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ftgrtctiltur?, ftforticulturi,…


ftgrtctiltur?, ftforticulturi, &c, THE POTATO DISEASE. The following letter, which contains some valuable information for the people, has been addressed to the Bristol Mercury by Mr. Herepath Sir,—-My attention has been given to the disease which has shown itself so extensively amongst the growing potatoes. I find, in almost every instance, that the epidermis of the stalk below the surface of the ground is more or less in a state of decay, often disintegrated, and completely rotten the leaves and branches accord with the state of that part of the stalk bel,)w the ground. The tuber, heneath the outer skin, is first spotted brown (like a bruised apple) these spots extend and penetrate towards the centre, quite changing the nature of the potato. Those near the surface are most injured in some cases, the lowest on the root are not at all affected, while the upper ones are useless. I should, therefore, expect that the longer the crop remains in the land, the greater the injury will be. It seems, from the microseopie appearances, that the starch escapes injury for a long time, after the skin and cel- lular parts are gone; and as the whole of the nutritive powers of the potato reside in the starch, I should recommend that wherever the disease has shown itself to any extent, the crop should be dug whether ripe or not,and the starch extracted by the following simple process After washing the roots, let them be rasped fine and thrown into a large tub or other vessel pour a considerable quantity of water, and well agitate and ruo the pulp with the hands- all the starch or feeula will, from its great weight, fall to the bottom, while the skin and fibrous matter will be carried away bv the water; wash the starch with one or two more waters allowing it to fall after each washing spread it upon cloths in a warm room to dry. In this way, about 20 or 21lbs. will be obtained for every lOOlbs. of potatoes, and it contains as much nourishment as the original lootS, it will keep any length of time, and may be used with flour to make bread, pies, puddings, &(' as well as farinaceous spoon-mea'. This is much better than throwing awav the diseased roots, and will furuish food for tens of thousands who might otherwise want it. WILLIAM HEREPATH. REVIEW OF THE BRITISH CORN TRADE DURING THE PAST WEEK.—The continued fine weather has enabled our farmers to make great progress in harvest work, and in most of the southern and south-western counties all the grain crops are housed or stacked. In the northern districts, however, in Scotland, and in the North of Ireland, although reaping has become very general, there still remains a vast breadth of corn abroad. As to the probable acro-,able produce of wheat, the reports which have reached us are as contradictory as ever. From some parts of the country we are told that it will nearly reach an average, whilst a correspondent in North Lincolnshire,—whose means of obtaining correct information on the subject we believe to be very superior, as regards that quarter, and upon whose opinion we are disposed to place considerable reliance,-informs us that he does not expect a yield of wheat equal to two thirds of last year's crop- The wheat trade has assumed a decidedly firm aspect, since Monday week, and improved prices have been realised at some of the leading provincial markets heM within p the last week. In London during the week, the arrivals of wheat coastwise have been moderate, and by land carriage, samples small. The best qualities sold readily, at slightly enhanced rates, and ordinary sorts were cleared off at quite the currency of last Monday. The transactions in foreign wheat have been comparatively unimportant, buyers having generally given the preference to that of home growth. Holders have, nevertheless, been very firm, and the previous value of the article has been well maintained. We have heard of no speculative bargains in bonded wheat, but there has been a good deal of inquiry for fair qualities of red for shipment to Holland and Belgium. Owing, however to the high pretensions of sellers, comparatively little business has been really done; :i8s. to 40s. per quarter have been freely offered for Lower Baltic red without success. Flour has hung heavily on hand, and ship samples have barely sold so well as before. The receipts of barley of home growth have been very trilling, but the malisters and distillers having hitherto refrained from purchasing, the supply has proved more than adequate to the demand, and prices have rather tended downwards. Malt has also been offered the turn lower without exciting much attention. Of English and Scotch OClt, the market has become quite bare, and the quantity of Irish on hand is small the cargoes received from abroad have, consequently, moved off freely, and British as well as the fine sorts of foreign oats must be quoted at 6d. to Is. per qr. higher, Beans and grey peas have sold slowly at previous prices. White and maple peas have on the other hand commanded fully former terms.—Farmers' Journal, FLOWER-GARDEN & SHRUCBERms.—NeapoHtan Violets which were parted and out in spring, should now be carefully taken up with go >d balls, aud removed to a frame or pit for flowering during winter; the soil most suitable for them is well rotten turf, but if that cannot be procured, equal portions ot leaf mould, sweepings of ro_&ds, and any light soil will answer. Late plauted beds, and piants turned out into borders, should now hi occasionally watered this should be done early in the morning, as the nights are now cold and frosty. Sweet Peas, Dahlias, and OIlier plants requiring tying np, should now be att-nded to, before they are destroyed by wind; climbeis on walls should again he pruned and nailed if they req iire it. Mow, sw, ep, and clean Grass lawns, hoe and rake borders during this fine weather, and destroy all weeds before rainy weather sets in. Pits and Frames. Mig- nonette to come in in spring should he thinned and pricked out into other pots, kept c:ose, and shaded for a few days. Cuttings of Pelargoniums should be occasionally looked over picking off any leaves that exhibit a'endency to damp off, Continue to put in cuttings of new or scarce plants a close frame without artificial heat will answer to keep them in at present. FLORISTS' FLOWF.RS.—Carnation layers that are rooted may be taken off as directed last week, placing them in a close cold frame for a few davs, in order to accelerate their again striking root. During dry weather, those that are y>t ready to remove from the parent stool must be regi larly watered. I have found it a good plan to place a smooth flat pebble over each layer where it is inserted in the ground this most assu- redly hastens the emission of roots. Seed must be well looked after, the pods being carefully covered from the wet; caps of oiled paper will be found to afford the best protection. Tulips.-The amateur will now be arranging his bulbs for planting, removing those which did not please him last sea- son, and replacing thein with better strains or breaks. Some splendid new flowers have been broken and exhibited during th« present year, notices of which will be shortly forthcoming. This is a good time to obtain fresh varieties, as surplus stock may often be bought cheap. The bed for the reception of the bulbs should be occasionally turned over, exposing it to the influence of the sun and air. If the bulbs have been grown in it two years together, it will be necessary to remove it, and substitute some decayed turf soil; this, when well rotten, grows them cleanest and finest. Continue to attend to Poly- anthuses, Auriculas, Dahlias, &c as directed last week. HARDY FRUIT AND KITCHKN GARDEN.-Galherincr the various kinds of fruit as they become fit will be for sometime the principal occupation in the fruit-garden. The skins of Apples and Pears should not be rubbed, for they are covered with a sort of bloom, although not so conspicu- ously as those of the Plum and Grape; yet it does exist, and should not he displaced, as it prevents mois- ture from soaking into the skin. The common varieties of Apples and Pears may be stored in heaps, and covered with kiln-dried straw, but the choice kinds of Pears sh-mld be carefully placed in close drawers, made of non-resinous wood. Peaches and Nectaiines a e generally packed for carriage much too loosely, for fear of bruising the consequence is, that they jostle against each other during the journey, each giving and receiving a thousand concussions, which may indeed be very slight, but ultimately the effects are too evident. Therr- fore, after packing these fruits, shake the box or basket, and observe if the whole appear as fixtures; if any do not, plug them more securely with cotton-wadding. Kitchen Garden,- Gather various productions for pickling. Sow Lettuces in frames. Earth up Celery. Prepare ground for Cabbages. Blanch The blanching is generally performed by pressing the heart of the plant gently down, on which a frag- ment of tile is laid; over this a light covering of earth is sifted. The fringed edges of the leaves are carefully freed from earth, and exposed to light, having small bits of tile laid over that portion of soil from whence they protrude, to render the blanching perfect, and produce what gardeners particularly pride themselves on, viz., a plant of Endive white all over, excepting the edges of the outer leaves, which should show about two inches of green.

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