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I THE CARDIFF AND BRISTOL t ateant pacftft*, prince OF IVA LES, MATTHEW JONES, COMMANDER; STAR, JAMES CLEMENTS, COMMANDER ARE intended to Sail during the Month of JULY as followj (from the BUTE SHIP DOCK) **u?Ce °f Wales—.MouUjivs, Star—MOIUUJS, Wednesday], Weda«9a*js, and Fridays. and Friday*. ar fueijujs, Thursday, Prince of Wales—Tuesdays, and Saturday'1. Thursdays, and Saturdays. From CARDIFF. From liKIS I'OL. JULY, 1819. jULY, 1849. • Saturday. 0 after 41, Saturday 6i morn MQnday 6[ mora 23. Monday. 8 raora » rucsd^y 7 morn 21, Tuesday. 8J mora 2fi ^0(*ueidaj" 7i mora 25, Wednesday 9^ mora '• Thursday morn 26. Thursday yj mora Friday 8$moru 27, Friday 10} morn ■ Saturday 9} morn 28, Saturday uj morn Monday 12 nooa 30, Monday o after '"• Tuesday If after 31, Tuesday 3 after AUGUST, 1811). AUGUST, 1849. '.Wednesday 2 after' 1, Wednesday 4 after Thursday :j after 2, Thursday 44 after 4 JriUay 3i »"er 3, Friday 5J after "turday 4^ after | 4, Saturday 5| morn arfiage8 and Horses to be alongside one hour previous to the time of sailing. EDUCED FARES: -After Cabin, 4s.; Fore Cabin, 2s.: Children under Twelve years of age, Half-price. Refreshments may be had on board oil moderate terms. Four-wheel Carriages, 23s. Four-whtel Phxeton, drawn > two horses, 17s -f One-horse Phaeton or Gig, lis. 6d.; wo-wheel, drawn by one horse and driver, 17s. 6<l.; °rse and Rider, After Cabin, 10s. 6d. Kore Cabin, 9s. •jtle, 6s. j Horses, 7s. 6J. each; Sheep, I'igs, Dogs, and a|ves, Is. each.— These Fares include every expense. pipping and Landing Live Stock at risk of their owners. Not Accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes. at K1s wi" l,c fr,lra the Warehouses to the Packets A/8 e*Pen9e of ('>e Companies. tr. ertflyr, Neuxf.ndge, Akrdare, Cambridge. Bridgend, Llan- '«*'it,and Caerphilly —Goods forwarded to these IMaces in (jjVr,QB Waggoi>«, llaiiwavt and l.ock-up CaJial Uoats imine- an 6 °n ,,n'es4 ordered by any particular couvey- >yCe» 'U winch case they will he deposited in the Steam Packet arehouse till called for, at risk and expense of Consignee. relgllt to be pdid on d.>liver,y. J Goods, Packages, Parcels,ic., forwarded to all parts of the p'ngdom without delav, when sent to either of the Steaui *P Offices in Cardiff or Bristol. rurtiur information M to Freight, &c will he readily oh- >ued hy applying to the Agents—A. HINGSTON, at the \->r\ Buto Cardiil or to R. T. Turner. No. *» <Juay-»treet, Bristol, for the PKINCK OK W 1U5S acket i and of W. it. HARVEY, at the Packet Office, Bute Dock", Cardiff i or to W. B. OWF.N, Clure.street flail, Mar h. Si'fu Brlltol, and at 29, Avon Orescent, llotwells, for the 1 Packet. Goods received for the PRJVCU OF WALKS, 12, Quaj- th!fe«'r,I1^ ^-baplin, Cumberland Basin.—Goods taken for #t 'he Bull Wharf, Medcliffe-street, and CJare- ttreet Hall. Marsh street. JULY, 1849. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN GLOUCESTER a MiD CARDIFF CALLING AT LYDNEY AND OLD PASSAGE. The Fast-sailing Iron Steam-Vessel, "CLARA," WM. JACKSON, COMMANDER, IS intended to Sail with Passengers and Goods, as follows, during JULY, 1849 :— July. Gio'ster to Cardiff. July. Cardiff to Glos'ter. Wedaeaddy after 2 0 3, Tuesday morn 2 0 «. Saturday ditto 4 0 6. Friday ditto 4 0 l. Wednesday mora.. 7 0 10, Tuesday ditto ..CO Saturday even 8 30 13, Friday ditto S 30 *»• Wednesday after 130 17, Tuesday ditto 1 0 Saturday ditto 4 0 20, Friday ditto 3 30 •j. Wednesday even 6 0 24. Tuesday ditto 6 30 Saturday ditto 8 0 27, Friday ditto 8 30 31, Tuesday ditto 1:1 30 r. FARES. 0 ster to Cardiff—best cabin. 5i. 2nd cabin.. 9s.0d. „ Lydney or Old Passage 3s. 2nd ditto.. 2s. Od. n .» Sharpness 2s. 2nd ditto Is. Gd. ardiff to Glo'ster—best cabia 5s. 2nd ditto ..3s Od, Lyduey or Old Passage 5s. 2nd ditto 3s. Od! 1 Four-wheel carriage, 25s.; phaeton or gig. 12s. 6J. cattle. •• horses, 12s.; sheep, pigs, calves, and dogs, Is. each. Carriages, horses, cattle, and goods Will be "Subject t$ a°ding and wharfage-dues at Bute Docks. Refreshments may be had on board at mpderate charges. please to consign goods as follows London, H. Southan, «08e Ion yardf West Sniithfield.-Birmingham, Leeds, LeIcester, Nottingham, and Sheffield Midland Railway COtnpany, to H. Southan.-Stanbrdshire Iron Works: IS vf* » Staffordshire Potteries: to care of H. °uthan, Gloucester.—Gloucester, Cardiff, Swansea, and Wport: H. Southan.—Liverpool and Manchester: orth Western Railway Company, to H. Southan.— orcester: per Maybury, to H. Southan. a The Proprietor gives Public Notice, that he will be accountable for any luggage, or other articles or goods whatever, above lite value of forty shillings, unless e same are so declared and insurance paid thereon ac- oratng to value. For further particulars apply to the Proprietor, H. S<w,JHAN' ^oc't8» Gloucester, Newport, Cardiff, or Goods must be delivered at the Warehouses of II. S. ,ne "°ur before the time of sailing, to ensure their beinir forwarded. TRENT'S IMPROVED WATCHES & CLOCKS.— E. J. I)ENT, Watch and Clockmakar, by distinct PPointment to the Queen, his Royal Highness Prince .Albert, and his Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia, f. respectfully solicits from the Public an inspection 1 his extensive STOCK of WATCHES and CLOCKS, racing all the late modern improvements, at the charges. Ladies' Gold Watches, with tlpm 1. j?welled "» lour holes, eight guineas; Gen- g:. en with enamelled dial, ten guineas; Youths' and6r 'atc'le8> ^our guineas. Warranted substantial accurate-going Lever Watches,jewelled in four holes, sir ^ulQeas, J* DENT, 82, Strand; 33, Cockspur- ee » and 34, Royal Exchange (Clock»tower Area). INFERTILITy.-All that is created is intended to fillfil the Divine Cammand—(ncreato and Multiply -therefore a branchless tree or barren piece of land strikes a dull 0-a the imagination-; but how phasing to the sight is a flower in full bloom or a'tree in blossom! -its healthful out- spreading branches giving promiae oi the future perpetuation th 'f^cie. Thus it is with man we visit the cottage of and peasant and see liiot surrounded with his blooming a healthful progeny, although he may be poor in the gifts nan, yet Heaven has bestowed her choicest blessings on hUll, and he is not unfrequeutly the eovy of thje noble lord -boowot the maoor; he would willingly give half of his eI- tate to become the father of a son, to inherit his name and Property. But, al..s! he is deterred from entering tl»e holy state of Matrimony by the unhappy consciousness that the tn- discretion of his youth has deprived him of the power of ful- tilhng italacred obligations; and how much unhappiness is dally witnessed in the marriage state, from the same cause, Qere no offspring has blessed the nuptial cotich-mutual frequently ensues, ending in coldness and restraint. aPP'ly for those thus situated the means of exchanging « oomy fears for bright anticipations will be found iu the fagea of a small work entitled the "FAITHFUL MONITOR;" Treatise on the exhaustion and physical decay of the sys- produced by excessive indulgence, the consequences of lnfection, or the abuse of mercury, with observations on the parried state, and the disqualiifcations which prevent it, by B. LLOYD, 2i, STOKE'S CiiOFT, BKISTOL, Con- sulting Surgeon, author of ■' Hope for Nervous Invalids," 'Faithful MonitorFriendly Voice," Stc., &c., Published by "e Author, and Sold in London by Hannay, & Co., 63, Oxford- ••'eet Mi. Heath, Broad-atreet,Bristol Mr. Cross, Chemist, elsom-street, Bath; Herald Office, I'auiUou j Needham, Gloucester; Phillips, High-street, Newport; Thomas, High- street, Cardiff; and by all booksellers throughout the king- aom.— Price, ONE SHILLING; or Free by Post for ONE SHILLING AND SIXPENCE. This Work contains an accurate and complete account of j and Physiology of the Reproductive Organs, n<t oj heir relative conditions in health and ditease. Nor are the sole contents of the work, the means of escape as ell as the nature of the danger are pointed out in clear and lntelligible laaguage. It deservedly requires the ctosestat- jentton and study, for what subject can be of more importance n the preservation of health and of the physical capabih- wes of which every man should be possessed. REVIEWS OF THE WORK. "Thisisevidentiyavery talented work, and we strongly tecomuiend the perusal of it to our readers. "-CArollicle. It is departing from our usual course to notice Works not strictly of a literary character but in making the present in- stance an exception, we are actuated from a desire of com- mending to public attention a Work, which though of a •Professional cast, deserves for its great usefulness to be ext n lively knowu.—Guardian. This is decidedly one of the best works of the kind ever «rltteji. £ ra. We strongly recommend the perusal of this excellent little 00k, which contains much valuable information, and (to those suffering from early indiscretions), it will indeed prove faithful monitor. Herald. THE CORDIAL BALM OF ANGELICA is eminently Calculated to renovate the impaired Juncuons of life, its ac- tiort is purely balsamic, its power in reinvigorating the nerv 'Dug system is unrivalled, it removes general and local debility, gives tone to the stomach, enriches and purities the blood, *ud for the cure of generative weakness will be found invalua- ble. Sold in Bottles at Its. and 33s. each. LLOYD & CO. KRADlCA nVE llliltB PILLS, Price 2s.9.1. and lis. per box, ate au anti-syphillic remedy for purifying the system fiom venereal contamination, and is J'ecowmcoded for any of the varied forms of secondary symp- toms, such a* eruptions on the skin, blotches on the head and *ace, enlargement of the throat, tonsils and uvular,; threat- ened destruction of the nose, palate, (Sec.,beiug justly calculated cleanse the blood from all fouluess, counteract every tnor- "id affection, and restore weak and emaciated constitutions to plistiae health and vigour. THE IMPERIAL COMPRESSED COFFEE. BENNETT & COMPY.'S One Pound Canister of Concentrated and Self-Clarifying MOCHA and BENNETT & COMPVVS One Pound Canister of Concentrated and Self-Clarifvinir MOCHA and f W LSI I DIA COFFEES, of the Choicest Growth. The roasting of which is effected by steam. J he superiority of this method consists in the evenness of the rotary motion imparted to the cylinder, which it is not poisible to obtain by manual labour." Notwithstanding tbecostlv and scientific modes promulgated in our day, the most perfect method of preparing the berry after all is the most si mole. The Parisian system has not yet been excelled, and upon thi" model, with a few modern improvements, our own roasting apparatus is based. Upon reference to the writings of many eminent physicians, both ancient and modem, we find them invariably recom- mending the use of Mocha Coffee in preference to the growth of any other country. 011 Tour, a writer of considerable noto- riety, in Speaking of Mocha Coffee, says, It hai>ishe< languor and anxiety gives those who drink it a pieasing sensation of- their 0*11 well being; and diluqrs tiirouzil their whole frame a vivifying delightful warmth; it is also highly favourable to the social virues, promotes cheerful conversation, sliaipens the capacity for witty repartee, smooths the wriukled brow, and is sometimes able to convert enemies into friends AtOCHA,old. rich, picked berry 15,11d. This Coffee will be found more economical, and may be made from a less quantity than is generally used of any other description. TURKEY and JAMAICA y.18- 8<1- I COSTA RICA and JAMAICA Is. 4d. fhe increasing demand for BENNkl 1 & COMPANY'S COKFEES have induced many individuals to attempt the foisting of spumous imitations on the public, which renders it necessary for purchasers to observe that none are genuine but those packages which contain the signature on each label. -Secured in lead and tin packages impervious to the sea voyage and will keep good in any climate. » Prepared and Sold by SAMUEL BENNETT & CO., Importers and Coffee Roasters, 3. High-street, Bristol. RETML AGENTS.—Weston-super-Mare, F. Corfieid, Grocer; Gloucester, Matilda Ford, Northgate-street; C >leford James lleibert, Grocer; Monmouth, Maiy I'reece, Grocer; Newport, Thomas Lewis, Salutation, Grocer; Cardiff, George Itioler, Post-office, ttutf-sneet: Cowbridge, Thotnas Lewis, Grocer; Bridgeud, John Llewellyn, Grocer; Neath, Peudrili Charles, Grocer Swansea, Griffiths and Co. Oxford-street ditto, Edith Walters, High-street Tenby, J. 1. Thomas. Grocer Pembroke, Jane Herd, Post-office Milford. Williams, Druggist; Carmarthen, John Jones, Lamas-street; Llandovel)" II. E. Jones, Grocer; Brecon, T. Bevan, Tea-dealer. RESPECTABLE AGENTS WANTED. CHOLERA. Q U Æ FUERANT V I T I A MORES SUNT. AS several persons, from motives best known to themselves, have maliciously circulated reports, that the Cambrian Specific is of an injurious character, I think it due, both to the public and myself, to meet this false and groundless statement by the following recent testimonials from highly respectable individuals, both in this town and neighbourhood, as to the efficacy of this Specific. And I, the more confidently and energetically call the attetltion of the public to its cufative powers, because up to this time it is obvious, from the fearful mortality still prevailing; that ordinary medical skill iequiteunequat to the task of meeting& combating the fearful disease now raging amongst us. In consequence of the numerous eases of cure that are daily coming to my knowledge, from the use of this Specific, in all stages of Cholera, and from its admirable properties as a preventive, I feel urged, by a regard for the health of my friends and neighbours, to direct their attention, amidst this dreadful pestilence, to a remedy that has hitherto" been found so efficacious, composed of the most balmy and invigorating substances known in the Materia Medica. It is yet so cheap, and so easily administered, as to be attainable by every class of the community; its sale has exceeded 700 Bottles per day, by the Single Bottle. July 18, 1849. D. MORGAN, CHEMIST, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. From the Rev. J. Jones, Llangollen House, Victoria-street, Merthyr. I am able to testify, that Mr. Morgan's Cambrian Specific relieved myself, as well as t-o members of my family, of vomiting, diarrhoea, aud cramps of the extremities; and moreover that I have not known this mixture, in such cases, to fail even once. JOHN JONES, Llangollen House. The testiiysgny (f Joseph Allen, Miner, Plynouih Iron Worh s June 27th, 1849. This is to certify, that E. Allen, aged 24, was aeized with vomiting and diarrhoea; and remained iu that condition, with extreme tenderness of bowels, tor 98 hours, during which time she was attended by two medical men, but had no relief. She was induced to try Mr. Morgan's Cambrian Specific; and afier taking one tea-spoonful, found imme- diate relief, and i3 now completely restored. Signed,—E. ALLEN. Witnesll,-G. E. LOJux, Temperance Agent. Your Specific is doing wonders here.—Mrs. Elizabeth Lisle, iny brother's wife, administered it to one John Ro- bert*, Founder, who had a severe attack ot purging, aud spasmodic pains, and he was relieved in twenty nunuted. Please seud me per mail, on Monday, 72 Bottles of your Cambrian Specific, and 7- Packets of your Disinieciiiig Powders, with tbe bill.—Yours truly, DAVID LISLE, Moulder, Beaufort. Beaufort Iron Works, June 30, 1849. DANIEL DA VIES, Weaver, of Caerphilly, was attacked with Cholera, and is now on Twynyrodyn. On Monday. June 2.), 1849, had two medictl attendants until Saturday Night, half-past nine o'clock, 108 hours, when John Hum- phreys, Collier, administere I Morgau's Cambrian Specific and in one and a half hoor he was entirely free from pain, and continues improving hourly. Near the Fountain Inn, Merthy-Tydfil, Saturday, July 1st, 1819, Testimony af J. Humphreys, Collier, Plymouth Iron Works, which has been witnessed by 80 of his fellow-workmen. I feel confident that I owe my preservation to Morgan's Cambrian Specific. For particulars of the worst 'case in Merthyr, call at my house near the Fountain Inn, Tramroad. June 20th, 1849. JOHN HUMPHREYS, Collier. JOHN COLE, Haulier, Pwll-y-Dyffryn, had a severe attack of Cholera the Agent gave him his Medicine, in spite of which he grew worse and worse, and was leaving the work as he was growing weaker every minute, t ottered him a dose of Morgan's Specific, which relieved him in ten minutes. He continued in the work, and is quite well. June 26. 1849. Signed,-JOHN HUMPHREYS. The Testimony of Stephen Williams, Miner, Cyfarthfa Iron Works. My daughter, aged six years and six months, was attacked with vomiting, purging, and cramp, on the morning of Saturday, July 7th, two hours after 1 had left the house for my work. When I returned at 9 o'clock that night, I was told my child was ill, but when I came in sight of her, she was so much changed in countenance that I could not say I had ever seen her before. There was not a feature I could recognise. She had had medical attendance previous to my return home, but it had no effect. I called fur a buttle of the Cambrian Specific, and was directed to give two tea- spoonsful every ten minutes, for one hour; and afterwards the same quantity every twenty minutes, for another hour. In two hours after commencing taking the medicine, she had resumed her natural colour, her eyes began to appear, and the cramp and purging had ceased. Until 9 o'clock the fol- lowing morning, tshe had slight vomiting, when 1 called at Mr. Morgan's, who gave me a cataplasm to apply to the chest and bowels. After that, she ceased vomiting, and fell into a most comfortable sleep, which lasted twenty-four hours; but she awoke for few moments at two or three intervals, when she took a little arrow-root. 0:1 the Mon- day morning she was perfectly recovered in strength and appearance. Signed—STEPHEN WILLIAMS, Miner, Cae-pant-tywyll, July 13, 1849. Witness—DAVID FOULKES, Glebeland. DANIEL JONES, Lower Shop. The Cambrian Specific is kept ready packed in sealed Boxes of 12 Is. Bottles for jE3, with full directions. Sent to any part of the world, by enclosing a bauk post-bill at 7 days sight, payable at Messrs. Wilkins and Co., Bankers, Merthyr Tydfil. TRY ERE YOU DESPAIR. .si ). ii. f\l HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. CURE OF ASTHMA. Extract of a Letter from Mr Benjamin Mackie, a respectable Quaker, dated Creenagh, near Loughall, Irelandt September 1 Ith, 1848. To Professor H0l.l.0«'tY, Respected Friend,—Thy excellent Pills have effectually cured me of an Asthma, which afflicted me for three years to such an extent that I was obliged to walk my room at night for air, afraid of being suffocated if I went to bed by cough and phlegm. Besides taking the Pills, I rubbed plenty of thy Ointment into my chest night and morning. (Signed) BENJAMIN MACKIE. CURE OF TYPHUS FEVER, WIIEV SUPPOSED TO BE AT THE POINT OF DEATH. A respectable female in the neighbourhood of Loughall was attacked with Typhus Fever, and lay for five days without having tasted any description of food. She was given over by the surgeon, and preparations were made for her demise. Mr. Benjamin Mackie, the Quaker, whose case is referred to above, heard of the circumstance, aud knowing the immense benefit that he himself had derived from Holloway's Pills, recommended an immediate trial, and eight were given to her, and the same number was continued night and morning for three days, aud in a vety short time she was completely cured N.D.-From advice just received, it appears that Colonel Dear, who is with his llegiment in India, the 2lst Fusilee.-s, cured himself of a very bad attack of Fever by these cele- brated Pills. There is no doubt that any Fever, however malignant, may be cured by taking, night and mornio, co- piousdotea of this fine medicine. The patient should be induced to drink plentifully of warm linseed tea or barley water. CURE OF DROPSY IN THE CHEST. Extract of a Letter fromJ. S. Slundy, KJq., dated Kennington near Oxford, December 2nd, 1848. To Professor HOLLOWAY, Sir.My Shepherd for some time was afflicted with water on the chest. When I heard of it, I immediately advised him to IfrY your Pills, which he did, and was perfectly cured, and is now as well as ever he was in his life. As I myself received so astonishing a cure last year from your l'ills and Ointment it has ever since been my most earnest endeavour to make known their excellent qualities. (Signed) J- S. MUNDY. THE EARL OP ALDBOROUGH CURED OF A LIVER AND STOMACH COMPLAINT. Extract of a Letter from his Lordship, dated Villa Messina, Leghorn, 21st February, 18*45. To Professor HOI.LOW A Y, SIR,-Various circumstances prevented ithe possibility of my thanking you before this time for your potitenress in sending me your Pills-as you did. I uow take this opportunity to sending you an order for the amount, and, al the same.time, to add that your Pills have effected a cure of a disorder in my Liver and Stomach, which all the most eminent of the Faculty at home, and all over the Continent/had not been able to effect; nay, not even the waters of Carlsbad and Marienbad. I wish to have another box and a pot of tht^ ointment, in case any of my family should ever require either. Your most obliged and obedient servant. (Signed) ALDBOROUGH. CURE OF A DEBILITATED CONSTITUTION. Mr. Mate, a Storekeeper, of Gundagai, New South Wales, had been for some time in a most delicate state of health, his constitution was so debilitated that his death was shortly looked upon by himself and friends as ceitain but as a for. lorn hope, he was induced to try Holloway's Pills, which had an immediate and surprising effect upon his system, and tVe tesult was to restore him in a few weeks to perfect health aud strength, to the surprise of all who knew him. He considered his case so extraoidinary, that he. in gratitude, seut It for pub- lication to the Sydney Morning Herald, in which paper it; appeared on the 2ud January, 1&48. A few do3es of the Pills will quickly rally the energies of body and mind, when other medicines have failed. These celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in the following complaints. Ague Female IrregularitiesSore Throats Asthma Fevers of all kinds Scrofula, or King's BiliousComplaintsFits Evil BtotchesontheSkinGont Sore Throats Bowel Complaints Head-ache Stone and Gravel Indigestion Secoudary Symptoms Constipation of ihelnflammation Tic-Douloureux Bowels Jaundice Tumours consumption Liver Complaints Ulcero Deoiiity Lumbago Venereal Affections "roPsy Piles Worms of all kinds ysentery Uheumitism Weakness fiom what- brysipelas Retention of Urine ever cause, &c., &c. bold at the Establishment of Professor HOLLOW AY, 244, Strand (near Temple Bitr). London,and by most all respectable Druggists, and Dealers in .Medicine" throughout the civilized world, at the following prices — Is. 14d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. Ils.,2is.,and 33s. each Box. There is a.ceositterable saving by taking tbe larger sizes. S.B. Directions for the guidance of Patients in every dis- d er are amxed to each Box. LAVER TON AND CO., II CABINET-MAKERS, PLATE-GLASS FACTORS, UP- HOLSTERERS, OEO & VIA TV It ESS MANUFACTURERS, CAItPBT & GENERAL F.UHNlSHING WAREHOUSE- MEN, 36 and 37, MWtYLEPORT-STKEET, Bristol. PARTIES FUitNTISHING or requiring any de- scription of Cabinet Furniture, Bedding, Reds, Mat- tresses, Toilet or Chimney Glasses, Carpets, &c., and who may not be aware of the many advantages offered by L\VERTON & CO., should inspect their magnificent Stock, which, for extent, variety, and cheapness, is not surpassed out of London every article will be warranted and well made, of the best seasoned materials. The most modern style in Rosewood and Mahogany Furniture suitable for the nobleman's mansion, the gentleman's villa, the merchant's or tradesman's residence, the cottage, &c. For X131 16s. 2d. an EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE FUR- NISHED, in a neat and respectable style, BY LAVEKTON & CO., Cabinet Manufacturers,and General Furnishing Warehousemen, 36 4- 37, Mary-le- Port-street, Bristol. KITCHEN. C s. d. d Large 2-flap Deal Table 0 18 6 Six strong Chairs 0 18 0 Large Clothes Horse 0 7 6 2 4 0 HALL. Say 6 Yards 4-4 Floor-Cloth 0 16 6 Cocoa Mat •• •• ..05 0 116 BltEAKFAST ROOM. Super Kidderminster Carpet, including making, say .1 I yards by 4 yards 3 0 0 Hearth-Hug to match 0 12 0 Mahogany Breakfast Table 1 10 0 Six imitation MahoganyCane .seatChairs. I 1 0 6 3 0 DINING-ltOOM. Say 40 Yards Brussels Carpet, including making 7 6 8 Heaith-Rug to match I 1 0 Damask or Moreen Window-Curtains, with fringed drapery aud polished Ma- hogany pole complete 3 10 0 Mahogany Teleseope Table to dine Eight 5 0 0 Six Mahogany Chairs, with best hair cloth and stuffed with best hair 5 8 0 ifahogany Sofa, hair seating, and stuffed with best hair 7 10 0 5 Feet 6 Mahogany Sideboard 5 0 0 34 15 8 DltA WING-ROOM. 36 Yards Brussels Carpet, including making 6 15 0 Handsome Hearth-Rug to match ..150 Rosewood Loo Table •• •• 510 0 Handsome Rosewood Couch, stuffed with best hair, covered in damask 6 6 0 Six Rosewood Chairs to match .660 Ilosewood Chitfonniere 5 10 0 Rich Damask Window-Curtain, with bullion fringe, bands, tassels, and cornice complete .440 Gilt Chimney-Glass. > 5 5 0 41 1 0 BEST BED-ROOM. HandsomeFourpost Bedstead, with cornice rods, rings, &c., complete 4 10 0 Damask or Moreen Furniture, with fringed drapery,&C, complete 5 0 0 Mattress for ditto 110 Good Feather Bed, Bolster,and Pillows. 6 6 0 1 Pair Kussia Sheets 0 18 0 Three Blankets I 10 0 White Counterpane 0 12 6 Mahogany Washstand and Dressing Table 2 2 0 Toilet Glass 1 I 0 Four Cane-seat Chairs 0 11 6 Full-size Mahogany Chest of Drawers 2 10 0 Mahogany Commode 0 10 6 44 Bedside Carpet,complete 0 18 6 27 14 0 SECOND-BEST BED-ROOM. Full-size neat Half-Tester Bedstead, with foot-board, cornice-rods, rings, &c.220 White Dimity Furniture, tAtde neat and good tj0 0 Matlress for ditto 0 18 0 Good MHlpuff Bed, Bolster, and two Feather Pillows 2 12 6 1 Pair Russia Sheets •• 0 12 0 Three Blankets ».160 White Counterpane .086 Painted Washstand and T..bte 0 18 6 Full-size Chest ot Drawers. 1 12 0 ThreeChairs 076 Dressing Glass 0 10 0 Towel-Horse 0 8 0 4-4 Bedside Carpet, complete 0 16 6 13 16 6 SERVANTS' BED-ROOM. Full-size Tent Bedstead 0 14 6 Millpnff Bed, Bolster, and Pillows 1 0 0 I Pair Sheets # 0 5 0 Three Blankets 0 18 0 Coloured Counterpane 0 5 0 Waslistand 0 5 6 Chest of Drawers 1 5 0 Two Chairs 0 5 0 One Glass 0 2 6 5 0 6 £ 131 16 2 The above-named Articles will be warranted well made and of good seasoned materials; and for Furniture of a more • superior class or cheaper description, see I.. & Co,'s II Fur. I nishing Guide, delivered post-free, on enclosing Four Penny Postage-stamps. LAVERTON & CO., WHOLESALE CABINET MANUFACTURERS, Upholsterers, and Plate-Glass Factors, 36 and 37 Marv-k-Port-.treet, Bristol- 24, BRIDGE-STREET, BRISTOL. NATIONAL PROVINCIAL PERMANENT INVESTMENT COMPANY. THE DIRECTORS of this Company, the objects of .L which are, the making advances to the Shareholders for the purchase of property, or the paying off mortgages, and providing a secure mode for the investment of money at 6 per cent. compound interest, are ready to receive ap- plications from persons desirous of becoming their dis- trict surveyors, or agents. A copy of the Rules will be forwarded on receipt of 16 postage stamps. For particulars apply to EDWARD GREVILE, Manager. jl I HENRY LEONARD INVITES Parties Furnishing to his New STOCK of Elegant DRAWING-ROOM, QINING-ROOM, and LIBRARY FENDERS, in Bronze and Steel. Highly Polished FIRE IRONS, en suite. FRENCH CORNICES, Richly Gilt, New Patterns, Just Imported, from 10s. each. GILT CORNICK POLES, with End Ornaments, Rings, Brackets, and Snaps for Curtains, 10s. 6d. each. BATHS (of every killd)-Shower, 9s. Cd. Sitting, 14s.; Hip, 19s.; Sponging, 8s. 6d.; and Children's, 15s. 6d. METALLIC BEDSTEADS, and the Patent Rhea- cline, or Spring Mattrass, superior to the Water Bed SUITS OF KITCHEN & CULINARY UTENSILS: SmaHSet .63 1 2 Middling Set 4 14 5 Large Set 6 10 9 Roasting Jack Screen, 4s. BALANCE IVORY TABLE KNIVES, Us. per dozen. DESSERT, 10s. per dczen. CARVERS, 3s. 6d. per pair. BRONZE Swing TEA-KETTLE & STAND, 14s. 6d. TEA-URN, 2 Guine.s. BERLIN JET BEDROOM FENDERS, 3s. FIRE-IRONS, 2s. 6d. get. IBONMONGERY AND CUTLERY STORES, 22, HIGH-STREET, BRISTOL. VALUABLE FAMILY MEDICINE. HUNT'S APERIENT FAMILY PILLS; A MOST excellent Mediciue for lilious Complaints Disorders of the Liver, Stomich, and Bowels! Habitual Costiveness, Indigestion, Heatbiun, Pains and Giddiness of the Head, Influenza, Worm!, Spasms, Nervous ansi Dropsical Coinpliitits. or upwards of FORTY-FIVE YEARS have these Pills obtained the unqualified approbation of ite public in general aufong whom may be included families of distinction and' medical IIkn. Their composition is so 'ruly exeellent, and their beneficial effects have been so widey experienced' that the Proprietors feel the greatest confidents in recommending them as one of the MILDEST and MOST KFFICIENT APUKIBNT FAMILY MEDICINES Her offered to the public. These Pills require no confinement nor alteration of diet, and are adapted to every variety of a.e aud constitution. They seldom operate uutil eight or ten hotrs after taken and then gentty. They restore the tone of the Somach, streng'then the digestive organs, cleanse the bowels of all impurities aud pipmote the due secretion of the liver and cf the kidneys, and by invigorating the system generally, beccme au invaluable restorative of bcalth to both sexes. OFFlCEltS of the AitMY and NAVY will finj these Pills all invaluable appendage to their itediciue chests as they retain their medicinal virtues in all clixutes. .LA OIKS even of the most delicate couititutions will find these Pitis particularly beneficial, both before and after their confinement; nor can they be too highly recommended for the general use of SCHOOLS. Tbey aro also an excellent preparatory in the use of medicinal waters, sea-bathing, &c. Prepared Sc sold by Messrs. Hunt (the original Proprietors), 66, Great Pulteney-street, Bath aud sold wholesale and retail by Messrs. Barclay and Son, 93, farringdou-strcet- liutler,4, Cheapside; Sutton. 10, How Churchyard Edwards' 67, St. Paul's; Newberry, 45, St. Paul's; Sanger, 150, Oxford-' street, Loudon, and by Phillips, and Vachell, Cardiff; and by all respectable medicine vendors throughout the United Kingdom. lie careful to see that the names aad address of the Pro- prietors arc engraved on the medtcine stamp around each box. as such only are genuine. Price Is. 1 per box. p A RAXITSYS^ MR. HALSE, the MEDICAL GALVANIST, of 22, Brunswick->quare, London, earnestly recommends invalids and gentlemen of the medical profession to peruse the following. It cannot but Surprise them, and will prove to them the all but miraculous powers of Galvanism, when applied in a scientific manner, ahd with an efficient apparatus. The following case is perhaps as remarkable a one as could bp selected, as shoeing the Powers of Galvanism, after every mediciue, and almost every medical practitioner in Devon- shire, had been tried in -va"ll i al)(j as the truth of it is wit- nessed by a distinguished Clergyman of the Established Church, there can, one would suppose, be no doubt in any one's mind as to its accuracy. When the patient was brought to Mr. H., his wile told hiin that she could not believe that galvanism, or anything else, could possibly restore him, for his complaint had beeu standing so loo^, and be was in such a weak state, that it would be presumptuous to expect any benefit, particularly as he had tried the most celebrated physicians in Devonshire, and still daily continued to get worse. She also stated that her friends blamed her very much for removing him from his home but she could not help it; her husband had heard of such* extraordinary cures made by Mr. H. in his complaint, that galvanised he would be in spite of everything. His medical man was quite angry with huu for thinking of such a thing and when bis friends were carrying him from his house to the carriage, every one appeared to be convinced that they should never see him aiive any more. But, not withstanding all the ditncultics he had to contend with, he was determined, and insisted upon being galvanised.^ I he following lette, which was sent to ( the Editor of the txeter b lyin<, wiI| „rove the result:— OUGH T NO T GALVANISM J'Q yiOllE GENEK, v LLY Rh SO id ED ro ?-A Letter to the Editor of the Flying Post, by one who has derived immense benefit from tire power of the Galvanic Apparatus. Mr. EDITOR,—" A few weeks since I noticed a paragraph by you, stating that Galvauisui ought to be more generally employed. I beg ;o state that I am precisely of the same opinion, for 1 have witnessed its 4atonisliing effects in a num- ber of cases, and its power has been tried practically on my- self, with the happiest results. III that paragraph I was most happy to find favourable meution of Mr. Halse's name. All that you have said of him, and even more, is his due; indeed, as for myself, I have cause to bless the day that I first placed myself under his care. Now, sir, my case was a most deplorable one, for I had not the least use of either arm or leg-they hung about me like as if they did not be- long to me, and the strength of my legs was insufficient to support the weight of my body of course I could not stand, and if you had offered me a thousand guineas to move either hand but an inch from the place where it might have been placed, 1 could not have doue it not the least-command had I over my limbs. My complaint was caused by a blow in the back. Well, as before stated, I placed myself under Mr. Halse's galvanic treatment. 1 had been led to believe that it was a dreadful operation to go through; hut I was agteeably surprised that there was no unpleasantness at all about it, not even enough to make a child cry,so beautifully does .\1r. liaise manage his battery. In three days, sir, I could stand upon my legs, and 111 one week I could wallt allotlt the honse; at the same time, I at.o partially itsCovered the use of my arms; and in six weeks I could walk several miles in a day, without the least assistance. Well might you ask, oilglit not Gal- vanism to be much resorted toil After what I have seen and experienced, I do consider it a shame that a portion of the medical profes,ion should decline to recommend their patients to try the poweis of galvanism. Perhaps I need not state, that I had had the advice of the most celebrated physicians in this country but all the medicioes which were tried did me little or no good. 1 believe Mr. Ha;se was as much surprised as myself and friend, when, at the expiration of a week, he saw that I could walk, for he did not lead me to Oelieve that there would be such a rapid improvement. 1 will stan,U)at invalids ate very much to blame if they do not give Galvanism a trial, for if it does no good, it is impossib:e it can do any harm but there is every probability of its doing good, for during the time I ",at under Mr. Halse's care, 1 no- ticed its happy effects in a variety of cases, particularly sciatica, rheumatism, asthma, and nervousness; indeed, ail his patients were rapidly regaining their health. I only re- gret that I had not applied to him earlier I should have been many scores of pouudS In pocket had I done so. GEORGE E. HIGNELL. "New London Inn, Dotlbrooke, K-iugsbridge." •' Witness to the truth of the above—C. G.Owen, Rector of Dodbtooke, near Kingsbridge, Devon." Mr. liaise recommends paralytic patients residing in the country to purchase oue of hi3 eu Guinea Portable Appaia- tuses as, with his mstiuctions, they will be enabled to apply the Galvanism themselves, without the least pa>u, and fully all effective as he could at his own residence.—$35— invalids are solicited to send to Mr. W. H. HALSE, of 22, Brunswick-. } square, London, for his pamphlet on "MEDICAL G.il<- VA.\lt>M," which will be forwarded free on receipt of two postage stamps. They will be astonished at its contents, In it will be found the particulars of cures in cases of asthma, rheumatism, sciatica, tic-doloreux, paralysis, spinal com- plaints, headache, deficiency of nervous energy, liver com- plaints, general debility, indigestion, stiff joints, all sorts of nervous disorders, &c. Mr. Halse's method of applying the Galvanic Fluid is quite tree from all unpleasaut sensation j in fact, it is rattier pleasurable than otherwise, and many la- dies are exceedingly fond of tl. It quickly causes the patients to do without medicine. Terms, One Guinea per week. The above pamphlet contains his letters on Medical Galvanism, IMPORTANT TO LADIES. KEARSLEY'S ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S j. FEMALE PILLS, so long and justly celebrated for their peculiar virtues, are strongly recommended to the notice of every lady as a safe and valuable Medicine in effec- tually removing obstructions, and relieving all other incon- veniences to which the female frame is liable, especially those which at an early period of life, frequently arise from want of exercise and general debility of the system: they create an appetite, correct indigestion, remove giddiness and nervous headache, pains in the stomach, shortness of breath, and palpitation of the heart: being perfectly innocent, they may be used with safety in all seasons and climates. It is necessary to inform the pub'ic that KEARSLEY'S is the only ORIGINAL and GENUINE M EDICINE of this desrription ever made. Purchasers are particularly requested to remark, that as a testimony of authenticity, the name "C. KEAHSLEY." is engraved on the Government Stamp, and each box is wrapped in white paper. Sold, in Boxes 2s. 9d. each, Wholesale and Retail, by J. SANGE 150, Oxford-street, London; and by the following Agents: for Cardiff, Messrs. Griffith Phillips; William tuke Evans; Morgan rhomas; C. McCarthy; and N. Bradley. -For Cowbridge; Mr. Lister and Mr. Morgan Thomas- For Newbridge; Mr. C. Basgett.-For Merthyr; Messrs. T. Stephens; Walter Thomas; and David Lewis, for Dowlais,- I For Newport; Messrs. Abraham Clements; E. V. Jenkirs; E. J. Phillips; John Phillips and Garrett, Brothers; and of all respectable Medicine Vendors throughout the kingdom. Messrs. R. & L. PERRY & Co.beg to inform their patients and parties desirous of consulting them, that in consequence of repeated solications they find it impracticable to adhere to the Public Notice which they recently gave of not visiting the Provinces; but that patients may not on future occasions be deceived by parties illegally using their name, they beg to state that uo announcement of any intended visits will be genuine unless aigued by a fac simile of their hand-writing, to imitate which is felony. L/LMaCOZrC/u Due Notice of Mr. R. Perry's Residence will be given on his Jlrrival in each Town. TWENTY-FIFTH^EDITION, Illustrated with 26 Anatomical Coloured Engravings on Steel On Physical Disqualifications, Generative Incapacity, and Impediments to Marriage, THE SILENT FRIEND, A New Edition, enlarged to 196 pages, price ?-. 6d. In order to ensure secrecy and punctuality in delivery the Work will be sent direct from the Establishment, free to'any part of the Kingdom, in a sealed envelope, on the receipt of ds, bd. in postage stamps. rpHE SILENT FRIEND is a Medical Work, _I_ written in language devoid of professional technicalities on-ihe physical disqualiifcations affecting the generative system in-b-itli sexes. It contains an elaborate and carefullv written account of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Organs in Man which are directly and indirectly concerned in the func- tic^n of generation (illustrated by coloured engravings), and the Causes and Consequences resulting from the baneful praMice by which the vigour and 111 mliness of Life are ener- vated and destroyed, even before nature has fully established the powers and stamina of the constitution. Local and gene- ral debility, nervous irritability and excitement, consumption indigestion of the most fearful and exhausting kind intense melancholy and depression of the spirits, and partial'or com- pltte extinction of the reproductive powers, &c., are thus produced. In the SILENT FKIEND, the chapter devoted to thfc consideration of these dre idful complaints contains also anjaccount of the means by which they may be prevented and refcoyed, so as to lestore the sufferer to the full enj >yment of health and the functions of manhood. jibe work is illustrated by the detail of cases, and by 26 coloured engravings on steel, thus rendering it what its name purports it to be, the true but silent friend to at) sutfering from the consequences of early error and vice,-a work which may be, consulted without exposure, and with every assurance of complete success and benefit. BY R. and L. PERRY, CONSULTING SURGEONS, 19, Berners-street, Oxford-street,.London. Published by the Authors, and sold by Strange, 21, Pate r- noster-row; Hannay and Co., 63, Oxford- street Sanger,150, Oxford-street; Gordon, 148, Leadeuhall-street; Starie,23, Titchborne-street, Haymarket, London; Newton, 16 and 19, Church-street, Liverpool Rawle, Church-street, Liverpool Ingram, Market-street, Manchester; D. Campbell, 136, Ar- gyle.street, Glasgow; R. Lindsay, It. Elms-row, Edinburgh Pdwell, 10, Westmoreland-street, Dublin and by all Book- sellers an,1 Patent Medicine Venders in Town and Country. PART TH K FIRST of this work is dedicated to the consi- deration of the A natomy and Physiology of the generative functions. It embraces a succinct account of all the organs in, man which are engaged in the important function of the reproduction of the species, and the mode in which self-abuse operates to the injury of the human frame, and the destruc- tion of the special aud vital powers. Tnis is illustrated by six coloured engravings. PART THE SECOND treats of the infirmities and decay of the system produced by over indulgence of the passions. The existence of nervous and sexual debility an 1 incapacity, with their accompanying train of symptoms and disorders, are trqated by the chain of connecting results to this cause. This section is illustrated by three coloured engravings, whic'i fully display the effects of physical decay. PART THE THIRD contains an accurate description of the diseases caused by infection, and by the abuse of mercury primary and secondary symptoms, eruptions of the skin, sore throat, inlfammation of the eye, disease of the bones, gonor- rhoea, gleet, stricture, &c., are shown to depend on this cause. Advice for the trcaiinent of all these diseases and their con- sequences is tendered in this section, which, if duly followed up, canuot fail in effecting a cure. The L'arl is illustrated by seventeen coloured engravings. PART THE FOURTH contains a Prescription for the Preven- tion of Disease by a simple application, by which the danger of infection is obviated. Its action is simple but sure. It acts with the virus chemically, and desiioy-its po#eron the system. This important part of the Work should not escape the reader's notice. PART THE FIFTH treats of Marriage, its obligations and disqudhticatiom. The causes which lead to happiness in tbtLwarriage state are dwelt upon, and those which are indi- cativeof misery and domestic iuquietude. The nature,origin, Old treatment of physical disqualiifcations are also described, and remedies for this state form au important consideration it, this section of the work. The CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIiCU.M is employed to rpnovate the impaired powers of life, when exhausted by the influence exerted by solitary indulgence on the system. Its action is purely balsamic; its po>ver iu reinvigorating the frame in all cases of nervous and sexual debility, obstTnate gleets, impotency, barrenness, and debilities arising from venereal excesses, has been demonstrated by its unvarying Success in thousands of cases. To those persons who are pre" vented entering the married slate by the consequences of early errors, it is iuvaluable. Constitutions Relaxed, weak or decayed, Trembling of the Hands, Head-ache, Paintings, and Female Complaints, are under its immediate inauence and when the system ha. re- ceived a shock, and is debilitated from imprudence and inat- tention in the early part of life, or is sinking under the ad- vance of years, or by long residence in hot or cold climates, this mediciue will afford immediate assurance of returning strength, by giving tone to the muscular system and organs of digestion. All cases of Local and General Debility, Nervous Irrita- bility, and Excitement, Consumption, Indigestion of the most fearful and exhausting kind, intense Melancholy, Depression of the Spirits, Partial or Complete Extinction of the Repro- ductive Powers, and Non-retention of Urine,are permanently cured by the Cordial Balm of Syriacuin, aud patients restored to the lull enjoyment of healih and functions of manhood. Price I Is. per boitle, or four quantities in one for 33J. The CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE, an anti-syphilitic remedy, for purifyiug the system fro-u venereal contamination, and is recommended for any of the varied forms of secondary symptoms, such as eruptions of the skID, blotches on the head aud face, enlargement of thethiuat tonsils, and uvula; threatened destruction of the nose, palate, &c. Its action is purely ueter»ive, auj its bcueficial influence on the system is undeniable. Scurvy, Scorbutic Humours, Old Wounds, Ulcers, Sore Legs, Venereal Ulcers aud Sores, Glandular Sweiiiugs, Erisi- peias, Leprosy, King's Evil, Pimples, Diseases of the Skin, Cutaneous Eruptions, on any part of the body, and ail Impu- rities of the blood. Price 1 Is, and 33s. per bottle. The f5 cases of Syriacum or Concentrated Detersive Es- sence can ou'y be had at 19, Berners-street, Oxford-street, London whereby there is a saving of £ I 12"" and the pa- tient is entitled to receive advice without a fee, which advan- tage is applicable only to those who remit X5 for a packet. PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC t'iLLS commute an effectual remedy in ail cases of gonjrrfiaea, gleet, stricture, and diseases of the urinary organs. Price 2s. ad., 4s. 6d., and lis. per box. Consultation fee, if by letter, £ 1. — Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the description of their cases, stating Age, Occupation, and position in Society. Messrs. Perry are in attendance daily at 19, Bertiers-street, Oxford-street, London, from 11 to 2, aud from 5 to 6 i 011 Sundays from 11 to 1. Sold by Thomas A. Roberts, Chemist, Conway John Brown, Chronicle-oifice, Bangor; Robert Griiffth, Chemist, Higb-sireet, Carnarvon; William EJwards, Chemist, Den- bigh H. G. Hughes, Chemist, Holyhead John Beale Ciiemist, High-street, Wrexharn; E, Ward, Chemist, High- street, Brecon; Philip Price, Post-office, Bridgend Walter Thomas, Chemist (opposite Angel), Meithyr; J. W. White Chemist, Guildhall-square, Carmarthen; W. Williams, Che- mist, High-street, Cardigan; O. E. Oavies, Chemist, Haver- fordwest; Joseph Potier, Herald-office, Haverfordwest; R. C. Treweeks, Chemist, Pembroke Tuomas Evans, Chemist High-street, Swansea; John Moore, Chemist, Broad-stieet Newtown; Thomas Stephens, Chemist, lllgh-street, Merthyr Tydvil; Ferris and Score, Druggists, Union-street, Bristol -1. John Watton.Cbronictc-omce,Shrewsbury James Chillcott Bookseller, Broad-street, Leominster Draper, Chemist, Broad-street, Hereford T. Farror, Beacon-office, Monmouth E. V. Jenkins, Commercial-street, Newport; Phithps, Che- mist, High-stieet, Newport; aiul at the CAKDI KF & MERTHYR GUABDI AN-Othce, Cardiff, of all of whom may be had the SILENT FRIEND."




HIGH WATER AT CARDIFF. -----------_.---------.-------------------------..--




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