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£ te,ii^|SLib(g;itton. c A R D 1FT AND BRISTOL g?tcam A ftACkCtS PRINCE OF wales MATTHEW JONES, Commander; LADY CHA RLOTTE HENRY JEFFERY, Commander; A RE INTENDED to SAIL during the week as follows J\. (from the BUTE SHIP DOCK) Prince of Wales-Mondays" Lady Charlotte Monday, Wednesdays, & Fridays.— Wednesdays, and Fridays, L.td!J Charlotte Tuesdays, I Prince oj Wales—Tuesdays Thursdays, and Saturdays. ) Thursdays, and Saturdays From CARDIFF. From B InSTOlh Jan., 1846. S Jan., 1840. 2S, Monday *8 morn t 2 P., Monday *85 morn 27, Tuesday.. *9& morn ) 27, Tuesday 6 morn 2S, Wednesday.. 5i morn ? 28, Wedllesday. 6. morn 2 Thursday. 6 morn 23, Thursday. 7 morn 30, Friday, 6g morn 3U, Friday, 7j morn 31, Saturday d" 7 morn J 31, Satuiday 8 morn Long Passage. Carriages and horses to be alongside One hour previous • to Time of Sailing. REDUCED PARKS :—Alter Cabin,4s.; Fore Cabin, 28. Children under Twelve years of age, Half-price; Dogs, Is. each- A Female Stl"wilrd attends on Board both Packets. Refreshments may be had on board on moderale terms. Four-wliSel Carriage 21 s. j duto Phaeton or Gig, 10s.6-d. T«ro-wlieel; drawn :byone horse and driver, 15s.; Horse aid Hitler, After Cabin, 9s; Horse and Kider, Fore Cabin, 7". 6d.; Caltle aud Horses, 63. each; Sheep, Pigs, and Calves. 1". each. Carnages, Horses, Cattle, and Goods, will be subject to LaQdingOaÙd Wharfages at the Bute Docks," Mot Accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes. Freighters arc requested to order all Goods intended for the P.tlNCli OF WALKS, to be sen' to \To. 12, Quay-street, or to llobert Chaplin, Cumberland Basin Locks; and for the LADY CH\KI/M I'K, to Clare-street Hall, Marsh-street, and Bull Wharf, Kedcliff-sircet, Kristol. Goods will be hauled troiu the Warehouses to the Packets at the expense of the Companies. Merthyr, Ne'ubridge, Atmrdnre, Couibridge, Bridgend, Llantrissent, and Caerphilly.—Goods forwarded to these Places in Spring Waggons and Lock-up Canal Boats im- mediately on arrival, unless ordered by any particular conveyance, in which case they will be deposited in the Steam Packet Warehouse till called for.— Freight to be paid ou delivery. Goods, Packages, Parcels, &c., forwarded to all parts of the Kingdom without delay, when sent to either of their Steam Packet Offices in Cardiff or Bristol. Further informittiou as to Freight, wi!1 be readily obtained by applying to the Agents — Mr. Woodman, Agent at the Packet Office, on the Wharf, Cardiff; or to Mr. 6. C. GLASSON, Agent, No. 12, Quay-street, Bristol, for the PHLN'Cli OF WALliS Packet, anti of Mr. T. JOHN, at the Packet Office, on the Wharf, Cardiff; or to Mr. W. B. OWEN, 29, Avon Crescent, Hotwells, Bristol, for the LADY CH Utl.OITB Packet. NU TIC /t. -The Proprietors of ahove the Steam Packets ffive Notice, that they will not he accountable for any Passenger's Luggage, nor will they be answerable for any Goods, Packages, or Parcels (if lost or damaged by Fire, Leakage, or otherwise) unless Booked at either of their Offices at Cardiff or Bristol, If above the value of 403., unless entered at its vahte, and Citrriage in proporliolt paid for the same, at the time of Booking.—fi'»ods consigned to order, or not taken away before Six o'clock in the evening of the day of landing, will be warehoused at the risk and expense of the consignees. All Goods to be considered as liens, not only for freight and charges due thereon, but also for all previously unsatisfied freight and Charges due hy consignees to the Proprietors of the iiaid Packets, Disputed weights or measurement, claims for lOB or damage, &c., cannot be allowed, unless a wrÏtlen notice of the same be sent ts the Office en the day of delivery TO OF JUDGES FINE TEAS SOLD AT THE CARDIFF & MERTHYR GUARDIAN OFFICE. The Asam Tea Company s rare and peculiarly AFTER once partaking of the highly exhilarating ./y. and aromatic Asam Tea, but few can persuade themselves to use any other, especially as it is found not to be injurious to the nerves; and as the Asam Tea has been proved to produce at least six, and in most cases eight goad cups of Tea, where the same quantity of Chinese would produce only four ups of inferior flavour -both luxury and economy combine to recommend the Asam Teas. s. d. NAHOOLEAH PEKOE. 5 0 CHERIDOR SOUCHONG 6 0 MAZENGA GREEN TEA 6 0 THOURA GREEN TEA 7 0 These Teas can only be obtained in one pound, half- pound, quarter-pound and 2 ounce sealed packets, with the Company' Address and), rms on the Envelope. Many are selling spurious imitations of the- Company's Teas, but none are genuivis unless having their Seal and Address, No. 11, CROOKED LANE, KING WILLIAM STREET, on them. SOLE AUTHORISED AGENTS. For SWANSEA ..Miss Arnold,Confectioner,Cross-street. I-or MERTIIYR ..Mrs. Ann Williams, Confectioner, High-Street. For NEWPORT ..Mr. M. Evans, Bookseller, 35, High- Stieet. lif* AGENTS WANTED for some of the large Towns in England and Wales. Perfect rreedom from Coughs in fen Minutes after use, AND A RAPID CLUE FOlt ASTHMA & C$)NSUrfl TION And all Disorders of the Breath anr! L,<17gs, IS IKSUUEL) BY DR. LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS. 'I^HE truly wonderful powers of tliis remedy have ,X called forth testimonials from all ranks of society, lit all quarters of the world. The f.!lowing have just been deceived — MORI! CURES IN TREDEGAR. FrOIll Mr. J. p. Williams, Clu-nist, Church-strcct,Twv!n«;;ir, Dec. 23, 1845. Gentlemen,— A numher «f"my Friends 1I,e experiellced S'eat benetit through talung L(XJOCK's WAFERS.* Please to Se'id me one doz'-n boxes, hy post. i1S some are waiting lor '•'em. One friend nam d Airy Calamore (subject to Asthma ) "ad i1 box last week and has already recdved great benefit (10111 them, although she <id nOl take thc whole, as she ùivi- ded .;he box among some «f her u ighhours. Every one speaks j'>j;lily of them, and iTi■ y are taken by some of the first fami- Jles in the town.—Yoirs obediently, J. P. WILLIAMS. ANOTHER IvroRTANT TESTIMONIAL. FrOIl. the Rev. ONen Thomas, Wesleyan Holyhead. Octoher.9, 1.4,5. Hear Sir -n. Locock's Wafers do a great deal cf t;ood to ttiy voice. I< £ ot a had coJd from a damp bed about 35 years aS". and in* voice was very had ever slI1ce; heJIIg great pam tn me wldl pieaching or singing —and I am very fond ot tinging. I used many different lI1..diellJes. and some of ihem (10 I'OOI tor a little time, but Ur. Lorork's is the best of ill — it cle;is my voice and stops the cougiung instantly. I have fifvr found any thing yet to COlli pare wllh ihem. have heen 33 years a Wesleyan I'rpacher, and all the \re1lJc:)iln Metlio lists in the Principality know me, (20 years of wbich I have lived in Holyhead). and I am known person- V 10 all the first men of that Iwdy, Iro<lnyof whom have y a,,tuireo the effects of the wafers in clearing the voice, and the cough; they never got such a medicine bcfnre. r*}/ wife, ever since Christmas, has been very well, after {wo hoxes. I am a witness of their power to slop a r) £ littul fit of coughing in an instani. I, as a Wesleyan Preachcr, call upon all preachers and ^'ngers of every denomination to'take these wafers, for im- »*rovis)g the voice a:ia curing coughs. VoM may publish my testimonial for the excellent wafers, .you wi>h.— I am, vou:s truly, OIV'I'.N THOMAS, Wesleyen Minister. Another Cure of 20 Years' Asthma. Extract of a letter fr^m j\1. Grose, Esq., edruth. March 18. 1845. x'0Ti<lemert,—Please tosfnd me anils, box of Dr. Locock's ali is lIv return of post, "nll also a few 01 your hsts 01 cures, I may send them 10 (hose of mvfiicnds who are similarly j™ieted wiih asthma. 1 thank God that 1 have found more *'ietit f rom three 2s. yd. boxes which I have taken, than from other med.cines I ever if.ok fLr thc last 20 years, and) "t hopes that 1 shall soon be restored to my former health. Signed, MICHAEL GHOSE. Thnearhahle Case of Improvement (1 the Voice. From the celebrated Infant Thalia. Jan. 15, 1815. "ir,—J deem it to be one of our social duties to acknowledge 1(' benefits we derive from the skill and labours of each jJ'>«r awi r have now such a duly to perform toward* you. s y 'little £ 'icI, known as the Infant t baha, suffered lately very ^J^'Tely fiiiai a cough, and relaxed Uvula, so much so, that .sl,¡. cou.'d 111,t fulfil her professional diries. Varous reuJedies tried without success, until a fiiend recomnietnled your j "monic Wafers iheir beneficial rfhet was instantly appa- ll j and a cure speedily effected. The continued use of ihem jj find ma'erially impioves the tone and power of the voice, j c"uld not let this veiy effectual cure pass over without in- I rftiing \ou of it, in the hope that you might make it known 'he benefit of others similarly suffering. I shall he happy 'Hswer any inquiries. ,?i¡¡. Great Queeu-sl., London. S. SMITH. » patticuars of hundreds cures may he had from 1 cry anient throughout the kingdom. s ^r. L^iOck's Wafers give instant relief, and a rapid cure of is,1|roa=, coii&nmption, cough?, colds, and all disorders of the r^ath and lungs. ° lingers and Public Speakers they are invaluable, as in felt hours rhev remove ail hoarseness, and wonderfully in- r^use the power and fit xibiiity of the voice. j.1 hey have a plia-sant taste. I'licc Is. ljd,, 2s. 9d., and per box. t CA 1'TJJOK.— To pr.ot.oct the public from spurtousitnitations, I ^Jajesiy's lli;nouiable Con m'Sfioners have caused to be ^riiiteD 011 the «tanip outside ecch box the words *'I)R. '•'('OCR's W AFi:ftS, in white letters on a red ground. If (1Ul<haseis will attend to this caution they will be sure <0 get genuine article. holesale Agents; EVAN'S, SOX, and HODGSON, i°'esa'e fruggists, Exeter. Agent tor AitK'iH^R: Ail1.' :1 ''IK, Jiook6e]ltr, High-strret. bold by all Medicine ^dors. 0 Published every Saturday, on a large sheet of 24 pages, price 4d., or stamped 5d., THE CRITIC, OURNAL OF BRITISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE, ART AND MUSIC, GUIDE TO THE LIBRARY AND BOOK CLUB, AND BOOKSELLERS' CIRCULAR. THE CRITIC was established two years since, and has obtained its present popularity and extensive circulation jL by its many original and attractive features. Its thorough independence has made it the adopted guide for most of the Libraries and members of Book Clubs in the Kingdom. The interest as well as instruction of the reader is studied in every department. It is strictly neutral as to sects and parties, but it opposes the sceptical philosophy of other Literary Journals. Its most novel arrangements are A Journal of English Literature. The Tourist (containing communications useful Notices of all New Books, Music, and Works of to Tourists at home and abroad). Art. Critic of Inventions, &c. Journal of German Literature. Journal of Mesmerism. Journal of French Literature. Bookseller's Circular. Journal of Italian Literature. Together with the usual Correspondence, Original Journal of Spanish and Portugese Literature. Papers, Literary Intelligence, &e., &c. A stamped copy, as a specimen, sent to any person forwarding his address and three penny postage stamps. N.B. A stamped copy for his own use supplied to any Bookseller or Circulating Library Keeper, at cost of stamp and paper only, on transmission of half a year's subscription (4s. 4d.) in penny postage stamps. Orders, Advertisements, and Booles, Music, and Works of Art far review, to be sent to the Office, CRITIC OFFICE, 29, ESSEX STREET, STRAND, AND OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. PRICE FOURPENCE OF ANY BOOKSELLER, To be PERMANENTLY ENLARGED, at the commencement of the New Year, to Twenty-four large Quarto Pages, THE ATHENiEUM JOURNAL OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND ART; (Stamped to go free by post, 5d.) CONTAINS :— REVIEWS, with copious extracts, of every important New English Book, & of the more important Foreign Works. REPORTS of the Proceedings of the Learned and Scientific Societies, with Abstracts of all Papers of Interest. AUTHENTIC ACCOUNTS of all Scientific Voyages and Expeditions. CRITICISMS ON ART, with Critical Notices of Exhibitions, Picture Collections, New Prints, &c. MUSIC AND DRAMA, including Reports on the Opera, Concerts, Theatres, New Music, &c. ¡, BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES of Men distinguished in Literature, Science, and Art. ORIGINAL PAPERS AND POEMS. MISCELLANEA, including all that is likely to interest the informed and intelligent. THE ATHENAEUM is so conducted that the reader, however far distant, is, in respect to Literature, Science, and the Arts, on an equality, in point of information, with the best-informed circles of the Metropolis. The ATHENJKUM is published every SATURDAY, but is re-issued each Month stitched in a wrapper. Wholesale Agents: for Scotland, Messrs. Bell and Bradfute, Edinburgh; for Ireland, Mr. Cumming, Dublin; — for France, M. Baudry, 3, Quay Malaquais, Paris; for Belgium, Mr. Browne, 73, Rue Montagne de la Cour, Bruxelles. 1 GREAT BRITAIN STORES « NEAR THE POST-OFFICE, CARDIFF. 'C H L. WALTER. TAILOR, WOOLLEN DRAPER, HATTER, & GENERAL OUTFITTER, ^OLICITS an inspection of his immense STOCK of NEW and FASHIONABLE READY-MADE WINTER O CLOTHING, in every style of make and size, suitable to the Gentleman, Farmer, Mechanic, or Seafaring Man, cut from the best materials in the most appropriate style, and all made on the premises with the strictest attentien to soundness of workmanship, undAr the personal care of the proprietor. The Stock of WOOLLEN CLOTHS, DOESKINS, BEAVERS,anil W A ISTCOA TIN GS cannot be excelled by any House in Wales for variety of pattern. Gentlemen wishing to combina Elegance with Cheapness, by giving their measure at this Establishment will not only find a saving of one quarter of the usual price, but ensure a good fit, without the risk of having a uselees or uncomfortable garment, as no article need be taken unless fully approved of when finished. L. W. earnestly solicits the attention of those persons who have not yet favored him with a trial, confident that the result must prove that no gentleman need to order hom Bristol or London but those who are obliged to pay for long credit. Observe I—List of Prices for Gentlemen's Clothing-, made to measure. £ s. a. | £ s. d. £ s. d. Shooting J ackcts from 0 10 6 Rest quality manufactured 2 5 0 Albert 1\rIcl Pulished Mixed Doe 014 0 Ditto, seven pockets 0 18 0 Superfine Frock Coats 1 i0 0 Black or Drab Kerseymere 0 15 0 Tweed Coat 0 Saxony, with silk faeings. 2 0 0 Best quality manufactured. 120 Office Coats, handsomely made 0 1G 0 Best quality manufactured 2 10 OJ W\ISTCO\TS. Gent,'s Tweed Wrappers 0 17 6: OHH.DK"EN'S DRESSES. Best Moleskin Vests 0 4 0 Cachmeiette, (all shades). 1 1 0 Tunic, Vest, and Trousers 14 0 Ditto, with sleeves 0 5 0 Codrmgton and Taghom Coats X s 0 Jacket, Yost, and Trousers 1 g 0 Handsome Valentia Vests 0 6 0 Platd Polka, (most fashionable 1 4 0 Blue Jacket from & 10 0 Elegant Tibert Shawl pattern 0 10 0 Brown&MixedBeaverChesterfield 1 10 0 ———— Splendid Black Satin 0 14 0 Frock Jacket, (particularly Cotton Cora meeches 0 8 0 Figured Satin, in elegant style.. 0 li 0 adapted ior farmers fiom 0 18 0 Kerseymere 0 Black Kerseymere from 0 7 6 Fine Dress Coats 1 8 0 Best Moleskin Trousers 0 6 6 Saxony ditto. 1 18 0 | Fashionable Woollen Trousers.. 0 10 0 Suit of Black, complete. 210 0 *Ion's Suits of Best Molbskin, ready made, 18s.; to measure, 20s. This being the only Establishment ia the Town solely devoted to Men's and Boys' Clothing, the Public can be suited most advantageously from an unrivalled Selection of PmiB ctR LOlMPOlFi HATS, NAYAL (2 TOJTiHIS'' HOSIERY, STOCKS, CRAVATS SUPERIOR WHITE & COLOURED SHIRTS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS FLANNELS, &c. &c.



dFovtiQn Jfittrlltgeitcr.

.. Caletibar