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^orrigit JEtttelltgtnrt.

SmpevtAl yarltamntr.


SmpevtAl yarltamntr. IIOUAE OF LORDS.—MONDAY. nrJv!iLPfTrentati0tl°ff^ petition bythe Dokeof Uichmml, pra>ing for_ a nurk of honour to be awarded to the surviving marks'frton len'nSU,ar war' ^asioa to some rc- marks from The Duke of Wellington, who stated that he had always brought the merits of the troops and oncers undci bis com- mand before the attention of the Sovereign and the Govern- ment, though he had always abstained from makiug any suggestion, unless expr.-ssly called upon to state his opinion But the claims of the Peninsular army had not been over- looked. They had received the thanks of Parliament sixteen. times; 011 no less than nineteen occasions med-ds had b.-en struck, which had been distributed amongst 1,300 officers- special brevets had repeatedly brought promotion several members ..f their lordships' house enjoyed their peerages for services in the Peninsula not to mention foreign honours confeircd hv the allied sovereigns. l-ord Stanley moved the second reading of the Irish Col- leges Hiil, the nature of which he stated" admitting that it involved the principle of endowment. ° The Karl of Shrewsbury opposed the bill, on account of the irml.gio.is character of the system of education which it pro- posed to establish. H l-ord Hrougnam eulogised the measure; the Karl of Car- his™neri'li>i>m nV-' • .'V,arclurss of f^nsdownc expressed Clilfn" 1 ,aT"on' ut suggested improvements I.ord Cbtfoid concurred Lord Beauoioataud the !Usho;> of Norwich veie also in favour ot the bill and after a few remark" from Lord Lytileton, the bill was read a second time Ihe other business being disposed of, the House adjourned. TUESDAY. The attention of their lordships was occupied by another ioofedby UPOll the of their Prh'ileS< It was moole,i hy Lord Brougham, who complained of an attack reported in the Times newspaper to have been made upon him by Mr.F flnnl 1,1 w C'mrao of 'he deha'e upon the cases of Mr". Bonbam and Mr. Holdo.o, iu the House of Commons. portl'r, nL°V*'Ckl"W s,,S«Mtrd that the printer and re- porter of Ihe DCW4i,dPcr should tie cailed to the bar of the hOlls IÏle Duke of Wcilinjton considered the case a grave one, umilTlV H ll*.fi!rtlK'r consideration should be postponed until 1 hur.-day, which was agreed to. 1 he Irish colleges Bill was passed through committee. HOUSE OF COMMONS.—MONDAY. Sir Robert Teil stated, in reply to Mr. Hawes, that the Government had taken into its consideration the report of the committee on the petition and allegations of the South- eastern I'ai!way Company: and that, as a result, it had been his pamftii duty to advise Her Majesty n, accept the lPnjoreil resignations of Captain Roldero and \lr. Bonham- that the Master-General of the Ordnance had absolutely dismissed Mr Hignett, the late solicitor to the Hoard; and that the home secretary had wntt- n a letter to Mr. Wray, the receiver-^nera' of the metropo nan police, cautioning him that he shoujd in future conhue himscli to matters connected with his official dutits. Captain Uoldero went into some particulars respecting these transactions, asserting hi" personal integrity, and compTainin of the unnccessary scverit). of a portiou of the committee's report. Some conversational dehatefoHowed.and the subjectdropppd. NEW ZkALAND. Mr. Charles Buller drew attentiolllo the present state of New Z atand. He pictured the dangerous condition of the settler- from the excited feelings of the names, flushed by plunder, and animated by their easy lIiclnry, 'le st t,ment of Wellington, with from 4.000 to 6.000 colonists, who had taken out with them properly to the extent of £2,000,ODO, was surtounded by at least 8 0-0 natives, who were kept ill chock 1 y onlv 30 soldiers—the rem. being drawn off to piotect Auckland. He threw the responsi- »i ity ot this state of things on the Government: for Lord Stanley had brought about that calamity, a war of races. 7, o"t0 "n 'be differences between the New -a an( Company and the Government, or rather Lord O J||e!i X%-c"°",ended that the spirit which still animated tho seen,' ~°e 1C(1 i'VnS ':il.,u:Ciil to the peace, prosperity, and afrei- y a ,c° s 1 ,lniJortant as the one in question and in lat cou.d not possibly have any partv object wiiii' l° 1 moving That this House regards regret and apprehension tho state of affairs ia New v-a am and usat those leeiings are greatly aggravated tv vhiel'rr °,f ;'ny ",mdem changethe r^icy «h,ch has led t such disastrous results. ° mi'i» °''e Secretary for the Colonies) -went into open lo'tTe'T l S' lnf°.rllei'l0,ll<>wt!iat Lord Stanley was not otirse with M F-C U or dealing ™ his inter cm so th, direct >rs of the New Zealand Company. .„„ s"id t he missionaries profued by the course ruled il p P°l'lr V'W1-1 colonies, for the missionary influence 1* tV>„ "k,niaUo,1|ee, and no good would be etfected until i controlled' 1 lange.<1. tlle, s>'stcm by which our coloaies are "] T VVa" 1,1S lhat the New Zealand savages 1 bef, ".omR' 10 -appear, like the North American Indians, o ro' eer .i" s of t,le vhite man; all that we can do is to P'otect them from injustice. m. !C„ Attorn"3'eneral went over the l^gal details of the i'dh ln or .er show that the New Zealand Company, tiip" 0 -1-1 a F)l'r y c°nin]crcial spirit, had originally moved at V V ifi ('e.^anc Government, and had not f an/t !s.' a Va'i«i title to the lands which they haU acquired us was the origin of the strife between it and tj.e hich was bonnd to protect the natives. ti' lr I"glis and Mr, Aj-lionby ha\iug addressed tha 1 °use; after some explanations the debate was adjourned. f TUESDAY, 'j Mr. E" art moved for the repeal of the duties on the I tBnoTt- '1 at>on of butter aud cheese. e rhe Chancellor of the Exchequer opposed the motion as ¡wing inconsistent with the financial arrangement for the year. l{ ''eel objected to bringing forward such a motion at so late a peiiod of the session, wlwn all the financial arti-nge- { mentsof the year had been completed. After some discussion the motion was neaatiyed b\ a ma. joriryof 13610 38. 3