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WE have to caution our readers not 18 give money to I applicants who may state they are relatives of persons! *l'led in the Duffryn Colliery, Aberdare. Mr. Powell has! "Yery kindly allowed the widows 9s. per week, with a* «ouse and supply of coal for each, and has refused th<*| Assistance of some gentlemen who liberally offered to| subscribe for the same object. | Ensign Charles E. Watson, of the 71st Foot, son of the| ev,_Richard Watson, Prebendary of Llandaff, has bee:i| Appointed to a Lieutenancy in the 7th Fusiliers, vacant! y the appointment of the Hon. F. C. G. Fitz-Clare»ce| 0 the 10th Light Dragoons. § SMART'S CONVEX PROPELLER FOR STEAM SHIPS.—WE| nave autboritJ for stating, that the beautiful iron steamer,! Prince of Wales running between Bristol and Cardiff, is| to be fitted with Mr. Smart's Patent Convex Floats, cl.sJ :SOOI1 as possible, wh^a proof will be added to the many! •others of the excellence of this novel, but inexpensive,! a,|nple, and extraordinary speed-giving principle. | CARDIFF MARKET, AUGUST 10th.—Beef, 7d. to 8d. glutton and lamb, fJid. to 7d.; veal, 6d, to 6|d.; porkjg to yd. per Lb. ducks, 3s. G l. to 4s. per couple;| owls, 0s« ditto; butter. Is. per lb. eggs, Is. 6d, perg .ien^ French beans, 2|d. per lb.; cauliflower, largeg s,ie, 3d. a-piece; potatoes, Gs. to 7s. per sack,—a largeS supply V | By an Act which received the Royal Assent on the 4th|j }nst-> the licenses of Valuers, Surveyors, aud Appraisers, ave been raised from 10s. to £ 2. This alteration, it is § affirmed, has beea made on the memorial of the body ofS Auctioneers, who feJt themselves aggrieved by havinsg leir licenses increased, while those of appraisers, whog •are frequently engaged in the sale of projierty by privateg contract, were left uutouched, f| 1 HE WELSH MAIL.— Mr. Niblett, the spirited con-g tracior, has received instructions from th.e Po»t-ofHce|l Authorities, to be prepared to despatch the Bristol aud^ mail on and from the 1st of September next,^ rotn ti.jg city at 8 in the morning, instead of at G, asii -heretofore the mail to arrive at Swansea by 7 in thesjj *Ver,ing. The return mail will reach Bristol at five infs ,e evening, afforoingf time to jiassengers to refresh -Pioceouiug by the .six o'clock train to town. — Brisio/M >G«2«/c. ■.? I BAPTIST MISSIONS.—-The anniversary sermons of the|| ardiii' district in aid of these missions* were delivered 011S --unday last, August 10th, by Mr. E. Carey, late mission-p at Serampore, and Mr. D. Price, a member of the.v eputation. JI r. Carey preached in the English ei;:tpei^ 11 'orenoon and evening1 to crowded congregations,^ _• >0 listened with earnest attention to bis eloquent audio P^oue exhortations and Mr. Price, at the same hours,J| Preached iu Welsh at the Tabernacle, and in the afternoon^ 114 We understand tnat his discourses were|| calculated to produce the deepest attention. n j\Ioiiiiay evening, a public meeting was held in tbe'H; English Baptist chapel, whici# was numerously attended^ ■T""1'16 eanse of Chiistian missions being ably advocated ? £ y several geullemen. Liberal collectjcns were realized.?^ CARDIFF ME«UAMICS' INSTITUTE.—.On Monday even-^ ^ng last the adjourned meeting took place in the reading^ a?°m or the inatitutioo; proceedings being commenced r!;J| jnuie o'clock—one hour after the time appointed. W hit-g ^ichoi!, Esq., president of the institution, said he|| *<'» .i<iCt'ived a letter from Mr, Lunelle whjci'. was datedip n'8toZ, August 7th, 1845," and which lie would read to|| -aaeetiHg. It was to the following effect;— p 'SJK,—ye this morning brought the subject of your lottcr|G 4th instaui before the Directors of the Bristol Steam v^oUtioa Conijiany, who have desired me to express to j ou tlieirg !»ret at the disappoiafment occasioned to the members of thejg eehanieg' Institute by their not being supplied with a steamffi vessel on Monday lust and #lso to acquaint you that if tiipffl ^uiniuittee of the Institute will accept the use of a steam ve °' charge, ior an excursion, ou any day they may fix withn -^r. JeB'ery, thw »ay have one, and arrat)2.e matters*with -J cilery, who is luiiy authoiiRed by the Pireelors so to do." || J'he president thought this a most handsomeo#jr; tcx.fl protracted conversaHsn, in lyhich Mr. Yachell, resiiected vice-presidcnt, Mr. Webber, Mr. Geake, Mr.S ;Price, Mr. Jenkins, jun., and several others took part, it ;was resolved "that the offer so kindly made by the Di-fi| [rectors of the Bristol Navigation Company be |The leading members of the Wesleyan body in this town I 1 then spoke of the excursion which they had contemplated. 1 ibut which they had put ofF from the 4th instant to the g jjimh, ill order that it might not damage or interfere with P [the excursion of the members of the Institute: they (the I |Weslevans) now thought that if the members of the In- | sstitute'were to have an excursion on Afonday next, itp twould seriously interfere with the Wesleyans' trip, which, ihy appointment, was to take place on the 19th. A long,|& ^desultory conversation ensued, from the tenor of which itf| |was evident that an impression existed in favour of the« | who had so kindly, and, indeed, edolayed their excursion, with the sole view of jftlse members of the Institute. The Wesleyans thenfl loffercd to pay £ 10 to the members of the Institute fora ?th« transfer of the packet on Monday next, they (tbe si Wesleyans) engaging to go to Ilfracombe. This offer was ^subsequently increased to £12, and was, of course, con- gditional, because it was feared by some that the Directors of the Steam Navigation Company would not consent toll |tiie transfer. A very considerable time was again occu-p Spied in conversation, which seemed to be entered uponfi |.md persisted in without any definite object; and, there-§| |fore, as midnight was approaching, Mr. Webber, with theg ■view of bringing matters to a close, proposed as anil ^amendment, that the members of the Mechanics' Insti-jl jbt'jte proceed in the Lady Charlotte steamer on Mondays inext. This amendment was seconded by Mr. Geake, andl Ion a division was negatived by a majority of 7 to 4. The Soriginal motion—that the packet be handed over to the|» | Wesleyans on Monday next, in consideration of fllie sum of €12, provided the consent of the Directors bef| igiven to the transfer—was then carried, and the meeUngfl ^separated at about eleven o'clock. By this arrangements itlie proceeds of the day will go to the Wesleyan"School! ^Committee, out of which they will have to pay the Insti-S rli ute the sum of twelve pounds. Since the foregoing wasfl Igput in type, we were informed that the Wesleyan Icommittee have declined acting up to the | oncluded 011 Monday night, and that therefore the a Sinembers of the Institute will proceed, for the benefit off? § he Institute on Monday. An advertisement, on the sub-B Sject appears in a preceding column. m TAFF VALE RAILWAY.—The usual half-yearly of the Proprietors of this Railway will be held at thea Vliite Lion Inn, Bristol, on Wednesday next, as recentlyf? ulvertised iu our columns,—the chair to be taken punc-H :ua!ly at twelve o'clock. By the statement of just issued we learn the following particulars. In the]! Revenue Account for the half-year ending June 30th, we3 ;ierceive, to the company's credit, the sum of £ 24,894^ ;9s. I Id., and which sum is thus made up:— E Sject appears in a preceding column. m TAFF VALE RAILWAY.—The usual half-yearly of the Proprietors of this Railway will be held at thea Vliite Lion Inn, Bristol, on Wednesday next, as recentlyf? ulvertised in our columns,—the chair to be taken punc- ua:ly at twelve o'clock. By the statement of accounts just issued we learn the following particulars. In the]! Revenue Account for the half-year ending June 30th, we3 ghet-ccivc, to the company's credit, the suin of E24,894 ;9s. lid., and which sum is thus made up:- E ji Tasscnger traffic 3,796 17 7 jl 1 General merchandize traffic 4,331 41 | ■ Iron traffic 3,575 4 2 I n Iron ore traffic ••••«.. 2,304 4 10 § g Coal aud coke traffic 10,78S 8 11 S Kent ..I ••••••••••••••••• 21 15 0 | S Transfer fees 18 5 0 ( H Interest account—balance •••••••• 58 0 4 j IjThe Company is debited with thj sum of £ 9,928 17s. 0d., | S S £ s. s. d. j j| For Direction 0 0 | K Secretary's office expenses 306 16 3 | i Maintenance of way and works 1,58118 0 j H Ljcom )tive department y,167 4 11 I ra Station.ivy engine and incline plane.. 240 9 4 I I Traffic department 2,871 9 2 | « Government duty on passenger traffic 172 13 1 | n Compensation for damage 48 9 10 | fl Parish rates 60 ) 8 10 | ■ Travelling expenses •• 9i 13 2 jj i Incidental expenses, &c 36 0 11 fi | Amount reserved for unsettled rent.. 250 0 0 | I Amount paid Lord Bute for wharfage i g on minerals, &c-, carried per rail- | Sway, les3 £ 2,1^6 3s. 5d. received I from sundry parties on same ac- g| couut 323 13 6 P Miking as above stated £ 9.9^8 17 0 u 8 Miking as above stated £ 9.9^8 17 0 ? I This sum, deducted from £ 24,894 19s. ) leaves as balance of £ 14,93 j 2s. lid., of which balance the sum ofjl £ 8,057 0s. lid. is appropriated to the payment of interest! >n mortgage debentures, consolidated preferential and income tax [ £ ^'3 13s. 81.], leaving the sum ofS to,309 2s. Od. to be carried to the general revenue account.! Die general revenue account exhibits in its favour, on§ December 3lst, 1844, a balance of £ 5,9|5 3s. id. broughtB for ward from the previous account, from which sum a| dividend at the rate of three per cent, per annum on|j 2,934 old shares, being El 17s. 7d. per share (less income' tax) was paid on the 5th of March last, so that a ba-1 | lance of E579 8s. 19d. then remained to its credit. To | (his last-named balance must now be added the sum offi I £ 6,309 2s. Od., thereby making the balance on the 20thl S of June, 1845, to amount to £ 6,888 10s. lOd. IN FAVOUB| 1 OF THE GENERAL REVENUE ACCOUNT a most I fact, and one which bears strong testimony of the judi-g I cious system of management pursued by the Directors, as I well as of the prosperity of the line. By the comparative | statement of revenue we see that the proprietors have! ijust and firm grounds to be satisfied with the inclinationj| which their affairs have eventually taken. For the half-|jj year ending December, 1843, the revenue amounted to% £ 16,696 18s. 2d.; for the half-year ending June, 1844, it# amounted to £ 18,414 Is. lid for the halt-year endingl December, 1844, it amounted to £ 22,692 7s. 2d.; and fori the half-year ending June, 1845, the revenue amounts tol £ 24,894 I9s. lid.,—thus showing a regular and progres-i| sive increase, indicative, we firmly believe, of a long'* •ourse of uninterrupted prosperity. And when the branch'); line through the important valley of Aberdare is com-M jileted, and the vast resources of the Taff valley fully^' leveloped, the amount of income which this line will^ produce will unquestionably be great indeed such asj$ fully to justify the reluctance which the intelligent holders' of shares at present evince to disposing of them even at thefi' very high premium at which they are now freely market-^ ible. During the half-year ending June 30th, 1845, C-24,894 19s. lid.,—thus showing a regular and progres-i| sive increase, indicative, we firmly believe, of a long" •ourse of uninterrupted prosperity. And when the branch'); !ine through the important valley of Aberdare is com-M jileted, and the vast resources of the Taff valley fqUyë: leveloped, the amount of income which this line will^ produce will unquestionably be great indeed such asj$ fully to justify the reluctance which the intelligent holdersr of shares at present evince to disposing of them even at lhe: very high premium at which they are now freely market-^ ible. During the half-year ending June 30th, 1845, .hoe was received from passengers travelling in flrst-classS eartiagM the sum of £ 603 10s. 6d.; from those in second- £ | ;lass carriages the sum of £ 1, i87 16s. 8d. and from| | ;hose in third-class carriages the sum of £ 2,005 10s. 5d. £ H making in all, as stated above, the sum of £ 3,796 17s. 7d. | derived from passenger traffic. Our next number witt I contain a full and accurate report of the proceedings of',| the half-yearly meeting. | SMALL DEBTS Acr.—Tuesday the Act for the better^ | securing the payment of small debts was issued. In' | every stage of the measure alterations have been madeX | and it was only on receiving the royal assent on Saturday^ | that it was known that further corrections could not be4 | made until Parliament again assembled. There areSjs b twenty-five sections and four schedules in the Act. Sin-j| j gularly enough, it dates its operation just twelvemonths|j | from the passing of the Act which liberated some hun-a s dreds of poor persons who were in custody for sums no til | exceeding £ 20, and prevented the incarceration of somej| | hundreds of others for like sums. It will be well if a^ 1, reaction docs not take place, and creditors proceed ,o gj extremes, under the provisions of the new law. Debtors:!3 ? may now be induce-! to "make their peace" with taeir^i | creditors without putting the machinery of the new law.J | into operation, The general effect of the law appears to j| jS be, that a creditor who has obtained a judgment, or any aorder for payment, from a competent court, for any sum| !not exceediug £ 20, can expeditiously and cheaply sum-|| mon a debtor to the Court of Bankruptcy, or Court ofJS Requests, provided the latter is presided over by a bar-f| rister, special plea-ler, or an attorney who has been ten^ years in practice. The debtor may be examined as well J as the cradjtor, and, should the debtor fail to attend, org! make a satisfactory answer, or shall appear to have bet-n^ guilty of any fraud, either in the removal of his goods, or« the contraction of the debt, be may be sent to prison fori aa period not exceeding forty days, which imprisonment iskj pilot to extinguish the debt, nor is it to be got rid of by an'ffl jJorder from the Court of Bankruptcy or Insolvent De'btois, |but the judg.a who sent him to prison may order the dis-jSS Icharge on satisfaction being made by the payment of |debt and cost#. One of the last amended amendments^ jfstat.es that the actual necessities of the debtor shall not be'l] |seized in execution, and allows him goods, tools, &c., to|| |the value of £ 5. The jurisdiction of the present infe*a| rior courts may, by an Order in Council, be extended to £ 20, and all such applications must be advertised in the London Gazette one month before they are considered.a| Wit',esses not attending when summoned may be £ 5t to be enforced in like manner as payment of any debt j^ recovered by a judgment. There is power given to ^execute warrants against the person or goods of a lagainst whom an order has been obtained, notwithstand-^ £ ing the removal from the jurisdiction of the court in^l f which such order was obtained. The act is only to apply a |to England and Wales. The forms to l^e used and thesB ^fees to be charged are set forth in the schedules of tlje act.Jgj iCreditors and debtors may be their own lawyers in the|ji Imatter. Provided the 6niatl debts' courts are extended Sand presided over as mentioned, yery few actions will be « Ibrought in the superior courts for amounts under £ -0.aB II he Act took effect from Saturday last, | GLAMORGANSHIRE COUNTY ROADS BOARD —ON Thurs-. j'day last, the old general turnpike act, together with all.jS llocal acts relating to the government and management ofJfi |turnpike roads in this county became inoperative, and tlieaB ^provisions of the new South Wales Turnpike Trust Actaa ^came into operation. A statement of the tolls payable^ lunder this statute may prove interesting and ?;uid, therefore, v/e beg to insert it for the convenience ofpp fgeneral reference;— tFor every horse or other beast, < £ ra^ing any coach, £ d- g|| J chariot, or any such like carriage P 0 6 ^For every horse, or other beast (except asses) draw- j||$ 3 ing. any waggon, wain, cart, or other such like fpor every ass drawing any cart, carriage, or other fjfj | vehicle. 0 0 2 -p or (?yery horse or mule, laden or unladen, and not |S| J drawing 0 0 'For every ass, lad^i^. or unladen, and not drawing |For every drove of oxen, or neat cattle, the |§ £ | sum of Ten Pence per score, aud so in proportion 3 for any greater or less number. jf!| For every drove of calves, hogs, sheep or lambs, the jjtt sura of I 'li'p Pence per score, and so in proportion S|B for any greater or less number. IgB For every carriage drayyn or impelled by steam, or EHr other power other than aniipal j^ower, having two n wheels P And for every such last mentioned carriage having §& more than two wheels One-half only of the above tolls are payable f°r» ,or respect of any horse or other animal, employed in theaB carrying, drawiiag, or conveying any lime for the purposes^ o/" roanure, 0 One-half only of the above tolls are payable f°r» ,or respect of any horse or other animal, employed in theaB carrying, drawiiag, or conveying any lime for the purposes^ o/" roanure, CARDIFF SAVINGS' BANK.—Saturday, August 9th.- Aniouat of deposits received, JE90 15s. Od.; ditto paid, £23 8s. 10d.; number of depositors, 17. I I THE CORN HARVEST has been commenced in this neighbourhood. The crops, we understand, are rather ibove the average, and seem not to have suffered, as was anticipated, by the late heavy rains. Since our last the .weather has proved favourable.





To the Editor of the Cardiff…

Family Notices