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L LOCAL INTEI.LIQSNCC. »r's^nia3-c!ay, the Viscountess Adare, of Dunraven fel» lVe ^ei' annual dinner of good roast beef, plum- L 5' and strong ale to thirty of the most deserving f Q.. Parish. L. ^fl!i'mas.dny the paupers at the Cardiff Union- rn \ere plentifully regaled with roast beef and plum- X, > and each adult was piesented with a pint of H>e-Wed ale. 4PP;P|' SAVINGS BANK.-Stfurday, Dec. 20. Depo- jlf.1 Vei'> £ 2of; os. 9.1. paid, £ 286 lis. 10d. nutn- S^OSA,0">55- %Ue Card well, Esq., M.P., has sent the sum of lj0jas'and the Lord Bishop of Llau laff 25 guineas, ^un(ls the Association for the Reliel o! e I lOll in the Metropolis. jo^ Henry Iltid Nicholl, D.C.L of the College 1 ^mmons, and of Upper Clapton, whose sudden a8 11 l'>e 24th ultimo, at the early age of thirty-six, Painful duty lately to have recorded, has died "90o<ieav'n*'r Persol,a' property in England estimated, H0t'„ besides freehold and other property in i jj°ail8hire. Letters of administration of his effects fle granted to his relict, who, with his children, personality, one third to the widow, and the -at. among the children. The freeholds to the OCM' The deceased was cousin to the Judge F e* the Right Hon. John Nicholl, D.C.L., and Vfin ^ai'diff. CLUB.—We have received a circular from PortClub," established June 17th, 1845, in t °f the Protestant principles of the Constitution, jplj ^ising the moral and social condition of the 1^: The GENERAL OBJECTS kept in view are—1. the Protestant principles of the Constitution 'ei^^inistration of public affair*. 2. To uphold a ^tefl ^ational Education, based on Scripture, and ^hu *e m'n'-tei"3 °f religion. 3. To preserve igrju of England and Ireland in its truth and 4. To use every effort that the government of be conducted according to the principles of Ad,) Constitution and for the establishment, in ieveJ civil and religious liberty. 5. To endeavour, I or .j^fcans in their power, to raise the social condi- 4 tl] People. 6. To communicate with all who W /*e principles, and to diffuse them, by forming *h( for these purposes, and by presenting vi^polis a central place, where all who hold the ptw6^8 niay meet, and may devise the fittest means their common end. The Club's first General i'f' 'Ssue(^ November 22, 1845, says—" They hold principle of the British Constitution ought to be no connection between the state of the Church of Rome, that such connection N. to our civil polity, and to our religious princi- IItcb To grant, therefore, endowments to the r, of Rome, to make the Romish priesthood pen- 14 -0'' the English State, to recognise their influence PNe Instrument of our civil government, to tax the Eugland for their payment, are all contrary to f National protest. They hold it to be the duty r|L to provide for National Education. They to maintain the Universities of England and TOWN COUNCIL. —An adjourned meeting of s counc'' f°r '■i* borough was held at <>11, on Monday last—present, R. Reece, mayor 0RKA«I, C. C. Williams, David Evans, aldermen f,°K fTe> William Bird, W. A. Bradley, George Bird, ^ll e' ^-eece« W- Harris, and M. A. Lisle, 0rs. Mr. C. C. Williams, in the chair. A letter James Stuart to the town-clerk respecting the public slaughter-houses, in the town, having 1e!teJl!,» t was ordered, that Mr. W. Woods should be l,f; *° keep the pumps of the slaughter-houses in re- W*k- c^airrn,n should communicate with upon the subject of his letter.—The attention 'N^0,u»Jcil having been directed to the expediency of lH^Clri'5 the provisions of the Small Debts' Act into a committee, consisting of Messrs. H. Morgan, 4 '"iams, D. Evans, C. Vachcll, and William Bird, • -f^Pointed to consider the matter, and to report to the next quarterly meeting of the council.- Jf^ o/°r's attention having been called to the ruinous Ik ^rn "le workhouse, in St. Mary-street, Mr. C. C. Was requested to take measures to remedy the P'ained of, The meeting was then adjourned to »lif)ieP.-0nday hx February. £ Oh lInS l'le Street Commissioners was formally M. Monday last, and was adjourned to Monday • tft [ -tit v. W. Leigh Morgan has, we understand, ac- ^e wishes of the members of our Mechanics' 1lij by accepting the oflice of "Vice-President of Sa ute» vacant by the death of Mr. Watson, our M «b3°r- rJ'^t 4ve been informed that the steam-packets, which 4Ceu tllis Port ail;l ^riiitol» 'iave beeu surveyed by k ^nhlr^Uy officer. FC |)I,RF MARKET, DKC. 20.—Beef, 7d. to 8d. per lb. ,w0fk,^r luarter, 42s. to 46s.; mutton, 7d.; veal, 7jd.; 7''1 > !?eese. Bd. per lb. ducks, 4s. to 4s. Gd. • » turkeys, 9d. per lb. fowls, 3s. to 3s. 6d. per '^| l( er» '"res'1> Per > ditto, salt, Is. Id.; PER dozen potatoes, 10s. to 14s. per sack. • MARKET.—At this season of the year it is make a few observations respecting what is r^Viu^he Christmas Meat Show;" and, in accord- established custom, we proceed to give our hwi H Such as it is, of the almost unrivalled "show" t had the satisfaction of seeing in our market- Ib Mj0,i Saturday last. The supply of butcher's meat j^slitJ^ant, and certainly of the best and most useful j|i0t j )Ve ever remember to have seen. The beef was Ww —extraordinai ily good and although not of fat kind which we have seen, wa3 still suffi- jfH ^VeH-fed to satisfy the most fastidious epicure njaking this remark, we refer to the meat exhi- J the butchers generally—to Mr. Gibbon, Mr. W Ug Mr. Martin, Mr. Grev, Mr. W. White, Mr. S. Mr. Bond, and all others whose names we are not hJNfJwith. We were particularly struck with an 8e'y fat pig (or rather |>oiker) which we saw K b»^ 'n the market, and which we are informed was ;¡ *b|y "Ir. Goddard, of Saint Pagan's, and being, pro- at I tbe one which earned so much porcine distinction .■ 1 v«ly Sreat show of Sir Charles Morgan. It was, posi- Monster, having fat sufficient to constitute half-a- J? *ttt°r<^l,iary fat pigs. Throughout the day it continued 'sit^4c' the almost undivided attention of those who the market, as we did, from mere motives of The prices we give in the usual form and, (?% it is unnecessary to say more of the market r taken as a whole, our friends never had to ter Allj. r opportunity of supplying themselves with some Christmas fare. The various butchers' shops r^Av 11 very £ ai'y trimmed throughout the week. StHfriK° noticed, encouragingly, the efforts of our Wuiitehers, which produced such satisfactory results, !NLI ejected that our grocers and confectioners |%i 'eeeive theH share of praise, more especially as we 'te, in their various shop-windows, alluringly set rich array of spices and fruits, candies and con- P^oduct of India, East or West. or Middle Shore, In Pontus, or the l'unic Coast, or where 1 'Vi Acinous reigned. a confectioner's shop a tempting thing to holiday cL.lose store of silver coin is burning in their a » and greedy looks are turned towards the dainties, jNtly ra/e, which crowd the neatly arranged counters e°«jeeture8 are formed as to the relative worth of cakes—sprinkled with ornaments and imagery ^'1 i at length the contemplated purchase is effected, ^vj^'tion of the Twclftli Niglit Cake, forestalled by '■ ^t^ and impatient appetites. "Ah! merry days of i did ye awa) I X 6 LATE ROBBERY AT THE TRAFALGAR HOTEL.— L«V nEET» WEDNESDAY.—The four waiters, Bowen, I %| Uncock, and Baites, were this day brought up for '"Anamination, chaiged with having robbed the Rev. I of New House, near Cardiff, of a large sum I pc^0. as stated in our last. The whole of the evi- 1 r.vj(|Slveu -on the two former occasions was repeated. I' Vj,»ovv be sufBcient for us to state briefly the facts: — | v°v. Mr. Lewis was, on the 28th Nov., staying at .Sv rafa'gar Hotel, Charing Cross. On that day he from his bankers, Messrs. Glyn, Bank ofEngland the value of £ 150, in ten £ 5, five £ 10 notes, and if e6v°^ note« wbich he deposited in his portmanteau in Q elirjg, and missed at night. Suspicion immediately ktd who was taken into custody, and after- f'sde a confession. Some time after Lake made a in consequence of wbieh, he and two other llameJ Woods ar.d Bailey, were taken into ^it| but the two latter were discharged for want of Nearly all the stolen notes have been received Ky'&ank of England, and several of them have been to itave been changed by the prisoners Baites and S .i0ck. The above facts, which were not clearly shown le previous examination, were fully establislied on 'ft|RtKCasion> aud the depositions having been taken at > Uie prii<aei's were committed for trial, Lake and ( on the charge of stealing, and the other prisoners 0 diving the stolen notes. Monday night, tbis port and neighbourhood were \l(t^ With a most fearfuj gale, which struck exposed Vi| 8s such »s actually to cause them r»te. O11 Tuesday tfee violence of the storm considerably, so that towards the evening it had 5 subsided, A report reached oar .office that a large on shore 011 the Glamorganshire coast; but a V) rof a vessel, who w&s diiven up channel to Penarth the ga'e' us that "lle ne't,lel' nor of any accident." The weather on Wednesday 0 and mild. Christmas-day, the Taff Vale Railway Company 'o and fro tickets, which probably caused five hundred of our neighbours (residents alongthe N,» l° visit Cardiff; and upwards of one hundred per- \j r°m this town embraced the opportunity of visiting Wt, fiends at the various places up the line, lhe com- ev evinced the greatest readiness to oblige the public Nk-Ptlttit) on special trains in addition to the ordinary 41 and which (special trains) left Cardiff and Mer- f *e«peetiyely at a litte hour in the evening, H M.UKUTON, DKVON—T'vre was a festival here OM I XV -INI'SDAV, the I(}ih iust., in honour of Mr. Webber, p O nietor of the (hta-'dsrifl), the zealous agiiculturist air! liberal ftiendoftltepoMf. lie was escorted from the Tiverton railroad station by the leading farmers of the dis'riet, besides many friends from Tiverton, Honiton, CII!lo;n;.)!oii, Taliaton, <%C The proeession was preceded by the ilalherton andUifeoIme bands. The village bel!s pealed merrily throughout the day. At rialberton, Mr. Webber was met by several hundreds of the labourers and their families, and a thrilling shout welcomed him. A dinner was served up in exeellent style by Mrs. W ilkins, j at the Railway Hotel. where the great object of the day— the presentation of his portrait—took place. This picture was painted by a pupil of Mr. Mogford's, A talented young artist of Exeter, Mr. Frank Cursor), who is also the author of Lays and Legends of the West." The portrait was admired by all as a most striking likeness and as a finishetl painting. Amonght the persons present at the dinner (upwards of a hundred) were R. H. Aber- dein, Esq., Cant. Murray, R.N., R. Beavis, Esq., &c., &r. Dr. Merson took the chair, and proposed in a for- cible and eloquent address the health of Mr. Webber, lie entered at length upon the various improvements in- troduced by that gentleman, making land, not worth 5s. an acre, fertile and prolitable, and concluded by present- ing him with the portrait., a life size, whole length, 30.) of the poor having subscribed for it. Mr. ebber returned thanks in a brief but impressive spcech. Mr. Aberdein spoke of Mr. Webber's services as a man greater than the greatest warrior, who merely devastated the earth, for he had made two blades of grass grow where One or none grew before—A man whose energies had led to the noblest results—the improvement of his native parish, the comfort and independence of the labourer, the les- sening of the poor-rate, and an increase of wealth in his neighbourhood by the more improved cultivation of the soil which might be an example to the rest of Devon. Several other addresses were delivered. Thewhole cha- racter of the festival was as novel as striking, and forms an interesting incident in the agricultural world.— Bristol Mercury. OMNIBUS ACCIDENT.—On Saturday night last, as the Queen" omnibus was leaving this town for Newport, on approaching the railway bridge, the leading horse shied at a train which was passing—turned suddenly round — and broke the pole. No further accident then occurred, so that after a delay of some time another pole was pro- cured. and the "Queen" resumed her journey. However, a second, and a more serious accident occurred near Castletown—not to the omnibus, but caused by it. It is reported, and we believe, correctly so, that on going down a hill, at a rapid rate, the omnibus ran against a phaeton, in which were Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, of Coed- kertiew. The phaeton was much shattered; and Mrs. Matthews was so severely injured as to excite serious apprehensions for her life. We hardly know to whom to attach blame, but this is certain, that the omnibus was not furnished with lamps, which, unquestionably, ought to have been provided as the night WAS so dark. A cor- respondent at Newport states, that Mrs. Matthews was thrown out with much violence, and fractured several of her ribs. The omnibus turned over, and was considerably damaged; but none of the passengers were seriously hurt." AT our police court, on Monday, a seaman entered the room, and applied for a summons against a master of a vessel for non-payment, of wages. He said that he and several other seamen engaged, fifteen days ago, witn the master complained against at (we believe) ,£2 a month, on a voyage to the Mediterranean that articles were not signed--that the crew continued working on board but hearing that seamen were scarce, and wages consequently high, they (the crew) determined not to go with their employer unless he advanced their wages to the rate cur- rent in this and the neighbouring ports. He refusad to do so (as any other man would, probably), but required the men to sign articles, and to proceed 011 the voyage, in accordance with the terms of thair original verbal agree- ment. The crew, the applicant to the magistrates said, refused to do so; and he now wished to have a summons against the master, in order to compel, him to pay the wagcs due for the fifteen days' labour. Themagistrates told him that, as he had not signed articles, lie could not recover payment of his wages and in addition urged him to return to his duty on board, and to act up, hon- estly and manfully, to the terms of his contract. He sullenly refused to do so, and said W hy should I go for £2 A month 011 a long voyage when I am offered £2 10s. and £2 15s. by other captains'?" To argue with such a fellow—to point out to him that common honesty required that he and his fellow-seamen should act up to the terms of their agreement, would of course be futile, and therefore he was told that he might have a summon, upon payment of the usual fee, 3s., which, not being pro- vided with, he left the court in order to procure. This is not the only case in which we have witnessed seamen endeavouring to treat their commander in the most unfair manner. We have occasionally instances brought under the notice of the magistrates, in which the conduct of the master of the vessel is very much to be censured but in by far the greater number of cases, the behaviour of the crew, by their own statements, is such as cannot be too severely condemned, and renders it a matter of surprise how master mariners can behave with such mo- deration to their men under circumstances of peculiar trial and extreme provocation. An article in our fourth page, headed Crime on the High Seas," has reference to the state of our mercantile marine, and will be read with interest. MAJORITY OF MR. R. CLIVE.— FKSTIVITIKS AT OAKLHY PAKK.—Mr. and Lady Harriet Olive gave a series of en- teitainments at their beautiful seat, Oakley Park, near Ludlow, last week, to celebrate the majority of their eldest son, Mr. Robert Clive. The preparations were on a most extensive scale. In addition to the ample accom- modation afforded by the mansion itself, a temporary building was erected at the west front of the house, 100 feet long, 30 feet wide, and of proportionate height. The company assembled on Tuesday, when a grand banquet was given, thirty-six covers being laid. The tine band of the Worcestershire Yeomanry Cavalry (of which Mr. Clive is the Colonel) were stationed in the north portico, adjoining the dining-room, and played select airs durirg dinner. On Wednesday, forty-two satdowntodinnei, and in the evening there was a ball, at which were present between three and four hundred persons, comprising all the principal families in Salop and the adjoining counties. Dancing commenced at ten o'clock, the band composed of first-rate artists from London, who played with admir- able taste and spirit. Supper was announced at one o'clock, after which dancing was renewed, and the festi- vities were kept up until five in the morning. On Thursday, a grand display of fireworks was exhibited under the direction of Mr. Danbv, of Vauxhall. The spot chosen for their display was well adapted for that purpose, being in the park facing the SOUT^OR garden trout of the mansion, thus affording an opportunity for the immense number of spectators who had assembled to witness the same without inconvenience, The dinner- party on Thursday numbered forty-two, after which an instrumental concert was performed. Some polkas, qua- drilles, and waltzes closed this evening's amusements. On Friday there was another dinner, with forty-two covers; and, subsequently, a ball to the tenantry, at which nearly five hundred persons were present. The bill of fare on this day was the same as on Wednesday, but on a more liberal scale, including a noble baron of beef, and other substantialviands. The entire arrange- ments were under the direction of Messis. Gunter and Company, of Berkeley-square. The festivities terminated on Satuiday, on which day the guests staying in the house took their departure, highly gratified with the entertain- ment they had enjoyed, and with the kind and generous hospitality of the worthy host and his amiable lady. The following were among the guests during the week: -The Marquis and Marchioness of Downshire, the Earl and Countess of Powis and the Ladies Herbert, Viscount Clive, the Hon. Messrs. Percy, George and Robert Her- bert, the Earl and Countess of Somers and Lady Harriet Cocks, Sir John and Lady S. Hay Williams, the Right Hon. Sir Henry Wynn, and Miss Wynn, Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart., Mr. Herbert Wynn, Lord Bur- leigh, Lord Sandys, Lord Edwin Hill, Lord Bernard Howard, the Earl of Bradford and the ladies Bridgeman, Hon. George Bridgeman, Hon. Mr. Leigh, MR. and Lady Charlotte Chetwynd, Mr. Perry, Viscount Hill, Viscount Lewisham, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Walsh, Sir William Rouse Boughton, Bart., Lady Syei, Hon. Mrs. Philips, Miss Philips. ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES, GENEALOGICAL, CHRON- OLOGICAL, AND HERALDIC, OF THE PRINCIPAL FAMILIES OF GLAMORGAN. By the Rev. Christopher Bassett, of Monknash.—Part I. of this work has been received, but at too late a period of the week to be noticed at any con- siderable length, or to have a corner in the column usually devoted to literary notices. The author's object is to supply, as far as practicable, the want of a Genealo- gical History of Glamorganshire & he commences with the ancient family of Bagsett. We entertain not the slightest doubt but that the work, once seen, will be sought for eagerly. It is to appear in monthly parts.— (See Advertisement.) GLAMORGANSHIRE EPIPHANY SESSIONS, 18-16.-The police committee will meet at P.I Ie Inn, on Thursday, the Ist day of January, 184G, and the finance committee at one o'clock on the same day.—Minutes of Business for Monday, January 5, Order!! of the Day.- J, To consider any communication from either of her Majesty's Secre- taries of State or War, the Houses of Parliament, or the Lord-Lieutenant of the county. 2. The keepers of the prisons to make their quarterly reports, and a certificate how far the rules of such prisons have been complied with. S. 14, 21. 3. The visiting justices to make their report in writing of the state and condition of each prison. S. 23. 4. Two or more justices to be appointed visiters for each prison. S. 1(3. 5. The surgeon's journal to be laid before the court, and signed hy the chairman. S. 33. 6. The quarterly accounts of expenditure to be produced, signed by the visiting justices of each prison, to be signed by the chairman. 7. To receive the report of the finance committee, and to examine and pass all such bills and demands on the county, as shall be laid before the court, in conformity with the rules of the court. 8. To order a county rate for the ensuing quarter. 9. Transcripts of the rules of friendly societies, transmitted to the cleikof the peace, to be laid before the court for confirmation. 10. At two in the afternoon, to audit the accounts relating to police force, and generally to make such orders under 2 and 3 Viet., cap. 93, and 2 and 4 Vict., cap. 88, as may be deemed requisite. 11. To order payment of bills, and a rate for the ensuing quarter. NOTICES FOR SESSIONS. —To considei of providing a lunatic asylum for this county alone, or in connection with some other county or counties, borough or boroughs, under 8 and 9 Vict., cap. 100. To reconsider of rules for the removal of Irish and Scotch poor. To consider the present state of the law as regards prosecutions for pttty offences, with a view to call the attention of the legislature thereto. To increase the police force in the Swansea and Merthyr districts. To increase the salary of tbe chief constable, DISTRICT ROADS' BOARD. — An adjourned meeting of 1 he Enstern District was held at the Cardiff Arms, 011 Satuiday last. the 20th inst., which was attended by Lord James Stuart, M.P., E. David, Esq., R. F. Jenner, Esq., Capt. Hoteler. W. Coffin, Esq., J. Homfray, Esq., E. H. Lee, Esq., VV. Jones, Esg, the Rev. J.M. Iraherne, the Rev. G. Thomas, the Rev. E. W. Richards, and the Rev. A. Dene. The meeting was engaged until late in the afternoon with various measures connected with the district, and an adjournment again took place to the 7th of January next. We believe it is found that the provisions of this Act are more difficult to be carried out than was at first contemplated. It also seems that a distiict comprising upwards of 90 miles of turnpike road is very extensive, to be properly superintended by one surveyor. FAT GEESE STOLEN.—On Monday night or early on Tuesday morning, twef fat geese were stolen from the Red House, Ely, the property of Mrs. Williams. On the same night the stable of Mr. William Evans, of Cavra, was broken open, in which stable a dead pig was hung up, having been killed on Tuesday, and a portion of one side of the pig was cut off and taken away. THE prisoners in our County Gaol were indulged on Christmas-day by having an excellent dinner provided for them. The dinner party included 50 men and 17 women, who expressed themselves deeply obliged to the" Visiting Justices," and also to Air. Woods for the mariner in which he carried the Justices' instructions into effect, The Rev. T. Stacey, R. T". Jenner, Esq., and Capt. B. Jenner, called at the gaol during the dinner hour. A Mosr disgraceful fight took place in the Roman Catholic Chapel, on Christmas ,eve, during the performance of the service. WELSH MIDLAND RAILWAY.—This Company has ad- vertised that the plans, sections, &c., have been duly lodged with the Clerks of the Peace; but it has been stated in one of the London Railway papers that at one place the Datum line was omitted to be deposited. The place in question is Worcestershire, and the important document in question was omitted from those deposited with the county and city Clerks of the Peace.— Worcester llerllltl. THE RAILWAYS AND THE FOREST OF DEAN.—(From a correspondent of the Gloucester Journal.)—The state- ment in the paper of last week is, that the South Wales Company had deposited plans, &c., for a line from Chep- stow to Standish, but no mention is made of any branch railways into the Forest. That the Chepstow, Forest of Dean, and Gloucester Company had deposited plans for a line from Chepstow to Gloster, with several branches into the Forest; and the plans for a railway from Lydney, through the Forest, to join the Monmouth and Hereford line, were not deposited. This is incorrect the South Wales Company have deposited plans for three railways into and through the Forest aud the Chep- stow, Forest of Dean, and Gloucester Company have not deposited any plans for any railway into or through the Forest.—Provincial Paper. RAILWAY BlUDGU AT AUST OR OLD PASSAGB.— This bridge will for some distance be constructed on stone pillars, but the two centre arches will be formed by a suspended structure of iron, so braced and in- terlaced as to have all the steadiness and stability of a bridge on the most solid foundation. It will be of a sufficient width to offer a double passage one for rail- way carriages and the other for passengers, properly partitioned for each other. Tup. SOUTU WALES RAILWAY BRIDGE. —In a letter to the Hon. M. F. F. Berkeley, the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty say that they will never sanction a bridge at Hock Cribb, or over any other part of the Severn, which shall be detrimental to its free navigation. No plan for a tunnel (they add) has yet been laid before them but whenever it comes, the due preservation of the bed of the river will be their lordships' first consideration. A letter to the same purport has been received by the mayor of Gloucester, J. W. Hughes, Esq. GREAT EASTERN AND WESTERN RAILWAY.—In our last number we stated that this company had failed in depositing their plans, &c.. and we also gave extracts from the Committee of Management's address to the shareholders, in which address they censured their engi- neer for gross mismanagement, and recommended that he should be held responsible for the consequences of the failure, Since that address was issued, a numerous and important meeting of the shareholders was held in the offices of the company at Worcester, on Wednesday week, and at which a resolution to the following effect was moved and carried:—"That in the opinion of the meeting the disgraceful and incomplete state of the plans and sections deposited with the Board of Trade precluded the possibility of the success of an application to Parlia- ment, and that the shareholders therefore, felt called upon to appeal to the directors to refrain from incurring further expenses, and requesting the board to ascertain the lia- bilities of the shareholders, and lay a statement thereof before a general meeting." WORCESTER, WARWICK, AND RUGBY. — At the close of the above meeting, the chairman, J. W. Lea, Esq., ad- dressed those present (many of whom were shareholders in the Worcester, Warwick and Rugby line, which had also failed in depositing from the same cause as that alleged in respect of the Great Eastern and Western) and informed them that negociations were now pending with some of their competitors, for the railway occupation of the country between Worcester and Warwick. These negociations would, if they succeeded—and the proba- bilities were in their favour—be highly advantageous to the interests of the shareholders in the Worcester, War- wick and Rugby line. WORCESTER AND LEOMINSTER.—At the same meeting, the chairman (Mr. Lea), took the opportunity of men- tioning, with reference to the proposed line from this city to Leominster, by way of Bromyard, and the shares in which had not yet been allotted, in consequence of the late period at which the line had been resolved upon, that the deposits had all bcellduly made in respect of this line, upon. plans efficiently taken hy Mr. Leader Williams. The undertaking was well supported by local interest, and he thought it was a project most likely to succeed. He might now state that an arrangement would be made, whereby the Warwick lines would run into the Worces- ter and Leominster line, and so make them one continu- ous line. He had not the least doubt, that in the event of the success of the pending negociation, this would be a capital investment. SOUTH WALES, OVER THE SEVERN.—It will be recollected thaI IHt yp.ar the South al(,3 Cnrupany proposed to cross the Severn by a bridge at Hock Crib, and t'1 nbvlate the intor- ru;)ii m this would cause to the navigation of the river Severn, a caual was proposed to be cnt, by means of which vessels should be ahle to get 0111 of die tide's way and save something in distance in their voyage to Gloucester; but this wa. so cmde a coatrivlillce III>lt- lhe AdmiratlY surveyors, aftrr a minute examination of [he river and the intentions of the company, drew lip a very able report, in which Ihe whole design was pronounced to he dangerous 10 the naviga'ion of the river in its present state, and obstructive to ils improve- ment lit any future period a id, inconsequence of ihat report, and the Admiralty riat which followed iI, the South \V«]es line only trcceived Parliamcntcirv sanction às far as Chepstow. We confess we rejoiced in "this decision for two rCIIS"IIS.- first, Oil account of the sanction thus given to the principle that the navigation of so important a river as [he Severn should not be lightly sacrificed, notwithstanding Ihe existing preference at present felt for railway conveyance and, se- condly, because we felt 3llxio[IS that Gloucester should slill be continued as the highway from England to South Wales. Both these were advanlag-s — we may say rights, not to be thoughtlessly thrown away; and we did hope, after sliGh a strong expression of public feeling, aud aller intelligent sui" veyors, nautical men, and engineers, had pronounced so posi- tive an oninion against Ihe projected invasi()11 of navigable communication, After the Lords of the Admiralty had giveu ill their fiat against the company's design, and after Parliament had th:own out this portionof the bill. that we should have seen it gracefully abandoned by its promoters, an I have had to welcome lhem"in bringing their line onwards to Gloucester, lin-I ill Jeaving the Severn free aud unmolested. We regret that the new plans now deposited wiih the clerk of the psace do not confirm this hope, but, on the contrary, tInt they iu- volve, as far as cur humble judgment goes, all the objections of the defeated projects of last year. The projectors 110 longer offer 10 the trade of Ihe river the inefficient substitute of a eanal across the isthmus at Hock Crih, hut they p^rs^vere ne»'erthp|ess in their scheme for abridge, although they have removed its intended site about 200 yards further up the river. This biiilge, or viaduct, is to he formed of wood. has an inclination from the centre both ways, appears tnleuded to be 0f the length 0f 858 yards, 0r nearly hail a ini;e, is t0 be 54 feet above high water mark; its arches are to be 109 feet span, and there will be a cutting or embankment of 4l) feet in height on the A wre side of the river for a distance of about half a mile. We have been told that all the objections which, on public grounds, applied to the former intended bridge, equally exist to tbe present one. There is lhe Illlcontrollable rllsh of the tide which would cause at that spot the greatest possible danger and difficulty in navigating vessels so astoavoid collision wilh the arches, v. hile lhe low elevation of the pro- posed bridge would be a positive bar from this time for ever to any improvement of the Severn which should have in view the bringing of vessels with rigging and standing masts to Gloucester- in fact, that the rirer Severn would henceforth be shut agfinstany vessel larger than common trows, and that even to (hese the risk 9f fouling and being wiecked against the bndge. ii they attempted to run up on a high tide, would be very great. We apprehend that these, without going at < into technical objections, will be sufficient reasons for calling upon the Lords of the Admiralty again to step forward and protect the ancient and free navigation of our noble river. Hilt the South Wales Kaiiway Company have deposited plans for what they cali an "alternative hue; and tiiis alternative line comprises the project of a tunnel under the liver, in case the coiiipany should oe refused permission 10 erect a viaduct over the river. The tunnel is to be situated at Hock Crib, where the river is nearly half a mile wide (3$furlongs); but the tunnel of course has its origin a great distance fiom the shoie 011 either aide and from its commencement in the parish of fri'therne, to its termination in that of Awre, the tunnel has the length of one mile and a half, with additional cutijngs for tiie distance 01 nearly another mile. The depth °K 110of the tunnel appears on lhe plans to he a out ^o feet, with an inclinai ion or 1 to 100. 1'he Admiralty su.veyors, by the hy, gave 60 feel as the proper depth of an;, t'lnnei but to comply with this lequirement it wou d re necess ity either to iticrease the length of trie lutiuel to dou- 'V J"'esL'ul extent, or to have such an incliua.i >u as it «oii. next to impossible for any locomotive to overcame. Another important point also requires notice-the crown ot the tunn-I would be only six feet below the bed of the river, thus, like the proposed bridge, standing in the way for ever 01 any impiovemcnt of the navigation of the river, at least by any process of which dredging would form part. Hut the truth tit. that practical men consider the tunuel scheme to he e whale." lis monstrous expense, the immense (lilliculty ot its construction, the almost interminable p.riod which would be occupied in a work of sj much magnitude, all lead us to the conclusion that the bridge is slili thegre-u card which the company intend to play. Why, however, they stilt persevere in their desire to evade Gloucester, which, beyond all question, is by far the most eligible point to connect the communication from Wales to Ireland with London and the Noith of England, we cannot cone. tve but it seems manifest tout both on local and public grounds we have a strong case against the project, aud by agdin showing a bold from, we m.iy ultimately gain a victory, winch will be uo less advan- tageous to us, than we verily believe it to be benf-acia) to the South Wales Company themselves.—Gloucester Chronicle* CHRISTMAS CHAnITADLE GIrTi. during thr* week ware extensively distributed among the poor of Hand.tfT-uil its neighbourhood—the principal donors bein^ the fami- lies of Llaudaff House, LlandafF Court, and Mr. and Miss Coffin. The gifts consisted of meat, money, and articles of wea: ing apparel adapted to the necessities of the season. A correspondent in mentioning a few instances in which the wants of the needy were considerately relieved. ssys- I was credibly informed that twenty pairs of blankets have already been distributed by the Court family alone and our other wealthy neighbours' gifts have been equally liberal. You have no idea to what an extent the sentry of this neighbourhood carry their charities: not only during the inclement season of winter, but throughout the year they seem fully impressed with the claims of the wretched upon the purses of the more wealthy; and those claims are allowed' and satisfied." — CARDIFF POLICE.—MONDAY. [Before R. Rcece, F.S.A., Mayor, and Rev. J. Evans.] Mrs. Harries, of Saint Nicholas, advanced and said to the magistrates—I brought two sacks of potatoes to market some Saturdays a^o. and, as I could not sell them, I left them under the care of the man who lias charge of the market-place, and who toM me he would keep them safe. Last Saturday I came to market and I could only have one sack with him. He said he did not know anything about the other sack. Mr. Gooden, lessee of the market tolls, was then sent for, to answer t11e charge preferred again3t him, and Mrs. Harries was desired to procure the attendance of her witness or witnesses, if she had any. She then left the court. In a short time Mr. Gooden arrived, and the mayor having just glanced at the charge preferred hy Mrs. Harries, said My attention his been called to the state of the market-place generally by Lord James Stuart, and also by others. I am told it is most scandalously dirty tli.it it is really dreadful to see the accumulations of 61th and dirt which it contains, more especially in the vegetable market. I only tell you of it as I have been told of it. There will be a public complaint made against you to the Council by Lord James himself to-day. Rev. James Evans: The market is very bad indeed. It is very dirty. The Mayor: Dirty ? I am told that it is disgustingly filthy most scandalously dirty. I am told so. I know nothing of It myself. Mrs. Harries entered the room at this particular juncture, and gaid that the man wha witnessed her transactiolls with Mr, Gooden had this morning left for Ireland. The Mayor then briefly detailed the particulars of her story, h whidl Mr. Gooden replied—"I took them both [lhe two sacks) under my care." The Magistrates: That she says; and further, she savs you onty returned her one s'tck. ilr. Gooden I did not take them under my care the last Sa- turday. Mrs. Harries: Yes you did. How can you deny it. You can't deny it in my face. The Magistrates He does deny it. Where is the witness you spoke of You hear he denies having taken them under his care. Mr, Gooden I did not take either of them under my care at all, Sir. The fact is, they were here for two or three weeks. The case was adjourned, i:1 order to allow Mrs. Harries time to procure the attendance of witnesses. PWKJSU PùcKErs.-James JOlles, Henry William", anrl Tho- mis Edwards were charged with having robbed Mary Powell, the wife of Edward Powell, of Pentyrch, on Saturday last, in Cardiff Market, by picking her pocket—James Jones being the principal, and the others, with two who escaped, being acces- sories. Mrs. Powell examined: "On Saturday last I came to Cardiff Market; and while in the market-place, I h id my pocket book in my hand, which contained 17s. 6d. in silver. I was going to put it in my pocket, aud did put it, I think. Besides the money, it contained two tea-party cards. I never saw it since. A man canae to me, and asked me if I had last anything. I told him that I had not. «Look,' he said. I did look, and found my pocket book was gone."—Henry Thomas examined I was in the market-place on Saturday last, and saw the pri- soner James Jones there. There were four "of them together; but Henry Williams was not one of the four. I saw James Jones standing near Mrs. Powell, and looking over her shoul- der; and Thomas Elwards was standing near another woman, and looking over her shoulder. I then saw James Jones rise up Mrs. Powell's gown-put his hand into her pocket-pull his hand out-put it into his pocket -and then the four ran away in different directions, that is, two going one way and two another. I asked Mrs. Powell if she had lost anything: she said • No.' However, upon my urging her to search her pocket. she ascertained that her pocket book had been abstracted." Superintendent Stockdale examined- Very early on Saturday morning I received information that parties were in town with the intention of picking pockets in our market. Towards the middle of the day I received further information respecting those parties; aud shortly afterwards I heard that Mrs. Powell's pocket had been picked, but she did not know it until told of it it was so cleverly done I went down to the Van Office beer-shop, and saw Jones and Edwards come on together. Thev watched me, and Edwards turned back. Ultimately the three were taken into custody." Mr. Stockdale then described the various sums of money found on prisoners' persons. James Jones, who declined saying anything, was fully committed for trial. 1 tiomas hdtvtirds was then charged with having been in the market-place on Saturday last, with the intention of committin" felonj. The statements of Henry Thomas proved most satis- factorily that Edwards had acted throughout the mornin" in concert with James Jones—that they were seen together in va- rious places-and that while Jones was picking Mrs. Powell's pocket. Edwards and two others who are not in custody, but who are well known to the police, were standing by, and shielding him from the observation of others. The magistrates committed him to prison for the term of three calendar months, there to be kept to hard labour. Upon hearing their decision, he begin to roar and cry for mercy, protesting that he was a respectable man s son was a most respectable fellow himself- and drew the magistrates' attention to the Act of Parliament, which specified that the punishment for his offence was not to exceed three months. This incident seemed to convince the bench that he was an old offender, and had probably heard the clause read upon It former occasion. Against the third prisoner, Henry Williams, no conclusive evidence was adduced, and he was therefore discharged with a caution to leave the town instantly, as the police would have their attention directed tnwards bim, The witness Henry Thomas, was presented with the sum of five shillings as com- pensation for loss of time on Saturday. These men seemed to have prepared for a Successful cam- paign amongst us. They were amply provided with various disguises —suits of clothes which were so made as to admit of being slipped on and off in an instant, and neck-kerchiefs of innumerable patterns. One who has escaped had two suits of clothes on, the outer suit being so lightly and ingeniously attached to his person, that he might rob a man —run out of sight for two minutes —and, by shaking them off, appear in etches of quite another description, so as almost to render de- tection impossible. He is, however, well known to the police and, should he make his appearance again, win unquestionably have the honour of being promoted to the bar." A young woman, who stated that she was a servant at the Bunch of Grapes public-house, in the Hayes, applied to the magistrates for assistance under those circumstances She said she had been seat to get change tor a sovereign that she had proceeded tj a shop—received silver for the sovereign, but on examining it on her return to the Bunch of Grapes, found that she had only I os. She was positive she had not lost any of che silver. The tradesman refused to give her the remaining five shillings, although she had assured him that he had only given her 15s. for the sovereign. The magistrates told her they could afford her no assistance. William Llewellyn, a young man who (it Wag stated) keeps one of the most disgraceful houses in that infamous locality, Whitmore-lane, was charged with having assaulted a French seaman, by striking him upon his head. Supe intendcnt Stock- dale said that some seamen entered the house, and had given money to the inmates to procure beer. Llewellyn then and his associates, male and female, were anxious to get rid of the men, and Llewellyn went behind one of them aud struck him upon his head with a teakettle, thereby inflicting a. most dangerous wound, three inches long, and extending to the bone of the skull. It was a most violent b.ow, and had caused very serious injuries. The Frenchmen could not appear to gire evidence, as they were obliged to go to sea, taking with them their wounded companion. Under these circumstances, the magistrates, with evident reluctance, ordered Llewellyn to be discharged after he had entered into his own recognizances in the sum of .£10 to appear whenever required to do so. Mr. Watkins, juu., applied to the bench on behalf of his father, who is surveyor of the high ways, for a summons against Mr. Morgan Lisle, c, for haviug caused a quantity of clay to be deposited upon Whitmore-lane, to the material injury of the lane, and the obstruction of the public passage." Granted. [Before Rev. J. Evans and Rev. T. Stacey.] ASSAULT.—Jarratt Kingstone was charged with having aII- saulted Mr. Johu Morgan,of Trinity-street. Mr. Morgan having been sworn, stated—" About three months ago I and two or three young men were going over the Bridge-street bridge, in this town. I heard some person coming after me. I was struck down from behind. I did not see who struck me. I fell, aud remained insensible. It wa3 on a Sunday night."—Edward Griffiths examined: I was in John Morgan's company at the time. At about eleven o clock on the Sunday night, we were going home together, and 1 saw three chaps with pokers in their hands coming after us. Defendant was iirst; and as he came up the bridge, he said to us—' Now. you — .t COme on. will you.' I said to John Morgan, Let us go. it is no use for us to stand, as they have pokers. Just as I Was turning about, one of them struck me on my elbow with a poker, and this man struck Morgan upon his head with another poker. Morgan fell down. We had not given them any provocation." The hat which Mr. Morgan had on at the time was produced in court, and bore the appearance of having been cut through by some blunt instrument. Defendant, who had no evidence to prove that complainant had given him any provocation, was convicted in the penalty of £2 and costs: in default of payment, to be imprisoned fur one calendar month.


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Family Notices