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Family Notices

(Enteral AKtgctflang.


The PADDLE-WlIliKL V. THE ScttEW-PROVEtLKr!.— The Fairy, Royal yacht tender, propelled by screw machinery,. Captain Crispin, took the members of the Privv Council from Southampton to Cowes, on Wednes- day week, on which occasion she was followed hy the South-Western Steam-Packet Company's paddle-wheel vessel the Little Wonder. The parties on hoard, f<;eliiig certain that the Fairy would return to Southampton, though! it a good opportunity for trying the "peeu of the Little Wonder against the Fairy. The Fairy lining embarked the Duke of Wellington, Sir It. Peel, and the other members, started on the passage back, the Little Wonder challenged, and a very sharp trial took place, all parties, and especially the distinguished personages on board the yacht, taking much interest in the result. In th-tun, however, of 50 minutes duiation, the Litt-e Wonder gained an ai vantage over the Fairy of three minutes and a half. The following particulars, however, of the two vessels will show to which propelling principle the victory is in reality to be ascribed. The paddle. wheel vessel is of 350 tons burden, and IGO-horsu power. She had nine tons of coals on boatd, an.I the piessme at which she worked during the trial was .Lib, to the square inch. The sciew yacht is of 32G tons burden, and 128- horse power. She had :í tOllS of co:t\s Oll boanJ, aud was working at lSlb. pressure to the square inch. Sir Thomas Lcthbridge has addressed a letter of ad- vice to the Duke of Richmond, as the representative of the agricultural interest. Alluding to the late meeting in Bond-street, lie tells the Duke, tli.it he an 1 Mr. Miles, like the chicken sliding in its egg down the Irishman's throat, have spoken too late. At one time they might have secured a Used duty; now that, hope is gone. Lt the Agricultural Committee of 18*21 and 1822, Mr. Hnskis- son and other authorities of the day warned the landed interest that if it did not then agree to a fixed dury the day would come when the ports would be open with no duty at all. The year 1S15 or 18 it; will probably verify that saying and whs.t then ? Arethelandownersand occupiers lost 1 Are they to lay down their arm; and say there is no retreat, no future safety'? Far from it, my Lord Uuke They will rather put their shoulders to the whee!, and see if they cannot undersell the foreign grower in the home market. Your Protection Society may cry out, A vain hope but I deny it. I say, if the Corn-laws are repealed, you will, with justice on your side, demand an entire awl complete revision of the taxatioil uf the country. You can then show, that the land can no longer be called upon to pay the tithe, rent- charge, two-thirds ot the poor-rates, the land-tax, the church-rates, the parochial highway rates, the county rates, nor can it longer sutler the inquisitorial malt-tax. This is no farmer's question. It is the question of justice or ii.justiee to the landowners and to the consumers ot the general food of man. Let food come in at all times from all quarters-we shall want it; and if a duty can be kept up, then readjust the ta\es with a view to their equaliza- tion. This will be something worth struggling for; and will be done easier than some persons will allow-if not all at once, by degrees; and landowners and occupiers will never have cause to regret that they up undue protection for just and equal taxatiou. LOVE EXTRAORDINARY.—A young damsel, living on Nancekuke Common, attempted suicide some few days since, by I oisouing herself, but a medical man was called in in time to counteract the effects of the poison. She declared she was impelled to attempt self-destruction, in consequence of her ardent affection for two young swains of the neighbourhood, neither of whom, it appeals, could be induced to reciprocate her love.—Plymouth l imes. FORTIFICATIONS AT SHEERS ESS.—The alterations of the old fortifications, so as to mount from 60 to 70 guns of the largest calibre, which have been impeded for some time, owing to the experiments lecently instituted at Woolwich as to the best mode of pivoting the carriages for the guns, to determine whether or not they are to be secured to the masonry, are about to be re- commenced with vigour; the result of these experi- ments being in favour of fixing the platfoims by phots to the masonrv, which must necessaiily be strong to bear the recoil of snch enormous guns as are now intended to be placed on all our fortifications. The excavations for the masonry on which the several travelsing platforms are to rest are now being bedded with concrete, and the greater part of the stones are already hewn and ready to lay down. The following guns have arrived from Wool- wich :—Eight 8-inch guns, each GO cwt., and nine feet long; thirteen 61-inch guns, 56 cwt. each, nine feet six inchns long; four 61-iach guns, 32 cwt. each, each G ft. 6 in. long; and four 8-iuch guus, 98 cwt. each, eleven feet long.° The earth battery, with its deep fosse, forming opposite" the dockyard-gate, progresses mast rapidly it is already very nearly carried to the height of the platform. MURDER PREVENTED BY TEETOTALISM.—We find the following story (of the extraordinary-if-ti ue kind) in a late number of the Liverpool Mercury:—On Wednesday evening, at the total abstinence meeting in Beviugtan Hill, an individual came in considerably the worse for liquor whilst a Mr. Strick, from Leeds, was speaking and pointing oat the awful consequences that had occurred in his own famiiy, through the love of strong drink. It wrought so much upon the mind and conscience of the individual alluded to, that he came forward and produced a pistol, which he had purchased that evening for the purpose of shooting his wife. He felt conscious ot the evil of drink, and signed the pledge. ConN LAW FACTS.—The great benefits to the public bv the loIU price of corn may be judged by the following facts:—In the year lbaG, the average price of wheat was 40s per quarter; & good flour might be obtained at from 34s. to 36s. per sack. The price of bread at that time, in tiie metropolis, was 7d. to 7jd. per quartern loaf. Kow this clearly proves, that the lotO price of flour does not always produce cheap bread, nor will it so long a3 master bakers can meet, and regulate the price cf the loaf to suit themselves. COMTLIMENT TO NEITHER PARTY.—Neither Conserva- tives nor Liberals, are a Constitutional party. They are not equally profligate, it is true; in their evil dignities there is, it must be confessed, a difference of degree. The Whigs have their type in Jonathan Wilde, the Tories in the Corsair—both clever men, but both with principles too loose to be entrusted with honest men's property: each faithless to his social trust, but each exhibiting his faithlessness in varied and genial lights.—Church and State Gasette. In writin" of recent events, an able eontempoiary observes, that the great dispute of the day is no longer the question of the corn-laws only: "It is a vast and momentous proposition to expose all the main brancues of British industry to unlimited competition with the whole world. Lord J. Russell himself has been obliged in this way to enlarge his plan, and to recommend a free and untaxed admission of 4 all the main articles of food and clothing.' From this proposition he must not be permitted to recede. Our woollen, linen, and cotton manufacturers must all be warned to prepare for the ter- mination of their protective duties of 10, 15, and 20 per .cent. Our manufacturers of hats and shoes, aye, and offl-iss, and paper, and hardware, and of 50 other arti- cles must all have due notice, that in the days of free trade,' they must expect to have neighbours' fare.' WHO OR WHAT is "THE LEAGUE V'~ The League is nothing more or less than Mr. Cobden, a calico-printer, and Mr. Bright, a cotton spinner, with their hired as- sistants, Mr. R. R. Moore, a barrister, Mr. Fox,formerly a Socinian preacher, and Mr. Sidney Smith, who we believe, was formerly a hosier somewhere in the City. True, when these people perambulate the country, they -always endeavour to get some person of respectability in the citv or town they visit, to lend them his counte- nance." Thus, at Gloucester, they thrust forward poor Lord Ducic; in Hertfordshire, a half silly farmer of the name of Lattimore and at Leeds Mr. Baines, the prin- ter of the Leeds Mercury. Still, however, the working men are always the same, and we never hear ot a mo\em- inent of any kind but "Cobden Bright, and Moore," or Bright Fox, and Cobden," are sure to be the real operatives. Take these two manufacturers and there Slwee paid agents away, and what would the League be 1 N-o more than the Repeal Association of Dublin without O'Conuell. Are, then, Messrs. Bright and Cobden, and tfheir people, to frighten or to overbear the thousands of jEuglish country gentlemen, and the scores of thousands of English farmers Can such an idea be entertained for a single moment'! Or, could it be realized, would En- gland be a country tit for men of honour and principle to live iu i Dut we will banish sueh all idea, as too pre- posterous to be entertained. Let not, however, the agriculturists be supinely confident in their strength, ti.et them arouse themselves and get together in battle sariav. The agriculturists of England cannot, to all (human appearance be overborne by the cotton spinners .of tillee or four counties. They cannot be overborne, we mean, if they use common piecautions—if they adopt evctfi -tlie simplest organization; and, above all, if they take c&re to let the justice of their cause be known. WHAT IS TO BE DONKI—The agriculturists of En- land, of every class, must address themselves, without delay, to the task of organisation for self-defence, if they would escape the inglorious fate of being sacrificed to the factious purposes of as despicable a band of con- spirators as ever invested a civilised community. One tQf the journals of the League announces that that body thus just resolved to raise, without delay, a new sub- scription of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds A quarter of a million sterling is to be collected, without delay, to meet the present crisis? Itisimpossiblewe suppose, to imagine a plainer confession of the deliberate iiilention of these people to purchase, if they can, a House of Commons to suit their own purposes. Any ,o her mode of disposing of this enormous sum, as by delivering lectures, or circulating tracts, is plainly out iof the question. A twentieth part of the sum would deluge all the constituencies of England with tracts, as rthey well know, having already tried that experiment. No such sum as a quarter of a million can be employed Mt a!ny .other available way but the bribery of the consti- tuencies, iC the case of a general election; or the purchase of £ he purfcbasea'5'e Porti°ns of the public press. We heard, more ihan a fortnight since, that one of the prin- cipal morning journals of London had been secured by the League. Wjiether the purchase-money may have been already paid, iJr stili remains to be raised, we know not, but the evidence of such a conversion has been open to the public view for several days past. It is high time that the agriculturists set to work in good earnest. We hesitate not to say that an intelligent and hardworking committee of landowners and farmers .ou-?ht to be now sitting day by day, m London. They .ou"ht to take instant steps lor the wide diffusion of in- formation among the people. They ought to have their agents at woik as well as the League. They ought, too, Hike the League, to be looking first to the counties, and sthen to the boroughs. Instead of losing strength at a general election, they ought to gain it. We have no j cktubt that they can gain it, if only proper and earnest endwourg are ueeil far that purpose.—Hcrald> GRIUT AGRICULTURAL SHOW IN LONDON.-The grca' annual show of cattle, agricultural implements, roots, see ls, &e., took place in London last week. The show of cattle was not so extensive as on some previous meetings, but was considered by the judges more select, particular the Hereford and Devonshire breeds. The sheep and pigs were quite equal in quality to any former show, if not superior. In the department of implements there was a most extensive and superior exhibition, which excited great attraction. There was also a most excellent show of roots. The turnips, mangel wurtzel, and carrots, never were so fine at former shows. Mr. Skirving of Liverpool exhibited a new variety of Swede turnip, and a new sort of bullock yellow, which were much admired. Tin* roots of the swede weighed from ?0 to 2d tbs.each. Of this kind of turnip no less than forty tons to the statute acre have been grown on the farm of his Highness Prince Albert, on his Nor- folk farm al Windsor, for which he has received the premium of the County Agricultural Society." Some very fine specimens of the roots from his Ilighness's field were seat to Mr. Skirving to exhtbit on his stall. The attendance of visiters was more numerous than on any former occasion. His Royal Highness Prince Albert alld party visited the show on Saturday. He inspected minutely the whole stock of cattle, sheep, and implements, and seemed very mtt^h pleased with every de partmell t. -=