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SUMMARY OF PASSING EVENTS. THE punishment for manslaughter was reduced to its minimum at the late Liverpool Assizes, when a man named John Edwards was sentenced to "three days'" imprisonment for killing Patrick M'Coy. The men quarrelled in a public-house and went out to settle their differences, and, as the I judge remarked, the injuries were received "in a fair stand-up fight." AT the same assizes a painter named Harriman Burns was tried for the wilful murder of his wife. It was a clear case of murder; but it was shown that the prisoner had been for some time labouring under some strange mental delusions, and the jury acquitted him on the ground of insanity. He was therefore ordered to be confined during her Majesty's pleasure. A DISPATCH from Alexandria says that cholera has almost entirely disappeared from the lower districts, where it was most prevalent but has since broken out in Upper Egypt, and a medical commission has been sent thither. The directors of the Prussian hospital in Alexandria have been warmly thanked by the Egyptian Vizier for their humane exertions during the late visita- tion. From a record of deaths by cholera in Malta, it appears that the island has been heavily visited by this disease. On the 5th inst. there were 57 attacks and 33 deaths, and on the 10th 70 attacks and 30 deaths. This was the maximum, however, for since that period the numbers decreased daily, and according to the latest accounts the epidemic had almost disappeared. THE arrival of the Great Eastern in England puts an end to the long suspense as to the fate of the Atlantic Telegraph Cable. It has failed for the present, but there are yet strong grounds for hope that it may eventually become the means of electric communication between this country and America. The conjectures as to the cable having snapped while the cause for non- insulation was being sought out, prove to be correct. It was while hauling in to search for faults that the severance took place and the cable disappeared beneath the surface of the Atlantic. Buoys moored with hundreds of yards of rope mark the locality where the end of the cable was lost. The Great Eastern was obliged to dis- continue her efforts to recover the cable after the 4th inst. in consequence of continued bad weather until the 7th, when a second unsuccessful attempt to raise it by means of grapnels failed. On the 10th and 11th other attemps were made with like result, and the stock of rope on board being then ex- hausted, the vessels commenced their return voyage, with the object of procuring stronger tackle. On the whole, the news is better than most persons expected, as it is considered highly probable by scientific men that the end of the cable may be brought once more above the water, and the link to Newfoundland be completed. THERE is nothing particular to record from America, except that President Johnson's health is gradually being restored, and that the negroes are daily becoming more alive to their position as free creatures. IN other parts of the world, however, there are matters going forward that need a little explana- tion. In the vast empire of China, to wit, a crisis is imminent. China Proper, as our readers are aware, though of mighty extent, was formerly confined within a vast wall, which was con- sidered one of the seven wonders of the world. Outside this wall is Tartary, a nation composed of many and various tribes, and those in the immediate borders of the Celestial Empire made occasional inroads upon the Chinese and committed depredations for which they were several times punished, but eventually their possessions were seized by the Chinese Government, and added to the dominions of the empire. This territory is now set down on the maps as Chinese Tartary, of which Nankin is the capital; but there is a border line to this occupation, beyond which certain wild tribes exist, who of late years have been exhibited to the world as pirates of the worst order, who traversed the Indian Seas for plunder, and added murder to their other crimes. The assistance of England was sought to put down these maritime plunderers, and some months ago we were shocked to hear of English vessels ascending the rivers, and, wherever they saw any of these Tartar tribes, firing into them without knowledge of their guilt. Since then these Tartars appear to have committed depre- dations on land, carrying off valuables in that country called Chinese Tartary, and showing open fight to the forces that were sent to suppress them. They were then declared to be rebels, and the Chinese Government sought to bring them. under the dominion of the empire. But they were not so easily to be put down; and the latest accounts *from China report that the rebels of Shantung, the north-eastern country, just south of Nankin, have attacked, defeated, and slain the Tartar Prince Sa-n-ko-lin-sin, and seized a portion of the territory in that principality to a point: within 100 miles of Pekin. The Chinese Govern- ment, upon hearing this,, ordered a disciplined force, with some heavy artillery, controlled by 1 European officers, to go out and put down the re- i bellion. Upon arriving outside the borders of f China Proper, however, the Europeans were re- 1 minded that they must act solely under the orders of the prince of the territory; and the con- clusion that the Chinese arrive at is, that the princes of Chinese Tartary are ready, like their wilder neighbours, to rebel against the supreme Government. The advisers of the Emperor of the Celestial Kingdom have, in their extremity, consulted the British minister and sought his assistance, and it is made ta appear that if strong efforts are not used China will be reduced to anarchy; and it is further stated that if England does not move in the matter the Chinese will seek the aid of Russia, who will greedily accept the compliment. Already has it been announced in the old placard form that "some easy work and heavy pay awaits a few smart and enterprising young men who will enter the service of his Celestial Majesty the Emperor of China." What vast changes might occur in the Eastern world, who can tell ? THERE are again disturbances at the Cape of Good Hope. This colony, it will be remembered, formerly belonged to Holland, but in course of events fell into the possession of the English Government. It is of great importance in a mercantile sense; firstly, because it is the place where ships call for water and provisions on their voyages to and from the East Indies; and, secondly, on account of the number of British settlers, who employ their capital in cultivating the soil and transmitting the products to the mother country. Some years ago the early Dutch settlers established the free and independent State of Transvaal. The adjoining territory still belongs to the aborigines, and a strong powerful tribe called the Basutos, of which a chief named Moshesh rules, occupies the country. The latter affirm that the Dutch colonists have cheated them in the matter of boundary; and thus the abo- rigines have declared war against their neighbours, and recently have made an inroad into their territory, have driven off all the cattle they could meet with, and committed much slaughter. The English governor has warned all colonists not to interfere, but the Dutch settlers in the various States are forming themselves into a volunteer force, and are already marching northwards to aid their friends. Thus a formidable war is anti- cipated for the Basutos, we know from past ex- perience, can fight, but the Boers, as the Dutch colonists are termed, are very determined, and reckoned amongst the lustiest as well as the most plucky men in the world. IF space permitted us we should like to say some- thing of New Zealand, for when the newspapers parade to the world that William Thompson, one of the chiefs of the Maori rebellion, has made his submission, the public are apt to think that this settles the question, but it is not so; every other scrap of information is adverse to a peaceable settlement of the dispute. The colonists look upon Sir George Grey's administration as a failure; the new governor is unfriendly with Sir Duncan Cameron, the commander of the forces, and more- over dispenses with the advice of his ministers, to their extreme indignation and disgust, and, stranger than all, there is a split amongst the colonists; the Auckland people are actually talking about setting up for themselves. No state of things can be more deplorable, and the worst of it is, there appears no likelihood of a speedy release from all these difficulties. Our soldiers are quite sick of the savage warfare in which they have been so long engaged, and, in point of fact, the soldiers and the officers desire nothing so much as to be recalled home knowing the pluck which always characterises the British soldier wp oannol help thinking that if the cause in which he was engaged in New Zealand was a good one, he would not show the reluctance to engage in it that he now exhibits. Seeing how completely Sir George Grey and his predecessor, General Brown, have failed in their dealing with the Maories, it might be worth consideration whether an entirely new method of procedure would not be attended with more substantial advantage to the colonists themselves. Coercion, so far, has signally failed perhaps a little coaxing might succeed a great deal better. AN industrial exhibition for the north-eastern districts of the metropolis was opened a few days ago with some ceremony, the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Mayor presiding over the inaugural rites. The object of this exhibition is to raise the tastes of the working classes, and to aid in the establishment of a permanent museum of works of art and manufacture for their especial benefit. We wish it all success, although, from ocular demonstration, we cannot speak boastingly of this first attempt. IT will very soon be apparent whether the Suez Canal is to justify the anticipations of its pro- moters, or fulfil the prediction of the late Robert' Stephenson, that it would turn out a, mere ditch. On the 15th inst., the floodgates at the Mediter- ranean terminus were opened, and a vessel laden with coal passed direct to the Red Sea. The news of the event was at once forwarded to the Emperor Napoleon at the Chalons camp, and of course a congratulatory reply was returned.. IT is one of the unhappy features of a chronicler of events to picture crime as it exists, and week by week this duty becomes more onerous. To par- ticularise a few that have oome before our notice during the past few days is painful. A gigantic swindle has just been discovered in a London Joint-stock Company. It is stated that some defalcations being found in the affairs of a metropolitan cemetery company, the secretary, who was the responsible officer, was suddenly seized with indispositien, and allowed to retire, when he died on his way home in a cab. A further investigation showed that 2,500 shares of the com- pany had been forged and issued, involving a loss of something like £ 25,000, and this could not have been done, but through the secretary. A VERY sad affair is reported from Batley, near Dewsbury. A rifle volunteer, named Eli Sykes, after returning from battalion drill, called upon his sweetheart. It is supposed they quarrelled, and in a fit of jealousy he killed her. The girl's mother, who came to her daughter's assistanee, he also fatally stabbed, and a neighbour, who inter- fered, was wounded. Before he was taken, the wretch gave himself several severe stabs with his bayonet, but is J not mortally wounded, and is in safe custody, Huddersfield has been the scene of another tragedy, but not of such a sensa- tional character. A yoang fellow, a moulder, hav- I ing quarrelled with his sweetheart, threw himself into the canal, and was drowned. To the young woman the suicide was entirely unanticipated, but, sad to say, she was the first, to discover the body, We are greatly afraid that the crime of suicide, as well as that of murder, is in- creasing in the land. It is sad to suppose that with our increased means of obtaining knowledge, and our supposed progress in civilisation, there should be those amongst us who, because of trifling disappointment, resort to murder for re- venge, and the cowardly act of self-destruction, rather than brave the difficulties.

Cholera and its Remedy.

Locking the Doors of Railway…

The Cattle Plague.

Close of the New Zealand War.



