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The cattle disease has broken out badly at Sftmsey, in Hampshire. In some parts of Dorsetshire the fruit trees are bearing a second time this year. Advices from Alexandria state that the Nile had at last risen. On the 28th ul't. the level of the river Was higher than at the same period of last year, and a mag- Ilificent cotton crop was therefore insured. Soarcety a. fort- night ago, the fellahs were in despair. The official organ at Vienna publishes a. list Of persons subjected to various terms of punishment fror Complicity in the late Polish insurrection, whose punishment "8b been remitted by the Emperor. It is also intimated that the Diets of Hungary and Transylvania, are to be sum- moned in the course of a few weeks. At the Hammersmith Police-court, the Magistrate has ordered the dastruction ofa quantity of pork Jud sausages, which had been seized on the premises of a pork butcher in the locality; and he also ordered a summons against the butcher to show cause why the full penalty of .£20 should not be enforced. A letter from Os tend states that the health of Jing Leopold is so improved that his Majesty has expressed ois intention to make a short excursion out to sea on board the Belgique steamer. It is also stated that his Majesty "ill pass the winter at Nice. The Italian journals announce the death at Some, of the advocate Sterbinelli, who was president of the Assembly under the republic in 1849. Having been amnestiea by the Pope, M. Sterbinelli has since lived in Retirement at Kome. He leaves a fortune of about 1.500,OOOfr. A baby four weeks old has died at Bethnal-green from suffocation. It was an illegitimate child, and the rother was in the kabit of sleeping with her own mother and two sisters as well as the child on a bedstead only thirty- seven inches in width. She got up the other morning and found the baby dead. The evidence at the inquest on Satur. *ia.y night showed that the child had been overlaid and suf- focated, and the jury found a verdict to that effect. The summer free sehosl holidays, which has Attended over a period of about eight weeks, will termi- nate, as far as Eton is concerned, on Wednesday, the 27th last., with the return of the lower boys. The fifth and aizth forms will follow on the two succeeding days, when the whole of the school will have re-assembled. The swell-mobsmen are still engaged in develop- lng the industrial resources of the Dublin and Holyhead route Mr. Murland, the chairman of the Dublin and Drog- heda Railway Company, lost no less than £250 the other day Ill. one lump. He had the money when on his way down to Kingston from Dublin, and on going on board the steamer he found it was gone. The cattle compensation committee held another lneeting at the London Mansion-house, when it was decided that compensation should be made only in cases where the death has occurred since the commencement of the fund, and where the owners had given notice to the committee. The cattle stricken with disease will be bought at fair prices and removed to the sanitariums. Mr. Raffles, the Liverpool stipendiary, has deter- mined that in future if sailors charged with refusing to pro- ceed to sea in vessels for which they had signed articles "ere taken into custody without warrant, he would not hear the charges against them, and that they must either be summoned or proceeded against upon warrant. This regu- lation will completely change the course of proceeding against sailors in the port of Liverpool. An accident occurred two or three days back to the Alexandria steamer, of the Newhaven and Dieppe line, in consequence of her running ashore on some rocks ■while entering the harbour of the latter port during a thick fog. The passengers and their baggage were taken off by the Rival steamer, and shipwrights were at once set to work to repair the Alexandria, the bottom of which had received some damage. She is, however, expected to be got afloat With little delay. Fatal Boat Accident on the Thames.—An iaquest was held on Monday in Foplar, relative to the death of Stephen Carter, aged 18 years, who was drowned while rowing on the Thames.- The evidence showed that deceased and four others were in a boat near the Iron Ship Works, on Saturday week, when their boat came into collision with barge, and the deceased was thrown into the water. A rope was thrown to.him, but he sank at once, being no Swimmer. His body was not recovered for some days. The jury returned a verdict, That the deceased was drowned in the river Thames by the upsetting of a certain boat." On Tuesday morning, shortly after eleven fOlook, a man, apparently about fifty years of age, was taken to the Westminster Hospital, from the South Western railway Station, mortally injured, and died before he could laoeive attention from the house surgeon. It was under- Stood that he was a platelayer in the service of the company. 5q had sustained a compound fracture of the left leg and *ia head was frightfully injured. Father Ignatius is at Margate, and is so seriously ill that his recovery is despaired of. The sad news comes from Caprera that Gari- baldi has to live very sparingly, and even mends his own clothes. A "Dairy Company" has been formed for Supplying London and other large Cities with pure unadul- terated milk. The great bell presented by Cardinal Wolsey to Sherborne Abbey, in Dorsetshire, has been taken down to De recast. Its weight is about 51 cwt. The number of patients relieved at the Lon- dft Royal Free Hospital, Gray's-inn-road, during the week ending September 16, 1865, was 4,147, of which 1,209 were new cases. A conference on working men's clubs is to be held in Winchester during the autumn, and delegates from the surrounding towns are expected to be present. A marriage is announced to take place between the Hon. Arthur Hamilton Gordon, son of the fourth Earl of Aberdeen, and Miss Kachel Emily Shaw Lefevre. The "Europe" of Frankfort says that a. duel has just taken place at Bahrenfeld, near Altona, between a Prussian and an Austrian officer. The Prussian was mortally wounded, and his adversary has taken to flight. The Royal Naval Reserve on board her Majesty's ship President were inspected on Saturday after- noon by his Grace the Duke of Somerset, the First Lord of the Admiralty. There was a numerous attendance of officers and men. The committee of the Paris Exhibition of 1867 have requested Mr. Gladstone to accept the post on the Committee vacated by the death of Mr. Cobden, and Mr. Gladstone replied he could not as yet say whether his occu- pations would permit him to comply with this request. The little Grand Duchy of Baden is one of the States that has profited by the American war. It has taken to cultivate tobacco, and the quantity raised this year will be 50 per cent. more than that of two or three years ago. The Breman steamer New York, which left Southampton for New York last week, took out 390 passen- gers. They were all well-to-do Germans emigrating to the United States, and were the most stalwart and healthy-look- ing emigrants that have yet been noticed on their way from Germany to America. The village of Neufehatel, Switzerland, was almost entirely destroyed by fire on the night of the 12th last Oat of 123 houses only nineteen remain. The fire originated in a house occupied by the captain of the fire- men, and there is too much reason to think that it was caused by an incendiary. The north and middle islands of New Zealand are about to be connected by electrie telegraph. The gunboat Sandfly has been ordered to examine Cook's Straits to dis- cover the best line for the laying of the cable. Through the columns of a London paper "Jessy Pauline F." is informed by her" own Augustus that" he is on the threshold of the next world." She is implored to come at once." Surely a daily newspaper is not the fitting medium for conveying so serious an announce- ment. The funeral of Madame Kossuth, which took place at Genoa, was attended by the most distinguished persons in the town. It was preceded by an imposing funeral service, and in the churchyard of San Benigno, where the body was buried, the British Consul and the whole of the staff were present. The address at the burial Was delivered by an English clergyman. The sudden rupture of a screw in a steam- engine used for raising heavy blocks of stone for the build- ing now erecting in front of the Palais de Justice, Paris, Produced the other day a singular effect. A portion of one of the pulleys, weighing at least 41b., was projected, by the speed and force of rotation, over the building, across the Seine, as far as the Quai St. Michel, where it fell on a truck of the Orleans Railway Company that happened to be pas- sing. Fortunately nobody was injured. It is said that in two years Mr. Windham will come into C4,000 a year. Felbrigg-hall has been purchased by a Mr. Kitlon, of Norwich, and the expenses of the suit in lunacy have come to dE13,000, which have been borne by Earl Windham, the Marquis of Bristol, Lord List a well, and one or two others. Early on Saturday morning a farmer named Halsell, residing at Drummersdale, near Southport, was found dead on the six-foot way, near to Burscough Junction, On the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. The deceased had been to a circus at Southport on Friday evening, and it is conjectured that, on his return home the same night, and whilst crossing the line he was overtaken by the mail train. ■1 s left arm and shoulder were completely severed from his body. An important judgment in Bankruptcy has been delivered by Mr. Commissioner Hill, at Bristol, on a Point on which we believe there has been no previous de- cision. His honour has decided that where the creditors omit to make a bankrupt any allowance under the 174th section of the Bankruptcy Act, 1861, it is not competent to thft court to make the allowance mentioned in the 195th section, of the Act of 1849. It will be recollected that King, the murderer of Lieutenant- Clutterbuck, confessed where be had hidden, away the gsin, shot-pouch, and clothes of his victim. On search being made at the place where he mentioned they were found-the watch of the deceased, too, through infor- mation which King gave to the priest, has been recovered. All of them will be handed to the father of Lieutenant Clutterbuck-sad memorials as they will be to him of the fate which his unfortunate son met. The gun was loaded in both barrels, and it is evident therefore that King told the truth when he said that he shot Clutterbuck with one borrowed from Burke. At the Lancashire annual general session held at Preston on Thursday, a proposition was made to increase the salary of the Rev. Mr. Gibson, the Roman Oatholic minister at Kirkdale Gaol, from jElOO to £ 150 a year. The motion gave rise to an important debate, in which many of the magistrates took part. Lord Stanley, who presided, spoke in favour of the proposed increase, as did also the Rev. J. S. Birley. On a division the motion was adopted by 21 votes against 11. A railway train from Tameswar to Pesth was attacked a few days ago near Orosslasnos by six-armed men with their faces blackened, who, having first broken into the house of the keeper of the line and plundered it of forty florins and other objects, proceeded to remove one of the rails of the line, in consequence of which the train from Bashiash deviated and came to a stoppage. The brigands, issuing from a retreat, were then preparing to pillage the whole convoy, when the employes of the line, mustering in force, and aided by the passengers in the carriages, suc- ceeded in putting them to flight. The Bishop of Oxford has put out a form of prayer to be used in schools and families under our pre- senc trials," to wit, the presence of the cattle-plague and the prospect of the cholera. The prayer contains petitions for deliverance From plague and pestilence on man and beast; from straitness in our borders and hunger in our homes; from the wasted ear and from the empty bag; from murrain in our cattle, and from sickness in our folds; from excess in abundance; from grudging in our gifts; from un- thankfulness for mercies, and from hardness under judg- I ments." Some days since the portmanteau of a gentle- man staying at the Star and Garter Hotel, Boulogne, was broken open, and bank-notes to a considerable amount were abstracted. It was not until the following day that the robbery was discovered, and suspicion at once fell upon a person named Morris, who had six hours previously taken his passage in a steamer for London. A telegram to London was sent, the steamer was boarded coming up the river, Morris was captured, and a large part of the booty was recovered. The thief was handed over by the Lord Mayor, under the extradition treaty, to be dealt with by the French police.


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