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HINTS UPON GARDENING. ANNUALS to stand the winter to be sown now on poor hard ground, or in pans filled with poor soil. The sorts to sow now are candytufts, nemophilas, collin- Bias, escholtzias, erysimum, clarkias, convolvulus minor, godetia, larkspur, lupinus, poppy, and sohizanthug. BULBS to be procured at once and potted or planted as required. Bulbs to be planted in borders now occu- pied with flowers may be started in reserve beds, on moss or leaf mould, or in clumps in rich sandy com- post. When the borders axe cleared they can be transplanted without injury to the roots, and the bloom will be finer than by delaying the planting till the end of October or November. Crocuses that have got mixed may be treated in the same way. Remove them at once to a reserve bed of rich sandy soil; there let them bloom, and then separate them, and plant while in flower in the places they are to occupy permanently. CHRYSANTHEMUMS to be got m order tor blooming without delay, to be tied in as required, and to have plenty of water, varied once a week or so with liquid IQMiWi CUCUMBERS are mostly beginning to fail now, or will be shortly, so those who want a succession of fruit must be on the alert. Sow or strike cuttings, the latter to be preferred, and get ready to make up new beds. Old plants still in vigour must have the help of linings, and be covered with mats at night. Beware of mildew: if it once appears, remove the affected leaves, and give the plants a sprinkling of sulphur. DAHLIAS are awfully beset with thrips this season, and the light blooms are spoiled as fast as they open -indeed before they open. We have seen all sorts of nostrums tried as a preventive of the mischief, but none have been successful. The recent heavy rains will, however, cleanse them thoroughly, and there is a promise of a good autumn bloom. INTERMEDIATE STOCKS to be potted in thumbs singly, and kept shaded till they make fresh roots. Sow queens, intermediates, and Bromptons; the soil to be a sound turfy loam, without dung; manure will make them too sappy to stand the winter well, but a poor soil will be likely to cause a large proportion of Bingle flowers. MELONS.— If any difficulty in getting the fruit to ripen, the following plan may be adopted :—Cut the fruit with as much stalk attached a^possible; place them on shallow cups or any convenient vessels, with about a glass of wine in the vessel, and the stalk of the fruit dipping into it. The hottest part of a lean- to house will be the proper place to ripen them off; the wine will be absorbed, and the flavour of the flesh improved; and a few days' sunshine will ripen them perfectly. MILDEW will show itself in all close damp places now, and do incalculable mischief if not checked. Sulphur dustings are the best remedy, but fresh air and cleanliness will do much to prevent it. PANSIES to be propagated now in quantity for planting out in October, and to pot for early blooming in pits in spring. Those lately struck to be planted out in beds of turfy loam, with a liberal admixture of sand and charred rubbish, but very little animal manure.. PEACHES to have as much air as possible, therefore remove any subjects that require to be kept closer, in order to admit a thorough draught among the trees, and if the lights can be taken off all the better. If tbe wood is not well ripened now it never will be, and ad- vantage must be taken of fine weather to make sure of it.. it. PINES must have a bottom heat of 90 degr., and every encouragement to swell their fruit. Pot off suckers as soon as possible, that full advantage may be taken of the favourable weather we ere now enjoying for getting the young stock firm and strong. RoSES lately budded to have the ties loosened. Where buds have failed, others may be inserted either cn the stems of young stocks or on suitable shoots lower down than those previously worked. Prune pillar roses, so as to remove a moderate amount of both old and young wood; that left to be its full length, and at snch regular distances that there will be good symmetrical heads next season. Short cut- tings of Chinas and perpetuals will root now in the open ground under glasses. TOMATOES will ripen well while this weather lasts, 1 o but in case of a change to chilly weather, it should be t borne in mind that when the fruit is fully grown, it f may be ripened on a shelf in the greenhouse, if cut t may be ripened on a shelf in the greenhouse, if cut t with some portion of the stem attached.—Gardeners i Magazine. f ( ]





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