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THE CARDIFF AND BRISTOL £ team & IPacltrtjBf PRINCE OF WALES, MATTHEW JONES, Commander; LADY CHARLOTTE. HENRY JEFFERY, Commander; A RE INTENDED to SAIL (luring the week as follows tl. (from the BUTE SHIP DOCK) Pr**ceof Wales—Mondays, Lady Charlotte Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays.— Wednesdays, and Fridays, WY Charlotte Tuesdays, Prince of Wales—Tuesdays, THURSDAYS, and Saturdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays, From CARDIFF. From IHUSTf)[.. August, 1846. August, 1846. Saturday 9» morn 15, Saturday 11 morn Monday 12 noon 17, Monday 2 after Tuesday 14 after 18, Tuesday 3 after Wednesday 2 after 19, Wednesday 4 after 2?» Thursday 34 after 20, Thursday 44 after «!> Friday 34 after 21, Friday 5 morn Saturday 4 alter 22, Saturday 6 morn Monday 5 after 24, Monday 7 morn ,j'~ Tuesday 34 morn j 25, Tuesday 7 morn 2,' Wednesday 6 worn 26, Wednesday 74 morn Thursday 64 morn 27, Thursday 8 morn Friday 7 morn 28, Friday 84 morn ^SATURDAY 74 morn 29, Saturday 94 mom • Monday 9 morn 31, Monday 114 morn CarrAages and horses to be alongside One hour previous U to Time of Sailing. ^DUCED FARES :—After Cabin, 4A. Fore Cabin, 2s. "'Idren under Twelve years »f age. Halt-price; Dogs, Is. each Refreshments may be had on hoard on moderate terms. J*««IR-whcel Carriages, 21. Oue-horse Phaeton or Gig, J?*-fid.; I'wo-wheel, drawn by one horse and driver, Ids.; ?0R*E and Kider, After Cabin, 9s; Fore Cabin, 7S. 6d.; *'TLE AND Horses. 6s. each Sheep, Pigs, and Calves, Is. ACh.-—Shipping & Landing Live Stoak at risk of their Owners. .CARRIAGES, Horses, CaKle. and Goods, will be subject to HIDING and Wharfages at the •* Bute Docks NOT Accountable for auy Goods without Shipping Notes, feighters are requested to «rder all Goods intended for E P'TLSCB OF WALKS, to be sent to No. 12, Quay-street, 'O ttobert Chaplin, Cumberland Basin Locks; and for e LADV CHVKLOTTK, to Clare-street Hall, Marsh-street, Bull Wharf, Redcliff-street, Bristol. Goads will be hauled from the Warehouses to the Packets expense of the Companies. !^e'thyr, Newbridge, A her dure, Cowbridge, Bridgend, tf^tritient, and Caerphilly.—Goods forwarded to these J *CE» IN SpringWaggon. Railway, and Lock-up Cana! Boats E "Mediately on arrival, unless ordered by any particular jN WHICH case they will be deposited in the Packet Warehouse till called for, at risk and expense of J^SIGNEE.— Freight 10 be paid on delivery. ^^OODS. Packages, Parcels, IVC., forwarded to all parts of S.* KINGDOM without delay, when sent to either of the *AIU 1'acket Offices iu Cardiff or Bristol. L "rther information as to Freight, will be readily obtained P "Pplying to the Agents—VV m. Woodman, Agent at the .#CKET office, on the Wharf, Cardiff; or to E. T. TURNER, No. 12, Quay-street, Bristol, for the PRINCB OF Packet; and of T. JOHN, at the Packet Otfice, on JJ?E Wharf, Cardiff; or to W. B. OWEN, Clare-street Hall, f *RSH-street, Bristol, and at 29, Avon Crescent, Hotwells, THE LADY CH LKLOI I K Packet. ^TlCE. —The Proprietors of the above Steam Packets give LITT'CE' that they will not be accouutable for any Passenger's "R P^A!»E. N°f will they he answerable for any Goods, Packages, „ ""reels (if lost or damaged by Fire, Leakage, or otherwise) JJ!E*S Booked at either of their Offices at Cardiff or Bristol, Q AHOVE the value of 40.«., unless entered at its value, and IN proportion paid for the same, at the time of 'TIG-—-Goods consigned to order, or not takeu away bE Ore Six o'clock in the evening of the day of landing, will 41) *AI"ehoused at the risk and expense of the consignees. c" Goods ta be com!Ídered as liens, not only for freight and RKES due thereon, but also for all previously unsatisfied THE'"1'.1 and C.-iarges due by consignees to the Proprietors of fOr .*A'D Packets. Disputed weights or measurement, claims "r or damage, &c., cannot be allowed, unless a written aCe af the s tine bo sent t. the Office on the day of delivery Q THE *KDIFF AND MIRTHYR GUARDIAN AND General printing office, W. DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF YY HILST a continnance of the patronage anil support I iS T °f the friends of this Constitutional JOURNAL ^TT^8PECTFULLY solicited by the Proprietor, he begs to call 8ETL^'°N to the facilities which his Printing Otfice pre- 8 FOR executing, with elegance and precision, 001\ PLAIN, & ORNAMENTAL PRINTING In all its branches; where also may be had CCOUNT BOOKS, MANUFACTURED AND RULED TO ANY PATTERN; ^00f[BINDING, in Morocco, Russia, or Plain; S'UTJOXERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. JVER» Note, Foolscap, Demy, Medium, Royal, Super yal, Writing Papers; Pens, Quills, Envelopes, RAWING Pencils, Drawing Paper, Card Board JN^ER8, Sealing-Wax N ote & Letter Paper, mourn- I JJS border; Envelopes do.; Music and Coloured Stltpers; Ink in Bottles, at various prices, Id. upwards; EEL Pens and Holders, a great variety; Perfected "terer Inkstands Gravitating do. Pocket Books, FOHI0118 sizes, Russia and Plain, with single and double » Metallic Memorandum and other Books. DOCKET BIBLES, in Morocco Binding; Small PRAYER BOOKS, ditto. BOOK, and a Book with the pro- J Lessons, neallv bound, gilt edges, in a CU,'E 4s. and 5s. each. ttiu CFL SERVICE, 1 vol.,neatly bound, FTTJI- EDGES 3s. and 3s. 6d. each. (JO. DO. Is. 3d. each. ^Y^MENTS, do. do. 6d. to Is. each. *ER BOOKS, do. do. Is. each, TJ, ^^MMARS, SPELLING BOOKS, &c., for Schools I JI^WRST and M»st POPULAR WORKS of the Day. *ELS, MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, &c.; Procured at the shortest notice I GR, JL?*ARCEL regularly received from LONDON. WOOLS SUPPLIED on LIBERAL TERMS. Just Received, N ASSORTMENT OF CIIILDIIEN'S STORY BOOKS, From 6d. to 2s. 6d. each. h, Just Published, III: UNION MAGAZINE, !F|LE Vol. I., bound in Cloth, 6s. 6d. FTBOYE Published in Monthly Parts, Is. Weekly Numbers, 3d. R bunch 6C TOPIC HECEIVED every THURSDAY. Price 3d. each. TO ADVERTISERS. ^tensive CIRCULATION of the «' CARDIFF TI«,U MERXHYR GUARDIAN," through the Coun- Y GLAMORGAN, MONMOUTH, & BRECON, RE A well-condensed Summary of General I) LO «Intelligence, presents a very desirable medium VI«\vS, EA,TISERS for giving full publicity to their W MR. TUCKER ^AGES in destroying Worms in the Bodies of Women, and Children, and curing the King's ?'°O*D or Ulcerated Sore F-egs, and Scurvy in the °VEREJW'1 ANY ^AN 'N England or Wales, for One Hundred EXTRAORDINARY CURRS. *°Howing is a List of Cures, performed by Mr. Tucker. Wonderful cure performed on Mrs. Powell, the wife I ?4iC,POWELL, blacksmith, at Merthyr Tydvil. She was with sore legs for eight years, and many pieces of .^UIE out of them she had tried eight doctors, and was eht at the Swansea Infirmary, and all to no purpose, ,8he took one large bottle of Mr. Tucker's Tincture, and present peifectly cured. As witness my hand, Mrs. I!' I ^4^ 'arkable cure performed on Mrs. Pell, WIFE of Mr. j"N.» confectioner, Cross-street, Newport. She "'TIED with a sore kg for two years and a half; but by T*° bottles of Mr. Tucker's 'Tincture, and using two **I»VE I1'8 ointment, she is quite cured. MF. and Mrs. Pell TJJ CER,'fied this fact. Certiticate dated August, 26th, 1&39- S W'^E of Thomas Williams, a finer at Tredegar, is cured ^J \JR°R* 'E?, after many years' standing, by taking one bottle illi ^U<"ker's Tinrture, As witness my hand, Thomas lJeiiltlS, April 10th, IB3R. "t'ltedl1ry Nicholls, of Norton, four miles from Swansea, was °' A sore leg, with 32 wounds, after being afflicted for ^EA,, and given over by the doctors of the Swansea *'til V^' BY 'aking Mr. Tucker's medicines. As witness my %J0J* "«nry Nicholls. July I8ih, 1S39. J OTJ,1,1 CLAYTON, son of William Clayion, Abersychan, near WL'OOL, is perfectly cured of the King's Kvil by three °F Mr. Tucket's Tincture, after beiug afflicted for ten Jan., 1833. Taylor, in Porteynon parish, was cured of the KVILJ of six years' standing, by taking Mr. Tucker's ''FIR.0' «fter being six months a patient at the Swansea V MRTY- '•^uaea Rvant, a butcher, at Swansea, i* cured of a scor- 'TTC^WPLAINT, after trying two doctors, by taking Mr. ^'Y J4.R drops, and uaing a box of his oiutment. Witness JAMES Evans. ^0Y,JR6ARET Kichards, the wife of Rees Richards, stone mason, ^•TER IS quite cured of the King's Kvil, with nine wounds, P '8 afflicted for eight years, by taking two bottles of ^PRIL LEER'S Tincture. Witness my band, Margaiet Itichards. 1840. .AI° Hardy, at Kewbridge, Glamorgan, is cured of sore L 'J^R'S With len ROUNDS, after having been afflicted for two 1*8'>9 taking three bottles of Mr.Tucker's Medicines, April NAKEAUGH,ER> cight years old, of Mr. Henry Biddow, brick- S Merthyr-Tydfil, voided a joint worm 14 yards 2 fEET I "TTL OI' 2607 joints, bv taking Mr. Tuckers Worm Cakes, S 1 *'tl», 1843, and is now in Mr. I ucker s possession to 1'H Powell, a Mason, in Monnow-street, Monmouth, is "TKI> ''L,R King's Kvil, by taking one large bottle of Mr. '8 Medicines, after having been afflicted for 'I,4ND had tried tour doctors. As witness my hand, 1 hos. 11 >,B43- N- E'ters directed to him (postage paid) describing Uts- I' \{ and Age, will be iinm:'diately answered, SENT TO AN' PAFL» W'1'' directions to take them, »T ft)R. ,LNG a Post-office Order. 28 UCKE«'» Medicines way be had at any tune, only direct COINMERCIAI,STREEI# Newport, Monmouthshire, The Schooner ^^GL&MOBGAN, D. JONES, MASTER, IS NOW LOADING AT COTTON'S WHARF, TOOLEY-STREET, LONDON, FOR Cardiff, Newport, Merthyr, Dowlais, Aberdare, j' Abergavenny, Brecon, Monmouth, Pontypool, Cow- bridge, Bridgend, and places adjacent, and will positively sail 011 THURSDAY, the 27th of AUGUST, 1846. For Freight, &c., apply to the Master on Board Mr. J. Rowe, Moderator Wharf, Newport Mr. Thomas Richards, Abergavenny; Messrs. Prosser and Co., Bre- con Messrs. J. H. and G. Scovell, the Wharfingers, London or to Mr. W. Bird, Post-office, Cardiff. London, August llth, 1846. DOMESTIC BREWING. rpHE PATENT CONCENTRATED MALT AND X HOP EXTRACT enables private individuals to make fine Home-Brewed Ale, without employing any Brewing Utensils. It has only to be'dissolved in hot water and fermented. Sold in Jars from Is. to 7s. 6d. and 14s. 6d. by THE BRITISH NATIONAL MALT EXTRACT COMPANY, 7, Nicholas Lane, Lombard Street; Wix and Sons, 22, Leadenhall Street; Batty and Co., 15, Finsbury Pavement; Decastro and Peach, 65, Piccadilly; Hockin and Co., 38, Duke Street, Manchester Square; and all respectable Oilmen and Grocers. Also, may be had, GRATIS, I. REMARKS ON IMPROVEMENTS IN BREW- ING, by using the Patent Malt and Hop Extract, ena- bling Families to Brew without Brewing Utensils. II. INSTRUCTIONS FOR BREWING from the Patent Malt and Hop Extract. III. OPINIONS relative to the Medicinal Properties of Malt and Hops. London: Dircks & Co., 7, Nicholas Lane, Lombard Street. CARDIFF BANK, WOOD'S BANKRUPTCY. PAYMENT OF FINAL DIVIDEND. ATTENDANCE will be given at the Times and A Places undermentioned, for the Payment of the Final Dividend of Four Shillings in the Pound, (declared in November, 1845), to the Creditors who have not already received the same. WEDNESDAY, August 26th, at the Cardiff Arms, Cardiff. THURSDAY 27th, at the Bear Inn, Cowbridge. FRIDAY 28th, at the Cardiff Arms, Cardiff. Between the hours of 10 and 4 o'clock on each day. 01 at the office of Messrs. JORDAN and BRAGGE, Albion Chambers, Bristol, on any Saturday, between the hoars of 11 and 2, until the 1st day of November, 1816. All Securities for Debts proved, with Administrations or Probates of Wills necessary to establish the right of the party claiming to receive, must be produced, or the Dividend will not be paid. ANY SUBSEQUENT APPLICATION WILL BE USELESS. THOMAS DALTON, Solicitor to the Assignees. Cardiff, July 22nd, 1846.



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