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*20? NORTH LONDON INDUSTRIAL EX- HIBITION AT THE AGRICULTURAL KILL. Ti-is meat useful exhibition was inaugurated oil ,;0!.c,uday by Earl Russell. Before giving an of the inaugural ceremony, however, we I endeavour to give a slight glance at the works of art and utility there exhibited. n wlil be remembered that the object of the .mc&ars was to bring prominently forward the Sfcifi an<i genius of the metropolitan artisans— Sffiatetu' as well as professional—and most wpn- viiirfully have they succeeded. This is one of the such undertakings that are likely to produce aKw era in social matters and social relations. fie idea, originated in a few philanthropic minds, w&s iihat the working man laboured under many disadvantages, and that original genius was very entirely crippled through want of the as&aa&sof introduction; but they little suspected, an exhibition like the present was proposed, tfesfc .it would have been so well supported, or '-aasansted such an importance in the eyes of the w«rM. We perceive that, in other parts of ^its-lasd, the same idea is being propagated, and "'■already have meetings been held, both at Man- [and Birmingham, to carry out the same jrjews in these commercial towns. Having been favoured with a private view of i¡Ö¡?,immensecollectiono£ the working men's in- we were enabled, to examine minutely the o\I,an<YŒs specimens of art there, exhibited before eager crowd obtained admittance, and we were gesrfectly astounded at the extraordinary specimens *» £ we ingenuity of our sons of toil. We believe in the world's history has such a collection brought together under one roof. We were imd .ihat Mr. W. J. Watts may be termed the iatlie-r of the idea, and as one of the honorary jmaretoxies he was indefatigable in his exertions 'fso. s&ake this meeting a success; and the result the highest credit on that. gentleman's 3i@66mip.ent, as. well as on those who have aided m g<5 valuable an undertaking. Much credit is 'int. to.the space committee, who devoted so much >f t&eir valuable time in classifying the various i*Sieles, in accordance with the department to legitimately belonged. When it is that there were 867 exhibitors, and afwee was required for about 1,600 separate, arti- ecpie idea of their labour may be imagined. Xhe ^exhibition was divided into eight classes, viz., pjt^fessicnal workmanship; amateur productions .Ttositiosis .and novel contrivances; mechanical akodels; architectural, marine, and ornamental .rsssiieis; artistic objects; ladies' work of all kinds; '18i, miscellaneous, being articles not included in foregoing. The object of this arrangement was \h&L the work of the amateur should not be placed a juxtaposition with the production of the skilled wo-rkmaa, which might cause unfair comparison. «Tith respect to the award of the prizes, the com- •msfcee received the co-operation of Mr. P. Le Neve Foster (secretary to the Society of Arts), who -rs £ j .kindly consented to act with Mr. Thomas Y iikworth, Mr. Peter Graham, Mr. D. R. Clark, Mr, J. A. Nichplay, Mr. Digby Wyatt, and Mr. G. F.WiIson, as adjudicators. With a view of assist- the niovemeiit, the authorities of the South JTea Ington Museum granted the loan of a series »f valuable and interesting objects. We are sorry that space does not permit us to •aater fully into-the merits of the various articles; 'vol, to epitomise, we would observe that there was s, splendid collection of specimens of wood and ivory carving, turners' work, and some very Iseaitiful designs in the precious metals. The rSerth and West London Female Schools of Art contributed a series of clever drawings and de- signs, and the female department generally was well provided with interesting and useful speei- mens of feminine ability. Amongst the most prominent features were some clever paintings by amateurs. A man liamed Smith, a. pork-butcher, had a whole com- partment assigned to him for a picture gallery of ver fifty:, different subjects, some exceedingly well -3 Ly' executed; as were also some carvings in wood by ike same hand, cut, it is stated, solely wife a common penknife. On the wall of north-east side of the building were t wo paintings in oil, by a young man who is a letter- >fwver in Islington, this being his first idea, and had never, been taught: the art.. A large picture next shown, painted by the same amateur four af ter the first production, in which the land- scape, and foliage would not disgrace some of our T-vi-blie galleries. In close proximity to these -rmiutiags, placed on a counter, was an ingenious "abinet made by a working man, the key of which -was shown, and any person was challenged to find Tihe key hole; and it was asserted that no visitor iiad been able to do so without being told. An- other, scientific piece of work was a clock, which, when. set going, not only strikes the hour a person desires to get up in a morning, but lights alucifer, which ignites the wick of a spirit lamp, and boils thelwater in the teakettle, a fact announced by -ohe sound of an alarum. Near to this is a beauti- ful model of a church tower, forming a Gothic clock ijase, with a mechanical clock, which is not com- pleted; it is formed of more than 300 pieces of And is a most ingenious effort of a perse- T^siiig youth only 16 years old-—Walter Palmer, r^/PwonA-strfifit. Clerkenwell. .Amongst the works of amateur youths, we sheuH. also mention a clever drawing in the Roman ornamental style, a Cupid in the centre forming a <iordian knot with a snake, surrounded with point ed foliage, the work of a youth named George Dixie, of Clerkenwell, when only"12 years of age. most ingenious and valuable invention for si4-k,poople was "the Nightingale cradle" for the nge of wounded or helpless invalids, the design of Mr.'Thomas Dixon, of the Hampstead-road. The needle is so constructed that the patient can be lifted up and down whilst the bed linen is changed, and the bed made without disturbing the patient. There were also some very fine amateur specimens •of illuminated writing; and amongst the models, ?djxch were probably the most- interesting in the Exhibition, were some clever productions of a ;aajmeyman printer—one of Shakespeare's house, representing the .tercentenary fetes, with all the various characters in th,e great poet's plays. Another is the ghost scene .from Hamlet, showing. the'platform of the castle ,at Elsinore; but, pos-. 4bly, the most elaborate work is that of a com- -g^itor, who in his leisure hours has not only -smitten, in a meat beautiful hand, a history of a xwstble from Islington to Maidstone, giving a cjeseription of every place stopped at, but contains 3Jso 100 water-coloured drawings, and 120 pen- tad-ink sketches of the various towns and objects if interèst which met his eye, the whole occupy- ing 250 large quarto pages, which he has also, elegantly bound. We would, however, refer our Sliders to the next number of Cassell's fflus- iarated Family Paper" (No. 364) for a description aad illustration of many of the articles exhibited, jyvi which we believe will be continued in the- succeeding numbers. The Inaugural Ceremony. "Ati twelve o'clock on Monday the noble ball was opened to afford the representatives of the press and a number of gentlemen jnore immediately ,nnectpd with the Exhibition an opportunity of .ivate inspection. The hour for the inaugural ceremony was three jelock, and by that time the vast hall was densely I.llf:d with a. most respectable audience, attracted ^.y the intimation that Earl Russell was to deliver i&s inaugural address. His lordship, although OTidently suffering from a severe cold, was punc- his time, and was .received on .Ms entrance ,'j with several distinct rounds of cheering. His lordship, accompanied by Lady Russell, was con- ducted to the platform by a committee and body of officers, amongst whom we noticed D. Seymour, Esq., M.P., George Cruikshank, Esq., G., W. Petter, Esq., J. A. Nicholay, Esq., Beyr Canon Champneys,x Mr. Bodkin, Eev. Daniel Wilson, the Rev. Robert Maguire, &c. The proceedings were opened by the amging— by Miss Louisa Pyne, Miss Susan Pyne, Miss Leffler, Mr. Elliot Galer, Mr. Lewis Thomas, and an efficient chorus-of the psalm, "All people that on earth," &c., harmonised by Dr. S. S. Wesley; after which the secretary read the report. This lengthy docu- ment, to which the audience listened with commen- dable patience, having been disposed of, Earl Rus- sell, attended by the members of the committee, walked round the exhibition, carefully inspecting the various articles, and receiving renewed plaudits from the vast a as he passed slowly along. On his return, his lordship ca'tne to the front of the platform and spoke as follows Ladies and Gentlem.en.—I have to congratulate you upon the exhibition which I have just been privileged to witness. R has been th.0 greatest .satisfaction to me to observe the works of skill and industry of th-9 North London working classes, and I am bound to say that, in my opinion, what I have just seen. do0S:the| working classes pf Nosth London the greatest possible credit (hear,, hear). There are works of skill and in- genuity in carving and cabinet making, and in various styles and brancnesof professional skill, which it would take me long indeed to enumerate, which many of you will have an opportunity of seeing from day to day, and which can scarcely fail to-give you the highest satisfaction. I must confess that it gave me pride and pleasure to be the fellow countrymen of men who have so employed their time, who have exhibited the greatest ingenuity in the works they have performed, and who in the excellent performance of that woj?k have done credit to the country to which they belong (loud pheers). Those .who first conceived the thought of this exhibition of industry did but justice to the in- telligence and skill of their fellow countrymen, and I congratulate them upon the great success which has already. attended their efforts, (hear, heax). It is in this manner that this shows, and ha9 given another proof that the working classes of London are, as I believe,;the highesLworking classesin the world, the most distinguished in the works which they perform, the most ready to accomplish anything which may be set before them, thus making this great community that which it ought to be—the head of the civilised world in all those .works which betoken civilisation and progress (cheers.) We must all be thankful that it is permitted to us to enjoy under the laws of this country the safeguards by which those works may be made available, and through which every one can be certain that if he devotes his time to works that do him credit he will receive his just re- ward (cheers). It is, therefore, that we ought all to be thankful to an Almighty Power from whom we enjoy so many blessings, that we are permitted to join together in works of industry which tend so much to the farther progress of our national civilisation (cheers). I was happy to accede to the proposal that was made to me to open this exhibition, and I now say that I had no conception when I accepted the invitation that the works of industry,to be exhibited would display so much ingenuity and skill. I most heartily congratulate you upon the success,which has attended this enterprise, and I now formally declare this Exhibition of the North London Working Classes ooened (loud cheers). A special ode, divided into three parts, written by Mr. Bellamy, was then sung- by Miss Louisa Pyne, Miss Susan Pyne, Miss Leffler, Mr. Elliot Galer, and Mr. Lewis Thomas. The whole per- formance was much applauded, more especially the solo parts by Miss Louisa Pyne and Mr. Galer. We give the ode as sung under its separate headings. WORK. When from the great Creator's hand, In order and in wisdom plann'd, Heaven's countless orbs Game forth, In the world's earliest infancy, It-was His will Man's lot should be To toil xipon tlxia <;>aæth. The mandate ran-" A worker, thon, ,} Go, in the moisture of thy brow, And quell the stubborn soil. Whate'er thy hand shall find to do, Be strong, be steadfast, and be true, And I. will bless thy toil." And, strong in heart, and strong in hand, Man wander'<.l forth upon the land, Its teeming breast to till; 'Till Earth, and Saa,, and Wind" and Flame, And Light, and Heat, and Cold, became The vassals of his will. 'Tis but to g-aze around to see How nobly, Man, his destiny Has labour'd to fulfil. How time, in each, succeeding age, Has left fresh records oh his page i Of Man's triumphant skill. The wise, the Wealthy, and the great, Let these adorn their high estate, And do the good they Pan And high and low, and rich and poor, Learn, that to labour and endure, Gives dignity to man. That when, at last, the time shall come, When Ma.n is summon'd to .his,home,: And all beneath the sun u Shall, like a pageant, vanish, all! "Each man—'tis writ—inust stMid- or faill As he his woi'khas done. '■ REST.-SOLO. Silently, silently, C Fades the day's light; ( Stealthily, stealthily, t" ( Creeps cm the night. Lay dowD; the hammer, i And silence the mill; ( Rest for the weary ones! Respite from skill I Often in sickness, Often in pain, Working, still working, < That others may gain; J ] Often in weariness, Often in grief- Grudge not those woary ones Slumber's relief! Sleep! blessed harbinger Thou, of that rest Hereafter, in Heav'n, T Reserv'd for the bless'd! Where neither labour, Nor sorrow, nor pain, Shall harass those weary ones Ever again. REJOICING—CHORUS. •" All honour to the working man, Who worketh with a will;" With energy, and industry, ■ • With cunning, and with skill. • ;.j >i.: Seen or unseen of any man, ,.t Be it with head or hand, Who knows 'his work is fair and true, And knows that it will stand. All honour to the working man, 7 Who worketh with his might," tu OJ In patience, and in honesty, '<' e.1 > '•' i At what he knows is .right; 4 Whose life, though pass'd in poverty, Will bear the light of day, Nor fears his works should follow hiijd, Die when or where he may. A prayer was then offered llpby the Eev. Robert Maguire, incumbent of St. James's, Clerkenwell, which was listened to with the greatest atten- tion. The rev. gentleraan invokecl the aid of the Abnighty for the success Of -the under- taking as a means 4f elevating and improving His people. After which Mr. Bighy Seymour, M.P., proposed vote of thanks to Earl Russell, eloquently reminding the meeting of the great services which his iQidship had ren- dered to the wording classes, and expressing his fervent hope that his lordship might be spared to complete the work which he had so nobly and so successfully begun. Mr. G. Cruikshank having seconded the motion, it was put and carried by acclamation, the company renewing with increased fervour the cheers with which tb-ey had greeted his lordship on entering the building. Wlien the applause had somewhat subside^, Earl Russell said: Ladies c and gentlemen, I beg to return my very heartfelt thanks for the honour which has just been done me, in giving me a vote of thanks for the very- easy and delightful work which I have performed to-day. I, however, may claim myself the position of a working man^loud for although I do not wish to entmihere.intopolitical,disquisitions; I may be permitted-to say that the greatest portion of po "t(, my life has been passed in political labour (hear, hear). I may, perhaps, so far allude to politics as to tell you what happened to me when I was member for the City of London. A measure was brought into Parliament- a very excellent measure, as I thought-by Sir Robert Peel for permitting freedom of trade with regard to many articles of which the foreign product would enter into competition with the work of our own citizens. Many tradesmen who were affected by it came to me to complain that they were about to be exposed to competition with all the world. I re- member one especially, a shoemaker, who said to me, I have great difficulty to obtain one bit of beef in the week, far my family, and yet you are proposing to pour in the productions of all the world to compete with us; ,you maintain a tax on the bread we eat," and he wished me to oppose the measure. I said, "Permit me to tell you that no such injustice as you describe can long continue after your trade has been thrown open to competition with other nations. You will find that, in a short time, the corn laws will be repealed." And so accordingly it happened that, in four years after, a bill was introduced to repeal the corn laws, and that freedom of trade was extended to the business of the farmer as well as that of the manufacturer. That is an example to show you that, whilst you persevere in a steady course of industry, whilst you show so much intellect ,and skill, no law that oppresses you in your rights and privileges will long be permitted to remain. You will find that, after a reasonable period of discussion-for, it has been said that no great question can be settled in this country without a considerable amount of talking—(a laugh)—you will find that that which is just will be granted to you, and that Parliament will accede to every demand which you are reasonably, entitled to make (loud cheers). But whilst I say that, you will also allow me to say that it happens to those whoworkatpplitiosnotalways to succeed so well as those who are engaged in other trades. For instance, I saw in this hall a balance so nicely adjusted as to be capable of weighing the ten-thousandth part of a grain, and I saw watches which would mark divisions of a second, but we who are engaged in politics are not able to adjust our balances and watches to that degree of nicety (cheers and laughter). We cannot adjust the balance of the constitution so finely, nor make Go- vernment keep time to minutes and seconds, and therefore it will become you,as it has hitherto become you, to show confidence in the laws of the country. I remember that in that dreadful year of 1848, when the streets of Paris and Vienna were deluged with blood, when on one side men were fighting for their rights, and others were resisting for the preservation of order, the people of London also rose in insurrection, bat it was an insurrection on behalf of the law of order and of peace, and to uphold the constitution of the country (loud cheers). I trust that such in future will be your conduct, and you may depend on it that this is a country in which, by means of discussion, by means of the press and of Parliament, by means of public opinion expressed in the usual way, the good and the right will at length prevail, and under God every individual man in the nation will be blessed (loud cheers). And now, amid the most vociferous plaudits of the assembled thousands, the Hall was again de- clared open for the exhibition of the industrial ingenuity of the working men of North London. The Rev. D. Wilson, vicar of Islington, then gave the benediction, and the National Anthem followed, given with great effect; the solo parts, taken by Miss Louisa Pyn«, were immensely ap- plauded. After which the noble earl retired amid the loudest cheering from the vast assembly, and the inaugural ceremony having now termi- nated, the company scattered itself over the building, and proceeded to examine the. various articles exhibited. 7.7r"


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