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THE GREAT BATTLE BETWEEN PRUSSIA AND AUSTRIA. The Times, in a leading article, thus summarises the battle scenes as describe! by their able corres- pondents 1 'Sadowa was another Waterloo in its strategy, if not in its influence upon the fate of an empire. The invading army of Bohemia stretched far and wide over a slightly imdulating country, and from the centre of its line a high road led directly to the head-quarters of the enemy. Along this road Prince Frederick Charles advanced with his main army, while auxiliary forces to the right and left at- tempted to turn the Austrian flanks. Sadowa was his Ecugoumont. The brunt of the battle fell upon those who attempted, on the one side, to take and on the other to keep this position. This peaceful little village on the River Biatritz was eight days since the scene of an encounter which, for mingled fierce- ness and duration, cannot be matched by any battle since the end of the great war. On that Taesday morning, July 3, its wooden cottages stood among orchards thick wiih tha fruit of sumtnat, apparently in perfect secndty. Before night came the cottages were mere charredwood and dying embers, the orchard trees were flayed »nd scarred and broken, and the Bistritz itself ran a discoloured stream, beaxing its tale to those who tould not see the ruins of Sadowa. The Bistritz at Sadowa runs from about N.N.E. to S.S.W., and newly parallel on its east side is the course of the Upper Elbe between Josephetadt and Kdaiggratz. On the, morning of the 3rd Prince Frederick Charles was at Milowita, on the right ballk of the Bistritz, and little more than six miles from Sadofa. At Neubidsoaau, ten miles on the right, w;s General von .Bittenfeld, with the 8fch Division, t»d about the sama distance on the left, sketching fron -Diiietin on the Bistritz, further to the east, on its left bank, was the Crown Prince, with the army of Silgaim. Between these extreme wings lay the Prussian forces, parallel to the Bistritz, 250,000 strong, aider the immediate control of the Prussian king. The Austrian force was correctly believed by the Pmasians to be naarly equal to their own, and althoughit was known to beNstrongly posted along the left bank of tha Bistritz, Princo Frederick Charles determines on taking the high road which leads from Milowitz aortas the stream at Sadowa towards Koniggratz, so as jo fall upon its centre, orders being sent to the Crown iMnce and General von Bittenfeld to attempt to turn theenemy. Five miles brought the main army, alitfcle afterssven o'clock, to Dub, whence theroad descends for a inila and a quarter to the bridge of Sadowa. It was fiom the crest of the hill at Dub that our correspondent with the Prussian army looked down, on that Tuesday morning, upon what was to be, before sunset, the scene of a most sanguinary conflict. At his feet wa,s Sadowa; on hiij right, a mile further down the stream,, yas Dohiinitz, and, still a mile be- yond, Mokrowens, ind between the two, but standing back from the strasm, tha schloss of Dohalicha; on his left, some two miles up the river, was the village of Benatek. All along the opposite bank were thick wooda covo'h pide of the valley, and on the crest, a nine and. a half above Sadowa, stood the. church gpiho of L'vt, close behind which lies Chlum, or Klum. The Atatoian* forces were posted along the left bank, under cover of the woods; and it is evident that as loig an they' could keep such a position they were cbie to neutralise ia great measure the terrible advantage of the needle-gun. The firing began about half-jast seven o'clock, but about, a quarter before eight the Prussians had brought up their field batteries and the struggle commenced. The Austrian guns aeexmd to appear, says our correspon- dent, as if by rnagits on .eyery point of their position. From every viHagealong the course of the stream, from Benatek dows; to Mokrowens, came flashes of fire and whizzing sfells amoag the Prussian artillery, dismounting guns, killing men and horses, and splintering carriagel. in all directions. Shells were even thrown up theslope towards Dab, one of which bursting among a scuadron of Uhlans killed four men close beside the Kin». For two hours the cannonade continued with tsribie vigour on each Bide, the Austrian artillery ofieera hot only having the better position, but also kiowing their ground, but towards 10 the Austrian _ba(teriea on the Prussian right, at Dohilnitz, Dohalich^ and lliokrowens, were forced to retire a little up tin hi! and it was resolved to carry the villages along fta stream..Benatek, meanwhile, caught fire on the let, the Prussiazf 7th Division made a dash upon it, and after desperate hand-to- hand fighting in th: midst of the flames secured the position. A simnhXHJOus attack was made on Sadowa, Dohilnitz, aid Mokrowens, and the slaughter on both sides was foi an hour tremendous; the Prus- sians were abia to ire more quickly, but they were obliged to fire pretty much at random, while the Aus- trian Jajers did tarrijla execution on their assailants. The Prussians almoat paved their way with dead and woundedj and when t) help their infantry they turned their artillery on the vilagea, andMokrowens and Dohil- nitz both caught tie, still the Austrians did not yield. Our correspoident with the Austrian army from his station fewer at Koniggratz saw the villages .bursty into lamea one after another, but the unbroken line of ;he Austrian forces maintaining its ground in the cettra, and apparently advancing on its left, still gave sromiaa of victory to their arms. At length, about 11, tae Prussians having secured the villages on the river, ^tempted to seiza the opposite slopes, and it was thai that the 27th Regiment entered the woods above Benajak; 3,000 strong, with 90 officers, to come out of them Ttith only 300 or 400 rank and file and two efheerj a. o^d unwounded. The Prussian artillery was brough, to the far side of the Bis- tritz, and began *o Saj upon the new position which tho Austrians Lad ta (n up on the Elope, but for nearly four hours they faOectto produce axi impression. The Austrian artillery mate fatal practice, the needle-gun -did not tell, and reputed charges of infantry served to carry forwards thi front a few hundred vards uu the slope only to be repelled again. The position was most critical. The Prussian right wing had been advancing at an earl- period of the morning against Nechanitz, but it had ince become stationary, and the observers from the .Edaiggratz watch tower dis- tinctly saw the Saxftis, who formed the Austrian left, repulsing their assailants. Prince Frederick Charles, in comnia'4j. of the centre, was—like Napoleon at Wateloo—earnestly praying that the Crown Prince, hieGrouchy, might appear to turn tha enemy's right. lie result of the battle was so doubtful that the CIWilry was formed to cover a re- treat should it be foqid necessary, and General von Eheiz was sent off tolook after the Army of Silesia. At three ho returned with the welcome intelligence that the Crown Priuia was pressing the Austrian right; at half-past thee the columns of the Crown Prince were seen movi.g along the crest over Benatek against Lipa, and at tlj same hour it became evident to the Austrian comaanaers, and to the Konig-. gratz observers, that he battle was lost. It was, in fact, a question whetiar the Army of Silesia might j not cut oil tho Austriaiforcca from their base, and pre- vent the retreat to Kojiggiatz and thence to Pardu- bitz. 'Our eorrsapQB^nts^with the Austrian army appear, indeed, to thiik that the battle might yet ha-ve been saved.. TheAustrian cavulry-pørhans the finest in the world—scarcely been engaged, and had a Murat been preant to have led it against the advancing columns of the Crown Prince, the battle, might have been woa. The opportunity, if it existed, was lost; the whole ar;iy fell back along the highroad to Koniggiaiz, and tie straggle into that citadel across tha pontoon biggea which had been thrown ove». the Elbe v»"as to feme extent, a reprodaction of the hcxrors of the retrit froto Lelpeio. l





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