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Glamorganshire Quarter Sessions.



CARDiFF FARMERS' OLDB. The annual ploughing match and trial of ploughs for this dis- trict of the county, took place on Saturday last in a field on the Ely-IIouse Farm, near the village of Ely. The weather was, upon the whole. ^ir and we were happy to observe a nu- merous attendance of tenant-farmers. Twenty-five oughs entered the lists of competition and at ten o'clock commenced operations, the result of which will be seen in our report of the dinner. The judges of the ploughing were Mr. Daniel Lewellin, of Tremains, near Bridgend, and Mr. Loughor, of Great House Referee, Mr. Lewis, of Llanmaes. The judges of the ploughs were Mr. Lewis, jun., of Llanmaes, and Mr. William Evans, of Cliff. In the afternoon the various ploughmen were regaled with a plentiful dinner, owrw da., &c. by Mrs. Williams, at Ely House. THE ORDINARY. At five o'clock—an hour after the appointed time -many of those who had taken part in the day's proceedings din-d at the Angel Inn. The attendance was not numerous, neither did we observe any of the grcat landowners of the neighbourhood pre- sent.-a circumstance which was warmly commented upon by several of our honest and straightforward farmers, who took no pains to conco: their feelings of dissatisfaction. The chair was taken bv Mr. L.i"<id, of Fairwater, President of the Club and the vice-cliair bv Mr. Lewis, of Llanmaes. We also observed present, Mr. C. C. Williams, of Roath Court Mr, Ballard, of Cowbriùge; Mr. Perkins, Monknash; Mr. Garsed, Lantwit Major Mr. Goddard. Mr. Lewis, jun., Mr. William Evans, Mr. Williams, of Ely Mr. Jones, of Park; Mr. D. Lewellin, of Tre- mains Mr. Loughor, of Great House; Mr. David, jun.; Rev. Mr. David, of Newton Nottage, &e., &c. The dinner, provided by Mr. and Mrs. Davies, was in every respect of the i*ost superior description, although many of the dishes had suffered from the want of punctuality on the part of those who ought to have b«en at their posts at four o'clock the hour named in the bills. We have also no doubt, but that the attendance of fanners was lessened by the lateness of the hour—a circumstance which it will be well to bear in mind next year. After tho removal of the cloth, the chairman gave the usual loyal and constitutional toasts, which were received with that degree of fervour with which, upon all occasions, Welshmen manifest their firm attachment to the throne and the ancient institutions of their country. In proposing the health of the noble Lord-Lieutenant, the chairman referred to the vast bene- fits conferred by his lordship uI,on thIs town and neighbourhood. We need not say that the toast was drank with the greatest en- thusiasm of voice and manner. The chairman then proposed the healths of the members for the county—Viscount Adare and 1\Ir. Talbot; and was happy to find that the latter had given proof of his firm attachment to agriculture by becoming a practical farmer, having effected great improvements upon his farms m Gower and Margam. He had also erected a tile machine tor the manufacture of draining tiles. The chairman regretted that the Cardiff Farmers' Club had not been able to follow his example. (Hear.) Circum- stances had arisen which bad completely thwarted the views of the subscribers and they were, consequently, not able to carry their good wishes into effect. However, they did not despair, but hoped at some future time to accomplish what they had so long desired to see accomplished, and which had been so often delayed. (The toast was drank with loud cheers.) The Chairman then proposed the healths of the members for the boroughs. He believed it was Pretty well known that the majority of their borough mem hers patronized agriculture, for even the member for Merthvr looked a little that way. (Laugh- ter.) The chairman hoped he would now have a little more feeling for famers-that he would moderate his views respect- ing free trade. (Drank with loud cheers.) Some time was then spent in conversation, in talking over the various events of the day, and 1n referring to many, im- provements which were in progress on the estates of the several leading gentlemen of the county. The warm interest taken by Viscount Adare and the Rt. Hon- J. Nicholl, in the prosperity of the Bridgend Labourers' Friend Society, and of agriculture generally, was highly spoken of. ° the arran3e; ments of the day, the chairman, Mr. C. C. Williams, aud several other.. thought that a11. eUQt qa.d been committed m haYmg the ploughing match and the dinner upon the same day. Upon former occasions the match had taken place upon one day and the dinner upon the next,—an arrangement which, it was said, should be adopted next year, as it was impossible to go through the business of the field properly and dine the same day, with- out postponing the dinner to a most inconvenient hour, as was the case this day. The recent lamented death of his late col- league, Mr. Watson, was also referred 1.0 by the chairman, who spoke in terms of deep feeling while alluding to the many ex- cellent qualities which so eminently adorned the character of the lleceased, The health of Mr. William Evans, who had filled the vice- president's chair previous to the arrival of Mr. Lewis was theu proposed by tne chairman, and drank with much cheering. Mr. Evans brielly acknowledged the compliment. The next toast was" The town and trade .of Cardi.T, with which was associated the name of one of CaTlEtt"s 1110st esteemed and respected inhabitants, Mr. C. C. Williams. In proposing the toast and after paying a well-merited eulogy to Mr. Wil- liams, whose name the company received with great cheering, the chairman said that the farmers of the district had invariably hepn on the best terms with the tradesmen of the town, who were generally a most respectable, straight-forward body. (Cheers.) The club's room was in the same house as the Mechanics' Institute, which showed that no bad feeling existed between them—indeed their interests were identical. for one class could not be injured without the other being affected. (Cheers.) Mr. C. C. Williams on rising, was received with the wannest cheering. He thanked the company for this mark of their good feeling towards the tradesmen ofCardifT. and was sure his fellow-townsmen would hear of the circumstance with much pleasure and satisfaction. lie agreed with his friend and relative, the chairman, that the interests of the commercial and agricultural classes were identical—that they could not be separated; ami hoped that the feelings of friendship which now subsisted between the tradesmen of the town and their agricultural friends would never experience any diminution, but that upon many future occasions they would meet together iu the bonds of amity and friendship. (Loud cheers.) The Vice-Chairman said that, of necessity, the prizes must be allotted to some one, but upon this occasion the ploughmen generally had executed their tasks so well, as nut only to excite the greatest admiration, but also to render it a very ditlicult matter for rhe judges to decide who were entitled to the prizes. lIe sholl1<1 therefore propose, if the state of the funds would admit of it, that rewards be given to certain of the ploughmen who Iud been selected by the judges as deserving of partkular notice and encouragement. Mr. David, junr., was sorry to observe that the funds of the society could not bear any additional burden at present. Mr. Lewellin said that irrespective of the three ploughmen who had secured prizes, four had been selected as deserving of some mark of encouragement, and nine others who had ploughed exceedingly well, but still not quite as good as the four just referred t,¡, The Chairman regretted verr much to hear that the fantIs would not bear any further pressure, and begged to suggest tl1,lt a suhsniption shouJJ be entered intu on Iwhalf of the men. Mr. C. C. Williams then said, that as the men had acquitted themselves so creditably, he would have great pleasure in pre- senting to the four first selected the sum of five shillings each, and to the nine the sum uf each. This instance of liberality on the part of Mr. Wrilliams, the company lniled with deafening cheers. The competitors were then summoned into the room, and the chairman read the awanls of the judges — First prize-To William David ploughman to Mr. Richard Thomas, of Maindy, a new hat and the sum of 3 guineas. Second prize-To Edmund John, ploughman to Mr. Edward Williams, of Whitchurch, II. new hat and the sum of two guineas. Third prize-To William David, IJloughman to J, Bruce Pryce, Esq., Duffryn, the sum of one guinea. This man-Wil1iam David-is, it seems, one of the best, if not the very hest, ploughman in the county, having repeatedly and repeatedly, at various ploughing matches, won the first prize, It was, therefore, stated to him this morniivg by the stewards, that as he had won the society's first prize for the last three years, he would only be allowed to compete for the first prize, and not for the second or thirJ. Under these circum- stances, the chairman was reluctantly compelled to award the third prize to Thomas David, ploughman tn Mr. Lewis Evans, of New Mill. However, the company lletcrmined that William David should not be left without reward, and therefore iustautly subscribed the sum of £ 1 2s. for him, to which sum Mr, C. C, Williams added the sum of 2s. 6d., therebf increasing the reward to JEl 4s. 6d. Upon receiving the money, with a few good- natured observations from the chairman, David, who had hitherto been silent, said he attributed his failure on the present ocea- sion to want of practice, as he had not ploughed Il1ueh lately, lie wouhl, however, be most happy to enter the lists with either of his successful opponents on Monday for jElQ a-side. As au instance of this man's self-possession, and extreme con- fidence in his own superior skill, it was stated to us that at last year's match, fancying an inferior piece of ground had been allotted to hiin, he aetually paid a sovereign to a fellow compe- titor in order to exchange with him. The exchange was made, and Davil won the first prize. The Chairman then proposed the healths of the Judges. (Drank with loud cheers.) Mr. Daniel Lewellin returned thanks. The office oC judge was, upon this occasion, truly a difficult one, as the ploughing generally was so nearly equal in point of quality. He never saw better 1Iloughing, upon the whole, during his life; aud some of the men would have redecteJ credit upon ariy countv in England. (Cheers.) He had seen the ploughing at Bristol when the Royal Agricultural Society held its meeting there some time ago, and he could safely declare that the ploughing ofthi,s day was lUuch superior, (Loud cheers.) TRIAL OF PLOUGHS.—The prize of two guineas to the maker of the best plough," was divided between Mr. David Hopkins, of Saint Nicholas, and Mr. Coslett, of Itadyr. The lightness of draught was tested by the Society's Dynamometre. From the judges's report it appeared that the two ploughs of the lightest draught were each 22 stone, and the heaviest 2 0 stone. The average draught of the seven ploughs tested this day was two stone less than the average of the eight tested last year. It was remarked, as a singular coincidence, that the two lightest ploughs last year were also 2J stone. Mr. C. C. Williams, in a very handsome speech, proposed the health of the President of the Club and in doing so referred to the indefatigable and spirited manner with which Mr. David maintained the interests of the Society upon all occasions. (Drank with loud and repeated cheering.) The Chairman, in acknowledging the compliment, referred at considerable length to the great advantages which were to he derived frjm the establishment of this and similar societies. This club, in particular, might be the means of effecting a great deal of good: indeed, if it effected no other good, or no other benefit, than what they had witnessed this morning, namely, twenty -five ploughmen competing with emulation for a prize, it seemed to have gained one great point. Every farmer in the room would agree with him in the opinion, that good ploughing was an object of the greatest importance; and it was worth a little sacrifice on their part, to promote any institution which had the means of fostering a spirit of emulation amongst the ploughmen of the neighbourhood as thereby all would be bene- fited more or less (cheers), not only in lightening the draught of their teams—which was the case with good ploughmen as compared with bad-but when land was well and properly ploughed, farmers had a Rght to expect that corn would grow far better on it. (Hear.) Again, unless land was properly ploughed, it was no eisy matter to drill it weU and, therefore, good ploughing was au object of the greatest importance to be attained. (Cheers.) The chairman then spoke highly of the ploughing at Ely this day, saying, that there were twenty men on the field equal, in point of ability, to the ploughmen of any county in England. (Hear.) He would engage that the largest county in England would not produce twenty better ploughmen than could be found in the eastern end of the county of (j'a™or" gan. (Cheers.) Thev had been told by a gentleman who .lad been present al the meeting of the Royal Agrieulturat Society at Bristol, that the ploughing this day was far superior to anything that took place there, where, they were justified in believing, some of the best ploughmen of England entered the li- ts. CCheers.) He (the chairman) was fully of the same opinion, that the ploughing this day was far superior to that at the meet- ing referred to. (Hear.) Still improvements might be further effected, & he hoped they should witness them next year. lhe chairman then proceeded to urge upon farmers the necessity which existed for taking every opportunity for improviug their condition as farmers spoke of the happy effects produced by farmers' clubs, and conciuded by quoting a passage from a speech recently delivered by the Duke of Richmond at Shrews- bury, to the effect that a farmers' club was the best mode of any for disseminating the knowledge first brought to lg by the members of the Royal Agricultural Society; farmers cluos being only sub-divisions of that society. He resumed his seat amidst loud cheers.. „ The Vice-Chairman proposed, "Prosperity to the Bridgend Labourers' Friend Society;" with which toast he wished to connect the name of the Right Hon. John Nic o i oi Cardiff'. (Loud cheers.) Mr. D. Lewellin, secretary of the society, returne lan and said the society had not a warmer triend than Mr. JSichoU, who invariably evinced the greatest anxiety for Its ptosperity. The health of the Vice-Chairman was then proposed by the Chairman, and drank with great cheering. Mr. Lewis returned thanks, and said it always gave him consi- derable pleasure to be instrumental in any way in promo.in0 ie prosperity of agriculture. His family had been connected with this part of the country for upwards of 30 J j ears, and he there- fore felt a deep interest in its prosperity. (Loud cheers.) The healths of the Stewards of the day and the Secretary of the club were then duly honoured. Mr. Goddard one of he stewards, acknowledged the compliment, Mr; David Jun., the able and intelligent secretary of the Farmers Club, had been oblige.) shortly previously to leave the room oil account of indis- l>°As an apology for the absence of several of the neighbouring landlords, it was stated that large and fashionable dinnerparties were given this day. Mr. Lewis, jun., conceived that was not the slightest palliation of the great landowners' conduct in hav- ing so totally neglected the annual festival of the Cardiff Farmers? Club. Why did they appoint this day of all others for having a party, or for having any engagement which would render their attendance at the club's dinner, a mitter of difficulty or im- possibility The day upon which the club s dinner would take place was well known, as it had been advertized in the Guardian some weeks ago and therefore gentlemen might have had their dinner parties°upon some earlier or some later day. (Cheers.) He regretted very much to observe such an entire want of regard for the society on the -part of the landlords of the district, and hoped that upon future occasions the interests of the Farmers' Club would not be lost Sight of. (Great cheering, durin" which Mr. Lewis resumed his seat.) Several other toasts followed, one of which was "The Public Press," proposed in a very neat speech by Mr. Jones, of Park who also wished to connect with it the name of Mr. Webber, the proprietor of the Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, This toast was very well received, and briefly acknowledged on Mr. Webber's behalf, by Mr. J. Emerson Williams. The company soon after separated, having under the admirable presidency of the chairman and vice-chairman passed a delight- ful evening, the pleasures of which were enhanced in no incon- siderable degree by the judicious arrangements of Mr. and Mrs. Davies the esteemed Jandtord and landlady of the Angel Inn.


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