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CARDIFF AND BRISTOL Steam » parfcct*, PRINCE OF WALES AND STAR, ARE Intended to Sail during the Month of OCTO- BER, 1851, from the Buta Docks, Cardiff, and Cumberland Basin, Bristol. CARDIFF. BRISTOL. Front Bute Doths. From Cumberland Basin. Prince of Wales—Mondays, Star—Mondays, Wednesdays Wednesdays, and Fridays. and Fridays. Star—Tur^liivd, Thursdays, Prince of Wales—Tuesdays, aad Saturdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays. OcroBatt,i8jl. OOToBBtt, 1831. ri,,J»y 91 morn 3> Friday 11 morn 4. Saturday .mmorn 4, Saturday 18} after 6, Mprnlay after 6, Monday 3 after I' I.ae.,d*y: *{ »"« Tuesday 3* after 8, Wednesday 2J after 8, Wednesday 4| after la F T Si ari" 9> T1,rsJ»y 5 after II r'I J 3< a'r ?'"• '■"■day 51 aft»r a urday 4J afjer Saturday 6 morn la, Monday 51 morn I 13, Monday 6J morn IV wT 7, •" 6 morn I 14' TueMUy 7 morn 1«* TK y moru I 1^. Wednesday Ik mom 17* P ij 7 16, Thursday 8 moru Ik' c', morn I 17, Friday 0 moru ■ aturday morn | 18, Saturday 10 morn 2?' ^ontl»Jr 114 morn 20, Monday 1 after 2a' WUejd*y 1 after 2l» Tuesday.. 2} after 33' edueadny ij a(ter 22, Wednesday 3} after 24' p .*Jr,Jay •••• 3 after 23, Thursday 5} morn 25* 3i after a4« F»d;»y 5 after » aturday 4^ after 35^ Saturday 6 mora 4, Friday. 36 after U, F»d;»y 5 after » aturday 4^ after 35^ Saturday 6 mora as' ft*? 5J morn 27, Monday. 7 morn 29' u> morn 28, Tuesday 7} morn 30* Tht "J ••• 64 morn 29, Wednesday 8 mora 3L Frid morn 30, Thursday 84 morn 74 morn 31, Friday 9 morn (j*rrj Nov. 1, Saturday.. 10} mora *Re» and Horses to be alongside one hour previous &*DUCRDF.„. to *he time of "iling* Chii i—Alter Cabin, Fore Cabin, T.,#n UftderTwelve years of age, Half-price, enauino. Star or Swift will ply during the be upon th° fares by either of which vessels will CABIN 1» VaUle TERNAS *8 the Taliesin, namely,—AFTER ft*fra.h«em,KJ:AB'N 6d* F«ur-w(ieel P ^ad 00 board on njodarate terms, by two horses '^s- Foar-wheel Phaeion, drawn Two-wUee| J s » One-horse l'haeton, or Gig, 10* Horse aud'u '*Wu by one botsv anil driver, 13s.; Cattle,5Si. 11 ^er Cabin, 8s.; Fore Cabin, 6s. tid.; • act; 5s. each Sheep, 8d. each Lambs, tid. kandinr I <fS" and Calves, Is. each.—Shippiug aud 'ncludp 1Ve at risk of their Owners.—These Fares NoTicrrVXpeu* Dii«, „ ^°"ds Delivered free of Hauling and Dock 111" Cardiff. Accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes p Goods will be Hauled from the Warehouses to the ttckets, at the Kxpenae of the Companies. No Fees to Porters. Merthyr, Newbridge, Jberdare, Swansea, Neath, Aberavon y°<*>t>ridgc, Bridgend, Llantrissent, and Caerphilly —Goods 'Orw.rded to these Places in Spring Waggons, Railway,and Lock-up Canal lloats immediately on arrival, unless ordered y particular conveyance, in which case they will he de- Posited in the Stenin Packe' Warehouse till called for, at risk •id expense of Consignee — Freight to be paid on delivery. Parcels, &c., forwarded to all parts of the Kingdom without delay .when sent to either of the Steam P«eket Offices in CardilF or Bristol. Further. information as to Freight, &c., will be readily ob- tained by applying to the Agents G M BEVAjV, Age„t P^ket office> #t t,)e D Cardiff; or to ¡. T. TIJRNt,;R, A)!:ent, No. 12, Quay-street. or^ Me-"AsKW Vn" S-^ocks. Cardin; Avenue, Stephen's Avenue, Quay. AK, atLornerof St.Stephen s Throw Physic to the dogs, I'll none of it." MEDICINE SUPERSEDED. LIFE HBALTH PRESERVED AND BY KriTiT.™ Universal Preparation, OPER s ROYAL BATH PLASTER, which has B««iantfph.te8teduby ma^ years exPerience to be the '"digestion P,Pr" (°r S0"*1"- Asthmas, Hoarseness '"fluent* hi, ° tbe.lIle."r,» Croup, Hooping Cough, ttl,e'><natic Aft'°?,C '[f.108' Bruises, Lumbago, Spmal and WONDEttFm omJn18^*640 ''le Chest, and Local Pains "■KFUL COKB OF COUGH, (15 Years Standing.) Jan. 11th, 1850, Susannah-street, Dear Sir J?v Poplar New Town, Middlesex. *«vere cuu;,V ,lteen years ago 1 became afflicted with a deriving ben HI. Procnred the best advice possible without *u'geo„ of vi' u WaS recoiu,uended by the late Mr. Fowler, ?A B PLASTWI?"5' ,F,el?s' Poplar, to try your UOYAL 1 ani perfec.) fE R. 1 am happy 10 say, since wearing them, ""dical iltfl„iy cur«d, after having baffled the skill of my To Mesa, ^n,s-—Yours respectfully, lvuf°per&So"- ELIZA GEE. 4N*LA.V1MATION OF THE LUNGS. Mesiig „ Foie-st., Limehouse, June 1, 1850. pk VSTFH & ^on'—' heg instate your ItOYAL HATH ^anira cured me of an auack of Inflammation of the HP ° J. HOUNSBY. MARKABLK CUKE OF PAIN & WEAKNESS IN THE SIUK,(of Ten Years btanding.) Hye, May 7th, 1849. Qui 8srg. Roper & Son.—Gentlemen, having made en- as [Ie*°f .lke purchasers of your ROY AL BATH PLASTEHS, bee° thtir all express themselves highly satisfied. 1 He l° enc'ose you the. following remarkable cure. George fr,.nry fiam,nond, of Thorndon, near Eye, having suffered f0' 1,1 P*1" and weakuess in the side,for the last ten years, has from m°re lje"efit *>y the apphc31'00 of Vour 'aster than frolD any thin" he ever used before, although he has been un- jjj lt,e treatment of eminent medical men. In fact he con- ans 'S nRe'f quite cured. In gratitude he will be happy t0 re.Jver atly person wishing to inake enquiries.—Yours verv R,y'l THO vl AS BAUBUR. °n th» A1 words"Roper's Royal Bath I'lastei" engraved •news,. 0v*tu- ° >e p'rP,and '^hese t ] bal«°''CO ,>r'"c'ple» 'a,ters are compounded on Medico" balsams of «he. herbs, and the gums and voZ R & SuN- K the Proprietors. KOHEUT Kin '.nent by most Ch»> *■' ^belfield. and sold by their ap- direci "i18" '?u" *ize I U1,f,s a'id Stationers 111 the Unit« d ot U y.P°St froiSV ^r Children. 9id. each, or BlivVAU roprietors' on receipt of Is. 4d., ASK FOK Rof|f?,lT'ATiONS—BE PARTICULAR TO T^r —— "I'LAST KR. y AND RHEUMATIC PILLS, efficacy 0f lnS testimonial is another proof of the great 1.37 M Sir,—iu Bond Street, London, October 13th, 1850. Experienced (|^UU'ntin8 J'ou wi'h the great benelit which I have 1 fet"' that r UkinS BLAIR'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS, Public w|,„ ain but performing a duty to that portion of the About t ma^ s'm'liir'>' afflicted. Gout »n m*hUl'V Jears sil,ce 1 was lirst attaL'ked by Rheumatic e»ery variL aad leet- 1 lla<J P",viously been subjected to ?riS°oQs y.of climate, having served in Canada iu the 19th "Ussars 1 sl,ai"' under Sir John Moore, in the 18th °.bta»niuK a,* ys l,rocured the best medical aid, but without c'ated0ri|y 1? t'S9ent'al relief, and tny sufferings can be appro- w«s ,ose who know something of this disease. ^ears u„0 "»« otle oi those paroxysms, between 12 and 13 ost »o "ti.'ne WaS recorameuded to try BLAIR'S PILLS. I *Juautity the l"- '>rocur'"o a box, aud before I had taken that 1,1 Perfect health1 eiltirely ceased, and in a few days I was from tlut'm a,seage approa .H.raent whenever I feel any symptoms of the li(|h to llle .c 1Ui>' have iu8t:iut recourse to this Medicine, have ce* Va'Uab'e that were it not that the days of )lain to that cUSe s''ould certainly attribute the relief I las not ju M°reover, I rejoice to say that my healih suffered, but on the contrary I believe 1 have recommani P,LLS is towards its improvement. 48 always beeu of th Pills to man-v lrieilds, and the result ) of the most gratifying character. °J^r* Prout 229 c» 1 ain' Sir' >ours respectfully. or °out,'M. !ld* GARRBT FOSTER GILL. ;*lns'n the head a„n)irU,n' Lu™hago. Sciatica, Tic-Ooloreux I. Vereigiiretnedv- u' 1^' a0(J a" a,lalof?ous complaints, it is a Para"el with tli'B e sPeL'Jy relief afforded in this instance ^'sperton Hal )>e liuU of the lnte Rev- Dr- Blomherg, J? h»s Majesty \v ,rt0rof CriPPl*?gate, London, and Chaplain j 9m of Jamaica lura. lhe Fourth; John Molard Wheeler, ].an9es Giies> E prni!tte^ by his brother at Swindon; John ^caster; Mr CoUrtn ^urrey Maudell, E»q Coroner, ?e*ponsQeld- Mr Yates i SUC6)' IIlints = Cosher t^oU; Mr. Na'smytu Vp- ?nMpsm' & Martin' QdMr, Blakej Kingscii'ue N„rth ^ondoa; Mr- Llixon Miliary case of Lieutenant M, araPlonshire and that extra- ,0lli Newfoundland; and manv nth" "le ^e'eran Battal- save been already published, and were °98 partU:u,ar cases Ur« sufferers by Gout, Rheumatism'STI.^TK" u"solicited to as- 6 obtained by taking this Medicine'. dt sPeedy relief may The respectability of BLAIR'S 1'ILLS resta in sdr'1 the truth of its testimonials, and the stricteS'T' deer'!e 'cited into all that has been published. inquiry is re,la by Thomas Prout, '220, Strand, London• and K 11 Pectable Medicine Venders. Price 2s. 9d pe'r » 8 Ask for IJl.MU's GOUT AND "HEUMAT1C Pl'i r « ia»DrM*<!r|V<! lhat Tbomas l'rout, 229, Strand, London." U e*»€U upon the Governiuent Stamp. DURABLE OUT-DOOR PAINT. ItE,\10VED TO 9, GREAT WINCHESTER STREET, OLD BKOAD STItEET. n a ny;,SHK x°YAL EXCHANGE, LONDON. Paint'8 ORIGINAL ANTI-CORROSION Russian » ,'8P.ec'a,1y patronised by the British, French, ^"mpanV '»h !an Governments, the Hon. East India ^°nipanip* e ,w Company, the principal Dock The AVYT'IT! °,HER PUWIC Bodies. .^on. Board PAINT has been used by the bave proved I Vrdnance for upwards of half a century, who *n<! better than th«reVenLri,t °r ?orrosioa orl Iron loiiRer .Option of Paini 1 W1'ite Lead or any other de- bc:^UabV qua ity;:u^\?eCr8eq^nCe of i,S possessing this and-GuiCamages- by otw°Ve Periotl- h has also' been useH .W,th • f°r the o er Public bodies, and by nu,q,Uantlt,e9f °th» ^tiuction, to preserve Wooden Hon en'emen Ifon'r, ut*buildin!js, Conservatories Parle pBp 5? an p^aili°g. Iron Hurdles, Copper, Zinc, Lefd oW P v»r 8 an<^ Tiles to represent Slating It will 1 Brid^88Up:erior Preservative «' Iron Steam Boatt, °IrCu TlTi p or any other e*teD8,ve Iron Works. of °ld8 aint «s admirably adapted for preventing the decav or biick Mansions, Churches, or other Public It j8 8 'equiring an effectual defence against the elements ^01oni 1 pcula.r'y recommended to W est India and other Vith th* ^roPr'et°rs, Emigrants, and all persons connected ter e Colonies, who will find it to stand all climates bet- CorrosV1 any other Paint. The superiority of the Anti- ttle sim0)110 a°y other Paint may be easily inferred from 0PPoaed h fact that its use has been most strenuously the Sa. y Color Manufacturers and others interested in Noblem Con,moi Paint. an(^ Landed Proprietor?, anxious to have their Conside-'jjP^'40-. Properly preserved, will effect a very Anti.p le.8avin(? by desiring their Stewards to order the 8av,nK th r°SIOa Pa»'>t, as any labourer can lay it on, thereby The An»en^rmous cbarges generally made by painters. tonK*h ofjV'^orrosion is a powder, and it will keep any rr,Und n Co,or»: White stone, light stone, drab, or ,»fht an,i H ^a'b stone, light and dark yellow stone, rk chornf • °?'c! brown, light and dark lead, light and *>er c»t • ;a 6* aD^ ^al"k red, copper and black, 34s. £ reen,6o< Breeni SO^ bright green, 60s., deep casks 28lh ^KUe ^or carts snd waggons), 60s per cwt.; 3'" ;s2|' ,i 'h-tDd o112,b" each.-Large tied Brushes; ^IL< AND TTTHncMv Tools, Is. 6d. each, 0,'ecw1 ca?kR V» ^NTINE- AT PER GALLON. ?c'1- Sam» «ii' '« r'' 'la'^ an<^ quarter cwt. ditto. Is. ri?e< i9°peer gHiir0n!turned empty oil packttee9' as ^e'Rht offh" Oi?fi.t!?'iHC|0l°r81*' 34s' Percwt*» when the 'abou^S. perlb 8ab°Ut 4d' pBf lb'; and tl,oee *a*Hed Anti-Corrosion Paint is only to be ob- ^Succesgor. WALTER CARSON & SON An? STREFTen?V^nlV>),.No-9'GUEAT WINCHES- EXOHAVr?cBrl^xfD STKEBT, NEAR THE N 600 m .^1 LONDON, who will shew between Usoj'ty- Gentp« Testimonials received from the 'he Ami n'BI • otbe«" Influential Persons, who bave ••?t°i^Ke«t«.~An orH f°r m#ny yea.r8* ^lrect, orders are particularly requested to be !■ THE FAST.SAILING STEAMERS, "JENNY JONES," DAVID DAVIES, COMMANDER, AND "TALIESIN," "WILLIAM DAVID, COMMANDBB, ARE intended to ply between CARDIFF and BRIS- TOL during the Month of OCTOBER, 1851, as follows:— CARDIFF. BRISTOL. From the Bute Doeht. I From Bathurst Basin. 3, Friday 9J morn I 3, Friday 11 £ morn 4, Saturday 11 morn | 4, Saturday lj after 6, Monday. I| after J 6, Monday. 3J after 7, Tuesday J after' 7, Tuesday. 3 £ after 8, Wednesday 2} after I 8, Wednesday 4! after 9,Thursday. Scatter I 9,Thursday. 41 after 10, Friday 31 after 10, Friday &t morn 11, Saturday 4} after 11, Saturday 6 morn 13, Monday. 6 morn 13, Monday. 6k morn 14, Tuesday 51 morn 14, Tuesday. 7 mora 15, Wednesday 6f morn 15, Wednesday n morn (O.Thursday 6i morn 16, Thursday 8 morn 17. Friday 7! morn 17, Friday 81 morn 18, Saturday 8| morn 18, Saturday lOjt morn 20, Monday 114 morn SO, Monday. 11 after 21, Tuesday. ]j(J alter 21, Tuesday. 21 after 22, Wednesday If after 22, Wednesday 34 after 23.Thuri.day. 2ft after 23, Thursday 41 after 24, FrIday. Staffer 24, Friday 54 morn 25, Saturday 4k after 25, Saturday 6 morn 27, Monday 6 morn 27, Monday 61 morn 28, Tuesday 5J morn 28, Tuesday 7l morn 29, Wednesday 6J morn 29, Wednesday 8 morn 30, Thursday 7 morr. I 30, Thursday 8J morn 31, Friday 7 £ morn 31, Friday 9 morn Nov. I, Saturday 9 morn Nov. I.Saturday. IOi morn REDUCED FARES :—After Cabin, 3s.; Fore Cabin, h. 6d. Children under Twelve Years of Age, Half-price. ø- The Taliesin" will start from Cardiff on Tues- days, Thursdays, and Saturdays from Bristol, on Mon- days, Wednesdays, and Fridays,—at REDUCED FARES: AFTER CABIN IS., FOKK CABIN 6D. Passengers will be landed and taken on board at Cum- berland Basin, free of expense. Refreshments may be had on board on moderate terms. Four-wheel Carriage, 20. Four-wheel Phaeton, drawn by Two Horses, 15s.; One-horse Phaeton, or Gig, 10s. j Two-wheel drawn by the Oue Horse and Driver, t3s.; Horse and Rider, After Cabin, 8s.; Fore Cdbin,6s.fid.; Cattle. 4s.; Horses, 5s. each Sheep, 8d. each; Lainbs, 6d. each Pigs, Dogs, and Calves, Is. each.—Shipping and Landing Live Stock, at risk of their Owners.—These Fares iuclude every expense. e- Not accountable for any Good* without Shipping Notes. Further information as to Freight, &c., may be ob- tained by applying to the Company's Superintendent, Mr. JOHN BARNES, Bute Docks, Cardiff; or to Mr. R. H. JOHNSON, Clare-street Hall, Marsh-street, Bristol. Goods hauled to and from the Packet at the Company's Expense,hoth at Cardiff and Bristol. — No Fees to Porters. The above Steamers, for the convenience of Passen- gers, start from Bathurst Basin, Bristol, which is within ten minutes' walk of the Great Western Railway Ter- minus. NOTICE.—The Cardiff Steam Navigation Company give Notice, that they will not be accountable fur any Passengers' Luggage; nor will they be answerable for any Goods, Packages, or Parcels (if lost or damaged hy tire, leakage, or otherwise), unless booked at their office at Cardiff or Bristol, if above the value of forty shillings, unless entered at its value, and carriage in proportion paid for the same at the time of booking. Goods consigned to order, or not taken away before six o'clock in the evening of the day of landing, will be warehoused at the risk "nel expense of the consignees. All Goods to be considered as lieus, not only for Freight and Charges due thereon, but also for all previously unsatistied Freight and Charges dup by Con- signees to the Propvetors of the said Packet. Disputed weight" or measurement, claims for loss or damage, &c., cannot be allowed unless written notice of the same be sellt to the oillee on the day of delivery. NEW DECIMAL PALM CANDLES, 7d. per lh, ten to the lb—These Candles, though ugly, burn well and without guttering. They are admirably adapted for all who require one which emits a great light. For Artisans, Turners in Metal, Sempstresses, Tailors, Shoe- makers, for the windows of small Shops, and for Persons of weak sight, where the light is of primary, and appear- ance of secondary importance, these candles are incom- parable in short, one Decimal Paltn Caudle gives the light of three ordinary Candles, and does not require snuffing.—Sold by Grocers, Candle Dealers, anù Oilmen, and wholesale by PALMER and Co. (the Patentees), Sut- ton-street, Clerkenwell, London. CURIIS FOR THE U K C U It E D I XT t HOLI,OWAY'S OINTMENT. AN EXTRAORDINARY CUIlE OF SCROFl/Lt, Oil KING'S KVIL. Extractor a Letter from Mr, J H, Alliday, 209, High Street, Cheltenham, dated the 22nd of January, 1800. To Professor H01.1.0WAY. SIR, —My eldest Son, when about three years of age, was afflicted with a Glandular Swelling in the neck, which after » short time broke out into an Ulcer. An eminent medical man pronounced it as a very bad case of Scrofula, and prescribed for a considerable time without effect. The disease then for four years went on gradually increasing in virulence, when besides the ulcer in the neck, another formed below the lefr knee, and a third under the eye, besides seven others on the left arlll, with a lumourbetween the eyes, which was expected to break. During the whole of the time my suffering boy had receives the constant advice of the most celebrated medical gentlemen at Cheltenham, besides being for several months at the General Hospital, where one of the surgeons said that he would amputate the left arm, but that the blood was so impure that if that limb were taken off it would be then even impos- sible to subdue the disease. In this desperate state I deter- mined to give your Pilis and Ointment a trial, and after two months perseverance in their use, thc tumour gradually began to disappear, and the discharge from all the ulcers perceptibly decreased, and at the expiration of eight months they were perfectly healed, and the boy thoroughly restored to the bless- ings of health, to the astonishment of a large circle of dC- quaintances, who could testify to [he truth of this miraculous case. Three years have now elapsed without auy recurrence of the malady, and the boy is now as healthy as heart can wish. Under these circumstances 1 consider that I should he truly ungrateful were I not to make you acquainted with this wonderful cure, effected by your medicines after every othci means had failed. (Signed) J. H. ALLIDAY. CO It E OF ACUTE RHEUMATISM OF FOUR YEARS' STANDING. Extract of a Letter from Mr. John Pitt, Dudley, 19th JalJ" 18 50 To Professor HOLLOW A Y, SIR,—It is with the greatest pleasure thaI I write to thank you for the benefit I have receiveo from your Pills and Oint- ment, which have completely cured me of the Ithematism, under which I suffered for this last four years, at times I was so bad all hardly to be able to walk. I had tried every kind of Medicine that was recommended without receiving any bencfit..1 at last thought I would give your medicines a trial and purchased from Mr. Hollin, Chemist,of this town, two boxes of 1 ills, and two of Ointment, and in three weeks, hrough them and the blessing of God, I was restored to health and strength and am now as well able to walk as evor I was 111 my life. I am well known in this parish, hav- ing been sixty-live years in it, with an exceotion of the years I served in the 24th llegiment of Foot. JOHN PITT. CUHE OF A BAD LEG OF MO'iF, THAN SIXTY YEAltS'Sl'ANDING. Mr. Barker, of No. 5, Graham's Place, Drypool, neat Hull, had ulcers on his leg from ne age of eighteen until upwards of eighty, and although for many years he had sought the first advice in the country, nothing was found to cure them. He very often suffered most excruciating pain for long periods to- gether, which incapacitated him from attending to his busi- ness. He had givellup all hopes of getting a cure, when at last he was persuaded to try Holloway's Pills and Ointment, which he did, and however wonderful it may appear, the leg was thoroughly healed by their means, and by continuing to use the Pills alone after his leg was well, he has become in health so hale and bearty as now to be more active than most men of fifty. N.B.— The truth of this extraordinary statement can be vouched for by Mr. J. C. Reinhardt, 22, Market Place, Hull, February 20tb, 1850. CURE OF A DESPERATE CASE OF RINGWORM, OF SIX YEAKS' STANDING. Lima, 13111 of November, 1849. One of the most eminent Surgeons in Lima (the Capital of Peru) had a child covered whh Hingworlll for more than six years; in vain he exhausted all his art in his endeavours to effect a cure. Not succeeding, he consulted among): is brethren the most celebrated medical practitioners of the City, but no- thing was found 10 do the child service. When he wu per- suadedby Mr. Joseph P. Hague, the English chemist and druggist, residing at No. 74, Calle de Palacio, to try Hul. owav s Pills and Ointment, which was done, aud alter using "u* u^ ^0ls °f l?le ointment with a proportion of the pills the child was radically cured, to the surprise of the whole medical profession. The name of the parent, from motives of delicacy is withheld. The Pills should be used conjointly with the Ointment in most of the following cases Had Legs Chilblains Gout Sore-throats [lad Breasts Chapped-hands Glandular Skin-diseases "uros Corns (Soft) Swellings Scurvy Bunions Cancers Lumbago Sore-heads Bite of Mos- Contracted & Piles Tumours chetoes and Stiff-joints Rheumatism Ulcers Sand-Flies klephantisis Scalds Wounds Coco-Hay Fustulas Sore-Nipples Yaws Chiego-foot. Sold by the Proprietor, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar) London, and by all respectable Venders of Pateut Medicines throughout the civilised world, in Pots and Boxes at Is. 1 2s. 9d., 4s.6d., lis., 22s., 33s. each. There is a very con- siderable saving 111 taking the larger sizes. N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patients are affixed to each Box or Pot. CAUTION. None are Genuine unless the words" Holloway's Pills and Ointment, London," are engraved on the Government Stamp, pasted on every Pot and Box with the same words woven in the water-mark of the Books of directions wrapped round the medicines. Also, be careful to observe, that the address on the Labels, to the covers of the Pots and Boxes, is "244, Strand, London" (AND NOT 240, STRAND, LONDON), and that there ÍI no initial, as H," or any other letter, before the name HOLLOWAV," nor is the word GENUINE" on the Labels. ROYAL-EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, (Established by Royal Charter of his Majesty George the First,) A.D. 1720, t FOR SEA, FIRE, AND LIFE ASSURANCES. Offices, ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON. Thomas Tooke, Esq., Governor. The Hon. John Thumas Leslie Melville, Sub-Governor. George Pearkes Barclay, Esq., Deputy-Governor. DIRECTORS. Henry Bainbridge, Esq- Charles John Manning, Esq. Edmond S. P. Calvert, Esq. Henry Nelson, Esq. John Garratt Cattler, Esq. Edward Howley Palmer, Esq. Alexander Colvin, Esq. John Henry Pelly, Esq. Edward Maxwell Daniell, Esq. Abraham George Robarts.Esii. William Davidson, Esq. Charles Robinson, Esq. ltiversdale Wm. Grenfell, Esq. Thomas Smith, Esq. Robt. Ilanbury, jun., Esq. William Soltau, Esq. Robert Amadeus Heath. Esq. Joseph Somes, Esq. William Tetlow Hibbert, Esq. William Wallace, Esq., Lancelot Holland, Esq. Octavius Wigram, Esq. Sir John Wm. Lubbock, Bart. Charles Baring Young, Esq. Medical Referee, Samuel Solly, Esq., F.R.S. Consulting Surgeon, St. Helen's Place. NOTICE.—The usual fifteen days allowed for pay- ment of Fire Premiums falling due at Michaelmas will expire on the 84th of October. Life Assurance may be effected to the extent of Ten Thousand Pounds on one Life with, or, at lower Pre- miums, without Participation in Profits. The reversionary BONUS on Participating Life Poli- cies has amounted on an average to 46 per Cent, on the amount of Premiums paid. The fees of Medical referees are paid by the Corporation. This Corporation has held a high position during up- wards of a Century and a Quarter, and affords unques- tionable Security by its Capital-Stock. AGENTS: CRICKHOWELL MR. G. A. A. DAYIES. Swansea, Mr. T. A. Marten.— Cardiff, Mr. Wni. Bird. Brecon, Mr. Wm. Williams. Carmarthen, Mr. David EvaM Lewis,—Aberystwith, Mr. C. M. Thomson—Carnarvon, Mr. John Morgan. Bangor, Mr. J. V. H. Williams.—Pwllheli, Mr. David Williams, —Wrexham, Messrs. R. Hughes and Son.—Holywell, Mr. Meredith Vickers.— Monmouth, Mr. Thomas Farror.—Newport, Messrs. Prothero and Towgood.— Hereford, Mr. John Gwillim, junior also Mr. Richard Underwood.— Bromyard, Mr. Thomas Wat- kins.—Kington, Mr. Eras. B. Price.-—Leominster, Mr. Edwin Lloyd.—Ross, Mr. William Thomas.—Milfbrd, Mr. Thomas Williams.—Denbigh, Mr. Rich. Williams, —Aberdare, Mr. John Jenkins.—Dolgelly, Mr. David Pugh.—Knighton, Mr. W. W. Archibald. Prospectuses and all information may be obtained on application to any of the Company's Agents; or at the CHIBF OFFICE, ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON. ALEX. GREEN, Secretary. LEGAL AND COMMERCIAL LIFE & FIRE ASSURANCE SOCIETIES. OFFICES, 73, CIIEAPSIDE, LONDON, ADVANTAGES offered to Assurers by these Societies: LIFE—Bonuses every fifth year, equal to 80per cent, of profits. The Bonus declared to the end of the year 1850 was equal to 35 per cent. of the Premiums paid. Economy of rates, especialy for young lives: An Assurance of £100, at age 25, for £1 18s. 3d. per annum or on Bonus Scale for £2 Is. 8d.; or at age 30, for £ 2 3s. lOd. per annum; 011 the Bonus Scale, £ 2 7s. 8d. Several new Tables have been added to the pro- spectus of this Society exhibiting features of great advantage to Assurers, and attention is especially called to the plan for acquiring As" surances by the payment of small sums at convenience. Payments to cease at any time: Half-yearly or quarterly payments received Assurers for JE999 arc entitled to attend and vote at the General Meetings of the Society. FIRE-All extremely hazardous risks are excluded. Lower rates of premium are therefore charged on various important risks: A reduction of 50 per crnt. will be made on the seventh year's premium of all policies con- tinued for that period Losses settled liberally and promptly paid. The receipts for policies falling due at Midsum- mer are now in the Agents' hands, and should be paid within 15 days of that date. For full particulars, with rates and prospectuses, apply to the Secretary at the office, or to any of the under- mentioned Agents :— Place. Agents. Medical Examiners CARDIFF S. P. KERNICK, C. R. VAC HELL. Chemist, Duke-st.. Esq., M.D. Abergele Win. Evans Jno. Williams, Esq. Aberystwith Parry & Attwood R. Gilberison.Esq. Abergavenny.. Hy. Thompson. C. M. Ash win,Esq. Baugor John Aronson Dr. John Roberts. Barmouth J. H. Jones, Esq. F. P. Daviee, Esq. Brecon Wm. Games, Et"q, T. Armstrong. Esq. Bridgend Edw, Loveluck JlIO. Williams, Esq. Brynmawr ttichard Jones Caerphilly. Thomas Reynolds D.S. Edwards, Esq. Carnarvon John Thomas R. Connell, Esq. Cardigan W. Thomas W. L. Noot, Esq. Carmarthen John White H. Evans, Esq. Corwen Richard Williams. Con way P. Webster Robert Jones, Esq. Crickhowell Hy. Evans Evan Parry Denbigh John Jones Evan Pierce, Esq. Dolgelly fi. J. Williams W. Williams, Esq. Festiniog Jas. Cooper Flint J. Evans P. Williams, Esq. Forden T. S mout, Haverfordwest Greenish & Dawkins G. Miller, Esq. Hay II. C. Lloyd E. Reece, Esq. Holyhead H.G. Hughes H. Duncan, Esq. Holywell C. E. Ashworth P. Williams, Esq. Lampeter J. H. Jones Wni. Lloyd, Esq. Lluiniilo f). ,M. Thomas Hy. Bedwell, Esq. Llaudissell Eben. Jones John Jones, Esq. Llandovery "J ohn James. D. Thomas, Esq. Llanelly H. W. White David Davies, Esq. Llangollen Richards, Esq. J. Price, Esq. Llanrwst Edward Jones W. Hughes, Esq. Machynlleth C. J. Lloyd Dr. Lloyd Merthyr Tydfii Matthews Brothers T. J. Dyke, Esq. ??old Gain Parry, Esq W. Williams, Esq. arberth Geo. James 1110. Thomas, Esq. eath J. JJ. Wood, of Craig H. Green, Esq. Newcastle Em- Fawr IYIl -Timothy Thomas Jas. Thomas, Esq. Newport W.T. H.Phelps, Kaq. Pembroke W. Trewen t J.W.Faynter.Esq. P0rt 1 albot David Jenkins. Pwllheli Evan Anwyl J. G. Jones, Esq. Rhyl David Williams Price Jones, Esq. Ruthin John Pierce T. Prythereh, Esq. Swansea John Tripp, Esq. W.H.Michael,Esq St. Asaph R. P. Roberts Tenby Thomas Thomas Tremadoc D.Jones R. Williams, Esq. Towyn R- Jones John Pughe, Esq. Welchpool. E. Pryce Wrexham .J. E. Towyne, Esq.. W. Rowlands,Esq. £2000 FOR ANY PERSON producing Articles superior to the following. THE HAIR RESTORED. BALDNESS & GREYNESS PREVENTED BY BEETHAM'S CAPILLARY FLUID.—The truly wonderful efficacy of this unique preparation is the theme of admiration wherever introduced. It effectually prevents the Hair falling otf or turning grey, promotes its growth on places that have been bald for years, strengthens weak and line Hair, and gradually restores its natural co- lour, without the use of dye. It cleanses the Head from Scurf, and imparts a beautiful transparent, glossy appear- ance, and keeps it in any desired form. In inducing the growth of Whiskers, Eyebrows, Moustachios, its effect is eurprising. Sold in Bottles, 2s. 6d., 4s. 6d.; double size, 7s. 6J.; family bottles, lis., equal to six small. The following extracts are from letters which are kindly allowed to be inserted and, if space allowed, many hun- dreds more might be inserted :— From Lady Morley, Brighton, requesting three 4s. Cd. bottles for dark hair.-—" Has great pleasure in stating that it has quite prc1/cnted her hair falling off." From J. tV. Parker, Esq, St. George'l-terrace, Hyde Park, London, requesting two lis. bottles for dark hair.—"The 1Iuid has proved of great benefit to my hair. Afrer using several preparations, I fiud it the most pleasing aud effica- cious, and worthy the patronage of all who arc fearful of losing their hair." From Miss Robinson, Kensington, March 9th, requesting three 4s. 6d. bottles.—" Her hair was falling off very fast and changing colour, from illness. She is happy to inform Mr. Beetham that his excellent fluid has not only prevented its changing colour, but has produced almost too great a supply of hair." From Lady P-, Christie's Hotel, St. James's-street, London, requesting four boxes of Corn Plaster and a case of Fluid.—" She has found it of very great benefit for pre- venting the hair falling off." From J. W. Spencer, Esq., Douglas, Isle of Man, requesting one Us. bottle for dark hair.—"Your Capillary Fluid has completely restored my hair. After using it a fortnight it checked its falling off, and a bald place on the top of my head, nearly the size of my hand, now present): a thick crop of hair, which, for nine months, was as bare as the palm of my hand." ———" EASE AND COMFORT IN WALKING. BEETHAM'S CORN AND BUNION PLASTER.— This most important discovery causes the greatest delight aud astonishment wherever it is introduced. Its elfect, to use the words of numerous correspondents, is truly miracu- lous; the most inveterate Corns, Bunions, and those un- sightly and painful enlargements of the GREAT TOE JOINTS, which disfigure the beautiful sYlJllnetryof the foot, have been immediately relieved from all pain and un- easiness, and in a short time entirely dispersed after twenty years' suffering. Unexceptionable references are allowed to be given to individuals almost in every part of the United Kingdom. Sold in Packets, Is.; Boxes, 2s. 6d.; which will be sent free to any part of the United Kingdom, on receipt of 14 or 34 postage stamps, by Mr. Beetham, Cheltenham, or by the several Agents. „„„ CHAPPED HANDS PREVENTED. THE SKIN PRESERVED AND BEAUTIFIED. BEETHAM'S ROYAL DETERGENT BALM stands unrivalled for imparting to the neck, hands, and arms. a softness and delicacy unaccomplished by any other means. It induces a healthy action of the skin, and the sallow or yellow hue of the countenance is succeeded by a healthy and attractive appearance; the cheeks soon assume a radiant bloom, and wrinkles (the great enemy to youthful appear- ance) rendered scarcely perceptible. It possesses a refresh- ing and grateful perfume, aud its extraordinary power in removing tan-spots, freckles, and other discolorations and irritation of the skin, occasioned by heat, travelling, cold winds, or other causes, render it universally appreciated.— Half-pint Bottles, 2s. 9d.; Pints, 4s. 6d. Proprietor—Mr. BEETHAM, Chemist, Cheltenham. Agents:—Mr. W. M. Brewster, Cambrian-office, and Messrs. Dawe and Son, Swansea; Mr. Davies, Merthyr; Mr. Coleman, Cardiff; Mr. Hibbert, Neath; Mr. Phillips, Haverfordwest; Mr. Tardrew, Carmarthen; Mr. Phillips, Newport; Mr. Shaw, Brecon; Mr. Hirst, Abergavenny; Mr, Evans, Ludlow; Mr. Williams, Chepstow; Mr. Crook, Monmouth. London AgentsBarclay, Sanger, Sutton and Co., and Edwards. EXHIBITION OF ALL NATIONS. AMONGST the various Articles in this Em- pire of Novelties, the new EXHIBITION COAT will be found the most useful acquisition in Gentlemen's Dress ever introduced. It is decidedly the best style of garment adapted for general use; and as a genteel Dress or Walking Coat, it stands unrivalled, and must shortly supersede all others at present in fashion. The EXHIBITION COAT is made to order only AT L. WALTER'S GREAT BRITAIN STORES, CARDIFF, of West of England Cloth, warranted superfine, 34s; best quality, £2 2s. The usual Credit or 2| Discount. 200 INDIA RUBBER COATS AT REDUCED PRICES. USEFUL HOUSEHOLD WORKS. [OFFICES, 69, FLEET-STREET, LONDON;] Published by HOULSTON and STONEMAN, 65, PATERNOSTER Row. THE FAMILY FRIEND, An Established Magaxine, published upon the First and Fif- teenth of every Month, price Tuto-pence. Thirty-two pages, beautifully printed, and neatly covered. THE following is a type of THE OPINION formed JL of THE FAMILY FRIEND, and expressed by upwards of THREE HUNDRED NEWSPAPERS:— We know of no Miscellany more deserving of wide-spread circulation than The Family Friend. It is emphllticallJ the Magazine for a FAMILY. Its pages present something for all; there is no member of tbe dOllestic circle forgotten, and no class of Society overlooked. It is ITSBI.F a Gentleman's Maga- xine, a Lady's Magaxine, a Servant's Magaxine, and a Working Man's Friend. It is a Mother's Magazine, a Youth's Magazine, and a Child's Companion. It is, as its title correctly declares, a]'Magazine of Domestic Econony, Entertainment, Instruction, and Practical Science.' We have received it into our home circle with great pleasure, for ii is not only a Family Visitor, but really a Family FIIIRNI>. We cannot describe its contents, they are an omnium gatherum a repertory of things pleasant and profitable, of things gay and grave; selected with remark- ably good taste, and edited wiih much tact and judgment. It is a work capitally adapted to cheer the happy fireside of home, and to aid the develupment of social aJrectioD.BradfClrà Observer. The Work may be had complete, up to the end of June, 1851. in Four Volumes, Price 2s. 6d. each, beautifully bound. [ £ aj™ These Volumes contaiu the celebrated PRIZE ENIGMAS and their Solutions, respecting which extraor- dinary competition has occurred. The Editor announCes his intention of offering, at Christmas next, a Prize of ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS, for the best Solution of an ENIGMA to be competed for by GENTLEMEN FIFTY GUINEAS for the Solution of another Enigma to be competed for by LADIES; and TWENTY-FIVE GUI- NEAS for an Enigma to be competed for by JUVENILES of both sexes. Further particulars will be given in the Numbers of THE FRIEND. The Fourth Volume contains a Quadruple Index to the first Four Volumes, embodying about Three Thousand Five Hundred References to matters of every-day usefulness. The Work forms a most perfect Encyclopajdia of Domestic Economy. The fair readers of THE FAMILY FRIEND will find the following Elegant Designs in FANCY NEEDLE- WORK, in the following Numbers of the Work :— VOL. I. Cheesecloth "Cheese" Round D'Oyley Chee £ ?sl!ll ^"ietle—[-No. 24 Knitted Lace No" 2 SWton" j Crochet Cuffs—Sofa f „ Covering jNo- 3 VOL. III. TableCover—LampMat.No. 4 Globe-fish Globe Mat) M „fi SofaorCarriagePillow ) „ r Octagon Chair Cover, j Crochet Edge j No- J Round D'Oyley Knit- ) Convolvulus Mat for\ ted Purse j FlowerVase I5aby'< Boot Point de Bruxelles r1- °- An Open worked VNo. 30 Collar ) Knitted SocK .J Carriage Bag •• 1 v Motk>tn Point Lace. f Baby's Knitted Sock, j °- Knitted Mitten j No' Neapolitan Pattern 1 Knitted Spencer i Tidy f Netted Tidy | No. 34 Knitted Collar a la f °* Hyacinth Glass Mat. ) „ Grecque .J Knitted Toilet Cover J Lady's & Gentleman's Nightcaps f VOL. IV. Superb Table Cover rN0, D'Oyley for a Spirit^ in Patchwork .) Stand ». ( v Lady's Polka No. 10 Knitted Pattern for r1 WinterCap.NeckTie, 1 Curtains J and Uuder Sleeves. >No. II Lady's Netted Cap. Braid Patterns J Screen for a Flower >No. 40 Child's Polka No. 12 Pot and Saucer ..J D'Oyley No. IV ) VOL II. Tulip-sbaped Mat for >No. 42 Bread Cloth. ) „ Toilette Bottle J Musicsto ilcouverette^ Musnud for a Sofa i „ D'Oyley for a Cruet"! t'atchwork Designs. J Stand >No. 16 Net foMhe Hair, with "J Cheese Cloth J Gold Border J-NO. 44 MutforHyacinthGlass J Child'sOppn-knitSockJ Toilette Cushion—vNo. 18 KuittfdToilette Cush- "Pius" J ion or Ottoman, Flower Vase Mat Sexigon Shape °* Point Lace Collar in >No. 20 Netted Mitten J Crochet .J A Cov;r for a Foot-^ Palm Leaf Edging t N 22 stool or Sofa Pillow No. 48 FisliServiette—"Fish" J o. A Blind Tassel Cover 3 Each Design is illustrated by a WOOD ENGRAVING, go that Crochet Workers may see the Pattern before com- mencingit. THE NUMBERS MAY BE HAD SEPA- ltATEL Y, PRICE TWO-PENCE EACH; but purchasers are recommended to obtain the VOLUMES, which are filled with practical matters of every-day use. Price 2s. 6d. each. THE CHEAPEST ORIGINAL & COPYRIGHT MUSIC IN THE WORLD. THE FAMILY FlilEND, Vols. II. and Ill., contain nu- merous Original and Copyright Musical Productions by Celebrated Composers. These may be had collectively, bound in the Volumes, price 2s. 6.1. each, or separately in the Numbers, price 2d. each. CONTAINED IN VOL. U. THERE'S A POWER CAN CONQUER THE SWORD. —Song and Chorus by Alexander Lee, Esq. (No. 13.) THE FAMILY POLKA.—By Marie Scott. One of the most attractive and lively uf the now over-done Polka Music. (In No. 14.) OH! SACRED ARE A MOTHER'S TEARS.-Com- posed by G. Lindley, Esq. (In No. 15.) HYMN—THE SEASONS. — By Alexander Lee, Esq. Words by Bishop Heber. (In No. 17.) THE BROKEN-HEARTED.—By J. F. Duggan, Esq. Sung by Herr Mengis. (In No. 19.) THE SECRET.—By J. F. Duggan, Esq. Sung by Miss Julia St. George. (In No. 21.) THE LANGUAGE OF THOSE EYES.—Composed by Alexander Lee, Esq. Sung by Airs. Alexander Lee, late Mrs. Waylett. (In No. 23.) CONTAINED IN VOL. iii. FAYAWAY.—Composed by J. F. Duggan, Esq. Written by Mrs. Maria L. Child. (In No M ) THE FAMILY WALTZ.—By Mhs Philp. This Waltz has been greatly admired. It is a suitable companion to "The Family Polka." (In No. 27 1 LOVE IN THE REIGN OF THE ROSES.—Composed by Herr Mengis. (In No 29 ) "I WOULDN T, WOULD YOU1"-Composed by Alex- ander Lee, Esq. (In No. 31.) MEsq1°(1In No S33J)RAVE—CoinPosed by J. F. DueKa"> Esq, (In No. 33.) SLEEP, GENTLE BABY I"—Composed by Weber. (In No. 35.) r None of these Musical Compositions can be obtained from any other source. To secure any particular piece,it is only necessary to order the Number containing i', price 2d but Purchasers are recommended to obtain the Volumes, and thus secure the whole SERIES OF FAMILY MUSIC, in an elegant form, and at a trifliug cost. A limited number of Advertisements are inserted in The Family Friend. Terms—First Fifty Words, 6s. 6d, and Is. for every 10 Words after. Average Circulation, 80,000. tfijr Persons wishing to judge of the contents of the first FOllr Volumes of The Fri nd, may receive the QUADRU- PLE INDEX, gratis, by applying (post-paid,) to the Office 69, Fleet-street, London. THE FAMILY TUTOR AND SCHOOL COMPANION: Commenced on the 1st of Janrzary, 1851, and appears on the 1st and ]5th of each Month, in Parts price 2d. euch, uniform with the Family Friend rpHE FAMILY TUTOR, as its name implies, is a JL Work of a highly instructive character, and realizes, as far as can be accomplished in print, the advantages of a PRIVATE TUTOR to every reader—a Tutor whose teachings are lively, kind, and comprehensible, making the acquirement of kuowledge a PLEASURE, not a TASK. THE FIRST VOR.UME CONTAINS A COMPLETE ENGLISH GRAMMAR, Improved and Simplified. FAMILIAR LECTURES ON CHEMISTRY. TALES OF HISTORY AND OF TRAVEL. ZOOLOGY. THE PHYSICAL HISTORY OF MANKIND. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF HEALTH AND DISEASE. CELESTIAL AND TERRESTRIAL PHENOMENA OF THE MONTHS. MATHEMATICAL, GEOMETRICAL, ARITHMETI- CAL, AND OTHER puoBLEMS. ELOCUTIONARY EXERCISES. "THE TUTOR AND HIS PUPILS," being Answers to Educational Questions; andaVARIED MISCELLANY. eiif" The First Volume of the Family Tutor is now ready. Elegantly Bound, price 2s. 6d. THE TUTOR'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR, contained in the above Volume, is illustrated by Wood Engraving*, by which a dry and difficult study is rendered singularly inte- resting. A few select ADVERTISEMENTS OF EDUCA- TIONAL INSTITUTIONS, &c„ are received in the TITTOR. Terms as in the FRIEND. THE PARLOUR MAGAZINE OF THE LITERATURE OF ALL NATIONS IS PRINTED IN THE CRYSTAL PALACE! Price Vd. Weekly; Monthly Parts 8d. or \0d.; Volumes bs. It is the only Work devoted specially to the translation of Universal Literature, and will be found rich in intellectual treasur es. ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted in the Wrappers of the We, ikly Numbers and the Monthly Parts. Terms as in THE F. 1MILY FRIEND. Price Is., crown Svo., cloth boards, FAMILY PASTIME, OK„ HOMES MADE HAPPY: Consisting-of entirely Original Anagrams, Enigmas, Cha- rades, Co' jundrums, Fire-side Games, Practical Puzzles, &c, &c., t. wrether with their Solutions; for which PRIZES TO THE AMOUNT OF FIFTY GUINEAS have been awarded b rthe Editor of THE FAMILY FRIEND Upwards of Three Hundred Competitors have contributed to the Mass of Entertaining Literature from which the con- tents of this- Work have been selected. tgJT The above Works may be obtained of Booksellers everywhere.. Where any difficulty occurs, they lIIilY be received by Post direct from the Office, by remitting Six- pence in ad .dition to the price of each Volume Post-offi* « Orders for Advertisements or Books to be made paya tte to JOHN BENNETT 69, Fleet-street, London. LONDO 11: HOULSTON & STONEMAN, and all Booksellers.










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