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SUMMAsTrMTEVENTS. -+-- WHEN an armistice has been arranged between Austria and Prussia on the one hand and Austria and Italy on the other, we hoped that all commo- tion on the Earopean Continent would c-)ase, but then came a rumour, scarcely believed at first but more credited afterwards, that the Emperor Naooleon had made claim to the Rhine provinces from Prussia. This is a more serious matter than ~w)aat the' "S rhperor of the French seems to want is the frontier territory as it was defined by the Convention in a treaty concluded by Louis XVIII. and the allies at Paris on the 23rd of April, 1814. The additional territory given to France by this act embraced the fortified towns of, Landau, Saar-Louis, Philippeville, and Marien- burg. This agreement was never carried out, and,. according to the Treaty of Vienna at a later period, Landau and Saar-Louis were annexed to German territory, the former being in Rhenish Ba- varia, the latter in Rhenish Prussia, and Pnilippe- ville and Marienbarg were annexed to Belgium. It remains, therefore, to be seen whether the Germans are disposed to recognise this claim, 11 made by a Power which has done nothing for j them but interfere to stay the process of unifi- cation. The concessions required of them are not materially great; but the Prussians may feel that the demand itself is an encroachment, and a derogation from their independence. In that case we may see a war tar exceeding in d-LmeQbions j that which has just been terminated on the Con- tinent. There is a general feeling that the I Emperor of the Erencii looks with jealousy upoa the growing power of Prussia, and is fearful that she will assume the dictatorship Of the Continent. We are happy to had, however, that England still adheres to non-intervention, and will leave the Continental nations to fight tneir battles their own way. PASLIASIBNT has been prorogued by commission, PASLIASIBNT has been prorogued by commission, and the Queen's speech read by the Lord Chan- cellor. Her Majesty, in this address, thanked Par- liament for its assiduity proclaimed the nation at peaee'and at good terms with an foreign Powers; I expressed a hope that a secure and lasciu.g peaca may be restored to the nations who have recently I. been at war; glanced at the desperate doings of the Fenians, and was sorry that the further sus- pension of the Habeas Corpus A.ct became a neces- sity; acknowledged, in warm terms, "the good faith and scrupulous attention to international rights" evinced by the Government of the United States • avowed her hopes that confidence would soon be restored to the monetary world; rejoiced soon be restored to the monetary world; rejoiced in the decline of the cattle plague; regretted the visitation of cholera congratulated the country I on the completion of the Atlantic telegraph; and concluded with the usual benedictory prayer. After which Parliament wa3 formally prorogued nominally till the 25th of October, but actually till the first week in February, when the "faithful It., Commons will again meeb for the dispatch of business." CONSID23ABLE sensation is still created in the I monetary world by the high rate of interest charged by the Brink of England, and various 1 efforts have been made by mercantile men to ob- tain the assistance of the Government in lowering these crushing rates of discount. A deputation, consisting of the leading Joint-Stock Banks, waited upon the Chancellor of the Exchequer last week ia upon the Chancellor of the Exchequer last week ia reference to this. The deputation was headed by Alderman Salomons, M.P., chairman of the London and Westminster Bans. It represented that the continuance of the high rate of ten per peat, was oppressive to trade, and tended to create distrust, and further declared that there ought to be some relaxation to the Government terms of increasing paper circulation, so as to enable the Bank to meet the commercial world in a better spirit. Mr. Disraeli, however, gave the deputation I scant hope that what they wished could I be acceded. He praised the management of the Bank of England, and expressed his belief that there was a steady improvement going on. The right hon. gentleman added that he should wait in town in order that if interference on his part was necessary he may be at hand to assist in carrying out such schemes as may be useful. THE Prince and Princess of Wales have been working hard at their business of pleasure in the North, while on a visit to his Grace the Archbishop of York. On Friday, at York, their Royal High- nesses first visited the Exhibition of the Yorkshire Agricultural Show, and then proceeded to the Guildhall, where the Prince unveiled the memorial window presented by the inhabitants to commem- orate the visit of the late Prince Consort in 1850, on the occasion of their preliminary meeting prior to the Great Exhibition. On the same evening the Prince and Princess were present at a grand state ball, given by the Lord Mayor of York in honour of their visit. On the next day their Royal High- nesses attended a grand review of the Yorkshire Volunteers, and left the same evening for the seat 'I' of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, after which the Prince spent a few days in some grouse shooting in the Yorkshire Wolds. REFORM meetings seem to gather in strength in the provinces. In London these demonstra- tions, as far as the Reform League are concerned, are at an end for this year, but in the Lancashire towns delegates are making a house-to-house can- vass to enrol members of the association. Great meetings have been held in Manchester and Leeds, where resolutions in favour of registered manhood suffrage and vote by ballot have been passed. LEADERS of great parties have shown that they are not led entirely away by politics, but are able to discuss literary and domestic subjects. Earl Rus- sell has been airing his knowledge on literary and 11 n y historical subjects at Tavistock, where he gave an interesting speech to the members of the local Athenseum. He expressed an opinion that in spite of recent events, the liberties of Europe are not in any real danger, and that political affairs are now in a transition stage, tending to a better condition I hereafter. He sees his way to a religious unity which does not exist at present, if the various com- munities, instead of adhering to their respective creeds, would but concur in promulga.ting the Gospel lessons of love, mercy, and forgiveness. He does not fear the decline of nations, but the present generation being something better than f the last, Lord Russell indulges a hope that the future generations may be proportionately better than the present. ¡ EARL DERBY has become a life member of the I Working Men's Club and Institute, by virtue of a subscription of £ 10 to the funds of that excellent institution. In a letter to the secretary he mani- fests a considerable interest in the "industrial order;" but signifies his wish that the working man may be denominated the artisan class," to separate him from those who very frequently live without labour. ] THE week* passed without a railway j accident; it would be extraordinary if it did. A collision took place about thraa miieo cjs=.o„~ ham, at a place called the Itchingham J unction. The trains from London and Brighton arrived at The trains from London and Brighton arrived at the same moment, and the latter was crossing the main line when it was cut in two by the former. A fireman was killed on the spot, and many pas- j sengers sustainedseriou3 injuries. The utter wreck to which several of the carriages were reduced was 1 so complete that it is wonderful more lives were 1 not sacrificed^ This accident is .attributed to I neglect of signals. These continual mishaps will I probably in the end. lead to Government super- I vision. THE judges are taking their assize circuit through .the country, and we are sorry to find that crime is greatly increased. At Leeds we have a man murdering his own child; at Liverpool several criminals eame under the category ot murderers, but more especially one who has been convicted of murdering his own mother with his boot and a poker. The sentencs of death has been passed upon each. THE cholera, we are happy to say, is decreasing in London, and though solitary cases occur in the country, it has not st present created great alarm. The localities where it is found to linger is always wherefitth and eilluna are allowed to exist. The sanitary regulations which are now put in force have done much good, and we trust the pestilence may soon be eradicated altogether. THE weather during the present month has been anything but satisfactory for the harvest. Just as the grain became ripe the rain came down, and if the crops are saved it will be by a tedious harvesting. We are, however, glad to find that in many in- stances the grain has been stacked in the South. of England with little loss, and if the weather should be propitious for the next fortnight, we shall have more than an average home supply of corn.




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