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[ The Situation of Austria.

Affairs in Turkey.

ThePrMt™S,eSt^I'';USSlT- .

--._"-3 The Queen's University,…



OUR MISCELLANY. -+- War.— The warhorns clang, the sabres flash, The standards' haughty folds flaunt o'er the plain, The broad earth shakes beneath the serried ranks, And, thundering stern defiance, march the embattled hosts To deadly conflict! — 'The.trumpet's shrilly blast, the clash of arms, their country B war-cry, To the hearts of men resistless speak. And, emulous of glory's wreath- Tiieir souls aglow with all the rapture of the strife- As to a feast, the opposing foeman rush For Fatherland they fight, for Fatherland they fall; Red are their country's rivers with the life-drops of her sons, And on the bosom of their mother earth Her slaughter'd children ret-t. The panoplies of war, the glint of swords, The sparkle of the murderous steel, In woman's pitying eye find no responsive gleam. The god of War's fell notes, the cannon's direful booms, Wake not within her heart one answering sound: The sad, sad groans, the dying sighs, Of men in manhood's prime struck down, Fall on her ears, suffuse her gentle orbs, And War's unnumbered woes count yet another pang! Oh, glory, though thy crowns be fair, I And though men, I fear me, yet on many a field of blood Shall seek to win ye, Thy laurel leaves, methinks, should weigh like lead Upon the victor's brow. And the deep crimson stains ihatrast thy false and fatal splendour Should eat into his heart of hearts: Until, with quick repentant hand, From off his stained head, he'd tear th' ensanguined wreath And trample it to dust for ever! —Correspondent of Sunday Times. An Oriental Dlmbar. The firat show of the day VI as Runjeet's private stud. I suppose fifty horses were led past us. The first had on its emerald trap- pings, necklaces arranged on its neck jjand between its ears, and in front of the saddle two enormous emeralds, ] nearly two inches square, carved all over, and set in j gold frames, like little looking glasses. The crupper was all emeralds, and there were stud-ropes of gold J put on something like a martingale. Heera SiDgh BAidthe whole was valued at 37 lacs (, £ 370,000); but all these valuations are fanciful, as nobody knows the worth of these enormous stones; they are never 1 bought or told. The next horse was simply attired r in diamonds and turquoises, another in pearls, and j there was one with trappings of coral and pearl that 1 wa3 very pretty. Their saddle-cloths have stones i woven into them. It reduces European magnificence to a very low pitch Behind us there our mvn 6 atnPhifcheatra of elephants, belonging to wt's Wi?Elp' or11to-,the Sil^a> &nd thousands of Run- VuantitS o?S*V m »'el]ow OT red satin, with IllTr«al3yS naeQS' °f Wiling with jewdS ] the/too°dSfM°ned A.s to charities, tared quite to shn?°' ■ I they were not adminis- had i y a mind, no one but Mr. Wvnter who'had \he hen tb.em: and if People need not dld ?° complain, the parson iu th £ prVit • aSfl ? WaS gf° hj pnliing tbiE^8 t0 bifcs good was g'ot out of all these new i«3iuoaed fancies. Oli, tkiagawere beat-a body < -7777- I knew what he had to trust to then; he knew the best and worst, and might act according. He was an auld-ways man himself, and he thanked God for it, and Jjangthut was an auld-ways place, and as long as he was alive and had a tongue in his head he would do his best to keep it what hia forbears had made it. Ine Wasd le Doothuts had always been men who had stood shoulder to shoulder with their friends and had never turned tkeir backs on their foes; and he was past anything else now. He asked Langthwaite whether it wanted to ehame the forbears on it by going after strange ways like a flock of sheep drove by a colley ? They might if they'd a mind, but they would'nt get a Dowthwaite among them. And then he spoke of what had been rankling in his mind from the beginning: the administration of the sacra- ment out of course—once a month, gude Lord!-the change from an afternoon to an evening service; the new manner of singing-aertain psalms being chanted that were always said before; the heathenish' service on the eve of Good Friday, and the sacrament then too. in real imitation of the Last Sapper-' was I iver sic like wickedness heerd tell on ?' said Jobby a little more excitedly than was usual with him the Sunday-school, as it was called, tormenting t' puir bairns wid nae eend o' clashes a fashes;' in all of which matters he said he thought it would have been more respectful in Mr. Wynter, who was nobbut a young man and a stranger, to have ast leave before he took such liberties on himself. Langthut was not used to a stranger ruling o' this gait, and Mr. Wynter would find may be that he wasn't quite strong enough to p'ay at Bpm top with everything as he liked."— 1-tizz 16 Lortoixby Alys. Lynn Linton. 4-1, Hair.—Hair parting naturally in the middle, and falling over the temple, as it generally does in women and sometimes in men, indicates the does in women and sometimes in men, indicates the feminine element, and in a man symmetry and beauty ot soul genius of a oertain kind, which implies the feeling of the woman combined with the thought of the man. It is a very common characteristic among poets and artists, as seen in Homer, Virgil, Shake- speare.Milton, Goethe, Dante, Raphael, Titian, Handel, Mozart, lasso, Chaucer, Keats, Burns, Hoffman, Long- fellow, and others. In pictures of Christ, and in other exalted, highly-refined and beautiful characters, this peculiarity is always introduced by the artist. Some- times the hair, on rising from its bulbs, turns in irregular rings on the forehead, giving an open air to the physiognomy. This indicates good nature as well as exuberant vitality. Crinkled, wavy, and close- 1 Burling hair and beard indicate vivacity and excit- i ibility, if not brilliancy. Regular curls symbolise ideality, and when only part of the hair is worn in i surl, are instinctively disposed over the organ of that faculty. Straight hair may be said to indicate, in cul- E fcivated personB, evenness of character and a straight- 1 Forward honesty of purpose, as well a3 a clear head i and good natural talents. The darkor the hair, the more robust the body, as a general rule, and the Bparser the skin and tissues of the body; but some- bimes the hair and skin are, at the same time, dark md fine. The dark-haired races are physically the strongest, but less endowed intellectually than the Fair-haired. The first are more inclined to manual .abour and active exercise, and the last to mental exer- ;ion. The dark races are workers, the light races thinkers, poets, artists, &c. Blaok hair indicates strength and predominance of the bilious temperament, as in the < Spaniard, the Malay, the Mexican, the Indian, and the legro. Red hair is a sign of ardour, passioa, intensity j )f feeling, and purity of character, and goes with the janguine temperament, as in the Scotch, the Irish, the I 3 wede, the Dane, &o. Auburn hair is found most fre- luently in connection with the lymphatic tem- < aerament, and indicates delicacy and refinement of iaBte, and if the mind be cultivated, fine moral and in- ;ellectual powers. It is common among the Germans, ;he Danes, and Anglo-Saxons. Dark-brown hair sombines the strength of the black with the ex- a laisite susceptibilities of the light hair, and is, t jerhaps, all things considered, the most desirable.— u Vew Physiognomy, by S. II. Wells, New York. Our Seaside Resorts.-In the morning I shot out of the grand arch of the Great Northern terminus; at noon I was under the shadow of York Minster; in the evening, after twisting off and on the Cleveland coast, past the huge furnaces which proclaim that there iron is king, I stopped at a neat station which I found formed the back of the Zetland Hotel, the central point of Saltburn-by-the-Sea. It was dark when I got in; I was tired and hungry, so my opera- tions that evening were eonfined to a survey of my quarters. It was satisfactory. The "Zetland" I found to be a spacious, well-ordered hotel of some 120 rooms, with what may be called all the "newest appliances," and with an unmistakably good cook. This put me in good humour. Descending to the coffee-room next morning, I shall not soon forget the pleasant surprise with which I took the bearings of the place. Perched on a cliff 150 feet above the level of the eea, the hotel, with its broad stone terrace, faces the German Ocean, and bisects the crescent-like front of the little village of Saltbura with its pretty lines of extending villas. To the right, intersected by deep gullies, the cliff gradually rises until we come to the bold towering headland, Huntcliff Nab, a clear 500 feet above the sea, which lashes up to its base. To the left the cliff slopes down-down to five miles of long, firm, level sand-on to Redcar, beyond which, in the dim sunny distance, Hartlepool may be faintly discerned. So much the new-comer can take in at a glance. Behind him, too, he sees the rich vale of Cleveland and the wooded knolls of Upleatham (the Earl of Zetland's seat). But it takes time, I found, to explore the fairy glen which is the crowning charm of what might at present be called the Broadstairs of the north. Standing on the terrace and looking seaward or to the cliffs, you have a bold coast and a bracing breeze; turn off the terrace by a winding road a few steps, and Skelton Beck, as it ripples into the sea., lies at your feet-on for a few hundred yard9 into the glen and you are in a new scene altogether Footpaths lead you through arching woods the hL S* chanfe is Budden and start! eentlv onthn9 ?eaF S8a> but its moan comes Sjf™ t,he e». mingled with the ripple of the fresh doY? m iu3 channel below. The snn strug- gles through the green curtain overhead and lights up the wild flowers at your feet. All is cool, quiet, and refreshing. What a change from town life I found it all! At the end of the first day I had made up my mind. Eureka! Here I shall stay. Let those who choose be boiled on the Rhine, or rattle through Switzerland, there to toil and be fleeced and bullied. In this half-known nook of the old country—this quiet eddy on the stream of life, I shall stay while I can. When I am active the cliffs and the sands will afford me exercise. When I am lazy I shall read and dream in the glen. And I did it for a whole month, and came back to work with a clearer head, firmer nerves and a better temper and digestion-London Society.


"Derby, Dizzy, & Co." (A Card);…

Carol by a Country Bumpkin.

How Truly Sweet I
