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THE CARDIFF AND BRISTOL g>team ^|||j|^ JJacIicts PRINCE OF wales MATTHEW Jones, Commander; STAR, HENRY Jeffeky, Commander; A RE intended to Sail during the month of MARCH as follows (from tlie BU I.E SHIP DOCIvj: Prillce of Walcs-" onrlays, Star — Mondays,Wednesdays, Wtulnesdays, it Pridays. and Fridays. Star—Tuesdays, Thursdays, Prince of Wltles-Tucsllays, and Saturdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays From CAU I.)IFF. From HUISTOl,. March, 1848. MARCH, 1848. 4, Saturday :q after I 4, Saturday. o morn G> Monday 5 morn ( 6, Monday 6.J morn 7. Tuesday 5-i morn 7, Tuesday 7 morn 8, Wednesday (j moru 8, Wednesday 8 morn Thursday 7 morn; !), Thursday. 8! morn Friday 7 morn 10, Friday 9 morn 11, Saturday 8 morn Ill, Saturday \J4 morn U3, Monday morn j 13, M nday 12 noon Tuesday II j mum 14, Tuesday 1 after ~}> Wednesday 1-1 after 1.), Wednesday j after Thursday 2 after 16, Thursday o! after ■*7, Friday 2[ after 17, Friday after *8, Saturday 3} after 18, Saturday 5 morn 20, Monday 4J after 20, Monday 6J morn ^1. Tuesday 5,1 morn 21, Tuesday Gj morn Wednesday 5J morn 22. Wednesday 7t morn *■>. Thuritlay C morn 23, Thursday 7,} morn '4, Friday f>| moru :24, Friday 8 morn Saturday. 7 morn 25, Saturday 8,f moTU ^Wriages and horses to be alongside One hour previous to the Time of Sailing. Educed Fares :—After Cabin, 4s. Fore Cabin, 2s Children uudcr Twelve years of ago. Half-price. R.erreshments may ba had on hoard on moderate terms. Four-wheel Carriages, 23s.; Four-wheel I'haeton, drawn V lwo horses, 17s.; One-horse Phaetm or Gig, lis. 6d.; wheel, drawn by one horse and driver, 17s. 6d.; *°rse and Rider, After Cabin, 10s. 6d.; Fore Cabin, 9s. "aUle Gs.; Horse*. 7s. 6 i. each; Sheep, Figs. Dogs, and Wives, \g- each.—These Fares include every expense. Shipping and Landing Live Stock at risk of thrir Owners. Not Accountable for any (Hoods without Shipping Notes '•oods will be hauled from the Warehouses to the Packets *l lhe expense of the Companies. Merthyr, Ne-rbridije, A benlare, Cowbridge, Bridgend p alld Caerphilly. — Goods forwanletJ to these 'aces m Spring\Vagtfons, Itail way, and Lock-up Canalf.oats ^Jlnedialfdy on arrival, nni-ss ordered by any particular ouveyauce, in which case they will be deposited in the ^eatn l'ack«t Warehouse till called for, a,, risk and expenseof 0l1s1gnee.-I<'rcight to 1>e paid 011 delivery. 1 Goods. Packages, Parcels, &c., forwarded to all parts of „ Kingdom without delay, when sent to either of the v teain I'acket OlRces i n Carditf or Bristol. t further information as to Freight, Sec., will be readily oh- ] bv applying to the Agent's—Hiiiststmi, Agent, at the aeket (Xliee, Mute Docks, Cardiff; or to IS. I'MtNiik. Kent, Jso, |2f Quay-street, IJristol, for tbe I'KlNCh Oh ALl-;s 1'acKet; ami of T. JOHN, at the Packet Office, Docks, Cardiff; or to W. K. OWEN, Clare street Hall, 1'arsh-street, Bristol, and at 29, Avon Crescent, llotwells, ( 0r the STAR Packet. ( Goods received for thf. PfllNCJK OP W ALKS, 1*2, Quay- f ,/eet, and K.Chaplin. Cumberland I'asin.—Goods taken tor c e ST A li, at the B ■■ 11 Wharf, Kedclitfe-jtreel, and Clare- -i reet Hall, Marsh-street. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN ,'I cakdiff and GL0UCESTER> t* filing at Clevedon, and Portishead (weather permitting), j. 'J'HE FAST-GOING IRON SCREW STEAMER a "CLARA," J WILLIAM JACKSON, Commander, c 'U Sail as under, with Goods and Passengers, during ° the month of March, 1848 :— From Cardiff. From Gloucester. 1 J^rch. ii. m. March. h. m. Thursday morning.. 3 0 3, triday afternoon. i 0 4, Saturday evening 5 30 7, Tuesday mornillg. 4 0 J Wednesday evening 8 30 10, Friday morning 0 0 j j I Saturday night 10 30 14, Tuesday morning. 9 0 i Thursday morning.. 3 30 17, Friday noon 1 "J 30 Saturday afternoon.r> 30 21, Tuesday morning 3 30 ;> Wednesday evening 7 30 24, Friday morning 4 30 I 30' ,^ilturday evening 9 0 28, Tuesday morning 6 0 > Thursday morniug,. 1 0 31, Friday morning. 11 0 FARES— J fi Best Cabin. Fore Cabin. J a^uff to Clevedon or Portishead 2s. Od. Is. Od. Gloucester 4s. Od. is. Od. Refreshments may oe had on board. -] t Passengers from Cardiff for Bristol, Bridgwatpr, Taun- Exeter, and the West of England, will find the route Via Clevedon, thence bv ltaihvay, the quickest and cheap- e>t conveyance. v- k°r further Particulrtrs apply to Southak & Evans, oCks, Gloucester, or Cardiff. BKlSTOL AND Hfe PORT TALBOT BRISTOL TO THE MUMBLES IN 1', HOURS. t 8 *riE SPLENDID NEW IRON SCREW VESSEL, T A L BOor," « 140 Horse Power, WILLIAM JENKINS, Commander, ? P appointed to Sail betlveen the above Ports as follows, 8 '— weather, &c., permitting (with liberty to tew) From Port Talbot. From Bathurst Basin, Bristol. J J, H. M. H. M. J onday, Mar. 6, at 6 0 p.m. Thursday, Mar. 2, at 3 4") a.m. Monday, „ 13, >( Noon Wedues., „ 8. 8 30 p.m. » onday, M 20, „ 6 0 pm. Thursday, 1 (i. 4 0 a.m. °nday, ( 10 0 a.m Wednes., 22, „ 8 0 p m. t Thursday 30, „ 2 li" a.m. a X Thig extraordinary rapid Vessel does not usually ex- «• V 6e<' hours on her passage from Bristol to the M umbles X froin Port Talbot to Clevedon. Passengers for Swan- V f a and adjacent places may be landed at the Mumbles, h of expeuse; and up passengers at Clevedon, weather Si .fitting. The Vessel is elegantly fitted up for the jV^0rnfort and convenience of Passengers. vS'^ttRs:—After Cabin, 7s. 6d. Fore Cabin, 4s. ^'dreu under 12 Years of Age, Half tare. 'II O* NO FEES TO STEWARD. r Refreshments may be had on Board, at moderate charges t 4 ^oods taken in at the Warehouse, Grove, Bristol, to F a the Packet's arrival, if required, for Aberavon, 'h'^gtnd, Cwm Avon, Laleston, Maesteg, Pyle, and I a'bach. 8e ies an<^ Omnibuses, for the conveyance of Pas- f ^gers pass daily for Neath, Swansea, and Bridgend, I,albot. jj.* or further information apply to the Captain on board j r" J. King, Packet-office, Grove, Bristol; Mr. David j^kins, Packet Oltice, Taibach; or Mr. J. P. Petherick, I ft r'dgemi and Maesteg. f « ^'eights for Goods paid for on Delivery. 1 6- 0tice. The Proprietors of the above Steam Packet I ve Notice, that they will not be accountable for any I a»sengei"s Luggage, nor will they be answerable for I »ny Goods, Packages, or Parcels, (if lost or damaged Qr lire, leakage, or otherwise), unless Booked at either < II,, 'heir Offices at Bristol, or Taibach, if above the value of j,.°r'y Shillings, unless entered at its full value, and car- ^a8e in proportion paid for the same at the time of ^°°kiiig. Goods consigned to order, or not taken away Six o'clock in the evening of the day of Landing, 8-' be Warehoused at the risk and expense of the con- All Goods to be considered all liens, not only •y.r freight and charges due thereon, but also for all pre- c H°Us'y unsatisfied Freight and Charges aUfl by the Con- ] ^'nees to the Proprietors of the said Packet. Disputed eight8 and Measurement, claims for loss or damage, j e* cannot be allowed, unless a written notice of the be sent to the Office on the day of delivery. s Alarch, 1848. 1 ^UPISS'S CONSTITUTION HORSE BALLS. ] I Sportsmen, Agriculturists, Postmasters, and all Proprietors of Horses, these Balls are particularly ]Qc°mtnended in all cases of swelled legs, cracked heels, fcSs of appetite, and vital energy for Coughs, Colds, iLeVer» or Inflammation, they are the best Medicine cai be exhibited, moreover their operation, though Hi e<^U!4'> '8 so mild that they require no alteration of and if given with a brail mash on Saturday night, i not interfere with the ensuing week's regular work. NEAT CATTLE. Uj e Constitution Balls are strongly recommended by •roanJ' highly-respectable Gentlemen (see Testimonials), yt-ows and Oxen, as a most valuable Medicine in cases fIove or Blown, Scouring on turning out to grass, or f0ri1. bad food, Gargate, Hide Bound, Loss of Appetite i a^'nS Coat, Distemper, Epidemic, or Influenza. Bui- ,0ck6 fat much faster by occasionally giving ft Ball. ^SPARED ONLY BY FRANCIS CUPISS, M.R.V.C., ut))or of the "Prize Essay on the Disease of the Liver I 1 the Horse," Diss, No) toik and sold by all respectable jedicine Venders in Town and Country, in Packets, six Is each, 3s. 6d. per packet, with a wrapper giving full V •j,.ec''0'i8 for the use of the Balls, and treatment of the lo^6 whilst taking them. Also a Pamphlet of 1 esti n *ials from many Gentlemen who have used the Balls I Various Complaints. 4 rif\ny Gentleman using the Balls may consult the Pro- Ut\|0r S'Wuitously, either personally, or by letter, post- NOT ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 'I^IIAT the Partnership lately existing between us, the 1 undersigned Benjamin Morgan and Rice Thomas, Grocers and Tea Dealers, carrying on business at the Arch Shop, Glebe Land, Merthyr Tydfil. in the County of Glamorgan, is this day dissolved by. mutual consent. Dated the 29th day of February, 1848. Witness, BENJAMIN MORGAN, H. W. WHITE. RICE THOMAS. I- AND DRAINING TILES AND PIPES may be jI obtained from BROWNE and COMPANY, Brick and Tile manufacturers, Bridgwater. Competent parties ready to furnish plans, and to advise on the best mode of draining. GLAMORGANSHIRE. A desirable FREEHOLD RESIDENCE FOR. SALE. MESSRS. MORRIS & SON have received instruc- tions to offer for SALE BY AUCTION, at the HORSE and Groom Inn, Cowuridge, on Tuesday, the 14th of MARCH, 1H48, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, in one Lot, and subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced, a very commodious and substantially erected DWELLING-HOUSE, with a spacious and productive Garden, Pigsty, and other Outbuildings thereto belonging, together with a SHOP & SITTING-ROOM immediately adjoining, most desirably situate in and near the centre of the Town of Cowbridge, in the occupation of Mrs. HOWELLS. The House, to which belongs a Pew in the Parish Church, has been erected with due regard to cemfort, is in very excellent repair, well fitted up with Cupboards and other Conveniences, and contains Four good Bed- rooms, Parlour, Kitchen, Back-Kitchen, and Pantry. There is a Pump, nearly new, with a plentiful supply of hard Water on the Premises. The Property may be viewed, and any further inform- ation obtained, on application to the AUCTIONEERS at Cowbridge. AT a MEETING of the Inhabitants of Cardiff, held in the Guildhall, convened by the Mayor for the purpose of considering the Reports of her Majesty's Commissioners on Education in Wales, and of pro- nouncing opinions thereon, C. R. VACHELL, EsQ., M.D., IN THE Chair, It was proposed by the Rev. W. Jones, seconded by the Rev. Evan Jones, aud carried with one dissentient, That in the opinion of this Meeting the Report on Education in Wales, lately presented to her Majesty's Government, exhibit a greater desire on the part of the Commissioners to make out a case for the inteiference of Government in the Education of the people, than to furnish correct inlormatiou with reference to their real condition." Proposed by the Rev. Evan Morgan, seconded by the Rev. D. It. Stephens, and supported by the Rev. Thos. Thomas, and carried with one dissentient, "That this Meeting deprecates the employment of Commissioners for investigating into the Educational state of Wales, who were all utter strangers to the Lan- guage of the People, and, in Religions opinions, opposed to the vast majority of the population. It declares that the Reports of those Commissioners are for the most part made up of information derived from partial sources, and based upon unwarrantable conclusions and isolated oc- currences and that throughout there is evinced in them an inveterate disposition to exaggerate the defects and conceal the virtues of the Welsh People. This Meeting, therefore, condemns the said Reports as unworthy of collJidence uujust in their bearings upon the inhabitants of the Principality, and calculated to mislead her Ma- jesty's Government." Proposed by the Rev. David Jones, seconded by the Rev. Lewis Powell, and carried unanimously, "That a Copy of these Resolutions be sent to Lord John Russell, signed by the Chairman on behalf of the Meeting; and that they be advertised in the 'Times,' 'Principality,' Monmouthshire Merlin,' and itid Merthyr Guardian' Newspapers." Proposed by Mr. Williams, seconded by Charles Vachell, Esq., and carried unanimously, "That the Thanks of this Meetiuij be given to the Mayor of Cardiff, for his kindness in convening this Meetiiig, and for the use of the Town-hall." Cardiff, Feb. 29th, 1848. THE PUBLIC MEETING AT THE TOWN-HALL. To the Editor of the Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian. SIR, ——— MANY of your readers are aware of a Public Meeting having been held in the Towii-hall, at Cardiff, oil Tuesday, the 29th ult., for the purpose of passing judg- ment on the Reports of the Commissioners of Inquiry into the State of Education in Wales, I attended that Meeting and in the commencement of it felt it my duty to correct a statement that was made by one of the speakers, which was, that the Minutes of Council, of 1846, embodied the whole of Sir James Graham's Bill on Education, which I positively denied. From a conscious sense of duty, I also opposed the 1st and 2nd Resolutions. After the whole of the Resolutions had been disposed of, I begged permission of the Chairman to address the Meeting for five minuter, but was positively denied. One side of the question had only been heard but so fearful that five minutes' explanation would affect the inflam mable speeches that had been made,—so fearful that a little water should he applied to these flames (for the torches had been fetched from Manchester, Pontypool, and Tredegar to light them), that it could not be tolerated. But through the medium of your valuable paper,1 shall have the privilege which I was then denied. In the first place, I am a lover of fair dealing the speakers, in general, con- demned the Commissioners that they had not dealt fairlv • but they themselves pursued the same course, and did not give the whole truth. They accused the Commissioner (Lingen) of being a Churchman, and on that account of being partial. Let any one read the Reports of the Public Schools in Carditf, and they will immediately gire the lie to that assertion. One grand argument a<'aiust Mr. Lingen was, that he applied to the Catholic Priest of Cardiff for information, and no one else would do for him • but for the speaker to make a handle of this was most unfair: Mr. Lingen did not apply to the Catholic Priest for general information, but with regard to the Irish population of the place (and who was better qualified to give it 1) see page 370 of Report. If Mr. Millea put any. thing into that information that Mr. L. dirf not ask for he could not help it. There was a great deal said about Mr. Lingeu running down Sunday-schools and Sunday- school teachers; but there was nothing said about what he stated in favour of well-conducted Sunday-schools. The meeting was led to suppose he said nothing in favour of Dissenting of Wesleyan .schools let me refer them to page 5 of the Report, and they will find he holds up as examples the Capel Mair Sunday-school, the Penygroes Sunday-school (Independents), Narbeth Sunday-sch.ioi (Baptists), Mittbrd Sunday-schools (Independent and Wesleyan), Bridgend Sunday-school (Wesleyan), and Cardiff Sunday-school ( Wesleyan). I further believe it was the design and desire of the Commissioners to give the real state of things among us, with a view to have these things removed that was ob- jectionable. We may not like to hear the truth, but inaiiy of the evils they represent are notorious, aud pre- vail to a great extent, and it is my opiniou that nothing but a good, sound, enlarged, secular, and religious educa- tion will remove these evils. It was my intention in the five minutes I asked foi, to endeavour to disabuse the mind of the Meeting of the very strong feeling that was endea- voured to be got up respecting a most amiable gentleman, Mr. Lingen (who I had the pleasure of attending during his examination of two schools in this towu), and who, I believe, was well qualified for the important office as- signed him, and to request the Meetiug, as far as possi- ble, to get a sight of the Reports themselves, and not depend on the isolated parts of them that had been pro- duced at the Meeting, that they would coolly consider are these things so 1 I was informed by a respectable Gentle- man of our Town that he had himself seen many of those degrading circumstances that had been referred to with his own eyes. I should have also stated my sorrow at the Speakers taking up so many trivial circumstances for the purpose of making impressions 011 the audience, and for taking such a one-sided view of the Reports, in not laying them fairly before the Meeting. 1 also must state, it is my conviction that it is not only the degraded state of Wales, and the Commissioners' H,eporr.s, th..tt tile de- sign of these Meetings had in view, but it is to oppose the proper authorities in endeavouring to raise the mass of the Population of England and Wales to that position in Society that they ought to be raised to, by putting them in possession of a far superior education than they have ever yet had the chance of. I am a Welshman, and 1 hope 1 shall see (if not spared on earth fiom Heaven) the People of Wales well Educated but it will not bt done (it we think with one of the Speakers ou Tuesday even- ing) that we are now come to tne top of the tree and we want no help. I have for the past 24 years done all 1 could to promote Education in this Town, and by the Grace of Uod assisting me, I will continue to do so i- ill my body with my charge lay down and cease at once to work and live." One word of caution. Beware of those men who are doiug all in their power to prevent the people from being well Educated. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, WM. PRICE. Cardiff House, Maijch 1, 1848, I TO LET, from 25th March inst., YSTRAD, a convenient FAMILY HOUSE (with or without about 25 Acres of useful Land), situ- ated half-way between CAERPHILLY and the QUAKER'S YARD. RICIID. EDWARDS, on the spot, will show the Premi- ses, and the Rev. GEO. THOMAS (Llandaff) will be happy to afford further information. CARDIFF, GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO DRAPERS. TO BE LET, and Entered upon Immediately, rpHE HOUSE and PREMISES, now in the ofcu- JL pation of Messrs. J. & W. WILLIAMS (the Propri- etors), who are retiring from Business, having carried on a rnoxt respectable trade in Linen and Woollen Drapery for the last 30 years with great success.—The Stock, to be taken to, though considerably reduced, is well assorted and in good condition.—The Premises are situate in the principal Thoroughfare or Main Street, and the concern, taken as a whole, offers a most eligible opportunity for a steady Young Man of moderate capital to establish an excellent Money-getting Trade. For Particulars apply to Messrs. J. & W. WILLIAMS, Cardiff. DLKE-STREET, CARDIFF. IMMENSE SALE OF DRAPE R Y. T. PKICE BEGS leave most respectfully to acquaint the Public that in consequence of his Premises having to undergo a complete change and most extensive alteration, he has determined (with a view to make room for an entire new assortment of Goods in accordance with his projected arrangements) to make a thorough clearance of his pre- sent Stock it is therefore NO W SELLING OFF at an Immense Sacrifice. The Stpek consists of Woollen Cloths, Moleskins, Kerseys, Corduroys, Prints and Ginghams, t)e-taice, Oregon, Cachmere, Challi, and Gala Plaid Dresses French Meriuoes, Cobuurgs, Lustres, Orleans; Chintz Furnitures, Checks, Calicoes, Sheetings, Irish Lincus; Carpets, Druggets; Hosiery, Gloves, &c. &c. &c. &c. A First-class Stock of Hats and Shawls. As this large and well-selected Stock is all to be sold off in a fortnight, under the above circumstances, it will present an excelleut opportunity to buyers, who will thus eff. ct an immense saving in their purchases. February 17th, 1848. ANOTHER BENEFIT FOR THE PUBLIC rrwns assertion is easily to he proved by one trial, that JL the advautage to those who can spend their Ueadv Money is very considerable. W. FOSTER, ALBION HOUSE, HIGH-STREET, CAUDIFF, Begs leave most respectfully to inform the Inhabitants of CARDIFF and its surrounding Neighbourhood, that in consequence of several of his fellow-tradesmen, of this Town, issuing Placards, Notices, &c. & of their Selling Off their different Sioeks of Linen and Woollen Drapery, at a great sacrifice, he is induced to give his Friends and Supporters an opportunity rarely to be met with; and therefore begs to say that he will commence on SATUR- MAY NEXT, and continue for a Fortnight, disposing of his large and valuable Stock of SILKS, SHAWLS, LINEN and WOOLLEN DLtAPERY, H \I'S, CAPS, &e. &c., at Piices that canuot fail to impress upon the Public that his Establishment is the Cheapest in Cardiff. Observe—ALBION HOUSE, No. 12, High-Stkhist. February 24th, 18IS. llandaff. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BV MR. THOMAS DA VIES, At the COLLEGE FALOr, near Llandaff, on TUESDAY, the 7tu day of March next, at Eleven o'clock In the Forenoon, in Six Lots, SIX IllCKS of prime well-liarvefted HAY, together s about 130 Tons. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Bush Inn, Merthyr-Tydvil. Msithyr, 221111 Feb., 1848. CARMARTHEN. TWO VALUABLE DRAPERY CONCERNS TO BE DISPOSED OF. MESSRS. BRADLEY, BARNARD, AND CO. HAVE received instructions from the Trustees to the Estate of Mr. JOHN MORGAN, to SELL BY TENDER, the Two valuable DRAPERY CONCERV.S carried on by him in LAMMAS-STREET and KING- STREET, CARMARTHEN. The Slocks consists of Broad Cloths, Beavers, Pilots Tweeds, Petershams, Kerseymeres, Doeskins, Gam' broons, Cords, Fustians, Moleskins, Vesting?, Cotton and Silk Velvets, Velveteens, Carnblets, Jeans, Grand- rills, Baizes, Paddings, Canvass, Coat Edgings, Twist Silk, Braids, Casbons, Silesias, and a great variety of Buttons aud Tailors' Trimmings; Woollen Plsids • Nor- wich, Paisley, and Wool Shawls; 8-8, 5-4, and 7-8 Prints; Delaines, Cashmeres, Printed Druggets, Stair Carpeting and Covering, Ginghams, Printed Handker- chiefs aud Neckerchiefs, MulII-rs, Silk Handkerchiefs Stocks, Fronts and Collars, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribands Lace, Calicoes, Irish Linens, Sheetings, Diapers, Lawns, Ducks, Dowlases, Hollands, Ticks, Hessians, Stripe Cottons, Checks, Flannels, Serges, Blankets, Quilts Counterpanes, Sheets, Cheese Cloths, Hats, Caps, and a general assortment of Haberdashery, &e. The amount of the Stock in King-street will be about floOD, and that in Lammas-street £ 1D00. A large and increasing trade has been carried on by Mr. Morgan in both places. The situations are unex- ceptionable, and a rare opportunity is thus presented to persons desirous of embarking in business in a town of the first importance in South Wales. Both Stocks, with Inventories and Conditions, will be on view on Wednesday and Thursday, the 8th and 9th of March next. The Slocks will be divided into Six Lots. Tenders will therefore be received for each Lot separately, or for one or more Lots together, or for either Stock and k Business. All Teuders must be handed to the Brokers, 011 the Premises, in Carmarthen, on FRIDAY, the Uth day of MARCH next, by Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, and at Twelve o'clock precisely the same will be opened in Lammas-street, and the Purchaser declared. Every further information will be given on application to Messrs. M. BRITT.VN & SONS, Solicitors, Bristol or to the Brokers, 27, Gresham-sireet, London, and Albiou- Chambers, Bristol. ON NUItVOllS D BUI LIT Y & GE>I BIIATIVE DISEASES. Just Published, the Thirty-fourth Thousand, An Improved iiuiuon, revised and corrected, 120 pages, price 2i., in asealtiti envelope, or forwarded, BY THE authors, pos'-paid, 10 any address, secure from observation, fur 1s. (jlt. in l'ostage Stamps, IlllHlralej with numerous Analogical Coloured Engravings. 1/T A N H O O D • 1VI The causes of its Premature Decline, with plain direc- tions for its I)orfect liestoration. A MEDICAL HS.SAY on those diseases of the Generative Its Organs, emanating from Solitary and Sedentary Habiis, indiscriminate iCxccsses, the effects of Climate, and Infection, tic adUres-«ed to the sufferer in Youth, .Manhood, and Oid Age wiin frjcucal Itemarks on Marriage, the Treatment and Cure of Nervous and Mental Debility, linpotency, s>)- phillis, and other Urino-Genital Diseases, by which even the most siiatiered constitution may be rellored, aud reach the full period of lite allotted to MAN. The whole illustrated with numerous Anatomical Engravings on Steel, in colour, explaining itie various functions, secretions, and strictures of the reproductive Organs in healtti and disease with instruc- tions for priva-e correspondence, Cases &c. By J. L. CURTIS & Co., CONSULTING SURGEONS, 7, FRITH-STREET, SOJIO-SQUARE, LONDON. ItKYlliWS OF THH WOHK. 1'he nmnbciless Instancell daily occurring, wherein affec- tions of tlie lungs, patting ou all the outer appearance of consumption, winch, however, when traced to their source, are tound to result from certain baneful bahits, fully proves that the principle of the division of labour is nowhere more applicable than in medical practice. VVe feel no hesitation in saying, that there is no membei of society oy whom tne book will not he found useful; whether such person hold the relation of a Parent, a Preceptor, or a Clergyuiau.—Sun Evening Paper. C U It I'l-i ON MANHOOD should be in the hands of youth and old age. It is a medical publication, ably written, and developes tne treatment of a class of painful maladies which has too long been the prey of the illiterate and the designing."— United Sercice Gazette. •' VIA >i IIOOO.— A .lledical W ork.-To the gay and thollghl- less we truit this little work will serve all a beacon to wiHII them ot the danger attendant upon the too rash indulgence of their passioos, whilst to some it may serve as a monitor in the hour of temptation, and to the afHtcted as a sure guide to healt h." Chronicle. Published by thi; Authors, and may be had and forwarded from their residence; and sold by Strange, il. Pal:ruoiler- row, Hannay, 63, Oxford-street; Mann, Jø, Corohill, Lon- dou; Heywood, Oldham street, Manchester; Philip, South Castle-street, Liverpool; Cd IDIÓell, (Jliemist, lit), Ari;yle- street, Glasgow j Robinson, I L. Ureuuside-slreet, Edinourgh Berry and Co., Oapel-street, Dublin; and in a Sealed Enve- lope by all bookselleis Ferris and Score, chemists, Union- street, Bristol- Merlin Office, Newport; Cambrian Office, Swansea. is Wjack: iios i srnr, SAINT MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. CS. TWIGG begs most respectfully to inform the Trade and the Public, in general that lie has been appointed SOLE AGENT, at Carditf, for Messrs. GODING & CO.'s celebrated LONDON PORTER and STOUT, which last year gave entire satisfaction to those who favoured him with their patronage; and he takes this opportu- nity of returning his sincere thanks for the liberal support he has met with, and begs to solicit a continuance of their favours, assuring them that the article will this year be equal, if not superior, to that of the preceding year. Private Families supplied, and a liberal allowance to the Trade. PORTER, per Barrel £ 2 0 0 BROWN STOUT, per Barrel £ 2 10 0 Do. „ Kilderkin 1 0 0| Do. „ Kilderkin 1 5 0 Delivered in Cardiff, or within Three Miles, without extra charge, either in Barrels or Kilderkins. FIVE Per Cknt. Discount FOR CASH. C. S. T. has also been appointed A<ent for Mr. GEORGE DUCK'S celebrated DEVONSHIRE PALE CIDER, from Golden Pippins, Coekagee, Duplin, and other choice Fruits, expressly for Bottling purposes and sparkling CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in Casks of any size. Samples, with terms, to be had on the premises, or forwarded to any party in the Town or Neighbourhood. C. S. T. begs to draw the attention of the Public to that strongly-recommended beverage, HEWITT'S CELE- BRATED PALE ALE, for which he has been appointed Sole Agent. A constant Stock on hand, and the Trade supplied on liberal terms. C. S. T. also begs to return his most unfeigned thanks to the Tradesmen and others of the Town and Neigh- bourhood, and also to the Seafsrin^ Gendetnen, who have so liberally bestowed their favours oil him during his residence in Cardilf; and trusts, by a, strict adherence to business, combined with reasonable charges, to meet with a continuance of their patronage, which will be hit; most constant and anxious study to merit. The Premises have recently undergone a thorough repair, and additional Bedrooms, &c., have beon added, which will be found commodious and comfortable. There is also a comfortable Smoking Room, and a spacious Room 64 feet by 16, well lighted with Gas, and adapted for Public Meetings, Benefit Societies, &c. A DERBY CLUB is also held the Nights ot Meeting are the ;oeeoud and last Monday in each Month. Neat I Vines, Spirits, llome-brewed and other Beer. "Shipping Gazette," "Bell's Life in London," "Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian," "Monmouthshire Merlin," "Cumberland Packet," and the Sunderland and Durham Herald," regularly taken. THE PROVIDENT CLERKS' MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, For illupual Life Assurance, (Enrolled under the Friendly Societies' Acts), And BENEVOLENT FUND, 42, Moorgate-Street, Loudon. TRUSTEES. Thomas Baring, Esq.,M.P. W. G. Prtscott. E-q. Thomson Haukey, Junr., Baron L. De Rothschild, Esq. M.P. Treasurer of the Benevolent Fund, J. A. Smith, Esq., M.P. f¥lHIS Association, founded in 184i), is for the purpose I of affording to Clerks and others the means of Mu- tual Life Assurance in all its branches; Endowments for their Children; and offers important advantages to all Clerks, whether in Banking or Mercantile Firms, Whole- sale or Retail Houses, or in the employment of Solicitors or others. Every description of Life Assurance, on the Mutual principle, may be effected daily by Clerks and others. Under the Benevolent Department of the Association, there will be an Election on the a ht May next, of a Cleik to an Annuity of £25, aud of two Widows of Members to Aunuties of £ 15 each. By Order of the Board, THOS. MULLINDER, 24th Feb., 1818. SECRETARY. AGENTS. Cardiff Mr. A. Freeman, Plymouth Wharf Swansea and Neath, I Mr. E. Bell, Earl's Wood, Briton 1 albach, &e.) Ferry Newport Mr. J. Carde, J lItl., West of England Bank Pontypool, Abersychan W. H. Cawood, British Iron Co. Lampeter Mr. D. Morgan, Bai.k. /IMPORTEKX Brown 4s. Gd. per bottle. 10s. per doz. large bottles l'als 5«. ditto. Is. „ small exclusive of carriage fromLondon 0rr*HL STANDARD OF _L COGNAC, which is the best Foreign Brandy. The PATENT BRANDY and the GENUINE SELTERS WA- '1 ERS, protected by. the Patent Metallic Capsule, the only sure and self-evident safeguard against adul- self-evident safeguard against allul- teration, can be obtained through- 3s. per bottle. out the Kingtfom at the respective prices above mentioned, or at 7, SMITH FIFLD BARS. aud 90, Sr. JOHN'S-STREET, LONDON. THE GREATEST SALE OF ANY MEDICINES IN THE GLOBE. lie A VRltY V\'° V !> K li FU L CU liQp A oiSOKDEltED LIVfall AND STOMACH. Extract of a Letter from Atr. Charles Wilson, 30. Princea- street, Glasgow dated Ke!,Illa 1 Sih, 1847. To Professor HoLLowaY SIR -Having t.iken your Pills to remove a disease of the Stomach and Liver, under wh,e|, [ |la(J jonif su(fered, and having followed your printed instructions, 1 have r.-aaiued (hat health which I had thought |l)S( ^<)r ev. r j I)bd ,,re. viously ha,1 recourse to several medical men, who are cele- tiraied for their skill, but instead of curing mv complaint, i, increased to a most alarming degree. Humanly speaking your Pills have saved my life ,\laIlY triod to dissuaJa llie from using thelll, and I doubt not but that hundreds ate de- terred fro,n taking your most excellent inodicinc in couse- quence of the impositions practised by many worthless wretches; but what a pity it ,s that ,he deception used by others should be the means of prcventjni £ many unhappy per- sons, under disease, from regaining |,ert|t|, by \jie use „f your Pills. When I commenced the lue of your' Pills, 1 was III a most wretched condition, and to my great dcfight. in a few days afterwards, there was a considerau|e change for the better, atid by continuing to use them for some waek. t have been perfectly restored to health, to the surpiise of all who have wit„es-ed the state to a hub I had been reauced by the disordered !o'ftle of the Liver and stomach would to (Jod that every poor ufferer would avail liimselt of the same astonishing remedy. (Signed) CllAllLi'.ii WILSOM. S2T The above genneman has been a School .master, but is now in a highly-respectable tlotlie> as Commercial Cl.-rk. A PATIBST IS A |)YIN6 STATK, CUUUD OF A DlsOilDlilt IN 1 if t; CIIEST. Extract of a Letter from Mr. itobert Calvert, Chemist, Stokcsly, dated January 29ih, lo47. To Professor HOI.I.UWvy SIR,—Mr. Thompson, National School-,nasterof this Town. desires me to send you the particulars respecting a Son of Ins, who had been seriously ill for ihree years and a half and who has derived ihc greatest i.enetit frolu the use of your'iue- dicines, afllir trying all ordm<,y resources without etleci. The boy is eight years of age, 01 si ru,nous or scrofulous con- stitution. He seems to have had a pleuiizy which ended in a large collection of matter in the chest. which eventually forme.i a passage through the wal"1I of the chest, which ended 11, three fistulous sores, which continued^ discharge tar e quaii- tuies ot pus np to ,\Iay, when lie was' induced to try vour medicines- at this date he Wa. in au apparent dying condition, and in the Highest degree of Marasmus or Consumption. He had severe hectic fever, the urine depositing large quantities ot sedtmeut-const.nt distressing co..gh-n., appetite—aud the stomach rejecting nearly every thing he took, both food and medicine; he began by uknig live of your IM.s nutu and morning, which were gradually increased to ten, which in a short ti ne bad the ellect of coj'pl^'ely curing t lie Cough the Stomach atfections, and restormii the unne to itsuatuial state. HI" strength and flesh are also restored, and his appe- lite keeu a"d good. (Si-ued) HOKKlt 1* CALV,)H lUJi K/Wll, VI" a ij 0 ri O liO U <i H CUttlSD A MVEi. AND STOMACH COMPLAINT. Extract of a Letter from the Karl of Aldbotough, dated Villa Measiua, Leghorn, 2lst February, '845. To Professor HOlolOW A Y. Various circumstances prevented the possibility of my thanking yOU before this time for your politeness in senuiug me your 1'ills as you did. ( now lake this opportunity of acndmg Yolt an order for the amount, and, at the same time, to add that your Pills have effected a cure of a disorder iu my Liver and Stomach, which all the most eminent 0; the Faculty it home, and all over the Continent, had not been ahle tll etfect; nay, not even the water* of Carishad and .Marieiibad 1 wish to have another box and a pot of till ointment, in casa any of my family snould ever require either. Vour most obliged and obedieut servant, (Signed) A LUUOliOUliH nils WONiiliiiFUL MKi)lClN>' Bli HKOOU- i\I hNL>lii) \V1 f'tl Tif g liliBkTliST CONFI UiiNC li FOR ANV Ui" TUli FOLLOVVlNii I)ISrASI.,S Ague Fein ilt: lrregularities-Soi e Thruitta Asthma Fevers of all kinds Scrofula, or Kin«'s liihous ComplaintsFits Evil ° Blotches on UieSkiuGouis Stone and Gravel Bowel Complaints Head-ache Secondary Symptoms Colics Indigestion ^ic-Douloureux Const!oation of ihclutfatnmaiion utuours Bowels Jaundice Turn of Life Consumption Liver Complaints Ulcers Ueoiiity Lumbago Venerea) Atfectious Dropsy Pile. Worms of all kinds j dysentery ltheum<tism \Ve.iku«-* «hat- lirysipelas Krtentio<> of Urine ever cause, &c., &< These truly invaluable Pill* can be obtained at the est«h- ishuient of Professor Hui.UHVAY, near Temple Bar, London, and of most respectable Vendors of Medicines throughout the civilized world, an tie following prices— Is. lid., 2s.9d., 4s. (id., I Is.22s., and 33s. each Box. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. S.D.-Direclious for the guidance of Pativats in evety dis- ptOCt are affined to eaçb boa* :1 A N EASY, CERTAIN, AND VALUABLE IN- .1.. COME.—An excellent living, if actively putsued, or a material addition to income with moderate exertion, I is derivable from the sale of BROCKSOPP, HOW, AND COMPANY'S TEAS AND COFFEES. Howquas AND Mowquas TEAs.-The reputation of these Teas is now so thoroughly established, that it is unnecessary to dilate upon their peculiar qualities. They have always commanded a great sale, and B. H. & Co. have the satisfaction to state that their last importation surpasses (if it be possible) in fragrance, strength, and flavor, that of any previous growth. Coffees.—Brocksopp, How, & Co. Roast and Grind their Coffee by powerful Steam Machinery, peculiarly adapted to the purposes, and produced by the first engin- eering talent of the day. Further aids and improvements have become indispeusable from the enormous accumu- lation of Orders received, and the determination enter- tained by B. H. & Co. of supplying the whole of the United Kiugdutn with their unrivalled Teas and Coffees. 'i heir plans are now matured, and they are ready to exe- cute orders to any extent, with the utmost piomptitude. The extensive celebrity which their Articles have ac- quired, in a comparatively shott period, is quite unpa- ralleled in the anuals of trade, and affords an unequivocal proof of their extraordinary excellence. COFFEE Roast- lNG, properly performed, involves chemical aud scieutilic principles and to au ignorance or neglect of these prin- ciples may be ascribed that deterioration of the berry which gives rise to the complaint so universally made— i. e uere!' can get a cup o: good Colfee." 'I his com- plaint will now become as obsolete as the similar one relating to Ten, which has been thoroughly exploded by the HOWQUAS Mixture" and Mowquas Small LEAF Guni'ov,pek," introduced by Bilocksopp, How, & Co. In order to meet the requitetnettis of the ecououiical, they have imported a second growth called "Semi Howquas" aud Semi Mowquis," which are sold a. considerably reduced prices. TÍley also continue to sup- ply their original and well-known Package 1 e.iS at various prices. Botii Teas aud Coffees are packed as usual in London catties, secured with the Importer's seal. N.B. — Iu reply to numeruus applications received from private Families 10 be supplied with the above 'leas and Cotfees, the Company most respectfully refer them to their appointed agents, this being the only medium through which they may be purchased retail. The trade can be supplied with the Coliee in the Berry in qu intiiies not less than one chest, roasted Oil the peculiar and patented principle. ■liitoGKSOrp, How, & Co. are now prepared to appoil,t Agents in ever\ considerable towu tlnougliout the United Kingdom. It is their intention to advertise with as little delay as possible; paitias desirous of become Agents ltlj,t therefore apply immediately, iu order that their names may appeur in the list of Agents. Full particulars of terms, with a Price List, will be forwarded by post on anoliCHtj"1l to Brocksopp, How, & Co., Tea importers, 233 and 234, Borough, London. UNDER ROYAL PATRONAGE, Perfect freedom from Coughs in ten minutes after use and a rapid Cure for Asthma and Consumption, and all Disorders of the Breath and Lungs, is i.tsured by DR. LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS. TliE truly wonderful powers of this remedy have _L called forth testimonials from all ranks of society, in all quitters of the world. The following have just been received :— A NO Til lilt SUitPlUSl VG CUIti; OF ASfUMA. From MI. Wm. ¡)OW"II, Oarilei' Oatcd February-l:h, 1816. Sir,—Having been afflicted for many years with a violent cough and asthma, n.1 having tried all otner medicines iu vain, 1 was r. commended to try Dr. Locoek'a Waters. 1 sent to you for a box, and, to my great iisioninhmen', I found re- lief the very first night and have cotuintii-d to get better ever since. Thi-ir df, ctl are really wondeitul inly appetite is now good, whereas formerly I could scarcely keep any food on my stomach. I hav myself since recommended Iht-tn to several persons, who have received the gieaie-t ielief from them. (Signed) WILLIAM UOWliN. ANOTHER CURB OF ASTHUUlC C'JCGIJ OF LJSG STANDING. City Road, Haverfordwest, Feb.6th, 1846. Sir,—I am happy to iuforai yOtl that 1 have experienced the greatest benefit from ouly lakiug two boxes of Ur. Loeoek's Pulmonic Wafers, which you were kind enough 10 recommend me. Previous to my takiog them 1 could scarcely u-alk without tho greatest ditficulty ot breathiug, and my cough would then increase to such a degree lhat 1 was nearlv sutf.j. cattfd. I had not for many months slept for more than half- an-hour at a lime; but 1 am now able to sleep all ni^i.i «nth_ out coughing. I can iriily recommend them to those who are similarly ailiicted as a most invaluaole remedy, and y«>u are at similarly athicted as a most invaluaole remedy, and yati are at peifect libeity to mike my case public if you think proper. I an.,&c., JOliN JOHNS, Cabinet-maker. The above are communicated to the Proprietors by Air, O. li. Davies, Chemist, Hif?h.street. Haverfordwest. MOKE ClJliKS IN TUKDKGAIt. From Mr. J. P. Wiit)dtit-,Cheuiist, Church-street, Tredegar. December'23, 1845. Gentlemen,—A number of my frieuds have experienced g eat bcuelit through taking Locock's Wafers. Please to »eud me one dozen boxes, by po»t, as some are waiting for theui. One frieud, named A ny Calamore (subject to Asthma) had a box last week, and has already received great bcnelii from them, although she dij not take (tie whole, as she ,n.. vided the box among some of her neighbours. finery one speaks highly of them, and they are taken by some of the tirst families in the towu. Vours obediently, J. P. VVjlii .ius J REM AUK. A BLE CURE OF RUPTUltKU BLOOD VKSSliL OF THE LUVuS, CuUJli, „v-. Extract of a letter from H. Huutipy, Es | t2. Albion-terrace, Old Tiverloll Road, lixeter, Warcli, ;eo, 1845. Gentlernen,-I ruptured a blood vessel of the lungs about three months since, aud a most trouhlesooitt cough succeeded. 1 tried everything that my surgeou, and self. could think of, but without alleviation. It was at length su^nsted that your wafers might be :i»eful. 1 tried them, and a siugle wafer, taken when the fit of couching wasaOoui to commence, never ouce failed of giving it complete and iustautaueous check. A lady also, a friend of miue, and who, by-:he-bve, is iu her 66lh year, is, or rather was, troubled with a hard dis- tressing ctjugli she used liteoi, and wonderful was the relief she experienced. (Signed) H. HUNTLKY. IMPORTANT TO A LL WHO SING. From S. Pearsall, E<q of Her Majesty's Concerts, and Vicar Choral of Lichtield Cathedral, Lichlield, July 10.184,). Cientlemeu.— A lady of distinction, having pointed out to me the qualities of Ur. Locock's Wutets, I was induced to .ake trial of a box, and Irom this trial laiD happy to give my testimonial in Iieir lavour. 1 lind by allowing a few of the wafers (taken in the course of the day) to gradually dis- solve in the mouth, iny voice becomes blight and clear, and the tone full and distinct. They are dccideuly the most efficacious I have ever used. S. KS A I.I.. The particulars of bundiedc of cures may lie bad from every agent throughout the kingdom. Dr. l.oCOCK's \V'AFEKS give instant relief, and a rapid cure of asthmas, consumption, coughs, colus, and all disurJers ot the breath and Inu^s. To Singers and Public Speakers they are invaluable, as in a few hours they remove alt hoarseness, and wonderfully ill- crease the power and flexibility of the voice. 'They have a pleasant taste. Price Is. lid., 2s. 9J., und lis. per box. DA S1LVA & CO., 1, Btide-iane, Heel-street, Loudon. Wholesale .Agents: EVANS, SUN, .Sc HODGSON, Whole- sale Druggists, Exeter. Agent for CakuI Ft': Mr.GUJPFM'H fHlLLlPS, Druggist; MuKTHYk: Mr.WHITE, liooKs. Iler High-street; lRbUICGAU Mr J. P. W1 Id.IA MS, Cuemist Sold by a,1 Medicine Venders. important caution. Unprincipled persons, tempted by the extraordinary succeai of Dr. LOUOC <v'S PULMONIC W I i- K RS prepare spurious imitations of that remedy. The public should, therefore, b< on their guard against such counterfeits, and not purchase anj "WAFERS" unless the words UR. LOCOCK'S WAFERS" all- pear ia white letters on ft-ied grouad on the GovernmcQ stamp 9 qtsiiie eacb box, ENGLISH'S PATENT CAMPHINE. FOR the convenience of Dealers in the West of JL* England and South Wales, ENGLISH & Co.. of Hull, have established a Depot for the Sale of their Patent Camphine, in Bristol. For particulars of Prices and Terms, address English's Patent Camphine Company, Bristol. MONMOUTHSHIRE. CAERLEOX DISTRICT OF TURNPIKE TRUSTS. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the TOLLS L i arising at the 1 oil Gatps, upon the 'Turnpike Roads in this District, called or known by the names of the Golderoft Gates, Pen-yr-heol-hyr Gate, a Side Gate on the Cold Bath Road, and the Christehurch (iat.ps, with a Chailj on the Christchurch H ill Road, leading to the Town of Caerleon, by a place known as the King's Arms Inn, WILL BE LET BY AUCTION, To the best Bidder, (subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced,) at the house of Ann Gibby, called the HANBURY &Itr%; INN, in the Town of Caerleon, in the said County, on THURSDAY, the 9th day of March next, between the hours of Twelve and Two o'Clock, in the manner directed by an Act passed in the Third Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, "For Regulating Turnpike Roads," which Tolls pro- duced the last Letting £G8u above the expenses of col- lecting them. The above Gates will be put up in one or two lots, as may be agreed upon at the time of letting. Whoever happens to be the best bidder or bidders, must at the same time pay one month in advance of the rent at which such Tolls may be Let, and give security, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnrike Roads, for pay meet of the rest of the money monthly in advance. JOHN HARRIES, Clerk to the Trustees of the said Turnpike Roads. Caerleon, February 10th, 1848. TT^'TFT-^f ^"1 f'E extens^v'R practice of A**? M H I *I K. I R- 811,1 I'ERRY & Co.,the con" amiarllk it»ir^ tinued demand fortht ir work, en- titled, ihe "SthK?< r F Rl I'N D (one hundred and lwenty- tive thousand copies of which have been sold,) aud tiie extensive sale and high repute of their Medicines have induced sjuie unprincipled persons to assume the name or PERR ami closely imitate tne title 01 the WorK and names of the Medi- cines. The public i-i hereb, cautioned that such persons are not in any way connected with the tirm of 1(. and I,. PERRY and Co of I."odou, who uo not visit the l'rovillces, and are ouly to be consulted personally, or by letter at their Establish- ment, 19, Berners Street, O tford Street, Loudou. T W li N T V FIF T11 l i DI T i O N, Illustrated with '26 \natom:c«l Coloured Kna;ravin;>s on Steel On Physical Disqualiifcations, Generating Inca- pacity, 6f impediifim's to Marriage, THE SILENT FRIEND, A New Edition, enlarged to 10S pages, Price '2«. ii' In order to ensure secrecy and punctuality io delivery, the Work will be IIput direct from the Kstablishmivn, troe to any part of the kingdom, in a sealed envelope, on the receipt ot 3s. 6d. in postage stamps. fPHK SILENT FRIEND is a Medical Work, I written in language devoid ot professional i«-cunic.tiiues, on the physical disqualifications affecting the gel)cr-ifiv,- system in both sexes, lt contains an elaborate and can-r.ilIv-written account of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Or-aus in Man which are directly and indirectly concerned in the func- Ii Oil or generation (illustrated by engr*« mgs ), ami the Causes aad Consequences resulting ir"1 1" ttanefm practice by winch lhe vigour and aiiuitness ut 1.11.. are t:1I">- ated and destroyed, evt-u belore ualure has iuiiv ">'ai'1 the powers and stamina ot the constitution. I.J,I ,Hi -air- ral dehility, nervous iirilability and excitement, c indigestion of the most fearful a nl <-xlMu«iing ► i • .1. intens.- me!at(choly and depression of the spint.. and partial or com. extinction of the re-productive powers. Sic are thus produced. in the SlLtNT FitteNL), the chapter devoted io the consideration of these dreadful complaints contains also ail account of the meaus by which they may be prevented and removed, so as to restore III" sutl'erer tu the full e.joy meat of healtn and the functions of manhood. The consequences resulting from venereal contamination are next pointed out. and the nature and character uC timor- rit(ra. Gleet, Stricture, and Secoudary Symptoms ot every kind, are clearly exp ained, with direction; for cure. Their dangerous effects on the human economy Ue suthi i,-ut Iv llda- ted on and a meaus is also indicated by which the recurrence of these diseases may inevery iuitauce be completely prevented. The work terminates with a chapter oil that obligations 01 mar riage, the physical inipe liments which tend to disqualily the candidate for that holy state, and the directions necessary lor their removal. The work is illustrated by the detail of cases, and by 26 coloured eugravings on steel, thus rendering it what its name purports it to be, the true but silent friend to all suturing from the consequences of early error and vice,—a work which may be consulted without exposuie, aad with every assurance oi complete success and benetit. BY 11.& L. PIS'THY,Consulting SUUGBOS*. Published by the .\UTIIolts, and sold hy SI'UAM;e, 21, Paternoster-How HANSAY and Co., bS, Oxford-street SANtiLLli. Ii0. Oxford-street; tioROjN, 14"), Leadenhali- street; STAKIK, "23, Titchhornc-street, Haymirket, London; NEWTON, 16 and 19, Ciiurch Street, Liverpiol; ITAWI.K, Church Street, Liverpool; INGRAM, Market street, Man- chester; O. CAMPBKLL, 13O, Argyle-street, (^l.ts^ow It LINDSAY, 11, bl,iis Xow, Kdiubaivh, PO.vijll, It), West- moreland-street, Dublin and by ail KOllksdlers alld Patent Medicine Venders iu I IhVn & Country. PART THE FIRST of this work is dedicated to the consi- deration of the Anatomy and Pnysialogy of the generallve functions It embraces a succinct account of ail the organs all man which are engaged in the important fuueti m of the r". production of the species, and the mOlle III which srli'-abu«e operates to the injury ot the human frame, aud the destruc- tion 01 the special and vital powers. Tins is illustrated Oy six coloured engravings. i) ART TUl" SFCCOND treats of the infirmities and decay of I the system produced by over indulgence ot the passions, the existence of n'rvous and sexual debi ity and tucap-int with their accompanying train of symptoms and uisorlers, are I tieated by the chain of connecting results to tins c mse. 1'nis section is illustrated by three coloured engravings, which fully display the etfects of physical de. PART THE IHIR" contains an accurate dtwripuon of the diseases caused by infection, an* by ih« abuse of mercury; primary and secondary symptoms, eruptions of the sk. sore throat, inflammation of the eyes, disease of the > gouo r- rhaea, ¡;.lecI, stricture, &c., are MllOWU to depend on this cause. Advice for the treatment of all these diseases and tiieir con- sequeuces is tendered in this section, which if duly followed up, cannot fail in effecting & cure. Tne Pan is i.lustrated by seven'een coloured engravings. PART THE HOIIRTH. I reats of the Prevention of Disease by a simple application, by which the danger of infection is •bviated. lis action is simple hoit sure. It acts with the virus chemically, and destroys its power ou ttie sys:em. This important part of tiie Work should bi) read by every Young Man entering into life. PART THI'. FIFTH treats of Marriage, its obligations and disqualiifcations. The causes which lead to happiness in a the marriage state are dwelt upon, aud those which are indi- cative of misery and domestic inquietude. The nature, ori- gin, and treatment of physical disq lalifications are alsj described, and remedies for this state form all important con- I sideration ill this section of the work. The diffidence and distrust which are atnon^ the natural consequences of these affections, frequently prevent persons • from applying for assistance until great, although not perhaps irremediable mischief has been indicted ou the constitution j aud powers of life. It is to be hoped that the perusal of tins work will teach such persms the injuri MIS consequences o/ delav, aud lead them at onco to seek that auvtcc anu counsel, by which alone they can be saved from the honors of an I existence protracted amidst long enduring wieletieitiet,s, bo,ti of mind and body. TheCOItDUi. B A LM of SY III ACU VI is expressly tHH. ployed to reuovate the impaired powers ol lite, wheu bX- hausted by the influence exerted by solitary indulgence on me system. Its action IS purely balsamic; its po.\er I" reinvigoi- ating the frame in all cases of nervous alld si-a«tai debility, obstinate gleets, impotencv. barrenness, and .iebilnies anting from venereal excesses, has been detnousttated by "IIV,try- ing success ill thousands of cases To those persons who are prevented enterin-j; the married state IIV the c of early errors, it IS invitlualll". Piice lis. per bottle, or four quantities in one for 33s. The CO N C li N T It AT K D D l'< TliltSl V R F.SSKNJK, an anti-syphilitic remedy, for purilving the systu u troio ""nere.1 contamination, aud is rccounnonded for any 01 tne vaneu forms of secondary eymptoms, sucn as eruptions on the skiu, blotches on the head and face, enlargement of the throat, tonsils, and uvula; threatened destruction of the nose, palate, &c. Its action is purely detersive, and lIS bClletlcial influence on the system is undeniablo. Price lis. and 35s. per borne. The £ ,'} cases of Syriacutn or Concentrated Detersive Ks- sence can only he had at 19, llerners-street, Oniord-street, London; whereby there is a saving of £1 lis., and the patient is entitled to receive advice without a tee, which advantage is applicable only n> those who remit for a packet. PERU V 'S PliKlFVlNij constitute an effectual remedy in all case-t of gOllorrhœa, gleet, stricture, and diseases of tbe urinary orgtns. Price 2s. 9 4s. t).)., and lis. per box. Consultation fee, if bv letter, £ 1. — Patients are requested to be as minute is poss Die i:i tijo description of iheir e.>se«. Attendance daily at UJ, liorist-ri-,treet, Oxtord-siree', Lon- don, from II tt) i, au. troin 5 to 3 011 Sun.li>» from I I t» I, Sold Oy Tllo.MAS k. lloUKRl's, Chemist, Conway; JOHN BROWN, Chronicle Oitice, lian^or UoHKlt f l«I! i FFI TH, Chemist, High Street, CARNARVON; WILLIAM Howards, Chemist, Denbigh; li (j. tllKiHi.s, Cneuiist, Holyhead JOHN BeaLB, Chemist. High Street, Wrexham I1-. \\Attl), Chemist, IJ^Ii Street, Itrecon PHILIP PR I OB, Post O.tice, Bridgend; WALTht 1'HUMAS, Chemist, (opposite liuel), Merthyr; J. W. WHTTK,Chemist,'iuii.ihali Sq-tare, Carmar- theu, W W I LI.I A vis, Cneuiist, II igh Street, Cardig*11 1) b. DAVIES, C IWllllst, Haverfordwest; JoM'.l'll Pol'TER, Hera'd Otllce, H .vcrfur"esl; U. C. l it sW I- KKs, Cnemist.i euibroke, THOMAS EVANS, Cne.iiist, High Street, Swansea; JUliN MOORE. Chemist. Hroad Street, New 'Towu; Tlli)\l\S STE- PHENS, Chemist, llign Sueel, Meiltiyr t'ydvtt, i' ¡,llltIS alld ScuRIi, Druggists. I'uuti Street, liristol JtillN \\Ai r>j,S( I Chionicle ■ Iftice, Sure -> sbury J A M ts Cil I LLCo r I*. 1'ookse.lei, > Itroad Street, Leominster thtAft-R. Chemist, liroud Street Heleford; T. FARRHR, Beacon Office, Moumnuth, FCL. V. JENKINS, Commercial Street, Newport; PHILLIPS, Chemist High Stre t, Newport; and at the CARDIFF AND Mf.RTHVII t GUARDIA N OFFICE, Carditf, of all of whoo MAY be had the < silent Friend." v» •* \< NATIONAL DEFENCES. BY WILLIAM MALINS. A PLAN submitted for the consideration of Govern- ment whereby any required Force of the heaviest Artillery and Troops may be concentrated at the point of danger, so as to arrest a hostile Fleet under the fire of Moveable Batteries, traversing on a Railroad at High- water-line of Coast, where assailable. The Electric Telegraph, carried along the same line, would convey notice of the approach of an enemy. From the Harbours of Refuge, Block-ships and Steamers might quickly arrive to attack the enemy in flank aud rear," and thus between two fires destroy him. Published by J. Ridgway, Piccadilly. Webber, Cardiff. wfl ff>ft TAFF VALE RAILWAY. THIRD CALL OF £ 1 PER SHARE, MAKING £1 CALLED UP. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Directors 1 have passed a Resolution, making a further Call of £ L per Share on the New Ten Pound Shares in this undertaking; and the Proprietors of such Shares are hereby require(1 to pay tlw said CaU on or before Friday, the 10th day of March, 1818, to any of the undermen- tioned Bankers: — Messrs. Glyn, Hallifax, Mills, & Co. London West of England and Souih Wales Dis- > „ i> l. I Bristol tncf 1) ink S Do. Cardiff Do Newport Do Merthyr A.nd in default thereof the Proprietors will be charged Interest at the rate of 5 per Cent, per annum from the above date until the said Call be actually paid. No Sh'ire can be transfeired till this Call is paid. The Company continue to receive Payments in antici- pation ofCatts, allowing.) perCent. per Annum thereon. E. KEN WAY, Secretary. Cardiff, Feb. 9, 1*48. TAFF VALE RULWAY. Contracts for Works on the Rhondda Branches. t J~1HE DIR ROTORS are desirous of receiving Tender* 1_ for the formation of about One Mile and a Half of RAILWAY, commencing at or near the present terminus of the ltltouddh Branch, and extending up the RhondJa. Fach and the Rhondda Fawr. Plans and Specifications may be seen at the Superin- tendent's Office, Carditf Terminu-?, on and after Tuesday, March Gth. Tenders may be sent, ill for the whole Work, 01' sepa- rate portions-namely, for Earthwork, or for Masonry. The Compauy will supply materials for tempo; dry roads and ballast wagl{ons. Sealed Tenders, addressed lo the Directors, and en- dorsed Teuder fur Work ou R'1Oudda Branches," to l>e lelivereii to the Secretary at or before 12 o'clock on Monday, 13th March. By Order, EDWARD KEN WAY, Secretary. Taff Vale Railway, £ Cardiff, Feb. 29, ItH8.) TAFF VALE RAILWAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That, in pursuance 1 of an Act, passed in the present session of Patlia- :nent, intituled "An Act to give further time for making certain railways," the Taff Vale Riihvay Company have 11-ide application, in writing, to the Commissioners of Hallways, setting forth tnat tJld Taff Vale Railway Com- pany are desirous tiiat the period uf tirne bnited byall Aci, passed in the ninth and tenth years of the rei/n of ller Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled An Ad tu smpower the Tart" Vale Railway Company t• > construct :ertlltu branch railways and extensions, and to mike .rraugelOtIIlts fllr the use of certain wharfs adjoining to he llute Snip (,11<11," for the compi^n >;i of a cenain jraucii railway, ill extension uf the Branch (If he Tali' V all: tlniwav, commencing a; or near the pre- sent termination thereof, in the parish of Lfciritrissant ami ;,)uulr of Glamorgan, 1111.1 terminating at tn* neir to Ii aiin-iiotise, culled Tyaetvdd, in the paris'i of Y-frad-j- otlwg; 1I1!<>lher branch railway, diverging '">I1i of the old last-mc ntioiie.l intended rail WilY, in the p., isli of Lilanvtyno, aud ternllllatillg 1t 0" near to a f-trlll-housfO, tailed FfaUau, in the parish of Aber.lare another branch aihvay. diverging' from an ) 0111 of ihe line of the said irst-uientioned intended 1aiiw.1v, in the parish of Llan- risstnf, antt terminating at or near the Cynuner Coliierv, utile 8;1l11e parish; another branch ra;1 IV:IY, diverging rom and out of the said lirst-memioned intended rail- vay, at or near a certain farm, called Lledau Du, iu the larish of IIld terminating at or uear 11 terlaiu farm, called Wain Atha, in the parish of LlautrU- ant, thereby authorized to IH1 Iuade, should be extended or tlie further period of two years from the expiratiou uf he period lie> limited by such Act; and als,) that the ¡erio,1 of time limited by the name Act for the compul- tory purchase of lauds for the purpose of constructing the laid railways, branch railways, and works should be ■xtended for the further period of two years from the ixpiration of t:u, period Sü limited by such Act. And Notice is hereby further given, that any peraong vho may flunk themselves aggrieved by such proposed ^xteusion of the time tor the completion of the said rail- vays, Lit alien railways, aud works, a;¡ 1 for the compul- ory purchase of the said lan.is, an I who desiie to object hereto may bring such objections before 1 'Ie Commis- sioners of Kail ways by sending 1\ written statement, thereof >y post, ou or belore the tirst day of April next, addressed o tne Secretary of the Coinmisioners ot Ualways, White- tall, London. — Dated this *2Hih day of February, PHS. IV. O. and IV. Hunt, U>. Whitehall, l.jnd >n. [LJecy free. W A x T E D V SCHOOL MISTRESS, for thi WOftKIiOL'SF. of the NEWl'OilT UNION. Salary, per ftunm. with rations in the House. Candidates are requested to attend tlii Board personally, vith 'Testimonials, on Saturday, the ISrii of Makcii iext., when tile Election will take place. Candidates irho shall be -known to have canvassed any >f the Guardians for election to such oiHcu, will not )e deemed eligible to be appointed thereto. By order of the Boar.I, W. DuWNING EVANS, Dated Feb. 19th, 134S. Clerk. [IJt.TY FitEE. N E W P 0 11 r UNION. PARISH OF SAINT W t) O L LOS. f j^HE BOARD of GUARDIANS will be prepared to I receive, 011 Saturoav, the LSti) of March instant. Tenders for the Valuation of the Property liable to LJd assessed to the Foor Rite in the Parish of Saint Woollos, Tenders to be sent, under cover, endorsed Valuation af Saint Woollos," to me on or before Friday, the 17th instant. The Guardians dv not pledge to accept the lowest Tender. By Order of the Bo-trd, W. DOWNING EVANS, DUed March 1st, 13dS. Clerk. [DUTY Fiskk. NEWPORT UNION. TO BUTCUEltS, HAKBLLS, OIIOOfills, COAL-UUHCIIASTS, & PERSONS desirous of COX I'R YC i'lN. with the GUARDIANS of the above Union, lo: the uujijily of the uIHlltr,IICIHiû!le,1 Articles, \1. Beef and Mutton, such as Milk, per qinrt the Master sha.1 approve, Rice, Carolina, per lb. per It). Salt, pit' i'«'i. Beef 1 leads, each Tea, per lo. Shin Bones, weighing not Susar, per lb. less than t'3:hs. each Cntlee, per lo. Bread of Seconds, in 4ib. Cmidlex, per d.'zeu lbs. loaves, baked not less than Soap, be<il Yellow, pel lb. 24 hours SOiuch, Blue, per to. Cheese, two-meal, per lb. JSotla, per 1ft, Oatmeal, per cwt. t-oalu, per ton Butlei, Salt, per lb. from the 25th of March instant to the 25>th J IlaC next; and for the following Articles, viz. Coats, Waistcoats, & Trou- Blue Chambrey, per yard ters, for Men, grey cloth Scotch Sheeting, per yard Jackeis, Waistcoats, and Cotton Sheetin-, per pair Trousers, for Men and Ulankds, eight quarters, per Boys, motfskin pair Straw tf'junets, lor Women Ticking, per yard And Children, oluck and j Coverlids, per pair white '.Women's Handkerchief. Calico, unbleached, per yard pei dozen iiliid i'riol, per )am from the 2ilh day ot March instant to the 'Joth iliy of A«aich, )8-tM. are lequesteil to semi in Tender* for such Articles as tile) ina) wish to supply, on or before Fkiiuv, the Itih io;ia.ut,a tviiessed w> the Cleik of the Newport Union, Newport," (postage free). The whole ot the Articles must be of good qualify, delivered at the Workhouse, tree of expense to the Union, 111 such quantities as shall from lime to time he required, and subject to the approval of tiie Board of (i uardians. Each lender must he signed and sealed (marked on the outside, Tenders for Bread, i&c., us the cane may be), and patterns or samples of such Articles as admit oi theui tu ue oent tu the Workhouse, at ewp"rt. The Contractors will be required to give Security for the due performance of the Contracts, 11,1 to name their Sureties In their Tender*. The Guardians do not pledge themselves tu accept tho1 lowest iendet. N.B. — Tenders that are sent in, otherwise than in ac- cordance with the above directions, will not be received. By Order of the Board, W. D. EVANS, Clerk. Newport, 1st March, 1848,