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A Bad Night of it.

A Seasonable Petition.





OUR MISCELLANY. Billy Bray.-The enrolling officer of Salisbury district, Maryland, was very active and thorough in the performance of his duty. One day he went to the house of a countryman, and finding none of the male members of the family at home, made iuquiries of an old woman about the number and age of the males" of the family. After naming several, the old lady stopped. Is there no one else P asked the offioer. "No," replied the woman; "none except Billy Bray." "Billy Bray where is he ? He was at the barn a moment ago," said the old ladv. Out went the officer but could not find the man. 'Coming back, the worthy officer questioned the old lady as to the age of Billy, and went away after enrolling his name among those to be drafted. The time of the drafting oame; among those on whom the lot fell was Billy Bray. No one knew him. Where did he live ? The officer who enrolled him was called on to produce him; and, lo and behold! Billy Bray was a Jackass- and stands now on the list of drafted men as forming one of the quota of Maryland. John Clare's Courtship.-The shades of even- ing were sinking fast, when John Clare reached Bridge Casterton, on his way to Walkherd Cottage. He was just in view of the smiling little garden in front of the house, when a figure, but two well known, crossed his path. It was Patty. She wanted to speak, and she wanted to fly; her lips moved, but she did not utter a word. Clare, too, was lost for a minute, in mute em- barrassment but, recovering himself, he rushed towards her. and with fervent passion pressed her to his heart. Patty was too much a child of nature not to respond to this burst of affection, and for some minutes the lovers held each other in sweet embrace. They might have prolonged their embrace for hours, but were disturbed by calls from the neighbouring lodge. The anxious parent within heard words, and sounds, and stifled kisses, and doubting whether they came from the shoemaker, sent forth shrill cries for Martha to come in without delay. But darkness made Patty bold; she assured her mother that there was "nobody," accompanying the word by another kiss. Then, with loving caress, she wound herself from Clare's arms, flying up the narrow path to the oottage.-Life of JoTvn Clare. His 'Wife's Cousin. — A country gentleman ¡ lately arrived at Boston, and immediately repaired to the house of a relative, a lady who had married a mer- chant. The parties were glad to see him, and invited him to make taeir house hia home, as he declared his him to make their house his home, as he declared his intention of remaining in the city only a day or two. The husband of the lady, anxious to show his atten- tion to a relative and friend of his wife. took the gen- tleman's horse to a livery stable in Hanover-street. Finally his visit became a visitation, and the merchant found, after the lapse of eleven days, besides lodging and boarding the gentleman, a pretty considerable bill had run up at the livery stable. Accordingly he went to the man who kept the livery stable, and told him when the gentleman took his horse he would pay the bill. "Very well," said the stable keeper, "I under- stand you." Accordingly, in a short time the country gentleman went to the stable and ordered his horse to be got ready. The bill, of course, was presented to him. "Oh," said the gentleman, Mr. ——, my rela- tive, will pay this." Very good," said the stable keeper, please get an order from Mr. it will be the same as money." The horse was put up again, and down went the country gentleman to Long Wharf, which the merchant kppt. "Well," said he, I am going now." Are you ? said the gentleman. Well, good bye, sir." Well, about my horse; the man said the bill must be paU for his keeping." "Well, I suppose that is all right, sir." "Yes—well, but you know I'm your wife's cousin." "Yes," said the merchant, "I know you are," but your horse is not.American Joe Miller. Marriage Six Hundred Years Ago,—Among the national manuscripts now published in fac simile taken by photozincography at the Ordna, ce Survey- office, Southampton, by order of the.Government, is a return to a writ of inquiry into the truth and circum- stancer3 of an assertion made by one William de ■Stanley, that a marriage had been contracted, be- tween him and Joan (aged twenty), eldest, daughter of Philip de Baunville, deceased, chief forester of the Roya,l forest of Wirral, "per verba cle prmenti," which words were spoken in the presence of wit- nesses; a.nd the return to the writ gives the following curious account of the betrothal and the circum. L stances under which it was made. The jurors say that on the Sunday after the feast of St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist, two years ago, which would be on the 27th of September, 1282, Philip de Baunville, with his wife and family, was at a. banquet given by Master John de Stanley, on which occasion Joan, sus- pecting that her father intended to marry her to her step-mother's son, and not being herself at, all desirous of such a maLch, took means to avoid it by repairing with William de Stanley to Astbury Church, wher marriage was contracted between them by the utter ance of the following mutual promise, be saying, if Joan, I plight thee my troth to take and hold thee as my lawful wife unto my life's end," ai d she reply- ing, "I, Joan, take thee, William, as my lawful husband." The witnesses to this verbal contract were Adam de Hoton and Dawe (Davy) de Copeland. In another inquisition, post-mortem, in 1254, the question beirg, who was heir of William de Cardunville, a tenant in chief of the king, it was proved that he married a woman named Alice, and lived with her sixteen years, and had by her a son named Richard; but about a year before the death of De Cardunville a woman named Joan, by whom he had a son, also named Richard many years previously, appeared and sued him in the Ecclesi- astical Court as her husband, by virtue of a promise made to her by him, upon proof of which judgment was* given in her favour, and the other woman, who had been his wife for sixteen years, was divorced. The jury, however, doubting whether Joan's son Richard is really heir to the prejudice of Alice's son Richard, Joan, unlike Alice, never having been "solemnly espoused at the church door," return, in default of both, Robert de Cardunville, their father's brother, as his heir. A New Business.-Jast look what is open to me in this line-" I Families in the country anxious that their sons should be well lands in the society of the metropolis, are requested to apply to the Honour- able Spiffington Goldtip. Invitations to the most fashionable parties obtained at a reasonable amount, Charges moderate for introductions to clubs. No charge whatever for introductions to noblemen.' Or in this line—'To debutantes and others in want of chaperonage.—Young ladies whose mothers axe in. valids, or are from some cause considered objectionable by society, or who have only step-mothers, or who are orphans with unkind or evangelical relations, or who are unexpectedly at the last moment deprived of their natural protectors, on applying to the undersigned will be provided with suitable chaperons. The undersigned begs to notify that his stock of chaperons will bear the strictest examination as to character, and have all at one time or other moved in the highest circles of society. No debutante or young lady whose birth and antecedents do not entitle her to the same privilege need apply. Spiffington Goldtip.' Then the pendant to this would be:—' To married women, or widows without daughters.—Married women or widows without daughters, who have either dropped out of society or are in danger of dropping oat, in consequence of there being no special reason why they should be kept in, and who are capable of undertaking the duties of chaperon, are requested to apply to the Honourable Spiffington Goldtip. The Honourable S. G. has a large stock of debutantes, and other young ladies in want of chaperons, always on hand. The strictest references given and required.—Blackwood* Cure of Consumption,- A communication by M. Fuster was brought before the Academy of Sciences, at its sitting on the 12th of Jane, regarding a new mode of curing pulmonary consumption, which the author bad found to be of extraordinary efficiency even in extreme cases. It consists in the use of raw beef or mutton, associated with small doses of very dilute- alcohol; the former appears to have a reconstituent action, and tbe latter a direct action, on the hematose. It is the combination of these two means which effect the cure, and which the author claims as his discovery. The raw meat is reduced to a pulp in a mortar, and then passed through a sieve to free it from tendinous matters. It is administered in the form of small balls rolled in sugar, or the pulp is sugared and given in spoonfuls, to the amount of from one-quarter to three- quarters of a pound daily; and a quarter of a pound well diffused through a pound and a quarter of water, sweetened with sugar, is to be used as a drink by the patient. The alcholic drink consists of about one quarter of a pound of alcohol at 20 deg. Beaume, diluted with three-quarters of a pound of sweetened water, and is administered by spoonfuls from hour to hour; the quantities given, and the intervals between the doses being regulated by the susceptibility of the patient.-Scientijic Review. Wolves in France.—"You must know, mon. sieur," began my guide, that I lived with my wife and our two children in a cottage not far from the great forest, on a piece of waste ground somewhere about half way between the town and a little village called Verney, yonder to the right, a lonely situation, but convenient for my occupation of tree-felling and wood-cutting. Well, I was out at work on the day when what I am going to relate took place. My wife, however, told me all about it in the evening when I went home—what am I saying ? home, I had none- when, after seeking her long, I found her in the house of one of my neighbours and friends in Verney. No, when after my day's toil I returned to the spot where our cottage had stood, and where I expected, as usual, to see my wife oome to the door to meet me, giving me a glimpse of the bright cheery fire as she opened it to let me in, all was gone, and in place of all that should have comforted me, my wife's warm greeting, and the glad voices of the little ones welcoming my approach, I found a desolate hearth-a ruin. I had not been gone long that morning, my wife afterwards told me, when, having laid the baby, a boy of a year old, in his little cot to sleep, she went out into the back part of the house to look for our eldest child, Marie, a little girl of three years of age. On returning to the kitchen she saw the door, which she supposes could not have been securely fastened, burst open, and a large wolf rush in. She having heard that these animals are easily frightened by fire, immediately plucking a flaming brand from the hearth, ran with it towards the beast, but too late to prevent his reaching the cradle, from which he seized our poor little sleep- ing Jacques, and flew with him out, and off into the wood. My poor, trembling wife instantly followed, calling loudly to our dogs, which, bounding to her side, axid at once comprehending the situation, made quickly off in pursuit of the wolf. The dear child must have proved too heavy for the thief, running rapidly, as he was, to escape from Rollo, for he soon dropped him, to my wife's great relief and joy. Rollo oame up with, and after a sharp struggle killed the wolf. My wifer as soon as she summoned up courage to look at the little one, picked him up, all bleeding and screaming- as he was, but, thank God, not seriously injured. She was soon joined by some people who had been at work in a field near, and was receiving their congratulations on Jacques' narrow escape, when the attention of the whole party wa,s aroused by the loud and pitiful shining and kowling of our dog Rollo, as if he were in great distress. Turning quickly towards the cottage behind her, frem whence these unusual sounds were proceeding, my wife, to her unspeakable horror, perceived that our dwelling was on fire, and that the forked flames were reaching high above the lofty trees standing around it. Almost fainting with alarm, for she recollected that little Marie had been at play in the washhouse when she had herself rushed out of the kitchen to follow the wolf, she gave the baby- to one of the bystanders, and. assisted by one of the women, made as much haste as hsr trembling limbs would allow her to reach the cottage. She could not get far into tbe house the front way, for she was driven back nearly suffocated by the flames; but she had entered far enough to hear the frantic piercing- shrieks of poor Marie, calling to her mother and to Rollo to come and help her. She was evidently ttill in the washhoase leading from the kitchen, where my wife had left her. Staggering round to tbo back of the cottage, my wife sought to get entrance that way; the fia,mes and smoke which were pouring from the windows blinded her, so that she could not find the door. A crash! Good heavens had the whole build- ing falien in ? and was all hope of rescue at an end ? This portentous sound was followed by exultant barks from Rollo. It was then nothing so dreadful tha,t had happened—no; he had himself, by repeatedly spring- mg against it, burst open the door, and was dragging out the terriaed little girl by her skirts. She waa'not in the least burnt, but the fright she had scarcely yet recovered from. My wife remembers in her alarm at seeing-the wolf run out, with the baby, that she bad- dropped the burning log cf ^ocd upon the kitchen floor, which, being a boarded one. must have ignitedat oree: and in consequence the cottage itself, whi>h was roofed with thatch, must have been shortly in flames. Nothinf could he done to save aEy portion' of our far- niture. and before liÎ:?h\ our home was in ashes."— Once a Weeh.