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THJI CARDIFF AND BRISTOL -Uam "ukrt. PRINCE OF WALES MATTHEW JONaS, Commander; S T A R, HENRY JsrrKRY, Commander; A RE intended to Sail during the month of MARCH A a8 follows (from the BUTE SHIP DOCK):- Prinee of FPa/es— Mondays, Star—Monday*,Wednesdays' Wednesdays,k Kridaya. and Fridays. Star~Tuesdays, Thursdays, Prineeof Wales—Tuesdays, amdSatnrdays. Thursdays,and Saturdays From CAIIDIFP. From HIUSTOL. MARCH, 1848. MAKCH, 18J8. tl, Saturday 8 morn I 11, Saturday at mom 13, Monday 9) morn 13,Monday. 12 noon 14, Tuesdar 18 i morn 14, Tuesday 1 after Wednesday 1:14 after 13, Wednesday • • 2i after II, Thursday 2 after 18, Thursday 3t after 17. Friday 2J after 17, Friday. 41 after 18, 8aturda, 31 after 18,Saturday. 5 mora 10. Monday. "1 after j 20, Monday 6i morn 31, Tuesday 5 4 morn 31, Tuesday 6 J mora ij. Wednesday 54 morn 23, Wednesday 7! morn IJ, Thursday 6 morn 23, Thursday 74 worn t4, Friday 6^ morn 24, Friday 8 morn 35, Saturday, 7 morn 25, Satltrda1. 8; morn CtrrtagMand horses to be-alongside One hour previous to the Time of Sailing. a.DVC&DSAaB8 :£ter Cabin, 4a. For? Cabin, 2s Children uuderTwelve years of age. Half-price. Refreshments may be had on board on moderate terms. Four-wheel Carriages, 33s.; Four-wheel Phaeton, drawn *JT twa horses, 17s.; One-horse Phaeton or Gig, lis. fid. T.. •wheel, drawn by one horse and driver, 17.6d. I ..ra. and Rider, After Cabin, lOa.flil.; Fore Cabin, 9* Cattle 6, Horses, 7s. 6d. each; S&eep, fin". OOe", and Calves, h. each.—These Fares include every expense. Shipping and Landing Live Stock at risk of their Owners. %• Not Accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notet Good* wiH be hauled from the Warehouses to the Packets at the expense of the Companies. Merthyr Newbridge, Aherdare, Cowbridge, Bridgend ^•lantrissent, and Caerphilly.—Goods forwarded to these placet in SpringWaunons, Railway, and Lock *up Cans I Itoais "nmediately on arrival, unless ordered by any particular Conveyance, in which case they will be deposited in the Steam Packet Wareholl" till called for, ai risk and expenteof Consignee.—Freight to be paid on delivery. Goods, Packages, Parcels, fltc.,forwarded to all parts of t. Kingdom without delay, when sent to either of the Steam Packet Offices in Cardiff or Bristol. Further information as to Freight, &c., will be readily 011. 'sined by applying to the Agents—Hiugston, Agent, at the **aeket Office, Bate Docks, Cardiff; or to K. T. TIIKNRR, 4l«nt, No. 12, Quay-street, Bristol, for the PllINCF. OF WALKS Packet; and of T. JOHN, at the Packet Office Bllt. Dqcks, Cardiff; or to W. n. OWtK. Clare-street Hall )(arab-nreet, Bristol, and at 29, Avon Crescent, Hotwells •r the STAR Packet. Goods received for the PRINCK OF WALKS, 12, Qllay- #lr#«t, and 11. Chaplin. Cumberland Basin.—Goods taken for tb. STAIt, at the Bull Wharf, Hedclilfr-street, and Clare- *tfeet Hall, Marsh-street. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CARDIFF AND GLOUCESTER, Galling at Clevedon, and Portishead (weather permitting). THE FAST-GOING IRON SCREW STEAMER A "CLARA," WILLIAM JACKSON, COMMANDER, "ill Sail ai under, with nooda and Passengers, during the month of MARCH, 18HS:- Front Cardiff. From Gloucester. "arch. n. x.; March. "• *• Thursday moming.. 3 Oi 3, Friday afternoon I 0 4, Saturday evening 5 30 7. Tuesday ml,rnillg. 4 0 8, Wednesday evening 8 30 10, Friday morning. 6 0 11, Saturday night 10 30 j 14, luesday morning.»• 9 0 Thursday morning.. 3 30 t 17, Friday noon 12 30 18, Saturday afternoon., ft 30 21. Tuesday moruing. 3 30 Wednesday eveniug 7 30 U. Friday morning 4 30 Saturday evening. 9 0 28, Tuesday morning 6 0 Thursday morning.. 1 0 31, Friday morning. 11 0 FARES— Best Cabin. Fore Cabin, ^rdiff to Cleredon or Portishead 2s. Od. h. Od. «« Gloucester 4s. 0d. 3d. Od. Refreshment* may be had on board. Passengers from Cardiff for Bristol, Bridgwater, Taun- ton, Exeter, and the West of England, will find tliie route '"<* Clevedon, theuse by Railway, the quickest and cheap- "t conveyance. For further Particulars apply to SOUTH AN & EVANS, ■Docks, Gloucester; or to CORY & Sos, their Agents, Cardiff. BRISTOL AND PORT TALBOT BRISTOL TO THE MUMBLES IN 41 HOURS. THE SPLENDID NEW IRON SCREW VESSEL, T A L B 0 T," 140 Horse Power, WILLIAM JENKINS, COMMANDER, IS appointed to Sail between the above PorttM follows, weather, &c., permitting (with liberty to tcw) From Port Talbot, From Mathurst Basin, Bristol. v H. M. H. M. fjonday. Mar. #, at 6 0 p.m. Thursday,Mar. 2. at 3 45 a.m. JJonday. „ 13. Noon Wednes., „ 8. „ 8 30 p.m. rj°nday, „ 20, „ 6 0 pm. Thursday, ,.16, „ 4 0 a.in. Monday, „$7, ,,10 0 a.m Wednes., „ 2i, ,,8 0 pm. Thursday 30, „ 2 15 a.m. This extraordinary rapid Veuel does not usually ex- ceed 41 hourI on her passage from Bristol to the Mumbles Qr from Port Talbot to Clevedon. Passengers for Swan- and adjacent places may be landed at the Mumbles, 'ree'of expense; and up passengers at Clevedon, weather Perrnitting. The Vessel is elegantly fitted up for the comfort and convenience of Passengers. PARES:—After Cabin, 7s. 6d.; Fore Cabin, 4s. Children under 12 Years of Age, Half Fare. NO PEas TO STEWARD. llerrelhments may be had on Board, at moderateehflrge8 Goods taken in at the Warehouse, Grove, Bristol, to the Packet's arrival, if required, for Aberavon, ?r'dgend, Cwm Avon, Laleston, Maesteg, Pyle, and *'bach. Coaches and Omnibuses, for the conveyance of Pnll- eiigerg pass daily for Neath, Swansea, and Bridgend, rOm Port Talbot. v.^°r further information apply to the Captainon board j r» J. King, Packet-office, Grove, Bristol; Mr. David j^kins, Packet Office, Taibach or Mr. J. P. Petherick, i'lgend and Maesteg. reights for Goods paid for on Delivery. ,^OTIC*.— The Proprietors of the above Steam Packet Notice, that they will not be accountable for any a'lIengel".Lugpge. nor will they be answerable for Goods, Packages, or Parcels, (if lost or damaged Y 6re, leakage, or otherwise), unless Booked at either *heir Offices at Bristol, or Taibach, if above the value of *.°r'y Shillings, unless entered at its full value, and car- >&• in proportion paid for the same at the time of poking. Goods consigned to order, or not taken away cfore Six o'clock in the evening of the day of Landing, "ut be Warehoused at the risk and expense of the con- j'Soees. All Goods to be considered as liens, not only Freight and charges due thereon, but also tor all pre- l°Usly unsatisfied Freight and Charges due by the C'ori- ■^jJRees to the Proprietors of the said Packet. Disputed e,ghts and Measurement, claims for lose or dainaire, c. cannot be allowed, unless a written notice of the "me be sent to the Office on the day of delivery. ^larch, 1848. ^MIGRATION TO -119. AUSTRALIA AND THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. J?REE PASSAGES to New South Wales, South j*- Australia, and the Cape of Good Hope, are granted her Majesty's Colonial Land and Emigration Com- I in first-class ships, sailing at short intervals succession during the year, from London and Ply- w0llth, to a limited number of persons, strictly of the °^g classes. The emigrants most in request are '[''cultural labourers, shepherds, and female domestic r*antg, and dairymaids. A few country mechanics, taW1 as blacksmiths, wheelwrights, carpenters, &c., are for each ship.—Uudoubtai) testimonials, both as to 4facter and ability in calling and occupation, are iudis- Ven*able. a<^v'ces» demand for labour in c°lonies was urgent, and the rate of wages consi- rahly higher than in England. On the other haud, 4(j°vi»ions were at a much lower rate. Clothing was °ut the same price as in this country. arrival in the colouies. the emigrants are received 4,1 officer of governnient, who will give them inform- n'1 38 to w'lcre "t*)' obtain work and they are liberty to engage themselves to any one will* EMPLOY them, and to make their own bargain for *x £ 68. No repayments is required of any part uf the "•e of their passage out. ^&p°r furlher information apply to Mr. J. WINCHCOMBE, •u' RY*8'de, Swansea; C. BKICKMVN, Esq., Weston- "ef- Vlare. By order of the Board, Q S. WALCOT, Secretary, Ottrnment Emigration Office, 9, Park-street| Wntmiulter, February, 19i8, BARCLAY, PERKINS, & CO.'S ¡;j ø $P [j) CD U' & (D13 W W £ 3 < £ £ ?& a a a,, SHIPPING PRICES TO THE TRADE. BORTER, per Barrel 33s. I ALE, per Barrel 3Cs. PROWN STOUT, 43s. j STRONG ALE, „ 48s. !24. per Barrel extra, if in Kilderkins. TeRMS-ii per Cent. Discount for Cash, or, with a good reference, at onfl Month. SHIPMENTS of the above are now being made every fortnight to the Ports of Cardiff and Newport, and tha S Trade can be supplied in any quantities of not less than 4 Barrels, from the Ship's side, at the above Prices, with the addition of 3s. per Barrel for Freight and Insurance from London. Orders, to ensure attention, must be accompanied by a remittance, or a good reference, in Cardiff, Newport, or Merthyr. C. F. COLMAN, Barclay, Perkins, ct Co.'s Office, Merthyr. THE ASKAJU M9t TEA. CO MP?, LONDON, PURVEYORS OF THE CELEBRATED ASAM TEA TO HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY TILE QUEEJF. • THE ASAM TEA COMPANY, on a review of the encouraging advances which their speculations have pro- gressively made, are prompted to tender their warmest acknowledgments to their increased, and ttill increasing supporters, in all parts of the United Kingdom. Difficult as it undoubtedly iq, on starting a new projeet, to remove a deeply rooted prejudice, the Company hart marked with extreme satisfaction the growing approval which the public have spontaneously evinced with reference to the peculiar leaf imported from Asam. The gratifying fact of the Asaia Tea Company having been bonoured with a Royal Appointment, as PURVEYORS TO THE QUEEN, a sufficient proof of the high estimation in which the Asam Tea is held among the exalted circles of society. Tliesecietof the astonishing success which attends the Company's speculations, is found in the fact, that the Intrinsically excellent quality of the Asam Tea, is such as infinitely surpasses that of China; which, in a short period will, without doubt, be altogether supplanted. The peculiar recommendations of the Asam leaf, are attested by the rigid acrutiny and close analysis to which this newly-discovered species of Tea has been subjected; by chymical and medical practitioners. The flavour of the leaf is agreeably piquant and aromatic, and its infusioll in cases of thirst, is cool and penetratings As a stomachic beverage, it is perfectly wholesome and refreshing, and its dilutory properties on the digestive organs reuder it an invaluable stimulaut to appetite. The Asaiii leaf has been pronounced by medical authority as "AN INFALLIBLE RESTORATIVE IN ALL NERVOUS AFFECTIONS;" and on this account the Coinpauy are daily gaining ground with the inhabitants and invalid visitors of the various watering places on the coast, who have been effectually restored, in disorders of nervous weakness and irritation, by the renovating influence of the Asaui Tea. As an ••ECONOMICAL AND FAMILY ARTICLE," the Company's Tea is unequalled ;—poMeMing, as it does, a strength of virtue which causes one pound of the Asam leaf to yield more than double the amount of the Tea imported from China. With these incontrovertible facts, the Company trust that the public will still favour them with their support, with the assurance that, at the same time, they will be equally favouring themselves. SOLE AUTHORISED AGENTS FOR WALES. CAEnirr—Mr. H. Webber, Guardian-Office, Duke-street PBUBUOKB DOCK—Mr. Joseph Green, draper HAVBRFORDWTSR—Mr. J. Greeu, Draper, Bridge-atreet SWANSEA*—Miss Arnold, Confectioner, Crosa-street MEHTHTE—M rs. Ann Williams,Confectioner, High-street TBNBT—Mr. Mason, Bookseller NBWPOKT—Mr. M. Evans, Bookseller, 35, High-Stieet NBWPOKT—Mr. M. Evans, Bookseller, 35, High-Stieet VERY FINE BLACK TEA 8s. Od. per lb. FINE GREEN 6s. Od. per lb. FINEST PICKED BLACK TEA 6s. Od. „ I SUPERFINE GREEN 7s. od. „ SUPERFINE MIXED TEA 5s. 4d. „ I These Teas can only be obtained in pound, I'.tlf-puutid, quarter-pound, and two ounce Sealed Packets, with the Company's address and arm!! on the envelope. Many are selling Spurious Imitations of the Company's Teas, but none are genuine unless having their seal and address, No. 11, "Crooked Lano, King William-street," ou them. AN AGENT WANTED IN ANY TOWN IN WALES IN WHICH THERE IS NOT ONE AT PRESENT.








