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JUtgcfUatteottg* YERY NEAT LADIES.—A handsome girl, in the bloom of youth, lately died at Hincktey, in consequence of tight- lacing. An American paper mentions, by way of caution against the inhalation of the laughing gas, the death of a girl and the lunacy of a man occasioned by it. TEETOTALISM. — Arrah, Teddy dear, will you tell me what is the meaning of tee^wotalism ? Isitrepale! Teddy took his pipe out of his mouth, and deliberately said, It's not repate, Dennis, hut it's like it. Repale is dividing a sister from her mother. Teetwotalism is cutting the heart (.ut of a man, and sticking a lump of cold water in its place." Among the adveriispmenta of the last week, we find the remarkable announcement that there may be had "An airy bed-room for a gentleman twenty-two feet long bv fourteen wide." The bed-rootn ought, indeed, to be airy to accommodate a gentleman of those dimensions. — Punch. CONTINENTAL RAILROADS. — In few parts of Europe does there appear more activity in the construction of railroads than in the Sardinian States. In a very short time the lines which will run from Genoa to Switzerland, through Lombardy and to France, and that which will connect Turin with Chambery, will he finished. The Swiss Government has acquiesced in the request of that of Bavaria for permission to continue a railroad across the cantons of Schatrhausen, Zurich, and Thurgovia, to the Lake of Constance. THE OLDEST SOLDIER OF THE RUSSIAN ARMY.—Iwan Saporsschsky died it Kerlsch at the latter end of May. He was born in 1?25, the year of the death of Peter the Great; entered the army in the beginning of the reign of Elizabeth, served under the celebrated Russian Generals R'nnianzofr, Potemkin, and Suwaroff remained 18 jears a prisoner among the Turks, and ultimately settled in Crimea, where he cued. REASONABLY MAD !—The authorities of the town of Greenwich have issued a proclamation to the local police to destroy all wandering- dogs who may he "suspected reasonably mad" The matter heing left to the judgment of the policeman on duty, and there being moreover so many strange dogs about Greenwich and the suburbs, the question of being reasonably mad becomes rather difficult of solution. The late rains have occasioned some fears among the agriculturists in all parts of the United Kingdom but as yet no serious mischief appparg to have been done. The grass crop has turned out well, and the wheat crop is very promising. Mr. Harvey, the Mayor of Walsall, was drowned on Wednesday morning week, while bathing; and by a sin- gular fatality, one of the persons, a tradesman, who volunteered to drag tor the body, was drowned in the attempt. The guards who ride outside on the express trains have some difficulty in preserving their sittings, so strong is the rush of air they experience. Last Tuesday several of the guards complained of the danger they were exposed to from the side-wind. Liverpool Courier. One of the counsel in the London and York Group of Railways, now before a Committee in the House of Com- mons, stated that the expense of the inquiry to the various projectors whose schemes were submitted to discussion in that room amounted to £ 3.000 a-day. OATHS IN BANKRUPTCY CASKS.—By a bill now before the House of Commons (having passed the Lords.) it is provided that bankrupts may be examined after making a prescribed declaration, instead of taking an oath but that a ffitse statement, after making such declaration, will be punishable the same as perjury now is, and the commissioners are still to have the power'of committal for unsatisfactory answers. The report made by Major-General Pasley, the Inspec- tor-General of Railways respecting the accident which oc- curred on the 17th June near Slough, has just been pub- lished. It contains no information or suggestion which has not been forestalled by the press. öö A woman named M'Culloch, in her thirtieth year, has been committed to Bridewell fora week, from the Guildhall r-oiice-ottice, tor auempung to kill her child, while urunK. The prisoner tried to throw the child, which is six years old, into the Thames, over the balustrade of Blackfriais Bridge; and when a policeman interfe,red, endea- voured to thrust the child under the wheels of waggons which were passing her reason, she said, was that she could not teach it mannersLondon Paper. TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF Two INDIAMEN AND A LARGE COTTON SIIIP BY FIRE.—During the past week intelli- gence of several heavy losses by fire to the extent, it is supposed, of upwards of f90,000, has been received at Lloyd's, announcing the destruction of three fine ships, namely, the Uruquay, belonging to Liverpool (an India- man of 400 tons burthen), the Virginia (another Indiaman), belonging to Boston, and the American ship Ten Brothers, between 400 and 500 tons burthen, from Galveston, the whole of which, we regret to state, were laden with rich and valuable cargoes. The respective crews were saved. GREYHOUNDS..—The speed of the greyhound has been said to he equal to that of the fleetest horse. Asingutar circumstance which occurred at Doncaster proved that it was not much interior. A mare cantering over the Don- caster course, her competitor having been withdrawn, was joined by a greyhound bitch when she had proceeded about a mile. She seemed determined to race with the mare, which the jockey humoured and gradually increased his pace, iintil at the distance they put themselves at their tuli speed. The tnare beat her antagonist only by a head. The race-horse is, perhaps, generally superior to the grey- hound on level ground, but the greyhound would have the advantage in a hilly country.— From the Dofi, by W. Youutt." DRESS OF THE ENGLISH LADIES.—The desire for display. which has increased with the still increasing wealth of the middle classes, has so greatly stimulated numbers who are ambitious to be held "ladylike," and who live in the belief that they are the more so in propor- tion as they are splendidly and expensively dressed, and has so largely added to the masi of tasteless vulgar finery in vogue, that it cannot fail to excite the surprise of every foreigner. Often have I looked with the most regretful pity upon many pretty women disfigured by pearls in their hair, heavy gold chains about their necks, flowers I behind their ears, tasteless silk gowns with colours striving to eclipse the rainhow, and whose natural beauty is thus entirely destroyed by the artificial means for its display.— Kuhl's English Shetphsa. To LADIES—"Avcc de mauvais dents jamais femme n'etoit belle avec de jolis dents jamais n'etoit laide."— J. J. ROLISSEAU.VAJ.UE AND IMPORTANCE OF ARTIFI- CIAL TEETII.-The teeth influence the form and expres- sion of the countenance much more than is gerieially imagined, and the finest face is disfigured if any of the teeth are lost, and a disagreeable impression is produced. Where the teeth are g,)"od, there is, when speaking or smiling especially, a fascination present, which prevents further examination of the countenance. The new In- corrodible Teeth introduced by Mr. Thomas, Surgeon Dentist, 64, Berners-street, Oxford-street, London, are fixed without extIaclÏng any roots or teeth, or giving any pain whatever. They will also be found much more jcoiiomical than any others. INCREASE OF BANKING BUSINESS FROM RAILWAYS — The immense influence which the investment of capital in raihvays has had upon the banking business of the country may be judged from the f-Jet that one firm in LombHrd- stteef, sent to the clearing house £ 2,500,000, which, sup- posing what is probable, that they were drawn upon for the s.ime amount, gives the extraordinary amount of £ 5,000,000 for one house in one day. Under the usual run of busiiiess, previous to the present railway specula- tion, the lanre banking houses used to return about JE1,000,000 daily. A man was recently tried at Tubingen, in Germany, for the murder of his five, children He cut their throals with a razor as they lay in bed. When arrested, he confessed that, being driven to despair by the state of misery he had tons; been in from want of work, he had long been from want of work. he had first determined on suicide but re- fleeting that that would expose his wife and children to greater distress, he had resolved to send them to Heaven first. So, iu his wife's absence, he destroyed the children. He was found gui ty of simp! murdpr," and was sen- tenced to eighteen years imprisonment. The wife hs- came insane o:i beholding her slaughtered children. CONTRIBUTIONS TO RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES.—An unu- sually large amount has been placed to the credit of the religious societies by the last May meetings. The fol- lowing are the principal sums raised :—Church Mission- ary, £ 10.3,2-10; British and Foreign Bible, £ H5,817; London Missionary, £ 82,870; London (the Jubilee Fund), £ 21,000; Religious Tract, £ .54,104; Wesieyan Missionary, £ 100,188; Colonial Missionary, £ 3,388 Irish Evangelical, £ 2i>41 Foreign Bible, £,)483 British Reformation, £1,51-1; HomeMissionaiy, £ 8,600; Primitive Methodist Missionary, £2,5G7; London City Mission, £ 9,579; London School Union, £9,:1IH and British and Foreign Sailors, £ 2,072: amounting, alto- gether to more than half a million sterling IIAILWAYS AND CANALS.— I he plan of converting canals into railways seems just now to be generally enter- tained. It having been proposed to make a railway from Worcester to Birmingham on the site of the Worcester and Birmingham Canal, or of constructing one on the sides. The Canal Company have already given notice to Parliament of their intention, and have applied to the necessary persons, to enable them to do so. THE Inox TRADE.—BIRMINGHAM, JULY 10.—The usual quarterly meeting of the iron and coal-masters of South Staffordshire and South Shropshire took place in our Town Hall this day. Since the last quarterly meet- ing, it is needless to say, the price has been very con- .1 Ilt siderably reduced. Every description of manufactured iron, within 13 weeks, has been reduced 20 or 25 per cent. The great hope of the ironmasters is, now the price has, as they conceive, got to the lowest ebb, that the present price will remain stationary. I do not, from all accounts, believe that it will. The prices settled at Dudley, on Saturday, will he most important to the pubic. THE IRON TRADE-REDUCTION OF PRICES.—DUDLEY, Sunday morning.—Last evening a numerous meeting of iron and coal masters of this district was held at the hotel, for the purpose of transacting the usual quarterly business of the trade, or more properly speaking, of con- firming the prices which have been agreed upon at the meeting of the body held at Birmingham on Thursday last. At the close of the business the prices were de- clared as follows: Bar iron, £8 per ton; Pigs, from £ 3 10s. to £ 4 per ton. The fluctuations which have latterly taken place, have been of considerable embarass- ment to the trade, and rendered it very difficult for the manufacturers to know how to purchase. The general impression is, that ES per ton is a remunerating price, and that the masters being well aware that the manufacturers cannot compete with the foreign market if they have to pay a higher price for the raw material, will see the im- policy of again advancing the prices, unless under some very extraordinary circumstances. The stocks at present hardly amount to the average quantity at the works, but there have not been any large orders announced after either of the two meetings which have been held. It is, however, generally believed that the late reduction £ 2, or rather the equalisation of the prices, will have the effect of creating a brisk foreign demand. Some of the pro- jected railways are also fruitful sources of anticipation, and there is little prospect of our prosperity being inter- rupted for some time. In some parts of this district the workmen have been, and are, almost daily turning out, but without improving their condition to any great extent. They seldom succeed by a strike, and where they do, the advances they gain by such means are previously swal- lowed up by the loss and expense incurred in gaining it. The war-brig Rapid has arrived at Plymouth, with part of the crew of a captured slaver, charged with murderirnr .1 Mr. Palmer, a midshipman, and eight of the crew of the Queen's sloop Wasp. The prisoners are ten in number, eight Portuguese and two Spaniards. An examination has been conducted before the Mayor and Magistrates of Plymouth. A native of Bahia, master of a slave-schooner captured by the Wasp, who was present at the massacre, said he tried to dissuade the murderers from it. According to his evidence, the Englishmen were put on board the schooner; and the accused, who formed part of the crew of the Echo brigantine, which had been captured, were placed under their charge. They resolved to murder the Englishmen and, seizing an ungarded moment, killed them all, though not without receiving some wounds them- selves and they threw the bodies into the sea. They then Jired upon the briuantine, which was in company, and sailed away. A short time after, however, the vessel was captured by the sloop Star; and the prisoners were sent to Kngland for trial. On Saturday they were committed. Among the papers read at the late meeting of the British Association, was one read by M. Coulnier Gravier. He has ascertained that there are between 6,000 and 7,000 shooting stars to he seen in the course of a year; and that six o'clock in the evening is the hour when the smallest number are observed, and six in the morning is the maximum time. He distinguishes shooting stars into "globes" and stars of different magnitudes; the globes are larger than ordinary stars, and about twenty-four of them are observable in the course of the year; by far the greater majority of shootirif stars consisting of those of the smallest magnitude. These stars move in curves and he had succeeded in trnnivg and figuring their paths. RAILWAY TRAFFIC.—We have now made up from our official returns the amount of the railway traffic for the past six months. It appears that on 39 railways, amount- ing to nearly 1S00 miles, the aggregate traffic is, in round numbers, £ 2,850,000, being £ 550,000 more than for the corresponding six months of last year. This increase of revenue amounts to 20 per cent. oil the total receipts of the half year; and if we take the value of the money at 4 per cent. per annum, this will give above £ 20,000,000 as the increase in the real value of the railway property of the country since last July. Of this increase of half- yearly revenue, we find that the London and Birmingham Company has f.)2,000 on the half-year, being an increase of exactly £ 2000 a-week. The Great Western has an increase of £ 41,000; the Grand Junction of £ 30,000; the Midlands of ti7 000 the Brighton, E14,000 and the South-Western, fSOOO. Some of these lines have made extensions but the greater part of the traffic is due to the increasing prosperity of the country, and the in- crease of revenue has been in some cases in spite of large reductions in the rates of the fareg,-Railway Chronicle. SPEED ON RAILWAYS.—A return has just been pub- lished of the weight and speed of the express trains on several lines, from which we select the following :— Brighton averages 30 tons, performs 50 miles in t h. and 2/ m., or 34 miles per hour, including stoppages; the Northern and Eastern, 27 tons, 321 miles, 45 miles per hour South-Western, 33 tons, 7S mitc.sinlh-ar.d57 m., or 40 miles per hour; the Birmingham, 27:1; tons, 1121 miles 2 h. 55 m., or 38 miles per hour; South- Eastern, 35 tons, 67 miles in 2 h. 28 m., or 28 miles per hour; the Great Western, 76 tons, 191 miles in 4j h., or 42 miles per hour, and one train has kept the same time with 94 tons. This calculation, deducting slacking speed and stoppages, gives to the Birmingham and South- western 43 miles per hour, and to the Great Western 50 miles per hour, averaging 76 tons, "OUR OWN."—"Our own reporter" has long enjoyed a fair share of the dainties of this life. He IS tree to "Sit at good men's feasts." He partakes of the lord mayor's turtle and the corporation's custard a cover is kept for him at every public dinner, where his abscnce would be more regretted than that of the crack orator of the even- ing. He has followed majesty in its progresses, and had, like Dr. O. Toole, the run of the kitchen." But it was reserved for the present auspicious year to see hiin invited to join the circle of the Court. From a provincial journal we learn that, by Her Majesty's express direction, the company of the "own" of the leading morning journals was commanded at the bal costume, By some awkward accident, intimation of the honour designed them did not reach "our own" in time to admit of their providing them- selves with appropriate costumes. In consequence of this contre-temps, they were confined to the ante-chamber, instead of being free to roam from ha I i to hall. But this will be amended next year. The monopoly of the Court newsman, like, most monopolies in this free-trade age, has come to an end. Henceforth each leading journal is to have its accredited representative at Court. In the army of "our own" a brigade is to be enrolled as the Queen's own." The uniform may be black and white—foolscap turned up with ink," and a goose^quill embroidered On the collar. The time seems approaching when a paper go- vernment will be as familiar to John Bull as a paper cur- rency. The newspapers have assumed the functions of the Church, in reproving vice and combating the heresies of geology; they nave assumed the functions of executive government, in sending forth commissions of "oyer" if not of "terminer;" and now they are invited, like Mal- volio, "to take state upon them." Ere long, King, Fiords, and Commons—the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Church, and Jack Ketch- will be superseded by the journals. Every function of government will be suffici ntly discharged by the daily compilation and issue of news- papers. -Spectator. INTERESTING TO LADIF.S.-To Messrs. Rowland and Son, 20, Hatton Garden, London.—Percy Place, Land- port, Portsmouth, April 4ih, 1844.—Gentlemen,—I think it but an act of justice to inform you of the benefit I have derived from the use of your admirable Macassar Oil. About six n.onths ago I found my hair getting daily more weak and thin, and much discoloured from a practice I had adopted of wetting it continually fearing that I should lose it entirely, and hearing of the efficacy of your Macassar Oil, I have for some time past constantly used it, and the result is, that my hair is now perfectly restored and much improved in appearance and colour, having become thick, dark, and glossy; it also curls freely without the use of paper, which it never did before. To all my friends I have warmly recommended your Macassar Oil as an excellent restorative and preseivative for the hair. As I have an objection to see my name in print, I beg you will not publish it, but you are at liberty to show this letter, or make any other use you please of it, and refer applicants to me, if necessary, in proof of the efficacy of your Macassar Oil.—Your obedient servant, < ot [See Advertisement.] UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS.—The Bill "to make further provisions as to stock and dividends unclaimed," ju;t prepared and brought into the IIcuse of Commons by the Chancellor of Exchequer and Mr. C'lrd wel1, proposes to enact that when any dividends or stock shall have remained 1, unclaimed for ten years, the same shall he paid to the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt. The payments of such dividends to claimants is to he directed as in other cases. Notice is to be given In advertismcnt before re-transfer, or payment of any stock or dividend to any claimant and any person may apply to the court of Chancery to rescind or vary any order be- fore the actual re-transfer and payment and when any stock, &c., is once retransferre 1 or paid, no further order is to be made for the transfer or nymcnt of the same. The sum of £ 3663 13s. 8d., arising from the unclaimed dividends on East India annuities, is to he paid to the commisioncrs for the reduction of this debt and the Lords of the Treasury arc empowered to direct inquiries into the circumstances of any unclaimed stocks and divi- dends, &(.. ANOIIII-.R MURDER.—The inhabitants of Penzance, Cornwall, were horrified on Tuesday week, by a most ap- palling murder. The unfortunate victim was Elizabeth Seaman, aged 47, who had cohabited for two years with a man named Benjamin Ellison, aged 60. 0:1 Monday fore- j noon they were seen together, looking at a procession formed to lay the foundation of a new peir at Penzance. In the evening, Ellison, who was a teetotaller (as was also the deceased), went to the Temperance Hotel, in Prince's- street, and asked Mr. Thomas, the landlord, if he could have a bed there (which he had never done before), giving as his reason for his desire to sleep there, that Mrs. Seaman was putting some things together, to remove,'and it being then late, he did not like to go home. He then asked to see Air. William Eddy, who was in the house, and alter some conversation with him went to bed. On the following morning about nine o'clock, it appears he was at his residence in Rosevean-road; about that time he went to a neighbour, Mrs. Hill, and asked her to go with him into his house. She complied with this request; and proceeding through the back entrance to Ellison's house, lie said he had been out all night, and 011 coming home he found that poor Mrs. Seaman was killed. They went into the house, and Mrs. Hill paw the body of Mrs. Seaman lying- on the kitchen floor, on her back, her flice being covered with a piece of black gauze. On leaving the house at the back, Ellison called Mrs. Hill's attention to a broken pane in the window of the back kitchen, and said some person must have broken the window and got in and killed Mrs. Seaman. He then said he would go for a policeman. He went back to the Temperance Hotel, and said to the landlord, Poor Mrs. Seaman is murdered; some one, last night, broke into the house and murdered her." I le added, I am ruined in consequence for I had some expectations, as you know." He then asked the landlord to go with him to Mr. Carne's, a magistrate, and get the to take the person who committed the act. They went to Mr. Carne's, and afterwards to the mayor's, whence it appears, the policeman followed them back to the Temperance Hotel, and afterwards felt it his duty to apprehend Ellison on suspicion of being the mur- derer; and at an inquest held the same day, a verdict of Wilful iiiui-cler" against Ellison was returned and he was committed. The unfortunate woman's bust was almost one mass of livid bruises; while there was a terri- ble fracture of the back part of her head. She had been the second wife. and was the widow 01 a solicitor who died in Swansea, in 1842, aged about 7Ci years, leaving her his property. Her will, has been found. It gives all her property to Ellison. She had flOO in the Three-and- a-IIalf per Cents., and about JE:50 or L60 in one of the Carmarthen Banks. The will was in Ellison s possession. THUNDER STORMS.Yery disastrous effects have re- sulted in this and adjoining counties, from the severe storms of thunder and litrhtninff, accompanied with wind and rain, which prevailed during the past week, but parti- cularly on the afternoon of Sunday last. We subjoin the following details from our own and other sourcesOn Thursday afternoon, the rain, accompanied by heavy thun- der, came down in torrents at Cheltenham, the High-street and other thoroughfares being rendered impassable by the flood. The same storm was lelt even more severely in all the surrounding districts. At the village of Prestbury a horse was struck dead by the lightning, and on the hill behind Hewlett's the hailstones were of such a large size as to strike quite painfully on all parts of the person not closely covered. The same storm passed over Winch- comb, and the haiistones were so large as to break eight thousand squares of glass in the conservatories of Lord Sudeiey, at Toddington, At Worinington Grange, the seat of S. Gist Gist, EHJ., much damage was done tc the glass, both in the green-houses and dwelling-houses, seve- ral hundred squares were destroyed. At Frampton Farm several fields of beans and wheat were entirely destroyed, and the produce of the farms of Mr. Paul Martin and Mr. Totter so much cut up that the damage done is incalcula- ble. At Pershore also much damage was done, and in the neighbourhood of Elkington we are inloruied that the wheat and bean crops were laid prostrate as though they had been passed over by a roller. At Wincanton, Somer- set, a man was struck dead under a tree. On Sunday evening a thunder storm, accompanied by torrents of rain, passed over this county, hut the vale c luntry generally escaped with only a slight visitation on the hills, however, the rain fell in torrents, hot there was but little wind. The appearance of the horizon, to the north and east, was remarkably striding; we hardly remember anything so magniticent as the appearance of the heavens since the memorable storm of July, 1830. The accounts that have since come to band have fully confirmed the anticipations that were excited by the almost continual flashes of light- ning which fit up the sky for hour, We have assembled some interesting details amongst our domestic news, and subjoin a tew additional particulars. In Worcestershire and Herefordshire the consequence.! are distressing; the wheat, barley, and other crops, are completely laid flat. The fruit trces have been terribly shattered. The cele- brated llibbeslnrd oak, which has braved the storms of nearly eight centuries, split in two, and a part only left standing. SOllie IJUwlrerls of apple and other trees have been blown down. A private correspondent, who writes from the north-west of Worcestershire, informs us that in the park at Gaines, nearly the whole of the great avenue was almost destroyed. Hops with their poles were in lIIany places washed away altogether." One of the ellVcts of the storm at Hereford was somewhat curious: at the south end of the shire-hall stand some trees, in one of which, near to the wall, were a flock of sparrows. A sudden gust of wind forced the whole of the birds with great violence against the wall, and eight were found killed on the spot; 40 were capture; and only escaped death in one shape to meet it in another —as ingredients for a pie. At Birming- ham two inches of rain fell hy the rain gauge, and the tempest was most terrific. In many of the streeis the water was middle deep; life was endangered; and some tradesmen (particularly grocers) are said to have lost hun- dreds of pounds.—(,■'loinu'ster Chronicle.

[No title]

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Glamorganshire Summer Assizes.'.