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^lainorgaiislilre Summer Assizes.

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MERTHYR AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. ONE of the most terrific explosions of foul air that ever occurred in this neighbourhood took place in one of the levels at Plymouth Iron Works, on Saturday night last. In no works on the line is more care taken to prevent accidents by explosions of this kind, and it appears from information conveyed to us, that water was poured to ex- pel the fire damp, when unexpectedly it rushed to the mouth of the level, and having been ignited by the fire kept there, rushed back to the level with such force, breaking the doors to pieces, and even raising the plates that were at the bottom of the level. Fortunately there were no workmen inside, but we regret to find that the damage occasioned by the explosion to the proprietors must be very great. ASSEMBLY ROOMS, BUSH INK.—-By a placard placed in the windows of the shops of the town, it appears that the celebrated Mr. Braham and his two sons and pupils intend giving a concert on Friday evening. A full house" is expected. THE HAY HARVEST, by the companies and a few others, has been commenced. The crop is superabundant. Nothing worth recording has occurred in our police- court since our last report except a few cases of affilia- tion. A CAUTION TO DRAPERS.—Mr. Robert Jones, a respectable draper of this town, very nearly lost his right eye last Saturday night, by running, in the hurry of business for some articles to his customers, against the end of a yard placed by one of the assistants between the foldings of cloth. LONG HOURS. — Few persons even among the hard- working population of this district, endure more toil than our shopmen. Confined from 7 o'clock in the morning to 10 or 11 at night in the same rooms, and those badly ventilated and crowded by customers during those long hours, is certainly more than human nature can endure. DOWLAIS.—On Monday the 7th inst., the brethren of the Dowlais Court of the Ancient Order of Foresters ce- lebrated their third anniversary. This court, although established little more than two years, is getting on very prosperously, the candidates for admission daily increase three were initiated into the mysteries of this ancient and honourable order before the procession moved out to attend divine service at Dowlais church, where an excel- lent and appropriate discourse was delivered by our worthy rector the Rev. Evan Jenkins.. Service'being over the members formed in order and paraded the prin- cipal streets of the town, after which they returned to the Bute Arms Inn, where a sumptuous dinner, comprising the most delicate viands of the season had been provided by mine hostess Mrs. Thomas in a very elegant style. The usual loyal toasts having been disposed of "the Ancient and Honourable Order of Foresters," was given and responded to in a man ner that elicited much applause. The chairman next gave the High Court Ranger, and the Executive Council, which was received amidst great cheering. The proceedings of the evening were enlivened alternately by the melodious strains of the harp, and the vocal powers of the brethren. At seven o'clock the court room door was thrown open to the public. It was soon filled by the gayest of both sexes of the place, who with their friends were anxious to trip it on the light fan- tastic toe." Dancing commenced at 8 and was kept up till about 12 o'clock. The whole of the proceedings were carried on with the utmost good humour, and the company separated at a seasonable hour highly pleased with the instruction received and amusements of the day. It seems that this order is rapidly progressing in all parts of England, and has of late found its way into Wales, where it will undoubtedly find the most staunch suppor- teis among the enthusiastic sons of Cambria it is second to none in regard to number, with the exception of the Noble and Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the former numbering upwards of 160,000 individuals, and the latter 255,000, contributing to their funds and en- titled to receive their benefits. 0 THE Aberdare Railway Bill was read a third time on 1 Monday last in the House of Commons, and passed. 1

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Family Notices