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--=- THE PATENT LAws.-These enactments, it is painful to state, are often found to be so extremely inoperative, that, after the author of some useful discovery has taken out a costly and expensive patent, it too often fails to effect its object, that of protecting the property and interests of the inventor. Happily, art supplies what legislation never could provide; and we have a splendid instance of its power in an engl aving before us of so exquisite a degree of perfection, as to set imitations at defiance, and frustrate all the machinations of the un- worthy. It appears that Messrs. ROWLAND and SON, the spirited Proprietors of the incomparable KALYDOR" for the toilet, have been induced, by the number of counterfeits, to engage Messrs. Perkins and Bacon to engrave this Label, of which we can only say, that it is the very perfection of art, and must defy all counterfeit or imitation.-(See Advertisement-) BRIDGE oVER THE SEVERN <« Citizen" of Bristol hôs addressed a Ions and ably written letter to the Bristol papers, on the subject of 'he Passage of the Severn, with the view of showing that any fixed mode of communication which can be placed thirty miles below the farthest existing bridge over such an estuary must be of immense advantage to the towns and districts lviug it, tbe extensive provinces on each side of the water. The writer proceeds—"There is no disguising the fact; the very existence of Bristol is at stake. Her commer- cial relations being principally unf, South Wales and the great mineral districts of Mouinouth and Glamorgan, she is in danger not only of losing her importance but her existence also. She has hitherto enjoyed a monopclly of all the region bounded by Gloucester, the North of Herefordshire, and North Wales—this extensive country, embracing in its round the populous haunts of the mining districts and the rich regions of agricultural fertility, Las been almost entirely supplied by Bristol with trading commodities. On walking round our Quays we find that without the vessels which trade with these distric ts, our commerce would be a shadow. If liristol lose her Welsh trade, we may write up on her Commercial Hooms "Ichabod," for indeed would her glory be departed. The sin6,11, question then f,r its is —How shall we meet this alarming competition ? 1 he danger is at hand. Already Liverpool knocks at the gates of South Wales, which are about to be opened to her. Shall we not enter with her; and on tfie strength < f old acquaintance retaino ir former friends; or shall we stand on the southern sho e of the channe1-make a polite bow to our rival, as she appropriates o 'r old connec- tions to herself, "nd give "P 'ns'°riotis;y al! our best and most valuable interes's ? Brisrol- aye or nj 1 Shall Liverpool, have its rail wav into South Walos, and Bi istol be denied one ? Aye or no ? Shall Liv rpool be permitted to howl down h'-r goods in three or four hours to Merthyr and iJontypool, and Bristol be still compelled to await the comparatively tedious and uncertain transit by Sea? Aye or no? Is it likelv that a trader on the hills who can get his crates and hoses of rnc:- chandize on the same day on which he writes for them from Liverpool, will wait a week for the tardy sloop which leaves the Welsh Back once on every Wednesday or Friday? Aye or no ? The promoters of a ferry at the New Fassage in opposition to a bridge at the Old Passage, would induce us to adopt a scheme which, if unfortunately carried out, would do more to annihilate the interests of Bristol than any act which has ever occurred. A ferry forsooth wouid we endeavour to put out a conflagration with a fire engine or a child's squirt ? The commerce of Bristol is at stake, from powerful competi- tion. One party offers a bruige and a railway, as the only means to S.lve it. And another party offers a ferry, and some rows of new villas behind the seawalls at the Xew Passage! Pleasant boxes these by the. bye Where a m'ln would have to sit on his own chimney top, to enjoy the prospects of the tadpoles around him and where he may delight in the sub- stantia) ehjovment of bathing in waters, the pelluciditv of which we must all be pretty well aware of. <II, Will Bristol interests be served bv the interruption of a Îe: ry, or by the facilities afforded by a bridue to the land export of her various commodities ? If Bristol interests were paramount we should never have heard of the Hock Crib project? Why should Bristol be thrust on one side, when by extending thw South Wales Uailway from the terminus at Temple Ga-e-tlie legitimate line from the South of Ireland and South Wales to Bath, Exeter and other important Towns, as well as the metro- polis. must include Bristol in a direct route? If the South Wales Line pass by meam of a bridge over the Severn, this City mu-t derive extensive advautages from the influx of per- sons from the South of Ireland. Th" distance from Holyhead to Dublin is 63 miles; and from Fishguard to Wexford is exactly the sallie; from Liverpool to Dublin is 133 miles and from Hobb's po;nt to Watenord is 109 miles. It is therefore certain that with an uninterrupted line of railway via Bristol to London, the wh.de 0f the South and South West of Ireland travellers will pass through this city. It is not too much to suppose that a great proportion would stop for a few hours to gaze on the old '< Queen of the West Couutrie," or to transact business among her merchants. To the Bristol and Kxeter Hailway an unbroken line n rthwards would be of considerable importance; it would in f-ct be a source of great profit in bunging a large" Ion,, traffic." Two other important points b: ar upon the question of Bridge or Ferry." A Uailway is contemplated from Southampton direct to Bristol, a')d [ think it will be of great service to this city. T.'ie circle will then be complete. Bristol wi I he the centre from which will spring all the radii of Railways. She will be like a spider in its circular web—everything that comes within the net will be brought to headquarters in the centre. The Great Western from London will come to Bristol the Birmingham and Gloucester will corr.e to Bristol—t]le p;xeter will come to Bristol—the South Wales will conie to RrjslOl-the North of England and Holy- head Lines will come to Bristol-the Southampton will come to Bristol. What a wlorious centre will Bristol be Destroy the system, by adopting a Ferry instead of a Bridge, and the scheme becomes disjointed; and Bristol is (for the reasons belore assigned), in a worse position than ever. Important as the points I have touched upon may be, I have left a ereat plum in my pudding, as a last dainty—the Forest of Dean. The mineral resources of this important district are incalcu- lable. A first authority declares that there is coal sufficient to last for many centuries and ion to an immense extent. These riches have been but very partially obtained the re- sources are undeveloped j & why ? Because there has always been a want of communication. Without means of conveying those ,treasures to proper in irk.-ts, they become like the miser's hoard, of no value to anybody but give to the Forest 01 Dean Railways and a Bridge, and mines and collieries in- numerable will sonn", at once, into life and action. At pre- sent there are many Yron mines and. collieries in work aud I have the means ot kiiowinv that pasties, of the most influential character, aie only waiting for uninterrupted lines of railway to commence operations on a gigantic scale. Bri.-tol and the West of Knglacd wi 1 be benefitted in two ways: by having coal of first-rate quality supplied at a low price; and by the erection of a second great market for her produce, similar to that which now enriches her merchants in Monmouthshire and South Wales. But all this. depends on the Bridge. The Bridge and nothing but the Bridge, will benefit Bristol. The Ferry, and nothing but the Ferry, will consign her to the tomb of the Capulets for ever!"



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