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^orrigit JEtttelltgtnrt.


^orrigit JEtttelltgtnrt. w;JbR;tNCE'~The Paris journals are TuiT^cupi^d f massacre of Dahara, but nothing new his ren'JTr? .u°"^he Subject* Ru™^s are once more cur- tnt that the trench Chambers are likely to be dissolved in the course of the next two months. The Semaphore of .Marseilles of the 1,1 inst. state, that it is the intention of Marshal Bugeaud to resign the government of Algena, if the projected expedition against the Kabvles is delayed beyond the ensuing autumn. The same journal confirms the report of the disembarkation of Ottoman troops at Tripoli. The number said to have landed at that port is 5000. It is presumed that the Saltan intends to attempt by land the coup de main which the presence ot a French naval squadron prevented him from executing for several years by sea. The lley is pre- paring to defend himself. A French ship of the line, the ISeptune, had arrived before Tunis. The Courier brancais announces that the expulsion of the Jesuits from l-iance had created a considerable sensation in 1 (filiAr^T—Mat,ricl papers have been received up to the 1 lnst.ant. At Barcelona, the Conscription had been drawn without disturbance. Concha had entered Tar- lagona 011 the morning of the 9th. The insurgents had left the place. In Sabadell, the numbels killed were iorty, and sixty made prisoners. Of the troops, an ° r wVvl S1X snldiel's wure kiiletl. with two horses. A -i have news from China to the 8th of April, the most important item of which is that detailin an attack made by a mob of Chinese on Mr. Montgomery Martin the Rev. V. Stanton, the colonial chaplain, ailll w/l'l /^0n' the Vice-Consul, while walking round the md KI T T" T,'eSe Sentlemen were hustled, struck .nd lobbed, but fortunately, escaped without serious uijui y. FOREIGN WlN,R'AND Spir,ts-—A return recently made to the House of Commons shows that in the year end- ing January o, 1845, the total quantities of foreign wine imported into this country amounted to 8,.M4.58egaUons, ? 07?4?1 were re-exported. Upon f r, g 1S dutj' was l):,i(l- The quantities retained for home consumption, after deducting the amount ex- ported subsequently to the payment of duty, amounted 47*1 7^ Viz" 349'257 gallons of Cape, 47.3,<89 gallons of trench, 2,887,501 gallons of Portu- \Iid!i giiU0llS °f Sl)anish» 111,577 gallons of Madeira, o3,86o gallons of Rhenish, 20,650 "mIIOIIS of SieilT3' gallons of Fayal, and 463,527 gallons of an, wines. 1 he quantities remaining in ware- k°nd on the 5th of January last amounted to and £ lit J- u' ViZ" 6'186»25a gallons in London, St! s> at °ther Places' Itwiil be s,iel1 r,^InC'pa W,nes C01lsumed in this country are those of Oporto and Xeres (port and sherry) that the ape, 1-rench, and Sicilian (Marsala) wines are prettv much on a par, whilst the consumption of Madeira is almost incredibly insignificant. The quantities of foreign pints imported in 1844 amounted to 5,786,787 gallons, the quantities retained for home consumption to 3,267,878 fb»n the quantities exported to 2,352,63(3 gallons; the quantities shipped as stores to 387,859 gallons, and the quantities delivered for the use of the navy to 359,924 galloll5. The quantities remaining in bond on the 5th of J all nary last amounted altogether to 5,383,407 gallons, J z. 3,2,0.687 gallons in London, and 2,106,708 gallons Jor?I f, H1 the United kingdom. Amongst the j- » n gallons retained for domestic consumption, there were: 1,9S8,9S8 gallons of West India and colonial mm, 104,321 gallons of JOast India rum, and 105,185 gallons of West India, East India, and Mauritius ™ _al; vaUed together, making a grand total of 4,IJ8,oU2 gallons of rum. There were also retained tor home use alone, 1,023,073 gallons of brandy, U(8o4 gallons of geneva, 6,077 gallons of other foreign and colonial spirits, and 25,272 gallons of Channel Island spurts.

SmpevtAl yarltamntr.