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'J c A R b I FF AND BRIST 01, Itacltctu, PRINCE OF WALES, ••> MATTHEW JONES, COMMANDER; The New and Fast Boat, SWIFT, .S.jbSX& CLEMENTS, COMMAKDBR "A ;RE Imeoded to Sail during the Month of J \N jflL 1851, from the Bute Docks, Cardiff, and Cum- berland B.-in,. Bristol. t • BRISTOL. From Bute Hvcks. J'rom. Cumberland Basin. ,rift(" .¡ anI! }'rid.s, i *ajs2sESr- flvfJ7 #A*CA*Y. 18:,1. i v 3, 5 —ntit" ijj'' *•"—> »» 7.' tJSI' 5' 7i morn m '• 'ue«day 8{ mora 9 Thursday q morn 8. Weduewlay 8f nioru 8 mora 9, Thursday 9J muri. J J™* 8 lO.Friday 10 mom atunlay «JJ IBWll llf i(^ morn 15* S<Wd,*y lli mor«"^3' U after 1 U. TvmuUy after if' m. a *fu"r 1 J. Wednesday. 31 ufter 16. Tl»*«., 3l.fter 16, Thursday I' I* 3i *t>*t 17, Friday 5 morn 18, SOrolay *4 after 18, Saturday 6 morn CtfMtgtt and Horses to be alongside one hour previous to the time of sailing, RBDOCBD FARin:—Att<frUabin,3e.; Fore Cabin, h. 6d.; Children woder Twelve years of 81', Half-price. R*fr«ahm«nts may be bad 8n board on mmtr.rate urn*. Four-wheel Carnage, 20. Fonr-wbeel Phaaton, drawn b, twe berses, 15s Oiie-hors* Phaeton, or Gig, 10.. Ô Tfw-whttt, drawn by ene burse and driver, 13. Hone and Rider, After Cabin, 8. Hore Cabin, tho bd.; Cante,5I: tferset, 6*. each Sheep, 8tl. each Lamb*, Gtt. each; 0" and Calves, la. each.—Shipping aud Landing Lt»« Stock at risk .f their Owner*—These Pares i*eln<t* *v«ry enpepsr.. NoTICf..—-Goods Delivered free of Hauling and -buck 0. in OirdUr. ti#t Accountable for any Gftods «itl>AHt$hipping Note* OMf* Good* will be Hauled from the Warehouses t. the I Pacttu, at the Kapcnse of tbe Companies. No Fee. to Porters. Mtrthyr, Newbridge, Aberdare, Swansea. Neath, Aberavon Ctnebridge Bridgend, Llantrissent, and Caerphilly.—Goods forwarded 10 these I'Ucts in Spring W*ggoi> Railway,and Lock-up Canal 800:.t8 immediately (In arrival, utiles* ordered by any particular confeyttuce. in which c..e they will be de- posited ill the Steam "aeket Warehouse till celled for, at risk and expense ot Cotuiguee.—Frai&bt to be paid Qn delivery. Coodx, Packages, Parcels, fa., forwarded to ail parta 01 the ICiptdom wjthont delay .when sp»t to eiUwf* »< tkt^ifto 4'*<4M8HMMhw^4«r(Jard^ff or fifilWil.' Further information as to Freight, &c., will be readily ob- tained by applying to the Agents— C. H. BEVAN, Allcnl, Packet Office, at the Bute Docks, Cardiff: or to li. T. TlJKNF.lt, Ageut. No. 12. Quay-street, Bristol, for the PRINCB OF WALKS Packet. W It llARVEV at the Packet Office, Bute Docks,Cardiff; •r to Me-srs. W. and H. IIARTN KLL, Corner nf St. Stephen s AVenue Quay, »ristol,for -he SWIFT I'ackei. Goods received for <he Pill NO 15 OF W AI.KS. 12. Quay- <treet.—Ooodtt*kenfoftheSWtFi,ttCorn<rofSt.t!tephtM < atreet.- 001 8 Avenue, Quay. WHAT ARE YOUR INITIALS? SEND them to H. DOLBY, with 7 Postage Stamps You will receive, per return, 53 superbly finished Wafers (free) with your full Initials stumped thereon (1 to 4 letters), warranted secure as sealing wax, and matchless as all elegant and truly uselul present, 5UO for 4" or 1000 for 7s. 6d. CRESTS ENGRAVED WITHOUT CHARGE. Semi HENRY DOLBY a wax impression, or descrip- tion. He supplies, per return, to all parts of the King- dom, a ream the best 8vp. cream-laid note paper, and 600 lull-sized cream-laid adhesive envelopes; the whole superbly stamped with your crest, for One Guinea. For artistic engraving, brilliant stamping in gold, silver, and colour relief, H. Dolby's work will be found unequalled. Wedding Orders in the Latest Fashion, on the sarne Terms, without Charge for Engraving the Die. French Enamel Wed.ling Cards, enamelled on both sides. "At Home" Notes, Breakfast Invitations, &c., stamped in exquisite silver relief. HENRY DOLBY, Heraldic, Die, and Card Engraver, General Stationer, &c., No. 56, REGENT STREET QUADRANT, five doors from the County Fire Otfioe, London. IMMENSE SUCCESS OF THE NEW MODE OF TREATMENT A M adopted by Lallemand. liicord, Deslandes, and others of the Hospital dell Veneriens, a Paris, and now uniformly practised ii, this country, BY WALTER DE ROOS. M.D., 3o, ELY PLACE, HOLBORN HILL, LONDON, rr,ni, AUTHOR OF j "k MEDICAL ADVISER, 168 pages, improved »hn » t,.eToi^ of technicalities, addressed to all those Jl.e\arh„«T?nn*rr?m SpermatorrhaiM, or Weakness, and fr„m '.f<1i yinR forms ol premature decay reuniting from uf ctjon, and youthful abuse, that mo<t <lelusi>e prac- tice by w'Ucli the ayour and manliness of life are destroyed, even before nature has fully established the powers and ramina of the constitution. It contains aboao eUboiateand carefully written account of the anatomy and physiology of the Organs of both sexes (illustrated by numerous colored engravings), with the Author's observations on Marriage, its dutie* and binder- auce*. The modern plan of treating Gleet, Stricture. Sy- phitit. &c. Plain directions for the attainment of health, vi);our,and cousequent happiness. Thus rendering it. what its nime indicates, the friendly adviser of all who may be suffering frjin the consequences of early error,—a Work which may be consulted with every assurance of complete succes-i and benefit. May be obtained in a sealed Envelope through all Book- gellers, at 2s. 6d., or to avoid difficulty, will be sent direct from the Author, Post free for 40 Postage Stamps. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Extract from the Medical Gazette and Times" Fortu- nately for our country, a more efficient (because certain) mode of treating these deplorable complaintl is at last in- troduced; and we hail the time as not far distant when such diseases shall be comparatively unheard of; we would earn- estly lecommeud all persons afflicted with any kind of tfMMKttive derangement to avail themselves ofth. informa- tion contained in almost every page of DR. DE ROOS' Work, which we unhesitatingly pronounce as the best extant. The MEDICAL ADVISER is indeed a boon to the Public, as it has the two-fold aivautage of plainness and being written by a duly qualified and skilful man, who evi- dently well understands his subject.—Daily Times. "This is a work of superlative excellence, and one we should recommend to the perusal of all; In fact the in- formation therein conveyed is quite essential to those of either sex, who contemplate marriage."—Record. Many a Man, who unmarried and miserable, is now en. during in silent sorrow and penalties of former folly (per- haps committed in ignorance), had he possessed such a book as this, would have been a happy husband, a honoured parent, and useful member of society—Dispatch, January 19. The diffidence and fear of exposure, consequent on these auctions.frt-queutly prevent persons applying for assistance, until great mischief has been inflicted on the constitution and powers of life. It lS hoped the perusal of this work will teach such persons the evils of delay, and lead them at once to sjek that assistance which alone can save them from the horrors of an existence protracted amidst long enduring wretchedness, both mental and physical. Lasting benefit can only be reasonably expente I at the hands of the intelligent and practical physician, who, de- parting from the routine of yeneral practice, devotes the whole of his studies to this class uf diseases, the lamentable neglect of which by ordinary medical men, and their futile attempts at cure by mercury and other equally dangerous medicines have produced the most alarming results. From the Rreat extent of Dr. DE ROOS' practice for many years, and his former connection with the various Institutions both in London and Paris, for the relief of those afflicted with Debility, Syphilis, Secondary Symptoms, Stricture, Gleet, Venereal or Scorbutic eruption., &c., of the face and body; he has had perhaps unusual facilities for observing the peculiarities and consequences of each parti- cular stage. Hence he is enabled confidently and consci- entiously to undertake the removal of every svmptom (not excepting the most inveterate or long standing) in as short a time as is consistent with safety, or return the Money. Country patients wishing to place themselves under treat- ment will be minute in the detail of their cases, and to pre- vent trouble no letters from strangers will be replied to unless they contain £1 in cash, or by Post Olfice Order, pay- able at the Holborn Office, for which Advice and Medicine will be sent. Patients corresponded with till cured. At home for consultation daily, from 10 tilll, and from 4 till 8 (Sundays excepted), unless by previous arrangement. SKIN DISEASES. NERVOUSDEBIUTY, SCROFULA, SWbLLINGS OF THE BONES, GLANDS. &c. De Roos Concentrated Gutta Vita, or Life Drops. It is as its name implies, a safe and permanent restorative of manly vigour, whether deficient from residence in hot climates, or arising from Solitary Habits, Youthful Delusive Excesses, lnlection, &c. It willnlso be found a speedy co. rective of all t hose .dangerous symptoms, such as Pains and Swellings in the Bones Joints, and Glands, Skin Eruptions, Blotches and Ptmptef, Weakness of the Eyes, Loss ot Hair, Disease and Decay of the Nose, Sore Throat, Pains in the Side, Back, Loins, &c., Obstinate Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Gleet. Stricture, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Memory, Nervousness, Headache, Giddiness, Drowsiness, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Lowness of Spirih. Lassitude, and General Prostatlon of Strength, usually re- sulting from neglect, or improper treatment by Mercury, Copaiua, Cubeb and other deadly poison". From its peculiar properties in creating new, pure, and rich blood, (thereby cleansing and strengthening the whole aystem,) it removes barrenness, and soon restores the organs to souuu health, even after all other remedies (which have usually a tfepressing tendency) have failed; hence its 1101- versal success in FEMALE complaints, Mav be obtained with directions, &c„ through all Medi- cine Vendors, at 4s, 6d. and Us per bottle, or four eleven shilling quantities in one large bottle for 33s.,by wiiich lis. will be saved; or will be sent securely packed Irom the Es- tablishment, on the receipt of the price by Post Office Order payable at the Holborn Office. GItAVEL, LUMBAGO.RHEU- DBn.DReIf^or?i2iV1K P1LLS. »9 ^eir nal, '"pirjcacious indicates, are the most safe 1 us complaints ^VT\ ^,sc°vered for the above daugerous tomp.aints and Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs generally, whether resulting from im- prudence or Otherwise which if neglected, frequently end in stone tu the bladder, and a hugging death. For Gout and Rhewatism- Depression of Spirits, Excitement, Blush- ing, Dislike of bociety, Incapacity |or Study or Business, Loss of Memory, Confusiou, Giddiness, Blood to the Head, Drowsiness, Sleep without Refreshment. Groundless Fea- ludecision, Wretchedness Wenrqu.pea., and even Insanity' itself, when >9 oflen theL'l4,e) ar>9>ng from, or combined with Urinary Diseases, they are unequalled. By their salu- tary action on acidity of the stomach they coirect bile and indigestion, purify a»d promote tlw»JJ«al secretions- therebv nreventiug the lormatiou of Stone,and estiblishing for life die healthy fu-tionsof^l. Uiese organs May be obtained at 's-n the'KlnirH 8 Per box, through all Medicine Vendors in the Kmgdom or -hoildanj difficulty occur, they w.ll I>e ■.etufree on receipt Pgj^ajSTaiSK^i- public », »»principl.d 'etters, on a red ground, without which non g „ Sold by James, Phillips, and Evans, Cardiff, l^berts, Chemist, Conway; Hughes, Chemist, Ba K > r)enJ Chemist, Hi^h-.treet, Carnarvon; Edwards,^ e » 'uwh- high; Hughes, Chemist, Holyhead i Beale, Chemis ™ street, Wrexham; Ward, Chemist, High-street, Price Brothers, Post-office, Bridgend; Thomas, Oie • (opposite Angel), Mertbyr; White, ChemM, Guildnaii- square, Carmarthen Williams, chemist, High-Street, Car di^an; Davies, Chemist, and Potter, Herald-office, Haver- fordwest; Treweeks, Chemist, Pembroke; Evan*,Chemist. High-street, Swansea; Aloore, Chemist, Broad-street, Newtown; Stephens, Chemist, High-street, Meithvr lyit- "il; Ferris St Score, Druggists, Union-street, Bri-tol Watton, Chronicle-office, Shrewsbury; Cnillcoit, Book- seller, Broad-street, Leominster; Hook (opposite Green Dragon), Hereford; Farror, Beacon-oflice, Monmouth; Jeukiii*, Commercial-street, and Phillips, Chemist, High- freet, Newpoit; of all whom may be had THE MEDICAL ADVISER N.B.—Where difficulty occurs in obtaining the above, •uclow Foiwge Stamps to the Establishment, r THE ABOVE COMPANY'S POWERFUL STEAMER «TAL 1 ESI N," DAVID DAVIES, COMMANDER, IS intended to ply between CARDIFF & BRISTOL during the Mouth of JANUARY^ 1851, as fol- lows :— CARDIFF. BRISTOL. From the Bute Doeht. From Bathurst Basm. 1 Wednesday >> ai after 2, Thursday 51 morn 3* Friday 5 mora -i, Saturday 6 J morn 6 Monday .6 mom 7. Tuesday 8 morn 8 Wednesday 7 morll ?. Thursday 9 morn 1 0, Friday 8 morn 11, Xatu»day 10* morn 13, Monday. Ill morn H. Tuesday 21 after 15, Wednesday 2 after 4t alter i 17, Friday 31 after 18; Saturday ti mom 20, Monday. 6 morn Tueaday 8 morn 22, Wednesday 7 inoru Thursday 9i mom 24, Friday 8. morn 25, Saturday 1 q morn 27, Miiuday 12 morn :t8, Tuesday 2 j aftur 29, Wednesday 2 after 3", Thursday <1 after 31, Friday 3J after I Carriages and Horses to be alongaid* One Hour previoas to the time of Sailing. REDUCED FARES After Cabin, 3< Fore Cabin, h. 6d. Children under Twelve Years of Age, Half-price. A Boat will be in attendance at Rownhain, free of expense. Refreshments may be had on Board on moderate terms. Four-wheel Carriage, 20- Fo«i-wne«l Phaetoe, drawn by Two Horses, 15s.; Our-horse Phaeton, or Gig, 1011.; Two-wheel drawn by the One HorSt. and Driver, 13«.; Horse and Rider, After Cabin, tls. ■ Fore Cabin, 6s tid.; C"ule. 4s. j Hora" õ.. e.eh: Sheep, 10a each; Laions, ,9J. each Pigs, 1)018. and Calves, It. each,—Shipping and l.andiiig Stock-^ST-risk"W~th^-eMiitim.Phe»e Fares include every expense egy- Not necoantable for any ({rtuds without Shipping Notes. For further particularg apply to Mr. THOMAS Johns, Agent, Packet-oiffce, oil the Whllrf, or at the Bute Docks, Cardiff; or to Mr. R. II. JOHNSON, Clare-street Hall, Marsh-street, Bristol. Goods hauled I" and from the Packet at the Co npany's Expense., both at Cardiff and Hrisiol. —No Fees to Porters. The Taliesin starts from Bathurst Basin, Bristol, for the convenience of Passengers. NOTICE.—The Proprietors of the above Steam Packet give Notice, that they will nut lie accountable for any l'as8!'u;eu' Luggage; nor will they be answerable for any Goods, Packages, or Parcels (If lost or damaged 11. lire, leakage, or otherwise), unless booked at their olllce at Cardiff or Bristol, if above the value of forty shillings, unless entered at its value, anti carriage 111 prdportlOn paid for the ume at the time of booking. Guod" cousl;;lIetllo order, or not takell away before six. u'cluck in the eVellill¡;of the day uf landing, will he warehoused at the risk and expense of the consignees. All Goods to be considered as liens, not only for Freight alld Charges due thereon, but also for all previously unsatislied Freight and Charges due by Con signees tu the Proprietors of the said I'acket. Disputed weights or measurement, claims fdr loss or damage, &1. cannot be allowed unless written notice of the same be sellt to the ollice on the day of delivery. BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC FILLS. _L) The following testimonial is another proof of the great efficacy of this Medicine. 157, New Bjud Street, London, October 12th, 1850. Sir,—In acquainting von with the great benefit which I have experienced by taking lU.Allt'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS, I feel that I am but performing a duty to that portion of the public who llIay be similarly afflicted. About twenty years since I was lir-t attacked hy Rhenmatic Gout in my hands and feet. T had previously been subjected to every variety, of climate, having served in Canada in the 19th dragoons, and in Spain, uuder Sir John Moore, in the 18th hussars. 1 always procured the ùest medical aid. but without obtaining any essential relief, aud my sufferings can be appre- ciated only by those who know something of this disease. It was during olle of those paroxysms, between 12 111111 13 years ago, that 1 was recommended to try BLAIR'S PILLS. I lost no time ill procuring a box, allll before 1 had taken that quantity the pain had entirely ceased, and in a few days I was in perfect health. From that moment whenever I feel any symptoms of the disease approaching, I have instant recoufile to this Medicine, which to IDe is so valuable that were it not that the dan of mõigic hilve ceased, I should certainly attribute the relief I obtain to that cause. Moreover, I rt-joice to say that my health hõi. not III any degree suffered, but on the contrary I believe the tendency of BLAI It.S PILLS is towards its improvement. Ibave recommended the Pills to many Iriends, and the result Ius always been of the most gatiljin;; character I aiu, Sir, yours respectfully, To Mr. Prout, 229, Strand. UAUUKT FOSTER GILL. For Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Tic-Doloreux paills in tile head and face, anl1 all aualogous complaints, it is a sovereign remedy and tile speedy relief atlorded in this ilutaDce is parallel with the testimonials of the late Rev. Dr. Blomberg, of Misperton llall. Rector of Cripplegate, London, and Chaplain to his Majesty William the fourth; John Moiard Wheeler, Esq., of Jamaica, trawuuitted by his brother at Suindon; John James Giles, Esq., Frimley, Surrey R. MaudeU, Esq, Coroner, Doucaster; Mr. Courtuey, Barton, Stacey, Ihnts; Mr. Cosher, lleacousliehl; Mr. Yates, traveller to Messrs. Diy ? Martin, Londou; Mr. Nasuiyth, 208, Piccadilly, London; Mr. Dixon and Mr. Blake, Kiugscliffe, Northamptonshire; and that extra- ordinary case of Lieutenaul Masters, of the Veteran Battal- lion, Newfoundland; and many others whose particular cases have bee;: already published, aud were given unsolicited to as- sure sufferers by Guut, Rheumatism, & • that speedy relter may be ohtaiued bj taking this Medicine. The respectability of BLAIR'S PILLS rests in a gieat degree upon the truth of its testimonials, ana the strictest inquiry is solicited iuto aU that ha. been published. Sold by Thoinaa Prout, 22S), Strand, London; and by all relpeclable MedlclI\f1 Venders. Price 2s. 91 per llox. Ask for BUllt'S GOUT AND HHliUMATIO l'lLLS, and observe that Thomas Prout, 229. Strand, London," is Impressed "Ilon the Government Stamp. CURES FOR THE UNCURED. '• •' :$'j S. i.N:'V < ,■ ..V/ V ].'• JL. f >;r. ,• < HOLMWATrS OINTMENT. \N EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF SCROFULA, OR KING'S EVIL. Extract of a Letter from Mr.J. U- Alliday, 209, High Street, Cheltenham, dated the 22nd of January, lBoO. To Professor UOLLOWW. S,R _My eldest Sou, when about three years of age, was afflicted with a Glandular Swelling in the neck. which after a short time broke out into an Ulcer. An eminent medicallUan pronounced it as a very bad case of Scrofula, and prescribed for a considerable time without effect. The disuse then for four years went on gradually increasing in virulence, when besides the ulcer in the neck, another formed below the left knee, and a third under the eye, besides seven others on theh-ftarm. with a tumour between the eye.. which was expected to break. During the whole of the time my suffering hoy had received the constant advice of the most celebrated medical gentlemen at Cheltenham, besides belllg for several months at the General Hospital, where one of the surgeons said that he would amputate the left arm, but that the blood was so impure that if that limb were taken off it would be then even impos- sible to subdue the disease. In this desperate state I deter- mined to give your PiU and Ointment a trial, and alter two months perseverance in their use, the tumour gradually began to disappear, and the discharge from all the ulcers perceptibly decreased, and at the expiration of eight months they were perfectly heated, and the boy thoroughly resiored to the bless- ings of health, to the astonishment of a large circle of dC- quaintances, who could testify to he truth of this miraculous case Three years have now elapsed without any recurrence of the malady, and the boy is now as healthy as heart can wish Under these circumstances 1 consider that I should be truly ungrateful were I not to make you acquainted with this wonderful cure, effected by your medicines after every other means had failed. (Signed) J. H. ALLtDAY, CURE OF ACUl'E RHEUMATISM OF FOUR YEARS' STANDING. Extract of a Letter from Mr. John Pitt, Dudley, 19 th Jan., 185fl. To Professor HOLLOW AY, Silt,—It is will, the greatest pleasure that I write to thank you for the benefit I have receiveo troin your Pills and Olnt- ment, which have completely cured me of the Rhematism, under which I suffered for this last four years, at times 1 was 80 bad as hardlv to be able to walk. L had tried every kind of Medicine that was recommended without receiving any benefit. I at last thought I would give your medicines a trial, and purchased from Mr. Holiiu. Chemist,of this town, two boxes of l'ills, and two of Ointment, and in three weeks, through them and the blessing of God, I was restored to health aud strength and am now as well able to walk as ever t was in my life. (aID well known in this parish, hav- ing been sixty-five years in it, with an exception of teu years 1 served in the 24th Regiment of Foot. y (Signed) Jon N PITT. CURE OF A HAD LHG OF MORE THAN SIXTY Y liAKS' STANDING. Mr. narker, of No. 5, Graham's Place, Dry pool, ueat Hull had ulcers on his le j from the age of eighteen until upwards of eighty, and although for many years he had sought the first advice in the country, nothing was fouud to cure them. He very often suffered most excruciating paID lor long perIOds TO.- at last he was persuaded to try ;tLrh;;ir:rr;r.hr:L' r* rusxi 7*" the Pi lis alone after his leg was well, he has become in health so hale and hearty as now to be more active than most truth of this extraordinary statement can be vouched for by Mr. J.C. Reiuhardt, 22, Market 1 lace, Hull. February 20ibi I850« CURE OF A DKSPEKATE CASK OP RINGWORM, OF SIX YHARS' STANDING. Lima, 1 Mh of November, 1849. One of the most eminent Surgeons in Lima (the Capital of Peru) had a child covered with Ringworm lor more than six years; in vaila be exhausted all bis art ill his en eavours to effect a cure. Not succeeding, he consulted among lis rel tea the most celebrated medical practitioners of the i>ity, but no- thing was found to do tha child service. W hen he was per- suailed by Mr. Joseph P. Hague, the English chcmist and druggist, residing ai No. 74, Callc de Palacio, to try Hot- loway's Pills ana Ointment, which was done, and alter using six large potaof the ointment with a proportion of the pills thechttd «as radically cured, to the surprise of thewhote medical profession. Thc name of the parent, from motives of delicacy is withheld. Tne PiUtthou d be used conjointly with the Ointment in most of the following casas Bad Legs Chilblains Gout Sore-tliroats Bad Breasts Cuapped-hands Glandular hkin-'liseases Burns Corns (Soft) Swellings Scurvy Bunions Cancers Lumbago Sore-heads Bite of Mos- Counseled & Piles Tumours cheioes a id S iff-joints Rheumatism Ulceis Saud-Fli'-s lepriantisis Scalds Wounds Coco-Bay Fustulas Sore-Nipples Yaws Chiego-too'. Sotd by the Proprietor, 244. Strand, (near lemple Bar; Londou. and by 1111 respectable Venders of Pateut Medicines throughout the civilised world, in Pots and Boxes at Is. l.i«l„ 2 9d 4s. tiJ- lU" 22s*> 33s- «ach« There is a very con- .ip'rable saving «n takiug the larger sites, N B.—directions Ike guidauce of patients are affixed to each Pot or BOI, THE CARDIFF AND MERTHYR CUARDIAN NEWSPAPER OFFICE, AND GENERAL PRINTING AND STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. PRINTING, in all its various Branches, executed in F the most modern and snperior style, on very reason- able term*. Publications procured from London at regular intervals. The following popular and interesting Works are now ^REMARKS on the ARCHITECTURE of LLAN- DAFF CATHEDRAL, with an ESSAY towards a HISTORY of the FABRIC; with ENGRAVINGS. By EDWARD A. FRBEMAN, M A. Priced. A DESCRIPTION and HISTORY of CAER. PHLLLY CASTLE, and CASTELL COCH. By GEO, T. CLARK, ESQ. Price 4s. CASTRA CLWYDI ANA a Systematic Etamination of the Camps on the Clwydian Hills. By W. WYNNE FFOULKBS, M.A. Price 2s. 6d. NOTES on the ARCHITECTURAL ANTIQUI- TIES of the DISTRICT of GOWER. By EDWARD A. FREEMAN, M.A. Price 2s. VIEWS of the EXHIBITION of 1831, on Note, Letter Paper, and Cards., ENVELOPES, with a view of Cardiff Castle. A Variety of BIBLES and PRAYhJS. BOOKS, handsomely bound. THE MAB'INOGION. PART 7. BY LADY CHARLOTTE GUEST. Containing the Dream of Maxen Wledig, Llud, and l.level)«, and the History of Taliesin. Price 8s. STREL VIEWS OF PONTYPRIDD, On India Paper, Is.; Ptoof Paper, 6L; and Letter h. ,u. foru'Si, iNCRBATVAStETT. TO ADVERTISERS, The Proprietor of the CAIIDIFFA JVIERTUYK GUARDIAN avails himself of this opportunity of calling the attention of Professional and Commercial Gentlemen to the eligi- bility of his Newspaper as a GENERAL ADVERTISING M EDIUAI, inasmuch as it is the ONLY CONSERVATIVE JOURNAL published in the Counties of Glamorgan and Biecon, and has also a constantly increasing circulation in Monmouthshire and adjoining Counties. An early Edition is published at the Office, Duke. street, Cardiff, on Ftiday Mornings, in time to be for- warded by the first Mails. BOLDERO'S POWDERS FOR THE CURE OF OFFENSIVE BREATH.—The large sale is a suf- ficlcnt guarantee of their eHicacy-a certaill cure even iiJ the moist stubborn cases. Sold only by Mr. Boldero, in boxes, 3s. Gd. and 7s.6d. each, at No. 8, Lower James-street, Goldeu-square, and forwarded into the country on receipt of a Post-office Order, or Postage Stamus for the amountaud the can lage. if .\Lu¡kiud are liaole to one Disease more man another or if there are any particular Affections of the Human Body we require to have a knowledge ,of over the rest, II is cer. tainly that class af Disorders treated of in the New and Im- proved Edition of ihe"Sll.i:NT FRIiiNU." The Authors, in thus seuding forth 10 the world auoiher Edition of tbeir Medical Work, canuot refraiu from expressing their gratifica- tionatthe coutinual success attending their efforts, which, combined with the assistance of Medictaeit, exclusively of their o..n preparation. have been the happy cause of mitigal- iug and averting the Meutal and Physical miseries attendant on those peculiar Disorders; thufprovitt); the fad, thittsut- ferioghmaanity must always derive the greatest advantages from duly qualified Members of the Aledical Profession, adopting a parriclIlar class uf disorders lor their exclusive study, in preference to a superficial knowledge of all the dis- eases thai afllict M ankind. ■Wes.-rs. K. <Sc L. PEKitY can with confidence offer hope energy, and vigour to those whose constitutions have become dehilitated f<om generative diseases, nervous and mental ilri- tability, local or constitutional weakness, Stc., and begs to ac- quaint those so suffering, tbat one of I he II nn may hejieison- ally consulted daily at No. 19, Beruers-street, Oxford-street, London, from II till 2, and froai 5 till 8 in the Hveniug and on Sunday from 11 till 1. THIRTY-FIFTH EDITION CONTAINING THE REMEDY FOR THE PREVEN- TION OF DISEASE. Illustrated by 26 Anatomical Coloured Engravings on Steel, On Physical Disqualifications, Generative Incapacity, and Impediments to Marriage, A New and Improved Edition, enlarged to 196 pages, price 2s.tjd.; by post, direct from the Establishment, 3s.bd.in pfJStage stamps. r| ^HE SILtiNT FRIEND is a Medical Work, X. written in language nevoid of professional technicalitys on the physicaldisqualilicaiionsaff'ectiug the generative systi-m in both sexes. It contam* au elaborate and carefullywrHtcn account of the Anatomy and Physiology uf the Organs in Man which are directly and indirectly coucerued in the func- tionot generation (illustrated by coloured engravings), and the Causes and Consequences resulting from the baneful practice by which the vigour and manliness of Life are ener- vated and destroyed,even before nature has fully established tbe powers land stamina of tbt: constitution. Local anJ gene- ral debility, nervous irritability and exci'.euieut, consumption, tOd¡g-:StIOI1 of the most feartul and uhaustiug kind, inlense Hiel.tnciioly and depression of the spirits, aud partial or com- plete extinction of the reproductive poweis, &c., are thua produced. In the SILENT FKIEND, the chapter devoted to thecousidcration of these dreadful complaints contains also all account of the means by which they maybe prevented aud removed, so as to lelltor8 Ihe slItIerer to the lull ellJ"yweutuf health and the functions of manhood. The work is illustrated by toe detail of caael. and by 26 coloureù ellgrAvings on steel, thus renderiug it what ils pame purports it to be. tlle true but silent friend to all suffering from the consequences of early error and vice,—a work which may be consulted without exposure, and with every aiisuraoceof complele succus and bene/it. BY R. and L. PERRY, CONSULTING SURGEONS, 19, Berners-street, Oxford.street, London. Published by the Authors, aud sold by Strange, :11. Pater- noster-row Hanuay and Co., 63, Oxford- street Sanger,150, Oxford-siieet; (jurdou, 146, i.eadettbittt-street, Siarie,23, ntehhorue-street. Hayinarket, London; Newton, 16 and 19, Church-street, Liverpool; Priestly, Lord-street, Liverpool; Ingram, Market-stieet, Atauchester; U, Campbell, 136, Ar- gyle-street, Glasgow R. Lindsay, 11, Elms-row, Edinbuigh Powell, tjtl, Graftou-street, Dublin; and by all Hook- sellers and Patent Medicine Venders in Town anJ Countiy. PART THI'J FlltsT of this work IS dedicated to tbeconsi. deration ot the Anatomy and t'hysiotogyot the generative functions. It embraces a succinct account of all tile organs In mall which are engaged in the lIuporraDt funclÎun ot the reproduction of the species, and the mode in wnichiittf-duuse operates tit the injury of the human frame, and the destruc- tion ot tbe 8peeial alld vilal powers. Tliis IS illustrated by six coloured engravings. PART THE SHCusD treats of the infirmities and dccay of he system produced by over indulgence of he passions. The existence of nervous and sexual debility and incapacity, with their accompanying train of symptoms aud disorders, are treated by the chain of connecting result. iu nis cause. I Ins section is illustrated by three coloured engruviog.-t, which fully display the effe cts of physical decay. PART THE I lllltn con-tains an accurate desrription of the diseases caused by infectiou, and by the abuse of mercury primary and seconoary symptoms, eruptions of the skin, sore throat, tnflammallon of the eyes, disease of the bones, gonor- rhoea, gleet, stricture, &c.. are sliown to depend on this cause. Advice for the treatment of all tIIese diseases autl Iheir cnu- sequences is tendered iu this SCCllun, w/lich, if duly followed up, canuot fail in effecting a cure. The. Pa.t is i llustrateU by seventeen coloured engravings. PART THE FOURTH coununs a RelDedy fpr the Preven- tion of Disease by a simple application, by which the danger of infection is obviated. Its action is simple but suie. If acts with the virus chemically, and destioys its power 011 the system. This important part of the Work should not escape the reader's notice.. PART THE FIfTH treats of Marriage, its obligations and disqualiifcation*. The causes which lead to happiness in the marriage state are dwelt upon. and those which are indi- cative ot misery and domestic inquietude. The na)ute,or)g)n, and treahuellt of physical disqualiifcations are also described, andtemedtes for this state torm an nuportantconstderanon in this section of t'.ie work. The COItOl.VL BAl.M OF SYRlACUM is employed to renovate the impaired powers of life, when exhausted by the inlluence exerted by solitary indulgence on the system. hs action is purely balsamic; its power in reiuvigoraung the frame ill all cases of netvous and sexual debility, obstinate fleets impotency, barrenness, and debilities arising f-. venereal excesses, has been demonstrated by its unvarying success in thousands of cases. To those persons who are pre- vented entering the married state by the consequences of early errors,it is invaluable. Constitutions Relaxed, weak or decayed, I rcmbling of the Hands, Hcad.ache, Paintings, and remale Co.plaints, are undents immediate influence and when the system has re- ceived a shock, aud is debilitated from imprudence and inat- tention iu the early part of life, or is sinking under the ad- vance of years, or by long residence in hot or cold climates this IUcdiciu" will afford immediate assurance of returning Strength, by giving toue to the muscular system and orgaus of digestion. All cases of Local and General Debility, Nervous Irrita- uility, and Excitement, Consumption, Indigestion of the most fearful and exhausting kind, intense Melancholy. Depression of the Spirits, Partial or Complete Extinction of the Repro- ductive Powers,and Non-retenttonof Unne, areyellllanently cured by the Cordial Balm of hyriacuiu and patients restored to the full enjoyment of health and functions of manhood. u HE IIOMIH OR four quantities II» «ne for 3SS. The CONCEN TRATED D E TERS' V E ESSENCE, an anti svnhilitic remedy, for purifying the system from venereal con'"auHi'ation^ and is recommended f„r any „f tUl! v„ied forms of secondary symptom*, such as eruptions of the skin, hloi<'he« on the head aud face, enlargement of the throat, tonsils and uvula; threatened destruction of the nose,palate. tc. lis action is purely detersive, and ,iS beneficial influence "A" t»»», CuuiUras Br.'piioM. »"> P" *» I'lpa- cutaneous BI K p^jce j ,s< antl JJs el boltle n °i;i cases of Syriacum or Concentrated Detersive Ks- «.« he had ai 19, Beruers-street, Oxfoid-street, sencecanonly be h-d^ „vi £ and the pa- Loud on l *rec4!|ve advice without-a fee, which advau- tieut is e 11'! u v Q. J y tot hose who remit £ 5 for a packet. taKPORI*VSPIiCl constitute «• t .n.dv in all cases of gonorrhea, gleet, stricture an effectual reined/.n Price 9d., 4s. 6d. and diseases ot the «»" J ° and lis. per box. |ettcr, £ 1.—Patients arc requested Consultation 'uos4.*ble in tbe description of their cases, tobe as minute as po. ioQ .„ Socle|y> stating ^g*,CC^eIll a'uendauce daily at 19, Berners-street, Sundaysfromll to Uobt.r;ai Chemist, Conway; John Brown, Chronicle-office, Bangor; Robert Griffith, Chemist, ?. T Ptrnxrvou; William Edwards, Chemist, l»en. High-sire.. '1J heg> chemist, Holyhead; John Bealer A'. «t HiJh-street Wrexham; E, Ward, Chemist, High- ?'Cl? li™ l"tihp Price, Po'st-ollice. Bridgend, Walter Thomas, Chemist (opposite Angel) Me.thyr; J W. White, Chemist, Guildhall-sqtare, Carmarthen; W-W ilLams, Che- Hwh-street, Cardigan; O. h. Daviex, Chemist, Haver- fordwest- Joseph Potter, Herald-office, Haverfordwest; K. C Treweeks, Chemist, Pembroke I nomas Kvaus,Chemist, HiTh street, Swansea; John Moore, Chemist, Hroad-sneet. Newtown• Thomas Stephens, Chemist, lligh-.ireet, .Vie ihyr Tvdvil: Ferris and Score, Druggists, Union-street, Bristol; John Watton. Chronicle-otiice.Shre-vsbury James CkMlcoit, Bookseller, Broad-street. LeolDlIIBter; Uraper. Chemist, Broad-street,Hereford T.Farror, Beacon-office Monmouth; E. V Jenkins, Commercial street, Newport; Phillips, Che* mist, High-street,Newport; and at the CARDIFF & « GUAaDiAN-Office, Cardiff, of .11 of whom way be had (lit "SLLENT FRIBNO,









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