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LLANTARNAM. Three miles from Newport, Monmouthshire. Import-ant Sale of very Superior Coppice Wood and On A: Timber, standing on the Llantarnam Estate. MR. U. M. PARTRIDGE will SELL* BY lU PFBLIC AUCTION, On Thursday, the 2, d day of February, 1865, at Thr) e for Four o'clock precisely, at the GREEN BOUSE INN, in the village of Llantarnam, (subject to such conditions of sale as shall be then produced,) and in the following or such other Lots as may be then agreed on :— LOT 1 —The Fallage of about 6 Acres of Lime Rock Coppice Stores, marked white. LOT 2 -The Fallage of about 6 Acres of Lime Rock Coppice Stores, marked white. LOT 3.—The Fallage of about 6 Acres of Lime Rock Coppice Stores, marked white. LOT 4.—The Fallage of .about 6 Acres of Lime ..Rock Coppice Stores, marked white. LuT 5.—Eighty-Seven Oak Trees, 4 Ash, and 1 Maple. standing on land adjoining tramway, and numbered in red, Nos. 1 to 92 inclusive. LOT 6.—Ninety-five Oak irees, and I Ash. stand- ins; on Court Farm, and numbered in red, Nos. 1 to 96 inclusive. LOT 7.—One Hundred and Eleven Oak Trees, and 1 Ash, standing on Court Farm, and numbered in red, Nos. 1 to 112 inclusive. There is a good Canal and Railway eommunicatieTi with all parts of the country, and the Cwmbran Station is close to some of the Lots. JAMES BKOOKS, Woodman at Llantarnam, will point out the Lots, and for further particulars apply to ttf AUCTIONEER, at his Offices, St. Woollos Place, or 109, Commercial Street, Newport, Mon. FIRST MONTHLY SALE. Amiion Mart, Sydenham House, High Street, Abergavenny. Important Sale of Furniture, Comprising: Dressing Glasses, in Mahogany, Cheval ditto, in ditto Washstands and Dressing Tables, in walnut and mahogany; Pier Glasses, in gilt, rosewood, and mahogany; painted Washstands and Dressing Tables, mahogany and painted Chests of Drawers, Feather Beds, Millpuff ditto, Wool and Miilpuff Mattresses, Palliasses, Iron, Half- tester, and other Bedsteads, of the newest design and best quality mahogany' Dining and other Tables, mahogany and painted Wardrobes, Cane- °"<1 «—.<i o..h..r F-ouuj Chairs. Suites of Furniture walnut and mahogany, Easy Chairs, Carpets atd Rugs, mahogany Night Commodes, also Piano- fortes by Nutting and Harrison, and other makers, in rosewood and walnut cases. VI7"M. J. HANDS begs to announce that his first M Monthly Sale will take place On Tuesday, the 7th of February, 1865, at his Auction Mart, Sydenham House. •lil" Catalogues will be ready 7 days prior to the Sale, in which full particulars and order of Sale will be given. MILL, COTTAGES, AND LAND AT EARLSWOOD, NEAR CHEPSTOW. MR. JAMES GRAHAM, Junr,, will SELL by AUCTION, at the BELL INN, CHEPSTOW, On Mond iy, the 30th January, 1865, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, all those two detached Freehold COTTAGES, MILL, STABLE, and OUTHOUSES, and also the several pieces of Free- hold LAND adjoining, containing by estimation 4; acres and 15 perches, more or less, situate at Earlswood, below the road leading from Usk to Shirenewton, in the parishes of Newchurch and Shirenewton, in the county of Monmouth, late in the occupation of Mr. William Palmer, and now Toid The Mill is situated on a good stream of water inning through the land, and was recently used for the purposes of weaving. The property can be greatly improved, adjoins lands of His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, and will confer a vote for the county on the purchaser. For further particulars apply to the AUCTIONEER, a-t Monmouth, or to Messrs. KING and PLUMMER, Solicitors, 5, Exchange Buildings, Bristol HAY FOR SALE.—TWO RICKS of excellent prime Meadow HAY, the one 15 and the other *2 Tons; two miles from a Railway Station.—Apply to J. T. C., Post Office, Abergavenny, Mon. To Contractors and Builders. THE MAGISTRATES of the County of Mon- JL mouth invite TENDERS for widenincr NEW- PORT BRIDGE according to Plans and Specifica- tions which, with Working Drawings, may be in. spected at my office in Newport, on and after THURS- DAY, the 2nd day of February, I860, between the hours of ten o clock in the morning, and four o'clock in the afternoon. I-, T }*e Tenders are to be sealed, indorsed Newport Bridge Tender addressed to me, and delivered at tny office, on or before TUESDAY, the 2181, of February, 1865, and should each contain the Names and Des- criptions of two Sureties willing to give a Bond for the due performance of the Works. The Magistrates do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. CHARLES PROTHERO, Clerk of the Peace for Monmouthshire. Newport, 25th January, 1865. THOMAS'S EMULSION OF SYRUPS, Or Pectoral Cough Drops, ,:For Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness, Hooping Cough, TJJimculty of Breathing, and Asthmatic Attacks. HIS valuable preparation will be found to int«.Ji1 the above complaints. Since its Huction'1. has had an extensive and increasing sale, fiood £ r°prl-f °r i\ rtJCeiving testimony as to its th?r<* r6' "oafidently recommended to to t1 f 9 Sa, ar"\?ffeCtlye medicinfe—being agreeable and it» i6' lt be. fia8ll7 ^ministered to children; So fi K !r,aU' P! f ?es?lthi? fhe reach Of all. ^byVEfei^,Sbhem^ Pon^pooTh,«nd0iy "W.. T- 1 NEWPORT POTTERY WORKS, MONMOUTHSHIRE, MANUFACTURER of all kinds of Building Mate ia.is Blickg, Sanitary .Pipes, Tiles, Land Drain Pipes, Terra Colta, Flue Linings, Oven *quaie. Rid# c, Malt Kiln Tiles, Rockingham and Drab Ware, and ordinary Red Waiv, tia- Improved Vi< ft i .simie W«are Spirit Jars and Porter Bottles, wananted not tu absorb NINTH YEAH OF PUÐLIOATIO NOW READY, and may be had of the Agen's for the" [J81c Observer throughout the County, (see List of Agents,) O L 3SL 3 S 5 ILLUSTRATED FAMILY ALMANACK For 1865. P. PRICE ONE PENNY. COMPRISING UPWARDS OF 80 PAGES, PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED, AND CONTAINING AN AMOUNT OF INSTRUCTIVE AND ENTERTAINING MATTER WHICN RENDERS IT THE BEST ALMANACK EVER PUBLISHED AT A PENNY, Published BV J. I. < LAEK, USK. I .F. WHY PAY MORE THAN E 6 PER T ON I j>- GUARANTEED BETTER THAN EVER.fF. J. H. S. WILDSMITH AND CO'sl PREPARED BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, for Potatoes, Turnips, Mangolds, Wheat, Grass, Barlev, Oats, Beans, and all other Crops is the BEST and CHKAPE-T FERTILIZER known. Price £6 per Ton," equal to any hitherto made and sold at £8 per Ton. 1-1 Tons is equal to 1 Ton of best Peruvian, contains the same elements, and costs nearly ;Eo less. ¡ £ 6 per Ton, free in Wolverhampton; or delivered to any if ailway Station or Canal Wharf, E6 I Os. per Ton. TFOR FULL PARTICULARS, READ OUR CIRCULAR AND TESTIMONIALS. TERMS: FIVE PER CENT* ALLOWED FOR CASH WITHIW 02TS MONTH, ADDRESS:— f' CHEMICAL WORKS, HORSLEY FIELDS, BONE WORKS, WILLENHALL., ROAD, WOLYERH AMPTON, AND SPA ROAD, LONDON. I Mr. GEORGE JONES, Coal and Manure Merchant, Agent, Abergavenny. Clark's Series of tiulcte Books. J NO. 1.-—CAERPHILLY CASTLE. An historical account of this extensive Ruin, and also of CASTELL COCH, with descriptions of the RiiYMNEY VALLEY and CRUMLIN VIADUCTS, with Three steel plates. Price Sixpence. J IVTO. 2.—CARDIFF and ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD, with Historical Accounts of the Castle* 7 L'&ndaff Cathedral, &c., with plate of Cardiff Castle. Price Sixpence. •«, l^TO. 3.—TINTER.N ABBEY and the WIND0LIFP. A full description o#>n:this splendid Monastic Ruin, and the far-famed scenery between Chepstow and Monmouth, with two viewff J^rice sixpence "|W"0. 4.—CHEl'STOW and ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD, containing an account of the Objects of Interest to Strangers in the Town, and the Walks in its delightful vicinity, with views of (she Railway bridge and Castle. Price Sixpence. NO 5.—RAGLAN AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD, giving an account of the Ancient state of RAGLAN CASTLE—Life in Raglan in the Feudal Times—The Siege—and full description of the magnifi- cent Ruins, &c.—Cefntilla, &c.—Price with plates, One Shilling. Condensed edition, Sixpence. USK and ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD, containing a description of the Castle. Priory, Church — Charities, Corporation, Walks in the Vicinity, the ancient city of Caerleon, Raglan Castle, &c., with view. Paper covers, One Shilling. Cloth, Gilt, One Shilling and Sixpence. rr<HE HANDBOOK to MONMOUTHSHIRE and SOUTH "WALES, a descriptive and historical Tour from GLOUCESTER to MILFORD: including the Castles, Abbeys, Towns, and Interesting Objecis within an easy distance of the South Wales and the Coleford, Monmouth and Usk Railways Price, One Shilling, or with Six steel plates, One Shilling and Sixpence. The above may be had of the Booksellers in the several neighbourhoods; at the Railway Book-stands or post free, from the Publisher, J. H. CLARK, Usk, for Id. extra. Monmouthshire Constabulary. WANTED SEVERAL CONSTABLES.—Quali- fications of Candidates: Age, from 21 to 35 height, 5 feet 8 inches, without shoes able to read and write, and recommended as of irreproachable character. Salary, on joining, 18s. per week, with rapid promotion.—Application to be. made by letter addressed, "The Chief Constable of Monmouth- shire, Usk." WANTED, a GENERAL SERVANT, in a respectable family where a lad is kept. Character indispensable.—Apply W. F. C., Observer Office, Usk. Llanllowell Vicarage. LOST, on the 16th or 17th of December last, a fine EWE LAMB, of the English Breed, with a smutty face and legs, sheared last summer, old raddle mark on the back, with a clipt up tail for the ram. Whoever will bring the same, or give informa. tion to lead to its recovery, to Mr. WM. WATKINS, Llanllowell, will be rewarded. Ponty-Saison, Tintern Abbey, near.,thepstow. TO BE LET, and entered upon the 25th day of March next, a good HOUSE, with suitable outbuildings and about 14 acres of Pasture, Meadow, and Orchard Land.—For all particulars apply to MRS. DUFFIELD, on the premises. TRUE UNCOLOURED TEA.f^ This Tea is imported with the lea f not Coloured, it highly recommended by medical and scientific men, and combines purity with fine JUmow and lasting strength- Sold by Chemists, Stationers, and Confectioners in all parts of the kingdom. Usk—Robinson, Bridge St. I Pontypool—Edwards, Bookseller Cftepstotc—Barrett, Moflir St. Newport^-Newman—Thomas. PMgwenlty—Morgan, Post Office. fKTOTE PAPER and ENVELOPES Stamped JUS with Crests, Initial^ Mottoes, or any Design, at J. H. CORK'S, Bridge-street, Osfc. PORTEMONNAIES-PURSES W ALLETS- POCKET BOOKii-PENCIL CASES and PEN KNIVES, at. J H CUSK'R. link ALL PERSONS who have hot provided them- selves with ANNUAL POCKET BOOKS and ALMANACKS for the New Year, should purchase them without delay, as the tin.e is near at hand when they will be returned to the puhlish:ers.-MOO RE'S ALMANACK, with a comprehensive List of Fairs, may still be had at J. H. Clark's, Bridge Street, Usk. JtUBL Messrs. Gabriel's Invention. TEETH WITHOUT SPRINGS. OSTEO EI DON: Patent, March 1st, 1862. No. 560. GABRIEL'S Self-adhesive PATENT Inde- J structible MINERAL TEETH and FLEXIBLE GUMS, supplied without palates, springs, or wires, an-I without operation, are indestructible, and warranted for mastication and articulation, even when all others fail. Purest materials only, at half the usual cost. Perfection of art and mechanism*" For purity and comfort unapproachable." KSpGABR L THE OLD ESTABLISHED* NTI 27, HAKLEY bliiEEi', OAVJENDISJti SQUARE, AND 34, LUDGATE HILL, (over Benson's, Silversmith), LONDON; 134, DUKE STREET, LIVERPOOL; 65, NEW STREET, BIRMINGHAM. AMERICAN MINERAL TEETH, without springs, A best in Europe, from 4 to 7 and 10 to 15 Guineas per set, warranted. Single Teeth and partial Sets at pro- portionately moderate charges. r Only one visit required at the London Establishments from country patients. Whole Sets made in one day where time is an object. Specimens, as exhibited at the International Exhibition may be seen at the Crystal Palace (Industrial Court) and at the Polytechnic Institution. npHE ROYAL TOOTH POWDER, as prepared for A Her Majesty.—Is. 6d. and 2s. 6di per box; also GABRIEL'S celebrated GUTTA-PERCHA ENAMEL, chemically prepared for personalise, prevents tooth- ache, and arrests decay.—Price Is. 6d. per box. Sold by all Chemists. pABRIEL'S PRACTICAL TREATISE ON AETI- vX FICIAL .TEETH, and the only effectual mode of supplying them, (Post Free) explains their numerous improvements. "GABRIEL'S new work should be read by all who value health, and before consulting a dentist.—HBRAIB OERFUMERY. POMATUMS, and SOAPS~ol JL the most approved kinds, on 8ale at J. H. CLABK'S, bridge-street. Usk. STATIONERY of all kinds Amount Books ruled and made to any pattern; a»«t'Periodical p^biicg. tions supplied bv TTsk. J Usk. Grammar School. THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAfS will terminate on MoSDAT, the 30th inst,, W. IT. WRENFPRD, B.A., "Pik, Jae. 1865. r? Master. J. Furniture & Upholstery Rooms, SYDENHAM HOUSE. HIGH STREET, ABERGAVENNY. W J. HANDS begs respect fully to announce that i he has on view a large and well-selected stock of new HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, y the first manufacturers, which he is prepared to offer, either in complete suites or single articles, at a* low a price as any retail house in the trade. The Stock includes Drawing and Dining Room Suites, in mahogany, walnut, and other woods; Pier and Swing Glasses, Wardrobes, Wooden and Iron Bedsteads, in great variety and at very low prices, &c., &c. PIANO FORTES AND HARMONIUMS, By all the best makers, New and Second-Hand. W. J. H. further takes this opportunity to intimate that he has recently opened a BEDDING MANUFACTORY, which will enable him to supply, with unusual advantage to his customers, Feather, Wool, Hair, and Millpuff Beds and Mattresses, of warranted quality and manufacture. Also Palliasses and every other article connected with the trade. Cleaning, re-stuffing, and repairing executed on the premises with expedition and on most moderate terms. PONTY POOL. WILLIAM POTTER begs to apprize that he is prepared with his New Stock of WINTER GOODS. GOODS. Mrs. POTTER has also returned from London with a beautiful selection of Bonnets, Millinery, Mantles, Dresses, Shawls, and all the New Trim- mings and Fancy Goods for this Season, and the Show Rooms are open for the second time this season. Pontypool, November 2nd, 1864. T. EVANS, Boot, Shoe, and Gaiter Manufac- turer, and Currier, 16 and i7, CROSS STREET, ABERGAVENNY, IJEGS to call the. attention of the Sj Public to the LARGE STOCK of BOOTS and SHOES of every description he has constantly on hand. RIFLlI GAITERS made from the primest Cowhide, on the most Reasonable Terms, Suitable Shooting or Walking purposes. LiLES' EATING HOUSE, TEA, COFFEE, ft REFRESHMENT ROOMS. 21 Flannel Street, Abergavennyt LETTER PRESS PRINTING of every descrip. tion; COPPER PLATE Cards, Letter Headings, and Bill Heads at the London Charges, at J. H. CLARK'S Offices, Bridge street. Usk. 1 Coal! Coal! Coal! THOMAS JEREMIAH begs respectfully to inform T the inhabitants generally of Usk and its Neigh- bourhood, that he is prepared to supply COAL of the Best Quality, in large and small quantities, at the lowest market price. Orders given to Mr. ALFRED GEORGE, Nag's Head Inn, Usk, will receive the best and most prompt attention. WIG GIN TON'S DOCTOR MOORE'S Celebrated Vegetable D LIVER AND STOMACH PILLS, prepared from a prescription presented to him by the late eminent Physician, J. B. Moore, of Usk. Sold in Boxes, 7 åd. and Is, lid. each. These Pills can be sent to any phrt of the Kingdom by sending 14 postage stamps to T. WiGGtNTOir, Chemist, Usk, sole proprietor. Barrow's Antibilious & Liver Pills. A SAFE AND NEYER FAILING REMEDY in all diseases of the Head, Chest, Bowels, Liver, Weak Digestion, Dizziness, &c. In boxe s, at nd. and Is. 1-Ld. each, or post free for 8 or 14 2 stamps, from S. ROBINSON, Chemist, Bridge Street, Usk. Barrow's Pectoral Balsam OF BLACK CURRANT AND ANISEED, FOR the Cure of Hoarseness, Coughs, Cold, Short- ness of Breath, &c., and a most speedy relief for that troublesome complaint Asthma. Full directions accompany each bottle. Sold in bottles, 7|d. and Is. l^d. each. To be had of mos patent medicine vendors, and of S. ROBINSON, Chemist, Bridge Street, Usk. •sjuauiiBjsui iiaajaBnb ao SItuaS -JluQ paxg Áq o^qB^Bdaj Isiuai g ao f *g -1 joj '000'iy 01 093 WOlJ ranS Cue anq UB0 'Aiunoag [Buosiaj poAOiddy qjiM. lrq2 ss^uBaunS JJJM. all pue 'sji'j anoi sunsuj puB '*uoj £ 'ij.iodMa^ ilooi4s *>°C £ '91 'SWViniAA'AY 'JH 04 og asbjj T pue dBatiQ B !}B iauojt Moaaog oj ^ubm noX I uivxyodMa MONEY to LEND.—TO TRADES- MEN, FARMERS, & OTHERS.—MONEY immediately advanced on good personal security, or Leasehold, Copyhold, and Freehold Property, from £ 50 to JE5000, at 5 per cent interest. Upwards of five hundred thousand pounds have already been advanced.—Apply to Mr. C. JOHNS, Licensed Appraiser and House Agent, 4, Prospect Place, Stow Hill, Newport, Mon., (near the New Presbyterian Chap«l). N. B.—All applications by post to contain 4 stamps for reply. IMMEDIATE CASH ADVANCES—Money lent JL in sums of not less than$100, on Personal Security, at a fair rate of interest. Also » largo amount ready to be advanced on Freehold Securities, for a term of years, at from 4 to 6 per cent. interest; charges moderate, and the strictest confidence ob- terved. Full particular* forwarded per post, on receipt ef six postage stamps. Office hours from ten to three.—Apply to Mr. Sydney T. EVASS, Land and Estate Agent, Old Masonic Hall, Newport, Mon. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. Great and Unparalleled Sale. WILLIAM EVANS, Draper, &o., Pontypool, "f having disposed of his business to Mr. Richard Woolly, has determined, previous to stock-taking, to SELL OFF the principal part of his LARGE STOCK, by offering Unusual Inducements to Cash Purchasers, the whole of the goods in the various departments having been subjected to the most un- limited REDUCTION in PRICES. The Sale to commence on Saturday, the 28th of January, and to continue until the 18th of February, 1865. Attention is directed to the following enumeration, which will be found in exact accordance with the immense quantity of Goods now sought to be dis- posed of:-1569 yards of West of England and Yorkshire Doeskins; 1965 yards of Mixed Winceys; 1200 yards of West of England Broad and Fancy Coatings; 1600 yards double-width Black Cash- meres; 1155 yards Black Merinos, Black and Coloured Paramattas, and Rep Cloths 250 yards of wide super Aberdeen Knickerbocker Winceys; 3171 yards very wide thick Coventry and French Ribbons, at extraordinary low prices; 2916 yards of Rich Black Foreign Glaces-the wear guaranteed, a lot of Fancy Silks, to be sold at halt their original prices; also, a large lot of first rate Spring Dress Materials, all in good condition, to be sold at extraordinary low prices; Brussels, Kidderminster, and all-wool Dutch and Felt Carpets, to be sold cheap. BEST SILK PARIS HATS, AND CLOTH CAPS. rpHREE SA LMON 8 HOTEL, JL USK. FAMILY PRICE LIST. WINES. s. d. PORT (DRAUGHT) PER DOZEN 42 0 „ (BOTTLED) „ 60 0 „ „ Extra Old „ 78 0 Sherry (Draught) „ 42 0 „ (GOLDEN) „ 60 0 „ (Pale). „ 48 0 Champagne. „ 60 0 „ (Moet's 1st brand) „ 84 0 Sparkling Moselle „ 84 0 Claret (3rd quality) „ 30 0 „ (2nd ) „ 54 0 (1ST ) „ 72 0 Rousulon. „ 45 W Masdeu „ 54 0 Rock „ 60 0 SPIRITS. Brandy fMartell'slst'brand)"per Bottle 5 6 (PALE) „ 6 O WHISKEY (CAMPBELTON & ISLAY).. „ 4 0 „ (IRISH) „ Gin (2nd quality) „ 2 3 „ (1ST „ ) „ 2 6 Hollands. „ 6 .0 Rum „ 3 6 ALE, PORTER, &c. Ale (best Burton) ..per Doz. pint bottles 5 6" Porter (London). „ „ (DUBLIN) „ OR CIDER PERRY „ ..f'r „, LIQUEURS..■<■■ I CURAQOA „ Maraschino. „ NOYAU CRATED WATERS. Soda Water, (Jat quality) per doz. bottles 5' 0 Seltzer Water" 6 0 Lemonade 6 0 Potass Water „ 6 0 GMGERADE *« CIGARS. Estrellas per Box 24 0 Habanas 34 0, Manilla CHEROOTS „ 30 0 Any quantity supplied at the same rate. Posting Arrangements on the most reasonable scale. The Champion Liver & Stomach PILLS- THESE PILLS are compounded from the T recipe of one of the most eminent physicians of the present day (who, from purely philanthropic motives— knowing their excellent properties by experience — has been induced to give the benefit of them to the public at large). They are prepared by an able and experience chemist, and are acknowledged, by the faculty, to be the most valuable medicine for all disorders of the stomac and derangements of the liver, ever prepared. It is a well-known fact that most of the diseases incident to the human race, arise from a disordered stomach, and irregular state of the bowels, and for want of a suitable remedy, taken in time, thousands of (at first) simple mala- dies, become serious illnesses. To guard against thi great evil, and to preserve the blessiogs ot health, these pills are confidently and earnestly recommended. They act generally on the constitution, cleanse the blood of all impurities; regulate the secretions, and give tone io the stomach; correct the morbid condition of the liver, regulate the bowels, and, by removing all impediments, restore elasticity and vigour to the whole frame. Sold in Boxes (with directions for use) ls.L|d. and 7-id, each. '2 (A Saving by taking the Large Size). LOCAL AGENTS: ABERGAVENNY MR J S Meredith, Bookseller .? ABERSYCHAN MR E MARTIN, DRUGGIST BLA-ENAVON MR J POPE, DRUGGIST *"■ CHEPSTOW .Mr W E CLARK, Bookseller Monmouth Mr. W. Spencer. Druggist. Newport Mr T J Jones, Chemist, High St. Pontypool Mr T Roderick, Druggist. Usk Mr. J. H. Clark. Sold Wholesale by Messrs. KtRCLAT & Son, LoKEQlf, and Retail by all Medicine Vendors H.B.-To meet the convenience of persons at a distaHee, J. fJ, CLARK. Usk, will forward a box, Free by Post, for fourteen postage stamps. New View of Usk. JUST PUBLISHED, a Tinted View of the Town <J and River of Usk from Llanbaddock Rock, which far surpasses any view of lfJe neighbourhood previously published. Price 6d., or FRAMED aiid glazed (washable gilt frame) 2S. By post, secsre from being crushed, on receipt of S postage stamps. A most suitable Christmas Gift to friends at a distance. To be had at J. H. CLARK'S, Usk. QAA VALEN'LINES, at prices varying from QUE Ovl/ Half-penny to 2S« (ID, each, to select froui, at J. H. CLARE'S, Bridge Street, Usk.