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"VISITATION. One of many things necessarily omitted bv us last week, was an account of the Bishop of Llan- daff's visitation at Llandaff Cathedral, which took place on Wednesday, the lath instant. Upon the occasion referred to, Divine service commenced at 11 A.M., when, after the prajers had been most impressively read, the Rev. Archdeacon 1 lianis delivered a sermon of almost matchless ability and power, from the 12th chapter of Romans, verse 6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith." We had prepared an outhue of the rev. gentleman's discourse, as well as of the admirable charge of his lordship, the bishop but, as we understand that both will shortly be published (the sermon being in the press) at the unanimous request of the numerous body of clergy who were present, we refrain from entering further upon them, as the pressure upon our columns this week would not allow us to give more than a very brief outline. After the sermon the charge was given, which occupied two hours in delivery. At four, P.M., upwards of forty of the clergy dined with hie lordship. SAINT M IRYS HURC;I We perceive, by an adver- tisement, that this Church is to be consecrated bv the Bishop of Handatt. on Thursday, the 0th of November, upon which inteiesting occasion we sincerely hope we may witness a numerous attendance of the clergy, gentry, nnd other iiihaji ants generally of this town and district. Reference is made in the announcement to the debt still remaining upon this Church." The amount is not slated but surely, in the present period of unexampled prosperity, it will not be left outstanding after the day of consecration—nay, we most confidently anticipate that the" offerings" wIll not only be sufficient to cover the debt, but also to leave a handsome residue to be placed to the credit of the sacred edifice, which will long remain as a token to after generations of the pious munificence of the inhabitants of this neighbourhood. Forms of consecration" will be provided for sale at the GUARDIAN office. REVISION COURTS. The revision courts for this county have been held by J. Wilson and N. C. Lloyd flail, Esqrs., the barristers appointed to revise the lists of voters and we are very happy in being able to congratulate the Con- s. rvatives on their success. In the parish of Clase Lower, in the hundred of Swansea, they expunged no less than seventeen votes, and no objections were made by the Liberals. The Conservatives .vere, as usual, represented by Mr. Coke and in Swansea the Liberals were repre- sented by Mr. Collins and Mr. John Jenkins, the agent of the Anti-Corn-Law League. ABERGAVENNY CYMREIGYDDION.—A general regret leemed to be felt at the absence of Ab Iolo (the Taliesin of Morganwg) from the late Abergavenny Cymreigyddion. He, with the learned rector of Caescob, Radnorshire, and (we believe; the rector of Cwmdu, Breconshire, formed, at the formation of the society, the triumvirate judges of Welsh literature. If illness was the cause of his absence, every true Welshman will heartily pray for the speedy recovery of their gifted and patriotic countryman the only Drutd (as we believe) now existing. Circumstances over which we have no control again compels us to post- pone the insertion of our report of the proceedings. The sale of Ayrshire cows, advertised in our last, the property of Nlr. David, of Fairwater, took place on the 17 > a"d, notwithstanding t;ie day, proved very un- favourable, the attendance was highly respectable,—and the lots put up, which consisted of 17 head of cattle, were soon disposed of. Several of the milch cows sold at 117 each two-year old heifers at ^?I3 and £ 15 each; and we understand, that Mr. Da\id refused £ 30, by private con- tract, for some of the cows he had reserved for his own dairy, which indicates the good opinion entertained of the Ayrshire breed in this county- ACCIDENTS IN PENARTII H,OADS.-On Friday last, as four persons connected with the Custom-House were sailing in the roads, the boat in which they were was run down by a vessel, and they were for some short time struggling in the water. Providentially, prompt means were used for rescuing them from uieir perilous situation, and they were brought safe to land. on W ednesday last, Captain Rosewail, of the Martha, of St. Ives, met with a severe accident in these roads. His vessel came in.contact with another; and whilst he was attending to the means used for separating them, the tiller swung round and struck him violently upon the head. He was conveyed in an insensible state to the Griffin Inn, and attended by Mr. Thomas Evans, surgeon. We heard yesterday that he was tolerably easy. The Martha only left this port on Wednesday morning. DREADFUL ACCIDENT. -A respectable tradesman's wife lately met with the following extraordinary and serious ac- cident in this toivn She was endeavouring to open a jar of pop," when the cork was by the expansive power of the confined air violently driven out-struck her directly in her eye, and deprived her of its eight. The other eye providentially remiune uninjured, CARDIFF SAVINGS BANK.—Oct. 18th. 184.5. Deposits received, £109 Os. Od. ditto paid, £Ð6 10s. Od. num- ber of depositors, 36. PKDESTRIANISM.—The following was last week sent to ns for insertion A foot-race of 300 yards came oft on Monday last at Canton, near Cardiff, between John Gronow, and the servant of the Three Cranes, for £5 iside. Gronow had five yards at starting, but after a well.contested race, his opponent came in the winner by twoyards. Thewinnerisnowreadytorunanymanin South Wales any distance, from 100 yards to half a mile, for from £ 10 to £25 a-side or, he will run John Davies, alias the Lame Chicken,' one mile for £25 a-side-the race to take place between home and home." CARDIFF POLICE, THURSDAY*.—[Before Henry Morgan, Esq., and the Rev. Thomas Stacey.]— John Davies, pilot, was convicted in the penalty of 5s., exclusive of costs, for assaulting Mr. Williams, landlord of the Sea Lock Hotel, on Thursday last, by biting him on his knee: in default of payment to be imprisoned for seven days: paid.— [Monday's proceedings will be found in our fourth page.] IMPORTANT TO PILOTS AND MASTER MARINERS.— David Morse, pilot, was on Thursday week convicted at our police court, in the penalty of 40s. and costs, for having taken a vessel into the cut leading to the Bute Docks after the signal for entering had been hauled down in default of payment to be imprisoned for ten days. CARDIFF MARKET, OCT. 18.—Beef, 6d. to 7d.; mutton a;ul lamb, 6jd. to 7d.; veal, Gd. to 7d.; pork, 6d. to 7d.; geese, 3s. Ud. to 4s. 6d. each; ducks, 3s. to 4s. per couple; fowls, 2s. 6d. to 3s. per couple; fresh butter, Is. 2d. per lb.; salt ditto, Is. ld. per lb.; cheese, 65J. to 7d. per Lb. eggs, lOd. per doz. j common nuts, 8d. per qr.; potatoes, white, 6s.; ditto, red, 7s. Hd. per sack. SUICIDE AT DINAS.—An inquest was held at Dinas, on the 21st inst., before Dr. Vachell, on the body of John Williams, aged 66, who put an end to his life on Sunday hst, in a very determined manner. It was stated in evi- dence that the deceased was a tailor by trade—that his habits were drunken, and that he was subject to fits of depression of spirits after indulging himself in this way, but had not shown any other indication of unsound mind. For the last few months he had been without any settled home, but had lived from house to house among the neighbours. Towards the end of last week he went to lodge with a widow of the name of Mary John, living at Dinas, who left him in the house when she went with her son to chapel on Sunday afternoon. On their return they found that the deceased had hung himself in a room up- stairs by a rope, which he had fastened across a beam. A blunt razor, marked with blood, was found in the room below and it appeared, from a few superficial scratches on his neck, that after making some slight efforts at self- destruction in that manner, he had gone upstairs and ter- minated his existence by hanging himself. The jury returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased had been found hanging," but that there was not sufficient evi- dence to show his state of mind at the time. ODD FELLOWSHIP.—On Monday evening last, a spe- cial general meeting of the Castell Caerdydd" lodge took place in the spacious lodge-room at the Red Cow Inn. The attendance was numerous and respectable, the room being densely crowded. After the usual routine business had been duly discharged, Brother Whitlock Nicholl, of Adamsdown, in the name and on behalf of this lodge, presented to Brother H. J. Paine, surgeon, a massive and elegantly-wrought silver snuff-box, in testimony of their deep regard and their high sense of the ability and zeal with which he so excmplarily discharged his duties as surgeon of the lodge. Previous to handing the box to Brother Paine, Brother Nicholl rose, and, amidst the most intense silence, addressed him in a very admi- rable speech, which we regret to find we have no room to insert at full length. After alluding in general terms to the pleasure which it gave him to be the instrument of carrying into effect the wishes of this important lodge, Brother Nicholl said he would take the liberty of address- ing a few words to the gentleman who was the present object of the brethren's gratitude. First, with regard to his abilityThere were many present who knew less of him than he (Brother Nicholl) did and possessing, as he did, rather an extensive knowledge of Brother Paine, he could safely state that in selecting him for this mark of their honour the brethren had selected a gentleman who was highly qualified to fulfil the onerous duties of the office which he heid in the lodge. (Cheers.) In that selection they had not been disappointed and he should probably be excused if he brought forward a few instances in which brother Paine had clearly proved him- self to be a most accomplished and skilful member of the profession to which he belonged. (Cheers.) A person who ha,1 some time ago laboured under a most dangerous disease of the eyes, which threatened to deprive him of his sight, proceeded to Bristol to consult some of the most eminent oculists of that ancient city. Various remedies and means of relief were tried in vain, and the patient returned unimproved in health to Cardiff. (Hear.) One of his friends urged him to consult Mr. Paine. He did so. Mr. Pain immediately said I will give your case my best attention, but can say no more." He did give the case his best attention, and happily for the patient he succeeded in restoring him to sight. (Im- mense cheering.) Brother Nicholl then proceeded to mention other cases in which brother Paine had evinced great surgical skill, and then said I think I have proved to you that he has abilities: the question now is, will he or has he exerted those abilities for the good of the brotherhood generally1? All say 'Yes.' But if he do bis duty and go to the utmost of his engagement, well has he done more than his duty 1 Yes, he has done more upon many occasions. That kind feeling which he possesses, and which actuates his conduct, induces him not only to give attention to all the brotherhood, but also to give the kindest attention to their famiiies. (Great cheering.) Yes, he has given the closest attention to the infirmities of many poor families where he has not had the remotest chance of receiving any remuneration, except the payment which his own ap- proving conscience bestowed." (Repeated cheers.) Brother Nicholl went on at considerable length with his eulogy of Brother Paine, receiving in his progress the hearty cheers of the brethren, and concluded by reading the inscription upon the box, which we give PRESENTED To H. J. P,\}NB, ESQ., by the Officers and Brethren of the Castell Caerdydd Lodge I O. F. M. U. <> As a small but sincere token of gratitude for his steady and valuable Services rendered to the Lodge. A. u. 1845. Brother Nicholl then handed the box to Brother Pain?, and the whole company rose and gave three enthusiastic cheers. After the cheering had in some manner subsided, Brother Paine rose to address the brethren. He thanked them warmly for this mark of their approval of the course he had pursued. He had endeavoured to do his du'y towards them, and he wa* happy to perceive that he had succeeded in giving satisfaction. He referred to many positions of difficulty in which he was often placed, and which sometimes called for the indulgence of his brethren of the Order; but he assured them that it was ever his firmest wish to serve them efficiently. He referred to the number and circumstances in life of the majority of those who had subscribed towards purchasing tho box, and assured them he would prize it as his greatest trea- sure to the very last moment of his existence. Through- out his speech he was repeatedly applauded by the brethren, who seemed to regard him in the light of a firm, an untiring benefactor and friend. We took the most copious notes of his excellent address, as well as of that delivered by Brother Nicholl, but the great pressure upon our columns this week will not, we regret to find, permit us to notice the interesting proceedings of the evening at greater length. The box was provided by Br. Mark Marks. Addresses were delivered in the course of the evening by P. G. Mathias, P. C. S. Marks, and some others. IMPORTANT TO ODD FELLOWS. —At one of the prin- cipal and wealthiest lodges of the western parts of this county, citcumstances very recently came to light which showed that the actuary, hitherto supposed to be a man of unblemished integrity, had been for a considerable period carrying on a system of wholesale fraud, by which sums were abstracted from the funds to an incalculable amount. The officer in question, as is the case of all lodges, re- ceived the contributions of the members—entered the sums so received upon the lodge books, and also upon the members' cards, which they retain in their possession. It was accidentally discovered that this man was in the habit of entering the sums so received correctly upon the cards, but incorrectly upon the books. The person who made the discoveiy witched him, and found that in nu- merous instances he had been guilty of the grossest prac- tices. For example, if A. B. paid in 4s. üd., that sum would be correctly entered upon the card, but probably Is. 9d. only would be entered upon the books of the lodge. A general meeting was suddenly called, and the culprit was taxed with his shameful practices. He said —" I know nothing about it; there are the books, you may examine them." It was then found that he had destroyed all the books with the exception of the one in use, from which, however, it appeared that his plunder during the last twelve months amounted to up- wards of sixty pounds! How long the unprincipled fellow had been battening upon the savings of the mem- bers, who are chiefly of the working classes, it is impos- sible to say; but there seems to be no question but that by his nefarious practices the lodge has been robbed to the extent of some hundreds. In other respects, this lodge has been unfortunate, as a treasurer, whom t ,ey were foolish enough to appoint, used them very ill. The members have at length opened their eyes, and are taking steps to prevent a recurrence of such irregularities. Other lodges will do well to profit by the lesson, and to trust to no man. An honest officer will prefer having the most stringent checks put in force it is he only who is dishonestly inclined that will object. THE GREAT EUROPEAN RAILWAYS' COMPANY.— Among the numerous, indeed, almost unlimited number of projects for new lines of railway which are now before the public, and other proposals for the judicious and profitable investment of capital, the above Company comes forwaid with a most comprehensive scheme for undertaking the completion and working of all the pro- posed Continental lines, as also a full and elaborate esta- blishment of railways in our Colonial possessions. It is proposed that whenever a grant for a railway has been secured by the successful negociation of this"Company, such grant shall be constituted a separate and distinct Company the holders of shares in the original Companv to be entitled to a pro rata proportion of the shares in every new Company formed by the obtainment of further concessions. A body of directors is to be chosen, not only well-known for their individual wealth and standing in society, but as men of sound practically scientific views. A portion of such directors, accompanied by a well-appointed and efficient engineering staff, will visit the various localities where railways are required, leport on the nature of the soil, population, the requirement of means of traffic, and every circumstance connected with the full developement of the subject. Daily, as proposals for the investment of capital ate being made in railways in the United Kingdom, they are not sufficient to meet the enormous hoard of wealth which still remains to be pouted into the lap of speculation and a Company such as this, formed from among the most wealthy and ex- tensively connected of our merchant princes, our fund- holders, and larpe land proprietors, will have resources at hand which will enable them to undertake the most gigantic projects in the shape of railway communication, and secure to the sharenolders a latge returu for the capital invested. At present only a preliminary an. nouncement h is appeared but, we understand, a pro- spectus will shortly be issued, with a powerfu! list of diicctois, a complete detail of the bankers, solicitors, engineers, &c., wh;ch will be to mrrv ont so extensive a scheme, when we shall devote some consider- able attention and space in our columns for the full con- sideration of this highly important subject.— The Mining Journal. The Steam Times and R.iihvay Gbbe (size of the Double Times), Price 61. stamped, is published every Tuesday, Thursday, anil Saturday morning, at Six o'clock, in time for the early mails. ery valuable and exclusive channels of Railway information are open to this Jour- nal, which contains the closing prices of the previous day's Share Market in all the great Commercial towns of England, with the latest reports of Railway Meeting, &c.^ No. t. of Saturday last, contained a Supplement. Office for Advertisements, 28*2, Strand, London.



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