the Fore- noon, and the whole will be sold without reserve. The Auctioneer respectfully begs au early atteudance. GLAMORGANSHIRE. ELIGIBLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY IN TIIE PARISHES OF LANDAFF AND WHITCHURCH. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. E. LEYSHON, On MONDAY, the 4th day of OCTOBER, 1852, at the NEW Ixx, in the Parish of WuircftURCir, subject to such conditions as shall then be produced,— ALL that COTTAGE and STABLE, together with 15 acre, or thereabouts, of GARD&j\" GROUND, in the Parish of LandafF. These Premises are pleasantly situated on the Road Side leading to Caerphilly, alv,ut 2 miles from Cardiff; and are held for the unexpired term of 4G Years, subject to a Ground Rent of £5 pet- annum. Also, all that substantially-built Public-House, called THE NEW INN, in the Parish of Whitchurch, noiv in the occupation of Mr. Thos. Edwards, at the Yearly Rent of £17 10s. Od. Also, a DWELLING-HOUSE and SHOP, in the oc- cupation of Mr. Charles Sheppard, at the Yearly Rent of £8 per annum. Also, TWO COTTAGES, in the occupation of Isaac Salmon and Wm. David, at the Yearly Rent of JE8, to- gether with 3A. On. 7r. of Garden Ground. These Premises are situate near the above first mentioned Lot, and are held under Lease for the unexpired term of 94 I Years, subject to a Ground Rent of £12 per annum. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Charles- street, Cardiff. Sale to commence at 3 o'clock in the Afternoon. GWAELOD-Y-GARTH, MEETHYR-TYDVIL. IMPORTANT SALE Of valuable HORSES, CARRIAGES, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PICTURES, full sized BILLIARD TABLE by THURsroN, nOOKS, CHINA, GLASS, and an extensive Cellar of rare old WINES, &c., toge- ther with several Ricks of Prime HAY. ° THOS. THOMAS has been honoured with ITJL instructions by the Executors of the late Wm. Meyrick, Esq., to SELL by AUCTION, all MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY, Sept. 27th, 28th, and 29th, 1852, commencing at Eleven o'clock each day, The whole of the valuable EFFECTS on the above Premises, descriptive catalogues of which may be obtained one week prior to the Sale, at the principal Inus at Merthyr-Tydvil, or of the Auctioneer, West of England Insurance Otliee, Neath. NEWTON FARM, NEAR BRECON. IMPORTANT SALE of Mr. DAVID WILLIAMS'S HERD of Pure White-face HEREFOIIDS. LOWLAND SHEEP, Young CART MARES, CART COLTS, &c. MR. WILLIAMS, leaving the said Farm of Newton, at Michaelmas next, begs respectfully to announce his intention of SELLING BY AUCTION, on SATURDAY, the 2nd day of OCTOBER next, the following valuable Stock: — Forty Cows and two-years-old fleifers, in and with Calves; several Hulls of diffeTent ages j 140 ciose-wooled Lowland Ewes, 12 yearling Rams; superior Cart Mares and two-years-old Cart Colts, about 20 Ponies of the old pure Cuewr breed. Mr. Williams's celebrated breed of Hereford Cattle has been so recently before the Public, with their origin and pedigree, that it would be superfluous for the Auctioneer to recapitulate on their merit suffice to say that some of the finest specimens in England have been produced from the above Herd. The present are no less deserving of public attention than at former Sales.—Catalogues, &c., in due time. WILLIAM JONES, Auctioneer. High-street, Brecon, 1832. To Noblemen, Gentlemen, Breeders, and Admirers of Pare White-faced Herefords. IMPORTANT SALE of YOUNG BULLS of fine symmetry, quality, and g-ood constitution, descended from Herds of the highest blood in England. WALTER MAYBERY, Esq., has honored WILLIAM YT JONES with instructions to SELL by AUCTION, in the AGUICULTURAL Snow FIELD, on the 29th of SEPTEMBER insiant, immediately after the Judges have made their award, FOUR very superior young White- faced BULLS, in the following order.— LOT 1.—YOUNG DEWSA.LE, 2 years 10 months by Old Dewsale, out of a splendid Cow bought at Mr Trouncer's Sale, The Sheephouse, near Hay. LOT 2.—BRECON, 1 year 7 months, by a Governor Bull out of a Chance Cow, Half Sister to the celebrated Rebecca. Lor 3.—ROCKET, 10 months, by a Tully Bull out of Rosebud, by Henry the Second. Lor 4. IHE BARON, 9 months, by a Tully Bud out of a Sister to Quicksilver, Henry the Second, &c., &c. The Auctioneer ventures most respectfully to state, that but few Gentlemen (if any) have directed their mind with greater energy and "attention to obtain a thorough knowledge of symmetry, quality, and constitu- tion—so essential a combination to frame these fine race of white-faced Hereford Cattle, so universally ad mil cd- than Mr. Maybery has of late years, which effort has happily been crowned with success' his excellent taste and judgment have won for him hi^h honors, by Prizes awarded for Stock exhibited at several of the ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES OF ENGLAND, and several other Premiums from Local Societies iu this and adjoin- ing Counties. These are facts which claim particular attention. Proud the Auctioneer feels that this Locality amongst the Hills of Wales) is capable of producing (Animals not inferior in blood or merit to any in Great Britain. Brecon, 3rd September, 1852. DOBBIN'S AUSTRALIAN LINE OF PACKETS. FOR MELBOURNE, PORT PHILIP, AND BY DN IS*, To Sail from Bristol as mentioned below, The fine A. I. Clipper Ship, "CLARA S Y M E S," 1,500 tons burthen, G. F. ALEXANDER, Commander. To Sail positively lath October, 1852, HAS fine height between Decks, beiug 8.i feet, and has just made her passage fl0m Quebec iu 16 days, and is well known for her fast sailing qualities. TO FOLLOW THE" CLARA SYMES," The fine fast-sailing Ship, M§k "ELIZABETH," 900 tons burthen, F. ERWTN, Commander. To sail about the end of October, 1852. For particulars of Freight and to secure Berths, apply early, to MR. WILLIAM DOBBIN, Australian and American Emigration Offices, 31, Prince-street, aud on the Grove, Bristol. Parties embarking by this Line for Australia, have their 3rd class Rail, and Deck Fare per Steamer, paid to Bristol. N.B.-Mr. Dobbin has three fine Ships on the berth for New York, to sail as follows :—August 20th, 25th, and 30th, and others to follow. FROM BRISTOL DIRECT TO MELBORNE, PORT PHILIP, AND SYDNEY, 'Alle First-Class, Fast-Sailing, Coppered and Copper-Fasteued, nearly New Clipper "CLARA SYME S," 1,500 Tons Burthen, upwards of 8 Feet between Decs, G. F. ALEXANDER, Commander, TO SAIL THE 13TH OF OCTOBER. f [j '< H E Owner of this Ship will not resort to a mean JjL puffing advertisement, calculated to entrap the un- wary, but merely state a few facts, being satisfied that an inspection of the Ship and her superior accommodation by intending emigrants, will lead them to the conclusion that the Clara Symes" is one of the most splendid ships in the Australian Trade. The Commander of this Ship has had great experience, is well acquainted with every Port in Australia, and he will give important information to Passengers; and the high testimonials he has received from his late employers as to his ability, and his kind and geutlemauly bearing, will give confidence to those who may place themselves under his care. The Chief Officers are men of well-known ability, having sailed from Bristol for many years. A Surgeon and an Assistant Surgeon have been en- gaged expressly for this Ship; also Three Stewards, aud a Stewardess expressly for the Female Cabin Passengers. Two tirst-rate Cooks will be taken. All the intermediate berths will be fitted fore and aft, thus affording comfort and safety to the Passengers. The height 'tween decks and her ventilation only require to be seen to be admired. The provisions will be supplied by one of the first-rate Firms, will be of the best quality, and open to the inspection of all the Passengers before beiU!7 placed OIl board. To render the voyage pleasant aud agreeable to all, a panyot Musical Gentlemen —professional and amateur- have arranged to provide a Piano and Instrumental Band, to have Glee Singing. The Sabbath will be re- ligiously observed. The Ship will be fitted up with Life and other Boats, Fire Annihilator, &c. In order to give Emigrants an opportunity to procure Lodgings, &c., each Passenger will be entitled to sleep on board seven days after the arrival of the Ship, and to have Provisions for the same period at a moderate cost. Apply to Mr. WILLIAM DOBBIN, Australian and American Emigration Offices, 31, Prince Street, and on the tirove, Bristol; or to the Osvuert Mr, JOHN AYivJi, ^0., Sj, Srwtal,


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