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Family Notices







ABERGAVENNY. SUDDEN DEATH.—About two o'clock on Wednesday, Richard Day, aged 63, died suddenly at the lodgings of his brother, William Day, accountant, Abergavenny. Deceased was taken suddenly ill at the time named, and died almost instantaneously. Deceased was said to have been suffering from disease of the heart. FATAL ACCIDENT.—ON Friday last, at Grosmont, an accident of a tatal character occurred to Thomas Curtis, huckster, Abergavenny. It appears that while deceased was blocking the wheel of a cart he was driving, the horse moved, whereby he was knocked down, and the wheel passed over his bowels, causing internal injuries, from the effects of which he died on the following Monday. De. ceased was 51 years of age, and has left a wife and several children. PETTY SESSIONS, WEDNESDAY, before the Hon. W. P. RODNEY, and the Rev. J. FARQUHAR. .A SSA ULT.-Ann Thomas was charged by Mary Coch- rane with having assaulted her. Complainant deposed that on Saturday night defendant called her ill names and threatened to Ji"o¡jke her with a stone. A witness corrobo- rated complainant's assertion, adding that defendant also throw water over complainant. The defendant admitted having thrown water, but said in extenuation that she had been provoked by the complainant. Ordered to pay the expenses. CHAKGE or EMBEZZLEMENT.— Charles Daniels, but- cher, Abergavenn/, was enlarged with embezzling the Sum of £ 25 5s., the property of Theophilus Jones, cattle dealer. Mr. Sayce appear?d to prosecute, and Mr. J. H. Farquhar appeared on behalf of the accused. Mrs. Jones deposed: I am the wife of Theophilus Jones, and now live in Princess-street, Abergavenny; my husband has been ill in bed for the last two months; he has been an invalid for some years; I havn a son named Theophilus, and he buys and sells for me; I manage the affairs of the business; prisoner is my son-in-law, and up to Thursday last was living with me, together with his wife and two children; I maintained thera all, and in consideration of which pri- soner assisted in buying and selling cattle at markets and fairs; by trade, prisoner is a butcher, and he occasionally bought and sold for lue and my husband; in the course of such business he received money, which it was his duty to hand over to me or my sou immediately; previously to last Thursday be had always properly accounted for money; on that day £ 25 5s. was due to me from Mr. William Lewis, for sheep sold to him by my son.and the prisoner; about dinner time on Thursday, in the presence of the pri- soner, I told my son to go and receive the above-mentioned amount from Mr. Lewis; prisoner heard what J said, and both of them soon afterwards left my house; Daniel did not sleep at my house that night, as usual; In consequence of what my son told me I had some suspicion, and went to look for Daniel, whom I saw on Friday in the street; when I asked him for the money he had received from Lewis, he said he intended to stick to it; there was I never an agreem3nt about wages with prisoner. By Mr. Farquhar: I had a sale at Christmas time, but did not sell any of prisoner's goods; there was never a partnership between my son and tbe prisoner. Theophilus Jones (son IJ" I. of prosecutor) gave corroborative evidence, and Wm. Lewis deposed to having pI id prisoner the sum named, after which the latter was committed to take his trial at the ensuing Quarter Sessions. ASSAULT,—James Hoskins, of Llanfoist, was charged with having assaulted Ann Griffiths. Defendant was or- dered to pay the costs, the bench remarking that there was no doubt he had pushed the woman. DRUNKENNESS.—Samuel Maddy, Blaenavon, charged with this offence, was ordered to pay the costs. LICENSES.—This being the annual licensing day, Mr- Cooper, Belle V ue Inn, applied, through Mr. Baker, Rohcl. tor, for a license to sell spirits and wines. Mr. Baker said that his client. had laid out £800 upon the premises sought to be licensed, while he had a memorial in bis favor signed by the Town Commissioners and other lead- ing inhabitants of the town. Mr. J. H. Farquhar opposed the application, which, however, was granted. Mr. Sayce. on behalf of Mi-. Stanley, of the Plough Inn, Lion-street, solicited the bench to transfer the license to a newjv i erected house in the same street, occupied by Stanley, in lieu of the Plough. Mr. J. H. Farquhar opposed the ap- plication, and the transfer was refused, but, on the applica- tion of Mr: Sayee, the license for the Plough Inn was renewed. THE TOWN IMPROVEMENT COMMISSIONERS. A meeting of this body was held at the Town Hall, on Thursday, the 11th inst. Present: E. Y. Steele, Esq., (in the chair), and Messrs. Isaacs, Walford, Meredith, Baber, and Hoskins. Mr. Walford signed the necessary declaration upon his recent appointment as Commissioner. The minutes of the last meeting having been read, The Chairman asked if the road in Mill street had been widened. The Clerk: The quantity has been measured, but we have not ascertained the whole quantity of land Mr. Cooper is possessed of. The Chairman suggested that the land should be mea- sured by Mr. James, surveyor. Agreed to. The Clerk then read the following:- REPORT OF THE GAS COMMITTEE. We, your Gas Committee, have the pleasure of presenting to you our Second Annual Statement of the Gas Accounts; we believe that the Statement will show that our operations have been conducted with success. The chief improvement effected in the works during the past year has been the enlargement of the coal store; this has been done to stock a supply of coal in a sheltered situation, because coal when exposed to the weather deteriorates in its gas-making qualities, and when damp, the moisture acts prejudicially on the retorts. Other advantages will also accrue from this alteration. The Gas supplied has been of excellent quality: the illuminating power averaging about standard sperm candles. The actual quantity of Gas registered by the Station Meter for the year is 6,550,000 cubic feet. Of this, 3,860,000 cubic feet were supplied to private con- sumers, being an increase of 319,700 feet over the previous year 1,570,000 cubic feet is the estimated quantity supplied to the public limps 40,000 cubic feet to the Manager's house and the Committee's offices the remainder, 1,080,000 cubic feet, repre- sents leakage and waste, being nearly 16J per cent of the quantity made. 838 tons of Coal liave been carbonized: the average yield of Gas per ton being 7,776 cubic feet, or about 590 feet less than the average yield of the preceding year. It is, how- ever, necessary to state that the Coal has been obtained from various sources, and this fact, taken in connection with the want of proper storage room, accounts for the diminished yield during the past year. Goals of various qualities have been submitted to us for "trial; amongst others, a sample of Abercarne Coal, supplied by the Ebbw Vale Company, (Limited), which yields a much larger quantity of Gas of excellent quality than the Coal hitherto, used. We have thought fit to accept the Ebbw Vale Company's tender for the supply of this Coal for the ensuing twelve months-their offer being considered the most favour- able of those that were made to us—we, however, beg to express our thanks to the South Wales Coal Company and their Agent Mr. Bevan, for their courtesy and readiness to assist us when it seemed probable that a difficulty would occur in procuring a supply of coal. The Public Lamps have been maintained in a cleanly and efficient state: the supply of Gas has been on the most liberal scale. We regret that the cost of maintaining the Lamps should be so considerable-the damage done wilfully is the cause of the greater portion of this expense. The public accommodation afforded by the six additional Lamps which vou have erected, will, it is hoped, be duly appreciated. We "are fully satisfied with the way in which the Manager, Mr. Evans, continues to carry on the manufacture we wish it to be known that an experienced Gas-fitter is constantly employed by us, and is always at hand to repair damages to fittings or to execute orders. You will observe that the Depreciation Fund is untouch- ed all repairs having been charged to Revenue. We recommend that the Balance of Profit be invested in propor ocouritico fur ad- dition to the Reserved pund.Writers engaged in promoting the interests of Gas Companies have repeatedly alleged that the management of the Gas Supply by local authorities generally leads to unsatisfactory results, but we are confident that the Statement now laid before you, together with that of the pre- vious year, will afford proof, that in this instance, the allega- tion does not apply. To insure the continuance of a prosperous state of affairs, it is however, desirable to impress upon the Gas Ormeumers the absolute necessity of complying with the regu- lations laid down for the management of the business, espe- cially with that which provides for the prompt payment of the Gas Rents and we trust that it will be borne in mind, that the manufacture was undertaken by the Commissioners, and is carried on, solely for the benefit of the Consumers, whose interest it is to assist you in obtaining a supply of good Gas at moderate rates Mr. Meredith said he thought that the accounts of the gas committee were very clear and satisfactory, and be was glad to see that such a balance of profit had been made. They had made £358. Mr. Walford asked if they supplied the Consumers at a less rate than before. Mr. Isaacs replied in the affirmative, averring that the cost was Is. per thousand feet less. Mr. Meredith moved the adoption of the report, which was agreed to nem. con. Mr. Rutherford (clerk), then read a report from the Water and Street Committee, which document stated, inter alia, that Mr. Freeman, the Superintendent of Police, had applied to have an additional stand-pipe kept at tbe Police-station, for use in case of fire. The committee ac- ceeded to the application, provided that the plumber had free access to such stand-pipe. Mr. Freeman had also applied for a key of the valves of the street pillars. The com- mittee, however, thought that the risk of allowing these keys to be in the hands of any but a skilled workman too great, and as one set of keys was kept by the plumber at his residence, and in any event such key would not be used by any person other than the plumber, it was thought there was no necessity for supplying additional keys. Mr. Charles Davies applied to have mains laid and water sup- plied to certain houses on the Monmouth road. Several of these houses were situate without the limits of the town, and it was ordered that a reply be made to the effect that if an annual amount of water-rate equivalent to 10 per cent, per annum on the outlay was guaranteed for three years by those whose houses are situated without the limits of the town, the supply of water would be afforded, the committee thinking that it would be imprudent at the present moment to undertake the supply. Mr. Davies also applied to know whether the commissioners were dis- posed to assist in repairing the footpath at the back of his premises. The committee directed a reply to be made to this, stating that they expected to have from Mr. Davies a specification and estimate of the cost of what he pro- posed to do with regard to this path. When those plans were received the committee would consider the matter. The Chairman said he thought that Mr. Cotterell should be requested to visit the places where there was a probable waste of water occurring, the waste of late having been very great; and he thought it desirable, if it coftld be done, to supply those who were asking for water. He saw by the report that Mr. Davies was to have sent in some plans respecting the footpath near his house. Mr. Rutherford: That has not been done. Mr. Isdacs, adverting to a refusal of the committee to supply Mr. Freeman with a key of the valves of the street pillars, said he did not differ from the recommendation, but he merely wished to udd that, supposing the plumber should be absent from the town or was not to be found, in that case w here would be the keys? Mr. Hoskins: At the plumber's lodgings. Mr. Meredith: What does Mr. Freeman waut with these pillars, because they were erected to supply the water carts. Mr. Hoskins: Because there is no valve there, and they would have to be drawn from in case of fire in the neigh- bourhood. After some conversation, Mr. Isaacs moved the adoption of the Street and Water Committee's report, suggesting that the matter of the ad- ditional keys to the valves for the street pillars should be re-considered. Mr. Baber: With regard to the foot-path named in the report, I think the matter should be laid before our solici- tor. I think Mr. Davies is encroaching upon the loot- path. Whether he has a right of purchase I don't know. Mr. Walford: I agree with you that it is a matter that ought to be submitted to a solicitor. A protracted discussion upon this question ensued, and at length the Street and Water Committee's report was adopted, the Chairman remarking that the committee II would take care, by resorting to legal advice, if necessary, to guard the interests of the town with reference to this footway, and seo if it could not be made convenient to the public, and safe. The Chairman remarked that on the 7th of September four members would go out by rotation. They were—Mr. Brown, Mr. Watford, Mr. Bowles, and himself. Mr. Rutherford read the following communication:- Abergavenny Union, Augns; 4th, 1865. SIR,—On the other side, I beg to send you u coin of a resolu- tion of the Board of Guardians, which I will thank yfitt to lay before the Abergavenny Improvement Commissioners, and I have to request the Commissioners to take the necessary steps in the matter mentioned in the resolution. I am, sir, your obedient servant, To Mr. Rutherford. W. F. BATT. The Resolution :—Mr. Hansby, the medical officer of the Abergavenny District, having reported to the Board that there are now a great number of cases of small-pox in the town of Abergavenny, and that in his opinion the prevalence of the disease is attributable to the deficiency in the sanitary condi- tion of the town-Resolved that the Clerk be directed to write to the Abergavenny Improvement Commissioners, with a copy of this resolution, and requesting them to take the necessary steps towards the improvement of the drainage and general sanitary state of the town. Some discussion upon this resolution ensued, and, at length, The Chairman said: I think we bad better leave this matter until the new Board is elected. We must, however, give some answer to the resolution of the guardians. Now, in the first place, we hear that the extension of small- pox is by the guardians traced to bad drainage. Small- pox has not only been raging in this town but all over the country in Herefordshire and other adjacent counties. Now, as far as my experience goes, it has subsided to a great extent, but there are cases of it no doubt now. Still it is a inatu-ir of great importance, but I must say, in my opinion, the existence of small-pox in the town is not due to a deuciency of drainage. Yet you are all perfectly well aware that it is necessary to improve the drainage. I was always in favor of a proper and systematic drainage for the town. I am, therefore, not arguing against such a step. I am anxious that it should be carried out, but it is not desirable to place a greater weight upon any back than that back should fairly bear. But though it would be un- fair to attribute the existence of small-pox to want of drainage, the drainage being deficient, it conduces to the breathing of a contaminated atmosphere. Therefore it is very important to the community that the drainage should be made as good as possible, and by so doing we shall bo conferring a benefit upon the public. I am, however, afraid that that benefit the public does not appreciate so much as we do, because they don't see and feel, and there- fore do not believe in, it to the extent as those who have looked to the matter more. Many of the inhabitants of the town are enlightened members of society who do think it a matter of great importance, and are ready to contri- bute in money towards the drainage, but the ratepayers generally are not anxious to spend money on the drainage of the town. That is the difficulty we labour under. If all were as convinced as we, and some of the more enlight- ened inhabitants, are of the great benefit-of the great good-of good drainage, then it might end in a great im- provement. Still it is no less our duty to carry out the step. If we did not, we should be neglecting our duty and passing it on to our descendants. And, therefore, I am an advocate-and a strong one-for an early adoption of a proper sewerage. Whether your opinion coincides, and whether the smaller ratepayers agree to it or not, or whether you are empowered to do it, are questions foryou. But I have now before me a statement, and, as a medical man. I say I do not think that small-pox is attributable to the drainage. Other diseases may be brought about by it, but small-pox is contagious—spreading itself where there are a great number of people, who, however, are protected by vaccination, or having had small-pox previously un. protected by vaccination they take it, and as a matter of course, though living in perfect establishments for health, it is possible for them to take it. Now, we must give ati answer to this resolution, and it rests with the Board what that answer shall be. It is quite obvious that, even if I were mistaken in my views with regard to small-pox, and that it was essential to complete the drainage of the town to get rid of that horrible pestilence, and even if we had not to go to Parliament for increased powers-we could not do it at once. Then you are well aware that cholera is approaching this country, and that it. is considered to be promoted by bad water, bad dwellings, bad drainage, and all that sort of thing. Contaminated water is one of the most fruitful sources of cholera, and we have provided for this town the purest possible supply. If we could, before the advent uf cholera, oarry out tho sc.<.>rogc, it would be a most beneficial thing. But we cannot do it in time. Then comes the question whether, if we did open our streets, and thus expose the sewerage to the air at the very time cholera is raging in this country, whether it would Dot be wrong to do so. If anything could be done to iffl" prove the state of the dwellings of the poorer classes, and the drains, and disinfectives used, then I think we should be doing all the good, under the circumstances, we are cap- able,of doing. The Chairman's view of the matter was adopted, the Board determining to infortd the guardians that the mat- ter of drainage was under their consideration. ■cuter some rouoiue ousmess iue meeting u„kc up.