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Family Notices

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The landlords of the north and east of Ireland rave Volunteered to advance JE:600,000 for the drainage of 4,200,000 acres. The American Woman I" is the title of a newspaper published in Philadelphia. It is devoted to the Ameri- can republican cause, and is edited, printed, and pub- lished exclusively for women. IMPOLICY OF DECK CARGOES.—Lieut. Knocker, R.N., commander of the Rob Roy steam-ship, which arrived at Hull on Monday last, from St. Petersburgh, informs us that on the passage home he fell in with, upon the Dog- Iter Bank, the brig Cyrus, of Sunderland, timber and deal laden, water-logged, and abandoned. He went on board, examined the vessel, and found her to be an ex- cellent prize, having her masts and rigging all square and as tight as could be, and her hull in good condition, with the exception of her top-covering boards, which had opened under the pressure of her deck load, and let the Water in. He took this vessel in tow, and brought her 70 miles, when a stiff gale springing up he was compelled to let her go when within 12 hours of home.—Hull Paper. LAnGE ITEM IN EXPORTS.—It is a fact that the largest entry of goods for export, or the largest declared value ever included in one entry, was made at the Liverpool Custom-house, the other day,from Mr. Jeremiah Ganiett, for China— 1700 bales of goods, valued at £ 43,000. Ihe total cargo, it is said, will reach £ 120,000.—Liverpool Mercury. By a letter from Constantinople it appears that a se- rious misunderstanding has occurred between the French Ambassador and the Turkish Government. The latter, it seems, will not adopt the views of the representative of France in regard to the aflairs of the Lebanon, and hence he threatens to withdraw. The following facts may serve to show the unreason- ableness of the present corn and potatoe pamc: In September, 1841, when Sir Robert Peel took office, the Gazette" average price of wheat was 72s. 2d. per qr.— In February, 1842, when he introduced the present corn- law, the Gazette average price of wheat was 61s. 4d. "—In October, 1845, (see last Friday's Gazette"), the average price of wheat was 56s. 2d. OPENING OF THE PORTS.—On the 22nd ult. the Chamber of Commerce at Manchester forwarded to the Prime Minister a memorial praying that the British ports might be immediately thrown open for the recep- tion of all kinds of food free from any duty whatever.— Sir Robert in reply merely acknowledged the receipt of the document, without giving any opinion or stating any intention of complying with the request on the part of the Government. It behoves us always to be on our guard, when alone We should watch our thoughts, when in society our tongue, and when in our families our tempers. Indeed, upon our properly guarding the last depends much of our social happiness and domestic comfort, taking care to counteract that continued irritability of mind which is the precursor to ebullitions of passion. But our mental disposition is so intimately connected with our physical condition, that what is frequently considered ill-temper, or peevishness, is in reality but the result of a derange- ment of the digestive or other organs of the body, and requires medicinal, not mental remedies. To such we recommend" Frampton's Pill of Health," as being cer- tain in its effects, and gentle in its operation. The Madras Athenaeum" notices a remarkable ap- pearance recently assumed by the planet Mars. Hitherto this planet has been distinguished by a fiery redness of colour; which, to use the language of Sir John Herschell, indicates, no doubt, an ochrey"tinge in the general soil, like what the red sandstone districts of the earth may possibly offer to the inhabitants of Mars.' Such ip, how- ever, no longer the case; that planet having lost all appearance of redness, and put on a brilliant white aspect, vying in apparent magnitude and brightness with the planet Jupiter itself. The only changes which have heretofore been noticed in Mars are those the knowledge of which was derived from observations with the large reflecting telescopes of Herschell. These telescopes exhibit the appearance of brilliant white spots at the poles which spots, from the circumstance of their always becoming visible in winter and disappearing as the poles advanced towards their summer position, have reasonably enough been attributed to the presence of snow. The novel appearance now described to us, however, by the Honourable Company's Astronomer, Mr. Taylor, is such 8S that the whole of the planet, with the exception of a moderately broad equatorial belt, assumes a decidedly White aspect, strongly contrasting with what he has ever before noticed." THE GREAT BRITAIN.—It appears, from a letter re- ceived from a passenger outwards by this vessel, that it has narrowly escaped shipwreck, having got among the Nantucket shoals, the most dangerous on the Atlantic West. How she got among the shoals nobody appears to know; but luckily a pilot came from the shore and Piloted her out in safety. During the past week several large flocks of those ^ell-known winter visitants, the field-fare and the red- oing, have been seen in various parts of England. These birds ordinarily visit us in November, and their tarly arrival this autumn proves that the winter must have already set in with considerable severity in Nor- way and Lapland. CONFLAGRATION ON BOARD THE STEAM-SHIP MARMORA.—EXPECTED DESTRUCTION OF THE VESSEL. -—We have received through an express forwarded by Messrs. C. and W. D. Seymour and Co., from the Cove of Cork, to overtake the mail, the following important Particulars :—" Cove of Cork, Nov 2, 30 m. past I p.m. "-The American screw-steamer Marmora, Capt. Page, 3fi hours from Liverpool for Constantinople, has just arrived here, her coals having ignited 10 hours after she left the former port. She has this moment brought up at the flag ship, from which vessel marines and sailors have been sent to assist in extinguishing the flames, ^hicli, owing to the hatches having been closdy battened down, have not yet broken through the deck. Signals have been made from her Majesty's ship Crocodile, and a gun fired for the immediate attendance of firemen, engines, &c. Admiral Sir H. Pigot is now going on hoard the Marmora, and it is reported she will be hauled alongside the dockyard quay at high water (now young flood), when she will be scuttled."—Herald. STRIKE OF THE COLLIERS.—The following notice of advance, which, we understand, in the event of the de- mand not being complied with, will be followed by a general strike throughout the South Staffordshire dis- trict, has been circulated extensively amongst the miners In this neighbourhood: — "West Broinwsch. Oct. 9, 1845.- We, the thin coal and stone miners of West Bromwich, think it highly necessary to give our masters fourteen days' notice for 6d. per cay advance in our Wages. As we had to suffer hunger on 2s. per day dur- Ing the late depression of trade, we hope our employers ^'ill take it into consideration, now that the trade is good, and allow us a share in the improvement. We particu- larly call upon you, the men of Tipton, Dudley, Oldbury. ■Alston, Wednesbury, Darlaston, Walsall, Shutend, Wolverhampton, Deepfields, and the surrounding neigh- bourhood, hoping you will give notice on Saturday, the .18th of October, agreeably to the above resolution. By ^^tier of the eommlttee. Wolverhampion Chronicle. By a Parliamenary paper just issued an account is Riven of all Joint-stock Companies registered under he Áct 7 and 8 Victoria, c. 110. It appears that of Com- panies existing before September last there were 965, and 4K for foreign operations. Of the total number 105 were Railway Companies. From the 1st of November to the 7th of June last, 355 were provisionally registered, and 17 for foreign operations. Of the 355 as many as 252 Were Railway Companies, and 11 others for foreign opera- lions. Between the 9th and 30th of June. 57 Railways ^ere registered. For a provisional registration a fee of is paid. After all expenses, the Registrar-General in hand a balance of £ 1204 6s. 2d. It appears from "'earaount of fees received, that from the 1st November to the 31st December £590 were received for provisional ^gistration, from the 1st of January to the 31st of March talO, and from the 1st of April to the 7th of June £785, taking a total for provisional registration" of £1690. COUnT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. —TUESDAY. —MAYBEE V. "^ASSFIELD.—In this case the plaintiff, who was sheriff o( the county of Sussex, had brought his action against ^ansfield, the attorney of a party, upon whom the plain- tiff had executed a writ of capias ad satisfaciendum in his official capacity. 1 he amount of the plaintiff's demand Was a mere trifle; but the question of law raised was -One of considerable professional importance—namely, Whether the attorney was liable to the sheriff for the amount (16B.&I)orthe partyagainst whom the writ ca.sa.was issued. Lpon the trial the learned judge, at the assizes, had ex- pressed an opinion that the action should not have been ibrought against the attorney, but that the person liable *vas the party named in the writ; and the plaintiff was In consequence non-suited. The Court granted Mr. V. Wiifiams, who moved for it, a rule to shew cause why the verdict should not be set aside. ACCIDENT ON THE GREAT NORTH OF ENGLAND RAIL- WAY—The engine and mail train got off the rail near "ariingtonon Saturday, and the former was upset against u bank. 1 here was much damage to carriages, but no loss of life or injur) of person. The accident, which was most alarming, is generally supposed to have occurred ,horn some new sleepers 110t being properly packed." NEW ROUTE OF THS INDIAN OVERLAND MAIL.—The fesjiie of the day in commercial circles has been the extia- •ordtnaiy journey performed by Lieut. Waghorn, in bringing the overland mail via Trieste. The complete •Success of the experiment was everywhere a matter of cous€is.ation, and the projector has added fresh importance to f)it$name by the masterly manner in which he has achieved his undertaking. Mr. Waghorn has now placed beyond a doubt the possibility of effecting a shorter route for overland communication than that at present carried ■°n through France. Temporary obstacles may prevent :1he service being performed with certainty throughout ;the year, but when these shall have been removed, and the advantages of railways in Germany be properly se- cured, then there is every reason to expect that even further advances may yet be made in shortening the Period occupied in the transmission of the dispatches. The journey from Trieste, made by Lieut. Waghorn per- sonally. consumed only 99 hours and three-quarters. On his passage he passed through Eiederndoif, Innspruck, Xempten, Meiningen, Stutgard, Cologne, Ostend, and Cover. It appears that he left Alexandria at 10 minutes ]past 11 o'clock on the morning of the 20th ult., having deceived a private dispatch from Suez in the short space IQf 21 hours. He arrived at London at halt-past four "O'clock on the morning of the 21st. The Iberia, with Marseilles Mail, did not start tiil 4S hours later on 1t<hie morning of the 22nd. The result, therefore, of the iace lately pending would seem to be that the •rouie^.jVt 'j rieste is the shoiter of the two hy rather more than 1-4 iiouis, that being the time w Inch remains atter dtducfitur the 48 hours' start which Mr. Waghorn had ■Over ithe Iberia, The Sussex Advertiser of Tuesday week relates an interesting antiquarian discovery in a part of Lewes Pri- ory grounds, where the workmen are engaged in excava- tions for the Brighton, Lewes, and Hastings Railroad. In digging close by, in fact amidst the ruins of the old Priory, the workmen lit upon a hard substance, which, on closer inspection, proved to be a leaden box, sur- rounded by a few square Caen stones. After clearing away the soil. it was carefully removed and turned out to be a cist, in which were human bones. Further examination led to the still more important discovery that it contained the remains of Gundreda, daughter of Wil- liam the Conqueror; the name Gundrada, as it is spelt, being cut upon its lid. The size of the cist is about a yard in length, a foot in width, and nine inches in depth. The lid, sides, and ends are in excellent preservation but the bottom is destroyed,-an effect appaiently pro- duced by the bones, for wheie they lay there the lead is as it were corroded away. The lead is ornamented by being cast in beaded compartments of the lozenge form, five inches by three; and the lid fits on, or rather laps over the sides. Shortly after this curious and interesting relic had been found, the workmen lit upon a second cist, precisely similar in form, shape, character, and ma- terial, but slightly longer. The bottom was eaten away* in the same manner as that of its companion, and on the lid was inscribed the word Willelm,' with an abbrevi- ation for the us. an old but usual way of writing Guliel- rnus. This our antiquarians readily interpret into the name of William de Warren by this means establishing the fact that these cists contained the remains of Gun- dreda and her lord, Warren, the first Earl of Warren and Surrey, and founder of the monastery. Ancient records prove that Gundreda died in 1085, and William de War- ren in I0f3, and that both were interred in the chapter- house of Lewes Priory; the latter being, as it is stated, 'buried in the chapterhouse, in a tomb adjoining that in which his Countess Gundreda was laid.' —————————